The most powerful spells for luck and money - learn to read correctly. Rituals for good luck and luck in everything. A conspiracy for good luck in everything.

An important point is that luck is a difficult concept to measure. For some, finding big money will be a great success; for others, it will be in love, being cured of a terrible disease, avoiding an accident, or improving life. A conspiracy helps to realize the most important dream or path (even if the person himself is not fully aware of his aspirations).

The magic of woven lace

A common talisman found on many people's hands. Thick threads are taken and braided into a pigtail with a spell for good luck pronounced:

“I’m sitting and looking at myself, luck is coming to me, money is bringing me happiness!”

The color of the chosen threads says a lot:

  • Red - love luck;
  • Green - finance, wealth, a lot of money;
  • Yellow - health, body strength, endurance, avoidance of diseases;
  • Blue - the fulfillment of the most secret desires and thoughts and their implementation.

You can use several colors at once to weave a cord and as a result you will get a bracelet - an amulet. Must be worn on the ankle of the left leg. This decoration, invisible in most cases, will protect and bring good luck and new things into a person’s life.

The magic of fortune

An ancient ritual, passed down for many generations, which is actively used to attract good luck. For the ritual, pour 3 tablespoons of salt in the form of a lump, then 3 tablespoons of sugar and 3 tablespoons of rice. A safety pin is opened and stuck into this mound. You cannot touch this structure until the morning, while it is saturated with positive energy. In the morning, take a pin and attach it to your clothing (preferably from the inside or out of sight). And you can go about your business, because luck has been caught and you can be close to the person. To enhance strength, read the conspiracy: “I’m hooking luck. Good luck will come. That’s the only way.”

Money magic

A spell for good luck with money helps you quickly and easily cope with money problems in a short time. To carry out the ritual, a golden chervonets is used, held between the palms. It is brought to the lips as if in prayer and the spell is read: “Everything that bothered you, go away, money and luck come to me!” Take the coin and say the spell again. The ritual is performed at least three times.

Candle - girlfriend

Fire is one of the strongest energy things:

  • A lit green candle will attract money and wealth;
  • Yellow will improve health and add longevity;
  • Blue will eliminate the plans of your enemies and make long-held dreams come true;
  • Red will give passion, happiness in the family and love;
  • White will give you the strength to accomplish the most difficult task when there is no strength left at all.

Concentrating on your desires, as if what you want has already happened and say a spell: “As the fire burns calmly, so will my happiness (health, love, well-being) come to me! Amen!” The ritual is considered very strong and is performed once.

Chinese ritual

The Chinese master the art of attracting good luck into their lives. The ritual requires three regular candles and one lavender candle, as well as a good positive mood, no negative emotions, completely focus on what you want. You need to light the candles, taking the lavender candle in your hands and holding it, walk around the table clockwise: “I invite luck into the house, I open the doors wide. From this moment I begin to live differently... Happiness is and there is love, it means it has come good luck again!" Carefully extinguish the candles and burn the lavender candles completely.


Spell for good luck in finance

Holding a coin in your hands, a spell is pronounced: “Wealth come to me like bees to honey. I take good luck, and give you the change.” Carry the coin in your wallet.

Spell for good luck in trading

“I give less, but I receive more. A good business (house, deal) finds its owner, me (name) and will serve me faithfully.”

Plot for good luck on the road

When getting ready for a trip, sit on your things before leaving, say the spell: “I’m going for good luck, I’ll return happier and richer!” Be sure to believe in your desire; without a mental message, the ritual has no power.

Plot for good luck in business

When you are about to do something very important, say mentally: “I’ll take all the luck for myself, and leave the failure as change.”

Spell for good luck in business and work

Intended for solving business issues: “Guardian angel be with me in difficult times. Guide me on the path with your word! Protect and advise. Amen.”

Spell for successful love

Say before going to bed: “All the love is in me, I give it to the one who is dear to my heart (name).”

You need to strive to achieve new heights and peaks. But sometimes luck is not enough. Luck doesn't smile and things don't work out. If this state of affairs has become permanent, it makes sense to use a spell for good luck.

Features of spells and rituals for good luck in everything

The main feature of good luck spells is their diversity. You can read whispers for good luck and luck, you can charm objects and even start the day with a short request-ritual. It is important to choose the most appropriate ritual for the situation and apply it as needed.

