Psychological characteristic template. Template "psychological characteristics of the student"


Section 1. General information about the child.

1. Personal data

Surname, name ________________________________________________________________

Date of Birth ______________________________________________________________

School, class _______________________________________________________________

2. Information about the state of health.

1. Do you often get sick / often, moderately, rarely / ____________________________________________

2. Chronic disease /what/ ___________________________________________

3. features of functioning nervous system:

  • gets tired quickly: gets tired after a long load: tireless
  • quickly goes from joy to sadness without apparent reason: adequate change of mood: stable in the manifestation of mood
  • excitation predominates: excitation and inhibition are balanced: inhibition predominates.

3. Progress.

/ excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory/

4. Extracurricular activities / systematic /

1. Occupations in socially useful labor / what / ______________________________

2. Amateur art activities / what / _____________________________

3. classes in circles, clubs, headquarters, brigades / what / _____________________________

4. playing sports / what / __________________________________________________

5. Classes of organized work /what/ ____________________________________

Section 2. Manifestation personal qualities in the behavior of the child.

A. Orientation of interests:

  1. on learning activities
  2. on labor activity
  3. for artistic and aesthetic activities
  4. for achievements in sports, tourism
  5. on relationships between people

B. Attitude to business

  1. Public activity
  1. Actively participates in all public affairs, not counting his own time.
  2. Takes an active part in public affairs, but tries not to waste his public time on this.
  3. does not show activity in public life, but carries out instructions.
  4. Rarely takes part in public affairs.
  5. Refuses to participate in public affairs.

2. Diligence

  1. The student always performs any work willingly, looks for work himself and tries to do it well.
  2. As a rule, he willingly takes up the work, trying to do it well. Cases of the opposite nature are rare.
  3. Rarely willing to take on the job.
  4. Always evades any task.

3. Responsibility.

  1. Always well and in the appointed time performs any task assigned.
  2. In most cases, he performs the work entrusted to him well and on time.
  3. Often does not perform on time / or performs poorly / the task entrusted to him.
  4. Very rarely does the work assigned to him.
  5. He never completes the tasks entrusted to him.

4. Politeness, tact.

  1. All his actions and words testify to respect for other people.
  2. Almost always shows proper respect for other people.
  3. Often impolite and tactless.
  4. Often unacceptably harsh, rude. Often starts quarrels.
  5. Always harsh, unrestrained both in communication with peers and with elders. In a quarrel, insults others, is rude.

G. Attitude towards oneself.

5. Modesty.

  1. He never exposes his merits and merits.
  2. Sometimes, at the request of his comrades, he talks about his real achievements and merits.
  3. He himself tells his comrades about all his real achievements and merits.
  4. Often boasts of things that have not yet been done or that in which he takes very little part, to which he has little to do.
  5. He boasts of even minor achievements, exaggerated virtues.

6.. Self-confidence.

  1. Never consults with others, does not seek help even when it should be done.
  2. Performs all tasks, assignments without the help of others. Asks for help only when really needed.
  3. Sometimes, performing a difficult task, he asks for help, although he could handle it himself.
  4. Often, when performing tasks, he asks for help, support from others, even if he himself can handle it.
  5. Constantly, even in simple matters, he needs the approval and help of others.

7. Self-criticism.

  1. He always listens with attention to fair criticism, persistent in correcting his own shortcomings.
  2. In most cases, he responds correctly to fair criticism, listens to good advice.
  3. Sometimes he listens to fair remarks, tries to take them into account.
  4. Criticism, advice is inattentive, does not try to correct shortcomings.
  5. Rejects any criticism. Refuses to admit his obvious mistakes, does nothing to correct them.

D. Volitional qualities of the personality.

8. Courage.

  1. Always joins the fight, even if the opponent is stronger than himself.
  2. In most cases, he enters the fight, even if the opponent is stronger.
  3. He cannot always force himself to fight an opponent stronger than himself.
  4. In most cases, retreats before the force.
  5. Always retreats before force, cowards.

9. Decisiveness.

  1. Always independently, without hesitation, makes a responsible decision.
  2. In most cases, he makes a responsible decision without hesitation.
  3. Sometimes hesitates before a responsible decision.
  4. Rarely does one dare to make any responsible decision.
  5. Unable to make any responsible decision on their own.

