How to get rid of fake friends. Beautiful statuses about friends who value friendship

Statuses about betrayal

Betrayal is a painful and turning point in a person’s life. It is difficult, painful, unpleasant and offensive. Betrayal cannot be forgiven; it must be forgotten.

Psychologists say so. They insist that you can’t close yourself off, all emotions and negative manifestations need to be thrown out.

The younger generation usually reveals all their pain, negativity and resentment in in social networks. This helps you cope, forget about sad and bad thoughts, and plunge into the world of new emotions.

The thought that a traitor will see his status and repent also warms a person.

Life statuses with meaning about meanness and betrayal for girls:

  1. “I’ve always been loyal, but it turned out to be unnecessary.”
  2. “It’s easy to break a person; it’s enough to overtake him with betrayal.”
  3. “I’ll start my life with a new leaf, and tear up the old one, throwing it away.”
  4. “Life always brings surprises, sometimes unpleasant ones.”
  5. “Don’t rejoice in my pain and suffering. I will rise, but you will fall."
  6. “I’m piecing my heart together, I’m afraid to trust people again.”
  7. “You protect him with your chest, and he puts a knife in your back. It's a shame..."
  8. “My tears will not end with joy for you.”
  9. “Betrayal is a manifestation of weakness of character.”
  10. “Don’t open your arms, they will cut your soul.”
  11. “The feeling of revenge awakens after betrayal, resentment, meanness and anger. Wait…I’m ready to use it.”
  12. “The parable says that betrayal, love and death cannot be foreseen.”
  13. “Everything is forgiven, but not a heart cut into pieces.”
  14. "Love betrayed us."
  15. “They say don’t trust strangers. It’s in vain, you shouldn’t trust your loved ones.”
  16. “Every stab in the back has its own face.”
  17. “The pain of the first betrayal teaches you not to trust first impressions.”
  18. “Those who betray are always betrayed. Remember..."
  19. “Don’t cry, don’t grieve. The pain will subside and a smile will appear.”
  20. “Don’t bring back people who betrayed you.”

Important! Do not accompany statuses about pain and disappointment with emoticons and pictures. It doesn't look nice.

The status should touch the soul, and the abundance of animation blurs the line between pain and public disclosure of disappointment.

When a former loved one betrays you, it hurts. When friends betray you, it’s a shame. With every offense, remember that life has not stopped.

Get over disappointment, forget the bad moments in life, and dedicate a couple of lines to your enemies on the main page of your social network.

Expressions about fake friends:

  1. “Without true friends, we experience loneliness.”
  2. “You should not be afraid of enemies, but of false friends.”
  3. “If you don’t have friends, you shouldn’t be sad. Sad if they are corrupt."
  4. “Fatigue from deceitful friends is overwhelming.”
  5. “You shouldn’t call your contacts friends.”

Statuses about best friends with meaning

Friends are those people who support and help in difficult moments of life. They accompany a person not only in joyful moments, but also sympathize when troubles arise.

It's worth dedicating statuses to friends. This way you will show them respect, appreciation, love, gratitude.

Statuses about friends who value friendship:

  • "A friend will never betray you."
  • “Friends are not perfect people, they are just Hard time near".
  • “Friends are called family, which is chosen already in adulthood.”
  • “A difficult moment points to a friend.”
  • “The best friend doesn’t quit in a bad mood.”
  • “Friendship is one soul living in two bodies.”
  • “Friendship is like a diamond. Rarely seen. It costs expensive. Often counterfeited."
  • “A friend’s hand is a support.”

Childhood friends are close people who shared with a person the happiest moments of his life. Such people remember a person’s growth, his development and formation as a person.

Statuses about true and devoted childhood friends:

  • “Do you know the difference between real friends and fake ones? The real ones call you by your last name.”
  • “True friends don’t see each other for years, but they are always close in spirit.”
  • “Women’s friendship is a merging of souls and the conclusion of a non-aggression pact.”
  • “Whoever needs you will not forget you.”
  • “I want to shoot my friends and girlfriends. But if it weren’t for them, I would have shot myself long ago.”
  • “A friend will not envy happiness.”
  • “A friend is like a mirror, she will always tell the truth.”
  • “Friends are gifts from fate.”
  • “When making new friends, don’t forget about the old ones.”
  • “Only my friends and I can cry all night, complain about life, and then get dressed and say “everything is fine.”

Thanks for the congratulations

At large quantities congratulations, it’s difficult to personally thank everyone who congratulates. Therefore, for the purpose of gratitude for congratulatory words, wishes and attention given, put a status on the wall on the social network.

Note! The status is available for reading to all guests and friends of your page. People who congratulated him will see him and appreciate his gratitude.

