Does gold bend? Methods for checking gold for originality. Ceramic plate test

Is shrinking. So what drives business growth? Some say that gold will never go out of fashion, while others say that they sell in stores fake gold. So who to believe and how to distinguish yourself a precious metal from a fake?

A fake is different from a precious metal, but often the difference is difficult to detect even for a jeweler. But you can determine which decoration was purchased in the store yourself at home. To recognize fake gold will help:

  1. Vinegar.
  2. Pencil to stop bleeding.
  3. Paper.
  4. Magnet.
  5. Other gold jewelry

Testing gold with vinegar

The most reliable is the expertise of a jeweler. The specialist will help to establish the authenticity of the product and issue a conclusion.

So, there are several ways to distinguish real gold from a fake.

Acetic acid oxidizes metals, but it will not have any effect on gold. You can put a gem in a glass of vinegar and water and see what happens to it. Gold will not make the water cloudy, its color will remain the same, but if a fake was immersed in a glass of acid, the water will become dark, cloudy, and the decoration will darken.

In fairness, it should be noted that it is rare. Jewelry is made from alloys. This is due to the fact that gold is a very ductile metal.

Iodine will leave a mark on low-quality jewelry, it can be dark or light yellow. The counterfeiting of gold has long become widespread, so the first rule of the buyer should be considered the choice of a store that sells precious products.

Checking the golden ring with iodine

The gold-like metal can be recognized with a bleeding stop pencil. A lapis pencil should be drawn over the decoration, and if a noticeable mark remains, then it is a fake.

You can swipe across a sheet of paper with two various decorations. One must be chosen for verification, and the quality of the other must not be in doubt. If the stripes remaining on the paper are the same, then the product being tested is of high quality.

For verification, you will need two gold items. They are visually compared with each other, determining the quality of the decoration with a magnifying glass.

other methods

How to distinguish gold from a fake? There are several answers to this question, it will help to determine the quality of the product:

  • test on jewelry;
  • tooth check;
  • light adaptation.

The first step is to carefully consider the sample on the decoration. If it is fuzzy, cloudy, the numbers are poorly visible, it is better to put such decoration aside.

In some cases, the test is placed on the lock or on the mount. Therefore, it is worth carefully examining the decoration, perhaps somewhere there is another sample.

In films about the Wild West, the question of how to distinguish valuable metal from a fake was not relevant. The coins were checked "by the tooth". Because gold is a malleable metal, it will leave a small indentation on its surface. But if, after such a check, the jewel turned black at the place of the "bite", then this indicates its low quality.

Checking with light and shadow is the simplest, it is easy to do in the store. The precious metal shines equally in the shade and in the sun. If under the rays of the sun the jewel sparkled with new colors, and in the shade it looked faded and unattractive, then it is a fake.

How to distinguish copper from gold? Very simple. Copper turns green when it comes into contact with water, and is more durable and less ductile. It is present as an alloy in precious jewelry, this should not be forgotten.

Gold is not attracted to a magnet.

Checking a gold ring with a magnet

How to recognize gilding?

Experts know how to distinguish fake from real gold, but they are sometimes mistaken. Cunning manufacturers do not send the whole product for verification, but only part of it, for example, chain links or a bracelet lock.

The expert puts a test on the product, and the manufacturer builds a lock into a low-quality jewelry.

Most often, brass and gilding are given out as precious metal. How to distinguish gold from brass? For this you will need:

The ceramic product must be uncoated. Decoration is carried out along it, and if it remains on the surface of the dishes dark trail, Means, we are talking about forgery. Gold will leave a yellow streak.

What jewelry should not be bought?

If the surface of the decoration has:

  1. Scuffs.
  2. Roughness.
  3. Chips.
  4. Fuzzy test.
  5. The product has an uneven color.

Jewels have a characteristic cold luster. They should be even and smooth, the color of the product should be the same with tints of shade. No dark streaks or stripes are allowed.

The higher the samples, the better product, but it is impossible to find pure gold in the store. The most popular samples are 585 and 750, these jewels have high quality, but silver, copper and other metals are mixed with the precious metal, which have no value. All in order to increase the strength of the jewelry.

According to experts, gold from Turkey most often turns out to be a fake and is of poor quality. Turks can put any test on fake gold on the street. Therefore, you should be careful when buying a gold product and avoid dubious sellers and points of sale. An unscrupulous trader will never tell a buyer how to recognize a piece of jewelry. He will just praise his product.