10. Self-control

  1. Always knows how to suppress unwanted emotional manifestations.
  2. As a rule, he knows how to cope with his emotions. Cases of the opposite nature are rare.
  3. Sometimes he doesn't know how to deal with his emotions.
  4. Often unable to suppress unwanted emotions.
  5. He has poor control over his feelings, easily falls into a state of confusion, depression, and so on.

E. The position of the child in the children's team.

  1. He enjoys unconditional authority among almost all classmates: he is respected, his opinion is taken into account, and responsible affairs are trusted.
  2. Enjoys prestige among the majority of classmates.
  3. He enjoys authority only among some classmates / among some group, only among boys or among girls, etc. /
  4. Enjoys prestige with other students.
  5. Does not enjoy authority in the class.

12. Sympathy.

  1. Is the darling of the class, he is forgiven individual shortcomings.
  2. In the class, the guys treat him with sympathy.
  3. Enjoys the sympathy of only a part of classmates.
  4. Enjoys the sympathy of some guys.

5. They don't like him in the class.

  1. Is a recognized authority in any out-of-school association / sports school, music school, club, yard company ______________ /.
  2. He enjoys authority among the majority of the children of any out-of-school association / sports school, music school, club, yard company _____________ /.
  3. Enjoys authority with individual members of out-of-school associations / in a sports school, club _________________________ /.
  4. He is a member of some out-of-school association, but does not enjoy authority there / sports school, club, ________________________________ /.
  5. Not a member of any out-of-school association.

Section 3 Features mental processes and emotions.

1. Attention.

  1. Always easily and quickly focuses his attention on the explanation of the teacher. He never gets distracted in the lesson, he does not make mistakes due to inattention in the lesson.
  2. Listen carefully to the teacher's explanation. It is rarely distracted, sometimes there are errors due to inattention.
  3. Doesn't always listen carefully to the teacher's explanation. Periodically distracted, often makes mistakes due to inattention, but corrects them when checking.
  4. He listens attentively enough only if he is interested. Often distracted. Constantly makes mistakes due to attentiveness, does not always correct them when checking.
  5. As a rule, slowly and with difficulty focuses his attention on the lesson, learns little from the teacher's explanations due to constant distractions. Makes many mistakes due to inattention and does not notice them when checking.

2. Memory.

  1. When memorizing, he always understands the structure and meaning of the material. But even material that requires rote memorization is easy to memorize.
  2. When memorizing, he can remember only what he previously understood, understood. Material that requires rote memorization is given with difficulty.
  3. The material that requires rote memorization is very easy to learn, it is enough to look at it 1-2 times. Has a habit of not understanding the structure and meaning of the material being memorized.
  4. When memorizing, he understands the material for a long time. When presenting, he makes mistakes in form, but he expresses the meaning accurately.
  5. To memorize the material, he repeatedly mechanically repeats it, without parsing and comprehending, makes semantic errors.

3. Thinking.

  1. Quickly captures the essence of the material, always among the first to solve problems, often offers his own original solutions.
  2. Understands materials quickly enough, solves problems faster than many, sometimes offers his own original ways solutions.
  3. Satisfactorily accepts the material after the teacher's explanation, solves problems at an average pace, usually his own original solutions does not offer.
  4. Among the latter, he captures the essence of the teacher's explanations, is distinguished by a slow pace of reflection and decision.
  5. He accepts material only after additional classes, solves problems extremely slowly, blindly uses known “templates” when solving problems.

4. Emotional reactivity.

  1. He always emotionally reacts vividly to any life phenomena, he can be deeply, to tears, excited by a story, a movie.
  2. Usually emotionally vividly reacts to life events, but it is rare that he can be deeply agitated.
  3. Rarely shows a lively emotional reaction to events.
  4. Live emotional reaction is practically absent.

5. General emotional tone.

  1. Constantly lively, very active in all areas school life, interferes in everything, takes on everything.
  2. Lively, moderately active in all spheres of school life.
  3. Lively, active only in some areas of school life.
  4. In comparison with his comrades, he is less active and lively.
  5. Almost always lethargic, apathetic in all areas of school life, despite the fact that he is healthy.

6. Emotional balance.

  1. Always calm, he does not have strong emotional outbursts.
  2. Usually calm, emotional outbursts are very rare.
  3. Emotionally balanced.
  4. Increased emotional excitability prone to violent emotional manifestations.
  5. Hot-tempered: often violent emotional outbursts over minor issues.