It is worth remembering that according to etiquette, it is extremely impolite not to thank a person for the respect shown. This offends a person and pushes him into negative thoughts.

Table: beautiful and short statuses with which you can thank for congratulations

Statuses about recreation and entertainment

Rest is an integral part of life. Therefore, expressions about relaxation lift your spirits, set you up for positive emotions and make you happy.

Cool phrases about holidays in company:

  • “Meetings with friends are always expensive. Appreciate and cherish them."
  • “Yesterday I rested my soul in the company. Today all parts of the body hurt.”
  • “When you wake up in the morning you think, “I’m ready to move mountains.” I thought well, why interfere with nature.”
  • “I left for a meeting with the weekend.”
  • “It’s only after a party with friends that you realize that you have nothing to be ashamed of anymore.”

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It happens that, at first glance, the nicest and most frank people turn out to be evil and quite dangerous in practice. Their courtesy and friendliness is just a mask.

We need friends, but sometimes telling the difference between real and fake people can be harder than it seems. Especially if you want to believe in best qualities in people.

There are a few useful tips to identify sincere and not so sincere people in your environment.

1. They will understand and support any choice you make.

True friends will understand and support any choice, even if it goes against their own beliefs.

2. They don't pay attention to oddities.

Every person has quirks and strange habits. Sincere friends accept them or simply do not pay attention to various whims.

3. They know how to forgive.

Everyone makes mistakes. True friends will always find the strength to forgive and understand the situation. In the end, we are all only human.

4. Stay connected no matter what.

True friends will stay in touch, even if there is a significant distance between you. They always have something to talk about, they are ready to listen and do not ask for anything in return. Hypocrites only get in touch when they need something.

5. Become a part of your life.

This is expressed in short gatherings in cafes, friendly meetings at sports grounds and weekends spent together. At the same time, true friends are not afraid to open their hearts to you.

In order to be less disappointed and exclude fake friends from your social circle, you need to know the peculiarities of their behavior. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the 5 most typical signs insincerity.

1. Passive-aggressive behavior.

This is a tool that fake friends use to achieve their own goals. It is expressed in the form of hidden teases disguised as a compliment.

2. Lack of responsibility.

Fake friends promise to help and do their best, but they will definitely let you down. And this can happen repeatedly. The reason is that they always pursue only their own benefit and never admit their guilt.

3. The desire to be the center of attention.

Such people always expect immediate help in difficult situations, but they themselves will not come to the rescue.

4. Gossip and rumors.

This is a clear sign of insincerity. If a so-called friend talks badly about other people behind their back, then think about what he is saying about you?

5. Striving for excellence.

Fake people, instead of helping, always and in everything want to surpass the people they call friends. This is expressed in significant things and even in small everyday events.

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Friendship is one of the best things in our life. However, not all friends are the same - sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish the real one from the fake one. But in fact the difference between them is huge. So, you can always rely on a true friend and turn to him for any reason. You know for sure that he will always be on your side, regardless of the situation. You cannot rely on fake friends. Use this guide to find out who's really yours a true friend.

Support in everything

A true friend will always support you in your endeavors. Whether it's waltz lessons, a desire to change jobs or something else, he will always be there for you.

Crazy things

We all do stupid and funny things sometimes. Real friends adore you for this! In addition, they will probably always be willing to join you and fool around together.

Sorry for everything

Sometimes we make mistakes and we can ruin everything. Fake friends most likely will not forgive you for such mistakes. But a true friend knows that this can happen to anyone. He will probably forgive you, because you are truly important to him.

Always by your side

Regardless of the situation, a true friend will always be on your side. He will not ask you unnecessary questions, but will simply offer his support.

Encourages your development

We all grow as individuals, discover something new for ourselves, and acquire new interests. Fake friends in this case will laugh at your attempts, unlike real ones, who will only motivate you to move forward and develop.

Aware of your quirks

Each of us has little quirks: we are capricious in the morning, we start flirting when we drink too much, we eat too much at dinner, etc. But only real friends know such details about us.

Constant contact

Fake friends will only communicate with you when they need something or want to know some gossip. True friends will always keep in touch with you, no matter where you are. After all, they are actually interested in what is happening in your life. They just don't need latest gossip about your relationship. Moreover, real friends will even be interested to know what you had for lunch today.

Ability to keep secrets

If you can trust someone with your innermost secret, being sure that no one else will know about it, then this is your true friend. Fake friends don't know how to keep other people's secrets. But a true friend values ​​your trust and will not tell anyone what you told him about.

No need to dress up to impress

If you don't have to dress nice, do your hair, or make sure you smell nice, then you have real friends. After all, they won’t be particularly worried if you appear before them in a tracksuit and with unwashed hair. The worst thing they can do is make a couple of jokes at your expense. But they don't really care. After all, a true friend just wants to spend time in your company.

