What is better ointment or gel? What is the difference between Diclofenac ointment and gel

Everything in the human body gradually wears out, including joints, due to age-related changes, stress and other reasons. The lower extremities suffer the most from pain, since they experience the greatest load. As a result, joint pain of various types appears. Most people cope with pain using various ointments based on hot pepper. These remedies are good at relieving pain, swelling, and inflammation. What kind of ointments are these, their main properties?

  • Joint pain - main causes
  • Preparations with capsaicin
  • How does the substance act in medicines?
    • Anti-inflammatory drugs
    • Warming ointments for joint pain
    • Homeopathic and painkillers
    • Chondroprotectors
  • Cautions for using ointments and gels

Joint pain - main causes

Any pain interferes with normal life and causes a lot of discomfort. When pain manifests itself in the lower extremities, a person cannot fully move, work, or rest. Elderly people suffer most from pain in the joints of the legs. The reason for their appearance may be:

In ancient times, people learned to use special medicinal ointments and tinctures for pain. They can effectively relieve pain and alleviate the patient's condition. These products were prepared only by hand, using natural ingredients that nature itself gives us. These were mainly:

Nowadays, pharmacies offer consumers a wide range of various remedies for joint pain. Each ointment has its own composition, properties and features. What are they expressed in and what are the most effective means that can relieve pain and help in treatment?

Preparations with capsaicin

Joint disease is not limited to older people. Many middle-aged people also suffer from this. Very often this is due to an inactive lifestyle, heavy lifting, due to the heavy load on the legs.

People of any age with pain in the joints of the legs should take into account the causes of pain and the symptoms that characterize the pain. The pharmacy chain offers various ointments and gels that help with joint pain. Many of them contain the substance capsaicin. It is obtained from hot pepper and is used in many anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • ointments;
  • gels;
  • plasters;
  • rubbing.

The substance helps relieve pain and exhibits a healing effect. It is especially effective in helping with neuralgic and rheumatic pain.

At the beginning of the last century, people learned to obtain the substance capsaicin from hot red pepper. It has a crystalline structure and is insoluble in water, but can be dissolved in alcohol and some chemicals. If in its pure form it gets on the skin, it causes a burn, since this substance is considered the most acute in the world. You can remove it with vegetable oil, alcohol or vinegar.

The substance has a very strong effect on the respiratory system and mucous membranes of the eyes, causing a burning sensation. For this reason, it is added to gas cartridges and pistols. Researchers have discovered many beneficial properties in this substance and they began to use it as a basis for the production of medicines.

How does the substance act in medicines?

Pharmacies offer a large number of products containing capsaicin. For their production, an extract of this substance is used, which contains 5–10% capsaicin. Despite such a low content of this substance, the products have an effective effect during treatment. Gels, ointments, patches and rubs containing hot red pepper extract have a positive effect on the body:

Capsaicin-based products are inexpensive and therefore accessible to many. They find a wide range of applications and are in demand because they have a positive effect on the body. Preparations based on hot red pepper extract are used:

The substance is included in many fat-burning products and dietary supplements to speed up metabolism in the body. The drugs help with trigeminal neuralgia, but they are most often used in the treatment of joints, ligaments and muscles. They can not only relieve pain, but also fight inflammation and improve tissue nutrition. Capsaicin relieves pain immediately, and all its other properties appear 2-3 weeks after the start of use. The most popular ointments and gels containing red pepper extract:

Review of the most common remedies for joint pain

The medical industry produces many drugs for joint pain. Among the most popular are several products that have the same properties and method of action on the body. All of them are designed according to the following types:

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Used in the treatment of gout, arthritis of the shoulder joint, arthrosis and rheumatism. This group of medications includes the following ointments and gels:

Diclofenac effectively helps with diseases of the joints of the hands, feet and fingers, with inflammation of the ligaments, shoulder girdle, as well as with mechanical damage to the knee joint. With the help of Dolgit, you can restore muscle mobility. The gel has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and is effective in the treatment of small and large joints.

Warming ointments for joint pain

The products contain many natural ingredients, due to which they are excellent for muscle pain, neuralgia and sprains. Warming ointments and gels increase blood flow to the damaged area. This helps improve mobility and reduce pain. This group includes the following means:

  • Viprosal;
  • Capsicam;
  • Finalgon;
  • Apisatron;
  • Gawkman.

All these gels and ointments do not cope with the treatment, but only alleviate the patient’s condition and help restore mobility.

Homeopathic and painkillers

These ointments and gels are based on herbal ingredients and are completely safe for use at home. They are recommended for use in combination with other medications. This group includes products with the following names:

  • Horsepower;
  • Fastum gel;
  • Ledum.

Ledum gel is used in the treatment of inflammatory processes in joints and muscles. The product helps to restore the motor system, eliminate the inflammatory process, and relieve swelling.

Horsepower will help relieve pain and has a relaxing effect. The product is made on the basis of essential oils.

All these drugs are unable to cure, but can only bring relief for a while.


This group includes medicinal ointments and gels. They effectively act on damaged tissues and relieve pain. They are mainly used to treat injuries to the shoulder joints, muscle spasms, and swelling of the fingers. It is believed that the remedies of this group are the best assistants in treatment.

One of the most popular products in this group is Chondroxide. It helps get rid of pain in the musculoskeletal system, helps in treatment, and restores mobility.

Cautions for using ointments and gels

It is very important to carefully read their composition before purchasing and using any ointment or gel. It is best to conduct a drug tolerance test before use so that it does not cause an allergic reaction.

If the cause of the pain was an infectious disease or purulent phenomena, then all these remedies cannot be used. The drugs should not be used during pregnancy, lactation, after strokes and heart attacks. You should not use irritating agents if you are hypersensitive to certain components in the ointment or gel. When using any remedy, you must not easily treat the sore spot, but use the drug correctly.

