Aloe healing properties for the skin. Getting juice from homemade aloe. Rubbing with aloe juice

An article about the use of the beneficial properties of aloe juice in home cosmetics:

Aloe is a perennial plant whose healing properties have been known since antiquity.
At present, when it has become fashionable to invite landscape designers and other specialists to decorate a house, you rarely see a small plant - aloe. But in vain - once no housewife could do without this plant, unique in its properties. A faithful assistant in the fight against many diseases, it will be useful to modern women.

What vitamins does aloe contain?

Not sure what vitamins aloe contains? A perennial plant that does not require special care is simply a storehouse of useful substances. The list is long, judge for yourself:

  • mineral salts;
  • vitamins A, B, C, E;
  • tannins;
  • catechins;
  • carotenoids;
  • flavonoids;
  • enzymes;
  • carbohydrates;
  • amino acids;
  • fiber, glycosides;
  • resins, etc.

Juice treats manifestations of various diseases on the skin: ulcers, wounds and cuts, chemical and ordinary burns.

Aloe is an excellent remedy for colds, infectious diseases, and disorders of the digestive system. And much more that can not be described in a nutshell.

In cosmetology, aloe juice and its pulp are used in several main areas:

To moisturize the face, hands, body;
to relieve irritation of any origin;
for quick healing of burns;
in the treatment of infections expressed by skin rashes.

What is the benefit of aloe juice for facial skin?

The beneficial effect of aloe juice on the skin of the face is widely used in industrial cosmetology. It is included in the recipes for the production of many creams, lotions, whose action is aimed at eliminating rashes, oily sheen, peeling or redness of the skin.

Anti-aging facial cosmetics containing the juice of this magnificent plant tightens the skin, removes fine wrinkles, and corrects the oval of the face. The skin becomes elastic and blooming.

Do not know how to apply aloe juice for facial skin - use the easiest and most affordable way. Tear off a leaf of scarlet, cut in half to open the fleshy part, wipe your face with it. Rinse off the remaining juice with water and pat dry with a towel.

What is the benefit of aloe juice for facial skin? Possessing regenerating properties, the juice perfectly neutralizes redness of the skin, promotes the rapid restoration of damaged tissues in dermatitis, eczema and allergies. You can use not only pure juice, but also the leaves of the plant ground to a gruel state.

Mask for sensitive skin

Aloe vera juice is known to be applicable for all skin types. In folk medicine, there are a lot of recipes using aloe juice and its pulp for cosmetic procedures. They are based on the various medicinal properties of this plant.

If you grind fresh aloe leaves in a blender and add a few drops to the mass vitamin E, then this composition can be used for a mask with aloe for sensitive skin.

It is enough to add a regular cream to such a gruel and lie down with the mass applied to the face for about 15 minutes to see the beneficial effect of traditional medicine.

Below you will find a detailed description of how to apply aloe juice to the skin of the face and body in the form of various creams, ointments, lotions and masks.

aloe acne mask recipe

Try to apply a recipe that came from the past. An aloe acne mask will help with unwanted rashes.

Prepare a gauze bandage, a fabric face mask with holes for the eyes and nose. Rinse the plant (leaves) with water, blot and either squeeze out the juice, or finely chop into a gruel. Soak a washcloth in the juice or place a mashed plant between its layers and apply to a cleansed face. Lie down, rest with a mask for half an hour. Rinse off with lukewarm water.

Repeat the procedure with the application of the mask daily for a week, then a week once every 2 days, and for a couple of weeks only twice in seven days. The total course of treatment will take a month, during which your skin will become clearer, get rid of the rash.

Aloe mask for oily skin

Great if there are no rashes on the face. If you are worried about oily sheen, then you should try to prepare a mask for yourself with the addition of lemon juice.

It includes, in addition to lemon juice and aloe, protein whipped into a strong foam.

All ingredients are mixed in a clean bowl. Due to the beaten egg, the mask will not be very liquid. If, nevertheless, it was not possible to achieve a dense consistency, then simply soak a gauze bandage in the liquid and straighten it on a pre-cleaned face.

Try not to talk with the applied mask - the egg mixture strongly tightens the skin, and unwanted wrinkles may remain.

Like any mask, hold for about fifteen minutes and rinse with cool water. The pores after such a procedure are narrowed, the skin looks refreshed. After the aloe mask for oily skin, apply a light cream.

Aloe mask for dry skin

Those whom nature has awarded with aristocratic thin and dry skin should worry about the early aging of the skin.

To maintain youth and elasticity, the face needs additional moisture.

This is facilitated by an aloe mask for dry skin, made from juice, glycerin and oatmeal.

