See different statuses for whatsapp. Whatsapp statuses

The collection includes cool statuses for whatsapp with meaning, short and long, about life and love:

  • I want it! And so it will be!
  • And I'm smart, though they often beat ...
  • I didn’t lay a single egg, but I understand the taste of scrambled eggs better than anyone Chicken. George Bernard Shaw
  • There would be a head, but there will be cockroaches.
  • I don't talk about life, I live.
  • There are more flaws in a man's character than in his mind.
  • Holding power on the next day of the revolution is no less important than taking power.
  • It's better to do something and regret it than to do nothing and regret it later.
  • It's hard to pretend to be someone else.
  • It is foolish to make plans for a lifetime without being master even of tomorrow.
  • Old people should be killed in childhood ...
  • What the law does not do, the bullet must make up for!
  • Time does not beat, but slowly kills.
  • A person in need is not free.
  • All men are weak, and gentlemen are weaker than all.
  • Hungry unemployed people are cadres for the dictatorship.
  • Justice is when the weak yield to the strong, stupidity yields to the mind, and evil yields to good.
  • Ready to stand up for others? Ride on the bus.
  • The dream is over. It's time to get down to business.
  • Money is evil. You come to the store, there is not enough evil.
  • First you need to be honest, and only then - noble. Winston Churchill
  • There was nothing before Elvis.
  • Situations in which a person himself determines the price of his life is called the philosophy of the meaning of life.
  • If you have been betrayed by a loved one, do not despair, no matter how hard it is. Remember: fate just removed from your life
  • The most important thing is not to lose heart ... when it becomes beyond your strength, and everything gets mixed up, you can’t despair, lose
  • If a woman turned on the left turn signal, this does not mean at all that she will go to the right. She can go straight.
  • Tell the mirror how bad you feel and you will know the value of your whining.
  • If you have enthusiasm, you can do anything.
  • Before you start speaking, make sure someone is listening to you.
  • Life is a good thing, whatever one may say.
  • Defeat is just an opportunity to start over, and this time more intelligently.
  • Life is not so simple as to be so difficult to perceive.
  • From the rustle of banknotes - I lose my will.
  • Shoot my soul!
  • One head is good, but two is already ugly.
  • Spare me your philosophical statuses, I beg you. I see you in the evening with Jaguar banks.
  • Nothing upsets me more than smart stupidity.
  • Each person is right in his own way, but in my opinion - no.
  • Never tell people about your troubles, most are not interested at all, and the rest are happy that you have them!
  • No matter how rare true love, true friendship occurs even less frequently.
  • You can not carry the banner in the wind.
  • When the paths are not the same, they do not make plans together. Confucius
  • People cannot live forever, but happy is the one whose name will be remembered. Navoi Alisher
  • Whom I want, I do not know, but Whom I know, I do not want.
  • We have nothing to fear but fear.
  • The short message is less touching.
  • We cannot fall in love again with those whom we once really stopped loving.
  • Biting your elbows, you will not be full! (whatsapp statuses are short)
  • My life is ruthless like a beast.
  • Only one betrayal is worthy of respect - betrayal of your principles for the sake of a loved one!
  • A world in which everything is built on rage, malice, devoid of any meaning, is called life.
  • It is better to try than to rust.
  • I change the self-assembly tablecloth for a similar sheet.
  • It is not enough to be able to leave - manage, having left, not to return. Ovid
  • Many philosophers compare life to climbing a mountain that we ourselves have found. Yalom I.
  • Wisdom doesn't always come with age. It happens that age comes alone.
  • Whoever understands a woman is no longer a man!
  • Moral freaks are always immoral.
  • Flattery is the mother of delusions.
  • Wash your hands before eating! Eating unwashed hands is harmful.
  • Love is one, but there are thousands of fakes for it.
  • We saw so often that we completely forget to sharpen the saw. Stephen Covey
  • Eloquence is the painting of thought.
  • Our character is the result of our behavior. Aristotle
  • When will we have normal human eggs in the cafeteria?
  • The unbearable best endure the brain.
  • When you have six feet of ground above you, everyone loves you.
  • No step back! This should now be our main call.
  • Casinos are a business built on bones.
  • Never turn down an opportunity to learn something.

The best joke is a joke on yourself.

A real guy should be like an iron - hot, ironing and drinking only water. When you're alone, it's good. It's bad when you are Zero.

5 (100%) 1 vote

They do not believe those who do not lie, they believe those who lie convincingly.

Usually, the reward for a job well done is more work.

Facts are sacred and opinions are free.

Don't touch what's mine, touch mine, you won't find yours

So tired, tired of being tired.

If there is no good in you, then there is little truth.

Real beauty has no nationality.

I love and I am loved, but do not congratulate me - this is different people

Cool statuses for whatsapp

You can disturb me... I'm available...

When there is no money for plans, they become a dream.

I'm worried about you - all of a sudden you're fine

If a loved one gives gifts for no reason, there is still a reason!

