How to clean a coat at home. Cleaning coats at home: methods for different types of fabrics. How to clean a drape coat

A cashmere coat has always been considered an item of luxury and style. Indeed, cashmere is a relatively expensive wool fabric that gives items a sophisticated and elegant look. Over time, any item becomes dirty, and a cashmere coat is no exception. In order to clean it, you should know the characteristics of the fabric and the cleaning process itself.


Cashmere is a warm material, albeit thin. It warms well in cold seasons and windy weather. With all this, cashmere is a delicate and sensitive fabric that does not tolerate washing well. Even if the manufacturer states on the label that it is machine washable, there is a risk that the coat will lose its shape and attractive appearance.

Therefore, you should be careful when cleaning cashmere coats and give preference to dry cleaning.

If for some reason it is not possible to clean the coat from dirt, stains and dust using a professional method, then you can do it at home, To do this, you need to know the features of such cleaning:

  • First of all, you should carefully examine the product tag and become familiar with the permitted types of cleaning, drying and ironing;
  • It is necessary to carefully inspect the item for stains and minor dirt. To do this, hang the coat on a hanger or the back of a chair. The main thing is that it is in a vertical position. It is worth carefully examining the “problem areas” - lining, collar, cuffs, armpits;
  • Use a cleaning brush designed for this type of fabric. As a rule, it has soft bristles. You can replace it with a foam roller or a soft cloth. Even using delicate cleaning products, do not rub the coat too hard or brush away dust with sudden movements. All this can lead to tissue deformation;

  • After dry cleaning, use only vertical drying, and for wet washing, use horizontal drying. Such methods will help maintain the shape and attractiveness of the product;
  • After dry cleaning, you can leave the coat over a bowl of hot water. The steam from the water will smooth out all the wrinkles and refresh the color.

Knowing the features of the product, you can easily cope with removing stains at home. There are two main ways to clean cashmere that will help remove more severe stains.

Cleaning methods

Cleaning a cashmere coat at home can be done competently and effectively. To do this, you need to know the features and types of cleaning. In order to rid the coat of stains and dirt, as well as unpleasant odors, you can use the following methods:

  • Dry (dry cleaning);
  • Wet (machine).

The first option involves cleaning the product without using water or using it in small quantities. This method is also suitable for everyday cleansing and giving a stately appearance. Removal of contaminants is carried out using dry substances, and these can be both professional and ingredients that are on hand (bread crumbs, semolina, talc).

Based on reviews, home cleaning in this way is not inferior to professional cleaning in removing debris and giving a fresh look.

This procedure looks like this:

  • Hang the product in a vertical position (it will be most convenient to do this on clothes hangers). Fasten the zipper and all buttons.
  • Carefully inspect the item for small debris, threads and hairs. You can remove them using a clothes roller. If you don't have it on hand, you can use damp rubber gloves or a soft sponge.
  • Brush over the entire surface with a special cashmere brush. You can gently shake it several times. Such manipulations will remove surface debris and dust.
  • For deep cleaning, sprinkle the coat with powder, talcum powder or a special detergent. Then, using a slightly damp brush, gently brush away the cleaning products.

Wet washing involves the use of not only cleaning agents, but also water in sufficient quantity and form. Therefore, steaming and wet wiping the coat with a brush or rag can also be classified as wet washing.

This type of cleaning is used in cases of severe contamination, loss of presentable appearance and the presence of an unpleasant odor. They also use washing before storing clothes for long-term storage.

The main method of wet stain removal is washing by hand or in a machine. If the label on the coat requires this type of washing, then you can clean it in this way at home. Before machine washing, you must remove the fur, if any, and fasten the buttons or zipper. You only need to set the delicate mode, set the temperature to no more than 40 degrees. The spin mode should also be turned off.