Pour boiling water over the oatmeal, cover with a lid and let it brew until the gruel is warm. Then mix with aloe juice and glycerin (1:1) so that the gruel remains thick enough. Apply to the face, avoiding the nasal area and around the eyes. After about 10-15 minutes, wash off the mask with water, you can add a couple of drops essential oil citrus juice or lemon juice, and apply a light cream according to your skin type.

An additional version of such a mask involves the use of the above ingredients (aloe juice, glycerin and oatmeal or flakes) along with honey. The mask is easy to prepare. Pour hot water over oatmeal, add other ingredients according to the recipe and beat with a blender. Let it brew for 15 minutes and apply a thick layer on a cleansed face.

Masks are used two or three times a week so that the skin has time not only to feed on useful substances, but also to rest from the effects of active substances.

Aloe anti-wrinkle mask

Aloe juice is useful for aging facial skin. In addition to those masks that are used for dry skin, you can make a special one for fading. The recipe is suitable for those who are not allergic to honey.

Prepare a blender in which you need to beat a mixture of a couple of tablespoons of honey with aloe juice. The aloe anti-wrinkle mask is designed to revitalize the face, give it radiance and moisturize. To do this, hold it on your face longer, about 40 minutes. The layer must be thick. You can cover the top with a gauze bandage. Follow the rules for applying the mask - avoid the T-zone.

A mask for mature skin with sour cream will also appeal to owners of dry skin.
Mix two tablespoons of honey, aloe juice and sour cream. Hold the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes and rinse your face with a contrast shower. Instead of pure juice, finely chopped leaf pulp can be mixed.

Aromatherapy lovers will appreciate the recipe using rose, ylang-ylang and lemon ethers.

Add a couple of drops of the above flavors to three tablespoons of plant pulp. Further, the usual use of the mass as a mask: application, 15 minutes of exposure and washing with cool water.

Compositions with aloe for the body

Biostimulated aloe juice

To wipe the face, not only fresh plant juice is used. There is a way to prepare the so-called biostimulated aloe juice, which retains its beneficial properties for 14 days.

To do this, the plant itself must "be patient" without watering for 20 days.

Then a few fresh leaves are cut from it, placed in the refrigerator, in a place for storing fruits, so as not to freeze. First you need to wrap it in paper. The ends of the plant should remain open.

It is necessary to withstand the cut leaves for two weeks, so that during this time the process of biostimulation begins in them. This is precisely what is achieved with the help of artificial drought and cold.

After the specified period, the sheets are crushed and poured with boiling water in a ratio of approximately 1:3. Infuse for half an hour in a dark place, covered with a lid. The solution obtained in this way is filtered through gauze several times. Store in the bottom of the refrigerator and apply externally.

Aloe juice with alcohol

An alcohol solution of juice is obtained by simple dilution with medical alcohol in a ratio of 1:4. However, when using such a concentrated solution, it should be further diluted at least twice.

Another way to get alcohol solution aloe - let the pulp of the leaves brew in vodka or alcohol for ten days. Remember to stir several times a day. Such lotions should be used with caution.

If you are not used to cosmetics containing alcohol, then start with a highly diluted version.

frozen aloe juice

Prepare fresh agave juice in the usual way, pour into special molds and send to the freezer. It is best to use silicone molds for sweets - small in volume, easy-to-use "lollipops" are obtained. Wipe the face with acne, with minor inflammation. Cold has an additional anesthetic effect.

For oily skin, aloe juice is used with tincture of calendula, oak bark. Ice for dry skin can be with linden, raspberry or rose petals.

Ointments, emulsions and creams with aloe juice

Sometimes ointments based on miraculous aloe juice are used. To do this, take the fat melted from the fat and mix with the fresh juice of the plant. If the mixture begins to delaminate, then add beeswax as an emulsifier.

With wax, you can also make a cream that is more delicate in texture. Buy a cream base, which is sold by specialized online stores of eco-cosmetics, add beeswax, almond oil and fresh aloe juice to it.

Such a mixture is not stored for a very long time, like any natural cosmetics prepared by oneself. Two weeks in a clean container on a shelf in the refrigerator, no longer. Can be used regardless of skin type.

If you mix fresh perennial juice with eucalyptus oil, castor oil and alcohol, then heat it in a water bath and beat the resulting mixture, you will get an emulsion to cleanse the face of impurities.

You should not use this composition often, as it contains a lot of essential oils that actively affect the skin.

Facial scrubs with aloe: recipes

Many cosmetic companies offer aloe products to their customers. For example, scrubs. They can be found in the product line from Oriflame, ALOE TREASURES and others.

According to customer reviews, this cosmetics is not satisfactory. Most of all "annoys" the price of products than quality. This applies to elite cosmetics of world brands.

