Good morning cards with flowers. Beautiful pictures “Good morning, my love!” Large collection of good morning flowers for girl

Girls love, then the guy shows attention. Wishing, or writing “good morning, darling” are great ways to make a girl feel wanted and needed. But you need to back up your words with deeds. Therefore, we have created a selection of the most beautiful “good morning, darling!” pictures, in which there will be enough pictures for a whole month. But we hope that sometimes you will say these words out loud when you wake up together.

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The most beautiful pictures “Good morning, my love”

The lion is the king of beasts, but even he has his own queen.

Thoughts of coffee with sweets can easily get their lover out of bed. And if you also visualize these thoughts by sending her a picture with her favorite treats, then good morning is guaranteed.

Good morning, beloved heart! Silhouette of a couple against the horizon.

Coffee good morning for your beloved

Hearts in dew and the inscription “Good morning, darling”!

Roses of soft pink color in a cup are supported by wishes of good luck and a thousand kisses. Can at least one girl resist this?

Cat lovers will appreciate good morning wishes that have a cat on them. Unless their pet wakes them up before you do.

"Good morning dear" picture with an intricate cupcake and coffee. The dishes are made in the shape of hearts, and there are plenty of other “heart-shaped” details.

Teddy bears - a girl and a boy, sit and fight by the arms. The boy is holding a pillow in the shape of a heart. Very nice picture.

Pictures with the inscription “good morning” to your beloved with breakfast in bed

Whatever one may say, girls need food even more than teddy bears. Therefore, breakfast in bed is also a great idea to give your loved one a good morning.

Breakfast in bed for two consisting of salad, soft cheese, fruit and orange juice. Wishes of good morning and a great day are attached.

Breakfast in bed with scrambled eggs in the shape of hearts and coffee with cinnamon. Of course, cinnamon is poured in the shape of a heart. We have a romantic selection of pictures :)

A delicious breakfast in bed of scrambled eggs, herbs, beans, tomatoes and heart-shaped slices of bread. If your loved one is waiting for such a breakfast, she will probably wake up very quickly :)

Minimalistic picture, nothing superfluous. When your loved one is annoyed by any unnecessary detail in the morning, send her this picture.

A small breakfast in bed - literally a few cookies and a small cup of coffee. If your girl looks like the girl in the picture, feel free to send it. Otherwise there may be questions :)

A complete breakfast for your loved one. What's there for your beloved - those depicted in the picture can feed a division of soldiers. Surely you will find a subtle, ironic use for this picture;)

Poetry accompanied by a small breakfast in bed.

Coffee with a heart and the inscription “Good morning, my love.” A selection of pictures

The symbol of morning for many girls is coffee. The symbol of love is the heart. In the pictures below, these two symbols have been combined, and a good morning wish to your beloved has been added to them, so that you can use them for their intended purpose.

My morning respects, lady! I really hope that your plans include the desire to decorate this world of mediocrity with your beauty and charm?! Your humble servant and ardent admirer wants to know how you spent this dreary night? As for me, I only have dreams in my head about meeting you as soon as possible! And remember, how you start this morning is how you will spend the whole day! Be happy and cheerful from the very morning! With respect, I send you 50 air kisses!

Hello my universe!

Hello my universe! Today is a great day, not only because it’s Sunday, but also because, upon waking up, I once again realized how much I love you! Nights without you have become completely unbearable and I look forward to the morning of a new day to wish you a great mood and vigor! Good morning, my most beloved and most desired girl! You are my Everything! Have a nice day, Kisulya!

This morning I only dream of being next to you!

This morning I only dream of being next to you! I want to drop everything and go for a long walk around the city with you, chat, eat ice cream, laugh and kiss! And meet the evening in the arms of the warm night breeze and under the supervision of a bright starry sky. In general, good morning, my dear flower! Have a good day! Kiss you*

I wish you a wonderful day and look forward to hearing from you :)

Happy new day and good morning!

Hello! Did you wake up yet? Did you manage to smile at this world or perhaps please it with your beauty? Baby, I wish you a great mood and remember, no matter what happens, I love you and everything will be fine! Write, call - I'm always waiting! Happy new day and good morning! Smack*

Have a fruitful day, a good evening and, of course, a great mood!

My morning is never good without: 1. You. 2. Coffee. 3. News. Today there is everything except the main first point, but mentally you are always with me and thanks to the Internet for the opportunity not to feel your absence! Good morning, baby! Have a fruitful day, a good evening and, of course, a great mood! Love you!

Have a great day, and if you feel sad, write, I’m always here!

My sunshine, good morning! Lighten up my gloomy morning with your charming smile, a beautiful photograph and a mysterious look:) if you suddenly didn’t get enough sleep, then I hope that a cup of coffee will fix this trouble. Darling, I miss you and send you my best wishes for the whole day! You are in my heart! Have a great day, and if you feel sad, write, I’m always here!

With the morning dawn comes a new day and new experiences.

With the morning dawn comes a new day and new experiences. I want you to have no reason to be sad and upset today. Remember that there is a person who loves you, your sweetest smile and worries if you are sad. Honey, good morning! Let the sun warm you with its warmth and give you a great mood for the whole day. And always remember: a healthy dose of not giving a damn never hurt anyone! here's my morning kiss: smack*

My dear, my little, my beloved girl.

My dear, my little, my beloved girl! I am incredibly happy that you are next to me. I love you endlessly, I dream of waking up in your arms. Unfortunately, it didn't work out today, but I believe it will happen next time. I love you, I miss you! Good morning, my baby!

My sunshine, wake up soon.

My sunshine, wake up quickly, it’s damp and windy outside. Brrrrr.. It’s so bad for you to wake up and reach my heart with your rays. Good morning darling. Have a good day.