How not to go to the first lesson

In the life of every student there is a situation when it is very necessary not to go to school. We want to warn you right away: there is nothing good in the fact that a child skips classes. If gaps are repeated with a regular frequency, this is fraught with gaps in knowledge, as well as the formation of a bad habit of skipping, which can create a lot of problems as a person grows up. But if the case is isolated, then our advice will tell you how to skip school without unpleasant consequences.

Negotiate with parents

The most legal way is to negotiate with the parents. If the child does well in all subjects, and his behavior does not cause any particular complaints, then they will most likely respond positively to the only request in the quarter to miss classes due to fatigue and write a note to the class teacher with a request to release the student for a day due to family circumstances.

fake note

If the student is sure that the parents will not agree to write a note asking for release, you can ask an older friend, older brother, etc. make a fake note on behalf of mom. This the way is fine and in case the student skipped school and does not know what to do. But it must be remembered that the teacher can clarify by calling the parents who wrote the note, or save the leaflet until parent meeting to determine authorship.

Illness Simulation

If the student does not shine with academic success or his parents are very principled, then you can simulate the disease. If the mother and father do not believe in the word, you can slightly heat the thermometer on the battery (the main thing is not to overdo it 37.5 - that's what you need!) In the case when the temperature has to be measured in the presence of parents or nurse working at school, you can pre-lubricate wet hands armpit ground pepper. Connoisseurs also advise eating lead from simple pencil. The body temperature will rise to the required level.

Visiting the military registration and enlistment office

Male high school students are periodically called to the military registration and enlistment office. When deciding how to skip school, it is possible to choose this good reason (in case the high school student is sure that in the next few weeks he will not really be called to this institution).

Painful periods

Naturally, this option is available for girls of a certain age. Discomfort and in such days feel many women. If you are a born actress, you can exaggerate suffering (the main thing is not to overdo it!)

Visit to the polyclinic

From time to time, everyone needs to visit a dentist, ophthalmologist or other medical specialist. This method is especially effective in the presence of chronic disease in a student known to teachers.

How else to skip classes?

The following three methods can be used if you need to skip one or more lessons.

Passing the examination

Link to what needs to be done medical examination, for example, do a fluorography, donate blood for analysis, etc. It is well known that these procedures are performed in the morning, so the reason will be significant.

Call from lessons via SMS or note

An SMS message received on a cell phone or a note transmitted through a watchman with a request to let him go home in connection with emergency, for example, grandmother became ill or a plumber should come up, etc., usually finds understanding among teachers.

Visiting the section, mug

If a student attends sports section, hobby group or receives additional education At school foreign language, you can take time off from lessons due to the need to prepare for a competition or competition, attend an unscheduled lesson or workout.

Use these tips as little as possible! Remember that often asking for time off will cause understandable suspicion, and if you get out of trust, you will fall under total control, and then you are unlikely to be able to skip school without a good reason. In addition, each absenteeism is a gap in knowledge, which may have to be filled in much more time, making much more effort.

Technique 5: Pretend to be ill / ill Create an extra day off Leave classes after you have already arrived at school Turn your parents clock so that everyone sleeps in the morning Demonstrate overwork to parents

If you want to skip school but don't know what excuse to come up with, then this article is for you! Just remember that, most likely, not all of the methods listed below will suit you! Here you must navigate yourself, since it is you who know your parents and teachers best of all. In general, decide according to the situation.


Method 1 of 5: Act sick/sick

Method 2 of 5: Come up with an extra day off

Method 3 of 5: Leave classes after you have already arrived at school

Method 4 of 5: Adjust Parents' Clocks So Everyone Sleeps in the Morning

  1. 1 On the one hand, this is a simple matter, on the other, it is very risky. You will not get to school, but your parents may miss some important meeting or meeting. Think a hundred times whether the game is worth the candle.
  2. 2 Change the time on your parents' alarm clock. Enter the parents' room, pick up the alarm clock/phone and change the alarm time. Then put the alarm/phone back in place.
  3. 3This method can save you from one, maximum - from two lessons, but then, most likely, you still have to go to school.

Method 5 of 5: Demonstrate Overwork to Your Parents

  • If you and your parents use the same computer, clear your Internet history in your browser so that your parents can't tell if you've opened your mailbox or read this article.
  • If your parents are upset about something, it will be very difficult to make them believe in your illness, so choose days when your parents are in a good mood.
  • If a security guard is on duty at the school and you won’t be able to get out of the building unnoticed, then you can hide in the school itself: in the dining room, toilet or some utility room.
  • If you are nevertheless caught in a lie, immediately confess everything, and perhaps you will be able to avoid punishment. In general, try not to lie, even when you are 100% sure that no one will know about it.
  • Here are a few more ways to exit the class during a lesson:
  • After you have answered at the blackboard and return to your seat, “accidentally” hit a desk. The teacher should notice this. Say that you are in pain and that you need to get to the first-aid post. Ask your teacher to have someone take you there. Once you close the classroom door, you can do whatever you want!
  • Come into the classroom about six minutes after the start of the lesson (but not later, otherwise you will be marked in the journal) and tell the teacher that you serious conversation the director calls. Also say that the director also wants to see your friend.
  • At the very beginning of the lesson, tell the teacher that you have a ticket to the dentist and that you definitely need to leave.
  • Tell the teacher that your mother has come for you, and you will go with her to have your passport photograph taken. You must be believed, especially if you show restraint and obedience.
  • You can also tell the teacher that you have an important speech or even an exam in music school. You can persuade your friend from a parallel class that you two need to leave (this will be more plausible).
  • Ask a classmate to tell you that you were taken to help decorate the concert hall (or do some other work).