You can also remove dirt manually. You will need a bowl of cold water (no higher than 25 degrees) and washing gel. Particular attention should be paid to rinsing. This process should be carried out until all the cleaning substance is released, otherwise stains may remain on the clothes. You shouldn't squeeze it either.. The best option is to wrap your coat in a large towel so that it absorbs all the moisture. After this, the coat should be dried in a horizontal position in a ventilated room.

Types of stains and their cleaning

The result of cleansing largely depends on the type of stains that had to be dealt with. You can also remove dirt and stains from outerwear in the following ways:

  • Small stains, especially on a light coat, can be easily wiped off with a soap solution. To do this, dissolve the soap in 1 liter of warm water and soak a cotton pad in it. Then the dirty area is wiped several times with a clean, damp disc or sponge;
  • You can use talc to remove grease stains and add freshness to your white coat. You will need to apply the substance to the stain in several layers and leave for several hours. The more time passes, the more effective the cleaning will be. Then you should remove the talc from the clothes with a brush;
  • Ammonia will help remove dirt, coffee and tea from the surface. You will need 0.5 teaspoon of alcohol and 1 teaspoon of glycine. Use cotton wool or a sponge soaked in this solution to wipe the stain until it disappears completely. You can also alternate between alcohol and soap solutions. Only after these procedures should you thoroughly rinse the area with clean water so that no stains remain;

  • Vinegar and alcohol will help remove food stains. Mix the ingredients in a 1:1 ratio and moisten a rag or cotton pad. Then remove the stain, but do not do it with sharp and rough movements;
  • Salt will help remove traces of fat or wine. It is necessary to apply salt to this area and wait from 2 to 4 or more hours. Afterwards, shake off the salt with a brush and gently wipe the stain with soapy water;
  • To remove dirt from a black coat, you can use black tea. You will need a cotton wool or sponge soaked in this tea leaves. It wipes the dirty mark several times; if necessary, repeat the procedure.

Rules of care

Proper care of your cashmere item will increase its service life and keep its color fresh. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the following procedures:

  • 2-3 times a week, clean the surface of the product from small debris using a sticky roller. This is necessary for everyday wear. It is also important to brush off dust from your coat at the end of the day using a special brush;
  • After washing, drying the coat using heating devices (iron, heater) is strictly prohibited. For cashmere, only natural drying is allowed;

  • After washing, it is also prohibited to wring out the product in a machine or by twisting. It is better to gently squeeze out the water with your hands;
  • It is not recommended to iron the product; it is better to steam it. If it is not possible to iron with steam, then ironing should be done carefully and carefully. To do this, you need to set the iron to delicate mode. Iron only from the wrong side or using a piece of gauze;
  • When wet cleaning, preference is given to delicate cleaning agents intended for cashmere. And when choosing a stain remover, preference is given to a substance without chlorine and with a high oxygen content. This will allow you to gently and effectively remove dirt without damaging the surface.

To learn how to properly clean a cashmere coat at home, watch the following video.

You have become the owner of a beautiful fashionable coat. Of course, you will try to wear it very carefully in order to show off your fashionable new thing for a long time. But after each season you still have to put your coat in order. And this problem cannot always be solved by simple washing - washing is strictly contraindicated for some fabrics.

Every housewife can deal with the most common stains

And each wash will shorten the life of the coat by at least a year. To avoid this, let's try to take a closer look at how to clean a coat yourself, without resorting to dry cleaners. How to do this with maximum results and not harm tissues, especially natural ones.

Each wash will shorten the life of the coat by at least a year.

To begin with, simply hang the coat on hangers and closely examine it from different lighting angles. This is the only way we can detect all the stains and understand whether simply brushing will be enough. It is necessary to deal with individual stains; there may be serious work ahead. Take a close look at the places that get dirty first: collar, sleeves, pocket flaps. Most likely, spots, stains and pellets will be concentrated there.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the collar, sleeves, pocket flaps

Then study the label. Manufacturers always indicate the composition of the fabric and give general recommendations for care, including how to clean the coat from dirt.

Manufacturers always indicate the fabric composition on the labels and give general care recommendations.

