What should you write to the guy you like to get his attention? Nice words for a guy: how to melt a man’s heart

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All relationships require a lot of work from both members of the couple. So, not only should a man try to win a girl, but she should also respond to advances in certain ways. Therefore, girls will benefit from advice that will tell them what to write to a guy to make him smile. After all, it is very important to please your lover as often as possible.


Everyone is used to the fact that compliments are only for girls. Nonsense! Men also need to be encouraged and praised. There is nothing wrong with a girl saying a few things about his wardrobe, appearance or skills. So what should you text a guy to make him smile? Any compliment that comes to mind. You can say nice things about his eyes, muscles, height, clothing style, demeanor. Guys especially like it when girls comment on their mental abilities. However, it is better not to flatter, but to tell only the truth, because no one needs a lie, and, most likely, it will be revealed.

What else should you write to a guy to make him smile? You can send him a funny life story, an anecdote or a funny picture that will definitely amuse him. This is especially easy to do today on social networks. So it’s better not to ignore such opportunities and use them as often as possible.

You can try to flirt with a guy while texting. This will also make him smile pleasantly. However, you should not use template phrases; it is better to come up with something original and unusual. It’s also better not to push too hard, because most often the stronger sex wants to remain the conqueror in a relationship. But it is very necessary to provoke a man, this way you can awaken in him still unknown, but pleasant feelings.


What else should you write to a guy to make him smile? You can thank him for a great evening after a date or a regular walk. So, you can focus on something especially pleasant that happened at this time. The guy will like this arrangement of things, especially if he put a lot of effort into this event. It’s also good to throw in a phrase with something like the following meaning: “It would be nice to repeat it,” or something similar. She will say for herself that she liked the evening and should not be the last.


What else can you write? It’s also good to send an SMS to a guy when he has an important task to do, and the message will be of support. The guy will understand that the girl is interested in his affairs, worries about him, and he will definitely be pleased. A morning or evening SMS will also make a guy smile, wishing him good night or a nice day.


What else can you say to a guy to make him smile? So, you can say that there are two tickets to the concert of his favorite band, to football or to karting. Such a proposal will definitely interest a man and will pleasantly surprise him, since the girl is interested in and respects his hobbies.

If a girl doesn’t know what to write to a guy, you can look for examples of messages in magazines or ask friends for advice. However, it will still be much better if she does everything from the heart, at will, and not because it is necessary. If you want to say something, you must say it. If you can’t find the right words, it’s better to just remain silent and wait for the right time.

Love is not silent, so you need to constantly listen to it and try to understand it. You need to let it come out to make it stronger and stronger. At some moments, warm words are spoken out loud, and sometimes a short letter or a few SMS messages are enough to awaken the sleeping passion in the heart of a loved one.

Let's try to figure out what pleasant phrases you can write to your lover, so that from the first words of the phrase he understands that you are not indifferent to him.

Most girls believe that the most important thing in the process of composing a phrase is its beginning. It is also false to think that writing a love letter will be easy if just the beginning of writing it is difficult.

First of all, you need to figure out how you will address the guy. This sets the tone of the message. If in your relationship you have already reached the stage of complete mutual understanding, then you just need to say the word “beloved” for your beloved to feel the genuine tenderness emanating from you. If you are already at the stage of complete intimacy, then you can use the epithet “beloved.”

If your relationship is only at the initial stage, then the word “only” will do. The guy will feel needed and dear to you.

To get to the main part of the message and figure out what phrases to write to a young man, you don’t need to think everything through carefully. Listen to your heart, discarding logic. Let your letter be emotional and filled with love, and not dry logical judgments. This will allow the guy to feel your heartfelt impulses, and not just read standard phrases.

Put on paper everything that comes to mind: about you, about him, about both of you. If there is a huge distance between you, determine the guy’s condition. Try to convey in the message the feeling of comfort and warmth that awaits him when he arrives home. Your letter should leave only a positive effect.

Even a few hours after the date, write that you miss him, if this is true, of course. Let there be more sincerity in your feelings.

What can you write to a guy first?

