Kiss Judas. Gospel events - Gospel places. Guide. Kiss of Judas by Giotto. Why is this a masterpiece?

"Kiss of Judas" by Giotto. Why is this a masterpiece?

I saw such an interesting topic for myself (I hope for many):

"Kiss of Judas".

The story of perfidious betrayal by a student of his teacher. The image of this plot from the New Testament is often found on frescoes, and in psalters, and on canvases.

This story has been depicted more than once both before Giotto and after him.

But the “Kiss of Judas” by Giotto (1303-1305) is special.

The difference between his fresco and the work of his predecessors is colossal.

Judge for yourself. Below is a miniature from a psalter of the 12th century.

Miniature "Kiss of Judas". Psalter of Melisende. Jerusalem (Byzantine Empire). 12th century (1131-1143). Stored in the British Library, London

flat figures. Faces instead of faces. Folds of clothes seem to live their own lives. An unnatural semicircle of people's heads. The characters seem to be floating in the air. And the figures of St. Peter and the slave in the right corner of the drawing are three times smaller than the other figures.

The fact is that the medieval master neglected the realism of the image. Since the physical world was much less important than the spiritual one. The viewer was supposed to focus only on the biblical story.

And this is the work of an older contemporary of Giotto. Guido da Siena. It was written 20 years before Giotto's Kiss of Judas.

Guido da Siena. Kiss Judas. 1275-1280 Stored in the National Pinakothek of Siena, Italy

Guido da Siena's figures are at least no longer hanging in the air. But iconographic canons still clearly prevail. Faces instead of faces. Golden abstract background.

Imagine that Giotto saw similar works.

But he was able to miraculously create something completely different.

Look at his fresco.

For the first time, the artist makes the figures voluminous.

Composition appears for the first time.

For the first time we see real emotions. There are many "firsts" like this.

How did he do it?

Obviously, he must have had an extraordinary mindset.

One incident from his life confirms this.

The character of Giotto

Vasari, a biographer of the Renaissance, writes about such a story from the life of a master.

One day a messenger from the Pope came to Giotto.

To take a couple of drawings from the artist. They would appreciate his skill. And they would decide whether to invite him to Rome.

As you understand, it was very prestigious to fulfill the orders of the Papal Court.

Paolo Uccello. Giotto di Bondoni. Fragment of the painting "Five Masters of the Florentine Renaissance". Early 16th century. Louvre, Paris

After listening to the envoy, Giotto took a brush and drew a perfectly even circle on a piece of paper. He refused to hand over any other drawings. The messenger was sure that he was being played a joke on. But still I decided to leave a sheet with a circle in a pack of drawings by other artists.

In Rome, the skill of the artist was appreciated.

Giotto served the orders of the Pope and the cardinals for several years.

This story reveals the character of Giotto.

He was a bold, bold, witty man.

Clearly with an original outlook on life.

This may explain his penchant for innovation.

Giotto and Cimabue

Let's compare Giotto's fresco with the work of his teacher Cimabue. He also made timid attempts to move away from icon-painting canons. But in this the student clearly surpassed the teacher.

Cimabue. Kiss Judas. 1277-1280 Fresco in the Church of San Francesco, Assisi, Italy

At Cimabue, we already see the blue of the sky and elements of the landscape instead of an abstract golden background. The faces depicted are already more or less different from each other.

But still Cimabue is far from Giotto.

In his fresco, there are no Giotto's most important innovations. Emotions. And volume.

And that means realism.

His figures are flat. Judas is glued to Jesus.

Also, it doesn't touch the ground with its feet. The face of Christ expresses nothing. The figures of St. Peter with a slave in the left corner of the fresco are very small compared to other characters.

Giotto's innovations. Composition. Volume.

Now let's look again at Giotto's fresco. To fully realize all his innovation.

Giotto. Kiss Judas. 1303-1305 Fresco in the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua, Italy

Giotto creates a thoughtful composition. The compositional center coincides with the center of the picture.

These are the heads of Christ and Judas. Giotto highlights the center with the raised hand of the priest and the hand with the knife of St. Peter.

If you mentally draw lines from their hands, then they will just converge on the heads of the main characters.

Before Giotto, composition was not even thought of.

The main characters were placed in the middle. They were singled out large sizes or hovering above all the others.

The secondary characters were depicted smaller or lower.

See how voluminous Giotto's figures are.