Important! Mixed fabrics are the easiest to care for; synthetics allow you to use serious means and methods. But natural fibers from wool, cotton or linen require a delicate approach.

Unless the label contains special instructions, washing is permissible only if the wool content of the fabric is less than 70%

Basic Rules

Although modern coats are varied in fabrics and styles, there are general rules for how to clean a coat at home:

  • if the label does not contain special instructions, washing is permissible only if the wool content of the fabric is less than 70% (in a delicate cycle);
  • the fur trim should dry naturally, without a hair dryer or radiator;
  • the cleaning agent is first tested on a small area of ​​the fabric from the inside out;
  • stains are removed from the edge to the center;
  • before cleaning, place a soft cloth (towel) under the contaminated area to get rid of excess moisture;
  • iron the coat after cleaning, starting with the sleeves, then the shoulders and front, at the very end the collar and lapels are put in order;
  • If the fabric has a pile, you need to iron it in its direction.

After cleaning, the coat is ironed, starting with the sleeves, then the shoulders and front, and at the very end the collar and lapels are tidied up.

Let's start cleaning

Let's take a closer look at the process of cleaning coats made from specific types of fabric. First, some tips for caring for natural fiber products.

A drape coat is afraid of washing and is prone to shrinkage

Drape is a dense and heavy fabric made of wool, which has many advantages: it does not wrinkle, does not fade, and does not fade. But at the same time, a drape coat is afraid of washing and is prone to shrinkage. Only hand washing is allowed at a temperature not exceeding 30°C and only as a last resort. First, a tip on how to clean a drape coat from dust. All you need to do is gently brush it with a stiff brush in the direction of the pile. If there is a lot of dust, arm yourself with rye bread. After spreading your coat on the floor, crumble the bread crumb. Then use your palms to roll it into balls along with the dust that spoils the appearance of your coat. The pellets can then simply be brushed off with a brush. Stains can be removed with a mild cleaning agent diluted in water. This is a universal technique when you need to clean a wool coat - drape or tweed. Wet the stain, give the product time to work, and use a clean, damp sponge to remove the detergent. Do not forget to dry the product after this by hanging it on hangers in a ventilated area.

Elastic tweed is not recommended to be washed at all. A vacuum cleaner will save your tweed coat from dust. Sometimes it is enough to dry the dirt and then vacuum the contaminated area. But if the dirt has already become ingrained, you can do the same manipulations as with the drape - moisten it with a cleaning agent and brush it. If the need arises, the problem of how to clean a coat from pellets can be solved using a special machine. Isn't it always at hand? Use tape or a special adhesive roller. It will easily collect almost all pellets, lint and remaining dust. A sticky roller is generally convenient for quick cleaning, because it won’t even cause problems like cleaning a coat of pet hair. Just remember to periodically replace the adhesive roller with a new one.

Some types of cashmere can be machine washed, but do not spin or dry

Cashmere is more delicate, because it is made from the finest down of mountain goats. This fabric is very sensitive to any impact. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to how to clean a cashmere coat without damaging the fabric. Remove dust from it with a soft, slightly damp cloth. Small greasy stains are soaked in gasoline (but not aviation gasoline!), then sprinkled with talcum powder. When the stain is dry, use a brush to remove any remaining particles. Stains of fatty origin are removed from the inside out, placing a clean cloth on the front. The armpit area is cleaned of sweat using soap (lye) and ammonia. Wipe the area with the stain first with an alkaline solution, then with ammonia, and then clean with a clean damp cloth.

The armpit area is cleaned of sweat using soap (lye) and ammonia

If the nature of the stain is unknown, try a mixture of glycerin and ammonia in equal proportions. Some types of cashmere can be machine washed, but do not spin or dry. You will have to manually squeeze out the moisture (without twisting) and dry it unfolded on a horizontal surface. You can't hang it up to avoid stretching it. You can’t iron cashmere either, you can only steam it.

