Short quotes about girls. Aphorisms about girls

Every girl is the keeper of women's mysteries. There are cases when peasant girls look like queens, in body and soul.
Georg Lichtenberg

How wonderful it is when a girl forgets that she is well brought up.
Karl Kraus

In the forties, to conquer a girl, one had to be a soldier; in the fifties - a Jew; in the sixties - blacks. Now, to conquer a girl, you need to be a girl.
Mort Sal

One girl may be pretty, but a dozen girls are just a choir.
Francis Scott Fitzgerald

A girl is an oven in which a woman is baked little by little.
Magdalena the Pretender

Anatomy is something that everyone has, but girls have it much better.
Acrered E. Newman

A girl's dress often shows bad taste and good shape.

There are two types of girls: some knit sweaters, others stuff them.
D. Davi

Guys think that the bigger a girl's breasts, the dumber she is. And in my opinion, the more breasts a girl has, the more stupid a guy becomes.
Anita Wise

When a forty-year-old man falls in love with a twenty-year-old girl, he is not looking for her youth, but his own.
Lenore Coffey

Modesty adorns a girl only up to sixteen years.
Maria Rozanova

In my time, young girls were under no circumstances allowed to read the books they now write themselves.
French reviewer on Françoise Sagan's first novel "Hello melancholy" (1954)

Usually it is interesting to talk with a girl until she starts talking.

Poor girls! They have to pretend to be smart to get a job and stupid to get a husband.

Acceleration: Girls look like girls, girls look like women, and women look like men.
Arkady Davidovich

The girl we have been waiting for all our lives is a grandmother for a long time.
Arkady Davidovich

Whenever I meet a girl who cooks like my mother, she looks like my mother.
Tony Randa

Girls need to oblige the whole world And buy ice cream.
Arkady Davidovich

Twenty years ago there were many words that you could say to a girl. You can still say all these words, except for the word "girl".
Tom Lehrer

A girl with a future should avoid men with a past.
folk wisdom

Any girl can be charming; all it takes is to stand still and look like a fool.
X. Lammar

When she gets married, a girl changes the attention of many men for the inattention of one.
X. Rowland

A modest girl does not cross her legs. A modest girl does not spread her legs when she sits. A modest girl does not show her legs. For real shy girl has no legs at all.
I. Ipohorskaya

A girl is adorned with modesty if there are no other decorations.
author unknown

A girl who is easy to conquer is often difficult to endure.
author unknown

A girl needs some experience to kiss like a beginner.

If you want to know the shortcomings of a girl, praise her in front of her friends.
B. Franklin

The most difficult thing for a girl is to convince her boyfriend that he cannot live without her.
I. Ipohorskaya

It's easier to stop the rain than a girl about to get married.
Abkhaz saying

It is worth being a decent girl: at least no one will envy you.
V. Blonskaya

In the forties, to conquer a girl, one had to be a soldier; in the fifties - a Jew; in the sixties - blacks. Now, to conquer a girl, you need to be a girl.
author unknown

Girls who know spelling really well don't wear too short skirts.
I. Ipohorskaya

Good girls keep diaries bad girls there is no time for this.
T. Bankhead

It's not what the young girls know that worries the mother, but how they learned it.
I. Ipohorskaya

Until recently, young girls were under no circumstances allowed to read the books they now write themselves.
I. Ipohorskaya

You can learn a lot from inexperienced girls.
D. Casanova

Another girl is willingly sold, but by no means agrees to give herself up.
N. Chamfort

Touchy - a girl who never ceases to refuse you what you do not intend to ask her.
R. Merle

Money and girls are two opposite links hourglass. How more love, the more free space in a wallet.

Almost every girl faces a choice in her life: to part with honor or with a guy. In this case, always keep your innocence - loving boyfriend will wait as long as it takes.

The girl has red calendar days - not holidays at all. Just at this time her boyfriend will rest.

Often, girls resemble a bullet wound with a displaced center of gravity. Wherever the bullet hits, it still stops the heart, hits the pocket, and then also goes sideways.

A real girl should be able to sew, cook and cut. So that later, having married a respectable businessman, she could control the work of servants - a cook, a hairdresser and a dressmaker.