IN this case There is only one way out - to use traditional medicine recipes that have been proven for centuries.

It is easy to prepare at home a mild anti-inflammatory and moisturizing scrub. For it, mix cornmeal (sold in grocery stores) with aloe juice. The gruel will soften the skin, relieve inflammation and moisturize. Instead of flour, use oatmeal, cosmetic clay.

Refrain from using aloe juice when treating children or the elderly. Allergy sufferers, pregnant women are also in the ranks of those who should not abuse this plant. During menstruation, exposure to aloe juice can cause a sudden allergic reaction, even if there were no problems before.

Video: Aloe masks for a youthful face

Video: Aloe for the face. super mask

The content of the article:

Probably, in every house there is such a houseplant as an agave or a tree-like aloe. But the most popular variety of flower, called aloe vera. It has characteristic external features from a simple aloe - a different form of leaves that grow in a rosette. The main characteristics of aloe vera are healing and medicinal properties, which is why it is widely used today in pharmacology and cosmetology.

Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has a lot of useful properties, therefore it is widely used as the main component for the preparation of cosmetic care products. This plant is considered universal, as it is ideal for any type of skin. Aloe vera has an excellent moisturizing effect, slows down the aging process, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, and can be used for skin care at any age.

Aloe vera contains many useful substances:

  • Allanin has a moisturizing and regenerating effect. Moisture is retained inside the cells, it contributes to the penetration of other useful substances into the deeper layers of the epidermis. The process of restoring the structure of the skin is accelerated several times.
  • Polysaccharides have the ability to reflect the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.
  • Vitamins C, E, B, beta-carotene. These substances have a special effect on the skin and act as natural antioxidants, reliably protect cells from the oxidation process.
  • Salicylic acid quickly eliminates inflammation that appears in the acne area.
  • Fibroblasts activate the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, thereby smoothing out existing wrinkles and preventing the appearance of new ones.

Features of using aloe vera

For facial skin care, not only the pulp, but also fresh aloe vera juice can be used. However, it must be squeezed out very carefully so as not to lose useful substances during processing.

It is recommended to use only mature and fleshy leaves of the plant, which contain a lot of juice. It is important that the tip of the leaf is slightly dry. Almost always they are located precisely in the lower part of the plant. After the leaf is cut, it must be processed over the next three hours. The fact is that aloe has the ability to lose nutrients very quickly.

For facial skin care, prepare aloe vera juice as follows:

  • All cut leaves must be thoroughly washed, then chopped with a knife or passed through a meat grinder.
  • The resulting slurry is poured with cold water in a ratio of 1: 3.
  • Then the container with the mixture is covered with plastic wrap, after which it is placed for two hours in a cool and dark place. Thanks to such conditions, there is a stimulating effect on the production of biological substances that have a direct effect on the restoration of the skin.
  • Next, you need to carefully squeeze the resulting mass. For this purpose, the gruel is transferred to clean gauze, pre-folded in several layers and squeezed out.
  • Unused juice can be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than two weeks.

Aloe vera for skin care

Aloe vera is added to a variety of facial masks and tonics, as well as refreshing creams and skin cleansers. Subject to the systematic use of aloe, in the near future it will be noticeable positive result.

Aloe Vera is ideal for all skin types and has the following effects:

  • dry skin is moisturized, saturated with valuable nutrients;
  • the healing process of damaged skin is accelerated;
  • it turns out to be effective prevention of the first signs of aging and withering of the skin, the number of deep wrinkles decreases;
  • the problem of acne is eliminated;
  • various types of skin rashes and their consequences are removed.

Face lotion with aloe

Homemade lotion, which is easy to prepare on your own, with the addition of aloe juice, helps to eliminate the feeling of discomfort that appears due to increased dryness of the skin and helps to rejuvenate the epidermis. Auxiliary components can also be added to the composition of the lotion - for example, essential oils, fresh fruit juice, decoctions medicinal herbs etc.

Taking into account the type of skin, the composition of the home lotion will be determined:

  1. To care for oily skin, with a tendency to acne, you need to take fresh aloe juice and mix with vodka or medical alcohol. The ingredients are taken in a ratio of 4:1.
  2. Owners of sensitive skin are advised to add a decoction of tea rose and plantain, as well as fresh lemon juice, to the lotion in a small amount.
  3. For women, after 40 years, it is useful to make homemade lotion according to the following recipe - crushed aloe leaves are taken and poured with settled cool water. Then the mixture is boiled for about 5 minutes on minimum heat. Once the lotion has cooled, they need to lubricate the face twice a day.
  4. To restore the epidermis, the pulp of aloe vera leaves is taken and mixed with ascorbic acid, vitamin E is added. As a result, a gel mass is obtained, which is diluted with a small amount of mineral water and used to treat the skin of the face.
  5. To prepare a homemade lotion that will have a refreshing and tonic effect, you need to mix a decoction of chamomile with aloe juice, and then warm it up a little over minimal heat. The resulting mixture should cool, after which a couple of drops of mint ether and a solution of vitamin E are introduced. You can store the finished lotion in the refrigerator and use it only when chilled.

