Congratulations to the parents of the baby on the first year. Happy birthday greetings for a year

The birth of a son is a great joy,
And let the congratulations sound endlessly
Let the boy become strong and strong -
Support for mother, father's heir!

(Name) today is a year old,
For you, this is the first and important milestone,
And let every year lead you to fulfillment
Together with him born bright hopes!

(G. Stanislavskaya)

2. Dear son, congratulations

Dear son, congratulations
Happy very first birthday...
The main thing I wish today:
Just happiness every moment ...
To neither rain nor snowflake,
Your health was not affected.
So as not to waste time on tears,
His eyes were shining with joy...
Also smile, somersault,
Turn order into chaos.
Smile at mom at dawn
Demand fruits, juices, chocolates.
I love you my Sweet Baby
Loved by dad, brother, all relatives
I kiss your palms
Warm loved ones...
You will laugh with a magical laugh,
It has a wave of goodness and positivity.
I wish you every success
And always be nice...
(I. Samarina)

3. The baby is a year old today!

Baby is one year old today!
He walks confidently
Knows all his relatives
“Mom” speaks loudly.

He invited us to his holiday,
What he can show:
How he sings and dances
How he plays, how he kisses.

He's in a good mood today
After all, birthday gifts
Everyone is happy to receive!
It remains to wish:

You grow up, baby, healthy,
Smart, smart and funny
For parents, it's fun.
We wish them success!
(Olga Bulakh)

4. I turned one year old

I turned one year old
I've been walking for a long time
Files, scissors, handkerchief -
I find everything from my mother.

I love looking out the window
Pussies, birds to watch,
Grow up a little more
And I'll go for a walk.

And then I'll be big
And me father and mother
Long at night they will get tired of waiting
And they won't sleep again.

I will be a young mother
Quietly download the kids
And feed, and wash with water,
Celebrate the first year.
(I. Konkov)

5. You are in a cap, you are a soldier

You are in a cap, you are a soldier,
Hold the machine firmly.
Our baby is already a man
Happy Anniversary!

Our little soldier
So happy with gifts for children.
Happy birthday, grow up
After all, a soldier is always in honor!
We give tanks and cars,
As a man should.

6. A year old - a lot or a little?

Year - a lot or a little?
This is how we see...
We now know how to "Mom"
Talk and sing loud...

We know how to dance, clap,
Tearing brother's labors
And capriciously stomp loudly -
We can do this too.

We'll show you a magpie
(Let's lead with a finger),
Let's put together a pyramid
We can dilute the colors.

And a fire truck
We learned to ride.
And a horse for a rope
We can safely drive.

In general, we can do a lot
We still want to know a lot.
If only we were healthy -
We will win everything in the world.

7. You, like the sun, came to us ...

You, like the sun, came to us ...
The world lights up!
The year flew by like an arrow,
And the teeth are already - the mouth is full!

Oh how fast you are growing!
Soon you will come
Daddy to change

Whether you are under your stepfather's roof
Both cheerful and healthy
Every day and every hour.
And please us with a smile!
(E. Grudanov)

8. Happy first year!

Happy first year!
Baby wishes -
To make her life interesting
To have dolls, books,

Ribbons, bows, outfits,
Lots of tenderness and affection!
If mom and dad are nearby -
So life will be like in a fairy tale!

9. Sunny Bunnies

sun bunnies
joyfully shine,
Bright in your eyes
Fires are burning!
Laughter is funny, dear,
Cheeks - a feast for the eyes.
You are a treasure
You are treasure!
Happy first birthday!

10. Here it is the first anniversary!

Here it is the first anniversary!
Pour milk quickly.
For the health of the baby
I'll drink a mug slowly!
Let the boy be lucky
After all, he already whole year!
Give him health, God
And we will help with prosperity.

11. You are already a year old!

12. On the birthday of our daughter

On your birthday
our daughter
We kiss
Gently on the cheek!

Let her still be unaware
That morning is her day.
Let it be quite small -
Enough to do with her.

On your birthday holiday
Daughter commands the hand:
Like, bring a cake and candles,
And quickly push the speech.

I went to my grandfather's arms,
The structure of the guests so bypassed.
She sat on her knees with her father,
To try dumplings.

into a ball
Played with grandma

Later I hugged my mother
And took me to the bed...
Like, it's time and honor for everyone to know
And the princess needs to sleep.

For so young
Difficult holiday -

It's a pity that my daughter overslept
Our congratulations,
She was taken to a fairy tale
Childhood dreams...
(A. Voight)

13. What kind of angel is this?

What is this angel?
Whose look of cheerful eyes is here?
And who is one year old
Performing now?