  • Gel properties
  • Series
  • Recommendations
  • Reviews

Collagen gel, according to the manufacturer, belongs to the category of fast-acting products. Its functionality is to combat damage to the skin (burns, marks from operations, injuries) and accelerate the restoration of connective tissues. The regenerative process in cells is caused by collagen synthesis and can take a long time.

Gel properties

Collagen is a protein that ensures the full functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Of the total group of proteins in the human body, this occupies 25%; it is a building element of connective tissues - cartilage, bones, tendons, skin, hair, ligaments, nails. When the body is young and healthy, it produces this substance on its own, but when the body is attacked by disease or age-related changes, protein synthesis is disrupted. By the age of 40, approximately 50% of the total human population develops problems with ligaments, joints or spine; after 10 years, these people will be 75%; after another 20 – 90%.

Gel is a complex of free amino acids obtained after special processing of natural protein. These amino acids enter directly into the blood and are used in the process of forming natural collagen. The drug promotes the synthesis, strengthening and restoration of connective tissue, which is especially important after operations, injuries, burns, as well as for diseases of osteoarthritis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, and so on.

Series of drugs

The manufacturer has developed a whole series of drugs for the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders; it includes:

  • Collagen Ultra (without additives) dietary supplement;
  • Collagen Ultra Plus (vitamins, calcium + D3, glucosamine) dietary supplement;
  • Cream Collagen Ultra;
  • Gel Collagen Ultra.

Instructions for using Collagen Ultra gel and the cream of the same name are identical.


Gel: collagen hydrolyzate.

Cream: collagen hydrolyzate, glucosamine.

Areas of use


Intolerance to individual components of the drug. 24 hours before use, do an allergy test on the inside of the elbow.

Mode of application

Rub a small amount of cream into previously cleansed skin with massage movements.

Best before date

The drug will remain effective for 2 years if stored in a dry place at room temperature.

Consumer rating

Reviews of the drug are generally positive.

About 20 years ago, while climbing mountains, I injured my knee. Since then it has been hurting with varying degrees of success. It responds especially strongly to weather changes. When you place your foot poorly, you want to scream indecently, it hurts so much. Doctors say, it’s an old injury, there’s nothing to do, strengthen your joints. I tried a lot of creams and gels, and finally came up with Collagen gel for joints, great, it worked. Even when the weather changed, I hardly noticed.

In my youth I injured my knee, the joint became swollen, I had to do a puncture to remove fluid. In short, as a result, the leg stopped bending completely. That is, it was bent, but not completely. I began to monitor the pharmaceutical market, looking for good anti-inflammatory, painkillers and decongestants. I really liked the powder from this company, as opposed to the gel. I use the gel as heavy artillery when going on trips, plus I always take the powder course. I move without pain for several months afterwards.


Diclofenac-based ointments: use of creams and gels

Almost every person at least once in his life has had to deal with such an unpleasant phenomenon as back or joint pain. Sports training, a hard day at work, just active recreation, accidental injuries - all this can cause muscle or ligament sprains, leading to limited movement and pain.

External use products, such as ointments based on the drug diclofenac, will help quickly eliminate discomfort, relieve swelling and restore mobility.

The effect of an ointment based on the drug diclofenac

The basis of the ointment is a derivative of phenylacetic acid. The ointment has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, and has a slight antipyretic effect. Thanks to its special composition, the ointment acts almost immediately after application.

Ointments based on diclofenac quickly and permanently eliminate pain and swelling, restoring joint mobility. The product is well absorbed, without leaving a greasy residue on the surface of the skin, and quickly penetrates deep into the tissue.

That is why such ointments are preferable to their analogues and are popular among consumers.

Composition and release form of an ointment based on the drug diclofenac

The product is available for sale in aluminum tubes of 30 mg, packed in a cardboard box. This amount of the drug contains:

  • Diclofenac sodium – 0.3 mg;
  • Polyethylene oxide;
  • Dimexide;
  • Propylene glycol.

The ointment is a white paste of uniform consistency with a characteristic, not pungent odor. The product is intended to eliminate pain after physical exertion or injury, symptoms of joint diseases of a rheumatoid nature.

An ointment based on the drug diclofenac is quickly absorbed, relieves pain, swelling and stiffness, regardless of whether the patient is at rest or in motion.

The active substances in the ointment are capable of blocking enzymes that cause inflammation, which is why the product is widely used in the treatment of various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Indications for use of ointment

  1. Rheumatoid arthritis.
  2. Juvenile arthritis.
  3. Rheumatism, including extra-articular rheumatism of soft tissues - bursitis, tendovaginitis, periarthritis, myositis.
  4. Ankylosing spondylitis or ankylosing spondylitis.
  5. Osteoarthritis.
  6. Spondyloarthritis and other forms of poly- and monoarthritis.
  7. Arthrosis of various forms - mainly coxarthrosis, spondyloarthrosis.
  8. Lumbago, sciatica.
  9. Acute gouty arthritis.
  10. Pain in the back and spine caused by overstrain of the joints and surrounding tissues.

Contraindications to the use of ointment

The product is not used to treat children under 6 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. Ointment is not prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • Acute rhinitis.

Medicines containing diclofenac may cause allergies. In this case, an analogue is selected.

Recommendations for the use of drugs containing diclofenac

Ointments are intended for external use. In order to treat an area of ​​skin with an area of ​​400 to 800 square centimeters, 4 grams of product is enough - this is approximately the volume of a large cherry. The maximum daily dosage of the product should not exceed 8 g.