How to correctly read a plot for good luck in life

You need to read the plot in a calm state and have full concentration on the desired result. Due to the abundance of rituals, a person who has not previously encountered the world of magic may reach a dead end. It is necessary to choose a ritual by listening to the inner voice that will tell you. Only after carefully reading the message of the ritual can you begin to implement it. You cannot turn to the secret lords for help out of idle interest and for the sake of entertainment. This is punishable and there may be negative consequences. During the ceremony you should be completely alone. Magic does not tolerate collective participation, it is too personal.

How to perform a ritual for good luck

The main thing that is needed before performing any ritual is faith in the fulfillment of desire. Without faith, magic doesn't work. Rituals for luck are aimed at changing the energy background and protecting against bad messages that can hinder the success of things.

How to spell a thing for good luck

Conspiracies for success and good luck using a charmed thing have a number of features:

  1. The thing that will be spoken must be new.
  2. Before performing the ritual, you should avoid drinking alcohol and using swear words.
  3. Also, you should not get into quarrels and scandals, this will aggravate the energy background, and attracting fortune requires pure thoughts and calmness.

Plot for good luck - black magic

A conspiracy using black magic requires additional paraphernalia. You will need a candle and a pin. You need to walk around the entire house with a lit candle in your hand. Next, place the candle on the table and wait until wax drops begin to drain from it. The pin is placed with its eye towards the candle. A drop of wax should fall into the hole. As soon as this happens, you need to cast the spell:

“This item is filled with unknown strength and spirit. All spirits will live in this pin, and help, protect, and bring fortune. Everything will come true as ordered!”

A spell for a thing for good luck will work as long as the thing is nearby.

Prayers and spells for good luck

It is believed that prayers and conspiracies are fundamentally different concepts. Prayers are addressed to God, and conspiracies are related to the world of sacraments and magic. Both sections negate each other. But any person has the right to choose the method of attracting fortune.

Conspiracy or prayer for well-being:

“Angel of God, you are my guardian and my protection. Save and protect me from evil and slander. Guide all fortunes and luck on my true path. Amen".

Short whispers for good luck in everything

Whispers for good luck differ from fortune spells and rituals. They are short and catchy. This is a kind of message that can be carried out every day. You can say whispers in the morning when you wake up. Within a month you will be able to see the first results. Whispers:

“I get up, luck is with me, I’ll follow it.”

“Where my legs are next to each other, my fortune is always with me, like my legs.”

It’s not for nothing that whispers have such a name; they are whispered. This is a kind of message from fate to change the course of events.

Spell for a good day

Conspiracies for a good day can be cast daily. They convey a positive message and do no harm. The ritual is performed in front of a mirror. You need to look carefully at the reflection in the mirror and say:

“In distant lands there lives a shepherd boy who plays the harmonica and takes away my sorrows and failures little by little. Sends happiness and luck to me."

Love spell for good luck

The love spell is performed on the full moon. Place a glass of water filled to the brim on the windowsill. In the morning you should wash your face with water, saying the magic words:

“You, month, were a skinny little one. You will become complete and powerful. So my deeds were nothing, they will become great.”

A powerful spell for good luck in everything

The following spell for good luck and well-being is very powerful and will help you quickly attract fortune in everything. To cast a spell, you will need to dig a small hole behind the house and put a piece of soap in it. It can be found in every home. While digging the hole, they cast a spell:

“The soap quickly washed away, and the bad luck went with it. All that remains is my fortune, always and in everything. Amen".

A spell for happiness and good fortune that needs to be read in the morning

Simple good luck spells to read in the morning. This is not fiction. It turns out that the universe most successfully perceives requests and messages in the morning. Words spoken while cutting breakfast bread:

“Gracious little bread, ward off misfortune and attract fortune. Take away misfortune, bring happiness.”

After the words you should eat a piece of bread. He will absorb all the power of the conspiracy.

A spell for good luck on Wednesday before washing

This powerful spell for good luck is shrouded in mystery. It is unknown where he came from. But knowledgeable people assure that it works and really helps. It should be read on Wednesday and just before washing your face. In fact, you need to say immediately after waking up:

“I am covered by faith on Wednesday. My angel, sit on my shoulder and protect me from troubles and adversity. From gossip and whispers. From evil tongues. Only good deeds and luck in the name of all that is holy.”

This conspiracy for good luck and wealth is shrouded in mystery. But nothing prevents you from trying it and determining the degree of implementation.

