Short bedtime stories for children in a row. Mom's fairy tales in pictures: a sleepy tale about a fox

In this section of our site, we have collected by category and placed audio fairy tales for children. If you prefer to read a fairy tale to a child yourself, then you can find any of them in the section with fairy tales and read online or download in any of the proposed formats.

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Children's audio fairy tales are divided into categories: Russian folk and author's. For each fairy tale writer, the best works are collected, the texts of which are also available on our website. You can find annotations to all works, and in the section with articles you can get acquainted with the concept of a fairy tale and interesting facts.


  • We do not set any download restrictions.
  • All audio fairy tales can be downloaded very quickly with one click
  • In all sections, audio fairy tales for children are selected and presented, although they will also be of interest to adults

Audio bedtime stories: how to choose?

Audio bedtime stories perfect solution For modern parents. Unfortunately, there is not always the strength to read fairy tales to your child before bedtime, but this is very important. Our salvation at such moments is children's audio fairy tales (in this case audio tales for the night). Great option it is considered to listen to the work (this can be done on the way to or from work), and then tell the child in your own words. Believe me, it will be much more interesting for him, and he will remember such moments for the rest of his life.

Please note that not every work is suitable for reading at night. The best option would be one that lasts 5-20 minutes. However, you can still download children's audio fairy tales, and then choose which one to listen to according to your mood. Please do not forget that audio fairy tales for children are provided for personal acquaintance, and not for distribution.

Psychologists have long proved that a fairy tale is a special kind of communication and transmission of love from parents to a child. A book read by mom, dad, grandma or grandpa helps form basic values, develops fantasy, makes the child calm down and get ready for sleep. Fairy tales can be read not only classical, but also modern. The Night of Kindness website presents the best modern works that are popular with parents. Only here you will find short and instructive tales about Peppa Pig, Luntik, Paw Patrol, Turtles Nina, Vince and others cartoon characters. This will captivate the attention of the baby and allow him to spend even more time with his favorite characters. Parents happy baby will be incredibly grateful.

How to organize such a ritual as putting a child to bed?
It is not recommended to eat before bed. The last meal should be two hours before meals.
You can drink a glass of warm milk.
Remember to remind your child to go to the bathroom and brush their teeth.

All the needs have been met, the procedures have been carried out, now you can read the fairy tale for children with a clear conscience. The kid will not be distracted, nothing will bother him. You need to read a fairy tale before going to bed in a calm voice. Psychologists advise choosing not combat and adventure works, but calmer ones that would set you up for sleep, lull you to sleep. To attract attention, you can sit next to the child, show him pictures from the book. Or sit down at the feet, so that the baby fantasizes more and imagines the characters on his own.
Remember, a child's psyche is unable to concentrate for more than six minutes. Attention will be scattered if you drag out reading for a long time. The optimal duration of reading a fairy tale for children is 5-10 minutes.

It is important to read fairy tales every day. This is not just a habit, but a kind of tradition. It is she who helps the baby to create supports and know that his world is stable. At the same time, in bad mental state better not to read the story. Ask to replace you or explain to the child that you do not feel well. Otherwise, the baby may be "infected" bad mood without realizing it myself.

It is important to choose the right fairy tale for the child. After all, it carries morality. If the fairy tale is evil, cruel, then the child may form an incorrect vision of reality. For example, the fairy tale The Little Mermaid tells that real love cruel and generally leads to death. Cinderella teaches you to wait for the prince. Very receptive children can get wrong attitudes into the subconscious, which then have to be treated with a psychiatrist. We invite you to find a fairy tale right now and read it for your beloved baby.

Go to sleep. Adults can make babies go to bed on their own. After all, it’s good to lie down and listen to how mom tells interesting stories. short stories for the night. You can invent them yourself - there are so many objects around, and each of them can temporarily become a participant in a magical action. Ideas are just in the air. You can invent fantasy heroes or endow magic power forest animals, pets.


If you have an aquarium, let its inhabitants provide inspiration for new history. Short bedtime stories can be about fish.