Usually for adults, depending on the area of ​​painful areas, 2 to 4 grams of ointment containing diclofenac is sufficient - the amount is divided into three to four times. For children, the recommended daily dosage is no more than 2 grams. diclofenac, this amount is divided into four applications.

The ointment is first distributed in a thin layer over the surface of the skin, then lightly rubbed into areas of inflammation. After this, it is recommended to insulate the joint or back with a tight bandage. It is important to limit air access to get maximum effect.

Hands should be washed thoroughly with soap after using the medicine. If the indication for using the ointment is arthritis of the fingers, there is no need to wash them. For insulation and sealing, it is ideal to use cotton and wool gloves.

The duration of the course of treatment using diclofenac and the regimen of use of the drug are determined by the doctor, constantly monitoring the patient’s reaction and condition. General indications – course duration is no more than two weeks. Diclofenac preparations in the form of tablets for oral administration are often prescribed in parallel - this enhances the effectiveness of treatment and speeds it up.

  1. Bruises and sprains. In this case, the product is applied up to three times a day directly to the bruised area, and is considered as first aid for bruises, sprains, dislocations. Do not apply the ointment to open wounds and violations of the integrity of the skin - scratches, abrasions. A single dose should not exceed 2 grams. For such injuries, the drug relieves pain and swelling well, and normalizes joint mobility.
  2. Osteochondrosis. The product is lubricated on the back, after which it is insulated with a scarf or scarf. Nagging and sharp pains become less, range of motion is restored, and morning stiffness goes away.
  3. Radiculitis. The ointment is applied in an amount of no more than 2 grams. two to four times a day, thus eliminating stiffness, pain, and swelling.

With prolonged treatment with diclofenac, the synthesis of certain liver enzymes may increase, which can lead to undesirable side effects.

Therefore, the ointment should not be used for preventive purposes; it should be applied as rarely as possible, when there is really a need for it.

Avoid contact of the product with the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, mouth; in this case, the mucous membrane or eyes should be immediately rinsed with running water. Do not allow children to swallow the drug (licking fingers and limbs).

Side effects

The drug is usually well tolerated; the most common side effects include allergic reactions on the skin:

  • Burning;
  • Redness;
  • Rash.

Undesirable side effects can be caused by prolonged use of the drug, exceeding the recommended dose, or the patient’s individual intolerance to one or more of its components.

In case of overdose, more serious symptoms of intoxication are observed, such as:

  1. Nausea and abdominal pain.
  2. Vomiting, lack of appetite.
  3. Bloating.
  4. Headaches and dizziness.
  5. Drowsiness, apathy.
  6. Bronchospasm.
  7. Anaphylactic shock.

If at least one of the listed symptoms is observed, treatment with diclofenac, despite the indications, should be stopped immediately and consult a doctor to determine further treatment with similar drugs or adjust the dosage and treatment regimen.

The use of products whose main active ingredient is diclofenac is strictly prohibited during pregnancy. There is no official, scientifically proven data on how the drug can affect the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus, so its use is excluded.

Diclofenac is especially dangerous in the last trimester of pregnancy. Using this medication too frequently or increasing the dosage may cause the ductus botallus to close prematurely, allowing blood to enter the fetus's undeveloped lungs.

The active components of the drug can cause weak labor or its complete absence.

Diclofenac and other medicines

As a rule, this drug does not interact with others. Adverse reactions may occur when diclofenac is combined with the following medications:

  • Potassium-retaining diuretics - in this case, it is possible to increase the level of potassium in the blood;
  • Loop diuretics – their diuretic effect is reduced;
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of another type - this combination can provoke increased side effects and phenomena;
  • Diclofenac in another dosage form (tablets) - the content of lithium and digoxin in the blood plasma significantly increases.

In the latter case, it is especially important to strictly adhere to the dosage of the drug indicated by the doctor.

Which form of product is better to choose?

Diclofenac for external use is available in the form of an ointment or gel. If you need a quick effect, doctors always recommend the gel. It is absorbed faster and penetrates tissues better, and is consumed more economically than ointment. Diclofenac gel contains a larger amount of active ingredient than ointment.

This means that you can do without taking additional tablets with the same active ingredient and reduce the dosage or frequency of use. But this does not mean that the gel is better than ointment and you need to look for this particular form of the drug in pharmacies.

The indications for using ointment or gel are no different, but the contraindications are different. The gel should not be used if you have bleeding disorders or a tendency to bleed. Due to the high concentration of diclofenac sodium, the gel should be used with great caution in case of dysfunction

Among external agents, the following drugs have a similar effect (painkiller, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic):

Diklak (Germany), Voltaren (Switzerland), Ortofen (Russia)

The cost of the product will depend on the manufacturer and point of sale.

Manufacturers often produce several forms of preparations for external use. In the form of a medicinal cream, gel or ointment. However, what is the difference between ointment and cream? And what is the difference between gel and ointment? Trying to figure things out often leads an ordinary person to a dead end. This article provides the clearest possible descriptions and recommendations for each type of medication. This information will help you use your funds more efficiently and prevent you from wasting money.

There is a big misconception that real drugs are distinguished by the concentration of medicinal substances. This hypothesis should be immediately dismissed, because almost all external medications contain 2% healing components.

The only difference between cream and ointment is their base. The second usually includes:

  • fats;
  • petrolatum;
  • lanolin.

Remarkable! There is no water in the ointment at all, which helps create a slight greenhouse effect. This factor affects the better absorption of the drug and promotes deep penetration under the skin into the bloodstream. Therefore, ointment, in comparison with cream, has a faster and stronger effect on the body.

