Statuses about your best friend are short. Statuses about best friend

I came to my friend to cry for my life... They laughed until the morning...

When guys appear, girlfriends disappear...even the best ones...

A friend is the person with whom you are in sickness and in health, in poverty and wealth, in joy and sorrow, today and forever.

Female friendship exists as long as the interests of women do not intersect.

The saddest thing is to see how sad your friend is and understand that you can’t help her.

No matter what you tell, there will always be a friend who had more, longer, longer, higher, better, stronger, tastier, richer...

The best friend is the one who stands up for you! Then he will take you aside and say that you were wrong!

The best friend is the one you can come to without calling, forgetting your house keys, and know for sure that she is at home.

You are my friend, we are friends, you are just as stupid as I am.

I will give my friend only to those hands that will love her more than I do.

Women's friendship is a 24/7 job!

It's always scary to meet a friend's new boyfriend. Especially if you slept with him...

Your friend forgot about you and she has a boyfriend? Set the status to “Damn! I think I fell in love with my best friend's boyfriend..."

It’s better to be with a friend than with a guy, you can tell her everything and act like a complete fool, but she will always understand and won’t tell anyone.

A friend is a news service, a liquor store and a psychological support center.

Best friends are like the wind: noisy, violent, impetuous and unpredictable!

A true friend won't let you do stupid things alone!

Only a true friend can be told to her face: “You’re pissing me off.” And at the same time, do not be afraid that she will be offended.

It doesn’t matter what they say about your friends: if you like them and you feel good with them, then they are exactly the people who should be around - regardless of age and social status.

A true friend is not a chick who wipes your snot when your boy dumps you. A true friend is one who is sincerely happy to see you beautiful!

The best friend is the one who says several times a day: “You’re a fool...” and then adds: “I’m all about me!”

It's just terrible when best friend you begin to see a potential rival...

I was not surprised when one of my friends asked another for a screwdriver, but when the second one took it out of her purse...

Best friends are when even strangers they call you sisters!

The best friend is the one with whom you constantly have to delete your message history after corresponding with her.

It's happiness when you have a friend who you can open your heart. Appreciate friendship...

Your friend gave you a hickey and now you can’t prove to the guy that this is REALLY your friend!

A true friend will always scratch her nose or head when your nails are painted!

It’s so nice to hear from a friend: “Did you see how he looked at you?”

I went to pick up a drunk friend from the guests... Now we are sitting, waiting for them to pick us up.

The best friend is the one who forgets about her problems because she understands that yours are much more serious...

I love my girl friend! Only she can endure ten hours of stories about how bad he is and how much I love him!

Yesterday I had a blast with a friend, today I can’t remember where...

I have a friend who is a true genie. As soon as you open the bottle, it’s right there.

Female friendship exists right up to the moment when one has something that the other doesn’t have.

True friends do not compete with each other and do not envy, but help and are sincerely happy for each other...

Only a woman, having discussed a topic on the phone for twenty minutes, can say to her friend: “Okay, we’ll talk when we meet. This is not a telephone conversation.”

Only a true friend can understand that something is wrong with you, even when you smile.

There is nothing better in the world than eating candy with your best friend!

I always get very worried when my friend doesn’t answer the phone. Suddenly she was kidnapped and raped. But I don’t.

There is no better friend in the world than a best friend!

Girlfriend. Only she will dissuade you from writing SMS ex-boyfriend when you're drunk!

Girlfriends are those people who know what a bastard you really are, but are still friends with you.

By your actions, you can see how much you are valued... By your calls - how much they need you... And only over time - who cares about you.

A best friend is a person who will tell you to your face everything that pisses her off about you, and will tell everyone that you are the most wonderful person on Earth!

The best friend is when you have such words, hearing which the two of you start laughing hysterically, and everyone else looks at you like you are idiots...

I love my best friend - she is the only person in whom I am 100% confident, who will not betray me or abandon me. I love her very much.

A friend is like a perfume - to choose one you have to try a hundred.

That's what they are - friends. You fight, make up, and then, as usual, together forever.

My friend knows so much about me that I will either have to kill her or be friends with her until death.


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Since childhood we have been accompanied different people- parents, relatives and of course friends. Also in kindergarten we find ourselves in a small society, where, of course, the first friends appear who shared candy with you, helped you put together a puzzle, or simply came up and said: “Let's be friends!” In a carefree at a young age Friendship develops the first human qualities in a girl. We grow, we change, and our friends do with us. With the emergence of the concept of “best” between friends, a lot changes, they begin to treat friendship as a kind of relationship. A best friend is both a friend and an enemy, an adviser, an accomplice, the strictest critic and a master of compliments. Time spent with this person is priceless. Best friends harbor your deepest secrets and secrets, all your hopes, dreams and desires. It is a pity that not every friendship is eternal and not every friendship can withstand all disagreements and misunderstandings. The reasons for disagreements are very different, but at the same time as old as the world: I liked one guy, someone spilled a secret, I went for a walk with another friend, I said something behind my back. Be that as it may, female friendship is one of the strongest forces on the planet. A friend will always understand and support, always protect and cheer. Whichever life situation It didn’t overtake you, you can always find statuses about your best friend here and express your thoughts with a status.