They find time for you

It doesn't matter that your friend only has an hour after work before language school starts, he will always be ready to have a cup of tea with you. True friends will always be able to find time to see and chat with you.

A vest to cry on

The big difference between real and fake friends is how they react to your ups and downs. So, if you're feeling down, a fake friend will tap you on the shoulder and encourage you to change the subject. But a true friend will simply hug you and allow you to have a good cry and vent, even if it takes all night. He will always be with you no matter whether you are happy or sad.

Often people betray their friends not because they decided so, but because of weakness of character.

We love our friends mainly for their shortcomings, which we discuss together.

For some people best friend replaces loneliness, and best friend- silence.

The friendship of two saints brings much more harm to the world than the mutual enmity of ten hooligans.

Best status:
God is our true friend: knowing everything about us, he continues to love us.

Betrayal should never be forgiven. By violating this rule, traitors will not forgive themselves for their own betrayal, and therefore will be dangerous to society and will be able to betray someone else.

There are no bad friends: there are either friends or acquaintances.

Betrayal has one surprising similarity with the law. The similarity is that each of these two concepts is not retroactive.

The best friend is also a traitor... And the thought never occurred to me that this would happen to me, but it’s true. This is what trust means...

To a soul that has betrayed someone, any surprise seems to be the beginning of retribution. (Fazil Iskander)

She was - devoted, and became - betrayed... just one letter that can break a person...

Some may like betrayal, but traitors are hated by everyone.

People call each other friends, but there’s just users and those being used!

Sometimes friends are the most last people that you can trust.

It's a shame when you are Judas and they sell you like Christ. – Arkady Davidovich

A friendship that ended never really began. Publilius Syrus

I love betrayal, but I hate traitors. – Caesar Julius

I love betrayal, but not traitors. - Julius Caesar

Evil enemies are not as annoying as cunning friends.

No wonder women’s fidelity was given such great importance! Public good, public evil are associated with their behavior. Heaven or hell in a family is caused solely by the rumor that goes around about women, and the rumor depends only on them. – Beaumarchais P.

Betrayals are most often committed not out of deliberate intention, but out of weakness of character. – Francois La Rochefoucauld

A golden man is easier to sell. – Slawomir Wroblewski

A deceitful face will hide everything that a treacherous heart has in mind.

Where friendship weakens, ceremonial politeness increases.

And our statuses in contact are not a hoax, those two were simply lost somewhere among dreams.

A good friend is better than a hundred relatives.

Don't call an infidel a friend. Is a changeable person worthy of love? Betrayal of a friend of the aphorism – Saadi

If you feel that they want to deceive you, then you have already been deceived..

I tear up my life like a piece of paper, together with those who did not want to go further with me... And I begin to write it from a clean piece of paper...

Betrayals are most often committed not out of deliberate intention, but out of weakness of character. – La Rochefoucauld

The natural form of manifestation of truly popular democracy is denunciations and revelations. – Alexander Zinoviev

They only betray their own. – French saying

Betrayal already indicates love. You can't betray someone you know. – Marina Tsvetaeva

You know, why the hell should I put pressure on you if, because of stupidity, you lost the main happiness of life?

I have friends - what I need! I'm lucky to have them!!!

Friendship can only unite worthy people)))

The most wonderful gift given to people after wisdom is friendship!

The basis of friendship lies in complete agreement of will, tastes and opinions.

Don't have 100 friends, but have an impudent face!

Men betray out of hatred, women out of love. (Aphorisms about betrayal) – Moritz-Gottlieb Safir

A bad friend is like a shadow: run on a sunny day and you won’t run away; on a cloudy day you won’t find him.

Now you eat lunch alone. You used to have a lot of friends, now you have none at all.

War tests the brave, anger tests the sage, need tests the friend.

Only a true friend can rejoice at your successes!

Friendship more tragic than love– she takes much longer to die.

Cheating on a friend is a crime. Without justification, without forgiveness. – Lope de Vega

It is better to be at enmity with a smart person than to be friends with a fool.

The first opinion can be deceptive... but it’s worse when all the subsequent ones become deceptive...

The loyalty of a coward or a fool is not a support for the master.

If you're not sure, don't betray it. – Maxim Zvonarev

A friend is not the one who will give you a hand when you fall, but the one who will fall next to you and laugh.

Cunning and betrayal only indicate a lack of dexterity. – Francois La Rochefoucauld

There are such friends - and there is no need for enemies.

A lie is fiction, fiction is art, which means all art is a lie.

I love to look into your eyes and listen to how you lie... And you don’t even realize that I know the truth...