Face masks with aloe

For daily facial skin care, you can make masks with the addition of aloe juice and pulp. The composition of the means of these components should be no more than 50%. Unlike store masks, home remedies are more effective, and the process of their preparation does not take much time.

For a nourishing mask you need to take:

  • 2 tbsp. l. pure and fresh aloe juice;
  • 1 st. l. sunflower oil.
All components are thoroughly mixed, after which the resulting mass is applied to the skin of the face and neck. Wash off after 30 minutes with water at room temperature.

To prepare this mask, you can use the type of vegetable oil that is suitable for a particular skin type. In some cases, butter is taken.

For a fruit mask you need to take:

  • 2 tsp fat sour cream;
  • 1 st. l. fresh fruit pulp;
  • 2 tsp fresh aloe juice or 1 tbsp. l. the pulp of the leaves of the plant.
All components are mixed, after which the resulting composition is applied to cleansed facial skin and left for about 25 minutes.

To care for normal skin type, you can use avocado, apricot, persimmon, melon. If the mask is prepared for oily skin, it is best to take peach, orange, apple, kiwi, grapes.

To get a mask of a rich composition, it is best to use thick sour cream. This composition helps to improve complexion, perfectly tones and nourishes the skin with nutrients.

For oily skin, the following mask is suitable:

  • 3–3.5 Art. l. fresh aloe juice;
  • 3–3.5 s. l. radish;
  • 3–3.5 Art. l. cooled decoction of sage.
First you need to prepare a decoction - 1 tbsp. l. raw material is poured? Art. boiling water, then the mixture is boiled over low heat for about 10 minutes.

A medium-sized radish is taken and peeled, then chopped on a fine grater. You can also use a blender.

Cooled and filtered broth is mixed in a glass container, radish gruel and fresh aloe juice are added. The mixture is left for about 10 minutes to infuse the product, after which the mass is applied to pre-cleansed skin.

After 20 minutes, you need to wash with cool mineral water, but not carbonated.

This mask will help to narrow enlarged pores, has a brightening and toning effect, ugly redness and inflammation are removed.

For a milk mask you need to take:

  • 1 egg;
  • 1 st. l. heavy cream or 2 tbsp. l. milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. fresh aloe juice.
First you need to beat the egg yolk, then mix it with aloe juice, cream (milk) is added. All components are thoroughly mixed, after which the mask is applied to pre-cleansed skin and evenly distributed in a thin layer. After half an hour, you need to wash with cool water.

Regular use of this mask will help restore a healthy complexion, the skin becomes smooth, soft and velvety.

For a cleansing mask you need to take:

  • 2 tbsp. l. fresh aloe juice;
  • 5 st. l. water (warm);
  • ? Art. l. flour (oat);
  • 1 tsp glycerin;
  • 1 tsp liquid honey.
With the help of a coffee grinder, it is crushed a large number of oatmeal to make flour. Separately, glycerin is dissolved in half the volume of water used.

As soon as the glycerin is completely dissolved, it is necessary to gradually add other components. If the finished mask is too thick, you can add a little water. The composition is applied to the face and washed off with cool water and lemon juice.

For another cleansing mask recipe, you need to take:

  • ? Art. l. kefir;
  • 1–1.5 st. l. raw potatoes;
  • 2 tbsp. l. fresh aloe juice.
Raw potatoes are peeled and chopped, mixed with aloe vera teat. Then a little kefir is added to the mixture and all components are thoroughly mixed.

To fight wrinkles

To get rid of the signs of aging, it is recommended to wipe your face every day with a cotton swab dipped in fresh aloe juice. You can also do compresses on problem areas. These procedures can cause irritation, so at first the aloe juice should be diluted with a small amount of water.
You can also grind aloe leaves, mix with water and freeze. Every day, the skin of the face and décolleté area should be wiped with ice cubes. This procedure has a tonic effect and removes the appearance of the first wrinkles.

Fresh aloe juice has a lot of positive qualities and helps to quickly eliminate the signs of aging. Aloe also helps to get rid of acne, acne and other types of rashes. To do this, you need to regularly carry out cosmetic procedures using this tool - masks, compresses, lotions, rubbing, etc.