Come on, mom, come on, dad,
Open the door for guests
For the prettiest child
Do not rejoice at you!

14. Your steps are still small

Your steps are still small -
Only a year ago it was given to be born! ..
But eagles grow from eagles,
From a lion cub grows a lioness!
Stronger, wiser for many days
You will become, coming out of the diapers ...
Be happy, because there are no relatives
You, our beloved child!!!


Baby cute, happy anniversary,
You don't know yourself yet
That once you were a man
You will be stately, for the ladies.

And today you are a child.
We're celebrating a year, cheers!
You've been talking for a while now.
You need mom in the morning.
No need for a diaper
Grow up, little boy!


The year has gone by like a dream.
birthday, this is it
I knocked on your door today

Celebrate Mom, Celebrate Grandpa
The first year!.. But for many years
Waiting for a child ahead
May he grow strong.
Today is a whole year for you
Accounts right turn.

17. Little princess

little princess
My family is calling me.
And exactly a year obediently
Everyone is listening to me.

I don't have a soul
Neither grandmother nor grandfather
And mom and dad even
Forgot about lunch.

On me from kisses
There is no "living place"
I'm a thousand times more expensive
All world coins.

I just open my mouth
Relatives are here, as here.
This is how real
The princesses are growing!

Special for birthday
Outfit purchased
AND fashionable hairstyle -
Look, they brought it on!

By this first date
Prepared the words
But the diction is bad
Let me down a little.
you by my smile
Understand everything without words
Because I have so little
Still in the mouth of the teeth.

(A. Voight)

18. Only a year old, baby, you live on Earth!

Only a year old, baby, you live on Earth!
How happy we are to meet you!
Birds sing songs in the sky about you
For you, the globe is spinning the earth!

We wish you to grow up to heaven,
Lots of light, love and kindness!
Fulfillment of desires, as in a field of miracles,
To always succeed!
(N. Silina)

19. Our little daughter

Our little daughter
Today is a year old!
Happy birthday, sweetie!
May you always be lucky!
Grow healthy and diligent,
Obedient, smart and gentle!


Vanyushka's birthday, (Ilyushka, Andryushka, Vityushka, ...)
Sweeties, sweeties!
They sent him by the ears
Grandmothers, grandmothers!

And grandfather came
Stroking on the head
How good is
In this setting!
(N. Pikuleva)

21. You are already a year old today!

You are already a year old!
Let your dreams come true,
In everything you are always lucky
And you will be very happy!

You're growing up so fast
We love you with all our heart
You already look like your dad
Almost like dad, you're big!
(I. Orlova)

22. So many events this year has brought!

The year has brought so many events!
We hurry to wish you
Happiness, joy, discoveries!
Happy first holiday!

23. The very first time in my life

The very first time in my life
It's our birthday.
We hurry with congratulations,
Be strong, grow big!

24. How big are you

How big are you?
To everyone's surprise!
Your first holiday has come -
Wonderful birthday!

Be better and smarter than everyone
All the best, be careful!
Smile more cheerfully
The boy is wonderful!

25. Congratulations to the baby on the first year of life

Congratulations to the baby on the first year of life. Let him grow up healthy and smart to the joy of his parents, we wish him to smile more often, cry less often, always remain joyful and satisfied with everything in this world, learn new things and be the most the best child in the world.

26. One year old! That's it, the anniversary

One year old! Here, so anniversary,
We are celebrating.
Happiness, good health,
We wish you a little.

To sleep soundly at night
And he ate well.
So that there are fewer whims,
Well, teeth are better.

Always be carefree
True, it is impossible
But while you're only a year old,
We wish we can!

27. Time rushes like a bright fairy tale

Time flies like a fairy tale
A whole year, an hour after an hour!
And today is my birthday
Your little one for the first time!
May everyone be happier, more beautiful,
Everyone is growing wonderfully!
And in your beautiful family
May happiness always live!

28. The year rushed by like a dream

The year has gone by like a dream.
birthday, this is it
I knocked on your door today
A year has gone by like a day.

29. How fast time goes by

How fast time goes by
You are exactly one year old today!
So smile on your holiday
We congratulate you with all our heart!
And let one candle for now
The cake decorates yours now
Believe me, all dreams will come true
And as an adult, you will become strong.



The year has brought so many events!
We hurry to wish you
Happiness, joy, discoveries!
Happy first holiday!