Coats made from other wool fabrics can be cleaned using the same techniques. Shiny or worn areas (cuffs and pockets) are treated with a mixture of ammonia (1 part) and salt (4 parts). Alcohol stains can be removed with vinegar and alcohol in equal proportions.

Alcohol stains can be removed with vinegar and alcohol in equal proportions.

Important! Leather and suede cannot be washed.

Dust can be easily removed with a damp cloth. The soap solution will remove small stains and plaque. But let’s say especially how to clean the collar of a coat made of leather or suede. To do this, take alcohol, glycerin and lemon. After removing the dirt with alcohol, treat the collar with lemon juice and lubricate it with glycerin. Suede is wiped only “in the pile”. Glossy areas on suede are wiped with a solution of milk and soda.

Suede is wiped only “in the pile”

Stains on the leather are destroyed by table vinegar, and it is enough to treat suede with a school eraser. If there is a need to clean the lining, it can be washed by hand by turning the coat inside out. After cleaning, allow the leather to dry completely, otherwise the product will become deformed. The resulting creases can be carefully straightened out over steam.

For decades now, such outerwear as a coat has occupied one of the dominant places in the wardrobe, despite the wide popularity of various jackets and Bolognese jackets.

Various materials of manufacture, a variety of styles and cuts do not allow this item to go out of fashion.

The more often and more intensively it is worn, the faster it is susceptible to contamination.

In order for this element of the wardrobe to have a well-groomed and neat appearance, it should be cared for on time and with high quality. We will look at how to clean a coat at home without washing and how to do it correctly below.

There are certain cases when it is better to use dry cleaning services rather than try to remove some dirt yourself, which will entail more negative consequences than benefits. Such cases include:

  • the presence of information on the clothing label, which states that manual cleaning is inadmissible;
  • if the coat has light colors, it is not recommended to resort to cleaning it yourself; this will worsen the quality of the color;
  • if the contamination is in the nature of stains from fuel oil, machine oil or similar;
  • Leather coats should not be exposed to solvents or degreasers, so as not to damage the protective film, color and integrity of the product; it is better to dry clean it;
  • stains that did not come out after some manipulations;
  • if the coat is expensive, and the proposed means are questionable.

Cleaning Methods

Considering that ideally, caring for a coat should occur regularly before putting on and after wearing, there are three main methods for doing this:

  1. dry. This involves treating the coat with a special brush with soft bristles and a variety of aerosols, foams and powders designed to absorb dirt without using water.
  2. The wet method is based on the use of cleaning agents mixed in water on certain local areas of the item. Wiping it with wet wipes or a sponge. This method also includes steaming the coat with an iron or steam generator.
  3. Wash. This approach is acceptable with the permission of the outerwear manufacturer and can be carried out automatically or manually using gels.

Which method to choose will depend on the level of contamination and the material of the product.

Ordinary daily cleaning includes cleaning the fabric with a clean, dry brush to remove dust; thorough cleaning should be carried out at the end of the season before long-term storage.

Preparing the coat

At the beginning of any cleaning, the main thing is to prepare the item for it, namely:

  • Having studied the information on the label, choose a cleaning method;
  • inspect pockets for foreign objects;
  • shake out your coat;
  • Having hung it on a hanger, carefully examine it to detect contaminated areas and their degree. The collar, areas near the pockets and the inside of the sleeves are most susceptible to this;
  • Before the main cleaning method, it would be appropriate to walk over the product with a brush to remove dry dirt and dust;
  • test the prepared solutions and products on an inconspicuous area.

How to clean a wool coat at home

The most efficient way to clean a wool coat at home is using the dry method.

If woolen fabric is diluted with other materials and if the manufacturer allows it, in some cases it can be washed.

For daily care, it will be enough to use a roller with adhesive tape, which will remove hair, thread and a soft brush to remove dust from clothes. It is allowed to slightly wet the brush for greater effect.