Tell your child that when everyone falls asleep, the light turns on in the aquarium - these are the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom who arrange funny dances.

You can start the tale with the fact that a small catfish (or other fish that is in the home aquarium) lived in an aquarium. Catfish was very fond of singing, but the owners of the aquarium did not hear him. The fish diligently opened its mouth to extract beautiful sounds and was very upset that no one praised it for this.

The owners saw that their catfish was sad and thought it was from loneliness. They bought him a girlfriend and planted her when the catfish was sleeping. After he woke up, he began to sing as always, and suddenly he heard someone praising him. He was surprised and saw another fish. Somik was glad that now they hear him, he began to try even harder.

The second individual was female and over time, catfish created strong family they had many children. And now, when people fall asleep, the fish begin to sing in their own language and dance merrily. From their joy, the aquarium is filled with light that streams in different directions.

Short bedtime stories can be dedicated not only to fish, but also to forest animals.

Hare with magic ears

When your baby goes to bed, surprise him. Ask if he knows that the magic hare has detachable ears. The beginning of the story will surely interest the child. Tell him if he wants to hear more, let him lie down in his bed. After that you will be able to continue. Short stories told to children at night will help them fall asleep faster and have good dreams.

So, there lived a bunny with magic ears in the forest. He woke up early, went for a walk and sang his funny song. This morning the animal, as always, fastened its ears and went for a walk. On the way, he met a hedgehog, they talked and the hare told him about his magic ears, which can hear what will happen the next day. Friends did not know that their conversation was heard by the evil wizard Mukhomor Muhorovich. He was the lord of three foxes and called them. The foxes have arrived. Mukhomor Muhorovich revealed a secret to them, telling them about the wonderful ears of a hare. The magician ordered the foxes to bring him ears.

They asked the forest dwellers where the hare could be found. But no one answered them, since everyone loved a kind animal, but no predators. But the foxes managed to deceive the squirrel. They said it was the hare's birthday and they were bringing him a present. The gullible squirrel showed the way to the foxes.

What happened next

They grabbed the hare and took it to the fly agaric. But he did not reward them, but turned chanterelles into mushrooms. He grabbed the hare by the ears, but he broke free and ran away. And the ears remained with Mukhomor Mukhorovich.

Meanwhile, the little squirrel told the animals that the hare had a birthday. Everyone went to him with gifts, but they found him weeping bitterly. Kosoy told the beasts what happened and how he lost his ears.

The animals found a wise old raven and asked him how to defeat Mukhomor Mukhorovich. He replied that he needed to say 3 times: "Be healthy." They uttered these words in chorus, and the evil wizard immediately turned into a simple fly agaric mushroom. The animals brought the bunny his ears, and everyone began to sing and have fun.

Such short bedtime stories will help the child fall asleep in good mood, and the next evening, too, quickly go to bed to hear another interesting story.

How the sun argued with the moon

One day, towards evening, the moon and the sun met in the sky. The luminary of the day and says to the night one: “Still, people love me more. In winter, they ask me to appear, then everyone’s mood improves. In the spring they look forward to me, they want me to melt the snow faster, bring warmth closer. I give people a golden tan, warm up the seas, rivers, lakes in which people love to swim so much. over the horizon."

The moon listened to the sun for a long time and replied that she had nothing to say to this, and it would be better for her to hide behind the clouds, since people do not need it. So the moon did. Meanwhile, a man was returning to his village. At first he walked joyfully along the road, but when the moon hid behind the clouds, it became dark, he lost his way.

Then he began to ask the moon to appear at least for a little while. She looked out, the man found his way home. Then the moon realized that people needed it too, and therefore tried not to hide behind the clouds, but to light the way for night travelers.

White bull and the like

If you want to tell your child very short bedtime stories, jokes will help you out. You can tell about the grandfather and the woman who ate milk porridge. Then tell about the fact that the old man was angry with his wife and slapped her on the stomach (lightly). And then adults know what happened.

