The wife is a complete idiot. What should I do if my wife is a fool?

At consultations with psychologists, men often ask the question: “What to do if your wife is a fool?” The answer question arises: “Why did you decide that she was the fool? How did you end up married to a person who behaves inappropriately?” Today we will look at real cases of human stupidity and dispel some myths about spouses, so that if you label someone as a “fool,” it will be justified.

What to do if your wife is a fool?

So, go back in time and remember why you got married? There are several known reasons for entering into a deliberately unsuccessful marriage: out of love, out of convenience, out of stupidity. To solve the problem of family relationships, look at where it all began.

Love marriages, or Why is my wife such a fool?

The most pleasant reason to get married is love, but during courtship, partners look at each other with open eyes and do not pay attention to “cute” pranks and “character features.” This is true for both men and women.

After several years of living, when children and everyday routine appear, the trail of the fairy tale subsides, and the “cute features” become an unbearable nightmare. That’s when the question arises for the first time: “what to do if the wife is a fool or the husband is a complete idiot.” If you recognize yourself in this situation, then you can only sympathize with you, because you will have to live the rest of your life with this person.

Some people decide to get a divorce, some prefer to endure it all their lives, and some take lovers. In any case, your example may serve as a warning to posterity: before you begin serious relationship, think about whether you can put up with your partner’s shortcomings all your life. If such a preliminary analysis does not help, then there is no point in complaining about fate. You made your own choice!

Not only am I in trouble, but now I’ve got a stupid wife!

The second reason people get married is pure mathematics:

  1. It's time to get married, but there is no suitable candidate.
  2. Her parents have great connections.
  3. She will be a good wife and mother for children, and she can also love a mistress.

In this case, the wife can simply “fly off the rails”, because she got married with the hope of love “until the grave”, but it turned out that she was simply chosen, as in a catalog called “The Best of the Worst”. At first, while the memory of the wedding celebration is still fresh, it will be easier for you to create the appearance family life, but then you will get tired of pretending, and your wife will begin to feel the catch.

After the truth is revealed that you will not succeed, the woman will begin to assert herself, and this means “nag” you. Whether you enter into an arranged marriage or not is your choice, but are you ready for the consequences? The same goes for women! Do not create a family without love, so as not to drive your partner to grief with your indifference.

Marriage due to stupidity, or What to do if the wife is a fool?

From the list of reasons why people get married out of stupidity, you can compile a whole hit parade “The stupidest reasons for getting married.” However, the most ridiculous thing is when it comes

Due to the fact that the partners were improvident, and now it will be born new person, people decide to marry without love. The divorce rate for such couples is the highest - it exceeds the breakdown of families that were created out of love or calculation, and all because it was an “accident” and not a conscious choice.

Because of such negligence, children suffer the most, because they not only grow up in a family where there is no love, but also constantly hear insults addressed to their mother. If it's not too late, weigh again the pros and cons of marriage because of unwanted pregnancy, because this will only give you a stamp in your passport, but will not save you from divorce.

What to do if your wife is a fool? There is no cure for this or worthwhile advice. As they say, don’t complain about your wife or your car. You chose it yourself! And look at yourself from the outside more often. If God gave you this person as a partner, then maybe you should learn to have a heart-to-heart talk with her and find a compromise?

Including women, I hope. If your wife is a fool, then, obviously, you are not very smart either. Most men are also amazed that when they married their wives, they were not like this.

Laziness and boredom. While a girl lives with her parents or communicates with friends at the institute, she shows some kind of social activity, she has a duty to her parents. Her communication comes down to conversations with the same “mundane” women, she practically doesn’t want to understand anything, and she feels, on the one hand, good, but, on the other hand, bored.

What to do with a fool

She's too smart. A woman should be beautiful, loving, affectionate and cunning. And when we talk about cunning, we do not mean intelligence. Too much high intelligence makes a girl behave defiantly, rudely, straightforwardly and completely stupidly towards a man. He needs understanding and affection from a woman. And not accusations that he does not understand anything, and in general he is a naive fool. Perhaps such women achieve something, but it is impossible to live with them.

What turns a girl into a fool

Follow the link and give back to your relationship former passion and mutual understanding. A woman can be a fool to her husband at home - this is a common situation that any man faces. It is much worse when a fool shows her disagreement and argues with her husband in public. Therefore, if your wife behaves like this, then this is a reason to leave her at home and have fun with friends.

Tell her that you will recognize and reward her if she changes her behavior. If not, then most likely you will have to spend more time with friends, taking a break from this behavior of your wife. Let her understand that you will not tolerate her behavior.