The master boldly uses the technique of chiaroscuro. Of course, his figures are heavy and overweight. After all, at that time painters did not study human anatomy. But the drapery of clothes is already much more natural.

Silent dialogue between Christ and Judas

The faces of his characters are individual.

And most importantly, they express emotions. What is the silent dialogue of Christ and Judas worth.

Giotto. Kiss Judas. 1303-1305 Fragment of a fresco in the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua, Italy

These are no longer just frozen faces. These are two very different faces. Two different views. Noble face of Christ. Ugly face of Judas. Fortitude and acceptance of one's fate alone. Weakness and treachery of another.

Judas, by agreement with the guards, had to point to Christ with his kiss. He did not point at him from afar, so that he would not be confused in the dark with another.

However, Giotto's kiss itself does not show. It shows the moment one second before. Judas stretched his face towards the face of Christ. And then a pause...

Their eyes met. We seem to see the small eyes of Judas running across the face of Christ. He is looking for something in the teacher's face. He is waiting for some kind of reaction. Perhaps condemnation or disgust. But does not find it. Christ does not answer him.

He looks calm. There is nothing in his gaze that the traitor expects. He doesn't sink to his level. He is above it.

This clash of high and low Giotto managed to be shown very expressively.

Saint Peter and the servant with the cut off ear

Now look at the figures of St. Peter and the slave. And remember how they were portrayed by Giotto's predecessors.

Giotto. Kiss Judas. 1303-1305 Fresco in the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua, Italy

Their figures normal sizes. They harmoniously fit into the composition. We believe that Saint Peter is trying to rush to the defense of Christ. Pulled out a knife to stab Judas. But he cut off the ear of a man who fell under the arm. It is no longer just stuck somewhere on the side. He is in the crowd. He is angry.

Other characters and hidden characters

Giotto. Kiss Judas. 1303-1305 Fresco in the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua, Italy

Another unusual moment. This is how Giotto conveys the tension of people. Pay attention to the soldier in the black helmet and red cloak. He leaned forward all the way. He does not even notice that he stepped on the foot of the one walking behind him. And he, too, is so focused that he does not notice the pain.

Giotto adds another beautiful element to his creation. In the background, a man raises a horn and blows. This means an early ascension to Paradise.

That is, Judas has not yet had time to kiss Christ, and the angel is already trumpeting about his resurrection. It is as if all the coming sufferings of Christ flash before our eyes. From kiss to resurrection. Unusually.

Giotto is considered the father of the Renaissance. Before him - centuries of icon painting. When a person was unworthy of a realistic image. And suddenly such a breakthrough in the face of one master! Giotto has a man - the main thing actor. It is this centricity of man that will be the main feature of the Renaissance.

True, this will happen only after a couple of centuries.

ELUY, I, m. Touching lips to someone or something. as an expression of greetings, love, affection, respect. Hot, gentle p. P. on the lips. Shower kisses on someone. Reach out for a kiss. Dictionary Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

See Jude. Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. Moscow: Locky Press. Vadim Serov. 2003 ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

THE KISS OF JUDAS- that Vile, hypocritical betrayal; false display of love. The extreme degree of cynicism and immorality of the traitor is implied. It means that someone l., committing a traitorous act (P) in relation to someone l., less often to something l., ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

Judas kiss- About what l. traitorous action, hidden behind the hypocritical manifestation of love, friendship ... Dictionary of many expressions

- ... Wikipedia

Book. A treacherous act, hypocritically covered up by a manifestation of love, friendship. /i> Goes back to the Gospel. BMS 1998, 468 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

- (or, obsolete, kiss), kiss, husband. Touching lips to someone as a sign of love, friendship, greetings, respect, or as an expression of sensual attraction to someone. Friendly kiss. Hot kiss. Give a kiss to someone (kiss ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Kiss. Air kiss; kiss Judas. .. give a kiss... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. kiss kissing, kissing; kiss, smack, kiss, hickey Dictionary ... ... Synonym dictionary

KISS, me, husband. Touching lips to someone or something. as an expression of greetings, love, affection, respect. Hot, gentle p. P. on the lips. Shower kisses on someone. Reach out for a kiss. Kiss of Judas (book) a treacherous act under the guise of love ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

This term has other meanings, see Kiss (meanings). This article lacks links to sources of information. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and removed. You can ... Wikipedia


  • Kiss of Judas, Kucherena, Anatoly Grigorievich. Joshua Cold, Agency Fugitive national security USA, comes to a small country in northern Africa, where he gets a job as a system administrator at the local branch of the NSA. Already through…
  • Kiss of Judas, Anatoly Kucherena. Joshua Cold, a fugitive agent from the US National Security Agency, arrives in a small country in northern Africa, where he gets a job as a system administrator at the local branch of the NSA. Already through…

Except for John, who only describes the scene of the arrest.