As usual - everything is strawberry!

A computer without an Internet turns into a player ...

Believe in yourself even when the whole world doubts.

You don't have to be important, it's important to be needed!

Happy exes do not write!

WhatsApp statuses are an important part of your profile design. If you have something to say, express your thought and be sure that the reaction of your friends will please you. Let's figure out whatsapp status is for.

Why do you need a status in WhatsApp?

The developers of our favorite messenger do not stand still: before we had the opportunity to post only text to express our feelings, emotions or just tell friends about what is happening to you, what mood you are in and where you are in general. You can learn how to write a text status from our article. But on February 20, in their blog, the developers said that now we have the opportunity to be used for , photos and even gifs to make it more interesting and creative. Well, we are not far behind either, and therefore we decided to tell you about all the possibilities of statuses on our portal.

Status for Whatsapp in Russian can be about anything, because both men and women write them, and everyone has different hobbies and character traits. When choosing a message for yourself, be restrained, give preference to concise and beautiful phrases who can show you only from the best side.

Statuses for Watsap: useful features

  • With text status, people express themselves;
  • often lucky phrase serves as the start of an interesting conversation;
  • you can cheer up your friends (using jokes and);
  • if you are sad and want care and attention - post something sad and beautiful, or, conversely, a little aggressive. Depending on what kind of reaction you expect from the public. Just do not overdo it, because your reputation must remain impeccable, do not spoil it.
  • you can confess your love or apologize in nice shape. But still, you should not be too frank, after all, this is your personal life.

Experiment and choose a status that will be understood only by the “chosen ones” from your social circle, or even better, stop at some beautiful saying without specifics. Mysteriousness is your forte :)

We offer you the following options for text statuses on different cases life.

  • Why is it a pity to exist when you can live beautifully?
  • Don't worry about what you can't change. Let them go and boldly move forward.
  • This is your life, and no one will live it better than you!
  • Just close your eyes and let the raindrops heal your heart.
  • It is very important to save the Human in yourself under any circumstances.
  • Plans for the day - live until tomorrow.
  • Don't trust words - trust eyes and actions.
  • There are many cures for love, but none of them are reliable.
  • Yes, sometimes you have to delete many people from your life. But you have no idea how much I love those who remain in it!
  • They make mistakes in weather forecasts, but they vied with each other to predict the end of the world in a couple of years.
  • It's boring to drink with someone who doesn't hide anything.
  • The wind is the richest in the world. We are used to throwing at him not only money, but also words and promises.
  • It is foolish to waste your time on that person who does not want to spend it with you.
  • True beauty has no nationality.
  • Have you ever watched her favorite series with your grandmother? Try it! She will be very pleased, and it’s not difficult for you.
  • Maybe for you love is a game, but I'm sorry, I'm not a doll.
  • Hope blinds us. Give me good sunglasses!
  • Looking at yourself from the side is much more useful than looking at yourself in the mirror.
  • I read on the Internet that if you dream of someone, it means that he is thinking about you. I dreamed of a maniac today. And what?!
  • The joke of this status is that when you realize that it is about nothing at all, it will be too late!
  • Feeling sad, I bought myself a Kinder. I thought there would be a princess, but there is some garbage. I'll try again tomorrow.
  • If the dream has come true - I want to hug the whole world and each one separately, shouting that life is beautiful!
  • My niece is one year old today! I kiss sweet cheeks and congratulate the happy parents!
  • I want you to understand me without further ado! Better yet, read my mind. Although no. I'll keep my thoughts to myself :)
  • You spend 5 minutes with a guy, and then you think about those 5 minutes all week.

And on the pages of our site you will find answers to questions about statuses:

And here is a small set of photo statuses - more complete collections you will find on other pages of our site.

Beautiful statuses for Whatsapp are phrases and aphorisms in which you can express your attitude towards different things and describe your experiences. We choose words, polish metaphors - and voila, you become a pen shark to the surprise of your friends.

  • Freedom is not something we are given. This is something that cannot be taken away.
  • The strongest of all is the one who can conquer himself.
  • There are two scenarios in life: either you die in illusions, or illusions die in you.
  • A person who does not like to stay at home simply does not know how to do it right.
  • Life is like riding a bike: if it's hard to breathe, then you're going uphill.
  • Sometimes you have to listen to such nonsense, and then it turns out that this is a point of view.
  • If you want to change your life, get rid of everything that gets in the way: unnecessary things, stupid thoughts, some people ...
  • It's never too late to become what you've always dreamed of becoming.
  • It takes only a couple of years for a person to learn to speak, and the rest of his life to keep his mouth shut.
  • The student learned all the tickets for the philosophy exam, but did not come - after all, life has no meaning, and we are just grains of sand in it.

Beautiful sayings for WhatsApp status

Russian people have always loved proverbs and sayings in a special way. They express to this day folk wisdom and wit, which gradually migrate to the Internet space.