The biggest problem of girls is stupid

So it is possible that among her friends or relatives there are those who instill such behavior in her. Become respected man, and she will do whatever you want. As a person, I understand that you need to respect your wife's opinion. Moreover, I am sure that women are not stupid at all and are aware of their actions.

All the same, her beauty will go away and then you will be left alone with her head. And then you will understand all the deliciousness of her nature. My wife was sweet, naive, beautiful, funny, carefree and a little stupid when we met. What should I do? I had similar relationships, and I can't stand them anymore. I'm not sure if this can be fixed at all. If you don't have children yet. Then think twice if you want to have children with this woman.

It's all because of hysterical wives

When you tell something, she smiles flirtatiously and jokes. And that's really great. She treats everything irresponsibly and continues to spend money on all sorts of nonsense. And the decision that you make. However, in 99.9% of cases people start a family with those whose mental capacity approximately equal to their own...

But I will say for myself that if I had immediately known that my wife was not brilliant, I would not have married. But now there is no turning back, and I believe that even if not completely, a person can be corrected. Long, hard, but possible. The main thing is that both have enough patience and the feelings do not fade away.

She disgraced her husband wherever possible, squeezed out the last nerves, over the years it only gets worse, seeing impunity, the stupid wife becomes even more impudent. About who is the boss in the house. And she will be alone. Because besides this sincere person Such a fool like you cannot be needed by anyone.

Circle of friends. If your wife has been communicating only with naive and stupid women for 10 years, then it is difficult to expect different behavior from her. Indeed, any misunderstanding, disagreement, stupid decision or strange behavior wife can be described as “she’s a fool.” And it will be true. If your wife accepts your words, then everything is fine.

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  • Firstly, I would immediately like to point out that clever man can never become stupid out of the blue. This means that he was not initially so intellectually developed. It's the same with women. While the fire of passion was burning between you, and you were happy to even just sit side by side and be silent, holding hands, then, most likely, you did not attach much importance to the mental abilities of your beloved. It was quite enough for you that she simply smiled sweetly at you. But some time after the wedding, when the spouses begin to spend much more time together, share a common life and leisure time, then it suddenly turns out that your wife is stupid and you have nothing to talk about with her, and you don’t want to talk.
  • Secondly, maybe she’s not as stupid as she sometimes wants to seem. Try to analyze those situations when your spouse suddenly and suddenly becomes “stupid.” Doesn't this happen when it's time to decide? important questions, or when with your credit card Did all the money “accidentally” disappear, or when her mother is supposed to come visit you for a month? If this is the case, then it is most likely not that your wife is stupid, but that you yourself are not very insightful. Such sudden “stupidity,” which is purely situational in nature, is nothing more than a way to manipulate you to achieve their own goals.
  • Thirdly, maybe your wife is just trying to be so in an original way to draw attention to his person, so he behaves absurdly and funny.

In any case, you will need to sit down and ask her directly what the problem is. the real reason her stupid behavior. Perhaps such a conversation will resolve all your questions. If the situation is critical and you are ready to take extreme measures, then remember that it will not be easy to divorce such a woman.

Why is it so difficult to divorce a stupid wife?

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  1. A stupid person always seems insecure and weak to us. And the weak, as you know, are not abandoned in trouble.
  2. Stupid wife will trumpet loudly White light that you are going to leave her “to the mercy of fate.” Agree, it’s unpleasant when everyone looks at you with condemnation, and even points a finger at you.
  3. You're not sure you can start now new life with a smart, self-sufficient woman. These fears are quite natural and not every man, unfortunately, is able to cope with them.

That's how it happens sometimes It's hard to divorce a stupid wife. So take a closer look at your future wives to avoid all these unexpected troubles.

December 17th, 2015

Calls here on mine mobile phone one type with claims:
- Andrey, why did you call my wife a fool?!

Where did you get my phone?..

Friends gave it to me.

It's clear. Tell them they are assholes. Because I only need my phone for work, and not for empty chatter with idiots. So what's up? Who is your wife?

It turns out that his wife is a fierce oppositionist, spitting saliva on my LiveJournal. For example, the other day she wrote to a completely harmless humorous post about Putin, “your leader is wretched...oh.” IN Soviet time For insulting the president, she would be charged under the article. And now everything is possible. We have democracy and freedom of speech. Which is what I pointed out to her. She again - sputters with hatred.

“Well, you’re a fool! :),” I write.

The girl experiences terrible moral torment and runs to complain. To my husband. My husband is a distant acquaintance of mine, we worked together, a gray mouse, he gets my phone somewhere and the idea comes to him to call me.

Andrey, why did you call my wife a fool?!

Because your wife is a fool, I say. - This is an objective reality.