Gospel Text
From Matthew
...behold, Judas, one of the twelve, came, and with him a multitude of people with swords and clubs, from the chief priests and the elders of the people. And the betrayer gave them a sign, saying: Whom I kiss, He is, take Him. And immediately coming up to Jesus, he said: rejoice, rabbi! And kissed him.
From Mark
And the betrayer gave them a sign, saying: Whom I kiss, he is, take him and lead him carefully. And having come, he immediately went up to Him and said: Rabbi! Rabbi! and kissed him.
From Luke
(OK. )
... in front of him was one of the twelve, called Judas, and he went up to Jesus to kiss Him. For he gave them such a sign: Whom I kiss, He is. Jesus said to him: Judas! do you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?

Apocryphal literature

Theological interpretation

New Testament scholars note that the kiss chosen by Judas as symbol for warriors, is a traditional Jewish greeting. Kissing before betrayal is known from the Old Testament: the commander of King David Joab before the murder of Amesai "took... right hand Amesai by the beard to kiss him. But Amesai was not afraid of the sword that was in Joab's hand, and he struck him in the stomach with it.(2 Kings). At the same time, commentators write: This action, usually used as an expression of friendship and love, used by Judas as an expression of betrayal, shows in Judas either cunning - a desire and at the very end to hide from Jesus Christ a vile plan against Him, or extreme malice, mockingly using a good tool to cause extreme harm, or senselessness, not understanding the internal meaning of the actions used» .

Judas made a sign of a kiss to those going to Jesus, but so that they would not be mistaken because of the night, he did not indicate from afar. So that Jesus does not hide, for this they come with lanterns and lamps. What is the Lord? He admits to Himself with this enemy kiss. And thunder arrows did not wake up in the ungrateful and insidious! Thus, the Savior teaches us to be gentle in such circumstances. He only says reproachfully: Judas! do you betray by kissing? Are you not ashamed of the very sight of betrayal? Why do you mix betrayal with a friendly kiss, the cause of the enemy? And who are you betraying? Son of Man, that is, humble, meek, condescending, incarnated for your sake, and, moreover, the true God. He says this because, until recently, he burned with love for him.

John Chrysostom in his Discourse "On the betrayal of Judas" writes about the reasons why Judas made the peace sign a sign of betrayal: " I know who showed you the path of insidious kissing: the devil inspired such embraces in you, and you, obeying the evil adviser, do his will» .

In culture

The kiss scene of Judas is often found in the visual arts, especially in the murals and frescoes of churches, where it is present in the passionate cycles in the compositions of the arrest of Jesus.

  • Armand Bur. "Kiss of Judas" (fr. Le Baiser de Judas), 1908 (film studio Film d’ar)
  • Rafael Gil. The Judas Kiss, 1954
  • Sebastian Gutierrez. "Kiss of Judas" Judas Kiss), 1998
  • Simes Rea. "Kiss of Judas" Judas Kiss), 2003
  • J.T. Tepnapa. "Kiss of Judas" Judas Kiss), 2011
  • song "Until the End of the World" by the group (album Achtung Baby,)
  • song "Judas" by Depeche Mode (album Songs of Faith and Devotion,)
  • song "The Kiss of Judas" by the group "Stratovarius" (album Visions,)
  • song "Judas Kiss" by The Academy Is... (EP The Academy Is...)
  • song "The Judas Kiss" by Metallica (album Death Magnetic,)
  • song "Babylons Burning" by W.A.S.P. (album Babylon, )
  • song "Judas" by Lady Gaga (album Born This Way,)
  • song "Kiss Me Judas" by singer William Control (album Silentium Amoris, )
  • song "Kiss of Judas" by The Korea (album Chariot of the Gods, )
Mass culture:
  • "Kiss of Judas". Quest, 2008

see also

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An excerpt characterizing the Kiss of Judas

Napoleon lowered his head and was silent for a long time.
- A huit cent lieux de France je ne ferai pas demolir ma garde, [Three thousand two hundred miles from France, I can not let my guards be defeated.] - he said and, turning his horse, rode back to Shevardin.