Full name of the student _____________________________________________________________

Date of birth ________________________ School ___________ grade ____________

1. The student's health and development status (to be completed jointly with the school doctor):

1.1. General assessment of the student's health (according to the medical record) __________

1.2. Signs of increased neurosis: absent; increased fatigue, decreased performance, depressed mood, increased excitability, outbursts of anger, aggressiveness towards peers, aggressiveness towards teachers, refusal to contact, common affairs, tendency to destructive actions, sadism, other signs of ______________


1.3. Pathological drives:

Smokes (does not smoke, smokes occasionally, systematically);

Uses alcoholic beverages (does not use, uses occasionally, systematically);

Uses toxic drugs (does not use, uses once, systematically);

1.4. Consists of a dispensary, about which ___________________________


2. The psychological atmosphere of the family.



Extremely unfavorable.

2.1. Information about parents (father, mother):

mother's education _____________________________________________________________

father's education _________________________________________________________

profession, place of work of the mother ____________________________________________

profession, place of work of the father ______________________________________________

2.2. Other family members _________________________________________________

2.3. Family type:

Prosperous (parents are morally stable, have a culture of education, the emotional atmosphere of the family is positive);

Unfavorable, including:

Pedagogically incompetent (parents do not know the culture of education); signs: there is no unity of requirements, the child is neglected, cruel treatment, systematic physical punishment, low awareness of interests, of the child's behavior outside of school);

Morally dysfunctional (asocial; parents lead an immoral lifestyle: they drink, parasitize, keep a brothel, have a criminal record, do not raise children);

Conflict (the family has an unfavorable emotional atmosphere, constant conflicts between parents, parents are overly irritable, cruel, intolerant).

2.4. Relationship between parents and child:

Family dictate (systematic suppression of the initiative and self-esteem of the child);

Excessive guardianship (satisfaction of all the needs of the child, protection from difficulties, worries, efforts);

Connivance (avoidance of active participation in the upbringing of the child, passivity, recognition of the complete autonomy of the child);

Cooperation (relationship of mutual respect, joint experience of joys, grief, etc.).

2.5. Organization of the regime of work and rest:

what are the responsibilities of the family?



Does the daily regimen __________________________________________________

who and to what extent helps and controls the completion of homework ___



how is the student's communication in the family organized during leisure, summer holidays, parents' vacation ________________________________________________________


3. Features of educational activities:

3.1. Student performance _______________________________________________

3.2. Attitude towards teaching: positive, neutral, indifferent negative.

3.3. Intellectual abilities of the student: high, medium low.

3.4. Teaching motives: cognitive interest to subjects, awareness of the need to study in school age, the desire to get an assessment, to earn the approval of adults, the desire to avoid punishment, the desire for self-assertion in a peer group.

4. Position in the class team, attitude towards the team:

4.1. Student position in the team: leader (star), preferred, accepted, rejected, isolated.

4.2. Who in the class is closest to ____________________________________________

The nature of mutual influence _______________________________________________

4.3. Relationship with other classmates: business-like, even, friendly, warm, conflict, does not communicate with anyone.

4.4. Manner, style of communication with others:

Dominant style (self-confident, seeks to impose his opinion, easily interrupts, but does not allow himself to be interrupted, easily recognizes his innocence);

Non-dominant style (shy, compliant, easily admits he is wrong, needs encouragement when talking);

Extrovert (constantly focused on communication, easy to contact, curious, open, full of attention to others);

Introvert (not inclined to contacts, closed, prefers activity to communication, laconic in conversation).

4.5. Attitude to public opinion:

Actively positive (strives to correct shortcomings, take into account comments, etc.);

Passive-positive (understands criticism, agrees with it, but does not correct shortcomings);

Indifferent (does not respond to criticism, does not change behavior);

Negative (arguing, disagreeing with remarks, behavior does not change).

5. Attitude towards social activities and socially useful work:

5.1. Relationship to public assignments: willingly, without visible interest, refuses.

5.2. Fulfillment of public orders: conscientious, unscrupulous, according to mood, under pressure, with initiative.

5.3. Attitude to the labor affairs of the class: takes an active part, is indifferent, defiantly refuses.

5.4. Attitude towards physical labor:

Positive (industriousness, often prefers physical labor to mental labor, has golden hands);

Indifferent (does not single out physical labor as an interesting activity, does not refuse it, but performs it without initiative);

Negative (lazy, work dishonestly, under pressure, treats physical labor with a high, dismissive attitude).