Despite the enormous popularity of outerwear made from bologna and other waterproof fabrics, classic coats do not lose their relevance. A variety of colors and styles allows you to “fit” this wardrobe item into almost any look. One of its disadvantages is that it is difficult to care for. Careless self-washing can lead to deformation of the product, and dry cleaning requires financial costs. Let's look at how to clean a coat at home without washing to refresh its appearance, and how to wash it properly.

You should take care of your coat every day before or after putting it on. It is enough to walk over the fabric with a dry brush to remove dust and small debris. It makes sense to carry out “general” cleaning of the coat at the end of the season or when significant dirt (stains, shiny areas) and an unpleasant odor appear.

Basic ways to clean a coat at home:

  1. Dry. It involves treating the product with a soft bristle brush and using various products in the form of powders or aerosols, the purpose of which is to absorb dirt without the use of water.
  2. Wet. This involves using water and cleaning agents in individual areas, as well as wiping the entire product with a damp sponge or brush. In addition, this type of cleaning can include steaming the coat using an iron or steam generator.
  3. Wash. Can be done manually or in a washing machine using powder or gel products. Only suitable for certain types of fabric.

The choice of cleaning method depends on the degree of contamination and type of material. It is very important to read the product label. It indicates the composition of the fabric and the rules for caring for it: washability, water temperature, ironing mode, and so on.


Before you clean your coat, you need to properly prepare it:

  1. Check your pockets and take everything out. Shake the thing out.
  2. In a well-lit place, hang the coat on hangers or lay it out on a horizontal surface. Inspect it carefully to see the dirtiest areas. The collar, sleeves and pockets get dirty the most. In addition, you should look for any stains on the lining and front surface.
  3. Pre-dry clean with a brush to remove most of the dirt and dust.
  4. After studying the label, decide on the processing method. Test the effect of the selected drug on an inconspicuous area of ​​tissue.

Let's figure out how you can dry and wet clean coats made from the most popular materials - drape and wool.

Cashmere coat

When figuring out how to clean a cashmere coat at home, you should know that the genuine material is made exclusively from the hair of Kashmiri goats. This soft and warm fabric is very expensive. In mass production, cashmere substitutes are most often used, which are created from fibers of wool, lavsan, cotton, viscose, and so on. Therefore, the compositions of different “cashmere” products may differ significantly.

In many cases, a cashmere coat can be washed by hand or on a delicate cycle using liquid detergents at a temperature not exceeding 30 °C. The product must not be crushed or wrung out. It is necessary to hang it over the bathtub so that most of the water drains off, and then lay it horizontally on a terry towel.

If there is no information on the manufacturer's label that allows washing, or the item is not very dirty, it is better to wet clean individual areas. Let's figure out how you can clean a coat yourself at home without washing if it is made of cashmere.

To remove stains, you can use one of the following recipes:

  1. . Combine vinegar (ammonia) with glycerin in equal parts. Apply to stained area for 20 minutes.
  2. . If you have a question about how to clean a light coat, the best way to apply talc is to sprinkle it on the mark and leave it for 2-3 hours, then remove it with a brush. Refined gasoline can be used on colored fabrics. Soak a cotton pad in it and rub the stain until it comes off.
  3. Fresh traces of food and drinks (coffee,). Sprinkle the stain with fine salt. Once it absorbs the dirt, shake it off.

After using one of the described products, the residual mark is removed using a soft sponge and a solution of laundry soap. At the end, the area should be treated with clean water and blotted with a terry cloth. To refresh the entire coat, you should first brush it with a dry brush and then with a slightly damp one and let it dry in the fresh air in the shade or on the balcony.

Tip: When removing stains, move from the edges to the center. It is better to prop up the lining. A light cotton towel should be placed under the area to be treated so that the contamination does not “imprint” on other layers.

Read also:- Basic Rules.

Drape coat

When solving the problem of how to clean a drape coat at home without washing, it is important to consider that this fabric consists of two layers of woolen threads and is very thick. It is not recommended to wash it yourself. Cleaning must be dry or wet.