Kutuzov sat downcast gray head and lowering himself with a heavy body, on a carpeted bench, in the very place where Pierre had seen him in the morning. He did not make any orders, but only agreed or disagreed with what was offered to him.
“Yes, yes, do it,” he replied to various proposals. “Yes, yes, go, my dear, take a look,” he turned first to one, then to another of his associates; or: “No, don’t, we’d better wait,” he said. He listened to the reports brought to him, gave orders when it was required by his subordinates; but, listening to the reports, he did not seem to be interested in the meaning of the words of what was said to him, but something else in the expression of the persons who, in the tone of speech, informed him, interested him. Through many years of military experience, he knew and understood with his senile mind that it was impossible for one person to lead hundreds of thousands of people fighting death, and he knew that the fate of the battle was decided not by the orders of the commander in chief, not by the place on which the troops stood, not by the number of guns and killed people, and that elusive force called the spirit of the army, and he followed this force and led it, as far as it was in his power.
The general expression on Kutuzov's face was concentrated, calm attention and tension, barely overcoming the fatigue of a weak and old body.
At eleven o'clock in the morning news was brought to him that the fleches occupied by the French were again recaptured, but that Prince Bagration was wounded. Kutuzov gasped and shook his head.
“Go to Prince Peter Ivanovich and find out in detail what and how,” he said to one of the adjutants and after that turned to Prince Wirtemberg, who was standing behind him:
“Would it please your Highness to take command of the First Army.”
Shortly after the prince's departure, so soon that he could not yet reach Semyonovsky, the prince's adjutant returned from him and reported to his lordship that the prince was asking for troops.
Kutuzov grimaced and sent an order to Dokhturov to take command of the first army, and asked the prince, without whom, as he said, he could not do at these important moments, he asked to return to himself. When the news of the capture of Murat was brought and the staff congratulated Kutuzov, he smiled.
“Wait, gentlemen,” he said. - The battle is won, and there is nothing unusual in the capture of Murat. But it is better to wait and rejoice. “However, he sent an adjutant to pass through the troops with this news.
When Shcherbinin rode up from the left flank with a report about the occupation of the fleches and Semenovsky by the French, Kutuzov, guessing from the sounds of the battlefield and Shcherbinin’s face that the news was bad, stood up, as if stretching his legs, and, taking Shcherbinin’s arm, took him aside .
“Go, my dear,” he said to Yermolov, “see if anything can be done.”
Kutuzov was in Gorki, in the center of the position of the Russian troops. Napoleon's attack on our left flank was repulsed several times. In the center, the French did not move further than Borodin. From the left flank, Uvarov's cavalry forced the French to flee.
At three o'clock the French attacks ceased. On all the faces coming from the battlefield, and on those who stood around him, Kutuzov read an expression of tension that reached the highest degree. Kutuzov was pleased with the success of the day beyond expectation. But physical forces left the old man. Several times his head sank low, as if falling, and he dozed off. He was served dinner.
Wing adjutant Wolzogen, the same one who, passing by Prince Andrei, said that the war should be im Raum verlegon [transferred into space (German)], and whom Bagration hated so much, drove up to Kutuzov during lunch. Wolzogen came from Barclay with a report on the progress of affairs on the left flank. The prudent Barclay de Tolly, seeing the crowds of wounded fleeing and the disorganized behinds of the army, having weighed all the circumstances of the case, decided that the battle was lost, and with this news he sent his favorite to the commander in chief.
Kutuzov chewed the fried chicken with difficulty, and with narrowed, cheerful eyes looked at Wolzogen.
Wolzogen, casually stretching his legs, with a half-contemptuous smile on his lips, went up to Kutuzov, lightly touching his visor with his hand.
Wolzogen treated his Serene Highness with a certain affected carelessness, intended to show that, as a highly educated military man, he leaves the Russians to make an idol out of this old, useless man, while he himself knows with whom he is dealing. “Der alte Herr (as the Germans called Kutuzov in their circle) macht sich ganz bequem, [The old gentleman calmly settled down (German)] thought Wolzogen and, looking sternly at the plates that stood in front of Kutuzov, began to report to the old gentleman the state of affairs on the left flank as Barclay ordered him and as he himself saw and understood him.
- All points of our position are in the hands of the enemy and there is nothing to recapture, because there are no troops; they are running, and there is no way to stop them,” he reported.
Kutuzov, stopping to chew, stared at Wolzogen in surprise, as if not understanding what he was being told. Wolzogen, noticing the excitement of des alten Herrn, [the old gentleman (German)], said with a smile:
- I did not consider myself entitled to hide from your lordship what I saw ... The troops are in complete disorder ...
- Have you seen? Did you see? .. - Kutuzov shouted with a frown, quickly getting up and advancing on Wolzogen. “How dare you… how dare you…!” he shouted, making menacing gestures with shaking hands and choking. - How dare you, my dear sir, say this to me. You don't know anything. Tell General Barclay from me that his information is incorrect and that the real course of the battle is known to me, the commander-in-chief, better than to him.
Wolzogen wanted to object something, but Kutuzov interrupted him.
- The enemy is repulsed on the left and defeated on the right flank. If you have not seen well, dear sir, then do not allow yourself to say what you do not know. Please go to General Barclay and convey to him my indispensable intention to attack the enemy tomorrow, ”Kutuzov said sternly. Everyone was silent, and one could hear one heavy breathing of the out of breath old general. - Repulsed everywhere, for which I thank God and our brave army. The enemy is defeated, and tomorrow we will drive him out of the sacred Russian land, - said Kutuzov, crossing himself; and suddenly burst into tears. Wolzogen, shrugging his shoulders and twisting his lips, silently stepped aside, wondering at uber diese Eingenommenheit des alten Herrn. [on this tyranny of the old gentleman. (German)]
“Yes, here he is, my hero,” Kutuzov said to the plump, handsome black-haired general, who at that time was entering the mound. It was Raevsky, who had spent the whole day at the main point of the Borodino field.
Raevsky reported that the troops were firmly in their places and that the French did not dare to attack anymore. After listening to him, Kutuzov said in French:
– Vous ne pensez donc pas comme lesautres que nous sommes obliges de nous retirer? [So you don't think, like the others, that we should retreat?]
- Au contraire, votre altesse, dans les affaires indecises c "est loujours le plus opiniatre qui reste victorieux," Raevsky answered, "et mon opinion ... [On the contrary, your grace, in indecisive matters, the one who is more stubborn remains the winner, and my opinion …]