  • Stick to one version. Those. if you told one teacher that you had a headache, and the second that your apartment was flooded, then most likely the teachers will very soon catch you in a lie.
  • Often class teachers call the parents of students who missed classes. Try to pick up the phone and say in the voice of dad / mom: “Hello. Today Petya did not go to school because he felt very bad (or that he went to the doctor). Try to change your voice, but don't overact. If your friend is next to you, ask him to talk on the phone.
  • Absence from school depends on which grade you are in. If this elementary grades then you shouldn't leave school alone. But if someone tries to offend you, be sure to leave the school.
  • Do not tell your classmates that you have decided to skip, because among them there will surely be someone who will give you away. Let your classmates think that you were sick.
  • Try not to miss school - you have two legal days off when you can relax. And too a large number of passes are the first step towards expulsion from school.
  • If you're skipping school because someone is bullying you, then you won't solve the problem. In this case, seek help from adults (parents, teachers).

1) Simulation of the disease
The undisputed leader in popularity! Right now, at this point in time, it is being used by over a million people around the world. Pretend to be sick. They say the head hurts or there is a tooth or stomach, arm, leg, finger or hair on extreme case. Because
Show full.. you will use this method often enough, then you need to learn how to simulate professionally and artistically, so stay at home and practice limping, sniffing, coughing, and so on, depending on the disease you have chosen.
Possible Side effects:
Without a certificate from a doctor, you will then receive.
Efficiency depends on acting skills.
Big, they can easily see through your concert.
2) You were released
Do not go to the first-aid post, but just go to the teacher and say that you were already there and they let you go. You have to say it very confidently in order to believe it yourself. If the teacher is naive and kind, then he will easily believe in it.
Possible Side Effects:
You may need help that you don't have.
The effectiveness is average, for that the method does not require preparations and is very fast for drawing.
Large, easy to calculate.
3) No. 9. Go see an optometrist
To check your eyes, you will be given special drops that dilate the pupils and after that, not only will you not be able to write, you will hardly get into the doorway. Do not forget to take a certificate, then present it to the teachers.
Possible Side Effects:
You won't enjoy walking with eyes like that. Also, the downside is that modern drops only work for a few hours, so this method is only suitable if you live somewhere in Alaska, where you haven’t reached yet new technology.
Ideal, and the method is valid for quite a long time, so you can safely go somewhere to the resort.
They won't be able to find fault with anything, so relax.
4) No. 7. Urgent need to go home
Show an SMS with a message like “Let my daughter go home, the sewer has burst, we urgently need to wait for the plumber” or “grandmother got sick” there are plenty of options, you can imitate the call of your mother (a friend calls, of course), who will talk to the teacher (show your imagination and come up with a reason ) and asks to come, the connection is bad, I did not understand anything ...
Possible Side Effects:
The teacher can know your parents, mom, dad, grandmother, cat, and so on personally, by sight, including voice, so they can easily figure it out.
Good if it goes.
If they figure it out, you will receive from the teacher for the rest of the year.
5) No. 6. Critical days
Naturally suitable only for girls. The main thing is to play your role better.
Possible Side Effects:
In the first-aid post they can force you to show evidence. In this case, go to the women's restroom and choose one of the copies from the bucket. It's disgusting, but there is no other way.
There is a high probability that they can be caught, but you still won’t get anything for it. It is unlikely that the nurse will complain to the teacher.
6) No. 5. eat soap
Some people eat soap to mow down from the army, even though it's strong radical method, at which it becomes really bad, but in extreme cases you need to know it, you can apply it to school a couple of times a year.
Possible Side Effects:
You will feel so bad that you will not want to skip.
7) No. 4. important trip
If you are a guy, then say that the military registration and enlistment office is chasing, if you are a girl, you went to the hospital.
Possible Side Effects:
Ride such absenteeism once, maximum twice. For without documents, the teachers have no reason to believe you.
Average, it's hard to prove to you that you were running around on business and to them that you weren't running on business. 8) frank confession
This method will suit you only if you are an excellent student.
Tell your parents honestly that you didn't do your homework, preferably your mother, because. she is more sensual and will understand and allow you not to go to school, and then she will come up with something to excuse you to teachers, they will definitely believe her.
Possible Side Effects:
This method can only run a few times.
Weak. Need very a good relationship with parents
No extreme, as well as problems, should not arise. (This method helps me a lot, I have a very good relationship with my mother and she pities me)
9) In the morning with your parents, you hit your hand on something, say that your hand hurts. Of course, they will give you all kinds of ointment, and in the late afternoon (try not to move your hand all day and keep it in one position), the hand will turn red, be cold and swell a little (do not worry, this is not dangerous). When a parent sees this, they will be sent for X-ray or to an orthopedic (surgeon). There they will touch your hand (tell me what hurts where 3,4 fingers) You will be prescribed an ointment and in return you can’t write for at least 3 days! They just bandage your hand and that's it! Come home, tell, and you are either kept at home or sent to school (you sit stupidly in class and look at a book) after taking a certificate from a doctor that you are forbidden to write.
10) if you have a loose throat
this method can help: take a toothpick and pierce the tonsils,
they are bleeding, you go up to your mother and say that your throat hurts!
shows her throat and everything is in the blood, the mother in shock calls the doctor, he comes, too
in shock from such an illness. 2 weeks are provided and another month is free from physical education!