Treatment algorithm for minor contamination:

  1. Hang your coat on hangers.
  2. Brush along the entire length with a dry brush in the direction of the pile.
  3. Wet the brush and process the product again.
  4. Leave to dry in a ventilated room.

If a wardrobe item or its individual elements need serious cleaning, you can use one of the following methods:

  1. Dissolve carpet cleaner in water. Foam it and apply it to the fabric, but do not let it get wet. After the foam has dried, remove it with a brush.
  2. Crumble the rye crumb onto a black coat laid out on the table. Roll the crumbs over the fabric with your hands. Use a brush to remove the resulting bread balls that have absorbed dirt.
  3. Dissolve a little fabric softener in warm water. Soak a sponge or microfiber cloth in the liquid and wipe the coat in the direction of the pile. Wash the sponge/napkin in clean water and treat the product again.

When solving the problem of how to clean a white coat, it is better to use Vanish carpet powder:

  1. Place the product on the table.
  2. Sprinkle the product on it.
  3. Rub it into the fibers with your hands (wearing gloves).
  4. After an hour, remove the powder with a dry brush and walk over the fabric with a damp sponge.

A safe alternative to Vanish is baking soda. It is applied in a similar way.

To clean stains and heavily soiled areas:

  1. Combine washing gel, powder or laundry soap shavings with water in a ratio of 1:4. Mix.
  2. Soak a sponge in the solution and treat the problem area. The fibers should become damp.
  3. After 20-30 minutes, rub the fabric with a sponge or brush soaked in clean water.
  4. Remove any remaining moisture with a napkin.

Note: If after cleaning there is a need to iron the coat, you should set the iron temperature to no higher than 200 °C and place a cotton towel on top of the product. In addition, you can use a steamer.

Wool coat

When thinking about how to clean a wool coat at home, you need to remember that this fabric requires careful handling. Cleaning steps:

Start by inspecting the product. Determine the scope of work: you just need to brush off the dust and lint, or there is a big wash ahead. Study, find out what material the coat is made of. If the composition is mixed, rely on the presence of natural fibers. Synthetic additives improve the fabric and make it easier to care for, while materials of plant and animal origin are more demanding to clean.

Pay attention to the manufacturer's advice: what temperature should the water be, is it possible to use a washing machine, how to iron and dry the product. Don't neglect this information. Proper care will extend the life of your coat and maintain its original appearance.

When is the best time to go to the dry cleaner?

  • When the label directly states such a need.
  • If you are the happy owner of a snow-white coat: any manipulations can only stain the product or make the color dull.
  • If there are machine oil or fuel oil stains on your coat, they are difficult to remove and there is a high risk of ruining your clothes.
  • If there are greasy stains on a leather coat: solvents will damage the integrity and color of the leather, and degreasers will damage its protective film.
  • If the stains cannot be removed on your own.
  • If you are not confident in your abilities or it is very expensive for you.

How to clean a coat made from natural fabric

Drape coat

Drape is a heavy, dense woolen fabric that does not fade, wrinkle, or fade. Since products made from natural wool are sensitive to hot water (they may shrink in size), we will clean the drape coat using the dryest methods possible.

  • To remove dust, use a coarse brush in the direction of the pile.
  • Rye bread will also help cope with dust: spread your coat on the floor and crumble the crumb on top. Then roll the crumbs over the surface of the fabric until balls form. Brush off any remaining crumbs (don't brush them off if you want to become a favorite of the local pigeons).
  • Try to remove stains on your outerwear without washing. Dissolve a little mild detergent in water and dampen the stains on the drape with this liquid. Wait 5-10 minutes and wipe the coat with a damp sponge to remove soap particles.
  • As a last resort, you can try washing the coat, but preferably by hand and in lukewarm water (no more than 30 °C).
  • After all bath procedures, be sure to dry the drape properly. Hang it on a hanger in a well-ventilated area. Give the coat time to dry completely so that it does not lose its shape.