The birthday of a child is not only a holiday for him, but also for his parents and relatives. If your little boy or girl has a birthday of 1 year, congratulations will also be sent to the parents. In everything that the baby has achieved this year, his parents took an active part. Therefore, when preparing your congratulations, mention in them about the father, mother, grandparents of the child. If you are invited to the birthday of a child who is one year old, be sure to buy a gift for him. It was for him, and not for dad or mom. Do not buy diapers and other similar things. Small child will appreciate a beautiful bright rattle or educational toy with lots of flashing lights and funny sound effects.

Today is the most important holiday!
Son turns one year old!
Your baby is so funny
We kiss him gently on the cheek!
May your son be happy
Grows smart, mischievous,
Happy, smart and healthy -
To the delight of family and friends!

Year of life, the first anniversary today we celebrate,
With excitement and pride, we wish you all the best.
Baby, grow up quickly, grow up - smart and cheerful.
Adversity without giving up and ready for difficulties.
Luck with a light hand guide you forward
Shelter from bad weather, hope, strength will add!

sun bunnies
joyfully shine,
Bright in your eyes
Fires are burning!
Laughter is funny, dear,
Cheeks - a feast for the eyes,
You are a treasure
You are treasure!
Happy first birthday!

Happy Birthday!
With the very first
We congratulate the baby!
Let for joy
Mom and dad
Daughter grows healthy
Both beautiful and funny
And a little naughty
And through life further firmly
Feet stomp forward!

Happy first year! A bright ray
May the sun always warm you
Let every day give you gifts!
Remember that we love you very much!

I'll bake a cake for my beloved daughter
First birthday, one year old already!
Grow up soon, daughter, my flower,
Pleased with a smile, a bright light!

Happiness to you, daughter, sunny fate!
So that all your dreams come true!
Good health, long life days
Love, beauty, good luck, loyal friends!

May your first birthday
Become a holiday for loved ones!
Instead of a pacifier they treat
Chocolate and toffee.
Let all the guests entertain
Together they crawl, burble,
They themselves make "magpie"
And they laugh under the palms!

Real family:
Mom, dad and child -
dear child,
The sun is golden!
sweet creature
For you to love
Your joy is forever
A year has passed, and then two ...
Let ten pass by -
Your joy will not be interrupted.
It will only multiply
If you try hard!
What do you put in a child?
Even twenty years later
You will have enough.
May God give you a smooth life!

Twins for 1 year old

Congratulations on 1 year old boy

A mischievous smile, a cheerful laugh,
The timid clatter of tiny feet,
This sweet miracle is a joy for everyone,
Mom and dad are more expensive than anything!

The boy is cute, funny, good,
You are exactly one year old!
Little you, you're still a little baby
Let the cat purr for you!

Today you are exactly one year old
Let the sun, everything works out for you!
Success in your life has already happened -
You sat down and crawled and learned to walk!

I wish you health today -
After all, every parent dreams of this,
So that the son grows up healthy and joyful,
To mom and dad, of course, loved!

Today is the year since your boy was born,
And in the house is heard ringing children's laughter!
May your son never cry
May happiness and success await him!

He looks at the world with his eyes,
And he wants to know everything as soon as possible
May good await him everywhere from now on,
And I wish you to be less tired,

After all, give him your care,
And things are always so busy!
But, despite the eternal work,
You protect your son from adversity!

Grow up, son, big -
Be strong and groovy
kind and playful,
Shebutny, agile!

Happy birthday to you, baby
Affectionate funny strong man!
Let from the fairy tale Winnie the Pooh
Bring the spirit of fun!

A smart Piglet
Let him put it on the barrel!
Let the rabbit bear a smile
Donkey - happiness, Tiger - unsteadiness!

Here it is the first anniversary!
Pour milk quickly.
For the health of the baby
I'll drink a mug slowly!
Let the boy be lucky
After all, he's already a year old!
Give him health, God
And we will help with prosperity.

Who is so curly and big-eyed?
Who is so handsome and big?
Happy one year to you, our little one,
Happy birthday, dear boy!
You grow, baby, gain strength,
You will become the strongest and happiest!
We dream to see you joyful,
Smart and successful, and beautiful!

Son, we know you won't understand the words
But still we tell you with love:
Today is exactly a year since you live,
And exactly the same we live only for you!
You are our joy, the best joy
We love you more than anything in the world
You are our highest reward for something,
And we are responsible to God for you.
Our firstborn, the priceless gift of heaven,
We keep always be God from bad weather,
You are the greatest miracle of miracles!
We sincerely wish you well and happiness!

This must be noted!
'Cause now you're carefree
You can proudly answer:
I'm already a year old!
True, you are not yet in power
Over the words, I'm sorry ...
Happy birthday! Be happy
And grow healthy!