  • A best friend is like a husband, your only and beloved. This is the one with whom conversations do not get boring. This is the one whose pain is like your own. She's the one who can lift your spirits when you want to cry...
  • A best friend is a person who will tell you to your face everything that pisses her off about you, and will tell everyone that you are the most wonderful person on Earth!
  • A friend does not have to be perfect; it is enough that she is there in difficult times.
  • A true friend is the one who sees the sadness and sadness in your eyes, while others believe in your smile.
  • Still, sooner or later, the best friend becomes the best enemy.
  • Quotes about a friend that will bring you to tears - Today I saw a friend who promised me to forget him, and now I see how she helps him forget me.
  • For women's tears you need a pillow, for women's holidays- flowers, but I need a girlfriend as cool as you!
  • One day, when your friend hints that she no longer needs you, tell her thank you for your friendship and leave, because it will be better for both of you. Take the first step if you truly love her.
  • Female friendship exists right up to the moment when one has something that the other doesn’t have.
  • A best friend only comes once in a lifetime. At least sometimes she pisses you off and you want to kill her. But you understand that you won’t love anyone else like her.
  • There simply cannot be 3 best friends... one will still remain on the sidelines.
  • Losing a girlfriend is worse than losing a boyfriend. Because there can be a lot of guys, but the best friend is the one you’ve been with all your life.
  • Only a friend's hand can tear the thorns out of the heart.
  • I have a friend. She is the best in the world, I thought such friendship did not exist. But I was wrong. We may quarrel, but this quarrel will not last long. I can trust her with the most important things. We never betray each other! I'm lucky to have a friend! Make friends and enjoy life every day!
  • Every time I look into my friend’s eyes, I forget that we are just friends, not sisters.
  • You can survive your friend's betrayal! You just need to understand that you were not her friend!
  • The loneliest woman in the world is the woman who has no close friend.
  • You need to appreciate the person who comes to you when it’s not him, but you, who is feeling bad.
  • A friend is one who forgets about her problems because she understands that yours are much more serious.
  • A true friend won't force you to choose between your boyfriend and your friendship.
  • Before you cry into your friend's vest, smell if this vest smells of your boyfriend's perfume!
  • How great to have a real friend. When you are tired of betrayal, of another pain, of the whole world, you can simply come to her without words, fall on the bed and silently close your eyes.
  • How difficult it still is without a real best friend...
  • The best friend is not the one who says “Everything is fine,” but the one who says “Everything is bad, but I’m with you!”
  • That's what they are - friends. You fight, make up, and then, as usual, together forever.
  • If your husband ran off with your best friend, you will miss her very much.
  • I can call the most wonderful moment in my life the one when I realized that I had a friend, a like-minded person.
  • When you lose your best friend, the whole world goes to hell along with her.
  • I don’t care what others say about her, she is my friend and I love her, and I will not give her up for anything or anyone.
  • I changed my girlfriends to guys, communication and friendship with them is much better.
  • It's good to have a dog as a friend. However, it’s hard if your friend is a dog...

Happy Birthday to you, my beloved, best friend! I want to wish you good health, endless happiness, and great, mutual love. Always remain the same radiant, sincere and cheerful person. May all your cherished dreams come true on this wonderful day dreams. I am very proud that there is such a wonderful person in my life. Know that I am always ready to lend my shoulder in any situation. I want to tell you thanks a lot for strong, true friendship! Together we are strong!

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Best friend, for me you are like dear person! We have a lot in common, the main thing is that we understand and support each other! And today I want you to laugh and rejoice from the bottom of your heart! Happy Birthday from the bottom of my heart and I do my best to have fun! First of all, I decorate your holiday with your favorite flowers and give you a souvenir! Let no forces be destined to separate us! Be happy and stay the best a bright person all my long life! Let troubles and illnesses pass you by! I wish you not to be sad and have fun, relax and travel more often! And take me with you!

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It is very difficult to find a person whom you can completely trust, whom you always understand and accept in everything, and without whom you can no longer imagine your life. I thank the Almighty for giving me such a person, you, my beloved and best friend! Happy Birthday to you, I wish you endless happiness, good health and prosperity. I love you very much and will always be there for you!