Anton Stolet

Kiss of Judas

"My friend, the real truth is always
not believable, do you know that?
To make the truth more believable
you must certainly mix lies with it."

novel "Demons".

Who are you? And what do you teach? asked Nicodemus.
- I am the son of the Living God, who died. And I teach how to live a man in a world where God is no more!
How can God die?
- The Living God is born and dies, like a person, at the time prepared for him. Only the unknowable deity is eternal, for it is Time. Time has created an empty space in which everything exists. It was in him that my Father, the Living God, whom you call Yahweh, was born. And now he is dead, for the Tree of Life has withered in the middle of paradise, withered without the gardener Adam, and there was nothing for Yahweh to eat.
“So you teach that Time is God?”
- Yes and no! Time is the primary substance, it is higher than existence. False teachers will come and say: "There will be no time!" Don't believe it's a lie. There is Time and there are times. Times come and go, worlds are created and destroyed, but Time has no beginning or end. Time is the supreme God of hosts. My father, the God Yahweh, the creator of all living things, has left this world. And I brought the good news to people: you are free! Your master is dead! Now only the fear of death keeps you in bondage. A person will be free if he doesn't care whether he lives or not!
- How does it matter?! Nicodemus was surprised. - But then there will be those who will commit suicide!
- Many! Many will leave this mortal body and become like Gods. But only if it is an act of freedom, and not from weakness and suffering.
- So you teach death?
- No! I teach life without fear of death.
- Do they understand you?
- I don't know... Not much yet. But I have a last resort that will convince them.
- What is this?
- My death! They will see me die and die in front of thousands! I am the son of the Living God! And then they will believe that Yahweh is dead and they are free.
How will they see you die?
- Oh, that's not a problem! I will die long and painfully, and I myself will bring my cross to Golgotha!
- So you want to die like a criminal, a shameful execution through crucifixion, not a cross?!
- Exactly! What could be more convincing?! To die the most painful and most shameful death. So I will show them that God is dead, and death is not terrible. For my Father, the God of Yahweh, was for you the pain of the fear of death! But he is no more, and there is nothing to be afraid of!
- It is unlikely that your death will convince them of anything, - Nicodemus shrugged.
- Convince! Trample death by death, I will open the way to freedom for the servants of God!
- Yes, but to be sentenced to such an execution, you must commit some cruel atrocity.
- Exactly. This is exactly what you need to help me with. Teach me what to do to get on the cross.
- You're not a robber. Even for the murder of a pregnant woman or a baby, they will be recognized as possessed by demons and put on a chain, but they will not be crucified. I see no options that would lead you to Calvary.
- You must think of something!
“Ah, is this really,” Nicodemus thought, “if you declare yourself the messiah, the king of the Jews, the heir of David. However, this is not enough! Add more calls for the destruction of Solomon's temple.
- I will do everything as you taught me.
- But someone has to inform on you. And this person will be obliged to swear before the Sanhedrin that he is telling the truth. Let it be someone from your inner circle, otherwise they will not believe him. Is there one among your students who is not afraid to be branded as a traitor?
- Yes, I have such a student. True, only one. Judas Iscariot.

