It is original to ask how you are doing in prose. Original and interesting questions for a guy

After a long day of work filled with worries and problems, you finally saw your dear spouse. You will probably ask him how his day was, and to this standard question you will receive a one-word answer: good. And you’ll immediately move on to discussing other topics: what you cooked for dinner, what the kids are doing, or what you saw in your favorite TV series...

What if you asked about the events of the day in a more non-standard form? You want to know in more detail how your loved one’s day went... And for this you need to ask something, to which you need to answer with a common sentence.

Below we offer you 13 options possible questions, which you can ask your spouse along with your favorite “how was your day?”:

What made you happy today?
I like this question because it makes you think. If you had a good day, then choose the best one the best part it may not be that simple. And if it’s terrible, then it’s even more difficult. However, if you still try to find something good in the events you experienced, it will help you, first of all. Plus, it's also a great excuse for conversation.

Did you take any pictures today?
Perhaps he took a few photos because he absolutely loved his hairstyle that day, or you took photos of the children while they were playing in the park. In any case, photo sharing is great way get to know each other's workdays.

Who made you happy today?
It could be your neighbor, your child, or a pet. No matter who it is, it's always nice to discuss such a sweet topic with your spouse.

What was your best interesting conversation Today?
Perhaps he will answer that the most pleasant conversation is happening now with you, or he will mention his conversation with an employee about his favorite vacation spots. Anyway this is good opportunity laugh together.

What was the most unpleasant thing today?
Your spouse may not want to relive the unpleasant moments that he experienced over the past day. In this case, there is no need to insist. If he begins to talk willingly, then you can discuss what happened and support him.

If today were a song, what would it be?
This question will be especially interesting if you share each other’s musical preferences. If this is the case, then ask your spouse to choose a song from the repertoire of a specific artist.

What made you laugh today?
Remembering funny moments experienced during the day will cheer up your beloved. Perhaps he witnessed a cat get into sour cream, or saw a funny video on Facebook. Whatever it was, funny stories will add excitement to your conversation.

Did anything upset you today?
It is too good way start a good, meaningful conversation. If it is not a problem for you to share with each other the difficulties you have experienced, then in this way you can prevent unnecessary stress from the swarming thoughts in your head and protect each other from the already urgent need to speak out.

Did you do something today that you are proud of?
Sometimes my biggest accomplishment of the day is getting out of bed. Whether it's something silly or something truly meaningful, you'll enjoy bragging to each other about your small and big victories over yourself.

Who did you miss the most today?
My best friend somehow caught me off guard with this question. I thought a little and answered that I missed my mother. Perhaps your husband also missed his mother or you. If this is a person who can be called, then invite your husband to do this and communicate with the person dear to him.

What do you remember about today in five years?
Help your husband capture the pleasant moments of each day in his memory, so that life passes with meaning that you can share with each other.

How can I brighten your day?
At the end of a long day at work, it should be nice to be in each other's company where you can give each other love and support. If you help your husband, then he will take care of you. Life always becomes a little better when you know that there is someone in it who truly cares about you.

If you ask your husband questions like these, they will be the beginning interesting conversation, which will not consist of only “yes” and “no”.

Every day a person communicates with different people: friends, relatives, colleagues or fellow students. And sometimes you have to answer uncomfortable, uninteresting or simply routine questions.

Truth is an option

If a person does not know how to answer the question: “How are you?”, you should consider simply telling the truth. But it can also be completely different. For a relative, this may be a detailed answer that will contain quite a lot of interesting and important nuances from life, for a friend a short answer in a few sentences will be enough. But the meaning must be true.

Sweet lie

The answer to the question: “How are you?” may also be deceitful. This technique is used in a conversation with a person’s enemies who want to annoy them. You can also embellish reality before ex-boyfriends(girls) or just people who are openly jealous. But you shouldn’t distort your whole life and invent non-existent events, because through certain time the lie may be revealed and it will simply be inconvenient.