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My dear, ________________ !
I wish you to be the happiest on your birthday!
Everything you would like to receive, get it! Everything you would like to achieve, achieve it! Let everyone you love love you too! Happiness and goodness to you, my best friend in the world!
- with love, _____ .

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The best in the world, dear friend!
I'm away on your birthday! And every now and then I remember you, and I can’t change anything! Life arranged everything the way it wanted, we scattered different places. I just skillfully press the computer keys, and so I hope: you’re reading there!
I wish you happiness, be protected by God, peace, love and good luck in everything! And may one day the roads intertwine and you knock quietly on my house!

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My dear friend, you are inimitable and the best!
Happy Birthday! And I wish you the best:
Home comfort and warmth, luxury and prosperity, peace and happiness!
Let illnesses, problems and misfortunes pass you by!
May there always be peace in your soul, and love in your heart!
May all your wishes come true, my beloved friend!

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My kind, sweet, beloved,
tender as the sun in spring,
You are the one and only
I'm pleased, dear, to be friends with you.

You are reliable, hardworking,
everything always goes well with you,
and what a beautiful friend you are,
I admire looking at you

I wish you happiness, dear,
Let sorrows pass by,
Stay beautiful forever
Make us happy, wonderful soul.

To my best friend, in my own words, to tears
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You have become my best friend for a long time! I can’t imagine my life’s journey without you! It’s so great that I have you and give me so much joy! Happy Birthday to you from the bottom of my heart, my beloved friend! I want to wish that all your days bring you only pleasure and happy moments! So that your life becomes continuous big holiday! You deserve a long and good life! Leave all troubles and illnesses to the past! Don't go back to him! New ones are waiting for you pleasant surprises fate and travel! Take me with you and everything will be Okay! I kiss you warmly, dear!

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My best friend, accept it from me my sincere congratulations Happy birthday! You know that I wish you all the best and kindness. I love you, and when you rejoice, my heart is warm and joyful! Be always happy! And if sadness comes, we will cry together, and it will dissipate like smoke. Women's tears, like spring water, capable of purifying the soul. And if there is 2 times more of it, then we will quickly cope with any sadness, friend! But it’s better - always shine like a star and frolic like a goat! I wish you good health and strength of steel for the rest of your life! But also remain as gentle, kind and beautiful!

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Happy Birthday to my best friend! And I wish you the best: that your wishes come true, that you are loved and joyful, that you are pampered and cherished, that you are bought gorgeous gifts and took us to the best resorts! Dream, it’s useful, instead of grieving in vain! You are so beautiful and good-natured, and you deserve a lot female happiness! What I wish for you beyond measure! Take everything you need from life! Give your sad days to fate! For long years life to you, as well as unfading youth, beauty and vigor to you!

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They say that female friendship does not exist. It is likely that many were simply unlucky to meet the right person. For those who are lucky, you can set statuses about your beloved friend.

It's good when both are beautiful

  1. I don't have a single secret that I could hide from my friend. Sometimes you want to, but you just can’t.
  2. No matter what anyone says, they don’t look for only beauty in a woman. inner world. The same cannot be said about a friend.
  3. A bottle of wine with good friend alcoholism is not considered.
  4. She ran away with my husband. Well, I’ll find a husband, but friendship is at a premium these days...
  5. My fate is such that it is simply impossible to survive without a friend.
  6. If in your life there is loving parents And trusted friend- you are almost completely happy.
  7. The main sign of a best friend is strange humor that no one but you understands.
  8. British scientists have proven that if you go shopping with a friend, the time required for this doubles.
  9. Age can be skillfully hidden from everyone, but not from your best friend.
  10. Only good friend admits to envy, the bad one will definitely lie that he is not envious.

She must be real

There are practically no serious quarrels with her, because you quarrel so often that you are already accustomed to considering it the norm. Nevertheless, do not forget to please your loved one with a special status about your beloved friend.

  1. You and I have been through a lot. I am both sad and happy that you are the only one.
  2. Coming to visit and discussing everything you want with a friend is priceless.
  3. I know that even if you and I stop being friends, you will not give away my secrets. Can you imagine how much I trust you...
  4. That feeling when a weekend spent with your best friend is more interesting than with your own boyfriend.
  5. I am never completely sure of anything, but in our friendship I am one hundred percent or even more sure.
  6. Any trouble is a joy when your favorite nasty thing is nearby.
  7. My friend is my own, I won’t say how many kilograms of happiness there are.
  8. Know that if some FIFA wants to be your friend, I am more jealous than your boyfriend has ever been jealous of you.
  9. If you only knew how happy I am from the usual: “Turn on the kettle, I’ll be there soon.”
  10. Usually I’m too lazy to leave the house, but if a friend is in trouble, I have no problem going to help at three in the morning, in snow, rain and ice at the same time.