The recipe for an anti-wrinkle mask around the eyes based on aloe juice in this video:

Aloe barbadensis or aloe vera is a medicinal plant with long fleshy leaves strewn with thorns. It is used in folk medicine and home cosmetology, has a beneficial effect on the skin and belongs to natural antibiotics.

The healing properties of aloe for the skin

Heals wounds

Aloe accelerates the healing of wounds, cuts and scrapes. Use aloe within an hour of the cut and you will avoid scarring of the skin.

Soothes the skin

The healing properties of aloe for the skin are manifested in the ability to relieve irritation, tone up, fight inflammation and redness.

Removes signs of aging

Aloe juice starts the regeneration of new cells. Penetrating into the skin, tightens and moisturizes it. The composition contains lithins - substances that help the skin absorb vitamins.

Gets rid of acne

Aloe removes existing ones and prevents the formation of new abscesses on the face. To achieve the result, use aloe for 2 weeks.

Fights germs

Aloe vera is a natural antiseptic. Its antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects are manifested in the treatment of purulent formations on the skin.

Saves from sunburn

Having smeared the burnt skin with aloe juice or gel, you will immediately feel relief. The tan will lie evenly and will not peel off, as happens after sour cream.

Whitens the skin

Gently affects age spots, brightening them.

How can aloe be used?

There are 4 ways to use aloe vera for skin:

  • in the form of leaves cut into pieces;
  • juice;
  • gel;
  • aloe oils.

Effect on skin types

Aloe vera is suitable for problematic and normal skin, but it affects each type differently.


Aloe contains allantoin, which moisturizes and nourishes the skin. The juice from the leaves dries out the skin.

Do not use in its pure form: you risk making fatty areas fatter due to an increase in secretion by the sebaceous glands. Make masks with aloe with the addition of egg and lemon, then you will achieve smooth skin and get rid of shine.


In combination with honey, aloe juice relieves dryness, rejuvenates and refreshes the skin, saturating it with vitamins. As part of oils, it helps microelements penetrate deeper into skin cells.


  1. Wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in aloe juice.
  2. Smear with a cream for oily skin, otherwise the oily sheen will quickly return.

Aloe dries the skin and kills microbes, preventing the appearance of ulcers and acne.

How to make aloe juice

Use aloe juice in healing and skin care.

Rules for obtaining healing juice:

  1. Take an aloe that is over 3 years old.
  2. Do not water the plant for 2 weeks.
  3. Cut off the bottom leaves.
  4. Wash under running water.
  5. Wrap in a bag and leave in the refrigerator for a week.
  6. Finely chop the leaves and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth.
    Store juice in the refrigerator for up to two days. If mixed with honey or alcohol - half a month. Frozen - a month.

Healing face masks

Masks with aloe will make the skin smooth and supple, relieve irritation and nourish with vitamins.

Face lotion

For a tonic effect, prepare a lotion with aloe juice.

  1. Take 2 tablespoons of chamomile decoction and combine with aloe juice.
  2. Steam, add 3 drops of peppermint essential oil and a vitamin E capsule.

Store in a cool place. Apply to the face twice a day, avoiding the skin around the eyes.

With lemon and egg

Suitable for narrowing pores and relieving inflammation on problem skin.

  1. Take aloe and lemon juice.
  2. Mix them with egg white.
  3. Cleanse the skin and apply the first layer of the mask, after drying - the second.
  4. Rinse after 15 minutes and apply cream.


Use a clay mask to disinfect your skin.

  1. Dilute the green clay with water to a state of sour cream.
  2. Add aloe juice and rose essential oil.
  3. Apply the mask for 15 minutes and wash your face.
  4. Lubricate the skin with cream.

Do it 2 times a week.


Apply a mask to soften and cleanse the skin.

  1. Take glycerin, dissolve it in water and pour in aloe juice. Then add liquid honey and a couple of tablespoons of oatmeal.
  2. Mix thoroughly, add water if necessary.
  3. Keep the mixture for 20 minutes, then rinse and apply cream.

How to use aloe for wrinkles and prepare the most effective masks at home.

The benefits of aloe have been known for over three thousand years. Once brought from Africa and Madagascar, the plant took root tightly among the Slavs. Aloe earned respect and popularity not only because it could survive in extremely hot and dry conditions, but also because of its extensive healing action.
When they first saw the plant, they called it an exotic cactus, because of the “incomprehensible” appearance with thorns on the leaves.
Since ancient times, juice and pulp have been treated for diseases of the eyes, gastrointestinal tract, burns and used to regulate the menstrual cycle. Until now, the "flower" grows on many windowsills. There are many plant-based preparations, including those for injection. But, for the face requires special attention.