The first year of a baby's life is a delightful time for his parents and loved ones. Care about little boy becomes in the first place in the family, and the celebration of the first year of life - major event. If you are looking for congratulations on a year old for a boy (boys), twins in verse and prose from godmother and dads, you can pick up warm and touching words, both for the baby and for his caring parents. On this holiday, they talk a lot about the happiness, joy and positive that a child brings to the house with his appearance. Therefore, be sure to mention this in your wishes with pictures!

Universal congratulations on a year old boy in prose

None of us adults remember the first year of our lives. But it is precisely in this year that the most important feelings: trust, affection, love. These are the feelings that connect the baby with the mother intuitively. These feelings don't need expensive gifts or unforgettable entertainment. Enough mommy gentle hands and papa's affection. Congratulations, baby (add the desired name, for example, Artem) on your first year of life. I wish, in addition to the very main thing that you already have, that others be added good qualities and skills!

So the long-awaited holiday has come - you are one year old today! This does not mean that whims and restless nights left behind. But this is a date that turns over a new page in your life. Now you will need to try even harder to learn how to pronounce the first words and take the first steps. I wish you, baby, good health and new achievements! And your parents, grandparents, patience and love!

The first year of life is filled with many trials, both for the baby and for his loved ones. But all the worries, troubles and restless nights are overshadowed by the smile of a healthy, cheerful and contented child! I wish the boy to grow and develop in love and complete well-being!

So a year has flown by since that happy moment when you became parents! It was not easy, you had to learn a lot and sacrifice a lot. But he was very happy thanks to the appearance of this smiling boy! We wish the birthday boy to grow strong and healthy, and parents to find strength and patience!

Beautiful congratulations on the first year of the boy in prose from parents

Your birth was the most beautiful miracle in our lives. We have been waiting for you with the hope that we will open before you the whole world in its brightest and warmest colors. We try to surround you with care and affection, so that the family from the very first day becomes a reliable support for you. Happy birthday son, hope everyone New Year your life will be even more interesting for you!

Your appearance, son, turned our lives upside down. A thousand worries appeared, little things to remember, fuss and small experiences. But along with these small worries, you gave us great happiness, which nothing in this world can compare with. We congratulate you on your first year and want our joy to be passed on to you, so that you value your family in the same way and grow up strong and healthy!

They say that honest child loves not mom and dad, but tubes with cream. Of course, we will not take away your love for toys, sweets and fun, but we really hope that you, baby, will love us as much as we love you. Happy birthday!

Funny congratulations on a year old boy for parents in prose

Someone said: "We always invent our children." The future of an adult man largely depends on how you manage to present this world to a child, how much strength and inspiration you put into his upbringing. Today your boy is a year old and ahead of him is a bright and colorful life with many adventures and discoveries. Give your time to the baby, give him the best from the cradle, and he will certainly grow up a successful and happy person.

1 year old ... Today I see in front of me not only a happy baby who turns 1 year old, but also beautiful, loving friend friend of parents who can move mountains for the sake of their little first-born. I congratulate the baby on his first birthday, and you, parents, on creating a truly happy family for the birthday boy!

To two wonderful people who were lucky exactly a year ago to become the mother and father of this cheerful boy, I want to wish health, patience, always good mood and understanding of their importance in the fate of a still very small, immature and immature little man. Love to you: mutual, paternal and maternal!

Best congratulations on the first year of the boy in verse

My smart baby
Congratulations on your first year!
This life without you
I no longer represent.
You are a ray of sunshine for us
nice man,
very valuable dear
The most important in the world!
I am for your happiness
I'll try to do everything
So that you have your childhood
I could always remember with a smile!

Happy Birthday Baby!
The cake stands and the candle
Wishes are ready
For the big man.
The first year you are in this world
Lived in our caress
We wish you in the future
Live like in a sweet fairy tale.
Let everything you want
You get it easily
Learn and grow up
Success step by step!

Happy Birthday Baby,
You are our glorious boy
So a year has passed
First, the most important.
We care for you, affection,
Surrounded by everything you can
Every day this year
We lived happily.
We wish you:
Let joy remain
, school life gradually
It is given with ease.

Funny congratulations on a year old boy in verse

In the first year, on the birthday,
Congratulations baby
Mom's great joy
Daddy's tough guy.
You have so much to do
In the life of trials, discoveries,
Unusual and simple
Joyful events.
Let the fun spill
An ocean of laughter
We wish you happiness
And success in everything.

Happy birthday our boy!
In the bustle, very nice
A year has flown by with you
Fun and so fun.
Although much more
You do not understand,
Mom and dad you already
You hug tightly.
Let them be near
Give affection, tenderness,
Help you to your feet
Get up slowly.