  • If there is no good in you, then there is little truth.
  • A guest is not a bone, you can't throw it out the door.
  • It is necessary to live not as you want, but as God commands.
  • Whoever does good, God will repay him.
  • There will be a friend - there will be leisure.
  • The best joke is a joke on yourself.
  • If the fire of love is extinguished, it must be kindled from the coal.
  • All people make mistakes. Some more, others all the time.
  • When you're alone, it's good. It's bad when you are Zero.
  • Believe in yourself even when the whole world doubts.

Beautiful photos on the status in WhatsApp

Beautiful statuses on WhatsApp for a girl

Girls decorate this world not only with themselves, but also with their sense of humor and subtle soul. This is also evidenced by the statuses to which they prefer.

  • Why do I need a boyfriend if I can solve my own problems?!
  • In the morning I decided to collect my thoughts. It turned out that not a single thought came to the meeting.
  • Paradox: beautiful girls often turn out so-so in the photo.
  • IN kindergarten I had everything - a husband, and children, and superpowers. Best time life!
  • Alas, most guys now do not achieve the one that they really like. They choose the one that definitely agrees.
  • I have a place where you can touch it and drive me crazy. This is my soul.
  • You can call me whatever you like, but the main thing is to add “my” to each word.
  • I'm always 18! And I ask you to consider everything else as experience.
  • I can take a million steps towards, but not a single step in pursuit.
  • If a girl went out somewhere without makeup, then she has a boyfriend who loves her very much in any form.

Beautiful statuses on WhatsApp about children

Statuses about boys and girls, about our childhood and parents, sleepless nights next to the crib, about love for your family - very popular topic for contemplation and confession. You can write a lot and in different ways, for example:

  • My resort is called "Decree". Thanks, love! Such a program is saturated, there is no time to even sleep.
  • I ask my son: Show me how you love me! And he comes up and hugs me tightly, tightly, so sincerely. Here is happiness.
  • In my opinion, the whole point of existence is to leave life behind.
  • Most of all I want to be a good mother. Like mine.
  • Before you break loose and yell at the child, remember yourself in those same years, stroke him and kiss him. And go drink some valerian.
  • It seems to me that only my husband can sleep under a screaming TV and wake up if you turn it off.
  • A man should never complain about his wife or car. And then, and then he chose Himself!
  • A happy marriage is when the spouse understands everything that the Spouse has kept silent about.
  • Happiness is when there is absolutely no time for the Internet, because you spend all your time with your family.
  • Family is not just a stamp in the passport. This is a view in one direction.
  • And let my parents sometimes be wrong. Anyway, these are my closest people, and I love them very much.
  • Sometimes we forget that Family and Home are the most important thing in the world.
  • Learn to trust your children, and not rigidly control their every step.
  • The family is the only place where everyone finds love and respect. Your weaknesses will never be laughed at here.
  • Labor, fidelity and responsiveness are the basis of family happiness.

wish good mood and cheerful communication!

The user can inform other users about what his mood and life circumstances are at that moment. Based on this, his friends know how to communicate with a friend and whether it is worth disturbing him at all now. Whatsapp statuses are short phrases(up to 135 characters), in which users put a certain meaning and with the help of which they inform about their condition and even about their credo. However, it is not necessary to put a status with a deep meaning - cool phrase help create positive attitude those who look at your page and set them up for pleasant communication.

A selection of good statuses for WhatsApp

Statuses for WhatsApp with a meaning short and clear are very popular.

The most popular of them are the following statuses:

  • Everything will come back like a boomerang.
  • Life is simple as a board.
  • You looked at the status, the status looked at you.
  • Reading this status, you are wasting a few seconds of your life aimlessly.
  • I have a golden character - as heavy as this metal.
  • Be a goodie.
  • Do not be offended by others. Just change your mind.
  • It is only important who goes with him, and not ahead of you.
  • I won't argue with you. I'll just explain why I'm right.
  • The refrigerator is a warrior of light and food.
  • Knowledge is like underwear: it should be, but should not be visible to everyone.
  • Do not jump over the heads - being Mario does not suit.
  • The boss is like a diaper - constantly on the fifth point and the content is appropriate.
  • Are you waiting for a sign from above? It is he.
  • In search of the cause of love, know that you do not have it.
  • Everything flows, everything changes.
  • Water changes shape beautifully.
  • Rock 'n' roll in a glass.
  • Played with fonts. Lost.
  • cool statuses for WhatsApp will always be in fashion:
  • I am a master of sleep - I can do it even with my eyes closed.
  • Tip of the day: I told you!
  • The windows of my house overlook the cemetery. One more word and you're my neighbor.
  • The perpetual motion machine was not invented. But the world is filled with eternal brakes.

How to set status in whatsapp messenger?

To set the status in this application, you just need to find the appropriate item in the settings. Click on the three dots in the corner of the screen to select settings and place the cursor on Status. Select the status you like and enter it in the field. Save your changes. Now your friends and page guests can find out about your business by reading the status next to your name. Put all the feelings and emotions into the status, while explaining them concisely.