Aloe and agave are two varieties of the same plant: aloe vera and aloe vera.

The chemical composition of the plant

The exotic cactus has more than 200 active and more than 70 nutrients, including:
vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B12; potassium, calcium, zinc, iron, manganese, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, chromium, selenium (more than 30 minerals in total); ; essential oils and esters; succinic, cinnamic and other acids; phytoncides and flavonoids; resins and tannins; mono- and polysaccharides; alkaloids.

An indispensable component in the composition, due to which the agave is widely used in cosmetics, is allanoin. The substance penetrates deep under the skin, delivering other components. It has a powerful regenerating, moisturizing and regenerating effect.

Benefits and indications

Aloe has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, laxative, tonic, antibiotic, antiulcer, cleansing, healing, moisturizing and many other beneficial properties.

Directly for the face:

  • brighten, refresh the complexion and get rid of pigmentation and freckles;
  • eliminate acne and other rashes;
  • heal wounds, microcracks and even cuts;
  • cleanse, nourish, moisturize and tone the skin;
  • remove oily sheen and restore the secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • remove peeling and redness;
  • saturate with oxygen;

The most invaluable benefit is the rejuvenating effect. Juice and pulp not only prevent aging, but are also able to smooth out even deep wrinkles.

Aloe is not an allergenic plant, in addition, it helps to eliminate the consequences of allergic reactions.


For outdoor use:

  • children's age up to a year;
  • individual intolerance;

However, in the case of internal reception, the list is expanded. These are: children under 3 years old, pregnant and lactating, people with exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases, a complex form of hypertension, hepatitis A, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, cholecystitis, nephritis, bleeding and hemorrhoids.

No side effects when used externally
Due to its safety, aloe, especially for wrinkles on the face, can be used frequently and for a long time. For the preparation of masks, lotions, tonics, ice and in its pure form, it is grown on windowsills and bought in pharmacies.

growing at home

Growing aloe at home

The best option to have a rejuvenation tool at hand is to plant a plant at home, like an indoor flower. The average price for rooted children does not exceed 50 rubles.

The easiest way is to buy already rooted aloe in a flower shop. You can also cut the sheet. However, the sheet is a bit more complicated.

  1. The sheet must be cut slightly at an angle with a clean, sharp knife.
  2. Leave in a warm place until a film forms on the cut line.
  3. Prepare a pot with drainage and soil for the cacti. (or 1 part sand and 1 part ordinary earth for indoor plants).
  4. It is desirable to disinfect the earth, and dip the leaf in a root-forming agent for plants, since aloe is hard to root.
  5. The leaf is immersed in the soil by 1/3, pressed a little to the ground and watered.
  6. The pot must be removed in a warm sunny place and make sure that the soil is always moist.
  7. After rooting, water only after the soil dries out.
  8. Further care as for houseplants.

Preparations with aloe can also be found in stores, but purchasing in pharmacies is still more reliable. Available in the form of juice, syrup, tablets, ointments, creams, solutions, extracts, in ampoules for injection. Depending on the form of issue, prices vary from 100 to 300 rubles.

Agave-based masks will have a visible effect regardless of the form of release, but it is better to use a fresh plant.

Face masks with aloe

In order for the juice and pulp to bring more benefits, the leaf must be carefully broken off, disinfecting the broken spot on the plant. A broken leaf must be kept 1-2 weeks before use in the cold to activate all the beneficial substances. The optimal use of all masks is every other day, at least 2-3 weeks.

For oily skin

According to numerous reviews, aloe works best in conjunction with lemon juice. Egg white effectively tightens, dries and removes oily sheen.


  • aloe pulp - 1 tbsp;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • egg - 1 pc.

Separate the protein from the yolk. Beat the protein a little. Squeeze out the juice and pulp from the prepared leaf. Add lemon juice. Apply to the face, wait until it dries, apply a second and also a third layer. Keep the mask on for 25-30 minutes.

For deep wrinkles around the eyes

To eliminate wrinkles, various means can be used. The juice is smeared around the eyes before going to bed.
It is possible to dilute the juice and pulp with water 1: 1, freeze and wipe the skin under the eyes with ice cubes.
Mixed with any eye cream can be used 2-3 times a day.

In addition, any use case will help eliminate not only wrinkles, but also dark circles and puffiness.
To prepare a mask for deep wrinkles around the eyes - the pulp is mixed with honey, sour cream, milk. The mask with glycerin showed the best effect.


  • agave pulp - 1 tbsp;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • oatmeal - 10 gr;
  • glycerin - 2 gr.

Steam the flour with water 1:1. Melt honey in a steam bath. Squeeze the pulp from the prepared leaf. All mix and add. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes.