On Thursday of the week before Easter, Jesus gathered twelve of his most devoted disciples in secret from others for a farewell conversation at the evening meal. And as they ate, the Master said:
- Today one of you will betray me!
- Who is this, - Peter asked, - isn't it me?
No, you won't be able to complete this mission. But I won't call him by his first name. He has already fulfilled most of what was agreed, the Sanhedrin has made a decision. It remains for the small, to betray me into the hands of the guards.
At this time, Judas quietly got up and left the house unnoticed by others.
In the silence that followed, Jesus continued:
“I bequeath to you, after my death, to spread the Good News to all the lands known and unknown, to convey it both to the chosen people and to the pagans: there is no more God the tyrant. Man is free and free to choose his own destiny. Examine your souls and eradicate fear from them, for: either a person will judge his own fears, or fears will continue to judge him.
- How can fears judge us? - Andrey asked.
- To judge a person means to determine his future fate: where he should live, among whom he should live and what burden to bear. Get rid of the fear of death and you will be free and happy. But if you want to live in peace and prosperity, remember the eternal Time and only worship it.
How can you remember him? - Andrey asked again. - Time is so incorporeal and elusive that it is easiest to forget about it.
- And so that this does not happen, - Jesus taught, - let a mechanical sign of continuously flowing time, the sign of the True God, be installed on each temple as high as possible above the ground.
- What kind of a sign is this, - James the brother of Jesus intervened in the conversation.
- The hour will come and it will be opened to you. Skillful craftsmen will be born who will create it with their own hands to the glory of the True and immortal God. When every adult wears such a sign on his hand, peace and prosperity will come to that land.
“I don’t understand your words, Teacher,” Peter sighed sadly. - I would like to understand them, but apparently it is not given to me.
After the meal, Jesus and his disciples went to the evening prayer.

The Garden of Gethsemane, illuminated by the pale light of the incomplete moon, resembled the stage of the Roman Colosseum, on which the actors played a mysterious mystery. Jesus, together with the disciples, knelt in the direction of the night star and, pointing to it with his finger, said:
- This is the sign of the True God, continuously flowing Time. In his image, let us pray to the eternal God, who never dies, and let us live in joy, not knowing the fear of death, and let us forget the God of the tyrant and despot, who died and will never rise again.
At this time, heavy steps of a group of armed people were heard on the bridge across the Kidron River. They were the guards of Solomon's temple. They stopped in indecision, talking quietly to each other about something. A round-shouldered figure of a short man separated from them and slowly approached Jesus. The disciples were surprised to recognize Judas Iscariot in him.
“Master, I have done your will. These people have come to arrest you. I told them: "Whoever I kiss, he is, take him!"
“So you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?” Jesus smiled.
- When it's done, Teacher, I'll go after you.