The cream base is less dense and greasy, which is due to the low water content. However, due to such a porous texture, the substance does not penetrate deeply into the bloodstream, being absorbed into the outer layers of the epidermis. This drug works well for local treatment, but is not recommended for systemic use. A pleasant addition to all the qualities of the cream is the property of slight cooling, which occurs due to water.

What does this mean for the average consumer? What is the difference between ointment and cream? The first mixture has a deeper effect and a greasy texture, so it is poorly absorbed, not completely and for a long time. It is not recommended to apply it immediately before leaving the house. The second product can be used even when outside the home, because the porous base is easily absorbed by the skin.

There is also an intermediate preparation between cream and ointment - liniment. Depending on the predominant element in the base, the substance takes on the properties of both. A distinctive feature of liniment is that when it comes into contact with the body, the texture under temperature pressure becomes liquid, as if melting.

What is the difference between gel and ointment

An equally popular preparation for external use is a gel-based substance. However, which is better, ointment or gel? What are their similarities and differences? But the main difference between medicines is still the basis. If it completely excludes water from the composition, which affects its properties, then the gel, on the contrary, is created on the basis of water.

The key advantage of the gel is the completely dissolved active ingredients in the base and the absence of fats, which allows you to not worry about marks on clothes or finding time for absorption. The gel is also considered more environmentally friendly, because its indicators are as close as possible to the acidity level of healthy dermis.

When treating facial damage, the gel also wins the aesthetic marathon. It is quickly absorbed and is not noticeable on the skin at all. The ointment forms a shiny crust and often causes clogging of pores. Water-based products are less at risk of premature expiration. Elevated temperatures are an irritant to fat-based products and can cause spoilage.

Important! Regardless of the release form, the drug should be stored in the places clearly indicated in the instructions. Neglecting safety measures can lead to worsening of the condition and allergic reactions.

Also, the likelihood of an allergy to the drug in the form of a gel is much lower, but it is not inferior in healing properties. The mixture additionally nourishes the skin with moisture, which promotes faster healing. And thanks to its special texture, it penetrates deep into the body, so it is good for treating joints and the lower layer of the epidermis.

The content of the article:

Ointment for joints is not always an analogue of a cream or gel; it is often used as an addition to these products. But they all have the same tasks, which are to eliminate pain, suppress inflammation, and renew damaged tissue. All this is used both for the prevention and treatment of arthritis, arthrosis and other rheumatic diseases.

What is the difference between ointments, creams and gels for joints

All of these products are intended for external use and have a soft texture, but ointments are sold mainly in pharmacies, and gels and creams can also be sold in regular supermarkets. The first are medicinal, while the second and third are considered more cosmetic.

Gels and creams have a thinner consistency than ointments, and due to this they are absorbed faster. They usually contain various aromatic and coloring additives, the number of which is not limited in any way. Among the components there are often all kinds of herbal ingredients. Ointments always contain one or more active ingredients of natural or synthetic origin, supplemented with paraffin, purified water, etc.

Another difference between creams and ointments for joint pain is the packaging, the former are most often sold either in jars or bottles, and the latter in tubes. Gels can be packaged in both, and are sometimes even found in bottles with a dispenser. It is these products that have the most optimal pH level, do not clog pores and create a protective film.

Each of these drugs can be analgesic, anti-inflammatory or restorative. Very often, all these properties are combined in one product, which enhances its effectiveness and speeds up recovery. Some of them are designed to either warm or cool the skin, which provides an irritating effect and thereby improves blood supply and nutrition to problem areas.

Types of ointments for joints

They are homeopathic and classical, with the addition of synthetic substances. There are means for the regeneration of cartilage tissue, eliminating swelling and pain. Their task is both to prevent and treat rheumatic diseases - arthritis, arthrosis, synovitis, gout, and ankylosing spondylitis. Usually all this is available in tubes of 25, 50, 75, 100 or 125 ml. Sometimes a prescription from a doctor is required to dispense from a pharmacy.

Let's take a closer look at the following types of ointments:

  • Restorative. To trigger the regeneration of cartilage tissue, chondroitin sulfates and glucosamine are added to the composition of such products. They are used in courses of 2-10 weeks, depending on the course of the disease. The number of treatments per day usually does not exceed five. Apply the mixture onto clean, dry areas using massaging movements, leaving it until completely absorbed. The most effective products in this category are Chondroxide, Traumeel C and Indomethacin.
  • Warming. Thanks to such ointments for the treatment of joints, blood circulation in the tissues improves, which accelerates their regeneration and helps relieve inflammation. For their production, various biologically active components are used - red pepper extract, essential oils, bee venom. They are sold in tubes ranging from 20 to 150 ml. The product is applied to the skin 2-3 times a day in a thin layer, spreading over the entire problematic surface, rubbing in with fingers and waiting for absorption. It is recommended to do this for 2-3 weeks; you can repeat the course 5-6 months after its completion. The ointments “Gevkamen”, “Apizartron”, “Nayatox” have proven themselves to be excellent in medical practice.
  • Locally irritating. Such remedies relieve swelling and suppress inflammation, eliminate pain and speed up the recovery of patients with arthritis, arthrosis and other rheumatic diseases. They are especially useful for those who have recently suffered sports or domestic injuries. On average, they are used for a month 3-4 times a day, applying and rubbing into the problem surface in small quantities. The composition is not washed off, leaving until absorbed. The best ointments in this category are Betalgon, Espol, and Capsicam.
  • Painkillers. They eliminate discomfort only in the early stages; in advanced cases, external use is no longer enough, and you have to resort to pills or even injections. Compositions based on menthol, nicoboxil, and various essential oils provide a good effect. They start using them by applying them to the skin 2-3 times a day and, after eliminating acute pain, switch to one-time use. The resulting effect lasts for several hours or days, so it is necessary to take courses lasting 2-4 weeks, which, if necessary, should be repeated 2-3 times a year. Leaders in this area include ointments “Ben-Gay”, “Efkamon”, “Finalgon” and “Viprosal V”.
  • Anti-inflammatory. As the name implies, their action is aimed at relieving swelling by removing excess fluid from tissues, improving lymph flow and increasing blood circulation. To achieve these goals, manufacturers add benzyl nicotinate, diclofenac and a number of other biologically active components to their ointments. The course lasts about a month; if necessary, it is repeated after a 4-week break. The composition is lubricated on the skin in problem areas, waiting for it to be absorbed, which usually takes no more than 2-3 minutes. Ortofen, Vishnevsky and Heparin ointments have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties.