What do you allow yourself? Who do you think you are?

Forget this number, scarecrow, - He hung up.

Calling again. I blacklisted my phone. He didn't bother me anymore.

No, in fact, if his wife is a fool, that’s his problem, not mine. Why should I solve it?.. Here the problem needs to be solved somehow together with my wife. Make her read more. Write essays in the evenings. Solve logical problems. It develops.


Including women, I hope. If your wife is a fool, then, obviously, you are not very smart either. Destroy fears and concerns. Most men are also amazed that when they married their wives, they were not like this. Talk to your wife about the current situation when you are both calm and in a good mood.

Having married a beautiful, bright girl, a man may not suspect that she is stupid. Readers will learn what to do if your wife is a fool from this article. Sometimes a man may not understand how smart and beautiful girl it turned out to be such a fool. But she wasn't always like this. It’s not just the absence that saves cohabitation, but also standards of decency. While a girl is dating a guy and has not achieved his consent, she is calm and behaves decently.

A man expects kindness and affection, not constant screaming and hysterics. What to do if your wife constantly yells, but behaves decently in public? Don’t give in to provocations, walk away and don’t listen. Hysterics are talented women. They have a rich imagination, they are responsive and emotional, but too vulnerable. You should not leave if she screams - the woman will escalate the situation and will not calm down. If she became calmer when the man came again, the calculation failed and she changed her tactics to achieve results.

Just ask what worries her and she will tell you. What to do if your wife constantly yells? If this is not hysteria, but a way of control - try to find out what she wants and fulfill the desire, if possible.

A weak husband is convenient, but he is not a hero, calm and cold - he will not give her happiness. Therefore, the husband should calmly talk to her and set clear requirements, destroy anxieties and fears. Understand the reason for the behavior, stop the manipulation and try to ask directly what scared her. Laziness and boredom. While a girl lives with her parents or communicates with friends at the institute, she shows some kind of social activity, she has a duty to her parents.

Circle of friends. If your wife has been communicating only with naive and stupid women for 10 years, then it is difficult to expect different behavior from her. She's too smart. A woman should be beautiful, loving, affectionate and cunning. And when we talk about cunning, we do not mean intelligence. Too high an intelligence makes a girl behave defiantly, rudely, straightforwardly and completely stupidly towards a man.

He needs understanding and affection from a woman. And not accusations that he does not understand anything, and in general he is a naive fool. Perhaps such women achieve something, but it is impossible to live with them. She's just stupid. Some girls don't become fools, they are born fools.

Follow the link and return your relationship to its former passion and mutual understanding. A woman can be a fool to her husband at home - this is a common situation that any man faces. It is much worse when a fool shows her disagreement and argues with her husband in public.

If your wife is hysterical - how to deal with it?

Therefore, if your wife behaves like this, then this is a reason to leave her at home and have fun with friends. Tell her that you will recognize and reward her if she changes her behavior. If your wife accepts your words, then everything is fine. If not, then most likely you will have to spend more time with friends, taking a break from this behavior of your wife. Let her understand that you will not tolerate her behavior.

So it is possible that among her friends or relatives there are those who instill such behavior in her. As a person, I understand that you need to respect your wife's opinion. Moreover, I am sure that women are not stupid at all and are aware of their actions. All the same, her beauty will go away and then you will be left alone with her head.

My wife was sweet, naive, beautiful, funny, carefree and a little stupid when we met. The prospect of her always being so stupid scares me.

I was in a similar relationship and I can't stand it anymore. I'm not sure if this can be fixed at all. If you don't have children yet. Then think twice if you want to have children with this woman. Your children may receive your wife's innocence. And this is not good for the boys. When you tell something, she smiles flirtatiously and jokes. And that's really great. She treats everything irresponsibly and continues to spend money on all sorts of nonsense.

What to do if your wife is stupid and hysterical?

And the decision that you make. However, in 99.9% of cases, people start a family with those whose mental abilities are approximately equal to their own... As they say, a man should not complain about two things: his wife and his car. But I will say for myself that if I had immediately known that my wife was not brilliant, I would not have married. But now there is no turning back, and I believe that even if not completely, a person can be corrected.

Usually everyday life and associated stereotypes make a woman a fool. Numerous girlfriends and relatives come with their pseudo-experience and drip on the brain. If she is smart enough, this phenomenon will pass. She disgraced her husband wherever possible, squeezed out the last nerves, over the years it only gets worse, seeing impunity, the stupid wife becomes even more impudent.

Become a respected man and she will do whatever you want. Indeed, any misunderstanding, disagreement, stupid decision or strange behavior of the wife can be characterized as “she’s a fool.” And it will be true.