The bright sun shone on a small hill on the outskirts of the great city of Jerusalem. The people called this place Bald Mountain, or Golgotha. Once a year, on Friday before Easter, the most terrible criminals were crucified here. They were usually robbers high road. But this time, among the three there was one criminal of a different kind. This led today to the place of execution an unprecedented number of onlookers. It seemed that all of Jerusalem was gathered here. Ignoring the other two sufferers, the crowd discussed central figure terrible sight. Some of the most excitable threw stones at Jesus, and the most daring, approaching at a distance where the Roman centurion, posted here as a guard, still allowed them, tried to spit in the face of the "King of the Jews."
- If you are really the son of the Living God, then where is your power and strength? shouted an old man. How did you let yourself be subjected to such disgrace? So you are a liar!
“He taught that the Living God is dead,” someone objected. - And the man became free. Now everyone has the right to choose whether to live or die. And how to die.
“I will never believe that he voluntarily chose such humiliation for himself!” shouted a woman standing next to her. - This is an impostor and a rebel. I myself heard him say that the temple of Solomon would be destroyed, and not only stone upon stone, but the foundation would not remain from it.

The seventh day of the outgoing week, a holiday in honor of the flight of the chosen people from the slavery of the Pharaoh, which was destined to be the beginning of the liberation of man from internal slavery, ended, like any other day, with the sunset over the horizon. In the evening twilight, someone knocked softly. Judas Iscariot shouted softly:
- Who is there at the door?
- It's me, Sanhedrin secretary Nikodim.
"Come in if you need anything from me."
The figure of the Pharisee, strong beyond his years, appeared on the threshold.
“I want to inform you that it was all in vain,” said the old man.
- Why?
- These eleven did not understand anything. They stole the body of Jesus from the tomb, buried him in secret, and now they are shouting from all corners that he has risen from the dead and ascended to heaven with the body.
“That was to be expected,” Judas shrugged. - However, I don't care. I'm leaving after the Master. Everything is ready.
He pointed to Nicodemus to his bed, to the high back of which was tied in the form of a noose a strong hemp rope-noose, a reliable assistant to suicides.
- Would you like to attend?
- Yes, I want to know if you are afraid at the last moment.
“As you wish,” Judas agreed. - One more thing: take 30 pieces of silver and return them to the treasury of the temple, they are useless to me.
Nicodemus carefully counted the coins and put them in his pocket.
Meanwhile, Judas lay back down on his deathbed, raised his head and put on the noose. The rope squeezed his throat, and his face was filled with blood. Hard breath became more frequent, and Judas' eyes were covered with a drowsy veil. Suddenly, the suicide flinched and grabbed the noose with both hands, releasing the pressure. His breathing improved, the blood subsided, and, pulling his head out of the noose, he sat on the bed and whispered:
- Lord, Jesus Christ! I'm scared.
"I'll help you," Nicodemus said.
He went up to Judas and, lifting a stool standing nearby, hit the unfortunate man on the head with it. He lost consciousness and fell heavily. Nicodemus laid the body in its original position and put the noose on the head. He himself, sitting on the stomach of the victim, tightly pressed his hands to the bed. Soon his breath stopped and his heart stopped. After holding out for a few more minutes, Nicodemus got up, put the stool back in place, looked around the room, and quietly left. "He could become an unnecessary witness," thought the old man. "Unnecessary and dangerous. This time he would betray not only Jesus, but also me."
The streets of Jerusalem now illuminated full moon. At the crossroads, someone shouted heart-rendingly: "Jesus has risen from the dead! We have found the Lord the Living God again! Repent, servants of God, and submit! Fear God and obey his commandments. I am Peter, best student Savior. I am now your high priest. I am going to Rome, and there the emperor himself will submit to me!
- And soon they will teach that there will be no Time! Nicodemus chuckled.
The moon turned into a haze, and it seemed to the old man that he saw the face of the Teacher on the disk of light. But the breeze blew, the sky became clear again. And a new era began on Earth...

Nikolai Stavrogin finished writing, looked through last time manuscript and, taking it, as well as a strong hemp rope and a piece laundry soap, headed for the mezzanine. There he climbed a long, very narrow and steep wooden staircase to the attic. The cracked staircase creaked squeaky, and it made me laugh young man. A stool brought in advance, as it were, was waiting for the owner. Laying the pages with the manuscript right on the floor, Stavrogin stood on this solid creation of joinery art and threw one of the ends of the rope around a thick beam that ran under the roof along the entire length of the attic. Having tied the rope in a secure knot, he carefully rubbed it with soap lower part, on which a loop has already been made. Looking at the dial of your wrist swiss watches with a "perpetual calendar" by Breguet, a citizen of the canton of Uri stuck his head into the noose and resolutely pushed the stool aside ...