How to answer the question: “How are you?” Quite simple advice: monosyllabic, i.e. using only one word or phrase that fully reflects reality. Examples could be the following words or phrases: “The best”, “Excellent”, “Cool”, “Normal”, “So-so”, “Failure (at work, school)”, “Disgusting”, etc. After this, you can quickly move on to another topic if you don’t want to develop the idea.

To rhyme

Another option for answering the question: “How are you?” - in rhyme. This method is good if you just want to avoid answering. So, you can use the following phrases: “I haven’t given birth yet,” “How, etc. It all depends on the imagination of the defendant.


Funny phrases that can be used can also help, again, if you want to avoid the real answer. So, there are a huge number of options: “I don’t know, the prosecutor has a day off”, “Eh, busy business...”, “I’m not a business person, I don’t handle things,” etc.


How to answer the question: “How are you?” people who are frankly tired? Sharp. You shouldn’t be rude, but sometimes you really want to just cut off the desire to be further interested in this, saying: “It’s none of your business,” “Leave me alone,” “What do you care?” However, you should not abuse this option.

Keep silent

You can also just ignore this question or remain silent in response. Thus, a reasonable interlocutor will understand that it is no longer worth asking such a question. If not, you can use the method described above.

Question to question

Everyone knows that answering a question with a question is not good, but sometimes, if you really want to, you can. This the method will work in a situation where you want to avoid answering. You need to ask a counter question: “How are you doing?”, “How are I doing, better tell me about yourself,” etc.


If you want to be original, but not seriously answer the question: “How are you?”, you can prepare answers for every day. You need to take a notepad and write down the desired answers for 30 days. And then, depending on what you do, look for the entry in the diary and answer exactly what is written there. Let this not be true.

We often talk about how to develop correctly, how to build positive relationships in a team, how to create an ideal atmosphere. It all starts with asking the right questions.

Today we will tell you how you can avoid the banal “How are you?” and correctly build an unobtrusive dialogue.

"How are you?" - this is a standard question. It is so banal that almost each of us already has our own universal answers, or simply the standard “Okay.”

Unfortunately, it will no longer be possible to establish a serious relationship with the help of this question. Time to transform it.

The only reason most of us ask this question is to be polite. We use these two words only to greet the person rather than to really learn anything about him or his well-being.

So, why ask a question that is 100% likely not to lead to new information? This is the main reason why "How are you?" outdated. If you're dating a significant other, don't ask this question because it will show that you don't care. Better start the conversation with something else.

Fivewaysask: " Howaffairs?"

All of the methods listed below will help you provoke your interlocutor into a positive and constructive dialogue. They are all aimed at obtaining new information, the main thing is to be able to listen and highlight details. With this, you can find out what kind of person is in front of you, what he thinks about and his character. Moreover, none of these questions will allow your interlocutor to “close” with monosyllabic answers, like: Yes, No, Normal, Good. So, five alternatives to “How are you?”:

#1. What pleased you most today?

#2: Whatinteresting things at workbehinda week?

#3: What inspires you lately?

#4: Tellto meWhat- That, WhatyouSostronglymotivated.

#5: What would you do to spice up this day/evening/project/event?

Question number 1, in our opinion, will tell you much more information about the person. Moreover, it can be rephrased to be used, for example, in the morning: “What are you most looking forward to today?”

If you ask question number 2 in a team, you will get a lot of information about how things are going in the company. Listen carefully, and the answer to this question will help you learn more about your colleague, about his strengths and hobbies. Moreover, this way you will learn about a person’s achievements during the week and, if you want, offer to celebrate them - this great occasion for meeting.

Similar to the second question, question number 3 will allow you to learn a little more about your employee/colleague, only in perspective. As a leader, you can use this idea for the benefit of the team, thereby showing a connection with your employees. Direct communication is perfect way interaction with a team that will give you much more information than surveys and questionnaires.

Question number 4 will help you do a little self-reflection and find a source of inspiration. Moreover, this question will help you understand whether your employees share your views and ambitions.

And finally the fifth question will give you short review how employees see your company. You will understand which changes will definitely bear fruit, and quite quickly.