Important! After applying any ointments, it is advisable to make several massaging movements that will help them absorb faster and deeper.

What types of gels are there for joints?

The procedure for using these products here looks approximately the same as in the case of ointments. First, anesthetic compounds are used, then anti-inflammatory ones, and then restorative ones. Often all this is combined, which speeds up the achievement of remission. In appearance, gels are almost no different from ointments; they may only be softer and more liquid.

All types of such drugs are described in more detail below:

  1. Painkillers. Such drugs may have both analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. They come in either a jar or tube, have a toothpaste-like consistency and last for a few minutes or hours. They necessarily contain various analgesic substances - ketoprofen, alcohol, carbomer. They can be used both together with other drugs in complex therapy, and separately to relieve severe pain. The minimum duration of treatment is 2 weeks, the maximum is from 2 to 3 months. Applying gels to the skin 2-3 times a day will be enough to achieve the effect. Of all these products, special mention should be made of Bystrum- and Fastumgel, Flexen and Febrofid.
  2. Anti-inflammatory. They are usually prescribed immediately after acute pain has resolved. Their task is to remove accumulated fluid from tissues, improve lymph outflow and normalize blood circulation. All this naturally helps eliminate inflammation and restore the problem joint. They are prescribed for arthritis, bursitis, synovitis and other rheumatic diseases accompanied by swelling. The duration of their use is approximately a month. Any gel for joints is applied in the same way as ointment, on clean and dry skin, after which it is allowed to be absorbed. For greater efficiency, you can cover yourself with a towel on top. The number of procedures should be at least two to three per day. Good anti-inflammatory gels include Artrum and Nise.
  3. Regenerating. Without them, successful restoration of cartilage tissue is not possible. For this purpose, compositions containing collagen, chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid and other substances with a restorative effect are used. Chondroredaktor, Pantogor and Maik'Loriss can cope with these tasks. The optimal duration of treatment is 2-4 weeks, it is necessary to lubricate the skin 2 to 4 times a day.
  4. Warming. Therapy for osteochondrosis, synovitis, bursitis, and osteoporosis is not complete without these gels for the treatment of joints. They are used to improve blood circulation, relieve inflammation and accelerate the regeneration of affected tissues. The composition of such gels often includes alcohol, nimesulide, camphor and many others. etc. That is why such drugs cannot be used for sensitive skin, otherwise there is a risk of developing allergies. To achieve positive results, take a course lasting 2-4 weeks. At this time, it is recommended to lubricate the skin at least 2-3 times a day. To do this, you can use Thermolka Cannaderm, Nimulid or Reanimator products.
  5. Cooling. Unlike gels for joint pain, these drugs are necessary to suppress the activity of the immune system and block nerve receptors, which allows you to quickly and effectively relieve painful sensations. First of all, they are prescribed for fractures, bruises, dislocations, since the cold stops the progression of swelling. The Flexal, Venoruton, and Counterpain gels will help you avoid this and improve your well-being. To do this, they must be used for about 3 weeks, 2-4 times a day.

Types of creams for joints

These products are designed to relieve inflammation, eliminate pain, and restore damaged tissue. They can be either universal, combining all these properties, or narrowly focused, helping with only one thing. In this case, they are used either in order or in combination, depending on the situation.

The following describes in more detail the different types of joint creams:

  • Painkillers. The principle of their action is the same as that of creams: penetrating into the skin, they soothe irritated nerve receptors. But this does not affect the course of treatment in any way, but only suppresses the symptoms of arthritis, arthrosis and other diseases of a rheumatic nature. Therefore, such drugs are used mainly in the initial stages, 2-4 times a day for 1-4 weeks, until the condition stabilizes. After this, they move on to decongestant compounds. Of the analgesic creams, it is necessary to separately mention Dolgit, Alezan and Arthrolight.
  • Anti-inflammatory. They prevent swelling from spreading to other areas and reduce its size. This is facilitated by the cleansing of tissues from excess fluid, the effect of warming them up, and the restoration of lymph flow. To obtain such results, it is necessary to treat for at least 2 weeks, applying the gel to the body 2-3 times a day. It is desirable that the composition contains chondroitin sulfate, capsaicin or hydrochloride. Here it is worth paying special attention to the creams “Sustavit forte”, “Cabella forte” and “Sumac”.
  • Warming. These creams for joint pain are used to reduce the source of inflammation and activate the regeneration process of affected cartilage tissue. Thanks to them, blood flows faster to problem areas, they receive the necessary oxygen and substances necessary for recovery - vitamins B, A, E and C, micro- and macroelements (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium contained in essential oils), glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate . These drugs are recommended to be used for 2-4 weeks 2-3 times a day. The best of them are Ketonal and Theraflex.
  • Restorative. The most popular cream here for the treatment of joints is “Zdorov”, as well as “Shark Oil” and “Honda”. All of them strengthen cartilage tissue and prevent it from further deteriorating due to the content of chondroitin sulfate, collagen and a number of other ingredients. They are used in the complex treatment and prevention of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the joints. The course of application can last 1, 2 or even 3 months, the skin needs to be lubricated 2 to 5 times a day.
Watch the video on what to choose for joints - ointment, cream or gel:

Recently, not only medicinal ointments and creams, but also gels and emulgels are increasingly available in pharmacies. We will talk about them...