However, among such a variety, there are often things that cannot claim to be originals. It is important to know how to distinguish gold from a banal fake for every person who wants to spend their cash for precious metal.

Is it possible to fake gold with a breakdown?

Initially, they closely examine the thing they like - a ring, bracelet, necklace, cufflinks, watches, etc. So, how to distinguish real gold from a fake in a visual assessment? You should focus on such important details:

Brand. It should be quite clear, but sometimes it can be difficult to see it, especially in antique jewelry. However, swindlers have got used to skillfully imitate marking. So fake gold with a breakdown can also occur.

Tag and certificate. The label of the original contains relevant information about the product itself, the name of the manufacturer is certainly indicated. The fake is devoid of accompanying documentation and labels.

The state of the "wrong side". The inner surface of the original item is finished neatly, professionally, which cannot be said about a fake. Chips or cracks, other similar flaws are also not allowed.

An example of a very clumsy fake of gold is shown in the photo below:

Metal color. The reddish hue of the jewelry indicates an excessive amount of copper in it. Pale yellow in appearance, the alloy contains a lot of zinc. In addition, high-grade gold will not change its color with fluctuations in lighting.

Occasionally, a sound check is also used. How to distinguish gold: it differs from a fake in that when it hits hard surface emits a light "crystal" ringing. But, of course, not every person has such a hearing to catch and recognize the thinnest edges sound. Previously, gold was tested by biting with teeth. Imprints remain on the surface of the precious metal, however, one should not forget about the softness of lead.

How to distinguish - fake or gold?

To confirm (or refute) the worthy quality of a jewelry product, they resort to simple, but reliable analyzes. There are several simple techniques, giving a chance to distinguish gold from a fake even at home.

Suitable for this are, for example:

Iodine solution. Drop a little substance and wait a couple of minutes, then remove the iodine from the product with a dry cloth. If a trace remains on the area under study, then this is a forgery. If there are no prints, then the original is in front of your eyes.

How to distinguish gold from a fake, demonstrates a video (we are talking about an iodine test):

Vinegar. Pour liquid into a cup piece of jewelry literally for 5 minutes, then take out the “trinket” and carefully examine it. If it has not darkened, then the acquisition can be safely called successful.

Unglazed ceramics. If you draw an edge original decoration on a porcelain plate, then a golden stripe will remain on it, and if fake, a dark one.

Lapis pencil. How to determine real gold: from a fake (after applying small strokes to its wetted surface with the help of the mentioned pencil), one should expect the appearance of a dark blot. The precious metal, after manipulation, will remain golden.

Another known interesting way how to identify gold - it is distinguished from a fake by a reaction to a heavy magnet. A noble ingot is not attracted, but a fake immediately “sticks” to a magnet. There is, however, an important nuance: scammers manage to use magneto-passive ingredients (copper, bronze), which also cannot be discounted.

You can also conduct such a study: heat the product over the burner, then quickly immerse it in cool water. Gold won't change appearance, but on other metals stains are formed.

If you buy goods in a large branded store, then the risk of stumbling upon a "fake" will be much lower. But you should not lose your vigilance, because even prestigious outlets sometimes offer not quite standard products.

All the considered testing options are acceptable only for the so-called express diagnostics. They help to detect only gross plagiarism. Accurately determine the authenticity of the purchased jewelry and its detailed composition can only experienced jeweler who has special highly sensitive equipment at hand. Therefore, if there are soul-tormenting suspicions about the quality of the product, the most rational solution would be to visit a professional.

We will be very grateful if you leave your rating

Some craftsmen have learned to fake very skillfully Jewelry of gold, like himself noble metal. Therefore, for people who rarely deal with jewelry, it can be difficult to distinguish real gold from a fake.

Perhaps the probability of buying a genuine product in jewelry stores much higher than in a stall, underpass or in a regular market. However, having decided to buy a gold chain in a reputable store, you should not be overly gullible: after all, there, interspersed with original rings, bracelets and earrings made of gold, fakes may well be sold.

There are many methods that can be used to test the quality of gold at home. However, it must be remembered that these methods are only suitable for distinguishing a gross fake.

How to distinguish gold from a fake

1. To check the authenticity of gold jewelry, pay attention to whether they have a special marking. The hallmark may indicate the fineness or pure weight of gold in carats (10K, 14K, 18K, 22K or 24K). The brand is not always possible to distinguish if you are dealing with antiques. But, fake products may also have a stigma - in this case, an expert evaluation of the product is required.