Tweed coat

Tweed is an elastic wool fabric with a small pile. It gets dirty a little, practically does not wrinkle and lasts a long time.

  • To remove dust, vacuum the coat.
  • If the tweed is stained, dry the stain and then brush off the dirt. This may be enough.
  • If dirt has become embedded in the fabric, do the same as with a drape: moisten the dirt with soapy water, and then comb it with a damp brush.
  • It is highly undesirable to wash a tweed coat. If this is necessary, do not use a washing machine and do not leave the fabric in water for a long time. Wash and rinse tweed by hand in warm (no more than 30 °C) water.
  • Dry your coat properly: on a horizontal surface between two towels to avoid deformation.
  • You need to iron tweed from the wrong side, placing a damp cloth between the fabric and the iron.

Cashmere coat

Cashmere is an airy undercoat combed from the barrels of fluffy mountain goats. This is a very soft and delicate material, sensitive to external influences. Therefore, we will treat him extremely courteously.

  • To remove dust from your coat, wipe it with a damp cloth.
  • Soak greasy stains with a small amount of purified gasoline, and sprinkle talcum powder on top. Once dry, brush off any remaining residue. If necessary, repeat the procedure again.
  • To remove sweat stains, prepare cotton wool, soap and ammonia. First, wipe the stain with a swab soaked in soapy water, then with ammonia, and then with a damp cloth.
  • To remove a stain whose origin you cannot identify, mix glycerin and ammonia in equal proportions and rub the stained area with the mixture several times. Then remove any remaining liquid with a damp cloth.
  • Read the label carefully: some types of cashmere cannot be machine washed.
  • If your coat can be washed (when it is really necessary), choose a delicate cycle without spinning, a water temperature no higher than 30 ° C and liquid detergents. Remember: cashmere should not be rubbed or twisted, otherwise it will lose its shape.
  • To properly dry cashmere, lightly wring it out with your hands after washing and place it on a towel spread on a horizontal surface away from heaters and direct sunlight. Do not dry your coat on hangers to prevent it from stretching.
  • If you want to iron cashmere, do it only with steam, without touching the surface of the fabric.

Coats made from other types of wool

If you understand that your coat is made from the down of some animals, but do not understand which ones, follow the general recommendations for caring for woolen products. Before using any cleaning method, test it on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​clothing.

  • Remove dust and small lint with a soft, dry brush or roller with adhesive tape.
  • To add shine to a dark-colored item, wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in strong black tea.
  • Worn areas on the collar or sleeves can be treated with a mixture of ammonia and salt in a ratio of 1:4. Problem areas are rubbed with it, and the remains are cleaned with a brush.
  • Clean any stains from the edges to the center: this will prevent streaks from appearing on the fur.
  • Remove greasy stains from the inside of the product using a cotton swab moistened with purified gasoline. Place a piece of clean cloth on the outside of the stain. When the dirt disappears, wipe everything with a damp cloth.
  • Alcohol stains can be removed with vinegar and alcohol. Mix the liquids in equal proportions, moisten a cotton swab with the solution and wipe the stain.
  • Other stains can be removed using a soapy solution with ammonia. To 100 ml of warm water, add a tablespoon of liquid soap and ammonia. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and treat the stains with it. Then remove any remaining soap with a damp cloth. For prevention, carry out this procedure regularly.
  • If the coat can be washed (there is an inscription about this on the label), do it by hand in water not hotter than 30 ° C so that the product does not shrink. Preferably with a special detergent for wool. Do not twist or rub the coat to avoid creases.
  • Dry all items horizontally, lined with towels to absorb moisture. If you hang a natural coat on hangers, it can stretch out due to its own weight, so it’s better not to take risks.

Leather coat

Leather is a durable and flexible material. It is versatile and durable. A leather coat not only gets dirty a little and is comfortable to wear, but also never goes out of style.