Hello, Doctor! In the last four years I have been very worried. First, the right knee joint began to hurt, and six months later the left one began to make itself felt. I took different pills, they help, no doubt, but after some time the pain in the joints returns. But after I rubbed cabbage juice into my joints, it became easier, enough time has passed and I still feel more or less normal. My joints don’t hurt or twist as much as before.

Doctor, please tell me how the gel differs from the ointment? And what is this - emulgel?

- Vera Anatolyevna Kruglova, Armavir

And another letter...

Hello, Doctor. Every spring and every fall my knees start to twist, straight out twisting them. And almost immediately my neck and... The doctors at the clinic prescribed various ointments and creams - sometimes they made it easier, sometimes not so much...

They told me to make an ointment from hop cones and butter - it helped me. I rubbed this ointment into my joints for two weeks and the pain became much weaker and my joints became more mobile. It became easier for me to live. It’s true what they say: “Movement is life...”.

And this ointment is prepared simply: you need to take 1 tablespoon of hop cones and grind it with one tablespoon of fresh butter or unsalted lard (preferably the so-called lard). Lubricate sore joints. I understand that this is all good - the pain is decreasing...

But I would like these pains to disappear completely and not return. I heard that there are ointments called gel. What is this gel? How is it different from ointment?

- Mikhail Vasilievich Churlyaev, Arkhangelsk region

Hello, dear friends! In order to answer the questions that you asked in letters, in telephone conversations, during our meetings, we would need to turn to the history of ointments and various rubbings...

History of the development of technology for the preparation of dosage forms

Making medicines was similar to cooking - the same techniques: grinding, soaking, boiling, drying. In this case, a variety of magical formulas, spells and rituals were used, the implementation of which should have accompanied the production and use of this or that medicine.

Liquid dosage forms were used in the form of solutions, mixtures, and decoctions for internal and external use.

Ointments, pastes, and patches were used as soft dosage forms. Ointments in ancient Egypt, ancient China, and ancient Rome were made on a fat basis, most often lanolin.

Lanolin was obtained from sheep wool by performing a series of sequential steps - boiling, washing the mixture with sea water, filtering the product, and bleaching it in the sun.

Oils were extracted by squeezing from olives, almonds, nuts, and sesame fruits. Essential oils were extracted from flowers at normal or elevated temperatures by extraction with olive or nut oil. This is how, for example, the well-known rose oil was obtained.

Ancient Egyptian healing agents did not irritate the skin, were shelf stable, and in some cases had a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

The compositions and methods of preparing medicines (including ointments), given in the works of doctors of Ancient Greece, are very diverse. Along with brief information, there are detailed descriptions of the manufacturing technology of these products.

Some ancient Greek medicinal mixtures are difficult to attribute to any specific dosage form. It is characteristic that many widely used products - various oils and fats, honey, wine, juices of various medicinal plants - were “medicinal preparations” and at the same time liquid and viscous (ointment-like) agents, flavor and odor flavoring agents.

The development of medicinal science in Ancient Rome is closely connected with ancient Greek pharmacy.

In the 1st century AD The ancient Roman physician Dioscorides Pedanius, in his essay “On Medicines,” described all the medicines of plant, animal and mineral origin known at that time, and grouped over 500 medicinal plants according to morphological characteristics. It was a breakthrough in pharmacy...

And in the 1st century. AD in Rome, encyclopedic works of Aulus Cornelius Celsus and Pliny the Elder appeared, containing information on medicine, incl. And about preparing medicines.

The greatest physician of Ancient Rome, Galen (130-200), summarized the ideas of ancient medicine in the form of a single doctrine, which had a great influence on the development of natural science until the 15th – 16th centuries.

The reason that prompted Pliny to begin compiling his work was the desire for independence “from the deceptions of doctors,” who often “sold the cheapest medicines for huge amounts of money.” In addition, “some doctors... ailments that could have been eliminated in a few days or even hours were prolonged for a long time in order to have longer income from patients who considered their situation difficult.”

As you can see, back in the 5th – 4th centuries. BC. were formulated, which should not use knowledge and medicines to harm people.

The Hippocratic Oath says exactly this and it is pronounced by almost all doctors in the world when receiving a medical diploma), but medical practice in Ancient Rome sometimes contradicted these fundamental principles.

The Middle Ages (especially the 16th century) was the heyday of iatrochemistry, i.e. "medicinal chemistry". Its founder is considered to be the physician Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, who is better known as Paracelsus. This remarkable doctor and scientist put forward the idea of ​​​​joining chemistry to medicine, which he considered the greatest of sciences.

Paracelsus expressed the main task of chemistry in words that have become immortal: “I consider chemistry necessary, without it there can be no knowledge of medicine. A chemist must be able to extract from every thing something that benefits people. Chemistry has only one purpose: to prepare medicines that restore lost health to people.”

The technology for manufacturing dosage forms did not appear yesterday, it has existed for centuries... Not even centuries, but millennia...

In ancient times, the bases for healing ointments were cow butter, pork, goat, goose and bear lard, wax, vegetable oil, and honey.

Finely ground healing substances were added to the molten base, and the ointment was stirred until cooled. The juice of medicinal plants was injected into some ointments, and then the ointment was heated until the moisture boiled away.

Subsequently, doctors and pharmacists learned to make creams, then gels. So, my friends, about soft dosage forms...