2. You can judge the quality of gold items by their wrong side. If, when examining jewelry offered by jewelry stores, you see that inner surface processed professionally, the likelihood that the product is fake is significantly reduced.

3. An ordinary magnet will help to check the authenticity of gold. The fact is that the precious metal gold is not attracted to it. If the product sticks to the magnet, it means that you have a fake. But do not forget that scammers may well use magneto-passive components in fake jewelry.

4. At home, you can test with gold jewelry and an unglazed ceramic plate or just a piece of ceramic. Swipe the gold over the surface of the plate. If after that the decoration appears dark streak, it's fake. If the trace has golden color means precious metal.

5. Some people believe that real gold can be identified by its characteristic sound: when hitting a smooth hard surface, the product should make a crystal ringing. But one should not put too much hope on this method of identifying gold. After all, only a person with unique hearing can distinguish the sound of a natural gold ring and an alloy ring. Moreover, this method is not suitable for checking long items - a gold chain or bracelet.

6. Also, ordinary vinegar and iodine will help you understand that you have real gold in front of you, and not its imitation. If after you dip the jewelry in a container of vinegar, it changes color to a darker one, this indicates that the gold is not real. With iodine, you can carry out a similar procedure. It is necessary to apply a couple of drops to the metal and wait about five minutes. If the color of the product has not changed, you should not worry about its authenticity.

7. Lapis pencil is used to treat warts, skin cracks and small bleeding wounds. However, it can also be used to verify the authenticity of gold. Just draw a small line with a pencil on the metal soaked in water. If on the surface of the product appears dark spot, know that gold is not real. This is an express method, since the metal oxidizes almost instantly.

Often when buying jewelry, you may not be sure of its origin. To check the authenticity of gold, you can use improvised means and preparations that are in every home first aid kit. However, you need to understand that the listed methods are powerless if you come across a high-quality fake gold jewelry.

Paradoxically, jewelry stores are popping up like mushrooms after the rain, even though gold production is falling worldwide. Alas, even in a decent, at first glance, store, you can run into a fake, which will cost no less than a real gold item. In order not to become a victim of scammers, you need to approach the purchase of gold jewelry carefully, checking the item being purchased by everyone. accessible ways. About what these methods will now be discussed.

Place of purchase and documents

A real gold product is unlikely to be sold in an underground passage or just on the street. In this case, it is easier to take it to a pawnshop.

But even the purchase of a piece of jewelry in a store is not a guarantee of its authenticity. Each golden decoration must have a list of certain documents, one of which is a tag. It should contain information about the manufacturer, the name of the product and its article number, sample, weight, price per gram and total price, stamp of the quality control department.


When buying gold jewelry, you need to remember that this is not one hundred percent gold metal, otherwise it would easily bend, since gold is soft. Therefore, the sample that can be seen on inside products are nothing but the amount of gold in it. That is, a sample of 585 means that this product contains 58.5% gold, the rest is impurities. If the sample is blurry, or you doubt what numbers are indicated there, refuse to buy.

Unfortunately, even a sample of gold is faked, so there are a few more “old-fashioned” verification methods that, although not entirely accurate, can help.

Experimental methods for determining authenticity

When struck, gold emits a characteristic "crystal" ringing. But this method is unlikely to be allowed in a jewelry store.

There is another option - to drop a drop of iodine on the product and wait three minutes. If a trace remains, the decoration is fake.

Gold jewelry cannot be attracted by a magnet, unlike other metals. True, aluminum, bronze and copper are also not magnetic, this must be taken into account.

Another way is to put gold in vinegar essence. It should not darken, unless, of course, it is a fake.

And finally, the gold jewelry does not change color when viewed in the shadow or in the light.

But the main and most reliable way- laboratory examination. If after all the experiments, doubts are not dispelled, contact an independent specialist.

Findings site

  1. A gold jewelry has all the documents, a hallmark and a hallmark, while a fake one may be missing some of the above.
  2. Gold rings when dropped from a small height.
  3. On real gold jewelry, traces of iodine cannot remain and it will not darken from vinegar.
  4. Gold is not attracted by a magnet.
  5. Both in the shade and in sunlight, the gold jewelry should have one color.
from forgery and buy really high quality jewelry. You will learn what to look for first, about the purity of alloys and how to avoid cheating.