Most girls who are in the initial stages of relationships with guys feel some awkwardness regarding questions about who will write first and what topics to talk about.

If you are thinking about what warm and interesting thing to write to a young man, then the right advice: never write about your own or others’ worries and problems.

Touch on topics that you think will interest him. The young man will certainly appreciate this. In addition, he will be flattered to hear a sincere compliment directed at him and relating to his personal qualities or the actions he has committed.

He will like the fact that you speak flatteringly about his hobbies, considering them interesting. A guy will be able to see you as an interesting person if you compliment him on his erudition. However, you should not throw around too many compliments about his appearance, etc. You must try to find moderation in everything.

What can you write in an SMS to a guy?

Small messages are a great way to grab a young man's attention, further fueling his passion for you. This is the simplest method to please him by reminding him of yourself.

Dear, I want to get a tattoo and capture your portrait on my body, but I just don’t know what original place to choose to embody this idea…. Just kidding, just kidding, you are already etched in my heart!

I want to share your work worries, dear, like a cup of morning coffee. I want to unite in a kiss, like a white cloud and the blue sky. I want to maximize your positive spirit and geyser of passion!

I over-salted the whole meal, dear. Dinner will probably have to be washed down with wine; grab a bottle on the way home. But there is also good news - with the sweetness of the dessert, I definitely did not go wrong!

I’ll distract you a little, my dear, and share the following thoughts. If you make a list of the world's delicacies and gourmet delicacies, then you, cat, will be the title of this list!

Honey, I heard a theory today that frequent smiling stabilizes the hormonal balance of each male organ. I now understand why you are so harmonious and inimitably unique!

Then a moth of passion, my love, flew past the window, so I gave him a couple of hot kisses that will hint at the stunning surprise awaiting you this evening!

I need to give up tasty things, dear, I have gained 300 grams of excess weight! Or maybe you would agree to give me individual fitness classes? I think you are the perfect instructor!

My beloved knight, I don’t know about you, but today my thoughts are playing around in a special way. I wonder if our fantasies will coincide in the evening, although if not, we will certainly synchronize them!

When the artist of Fate painted a panorama of my life, he used the brightest colors for your portrait, beloved! I am firmly convinced that you are a uniquely special person!

With a boundless stream of tenderness, an unstoppable river of passion, a stormy waterfall of love, an endless downpour of happiness, I will excite you, dear, every moment of the day and every second of life!

My heart, dear, has united with your honey of sincere love! I want droplets of my unctuous tenderness to penetrate from the lines of SMS into your day, making its minutes sweet nectar!

I want to become a caterpillar eating the sweet leaves of your masculinity, dear. I want to become a bee enjoying the flower delicacy of your passion, my beloved. Have a good mood!

Darling, I was given some unnatural diagnosis today! Explain quickly what this means: the patient has an extreme degree of cardiac euphoria, caused by boundless passion for her beloved!

Darling, you are the fuel for the train of my love, you are the gearbox of the car of my passion, you are the helm of the plane of my tenderness, you are the compass on the ship of my well-being! Always be a working mechanism!

The telephone SMS that I will send to my beloved will not have periods, there will be no commas, and there will be no words... But it contains the ambrosia of my kisses, the fruit juice of my passion, the intoxicating wine of my love!

Let the perimeter of your endeavors, dear, be bypassed by thunderstorms of disappointment. And you, radiant as the amber of the Sun, warmed our joint evening of pleasure!

Let this SMS send a million sweet kisses to my beloved, and let every moment of your troublesome day turn into candy pleasure! ... Let the drop of passion in...


First meetings and dates, light flirting - what could be more exciting and enjoyable? The beginning of a romantic relationship is always associated with excitement and doubts. Many women are ready if a man doesn’t call for more than a day. Should I call and text first? How to remind a man about yourself and not scare him away?

Interest or obsession?