How to prepare ointment, gel, emulgel?

These are the main types of soft dosage forms available now:

  • Ointments.
  • Gels.
  • Jelly.
  • Creams.
  • Liniments.
  • Pastas.
  • Plasters.
  • Suppositories.

Ointments are most often used externally - to affect the skin and mucous membranes (ocular, vaginal, urethral, ​​rectal).

Ointments consist of a hydrophobic (greasy, water-repellent) or hydrophilic (water-based) base and active ingredients evenly distributed in the base.

Sometimes the ointment contains active ingredients that are easily absorbed through the skin into the blood or lymph (for example, ointments containing nitroglycerin as an active ingredient). Some ointments are used as protection against the harmful effects of acids or alkalis on the skin.

Depending on the consistency, ointments themselves are distinguished, as well as gels, jellies, creams, liniments and pastes.

All ointments (gels, jellies, creams, liniments, pastes) are stored in the original packaging, ensuring the stability of the active substance during the specified shelf life, in a cool place, protected from light, unless there are any additional instructions in the instructions for the drug.

Ointment consists of a medicinal substance and a base. Fats of plant and animal origin, fat-like compounds, petroleum products, as well as synthetic substances are used as ointment bases. Ointments vary in properties, color and smell, and are most often stored in a special tube. In general, these are soft, homogeneous in structure masses intended for application to the skin, wounds or mucous membranes.

Cream- another soft form for application to the skin.

Many readers ask me: how is cream different from ointment?

The active ingredients in these forms may be the same, but the bases are always different. Unlike “greasy” ointment, the base of the cream is lighter, it contains emulsion and water. The drug is quickly absorbed and remains in the upper layers of the skin for a long time, practically not entering the bloodstream, so the cream has a strong local effect (including anti-inflammatory) and only a very weak systemic effect (on the entire body).

Ointments form a film on the surface of the skin, which helps create a greenhouse effect. The active substance penetrates deep into the tissue, enters the bloodstream and has a powerful effect on the body as a whole. Thus, cream and ointment solve completely different therapeutic problems.

Paste- this is such a dense ointment that contains at least 20-25% powdery substances, which determines its thick, doughy consistency. This form has a pronounced drying effect, therefore it is used as an astringent, cauterizing and antiseptic agent.

The paste is prescribed for external use for skin diseases or to protect it from damage by chemicals, ultraviolet radiation and other harmful factors.

That is, soft dosage forms are thick mixtures that are most often used externally by rubbing.

They are most often used to treat skin diseases, ruptured ligaments, muscles and some other diseases. Such medications are usually stored in vials, tubes, jars, etc.

I am often asked in letters, in telephone conversations and in personal meetings - what are these gels? I answer you, dear friends...

Gels are transparent ointments on a hydrophilic basis (derivatives of cellulose, gelatin, polymers of acrylic acid and other substances) with active ingredients distributed in it.

There are gels:

  • for external use;
  • ophthalmic;
  • for the nose;
  • dental;
  • for internal use;
  • rectal;
  • vaginal.

Unlike ointments and creams, gels are absorbed much better, do not stain clothes and, perhaps most importantly, release active healing substances more easily. Currently, more and more soft dosage forms are being produced in the form of gels - and judging by your questions, you have paid attention to this, my friends...

Now pay attention, my friends...

Gel- a dosage form of a viscous consistency, possessing a certain degree of elasticity and plasticity. Gels are produced by dissolving solid particles of polymer powder (which is an acid in chemical structure) in water and adding a very small amount (compared to the volume of water) of a neutralizing agent (alkali, soda, ammonium carbonates and bicarbonates, ammonia, triethanolamine). When stirring the mass (approximately 500 rpm), the mixture thickens to form a viscous gel.

The most important difference between cream and gel is texture: the cream contains base and essential oils, the gel does not contain them and evaporates quickly.

The properties of the gel are very similar to ointment, but it has a pH close to the pH of the skin (which is very important!), does not clog pores (which is also important!), is quickly and evenly distributed without leaving a film, and you can add hydrophilic (absorbent) water) medicinal substances - say, or, an analogue of the natural regulator of calcium metabolism at the cellular, membrane level... Or both...

And such a gel eliminates pain in muscles and joints due to salt deposits, bruises, sprains, arthrosis and osteochondrosis of the spine, and neck pain.

And another gel:

  • harmonizes the work of regional microcirculatory circulation, without restoring which it is impossible to cope with the disease (even when using any ultra-modern drugs and treatment methods).
  • restores nutrition to cartilage tissue, joint capsules, and ligaments.
  • promotes the restoration of cartilage tissue (of which the menisci of the knee joints, the cartilaginous layer of the acetabulum are composed - in,).
  • Normalizes the production of intra-articular fluid (in the knee, elbow and other joints).
  • regulates calcium metabolism in bone tissue.
  • prevents the formation of osteophytes (or as they are called in everyday life - thorns) on the articular surfaces of long tubular bones.
  • promotes the rapid formation of callus in fractures, reducing the time of immobilization and restoration of limb function. prevents the formation of a “false joint”.

In a word, modern forms - gel and emulgel - penetrate the skin and under the skin better than ointments and creams.

This, Vera Anatolyevna and Mikhail Vasilyevich, is the information I wanted to tell you.

For vein diseases, the appearance of hemorrhoids, bruises or hematomas, specialists prescribe medications that improve the condition of the veins and have tonic properties. Troxevasin ointment or gel copes well with the tasks.

Troxevasin is a drug that has a tonic effect when applied locally. It is used to improve the functional state of veins in various pathologies. The product is effective when used as a course.