Conspiracy against bad luck

Sometimes you just need a conspiracy against bad luck. And for this occasion an ancient ritual came, which is endowed with special power. Flour is scattered on the table and an improvised dough is kneaded, saying:

“I will roll all the troubles into a ball, the white snowball will sweep it away. I'll light a fire and bake a loaf of bread. The fire will flare up, and all the troubles will not even go to the forest, but to the bottom of the pond to hell with!”

Conspiracy to return good luck

“The month in the sky glows and grows. The sky is blue and the sun is red. And my luck is wonderful. She was offended and offended, but now she’s back, clinging to her like an affectionate cat, can’t be kicked out!”

Water spell for good luck

A spell for good luck and money using water will help all family members. Water perfectly absorbs energy messages and spells.

“Water, vodka, you gave me something to drink, you gave me to wash myself, give me good luck. Give me a drop, and tomorrow the ocean. I close the key and wash it off with water. Everything will be as it is said!”

Conspiracy for prosperity and good luck

This conspiracy is also the legacy of ancient magicians and sorcerers:

“Just as the sky belongs to God, and the stars are children of the night, so I will become their ward. I will be prosperous: elevate, preserve, glorify!”

Rituals for good luck and fortune

This ritual is performed at a crossroads. It should resemble the letter x. Unlike charmed objects for good luck and words of a spell for good luck for every day, this ritual requires moral preparation. The concentration of thoughts and desires must be extreme.

A lighted candle and a personal photograph are placed on a black piece of fabric. A spell is cast over her:

“Leave and leave all troubles, sorrows and bad luck. Everything is drunk to the dregs. Everything has been achieved. It's me in this photo. But old, with the stigma of bad luck. Now I’m new with fortune at my fingertips.”

Ritual for luck and good fortune on candles

Candles are the most popular magical attribute. Their flame increases and “warms up” the effect of the spell. Therefore, at midnight on the waxing moon, you should light twelve candles on the table and say the words:

“As you burn, so will your sorrows burn away. Today I’ll stay until dark, I’ll spend all my sorrows. On a long journey and forever. I will open the gates for fortune. The word is strong. The will is strong. Amen".

Ritual to attract good luck with a coin

It is not difficult to charm an object for good luck. In this particular case, you will need 2 coins of 5 rubles each. At midnight they are taken out into the street and, stretching out their hands to the sky, they pronounce the spell:

“The coins shine and want to multiply. You, the highest power, are my strength. Give all the blessings and honors. Let anger and grief go beyond the blue sea. Let life be full of blessings that a person needs. Everything multiplies and is born only from me and only for me. Key. Lock. Language".

You should always carry enchanted coins with you and not let strangers look at them. It happens that the enchanted thing is lost. Don't be too upset. You will have to charm new coins or any other object that participated in the magical ritual.


A good luck spell is a proven way to attract luck and fortune. It is impossible to imagine how many rites and rituals there are related to luck in business. But every magical manipulation is a secret given by powerful magicians, ancestors and time.

They say that no matter how much a person hopes for himself, nothing will work out for him if luck is not at least partially on his side. To attract good luck into their destiny, people have been negotiating with higher powers through conspiracies since ancient times. And today, if necessary, you can use a spell for good luck.

How does a good luck spell work?

Good luck spells work as follows. Energy specialists and magicians firmly believe that every person emits certain energy vibrations. There is even a prescribed scale of such vibrations. Each vibration reflects a specific feeling. It is believed that feelings such as anger, sadness, despair, rage are low vibrations. And feelings such as joy, love, gratitude are high vibrations. So, everyone lives at their own specific energy level. It is clear that each of us, even the most joyful person, can periodically experience sadness or sadness. But nevertheless, every person has emotions that he reproduces in life most often.

There is also a theory that whatever feelings a person emits, he attracts the same feelings from the outside world. That is, like is attracted to like. So, if a person spends most of the time in anger and sadness, then it is unlikely that happy events will often be attracted to him from the outside. It is precisely such personalities that we often associate with the image of a loser. So, in order for a loser to attract good luck from the outside, he needs to raise the level of his vibrations to high. To joy, love and gratitude. This is exactly what the good luck spell works for. The magical text is composed in such a way as to increase human energy. He himself becomes more joyful, happier, and as a result, the opportunity to attract favorable circumstances from the outside world increases.

When can you use a spell for good luck?