The times when it was believed that decent girls did not start conversations with guys first are in the past. Modern ladies are not shy about taking initiative. Such a desire is commendable, but do not forget that everything is good in moderation. Any man enjoys interest from the opposite sex. On the other hand, too much attention can be tiring. The main rule: if you decide to write or call first, limit yourself to one call/message and wait for an answer. Many women, when seriously attracted to a man, literally lose their heads. After writing a message, they do not let go of the phone, waiting for the recipient’s reaction. If there is no response within half an hour, the hands themselves begin to type the next message. Of course, this is not the best way to remind a man about yourself. Just imagine how stupid you will look sending a dozen messages or a hundred calls on a phone that the man of your dreams simply forgot to take with him.

The most unobtrusive way to remind yourself

In our age of high technology, almost every person has a personal page on a social network. And it's a great way to communicate. To find a real acquaintance in the virtual space, it is enough to know his first and last name, as well as his city of residence. Modern communication allows you to add new acquaintances to your contact list literally on the day of your first meeting. How to remind a man about yourself using social networks, what to write to him? The most unobtrusive way is to put “likes” or ratings on photos. You can comment on a photo or video. An alternative option is to have a private conversation. Start with some neutral question. If possible, avoid completely banal phrases: “How are you?”, “What are you doing?” Better ask: “How are you feeling?” or “How is your weekend going?” In fact, your goal is to directly start a conversation. By its development you can judge how interested your interlocutor is in you.

The art of SMS communication

Many people prefer to communicate by letter than to talk out loud. Indeed, there are advantages to messages before calls. You can weigh every word, and you don’t risk saying anything unnecessary. How to unobtrusively remind a man about yourself: SMS, MMS - what to choose? It is appropriate to send photos only to a man with whom you know each other well. Short SMS messages are a suitable way to communicate with any acquaintance of the opposite sex. What to write? The best option is neutral-positive messages. You can give a man a compliment or invite him to meet. The most important thing is to never send repeated messages without waiting for a response. Try to avoid quarrels and showdowns via SMS. If you have any questions or complaints, please make an appointment.

Photo postcard - a reminder of yourself to your loved one

In this age of high technology, there are many ways to send an image. Use MMS messages or personal mail. You can send your photo to the man with whom you are in a loving relationship with an intriguing or sweet note. If you want to attract the attention of a friend or member of the opposite sex with whom you are just beginning a romance, it is better to choose a more neutral reminder. Share a photo news, take a photo and send something unusual, unique or simply beautiful. Let it be a picturesque landscape, a new city landmark, or a photo from some interesting event. If a man is interested in communicating with you, he will probably enthusiastically support the proposed topic or at least give you a couple of compliments.

How about using SMS?

Traditionally, pickup is the name given to men's secret techniques for seducing women. But why don’t the fair sex acquire their own technique for conquering guys? Most men are quite curious. Do you want to gain attention? Send the object of your affection an intriguing message. Excellent options: “You surprised me!”, “They told me this about you...” or “I didn’t expect this from you.” Don’t be lazy to come up with a legend in advance about what exactly they told you.

The guy you like doesn't call for several days? How to remind a man about yourself? You can send an SMS to his number, pretending that you made a mistake. You can write something frank and seductive. The alternative is to send something rude. Send a “random” SMS and forget about it. If the recipient is at least somewhat interested in communicating with you, he will definitely want to clarify the situation very soon. Don't forget to act surprised when you hear a call or receive an SMS response.

Share the news with your loved ones!

Universal reminders and reasons for meetings

Are you going on a date and are afraid that it will be your last? There is one effective method to help avoid such developments. Leave the man a “memory souvenir”; in other words, forget something from him. The item should be valuable enough not to immediately end up in the trash bin and provide a new reason for the meeting. You can “forget” something from your clothes - gloves or a scarf, a business card holder, jewelry or cosmetics. Try to leave your reminder where it will look most natural and will only be discovered after the breakup. In a car, theoretically, any item can fall out of a handbag. If you are visiting, accidentally leaving cosmetics near the mirror is also a completely banal occurrence. You can organize your next meeting by borrowing something from the man himself. Ask to read a book or transfer some files to a portable storage device. By exchanging any things, you will always have an excuse to meet. And you will no longer have to think about how to unobtrusively remind a man about yourself.