Once you think about it, you will come up with an infinite number of more productive alternatives to the banal question “How are you?” When communicating with your interlocutor, the main thing is to show that you are interested in communication. Not only will this allow you to build stronger relationships, but it will also allow you to learn a little more about who you are interacting with.

"How are you?" - the most frequently asked question on the Internet. Several times a day we definitely hear someone asking how we are doing. Everyone is already bored with answers like “fine” and “good.”

That's why "So simple!" offers you 50 of the most original answers on that common question. Surprise your friends and acquaintances!

Original responses to “How are you?”

  1. Eh, what are we doing? We have business, but the prosecutor has BUSINESS.
  2. Yes, I’m still alive and I don’t seem to be going to die.
  3. The pension is good, it was increased.
  4. The salary is good. Small but good.
  5. Everything is in a bunch.
  6. Like in the movie "Brother 2".
  7. Great! I wish the same for you.
  8. And you?
  9. Everything is good, but it will be even better!
  10. The best. It's good that no one is jealous.
  11. Great, can't wait.
  12. Good - you won’t believe it, bad - you won’t help.
  13. Kiss me first!
  14. Yesterday I broke two ribs...
  15. It's like a fairytale.
  16. As always, that is good.
  17. From the point of view of banal erudition, I ignore the criteria of utopian subjectivism, conceptually interpreting generally accepted de-fanizing polarizers, therefore the consensus achieved by the dialectical material classification of universal motivations in the paradigmatic connections of predicates solves the problem of improving the formative geotransplantation quasi-puzlistats of all kinetically correlating aspects, and that’s fine.
  18. Khorovo.
  19. Regularly!
  20. What exactly are the matters?
  21. As you can see, he's still alive.
  22. He didn't die and didn't get married.
  23. How are things going, really?
  24. Is this the case?
  25. There's nothing to do.
  26. What's going on? I'm not busy today!
  27. Oh, poor unfortunate me, I’m so tired, every day I have to come up with an answer to the question “How are you?”
  28. Old lady Agatha Christie once said a wonderful phrase: “You don’t have to say something if you have nothing to say.”
  29. There are two ways to stump a person: ask him “How are you?” and ask him to tell you something.
  30. I find it difficult to answer.
  31. Ambivalent.
  32. Sluggish.
  33. Things are going well, the office is writing.
  34. Aren't you in a hurry?
  35. Do you want to talk about it?
  36. Like a parrot, whose cat pulls its paw across the floor, and he joyfully shouts “Let's go!”
  37. Like a zebra.
  38. Like in a taxi. The further you go, the more expensive it is.
  39. Like a kolobok - left and right are the same.
  40. Like a sausage in dough, fun and angry.
  41. Better than yesterday, but worse than tomorrow...
  42. What's the matter with such things!
  43. Affairs??? No, I’m not a business person...
  44. Do you want it all at once or in parts?
  45. So much has not been done, so much has not been done! And how much remains to be done!
  46. In Angola, children are starving, but everything is fine.
  47. Everything is covered in chocolate, even the keyboard!
  48. You are incomparably original in your questions
  49. Yes, good. Yesterday, he received the Nobel Prize for his contributions to the development of eco-structural units in the field of cetacean ciliates of shoes and slippers, and for the discovery of nano-technologies that will help penguins overcome the ice age in the African forests and Hawaiian deserts in Massachusetts, Washington County.
  50. Relatively. If you compare it with Lenin, then it’s good.

Now you can be sure that next question the state of your affairs will not take you by surprise. You can funny and unexpected answer to an ordinary question and make your interlocutor laugh.

We have three traditional answers to the question “How are you?” If everything is good - then “Okay!” If everything is not very good, then - “Okay.” If everything is frankly bad, then “Okay...”.

And we offer 95 more options for how you can answer this question. The training “Creativity and Wit in Speech” by Dmitry Ustinov helped us with this. So, how are you doing?