I know for sure that she is the best

In their lives, as in ours, a lot of different moments happen. We are ready to divide each of them because we know for sure: ours will be divided in return. Created especially for such heart-warming moments beautiful statuses about girlfriends.

  1. Every time we quarrel, I am very afraid that I will lose you. So let's make peace quickly, my dear!
  2. Thank you for all the unbearable evenings that you made a little happier with your presence!
  3. It hurts me when you cry. Maybe this is true friendship...
  4. When I feel bad, I remember that being friends with someone since childhood is already an unimaginable happiness in life.
  5. I won't lie about you being a wonderful person. But for me you are really important, despite your not always tolerable character.
  6. Only with you I don’t feel sorry for money, so I don’t understand where to spend it. Only with you I don’t feel sorry for the night to talk it all out.
  7. It's so hard for me to bear parting with you that if you moved, I would do the same.
  8. You don't need to see your best friend often - you need to see her thoroughly.
  9. I won’t feel my years as long as I have a woman who remembers absolutely all of our young antics.
  10. Please forgive me for all the offenses. You know, it’s not my fault, it’s permanent shifts my mood.
  11. A good friend will congratulate you on the first snow, and your best friend will not miss the opportunity to throw a snowball at you. No matter how old you are...

Money can't buy loyalty

As statistics show, those girls who have someone to complain to do not keep diaries. And yes, guys rarely manage to complete this mission. If you are lucky enough to have a beloved friend, dedicate your status to her.

  1. If I were asked to describe you in two words, I would answer something like this: “Crazy and real.”
  2. Laughter may not prolong life by 5 minutes, but cheerful friend It will definitely increase it by 10 years.
  3. Pleasant moments experienced with a friend are doubly pleasant to remember.
  4. Who said you have to be kind and tactful? You say nasty things to my face seven days a week, and I don’t want you to change at all.
  5. Men are not worthy of tears: crying with a friend while drinking wine does not count.
  6. Guys are guys, and life without a good friend is a little bad.
  7. - It’s hard to find someone like you... - Why look for me? I bought champagne and invited me to visit!
  8. Don’t have a hundred friends: one is enough.
  9. The sweeter the friendship, the weaker it is.
  10. Girls living without friends! How do you go shopping?
  11. In general, I’m a shy girl, but my best friend walking next to me gives me courage like a whole bottle of champagne...

Statuses were created here only about real girlfriends. Appreciate them, protect them and do not offend anyone!

There are never too many best and true friends. That is why VK statuses about your best friend will help emphasize this point and tell everyone that you are incredibly lucky and have such a person in your life. Our statuses about our best friend will move you to tears, because they are filled with philosophical meaning and penetrate to the depths of the soul. There is also funny sayings, where your beloved friend can find the funniest moments of your friendship.

The best friend is the one who knows the color of your panties not a week in advance...

True friendship is when you call your friend a fool, and she smiles sweetly in response and says: “She’s like that herself.”

I love my best friend - she is the only person in whom I am 100% confident, who will not betray me or abandon me. I love her very much.

There is no better friend in the world than a best friend!

A true friend won't let you do stupid things alone!

Have only one girlfriend, but a real one.

The best friend is when you ask her to wash the dishes at home, and the excuse “you can’t wash dishes at a party” no longer works.

You don’t kiss your beloved friend when you meet her and don’t call her a bunny, but you say “stupid” and wave your hand, but she still continues to love you, calling you a chicken.

The best friend is the one in front of whom you are not ashamed to appear without makeup.

The best friend will never ask - why? She just goes to the store, buys it, brings it, opens it and pours it.

A best friend is the one you dream of having. big house for 2 families, cool husbands, 5 children and a bunch of small dogs...

It is very difficult to find a best friend - after all, the best one is already mine.

A best friend is a person who will tell you to your face everything that infuriates her about you, and will tell everyone that you are the most wonderful person on Earth!

U normal girl one best friend, not a million

A friend is a Snickers for two. A girlfriend is constant fun. A friend is the one who says: come to your senses, you wimp.

You can be silent with your best friend, but NOT in class.

Correspondence with my best friend is incriminating evidence about my whole life.

The best friend is the one with whom you think: how good it is that we are both beauties!

My best friend now lives in another city. It feels like she took a part of me with her! Appreciate your friends, they won't always be there for you

The best friend is when you have such words, hearing which the two of you start laughing hysterically, and everyone else looks at you like you are idiots.

A best friend only comes once in a lifetime. At least sometimes she pisses you off and you want to kill her. But you understand that besides her, you won’t love anyone like that.

Still, sooner or later, the best friend becomes the best enemy.

It's just terrible when you start to see your best friend as a potential rival...

The best friend is the one you can come to without calling, forgetting your house keys, and know for sure that she is at home.