The mask with and mustard for skin rejuvenation gives an amazing effect after the first application. Mustard warms up, stimulating blood circulation and helping regeneration. St. John's wort also has a well-known rejuvenating effect. However, these components should be handled with extreme caution and an allergy test is mandatory.


  • aloe juice - 2 tablespoons;
  • dry mustard - 1 tsp;
  • water;
  • St. John's wort - 1 tbsp.

Mustard pour warm boiled water and leave for a while. St. John's wort pour 0.5 cups of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Strain infused St. John's wort, pour 2 tablespoons, mix with infused mustard and agave juice. Keep the mask on for no more than 15 minutes. This mask should be done no more than 1 time per week.

Pulp Mask

The most elementary mask is to use aloe pulp as an independent remedy.
By adding tincture of calendula, you can get an excellent remedy for acne. Fatty cream with pulp tones, moisturizes and nourishes.

In combination with any citrus juice - matte and restore the sebaceous glands.
Pulp with cinnamon is used as a peeling to improve complexion and rejuvenation.

By adding pharmacy vitamins, vodka, cottage cheese, yolk, honey, potato juice and other things to the pulp, you can make a mask for any skin type and for any problems.


Gelatin with aloe can work wonders. Such a mask is often done after extreme weight loss in order to tighten sagging skin, remove nasolabial folds and restore youth and beauty to the face. An additional effect will help to achieve the notorious sage.


  • - 1 tbsp;
  • food gelatin - 1 tsp;
  • juice with agave pulp - 1 tsp;
  • freshly squeezed citrus juice - 1 tbsp;
  • water.

Pour sage with water, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Pour gelatin and leave to swell. When brewed, strain and cool. Add to the swollen gelatin 2 tbsp. decoction, dissolve in a steam bath until all lumps disappear. Cool slightly, add citrus juice and aloe. Keep the mask on for at least 40 minutes.

Moisturizer with glycerin

For moisturizing, glycerin will also be the perfect companion. Adding butter will help to achieve maximum effect.


  • glycerin - 5 gr;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • butter - 1 tsp;
  • agave with skin - 2 tbsp.

The butter should be soft, but not melted. Melt honey in a steam bath. Aloe leaf grate or pierce with a blender. Mix all ingredients and apply for 25 minutes.
All masks require regularity and alternation. For maximum effect, it is advisable to steam the face before use. Wash off with warm water and rinse with cold.

For the express method, there are recipes for lotions, tonics, the preparation of which takes a minimum of time, and you can use it at any free time.

Aloe Lotions

A couple of large sheets must be cut and filled with water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for no more than 7 minutes. Cool and strain. Suitable for aging skin.

For dry skin and whitening, it is necessary to mix grated cucumber and agave with the skin in equal proportions. Add any base oil: olive, almond, wheat germ, you can sunflower. Punch with a blender, strain and dilute with an equal volume of boiled water.

A lotion made from aloe juice, tea (can be herbal), an ampoule of vitamin E and a few drops of mint oil has a refreshing effect.

For problematic skin, you need to mix alcohol / vodka with agave juice 1: 4.

For skin with dilated capillaries and prone to irritation, a lotion of rose water, aloe juice, decoction of sage and plantain is suitable.

Tonics are prepared according to the same principle, only with the addition of more liquid. The best option would be to use decoctions or infusions of herbs instead of water. Instead of alcohol, it is better to add a tincture of the same herbs, as well as pharmaceutical vitamins, essential oils, aspirin.

Both tonics and lotions should preferably be stored in glass containers. Means containing alcohol - up to a month, without alcohol - no more than 3 days.

To prepare scrubs and peelings, it is enough to add ground coffee, cinnamon, grated ginger, oatmeal, herbs ground to powder into the pulp of the agave.

Aloe is a universal remedy for the face, both for wrinkles and for moisturizing, fighting rashes and just for prevention. If the plant is always at hand as a "home helper in a pot", you can forget about store-bought face products forever.


Vashchilova Marina Andreevna

Aloe is considered almost a panacea for health problems! The plant easily takes root on the windowsill and is often used as a medicine. Problematic facial skin treated with aloe juice literally comes back to life.

Irregularities, roughness disappear, acne just runs off the face, the natural process of collagen production is normalized. You just need to use the juice CORRECTLY! There is a little trick here that needs to be considered in order to get the maximum benefit for the skin. And now PhotoElf magazine " Facial skin care' will tell you about it.

How to use aloe vera juice for face skin?

  1. Cut off a small leaf of aloe vera and rinse it thoroughly with water.
  2. Carefully remove the peel, cut off the thorns.
  3. Mash the pulp with a fork until smooth.

All! The mask is ready.