Often girls seem stupid. But this is a misleading impression. Just the mind of a girl can only be appreciated by a real man.

Girls, shooting with eyes, do not leave the wounded.

Nothing hurts a girl's pride so much as her own unclaimed honor.

And the beauty does not interfere with the mind. – Azerbaijani proverb

If a girl has a lot of guys, no one needs her. If a guy has a lot of girls, everyone needs him.

From the instructions for dealing with girls: before use - chat.

Quantity pretty girls increases by an order of magnitude in the spring.

There are two types of girls in this hostel: “better than nothing” and “better than nothing”.

Girls, do not take what lies badly - take what is well worth it!

Very often, in order to give the impression of being smart, a woman needs to look stupid. – Olga Anina

A girl is like a bullet with a displaced center of gravity: it hits the eye, passes through the heart, hits the pocket and exits sideways.

The girl was clearly looking for a treat...

The girl wants to first go to restaurants in order to understand whether it is worth going to bed with the guy. And the guy wants to put the girl to bed as soon as possible in order to understand whether it is worth taking her to restaurants?

Nothing adorns a girl's ankles like panties.

What is the most clever woman? The one that I want to thank even for the refusal. - Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

Girls are angels, but if they break their wings ... then you have to fly on a broomstick!

Girls are the only specialty where it is better not to deal with a professional.

Girls dress the way they want. Do they really want that?

A girl is like a tin can: she opens one, but many use it ...

All girls want ... but not with all.

A girl who wears zippers shouldn't live alone. — John Druten

Girl like slot machine- You spend money, but it is not known whether it will give or not.

The mind is given to a woman in order to hide her character.

The bride is a girl with high hopes for unlikely happiness.

Our town is small - a decent girl, except to get married, and there is nowhere to go!

Stocks of girls are huge, and access to them is limited.

Give a girl only a husband, and married woman give it all.

A smart girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she's left.

The beauty will never be able to do what the clever one is trying to achieve. – Petr Andreevich Pavlenko

The girl should be seduced, not asked.

For some reason, even very fragile girls break for a long time ...

Lying is a girl's favorite pastime, apart from striptease.

A useless girl is one that can neither be brought into the light nor led into the darkness.

Favorable winds can, at most, lift the skirt of a passing girl. – Stanislav Jerzy Lec

A smart man will laugh it off in front of his wife, and a smart woman will always justify herself in front of her husband. Vietnamese proverb

A pretty girl can wear almost anything or almost nothing.

How many good girls ... secretly dream about bad things.

Not every girl believes in love at first sight, because it is difficult to estimate by eye how much someone earns.

The girl went to the sea. She herself did not rest, and did not give others ...

The best diet for the wallet is a girl.

A serious relationship is when a young man begins to leave the girl's apartment with garbage.

Nothing makes a girl as bright and attractive as the simplicity and modesty of her girlfriends.

Not all girls are late for a date, some don't show up at all.

A girl is like a joker: you don’t know in advance which card she will go for. But often this is determined by the cards with which it lies next to.

Did you know that the more fragile the girl, the longer it takes to break?

Anyone can have dinner with a girl. Well, breakfast is worth it!

If you invited a girl to dance, and she agreed ... Do not be happy - at first you still have to dance.

The best decoration for a girl is modesty and a transparent dress.

It's a paradox, but the cheaper the girls, the less they break ...

The girl was thin and fragile, so she did not break for long ...

The most terrible weapon in the hands of a girl is the steering wheel.

If a girl knows her worth, then she has called her more than once.

If a girl did not agree to sleep with you on the first date, then she has plans for you. If she did not agree on the second one, it means great views. If you didn’t agree on the third one, forget everything I told you before.

If a girl loves, she is a slave; if a girl is loved, she is a goddess.

The girl does not even think about what she lacks until her friend boasts.

If girls thought not about how to get married, but about how to learn to love, maybe there would be no divorces.

Girls learn to feel faster than boys learn to think. – Voltaire

If a girl says: “No time!”, It means “Never!”. If a girl says: "Never!", It means - "Not now!". And if a girl says: “Not now!”, It means “What are you waiting for?!”