When talking about a white bull, you simply repeat the words after the child, first saying the phrase: “Do you want to listen to a fairy tale about a white bull”? You can diversify the story by calling it gray or even black.

Funny bedtime stories

Short funny stories entertain both adults and children. If you need a fairy tale for an adult, tell me that there was a prince. One day he came to the princess and asked if she would marry him. She answered: "No." Therefore, the prince lived happily ever after - he did what he wanted, went wherever he wanted, no one forbade him anything, etc. Of course, after such a story, all that remains is to laugh.

At night, the guys themselves can compose. So, one boy came up with a story about a merchant who had everything. Once he bought a mirror box. When he opened it at home, he lost everything - both the house and wealth. Amuse the child and the like short stories who teach not to desire more than a person needs and to rejoice in what he has.

A fairy tale for children who can't sleep

- Grandma, a fairy tale!

Two large sly eyes look out from under the covers. Grandmother sits in a chair nearby, habitually picks up knitting.

- Well, listen. Only an agreement: until I finish it - do not sleep!

In the eyes of resentment - who is going to sleep?

The thread winds along the knitting needles, the loop lies down after the loop, word by word ...

... A hedgehog runs along a forest path, and towards him - a Tale. The hedgehog was frightened, curled up into a prickly ball and lies, waiting for what will happen next.

The fairy tale also waited a little, and she became bored. They do not like fairy tales if there is no one to listen to them.

- A hedgehog, a hedgehog, - says the Tale, - do not be afraid, I'm not scary. I'm talking about apples in general.

The hedgehog immediately heard about apples. He stuck his nose out from under the thorns and one eye.

What kind of apples are you talking about - green or red?

- Which one do you like more?

- I am red, with a green side. Or not, green with red ... Or ..., - Then the hedgehog thought, even lowered the thorns and stood up on all four paws. - No, I generally like all apples more. Especially sweet ones.

- Well, then I'm talking about all kinds of sweet apples. How they grow on a tree and fall down themselves. To make it easier for hedgehogs to collect them. And also about how dad and mom hedgehogs carry apples to their burrows for their hedgehogs. And about what a warm mink they have, under a bunch of autumn leaves ...

Here the Tale fell silent, and looks at the hedgehog. And he doesn't even listen anymore. He closed his eyes - dreaming. I even dropped the mushroom that I was bringing home.

And just a hare gallops past, carrying a carrot, which he dug up in a neighboring garden. He was out of breath, barely jumped away from the summer residents. Greedy! Carrots spared one hare! Nearly ran into a hedgehog. The one in the middle of the path is dreaming - he sees nothing.

- Well, things, - says the hare, - What happened to the hedgehog?

- He listens to me.

- And who are you?

- I am a fairy tale about a carrot, how it grows in the middle of a clearing, and hares can carry it as much as they want. And there are no summer residents there - only hares and carrots. And the carrot is sweet ... And a lot of it, drag-I don’t want to ...

The hare sat down next to the hedgehog, closed his eyes, folded his paws, one ear up, the other lowered. Dropped a carrot on the grass. Dreaming…

The story got boring again. Looks, past the redhead runs. The fox that is. He doesn’t even run, but he seems to be walking. But it doesn't come close.

And the Tale here, as it were, to itself:

- ... And there were no hunters at all in that forest, but there were a lot of hares and hedgehogs who were not at all afraid of foxes. So it was easy to catch them. And they were delicious...

The fox came closer, sat on her fluffy tail, licking her lips. And with his eyes he squints at a hare with a hedgehog - a fairy tale or not a fairy tale - but they look very appetizing. She moved closer to them, then a little more. She stretched out her paw, but like a hare - tsap! Yes, it was not there. She grabbed something, and this is a carrot. Once again - wow! This is dry mushroom. Fox to the Fairy Tale - jump. And that and the trace caught a cold - only a cloud of fog and the grass is wet. And on the grass traces - hare and hedgehog. Only where there - you will not catch up already.

The fox snorted offendedly, lay down under a bush and fell asleep.