    1. The best!
    2. Out of quiet sadness
    3. All OK!
    4. Fine.
    5. Fine, thanks, and you? - very nice - goodbye
    6. Nothing
    7. Whatever...
    8. Eh, what are we doing? We have business, but the prosecutor has BUSINESS
    9. Yes, I’m still alive, and I don’t think I’m going to die
    10. The pension is good. promoted.
    11. The salary is good. Small but good.
    12. Because
    13. Why?
    14. Just
    15. Is it that simple?
    16. All in a bundle
    17. Like in "Brother 2"
    18. Great! I wish the same for you
    19. And you?
    20. Everything is good, but it will be even better!
    21. The best. It's good that no one is jealous.
    22. Great, can't wait.
    23. Good - you won’t believe it, bad - you won’t help
    24. Kiss me first!
    25. Yesterday I broke two ribs...
    26. As black is white
    27. It's like a fairytale
    28. As always, that is good
    29. As always, that is bad
    30. From the point of view of banal erudition, I ignore the criteria of utopian subjectivism, conceptually interpreting generally accepted de-fanizing polarizers, therefore, the consensus achieved by the dialectical material classification of universal motivations in the paradogmatic connections of predicates solves the problem of improving the formative geotransplantation quasi-puzlistats of all kinetically correlating aspects, and that’s fine.
    31. Khorovo
    32. Regularly!
    33. How about you?
    34. How about you.
    35. How about you?!
    36. Like in Poland: whoever has the cart is the master
    37. What exactly are the matters?
    38. As always
    39. As you see
    40. Still alive.
    41. Didn't die and didn't get married
    42. How are things really going?
    43. Is this the case?
    44. What is it?
    45. There's nothing to do
    46. What's going on? I'm not busy today!
    47. Oh me poor, unfortunate so tired, every day I have to come up with an answer to the question “How are you?”
    48. Old lady Agatha Christie once said a wonderful phrase: “You don’t have to say something if you have nothing to say.”
    49. There are two ways to stump a person: ask him “How are you doing” and ask him to tell you something
    50. Don't know
    51. I find it difficult to answer
    52. Ambivalently
    53. Sluggishly
    54. Things are going well, the office writes
    55. Aren't you in a hurry?
    56. Do you want to talk about it?
    57. A day by carriage, two on foot!
    58. Like a parrot, whose cat pulls its paw across the floor, and he joyfully shouts “Let's go!”
    59. Like a zebra
    60. Like in a taxi. The further you go, the more expensive it is.
    61. Like a kolobok - left and right are the same.
    62. Like a sausage in dough, fun and angry
    63. Not bad compared to Bublikov
    64. Just like Michael Jackson 15 years ago.
    65. Better than yesterday, but worse than tomorrow...
    66. What's the matter with such things!
    67. Affairs? ?? No, I’m not a business person...
    68. Just like five minutes ago...
    69. Do you want it all at once or in parts?
    70. I'm a natural slacker.
    71. So much has not been done, so much has not been done! And how much remains to be done!
    72. There's a lot to do
    73. Mind blowing
    74. You can answer women like this, squinting your eyes coquettishly - “What?”
    75. Fine! And you have?
    76. Regularly!
    77. Tolerable.
    78. Undoubtedly.
    79. Children are starving in Angola, but everything is fine
    80. Everything is covered in chocolate, even the keyboard!
    81. I’m growing, blooming, getting old... Everything is as usual
    82. Yes, you bring me to ecstasy with your questions... Ask me what else I do and I’m yours forever...
    83. You are incomparably original in your questions
    84. Yes, okay, yesterday I received the Nobel Prize for my contribution to the development of eco-structural units in the field of cetacean ciliates of shoes and slippers and for the discovery nano technologies, which will help penguins overcome the Ice Age in the African forests and Hawaiian deserts in the state of Massa Chussets, Washington County.
    85. Like Scrooge McDuck
    86. Life is hard without Novo-Passit...
    87. I also don’t care how you are doing, but since we haven’t seen each other for a long time, out of decency I need to ask something.
    88. with your prayers
    89. I'm doing great! I look forward to hearing more about my personal life!
    90. Ask another question please
    91. Envy silently
    92. Hasn't killed anyone yet
    93. Average for the region
    94. Relatively. If you compare it with Lenin, then it’s good, if you compare it with a millionaire, then it’s not very good.