Make him promise

Any man wants to be a real hero in the eyes of a representative of the opposite sex. That is why all the guys are ready to instantly fulfill any requests of lovely ladies. Think about what the young man you are interested in can do for you. Maybe it's time to fix the outlet or help carry heavy bags? Choose a task that he can definitely handle. Is it worth reminding a man about yourself if he promised to help you, and then disappeared somewhere? The situation is complex, but it is always better to check why this happened. Don’t be lazy to call and delicately ask whether it’s worth waiting for promises to be fulfilled. If you get a refusal, don't even think about persuading or asking again. Remember that the object of your affection could always really just forget about what he promised. And a reminder in this case will be more than appropriate.

Random encounters are not accidental

One of the most effective ways to make a man think about himself is to regularly “accidentally” catch his eye. Try to find out as much as possible about him and use the information you receive. Visit his favorite cafe from time to time, you can unobtrusively show up near your chosen one’s place of work. Women often say to themselves: “I want to remind the man of my dreams about myself,” and are reckless in their desire. If you decide to use the method of “random” meetings, it is important not to abuse their regularity. In addition, you should always have an answer to the question of what brought you to this place.

How to remind a man about himself: mystical ways

Some ladies claim that they have achieved the attention of the gentleman they like using magical means. Before deciding on any mystical manipulations, try to confirm your desire. Only when you are confident in the depth of your own feelings can you begin to act. Every day before going to bed, concentrate your thoughts on your chosen one. Remember all the best moments spent together and dream without hesitation about new meetings. To establish an energetic connection, place a photo of your loved one in your room. It is advisable that this is a recently taken portrait. Look at it and imagine a future together. Remember: the photograph used in this ritual should not be touched with your hands. It is advisable not to be seen by strangers. Whether a man needs to be reminded of himself in magical ways is a personal question. In love, as in war, all means are fair, so why not try?

Many girls ask themselves: “What should I write to a guy?” or if you previously had a relationship with a guy, then: “what should I write to my ex-boyfriend?” Similar questions are found everywhere. Usually it all happens like this: a girl sees a wonderful, handsome and smart guy, in her opinion, with whom she really wants to start communicating. She runs home, opens social networks, adds her as a friend, and then... she’s shy or not. knows what is best to write. It happens that visiting a young man’s page becomes so frequent that it becomes more like some kind of ritual. Girls study completely all the information that is in the profiles, remember the numbers of each photo in the albums and know it by heart all friends, the number of which can reach several hundred, but everyone is also afraid to write.

Or there is another situation. You broke up with your boyfriend and haven’t communicated for a month (as an example). But then you realize that you cannot live without this communication. Days become boring and uninteresting, but when you want to write, fear appears, what if everything goes wrong, what if he is not the answer or has simply forgotten about you. There are a lot of such stories.

I’ll try to write in detail what to write to the guy you like?

Where to begin?

What should I write to a guy to get him interested? First, you need to put aside all fears. You need to understand that he is exactly the same person as you, who may be afraid of something, shy, and (usually) likes girls! It is very important to realize this. It's much easier than it might seem.

Now everyone has pages on social networks or in all sorts of instant messaging programs, which makes life much easier for modern teenagers. If you are afraid to start a conversation live, then you can just write. You’re probably reading this now and thinking: “Damn, they’ll probably soon tell me that I need to write first.” Yes! Exactly! You have to write first and it can’t be any other way! You want to communicate with this person, right? So communicate, no one will stop you. Start with something simple, write a banal “hello” in any way. You probably think that this won’t help you in any way, but you should discard these thoughts. A simple “hello” is a great conversation starter. Guy answer 100%. Now the more difficult moment begins. If you know what a young man is interested in or with whom he actively communicates, then the task becomes much easier. For example, he loves football very much. Try to find out which team you are for, then go to any news resource and look at information about the latest game. Here it is, the key to success. Find any point in this article that is quite controversial, or unfair. Even calling a penalty might do the trick.