When meeting a girl, the main thing is to show that the ceiling of your interests is above the level of the sexual question.

What is it - both of my girls are cheating on me ...

Some girls can get any man they like; others like any man they can get their hands on.

Hunger than a student can only be a student who also has a girlfriend ...

If you don't have a girlfriend, then someone has two...

If a girl goes over the princes on a white horse for too long and meticulously, sooner or later she will have to go over the horses.

The girl is not a sparrow: she will fly in - you won’t feed ...

Those who go to bed early get married late.

A girl, like a patron, can misfire at any moment. So you need to have a whole clip.

The female matures when the male is just hatching. – Woyzeck Bartoszewski

If you want to know the shortcomings of a girl, praise her in front of her friends.

Girls can do anything, only some are shy.

If a girl has a lot of guys, no one needs her. If a guy has a lot of girls, everyone needs him.

The girl who laughs is already half conquered.

If a girl offers a hand and a heart, do not be greedy - take only the latter.

In college, a girl spends four years learning how to behave in good society, and the rest of his life trying to find this society. (American proverb)

Leaving a girl to join the army is like leaving a bottle of vodka on the street and coming back for it two years later.

Yes, good girls many, but bad ones are in demand.

A beautiful girl is when, looking at her erotic photo, first of all, you pay attention to her face.

If you notice that the favor of your girlfriend directly depends on how much money you spent on her, then your girlfriend is a user. If you don’t notice anything like that, then she is an advanced user.

Girls are like parking spots: a little late, but the best ones are already all taken.

Beauty is a terrible force, because it is impossible to resist it. Beauty always catches the eye, captivates the breath and impresses the imagination. What is beauty? It is perhaps difficult to answer this question, because real beauty cannot be described in words, it must be felt. Beauty is different. The external beauty of a person, nature or thing is available to everyone, everyone can see it. But there is still inner beauty, the beauty of the soul. Although it is hidden from public view, it is no less important than the external one. If a person is rotten inside, has an evil and envious nature, then his appearance is worthless. Even the most expensive cosmetics and outfits cannot replace the lack of beauty inside.

You can talk a lot about beauty, because it is endless. Wherever you look, everything is beautiful. In this collection, we invite you to get acquainted with statements about beauty. Also here you will find quotes of the fair sex, who in all ages were considered the standard of beauty. In addition, we have prepared for you a selection of beauty quotes on English language. Read quotes, let them multiply your inner beauty. After all, if your inner world rich in beauty, so the appearance will be beautiful.

Beauty rarely goes hand in hand with wisdom. (Petronius)

Beauty just gets in the way of wisdom...

This is her custom: beauty is always right. (Babur Z.)

Where there is beauty, there is nothing to prove.

Beautiful birds sing worse than others. The same applies to people. IN artsy style don't look for a deep thought. (Lichtenberg G.)

Behind pretentiousness, as a rule, lies uncertainty.

Beauty is like gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is. ( Francis Bacon)

Beauty lies in simplicity.

Beauty is something that belongs exclusively to taste. (KantImmanuel)

The absence of taste entails the absence of beauty.

Beauty is also a virtue, a beautiful woman cannot have flaws. (Shiller F.)

Beauty is one continuous dignity, that says it all.

Only those who look at you with tenderness have beautiful eyes ...

What is dear to the heart is always beautiful.

Love is the desire to enjoy beauty. Beauty is a kind of radiance that attracts the human soul. ( Marsilio Ficino)

Beauty is not enough to see, it must be felt.

There are many people with beautiful appearance, which, however, have nothing to brag about inside. (Cooper James Fenimore)

If there is no inner beauty, then the price of outer beauty is worthless.

A beautiful woman is heaven for the eyes, hell for the soul, and purgatory for the pocket. (Bernard Fontenel)

Beauty requires investment ...)

It is a sin if a woman looks less beautiful than she could be. (Miguel Cervantes de Saavedra)

How beautiful a woman is depends not on nature, but on herself ...