  • To clean the leather from dust, wipe it with a damp cloth.
  • Light stains and deposits can be removed by a solution of ammonia in soapy water (1-2 tablespoons of alcohol and liquid soap per glass of water is enough). Wipe the coat with a sponge soaked in the resulting liquid, and then with a clean damp cloth to remove any remaining soap. It is useful to carry out such cleaning regularly to improve the appearance of the leather product.
  • Greasy areas on the collar and sleeves are wiped with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol, then with lemon juice, and then with a glycerin solution.
  • Wipe salt stains on your coat with table vinegar: it will wash away salt traces and give the skin shine.
  • A leather coat cannot be soaked in water for a long time, but the lining of the product often requires washing. Turn the coat inside out, wet and soap the lining where necessary. Hand wash stains and rinse fabric using minimal water. You can simply remove the soap with a damp cloth.
  • When finished, hang the coat on a hanger and leave to dry completely. Do not wear wet leather items: they may stretch.

Suede coat

Suede is a soft and velvety tanned leather that is durable and pleasant to the touch. Despite the apparent difficulty of care, suede can be cleaned at home.

  • Remove dust from your coat using a cotton swab with ammonia. Wipe the product in the direction of the pile.
  • To get rid of greasy stains and shiny places, dilute a teaspoon of soda in 100 ml of milk. Apply the solution to the coat for a few minutes, and then treat it with a brush, preferably special for suede.
  • Starch will also help with oily skin: sprinkle it on problem areas, and brush off after a couple of hours.
  • Erase stains on suede with a crust of bread or a school eraser.
  • Creases can be removed by holding the coat over steam and then straightening it on a table or hanger.
  • Suede can be rinsed in 3o-degree soapy water and then rinsed in clean water. Do not soak the coat, do not rub or twist it when washing. To prevent the suede from becoming rough, rub it with a glycerin solution (½ teaspoon per liter of water).
  • Dry the product properly: lay the coat on a flat surface, wipe with a dry towel and leave until completely dry.
  • If the coat is wrinkled, you can iron it only from the inside out at the minimum temperature.

By the way, artificial suede differs from natural one in that it cannot be washed. To clean such a coat, mix water with any mild detergent until foam forms and apply it to the stains. Wait a couple of minutes, scrub with a sponge if necessary, and then remove any remaining soap with a napkin or cloth.

How to Clean a Faux Fabric Coat

Polyester coat

Polyester is a special type of synthetic fabric made from polyester fibers. It wrinkles little, retains its shape well and is easy to wash.

  • Dust can be removed with a brush or simply by thoroughly shaking the coat.
  • To remove stains, use a stain remover (check the reaction on a small area of ​​fabric first).
  • Treat difficult stains with table salt: sprinkle on the stains, and after half an hour, wash off with soapy water.
  • Remove the most stubborn stains using a 10% borax solution: apply it to the coat, then wipe the stain with lemon juice, and then remove the residue with a damp cloth.
  • The coat can be washed by hand in water no hotter than 30°C, without twisting or creasing the fabric.
  • Wash polyester in the washing machine with a mild detergent. Choose a delicate or synthetic mode.
  • Do not wash polyester in hot water or use bleach as this will damage the fabric.

Neoprene coat

Neoprene is an artificial foam rubber covered on both sides with fabric. Neither water nor stains linger on neoprene, and bacteria do not multiply. It does not wrinkle or wear out.

  • Did you manage to get it dirty? Feel free to throw your coat in the washing machine: delicate cycle, temperature no higher than 30 °C, soft powder. You will have to wash it twice: first the outer surface, then the inside.
  • Also dry the coat on both sides, avoiding direct sunlight. Periodically turn it inside out and back again.
  • That's it, your neoprene coat is ready. Remember: these non-breathable ones are not recommended to be worn for more than 2-3 hours a day.

Did you manage to clean your coat using our tips? Share in the comments what compliments your shiny new outerwear received on your last walk.