Apply to the skin, avoiding the areas around the eyes, for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water (preferably boiled, non-carbonated mineral or decoction of herbs. The course is a month, use the product 1-2 times a week.

IMPORTANT! In order for aloe vera to become biologically active and bring more benefits to your skin, the plant does not need to be watered for 5-6 days before cutting the leaves, and the cut leaves should be stored in the refrigerator for later use.

Aloe leaves are perfectly stored for 12-14 days, and with each new day of storage, their biological activity increases. That's why Leaves of a home doctor “aged” in the refrigerator are much more beneficial for the skin of the face than freshly cut ones. Although freshly cut ones are also possible, if you really can't wait to rejuvenate and improve your health 🙂

If you want to use purchased products for face skin with aloe, we recommend this sheet mask: TEsfolio sheet mask with aloe, judging by the reviews on the Internet, it has a very good effect on the skin.

Face masks with aloe vera

1. Double Rejuvenating Aloe Vera Mask

  • aloe juice - 1 teaspoon
  • any fat cream - 2 teaspoons
  • wheat germ oil - 1 tablespoon
  • salt - 1 teaspoon
  • chicken egg - 1 piece.

Mix aloe juice with cream and oil. Apply the mixture on the face, including under the eyes. After a quarter of an hour, rinse with a cotton pad. Beat the egg and mix with salt. Leave the mixture on your face for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water and use your regular face cream.

Action: rejuvenating, refreshing, nourishing.

Indications: Anti-aging masks with aloe are suitable for dry, wrinkled and sagging skin.

Application: 2 times a week.

2. Universal mask for any type of facial skin

  • aloe pulp - 2 tablespoons
  • turmeric - 1 tablespoon
  • honey - 2 tablespoons
  • glycerin - 2-3 drops
  • rose essential oil - 2 drops.

Mix aloe pulp with turmeric, honey, glycerin and rose oil. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for an hour. Then apply the mixture on your face for half an hour.

Action: improves the skin of the face, giving it a radiant appearance.

Indications: aloe mask with honey is suitable for any skin.

Application: 2 times a week.

3. Aloe vera mask for problem skin (for acne)

  • aloe leaf - 1 piece
  • water - 0.2 liters
  • honey - 4 tablespoons.

Cut the washed aloe leaf into small pieces, fill with water and place on fire. After the mixture boils, hold it on low heat for a quarter of an hour. In a filtered, cooled to room temperature, put the broth honey. Soak the gauze with the mixture. folded in 4-6 layers and apply on the skin of the face in the form of a compress for 10-15 minutes.

Action: antibacterial, relieves acne.

Indications: Aloe and honey mask is suitable for oily, inflamed problematic skin.

Application: mask for acne with aloe is performed 2-3 times a week.

4. Aloe vera curd and honey tightening mask

  • aloe juice - 2 tablespoons
  • cottage cheese - 1 tablespoon
  • honey - 2 teaspoons

Rub cottage cheese with honey and aloe juice. Apply the mask on your face for a quarter of an hour.

Action: softening, refreshing, nourishing, rejuvenating. Tightens the skin and eliminates wrinkles.

Indications: This anti-wrinkle aloe vera mask is suitable for sagging and aging facial skin.

Application: 2 times a week.

5. Aloe and oil mask for dry skin

  • aloe vera juice - 2 tablespoons
  • cosmetic oil - 20 ml (you can take amaranth, olive, shea butter or another that you use)
  • lemon essential oil - 2-3 drops.

Mix aloe juice with oils, apply the nutrient mixture on the skin for 25-30 minutes.

Action: nourishing, softening, rejuvenating, toning.

Indications: the aloe anti-wrinkle mask is suitable for aging, atonic facial skin.

Application: 2 times a week.

7. Mask for oily skin with aloe, sour cream and fruits

  • gruel with aloe - 1 tablespoon
  • fruit pulp - 1 tablespoon
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml
  • sour cream - 20 ml

For not very oily or combination skin, take persimmon, avocado, melon or apricot. If you have, then use apple, grape, peach or orange pulp. Mix everything and apply on the face for 15-20 minutes.

The mask enriches the skin with vitamins, tones it and improves its appearance.

Action: nourishing, tonic, refreshing, softening.

Indications: These aloe face masks are suitable for any skin depending on the composition.

Application: 2 times a week.

Aloe vera for facial skin is a very effective, and besides, completely free cosmetic product. familiar to our mothers and grandmothers. How do you not have this useful plant at home yet? Be sure to plant! So you will have a good home doctor and homemade cosmetics, because on the basis of aloe vera you can make scrubs, tonics, very useful and effective, or just wipe the skin with its juice, even the area around the eyes is possible!

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