5.5. Attitude to public property: treats thriftily, in a businesslike way, indifferently, defiantly, dismissively, up to deliberate damage to property.

6.1. There is an interest in activities: physical, mental labor, technical, socio-political, organizational, artistic (artistic, literary, musical, choreographic, etc.), sports activities.

6.2. In what circles (sections) does he belong to _______________________________


6.3. Cultural outlook: whether and how often he visits theaters, museums, exhibitions _


what are the reader's interests, what literature does he prefer, the regularity of reading (does not read books, reads sporadically, reads systematically).

7. Features of the sphere of free communication of the student:

7.1. How much time is devoted to "street" communication during the week _________________________, hours of evening coming home ___________________.

7.2. Who does he/she have friendships with outside of class, and what impact do they have on the student?

7.3. Permanent or preferred place of "street" communication (club, yard, entrance, etc.) _______________________________________________________________

7.4. The content of communication in street games: working with equipment, vehicles, going to the cinema, playing the guitar, listening to music, talking in different topics, aimless pastime, drinking, smoking, gambling and etc.

8. Personal self-esteem:

8.1. Self-Esteem Level:

Adequate (correctly assesses their positive and negative qualities, personal capabilities and achievements);

Overestimated (uncritical of himself, exaggerates his achievements);

Underestimated (unnecessarily self-critical, underestimates his positive traits and personal achievement).

8.2. What traits would you like to have, which would you like to get rid of? ___________


9. Features of behavior:

9.1. positive student behavior. How often do they ____________


Possible motives for their commission __________________________________________

9.2. Negative actions (misconduct), their manifestations (episodic, systematic), their nature: rudeness, fights, absenteeism, being late for lessons, violation of discipline in the classroom, refusal of requirements, assignments, does not work in the classroom in the classroom.

9.3. Student offenses: theft, extortion from the younger and weak, beating the younger and weak, attempted violence, cruelty to animals, the manifestation of sadistic inclinations, gross violations of public order (hooliganism).

9.4. Attitudes towards their actions: indifferent, worried, justifies, condemns.

9.5. How does he relate to pedagogical influences: with bitterness, indifferently, he understands and tries to fulfill the requirements.

9.6. Is registered with the IDN ________________________________________________

Inside school records ________________________________________________

M. P. Date _________________

Compiled by: ______________________________________

Psychological characteristics of personality

Completed by: student of group 441

Trofimov S. S.

1. General information:

Trofimov Sergey, Ukraine, Russian, was born in 1993 in the city of Sevastopol.

Father ˗ Sergey Nikolaevich Trofimov: Russian, built a house, raised 5 children and a couple of trees, jack of all trades, specialized secondary education.

Mother ˗ Trofimova Elena Vitalievna: Ukrainian, the keeper of the hearth and harmony in the family, reads a lot, has a higher education (she graduated from the magistracy).

Brothers: Daniel and Akim. Daniil goes in for sports, goes to school, is fond of e-sports, moderately conceited. Akim is the youngest among the children, cheerful, like me, studying at school.

Sisters: Alina and Veronica. Alina is the eldest among the children, has a secondary education, works, was married. Veronica ˗ cheerful, sociable, finishing school.

Before entering the university, he studied at school, served as a school DJ for several years, and began to engage in power sports. The choice of the university was influenced by its location, specialties ˗ love for computers, interest, mother. Physically developed, power loads are easily overcome. Hobbies ˗ sports, e-sports, expansion of consciousness.

Not married, neutral attitude towards relatives, fair attitude towards relatives.

2. Cognitive mental processes:

Attention. If the situation requires or shows great interest in the object of attention, then concentration and stability will be at a high level.

Memory. Well developed memory. Memorization and recreation of material at a high level.

Thinking. Logical thinking prevails.

Spiritual needs prevail.

There are several goals: gaining freedom, getting rid of stereotypes, being objective, achieving harmony within oneself.

Motives. Motives for admission and study at the university according to the methodology “Motives for studying at the university T.I. Ilina" testify to an adequate choice of profession and satisfaction with it.

Interests. Questionnaire DDO A.E. Klimov showed no particular preference or interest in a particular area of ​​activity.