A wise friend will not abandon his friend, despite all the hardships. Betrayal of a friend of aphorisms – Rustaveli Sh.

If a friend refuses to lend you $50, he probably knows you particularly well. :-P

Betrayal is a blow you don't expect. Betrayal of aphorisms – Paulo Coelho

He forgave betrayals with his body, but never betrayals with his soul and heart. – Afonchenko Valery

Of all the things that wisdom provides for the happiness of life, the most important is the acquisition of friendship.

Selling out friends is not a sign of bankruptcy, but a sign of a career. – Leopold Nowak

Other people only after selling are convinced that they had some kind of price. – Leszek Kumor

Who has deceived you as often as you have?

We do not fully forgive the giver. The hand that feeds may also be bitten. – Ralph Emerson

Be faithful to those who are faithful to you. – Plautus

By the time you realize that there are only wolves around, you will already be eaten.

So what if I believed you, loved you, got used to it - I was a fool, but thanks to you I became smarter!

Of two friends, only one is a friend of the other.

Of all the living creatures on earth, I would like to have only a dog as a friend, only it is not capable of betrayal. – Tikhonov Alexander

Friendship and tea are good when they are strong and not too sweet.

A friend is a person who knows absolutely everything about you and still loves you!

When no one needs you, this is not loneliness... it is self-deception...

When indulging in memories, do not betray them. – Kolechitsky Vladimir

Never judge a person by his friends. Judas's were perfect.

It's nice to evoke the admiration of friends, but even more pleasant is the admiration of enemies. :-D

Friendship between a man and a woman is sex postponed until later.

Treason can be forgiven, but resentment cannot. – Akhmatova Anna Andreevna

A friend is someone who calmly bears your successes.

Snitch is a branch among the branches of lies and one of its varieties. – Ibn Hazm

Sometimes it is easier to tolerate the deception of the one you love than to hear the whole truth from him

In addition to how to substitute, friendship also teaches you to forgive.

The loyalty of scoundrels is as unreliable as themselves. – Pliny the Younger

There is nothing to be done - either we indulge in love, or love betrays us. – Frederic Beigbeder

We so often deceive ourselves that we could do this for a living...

it’s good when a DOG is a person’s FRIEND, it’s disgusting when a FRIEND TURNS OUT TO BE A DOG...;-)

A true friend is someone who will hold your hand and feel your heart.

Money can't buy a friend, but you can buy better enemies.*-)

There are many friends; friendship is only rare.

The richer your friends, the more it costs you.

Marrying without tying yourself to anything is a betrayal. Betrayal of an aphorism - Michel Montaigne

We look for new friends when old ones get to know us too well.

May retribution strike with misfortune Those who paid for friendship with enmity. Jalaleddin Rumi

Don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends. Everyone will give 2 rubles, you will have 200!!! :-P

Again, consoled, I believed in your ridiculous story, although I knew there was no more faith, not for the first time...

Sometimes lies merge so closely with the truth that it’s hard to live in the remaining gap.

Friends are the support of life. By multiplying supports, we prolong life!

Friend, it’s not your status; changing your status is harmful...

If you keep a dog on a leash, do not expect affection from it. – André Wilmaitre

Sending people to war untrained means betraying them. Betrayal of a friend aphorisms – Confucius

Friends appear and then disappear, like waiters in a restaurant.

A true friend is a person you can call at four o'clock in the morning.

It's not so bad: we weren't sold - we were given away for nothing. Betrayal of aphorisms – Karel Capek

Decent people are also sold for a decent price. – Hot Petan

An old friend is better than the new two, he knows how to ruin the mood

When you know what to talk to a person about, this is a sign of mutual sympathy. When you have something to keep silent about together, this is the beginning of true friendship!

Believing the oaths of a traitor is the same as believing the piety of the devil. – Elizabeth I

Don't have 100 friends, have all your enemies!

Anyone who is accustomed to making white out of black and black out of white is capable of any deception.

Friends are like stars, they are not visible, but they are there.

Betrayal, although very cautious at first, eventually reveals itself.

An honest politician does not oversell himself! – Arkady Davidovich

Yes, sometimes I lost friends, not because I was rotten, but because there are friends who CANNOT be lost!!!

Betrayal is like a blow below the belt...always unexpected and very painful...

He who leaves a friend in trouble will himself know the bitterness of troubles. – Shota Rustaveli

He has all the properties of a dog except loyalty. The Betrayal of the Aphorism - Samuel Houston

Traitors betray themselves first of all.

You don’t need to ask a friend for anything, trouble is not terrible with him, a friend is your third shoulder, will always be with you...

A best friend is someone who helps us bring out the best in our soul.