And the Tale is already right there again, sitting on a branch, singing:

- Bye, bye, bye - bye, sleep Alice, fall asleep ...

Knitting needles fell out of grandmother's hands, tinkled. Grandmother shuddered and opened her eyes.

In the crib next to the chair, the baby was sniffling. It's been a breeze for a long time, apparently. Nearby, on a pillow, a hedgehog and a hare were sleeping, and a red-haired muzzle peeked out from under the pillow. They all dreamed something very good.

Meditative tales for falling asleep


(Vera Spiranskaya)

The light is slowly fading away. The stars are shining in the dark sky. There are many, many. But only one shines so brightly and gently on you. After all, every man has his own star. You have it too. A little gnome lives on it. This is your Gnome. He has kind eyes and gentle little hands. White beard, and a cap on his head. Blue, pink, yellow ... How many stars in the sky, so many colors. At the end of the cap is a tiny silver bell. The blouse is belted with a strap, and the buckle shimmers with a mysterious moonlight. And on the feet - shoes with gold bows.

You go to bed. The head touches the pillow, and your star extends its rays towards you. This is a star ladder, along which your Gnome hurries to you.

Do you hear? Top-top-top... This Gnome is hurrying up the starry staircase towards you. And his shoes bring you sleep, turning your pillow into a soft white cloud. It gently rocks you on the rays of your star.

The little hands of the Gnome gently stroke your head, eyes, cheeks. He loves you, whispers softly in your ear all night good tales. Quietly. Only you. After all, this is your Gnome. He tells how during the day your little star bathes in the golden rays of the Good Sun. What magical flowers grow in his starry garden, how many sunbeams run through their petals. What fabulous songs are sung by his friends - birds. With what love and care he looks after you all day! And how patiently it waits for the evening to come down to you from the star, to hear your breath, to feel the warmth of your skin... And to talk, talk to you...

And in the morning, when the star hides in the magical threads of the sun, only the quiet ringing of a silver bell will tell you: “I am here, I am waiting for you, I am keeping you, I love you.”


Get comfortable in your bed so that you feel cozy and warm.

Your breathing is getting quieter and quieter. The dream will hear it and come.

On the right, the dream of the right barrel will come to you, on the left - of the left, and right towards you, slowly, a dream floats, which will cover you with a warm fog, like a blanket, when you fall asleep. Close your eyes and look at your straight, straight road to sleep.

On the right, “smoothing dreams” come. They smooth the face on the smooth pillow and the right side on the smoothed sheet. The barrel gets bigger and warmer, your warm body melts and spreads down and to the sides.

On the left, "dreams-gazing" come. Colored pictures come and go out inside you. They go deep into the dullness, into peace, into the fog. Peace and fog cover your eyes. Your left side gets bigger and warmer, your body melts and spreads, melts and spreads down and to the sides.

And when you fall asleep on your back, peace comes to you both to the right and to the left, from the head and from the legs, and from above and below. The bed is getting softer and softer.

Sleep, my dear.

On all roads, sleep hurries to you. Along the smallest paths, ants drag the straw of today's dream. Warm streams of dreams flow towards you, and you absorb them and overflow with a warm lake of sleep. You spill more and more, and more and more sleepy streams flow into you.

Forest animals bring you good dreams along animal paths. And their dreams, like themselves, are fluffy and warm.

On the roads where people walk and cars drive, along the streets, streets, avenues and roads, dreams come and go to you, go and swim.

Dreams descend on parachutes from above and arrive in balloons, clouds float, and each cloud has its own fairy tale. And you fly like a cloud in a dream. Without weight, at rest, clean, cool.

This is the happiness that only a dream can give you. Sleep, my dear. Suddenly a dream will show you some other way?

In a dream, you can see whoever you want. You just need to sleep well. Not only at home, but also on the train, plane, bus.

Sleep moves cities, and the more you sleep, the closer they are.

It's so good to sleep at the beginning of any road, on the road, and even when the crib is in place. Let's go to sleep and see where your dream takes you.

Sleep, my dear.