Each of us wants luck to accompany us in everything. Good luck spells can be used in the following areas of life:

  1. If you are unable to find happiness in your personal life, then most likely you have blocked feelings towards the opposite sex. A spell for good luck in love will allow you to work through these blocks, launch a flow of love and gratitude in relationships with the opposite sex. As a result, it will be much easier for you to enter into a happy relationship.
  2. Most often, perhaps, good luck conspiracies are used if you want to get big money or career success. Well, this is understandable, it’s nice to be a fulfilled person whose work is well paid. A spell cast on this topic will allow you to see more financial opportunities that surround you. And sometimes individuals seem to see financial opportunities, but are afraid to take advantage of them. In this case, conspiracies work to remove fear and look at yourself in a new light.
  3. It also happens that a person seems to have a good career and personal life, but there is no feeling of happiness. It’s as if a person subconsciously forbids himself to enjoy life and what he has. In this case, magical spells will help bring good luck and help restore a state of lightness. After them, a person seems to learn to appreciate life again.
  4. Conspiracies, prayers for good luck, are good to say if you have a specific desire. For example, you have a specific desire to win the lottery, or you have a serious exam coming up in your studies and you need luck to be on your side. Students often use these spells in their studies.

Conspiracy for successful trading

In the field of trading, magic spells for strong luck are often used. Even the ancient Slavic merchants came up with rituals that would prevent failure in trade. After all, their earnings depended on it. If you are a trader, then on the first day of the waxing moon, when you receive the first money earned for the day, you need to take this money, wave it over the rest of the goods and say these magic words:

“Among the different doors, let the golden doors that promise wealth open for me. Luck come, I attract good luck, bring a buyer to me. The opening of those doors leads the buyer to me, promises me wealth. Money for money, luck for luck, both old and new, success come, I bring good luck. Wealth is in everyone, strong in me, magic is with me. Good to everyone and good to me. Forward. Find. Amen".

After that, put this money in a secluded place, but not far from the product itself. You will see that after such a conspiracy, trading will be much more successful than usual. It’s nice that this doesn’t require black magic, which is used to eliminate competitors.

Spells to attract good luck in love

If your soul asks for love, but space does not reciprocate in any way, does not send you a loved one, then get rid of love bad luck with the help of the following spell to attract great luck in love. On the day of the waxing moon, buy a beautiful red apple. Then in the evening, by candlelight, perform the following ritual.

Take the apple in your hands and close your eyes. Imagine yourself happy in love, how happy you are that you are now in a couple, that a loved one is next to you. Capture the emotions you feel at that moment. It will be love, happiness, joy. It is advisable that you feel all this at the moment of the spell. Then the apple is cut in half. Take the halves in different palms and say the following magic text:

“We were whole, we became apart, and now we are looking for our soul mate. I am looking for someone who sees himself in me, who is ready to open his soul. My other half is attracted to me, my other half sees my eccentricity and recognizes itself, magic for love. We are attracted to each other by soul, heart, body, we feel good together, we see each other through space and time, we hear each other. My pull. Forward. Find."

After this, connect the halves of the apple again and tie them with red thread. Some magicians also use runic formulas in this ritual. There are special formulas of love, they are written on paper and placed between the halves of an apple; such rituals are also described in the witch’s book. Such a charmed apple should be placed in a secluded place, where the fruit should dry completely. The important point is that it should dry out and not rot. Luck in love will be completely on your side when the last moisture disappears from the apple. It is believed that after this, the person suitable for you will feel longing for love, and you will soon meet.

On the day of the waxing moon, light a thick new green candle, look at the fire of the candle and read the following plot:

“I am grateful for what I have, I am grateful for what I have, I am ready to accept more, even more, more. Thanks for all. It becomes bigger for me, it becomes wider for me to accept you money, to accept you like a stormy river into myself, to be white magic. They flow towards me like a deep, strong river. I give easily, I receive easily. I sway on waves of gratitude and love. Luck, wealth come, I’m ready to accept you, I’m ready to have fun with you, the magic is behind me. You are my joy, you are my love.”

This magical text is pronounced on the energy of gratitude. The more sincerely you show gratitude in this moment, the more will come to you. Notice how your condition has changed after pronouncing this plot. It is good to do this spell when you want to find a new job. It is useful for a wife to cast a spell when her husband is looking for a job or simply to improve the well-being of the family. And no black magic is needed.

Every person really needs luck in life in order to achieve success and become successful. And you can attract him with the help of magical rituals. Moreover, it is very important that any conspiracy for luck belongs to the means of white magic, so it does not carry negativity and cannot harm.

The main feature of rituals to attract luck in life is, perhaps, their diversity. And the biggest difficulty for a person is the correct choice of ritual in relation to the current situation.