Where is the best place to buy gold

In specialized stores, salons, boutiques, showrooms that offer goods from the manufacturer. A small counter can disappear like a gingerbread house the next day, and you simply have nowhere to turn to complain if you buy a fake or the decoration breaks. A store that has been operating for more than a year and values ​​​​its reputation will do everything possible to make the client satisfied and return again for the next purchase.

Information on the tag that needs to be carefully studied?

Tag - jewelry passport, it indicates all the main parameters of the product: name, metal from which it is made, sample, weight, size (for rings, bracelets, chains), the presence of precious inserts and their characteristics. + Mandatory OTK stamp.

Is a sample required? What types does it have?

Yes, definitely! No matter how the seller assures you that the gold is real - demand to show the brand (sample). It is of two types: laser and mechanical. Even hallmarks are now being faked, so you should be alerted by a fuzzy frame, blurry numbers or a trident. Do not hesitate to ask for a magnifying glass and carefully examine the product incl. for the presence of a label.


Also make sure that there is a name on the product - information about the manufacturer. Its absence may indicate that the product is an import. In this case, the 585 assay reassures you that the product contains 58.5% pure gold. In this case, the composition of the ligature, i.e. other additives may be questionable, contain more allowable rate nickel, zinc (which can lead to allergic reactions). These metals give the alloy White color. When platinum and palladium are used, the cost of products increases significantly. Choose jewelry that is coated with a layer of rhodium, in which case you will be able to avoid allergic reactions.

1st name, 2nd test

External signs of a real gold product

Distinguish by color good fake from gold is almost impossible, in appearance such products are identical. In pawnshops and jewelry stores chemical reagents are used to verify compliance with the declared characteristics of the product. If the product looks massive, but at the same time light, you are offered a hollow decoration or made of “ignoble” metals.

What tricks are most often used by sellers to deceive buyers

Pure gold is not used for making jewelry, because. it is very soft and not subject to the manufacture of jewelry. To create jewelry purity 999.9 diluted with a ligature. The most popular alloy is 585 test. This suggests that the product contains 58.5% gold, the remaining components are additives that affect the color, performance properties of the product, and its allergenicity. If you are offered a “gold” piece of jewelry at a very low price, ask what grade the alloy is. Most likely, they want to sell you a product with a low content of precious metal or just gold-plated.

quality silver jewelry gilded does not mean bad. It looks like gold, but is much cheaper. And the customer should be aware that he is buying a coated product. There are situations when they are silent about this, the product is issued for gold. And over time, a completely base metal is found under a layer of gilding.

Be especially careful if you decide to buy jewelry in an unverified place. Some "craftsmen" sell products in which only a lock with an imprint of a sample is real, and the entire product is entirely made of a dubious alloy.

Quality jewelry accessories

How to check if a piece of jewelry is real at home

Can test gold at home with the help of a magnet. Real noble metal is not magnetic if the jewelry is attracted to the magnet, you have a fake in your hands. But this is not a universal test; copper fakes are also not magnetic.

There is a lot of information on the Internet about checking gold for authenticity with iodine - in fact, this method is ineffective, you can irretrievably ruin favorite decoration aggressive scrutiny. More efficient testing with reagents. It is carried out in jewelry stores and pawnshops.

Accurate verification of authenticity is performed by the State Assay Chamber of Ukraine. It is in this state structure that tests are made on real gold products; not only an enterprise, but also an individual can apply to verify the authenticity of the product.

Information that may not be told to the buyer:

  • emeralds, sapphires and rubies in the product are often doublets, i.e. not solid stones, but glued together from two parts;
  • beautiful blue topaz have such a color not from nature, but in most cases they got it as a result artificial dyeing. Such stones are called "ennobled";
  • hydrothermal emerald is a stone that is created in the laboratory.

Information about the stone should be indicated on the tag, be attentive to such remarks: "hydrothermal emerald", i.e. grown in the laboratory, "named after pearls" - imitation pearls, i.e. he's not real. At the same time, many are confused by the information on the tag that the pearls are cultured. This is the most real pearl, but it grows with the participation of man, on special "farms". If you doubt the quality of the stone - take it to the gemological examination.

Conclusion: in order not to doubt the authenticity of jewelry, buy jewelry only in trusted jewelry stores, such as the site!