So, the guy answered you and this is already a small victory. Now, following the recommendation from the last paragraph, try to write something like “Dynamo was awarded a penalty for no reason. The referee is some kind of crazy.” That’s it! If you guessed his preferences, then the conversation will be long, believe me.

What can you write to a guy? What to do when you don’t know this topic, but you know this guy’s social circle? Try to remember or find out some incident that happened in his social circle in the near future and mention it. Express your opinion on this matter. It's simple, the main thing is don't be afraid!

Now let's figure out what to write to your ex-boyfriend?

Ex-boyfriend: how to get everything back?

What can you write to a guy? At the beginning of the article, we looked at a fairly common case when a couple separates, but then someone realizes their mistake. Such cases are so common that I simply have to cover this topic.

What to write to the guy you love who you broke up with? First, we need to understand that guys have feelings too. No matter how much the guy now says nasty things about you and pretends to be super insensitive, most likely he still doesn’t think badly of you, but rather the opposite. Such behavior is just a defensive reflex, so as not to show others how weak you are.

Remember how you used to communicate and how you started a conversation. Most likely, the dialogue began with introductory phrases like: “Good morning” or “Hello.” I repeat once again - don’t think that this is beyond trivial. No, these are just the most common words to start a conversation. The hardest thing about communication is starting it. Therefore, in order to start communicating with your ex-boyfriend, or even to restore your old relationship with him, you just need to start talking to him. It doesn’t matter how, by SMS, on social networks or in person. The main thing is to start! And then everything will be fine.

In the era of computer technology and crazy workdays, it is becoming increasingly difficult for people to make acquaintances on the streets, because there is simply no time. The solution itself was found - the Internet! What to write to a guy to interest him? In the modern world, every third girl asks this question. And this is not surprising.

There are more difficulties in how to interest a guy in correspondence than in personal communication. After all, visual contact can make it easier to get closer through body language. By correspondence everything is much more complicated.

Ask more questions - this is extremely important for the interlocutor. This will make him feel important around you. Source: Flickr (Patrick)

How to interest a guy at the beginning of a conversation

The psychology of how to interest a guy by correspondence is simple: don’t be banal. If you decide to take the first step, do not be intrusive by showing obvious interest. It is much easier to start dating on a social network, where you can thoroughly study the profile of the object of your desire. Pay attention to the list of groups and audio recordings - this will make it much easier to present a real image of a person.

After studying the profile, think: do you have common interests? Try to find something similar so that you can start a conversation. At best, trivial questions will be simply ignored.

List of taboo phrases:

  • "Hi, how are you?"
  • “What is a guy like you doing on social media?”
  • “You’re handsome!”
  • “Hi, let's get acquainted!”
  • “There are only scoundrels around, maybe you are different?”
  • “I’m so bored, can you cheer me up?”

Such acquaintances are no longer just boring - they are classics of the genre. Therefore, you should not immediately spoil your opinion of yourself. Have you read it? Remember and never use these phrases. Now let’s figure out what to write to a guy to interest him.

Note! The list of banal phrases can be continued indefinitely. You can create your own. An interesting and bright young man is unlikely to want to continue acquaintance with a girl after such a greeting. Strive for originality and unobtrusiveness.

In the absence of visual contact, it is necessary to intrigue the interlocutor. Ask him anything regarding his interests. For example, ask for help in finding a rare item for the collection (of course, if this relates to his hobby or interests). Maybe your beloved cyclist? Then ask for the contact of a good repairman. Such a question will immediately show you as an extraordinary and passionate person.

Psychological aspects of correspondence

A man is a conqueror by nature and it is extremely important for him to be a winner in everything. Therefore, girls who take the “reins of power” into their own hands often cause indignation among the male half. It is important that your lover feels comfortable with you. If you actively engage in conquest instead of him, sooner or later he will begin to feel hostility. Is this your goal? Be more modest - remember the touching images of Turgenev’s young ladies.

What should I write to a guy to get him interested? Cheer him up! The modern rhythm of life is tiring, so positive-minded people are rare. If your communication has begun, do not complain about life under any circumstances. Try to become a warm sun for him that will warm him in any cold: joke, keep up the conversation on topics that interest him. Ask more questions - this is extremely important for the interlocutor. This will make him feel important around you.