In order to attract good luck to yourself, you first need to choose a room for the ritual. It needs to be thoroughly cleaned and, if possible, unnecessary things removed. The ritual is performed early in the morning during the waxing of the moon.

When the first ray of the rising sun appears, you should open the window wide, place a candle on the table and light it.

“The sun is clear and red! Appear from beyond the distant horizon, illuminate the right path for me, God’s Servant (your name), and attract good luck to my home. So that luck always accompanies me in the light of day. My wish will come true, for my will is strong. Amen".

Ritual for life

If you prepare and tune in correctly, you can perform a ritual that will attract good luck to you for life. In this ritual, it is very important to pronounce the spell for luck clearly and without hesitation. Therefore, it is better to learn the spell by heart, but it is permissible to write magic words on a white sheet of paper and periodically peek at it.

For the ritual you need to take thick threads of different colors, namely:

  • Blue;
  • Yellow;
  • Green.

Having secluded yourself in a separate room and making sure that no one disturbs you, you need to start slowly braiding your hair.

At the same time the following words are spoken:

“I, Slave (s) of God (s) (my name) will rise at dawn. I’ll cross myself and pray, and then I’ll leave the house. I will go to a high mountain and climb to its top. I’ll stand and look at all four sides of the world. On the eastern side I will see a wild black horse grazing in a meadow. He has a wild disposition, and no one dares to ride him. He never knew either stirrups or reins. And I can tame and tame that horse. The zealous horse will obediently walk under me and wherever I want to take me. My word is true and strong, and my will is strong. I will be lucky and lucky. Amen".

The braided braid should be tied on the wrist of the left hand and worn without taking it off like a bracelet. You should know that breaking the threads will be very dangerous, since in this case the conspiracy begins to act exactly the opposite, that is, the person will be haunted by constant failures. If this happens, then the braid of threads must be removed from the wrist and burned. After this, the ceremony is allowed to be repeated.

Ritual for creating a talisman for good luck

After performing a special ritual, you can create your own talisman for good luck. This can be any item you love, for example, a small toy or decoration.

Having secluded yourself in a separate room, you should pick up the object that you plan to turn into a talisman. Next, you need to try to convey to him all the warmth of your soul, imagining how it flows in streams into the chosen object. After this, you need to turn to the object, ask it to become your protection and attract luck to you in all your affairs.

Then the following conspiracy is pronounced:

“I, the Servant of God, will go neither into the field nor into the forest, I will open wide the door or the window in my own house, I will meet on my way neither a swamp nor a sea. But somewhere there I will find the little thing I need, which will become a talisman for me and will attract luck into my life. I will always take care and love you, my talisman, and you keep my soul and heart. Attract wealth to me, but do not allow sadness. May I be lucky forever and ever. Amen".

Everyday conspiracy

There is a ritual that can be performed every day when leaving home. This magical effect will help you choose successful paths to resolve certain issues and meet the people you need.

Standing on the threshold just before leaving the house, you need to say the following words:

“Lord God, Father, protect the Servant of God (your name) from the daily toil and bustle. Don’t let trouble and bad luck come to me, keep evil people away from me. Guide me towards happiness. Amen".

After that you can go out the door. If you forgot something, you can't go back. If this is absolutely necessary, then you must repeat the ritual again, but you should remember that the strength of the protective effect will decrease.

This ritual is very powerful. Therefore, you cannot have a negative attitude towards any events that occur during the day that you perceive as failures. Consider that the Lord God is thus protecting you from serious losses and troubles.

In life, people who are lucky are called lucky. And few people think about the fact that a person’s lucky streak is connected with the fact that he attracts good luck to himself with the help of magic.

You can independently feed your energy field with positive energy from time to time using special rituals. Thus, the atmosphere around you will be filled with positivity, which is always associated with luck.

To do this, periodically, on Tuesdays, you need to turn towards the east and pronounce the following words:

“The beautiful cat lived in the house, caught mice and slept a lot. A good demon protected that house from harm. Now I live in this house, a beautiful maiden. I’ll go for a walk and put on a dress embroidered with gold. It is not simple, filled with sunlight. I will go beautifully among the people, a magic ray will see me out of the gate. He will guide me to a place of light and joy. My beautiful outfit can remove all the nastiness around me. Holy water flows, which means trouble will never happen to me. Both earth and heaven will send good luck to me. Amen".

Every person can bring luck into life. You can become lucky with the help of sincere belief in success and effective methods for achieving well-being.