Troxevasin is available in several forms. The most popular are ointment and gel. The main active ingredient in both cases is troxerutin. 1 g of gel contains 2 mg of active substance. This means that the concentration of troxerutin in the gel is 2%. The concentration of the active component in the ointment is similar.

Preparations for external use are produced in aluminum tubes. The weight of the drug in 1 package is 40 g.

The main active ingredient troxerutin is a derivative of rutin and has a positive effect on the condition of the veins. The following types of therapeutic effects are of greatest importance:

  • venotonic effect;
  • hemostatic effect (helps stop minor capillary bleeding);
  • capillarotonic effect (improves the condition of capillaries);
  • anti-exudative effect (reduces swelling, which can be caused by the release of blood from the vessels);
  • anti-inflammatory effect.

Troxevasin prevents the formation of blood clots. It has a superficial effect, penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, but is not absorbed into the bloodstream, so it can be considered relatively harmless.

The drug Troxevasin is prescribed for:

  • thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the veins, which is accompanied by the formation of blood clots);
  • chronic venous insufficiency (heaviness in the legs is often felt);
  • periphlebitis (inflammation of tissue around venous vessels);
  • varicose dermatitis.

The drug helps eliminate the symptoms of sprains and bruises. The product not only strengthens blood vessels, but also slightly relieves pain and promotes rapid resorption of hematomas.

Troxevasin helps eliminate the discomfort that occurs during the development of hemorrhoids and helps strengthen the veins. Its use is the prevention of hemorrhoidal bleeding.

Troxevasin in the form of an ointment or gel is not recommended for use by people with acute infectious skin diseases, intolerance to components, and adolescents under 18 years of age. Age restrictions are imposed due to the fact that the effect of the drug has not been studied well enough.

Pregnancy is not a contraindication to the use of the ointment, but experts recommend refraining from treatment with Troxevasin in the first trimester of pregnancy. It is permissible to use it only after agreement with the doctor and provided that it is impossible to postpone therapy or replace the product with a more natural and completely safe one.

For vein diseases and other pathologies, Troxevasin can only be used on clean and healthy skin. If there are injuries, abrasions, or signs of allergy, therapy should be abandoned.

If signs of capillary fragility are observed against the background of acute respiratory viral diseases or measles, scarlet fever, it is better to use Troxevasin in combination with vitamin C. You can combine external preparations with a tonic effect with tablets and capsules. Troxevasin capsules are much more effective than gel or ointment, but their use has many limitations. To achieve the desired result, it is recommended to combine external and internal medications.

The use of Troxevasin in both forms of release is the same. The product should be applied to problem areas 2 times a day. There is no need to make compresses or apply the drug in a thick layer. It is enough to distribute a small amount of medicine over the surface and rub in lightly. If necessary, after 15 minutes you can blot the skin with a napkin to remove excess product.

To treat hemorrhoids, you can rub a small amount of medicine into the protruding hemorrhoids. If the nodes are internal, you can soak a special tampon with the drug and carefully insert it into the anus for 10-15 minutes.

Troxevasin does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions. You can drive a car immediately after using it. Experts recommend course use. In this case, you will be able to achieve the desired result. If no positive changes are observed 4-5 days after the start of treatment, you should consult a doctor to adjust the treatment regimen.

Comparison of ointment and gel Troxevasin


The main effect of tonics is due to the presence of troxerutin. The concentration of the active substance in both cases is identical, so the products are equally effective.

The preparations contain purified water, trolamine, carbomer, and sodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate.

What is the difference

The Troxevasin gel contains triethanolamine and other compounds that provide the drug with a jelly-like consistency. The main difference between the described release forms is the density and structure of the drug. The gel has a jelly-like consistency and a transparent, slightly yellowish tint. The ointment is thicker. Its color can be called yellowish-cream. The ointment contains thickeners.

Despite the fact that the manufacturer indicates the same expiration date in both cases, after opening the tube the ointment must be used faster. Due to the increased fat content in it, it oxidizes faster and is stored less.

Which is cheaper?

External agents Troxevasin have approximately the same cost. The price of the drug ranges from 170 to 240 rubles.

Troxevasin Neo in gel form is more expensive. Its average price is 340-380 rubles. This remedy is considered more effective. Its formula has been improved. This drug contains heparin and some other expensive compounds.

Which is better: Troxevasin ointment or gel

The described external preparations are approximately the same in effectiveness. The active ingredients in this case are the same. When choosing a drug and its release form, you need to focus on your own preferences and the specific course of the disease.

The gel cools better and relieves swelling. If you have to deal with varicose veins, tired legs, swelling in soft tissues, it is better to choose a gel. But this form of release has a drawback - it is too liquid and difficult to apply to the skin in a thicker layer. When we're talking about For the treatment of external hemorrhoids, it is better to choose an ointment. It is denser, it is convenient for it to soak tampons.

The form of release is important if the patient complains of skin problems. When the surface of the epidermis is dry and thin, it is better to choose Troxevasin cream. The gel is well suited for oily skin. It is convenient to use when traveling, as it is stored better and is not so sensitive to elevated temperatures.

To use Troxevasin for cosmetic purposes (elimination of swelling, bags and dark circles under the eyes), it is better to choose a gel, since the cream has comedogenic properties. Before use, you should consult a cosmetologist.

If we compare the release forms, taking into account the possible harm that can be caused to the body during the treatment process, the risks in the case of using ointment and gel are approximately the same. But allergies to ointment are still more common, since it has a denser structure and is easier to apply to the skin in a thick layer, which can cause itching, hives, and swelling. People with sensitive skin often react negatively to oily products. When applying the ointment to certain areas of the face, the pores become clogged and skin breathing becomes difficult.

Troxevasin: application, release forms, side effects, analogues

Troxevasin | instructions for use (capsules)