A young beautiful woman is a miracle of nature. A middle-aged beautiful woman is a miracle of art. (Yanina Ipohorskaya)

The older a woman is, the more she has to work on her beauty.

A beautiful woman should not be too smart - it distracts attention. (Marc Gilbert Sauvageon)

If a woman is both beautiful and smart, then men are simply afraid of her.

A beautiful woman feels free. (Joseph Geyts)

Beauty gives freedom and the right to choose.

A beautiful woman always feels happy. (Joseph Geyts)

At least one thing she is definitely satisfied with her appearance.

There are no beautiful women - there are ugly and well-made. ( Oscar Wilde)

Beauty is the work of hands and no fraud)

The French say: “If a girl is ugly, then nature is to blame, if a woman is ugly, she herself is to blame.”

Nature gives beauty, which then needs to be monitored.

Beauty is a sense of self and it reflects in your eyes. (Sophia Loren)

To see beauty, you need to look into the eyes.

Taking care of beauty, one must start from the heart and soul, otherwise no cosmetics will help! ( )

Beauty must come from within.

Age for a woman is not the most important thing: you can be amazing at 20, charming at 40 and remain irresistible until the end of your days.

A woman looks the way she feels.

Not every woman is born beautiful, but if she has not become so by the age of 30, she is simply simply stupid. (

Today, there are so many technologies that it is a sin not to be beautiful.

Truth and beauty have always been the main thing in human life and on earth in general. (A.P. Chekhov)

Truth and beauty are the greatest treasures in the world.

There are few women in the world whose virtues outlive their beauty. (Francois La Rochefoucauld)

Beauty is so strong that it overshadows other human virtues.

To create beauty, one must be pure in soul. ( Mikhail Glinka)

All beauty begins with the beauty of the soul.

Beauty is a gift for several years. ( Oscar Wilde)

For beauty to last longer, you need to work hard)

When the lamp is off, all women are beautiful. (Plutarch)

Twilight hides all flaws.

Beautiful women are rarely alone, but often lonely. (Khenrik Jagodzinsky)

Men enjoy beauty, and at the same time do not want to see the soul.

Beauty affects even those who do not notice it. ( Jean Cocteau)

Before beauty, everyone becomes powerless.

Biology surprises us a lot, proving statistically that beautiful women not the dumbest at all. ( Jean Rostand)

If a woman is beautiful, then she is already smart.

Beautiful expressions adorn a beautiful thought and preserve it. ( Victor Hugo)

Beautiful words make the world a better place.

Beauty without kindness dies unclaimed. (Samuel Johnson)

Beauty cannot live without kindness.

Beauty is not in the face, beauty is the light in the heart.

Beauty is a radiance that comes from within.

Beauty does not tolerate pretentiousness.

Clothing is the simplest means of revealing personality. (Sophia Loren)

Clothing can tell a lot about a person.

Character is the most important component of beauty. (Sophia Loren)

If the character is unbearable, then beauty depreciates.

female beauty- not in the shape of her face, not in the clothes she wears and not in her hair. Real female beauty is reflected in her soul, it manifests itself in how passionately a woman gives her love. Women's beauty grows with age. (Nina Ricci)

If a woman is beautiful in her soul, then she is beautiful on the outside.

Makeup can make you beautiful on the outside, but it won't help if you're ugly on the inside. Unless you eat it. (Audrey Hepburn)

Nothing will help bring beauty inside.

No ugly women, there are only lazy ones. (Helena Rubinstein)

There are beautiful women and those who do not know how to take care of themselves.

Nobody comes into the world with perfect eyebrows. (Linda Evangelista)

Every woman should take care of her eyebrows.

A woman should not hide her beauty to such an extent that she loses her human appearance. (Pola Negri)

Hiding beauty, a woman becomes a peasant.

If a man crashes into someone else's car, he first of all looks into his wallet, and a woman into her mirror. (Margaret Turnibull)

A woman thinks that everyone will forgive her for her beauty)

Nondescript women know more about men than beautiful women. (Katherine Hepburn)

Men trust nondescript women, while beautiful women hide their flaws.