What a happiness baby
Spin on the handles!
You are one year old today
You have just begun to live!
childlike, direct
Cheerful and funny
In our family a man
Reliable, glorious grows.
I wish prosperity
In toys and patience
Health, obedience,
Learn inspiration!

Short congratulations on a year old boy in verse

Baby is one year old today!
In addition to fabulous gifts,
Let happiness be an asterisk
Shine bright!

I wish the baby in the future
To become an adult man
But mom and dad never
Don't stop loving!

Our boy for a year
Surrounded by care
He is busy with toys -
Main job!

I wish that the whole world
Will open up for you
And I wish in it always
Live loving parents!

A year is an important date.
We need to meet her!
First birthday
Fun to note!

specially selected, universal congratulations with a year old boy in prose can be pronounced in solemn speech at the table, in your own words, in pictures or handing your gift to the baby. Certainly, in such young age the boy will not remember your words and parting words, but you will create a warm atmosphere and, perhaps, prophesy to the baby happy fate their sincere wishes. We are sure that our congratulations on a year old boy will help you prepare the most beautiful congratulations which will be remembered by all guests at the holiday.

Happy birthday little angel!
Everyone congratulates you lovingly.
All delights, smiles, gifts,
This life, this world is for you!

You are one year old today, so what?
This is just the beginning of the journey.
You, our baby, of course you can
It is hard to walk on this land.

May you be surrounded by love
Everyone who is with you today.
And parents - happiness, health!
God bless your family!

Year exactly! That's the date!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
We wish to live richly
And we hasten to say:

Achievements and discoveries
Happiness, laughter and victories!
A year is an important event,
It's like a start for many years!

I congratulate you on your first year of life! In this small but very solemn date I wish to grow, not getting sick and not capricious, but learning new things and becoming more mature and independent every day. May you have many interesting, joyful moments and events ahead of you. Happy birthday!

Baby is one year old today
Today is the baby's year!
He smiles all the way
He laughs so loudly.

The first step has already been taken
And the first tooth came out.
He loves to make such a mess
But there is not fond of soup!

May his life be easy
The wind will be passing
good luck good star
He shines in life.

May heaven keep him
From grief and evil.
And forever let the look sparkle
From rays of goodness!

Happy birthday congratulations
Happy first year baby!
We wish you a little happiness.
Be healthy, strong man!

Mom and dad - a lot of patience,
Raise an angel.
And the baby is lucky...
And more to know the world.

Days and months counted
Eagerly. And so,
We suddenly realized
What are you a year old today.

Hitting hard with the foot
Proudly in a diaper you go.
Who is this sweetheart here?
Carefully! You will fall!

We will never stop
Marvel at miracles.
From what distant distances
This happiness came to us?

Filled up, wised up,
It just grows before our eyes!
Amazing thing -
The very first year.

One year has passed,
Full of joyful events.
And squeaking your lump
Made a thousand discoveries.

The baby stood on its feet
Learned to eat from a spoon.
And magical ringing laughter
Enlightens everyone with happiness.

Let the first birthday
Will be bright and colorful
Let it give you a mood
Baby and all family!

That's main holiday -
First birthday!
Lots of gifts
Words and admiration.

Didn't even notice
How the year has flown by!
You sit at the head of the table
And you walk by the hand.

Up ahead I know
trails and paths,
Which will run
Little feet.

Let the paths
Everything is easy.
And more often in the eyes
The sparks laugh.

Mom and dad love
Grandmothers cherish.
And for a crumb of happiness
Let life not be sorry.

Time flew by quickly:
Just yesterday the baby lay
And today so skillfully
You are standing on your feet.

The man is full of things
What does the first year celebrate:
Every day more success
Beckons a new twist.

Happiness and health, baby!
Get stronger, grow up, smarter,
Cat, bunny, light in the window,
Mother's pride.

That's the miracle, that's the happiness
Everywhere noise, toys,
It's just your little one
Grow up for a whole year.

The first year, a hundred discoveries,
The world is beautiful and big
How many joyful events
They appear before you.

May health be strong
Happiness, laughter, bright days,
Be like the sun, among the clouds,
You are the joy of all relatives!

You don't need diapers
After all, strengths have increased.
You took your first steps
So many things you've done:

Dismantled the pyramid
Tore a leaf out of a book
I broke the best vase,
You got a bump on your forehead.

You're already a year old
You gallop on a horse,
Do you like to have fun
Have fun on the swings.

Happy birthday.
I wish you to be healthy
Be happy and obedient
We really, really need you.