How to interest a guy by correspondence? It's simple - surprise him. Watch your speech! If this is an electronic correspondence, re-read the written sentences, do not make spelling mistakes, do not distort the words. Who likes an illiterate interlocutor? Of course, there are those who do not pay attention to this. But if your chosen one is an educated person, he will be pleasantly surprised by the purity of his speech.

Note! There are situations when communication still doesn’t work out. You shouldn't bother such a man. If he ignores you on purpose, you will only get rude in return, so stop texting first. Perhaps a man’s pride will come into play, and he will begin to take the initiative, or maybe not. In any situation, maintain your dignity, do not be rude and do not overwhelm your opponent with letters. If you leave, do it gracefully.

What to write to a guy to get him interested

If you followed our advice at the beginning of the article and studied the account of the object of adoration, the task becomes much easier. Choose an area of ​​his interest that you are good at. Inventing a non-existent interest is risky: sooner or later the truth will come to the surface, and the opinion of you will be hopelessly spoiled. So, what should you write to a guy to get him interested? Find a suitable topic and ask a man for advice or help.

Note! It is necessary that his area of ​​interest be covered on the page itself, and not just in groups. Otherwise, it will be obvious that you deliberately studied everything, and did not accidentally find his page.

Another interesting option for how you can interest a guy by correspondence is to write a comment under the photo. But not a compliment - it's too similar to flattery. For example, specify what a beautiful place is in a travel photo. Try to be unobtrusive, do not bombard the man with messages.

Before you start communicating, carefully edit your profile so that there are no repulsive photos, “vanilla” quotes and aphorisms of great people. Men don't like it. Be simpler and more modest. Show that you are an interesting and versatile person.

Important! Keep your distance: don’t be familiar and tell the whole story of your life - it’s repulsive. Try to find out more about his life.

So, how to interest a guy by correspondence? What questions to ask:

  • about hobbies;
  • about travel;
  • about favorite books and films;
  • about your favorite writers or musicians.

It seems banal, but you can chat about your favorite topics endlessly, and therefore they never get boring. This is a win-win option to interest a man. This way, your interlocutor will begin to associate you with pleasant emotions, and he himself will strive to communicate.

The Internet gives us many new opportunities, including for finding love. Use it wisely.

One can argue endlessly about the pros and cons of the development of technical means of communication. Affordable mobile communications and the Internet really take up a lot of time for the vast majority of modern people. But we can always keep abreast of the latest events and keep in touch with people who interest us. There is an opportunity, but you don’t know how to act? What should you write to a guy so that he will respond if you have just recently started communicating or you are just about to meet him?

Basic rules of online communication

Most importantly, don't be intrusive. You can write to him first if you want, but don’t spoil him with your attention. Don't start the conversation too often. If he doesn’t answer, don’t bombard him with questions about why he’s silent and similar ones, just wait. Perhaps he is busy at this moment or does not want to communicate with you at all. In neither case should you impose yourself. Where to start the conversation is up to you, but try to come up with something more interesting than the cliched “Hi. How are you?". All the standard recommendations on what to write to a guy so that he will respond, of course, often work. But if you discuss business, news and the weather, he will probably forget about you as soon as your dialogue ends. Originality and unusualness are the best ways to stand out among other girls.

What can you write to the guy you're dating?

Surely you yourself have noticed that all couples communicate completely differently. Some are ready to confess their love to each other every minute, others prefer to discuss exclusively everyday topics. However, no matter what style of communication is more common in your relationship with your lover, you can always write him something unobtrusively romantic. The most appropriate thing is messages that you miss him and want to see him as soon as possible. If you're worried about what to text your guy to get him to respond, start a discussion about something you talked about earlier in person or come up with a new topic. You can invite him to attend some event or tell him about the events that have happened in your life since your last meeting. If you have been dating for a long time, you can try to write him something quite personal and intimate, for example, start flirting with him on the Internet or via SMS with phrases with sexual overtones.