Grace is to the body, what good sense is to the mind.
Grace is to the body what common sense is to the mind. (Francois VI de La Rochefoucauld)

Everyone should have a beautiful body.

Grace is the outcome of inward harmony.
Elegance is the result inner harmony. (Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach)

External attractiveness is the result of internal beauty.

Charm is a way of getting the answer yes without asking a clear question.
Charm is a way of getting a positive response without question asked.(Albert Camus)

Beauty helps to succeed.

What delights us in visible beauty is the invisible.
In visible beauty, we admire the invisible. (Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach)

Beauty fascinates when it is not all exposed.

A look of intelligence in men is what regularity of features is to women: it is a style of beauty to which the most vain may aspire.
A clever facial expression in men is the same as the correctness of features in women; it is a kind of beauty that even the most vain people would like to have. (Jean de La Bruyère).

  • To seem frivolous and to be inaccessible is the height of art. (V. Hugo)
  • Lying is a girl's favorite pastime, apart from striptease.
  • There are no ideal relationships. Eat female wisdom not to notice men's stupidity. There is a man's strength to forgive women's weaknesses. And ideality ... Leave it to the series.
  • If they ask how old you are, answer that you are 17 and that you are crazy. (Ray Bradbury)
  • Beautiful quotes about girls - If a girl behaves like a child, then she is happy.
  • One day you will meet young man. And in the end, he wants to find out everything. How you eat, how you dance, how you feel every moment of this day. How your face looks without makeup. How you love chocolate, how crazy you can be from time to time, how some games, songs and shows make you happy. How you will act up to get something, how you get tired, how you complain about excess weight how you think you look bad in all your photos. He will know everything about you. And you know what? He will still love you.
  • When a girl tells you about her problems, she doesn't complain or whine. She trusts you.
  • When a woman puts her shoes on high heels, her appearance completely changes, and her body language becomes more expressive. (Christian Louboutin)
  • Anyone can have dinner with a girl. Well, breakfast is worth it!
  • If in a dispute with a girl you are armed only with logic, facts and common sense- You don't stand a chance.
  • Girls learn to feel faster than boys learn to think. (Voltaire)
  • Very often, in order to give the impression of being smart, a woman needs to look stupid.
  • The girl must have 2 angels, and one of them must be earthly.
  • If you can make a girl laugh, then you can do anything with her. (Marilyn Monroe)
  • Often girls seem stupid. But this is a misleading impression. Just the mind of a girl can only be appreciated by a real man.
  • “This is a flower without fragrance,” the old people remarked. - Today, many girls look like such flowers. Touch - and they are paper ... "
  • Girls, when they are in love, only seem stupid, because they do not hear anything at that time. (Ray Bradbury)
  • Girls should not be strong and cool, a girl should be gentle, and like a mother, in order to give warmth from her heart, to be able to calm a man’s heart with just a glance, this is the whole strength of a girl.
  • Girls, shooting with eyes, do not leave the wounded.
  • Girls need to be taught great respect for themselves, for their feminine pride. A girl must be taught so that she even meets pleasant young people with some pepper ... (A.S. Makarenko)
  • Almost every girl faces a choice in her life: to part with honor or with a guy. In this case, always keep your innocence - a loving guy will wait as long as it takes.
  • What is the smartest woman? The one that I want to thank even for the refusal. (Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky)
  • If a girl gives a reason for jealousy, then she wants to be fought for.
  • The girl who laughs is already half conquered.
  • Girls are angels, but if they break their wings ... then you have to fly on a broomstick!
  • As soon as a girl gets on her heel, she immediately has happiness in her life. This is the law. (Evelina Khromtchenko)
  • Often, girls resemble a bullet wound with a displaced center of gravity. Wherever the bullet hits, it still stops the heart, hits the pocket, and then also goes sideways.
  • To please girls, you need to be smart, beautiful, rich or a cat.
  • If a girl says: “Never!”, It means “Never!”. If a girl says "Never!", it means "Not now!". And if a girl says: “Not now!”, It means “What are you waiting for ?!”
  • Beautiful quotes about girls - She was one of those girls that you don’t immediately pay attention to, but then you like them more and more. (Haruki Murakami)