When Varvara Petrovna, breathing heavily, climbed the narrow stairs and found herself in the attic, she immediately saw the body of her son hanging in the middle. With a cry and clutching her heart, the woman sank helplessly to the floor. Her gaze flickered over the hangman's face. The peaceful expression on the face of the dead man so struck her that she exclaimed: "Lord, Jesus Christ!", and crossed herself. Mechanically old woman picked up a pile of scribbled sheets, on the top of which capital letters was written:

P.s. Mom, don't show this manuscript to Fyodor Mikhailovich. Mr. Dostoevsky is so impressionable!..

Kiss of Judas - an episode of the Gospel. According to the authors of the Gospel, Judas Iscariot, one of the disciples of Jesus Christ, betrayed him.

Giotto di Bondone (1266–1337), Public Domain

The kiss of Judas is one of the Passion of Christ in Christianity and immediately follows the Gethsemane prayer of Jesus. The kiss of Judas is a symbol of betrayal.

unknown , Public Domain

gospel narrative

The scene of the kiss of Judas is described by all the evangelists, with the exception of John, who only describes the scene of the arrest.


From Matthew

(Matthew 26:47-49)

...behold, Judas, one of the twelve, came, and with him a multitude of people with swords and clubs, from the chief priests and the elders of the people. And the betrayer gave them a sign, saying: Whom I kiss, He is, take Him. And immediately coming up to Jesus, he said: rejoice, rabbi! And kissed him.

(Mark 14:44-45)

And the betrayer gave them a sign, saying: Whom I kiss, he is, take him and lead him carefully. And having come, he immediately went up to Him and said: Rabbi! Rabbi! and kissed him.

(Luke 22:47-48)

... in front of him was one of the twelve, called Judas, and he went up to Jesus to kiss Him. For he gave them such a sign: Whom I kiss, He is. Jesus said to him: Judas! do you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?

Apocryphal literature

In the apocrypha Word about the descent of John the Baptist into hell”, going back to the Byzantine writings of Eusebius of Emesa and Eusebius of Alexandria, tells in detail how the devil pushed Judas to betrayal and the following reasoning is given about his kiss in the Garden of Gethsemane:

“O kiss, full of iniquity! O kiss, disastrous for the soul! O concession to fiery hell! The harlot who kissed the feet of the Lord cleansed her soul of filth. This one, having kissed, ruined his soul. She, kissing, tore up the list of her sins, while this one, kissing, crossed herself out of the books of life. O wisdom of woman! O foolishness of the disciple! When she kissed the feet of the Lord, the angels rejoiced and prepared a crown for her, when this one kissed, the demons rejoiced and wove a rope for hanging.

Theological interpretation

New Testament scholars note that the kiss, chosen by Judas as a conventional sign for soldiers, is a traditional Jewish greeting.

Guido da Siena, 1275-1280, Public Domain

Kissing before betrayal is known from the Old Testament: the commander of King David Joab before the murder of Amesai “I took ... with my right hand Amesai by the beard to kiss him. But Amesai was not afraid of the sword that was in Joab's hand, and he struck him in the stomach with it.(2 Kings 20:9-10). At the same time, commentators write:

“This action, usually used as an expression of friendship and love, used by Judas as an expression of betrayal, shows in Judas either cunning - a desire and at the very end to hide from Jesus Christ a vile plan against Him, or extreme malice, mockingly using a good tool to cause extreme harm , or meaninglessness, not understanding the internal meaning of the actions used.

Theophylact of Bulgaria, in his interpretation of the Gospel of Luke, writes:

“Judas made a kiss to those who were going to Jesus, but so that they would not be mistaken because of the night, he did not indicate from afar. So that Jesus does not hide, for this they come with lanterns and lamps. What is the Lord? He admits to Himself with this enemy kiss. And thunder arrows did not wake up in the ungrateful and insidious! Thus, the Savior teaches us to be gentle in such circumstances. He reproachfully says only: Judas! do you betray by kissing? Are you not ashamed of the very sight of betrayal? Why do you mix betrayal with a friendly kiss, the cause of the enemy? And who are you betraying? The Son of Man, that is, humble, meek, condescending, made human for your sake, and, moreover, the true God. He says this because, until recently, he burned with love for him.

John Chrysostom in his Discourse "On the betrayal of Judas" writes about the reasons why Judas made the peace sign a sign of betrayal: " I know who showed you the path of insidious kissing: the devil inspired such embraces in you, and you, obeying the evil adviser, do his will».