Lucky people are happier, achieve success quickly and avoid troubles. Among the many ways to attract good luck, you can choose your own. Website experts recommend leaving doubts and attracting success to yourself every day with the power of thought. Remember that success in business awaits those who are able to think positively, not give in to difficulties and go towards their goal without a shadow of doubt.

Whispers for good luck

The effectiveness of whispers for good luck has been proven by more than one generation of people. They help us believe that everyone can achieve well-being. The right attitude and desire to work for your success is already half of the journey you have taken to personal happiness.

Whispers for good luck can be said at any time when needed: at work, at home, when communicating with clients or lovers. If you need luck, use proven whispers that will help you cope with any difficulty.

  • I open the doors to luck and let you into my heart.
  • The matter is going well, my hands are burning. It will come true as planned.
  • I go towards my happiness, attract good luck, nothing else.
  • I leave, I change, I come, I bring happiness with me.
  • Where I go, so does luck. He wakes up with me, spends his day, leads me to success.
  • Everything will work out the way I want. My luck and success are with me.
  • I see failures out of life and close the door behind them.
  • For good luck, I’ll smile at the sun in the morning and bow to him at the waist. As the matter is conceived, so it will come true.

Spells to attract good luck

Effective conspiracies will not require much of your time. Believe in your strength and don’t tell anyone what you’re up to, so as not to scare away your luck.

1. Get up at sunrise, go outside and say:

“The sun is rising from behind the forest, illuminating my path. Wherever the rays fall, that’s where I’ll go, and I’ll find my luck. Everything that is planned will come true, my life will be filled with happiness.”

2. Speak for good luck to the threads that will serve you as a talisman. Take wool of green, yellow and red colors. Weave them into a braid, saying:

“I intertwine threads and attract good luck. I weave prosperity and happiness into my life. Luck will return to me with the early rays of the sun; attracted by the moonlight, it will remain with me. After the first rain, adversity will be erased and will not return to me.”

3. Place three coins of different denominations under the threshold of your house. Say the words of the spell for good luck:

“I put in the first coin, I close the house against failures. I use the second coin to attract happiness. The third coin will serve me, it will attract wealth, it will call for monetary luck from all over the world.”

4. Cast a spell on a magic bag that will attract good luck to your home. To do this, sew a small handbag from linen or cotton with your own hands. Add your favorite aromatic herbs, such as mint or lemon balm. Add a few grains of rice, three coins, dried citrus peel (orange, tangerine or grapefruit). Say:

“I hang a bag of happiness over the door, say goodbye to adversity, and attract happiness. As many grains as there are in it, so much good luck in the house.”

5. In the morning, wash your face with cold water and, without drying yourself with a towel, say:

“Drop by drop I wash away failure, I erase troubles. How many drops fall from my face, so much luck will come into my life.”

Rituals and rituals for good luck

You can attract good luck with the help of an effective ritual that our ancestors used. To do this, you need to get up at dawn, change into simple clothes in light colors that will not hinder your movements. In the summer, you need to collect flowers or plant branches and weave a wreath from them, saying:

“I call on the power of all the elements to help, I attract good luck into life. I will ask the earth to pave a path to happiness, the Sun to illuminate the path, key water to wash away resentment and adversity, I will ask the wind to bring abundance from all over the world.”

In winter, take snow, bring it home and wait for it to melt. Pour melted water into a glass and say:

“Failures have no place in the home or in life. I’ll wash the floors and open the way for luck. I’ll pour the rest of the water over the threshold so that luck will find me and bring spring, so that my life will blossom.”

Wash the floors with the addition of melt water, and then carefully pour the water away from the threshold.

In spring and fall, use last year's leaves. Light a small fire and say:

“I put each leaf into the purifying fire and say goodbye to adversity. As the fire burns out, so will luck come to me.”

Throw the leaves into the fire one at a time and say what you would like to get rid of in life.

You can attract good luck with a simple daily ritual. Every morning before washing your face, look in the mirror and say:

“Don’t drink water from your face, don’t plow the earth with your face. A smile will turn into a weapon, it will destroy grief and misfortune. I wash myself, I am reborn, I attract good luck to myself, to my home and to my loved ones.”

You can time rituals for good luck and fortune to coincide with the phases of the moon. The energy of the night luminary will help you get rid of adversity, protect yourself and loved ones from failures, and bring prosperity into your life. We wish you all the best and don't forget to press the buttons and