Professional orientation of the individual. Methodology “The level of professional orientation of T.D. Dubovitskaya" revealed the alleged low level of professional orientation.

Emotional orientation of the personality. Questionnaire ENL B.I. Dodonova showed that the need for romantic and aesthetic emotions prevails, and the smallest need was revealed for gloric and akisitive emotions.

4.Characteristics of the mental properties of the personality:

temperament type. According to G. Eysenck's questionnaire, the type of temperament was determined - phlegmatic. Although with some inconsistencies, but it is reliable.

Character type. Testing revealed the type of character ˗ ambiversion. Sociability and isolation are characteristic; passivity and active action. It all depends on the place and time of action. Quite stable psychological orientation to the world of external objects (extroversion) and to the inner subjective world (introversion).


General abilities. High level of intelligence, high quality of work in most cases, diction at a good level.

5. Socio-psychological qualities of a person:

A specialist engineer must have a high level of concentration and stability of attention, perseverance, the required knowledge, and a desire to work in the chosen field of activity.

There is a noticeable lack of some knowledge and a lack of desire to work in the chosen field of activity.

Basic attitudes in communication. According to the method “Determination of role positions in interpersonal relations according to E. Berne”, it was determined that the adult component of the personality prevails, the child component of the personality is in second place. The Adult / Child / Parent formula indicates that a person has a sense of responsibility, is moderately impulsive and is not inclined to edification and teaching.

Analysis of behavior in extreme situations. The method "Indicator of coping strategies" did not reveal the dominant coping strategies.

Based on the resulting wheel of life, it should be concluded that the social and professional spheres lag behind other spheres of life in development, which indicates the need for their development.

The psychological characteristics helped to understand oneself, to identify various aspects of one's life, patterns.


Section 1. General information about the child.

1. Personal data.

1. Surname, Name _________________________________________________

2. Date of birth _________________________________________________

3. School, class ____________________________________________________

4. Specialization of the school ____________________________________________

2. Health information

1. Do you often get sick (often, moderately, rarely) _______________________________

2. chronic diseases(which) ___________________________________

3. Features of the functioning of the nervous system:

gets tired quickly; tired after a long load; tireless;

quickly goes from joy to sadness for no apparent reason; adequate change of mood; stable in the manifestation of mood;

excitation prevails; excitation and inhibition are balanced;

inhibition dominates.

3. Academic performance

(excellent, good, fair, unsatisfactory).

4. Extracurricular activities (systematic).

1. engaging in socially useful work (what kind) _______________________

2. amateur art activities (what kind) ___________________

3. classes in circles, clubs, headquarters, brigades (what) ___________________

4. playing sports (what kind) ___________________________________________

5. organizational work (what kind) ____________________________

Section 2. The manifestation of personal qualities in the behavior of the child.

A. Orientation of interests:

for educational activities

for labor activity

for artistic and aesthetic activities

for achievements in sports, tourism

on relationships between people.

B. Attitude to business.

1. Public activity.

Actively participates in all public affairs, regardless of his own time.

He takes an active part in public affairs, but tries not to waste his time on it.

Does not show activity in public life, but carries out instructions.

Rarely takes part in public affairs.

Refuses to participate in public affairs.

2. Diligence.

The student always performs any work willingly, looks for work himself and tries to do it well.

As a rule, he willingly takes up the work, trying to do it well. Cases of the opposite nature are rare.

Rarely willing to take on the job.

Most often, he tries to evade any work.

Always evades any task.

3. Responsibility.

Always well and on time performs any task entrusted to him.

In most cases, he performs the work entrusted to him well and on time.

Often does not perform on time (or performs poorly) the work entrusted to him.

Very rarely does the work assigned to him.

He never completes the tasks entrusted to him.

4. Initiative.

He is the initiator of many cases, not seeking to receive any recognition for this.

Quite often he is the initiator of a new business.

Rarely does he start a new business.

Almost never starts a new business.

Never initiates any business.


Always correctly distributes his work in time and performs it according to the plan.

In most cases, he correctly distributes and completes his work on time.

He knows how to correctly distribute and performs his work on time, only if it is necessary to report for each of its stages.

Most of the time, he doesn't know how to schedule his work.

Does not know how to distribute his work in time, wastes time in vain.


Constantly actively learns something new in different fields of science and culture.

In most cases, interested in gaining new knowledge from different areas science and culture.

Rarely seeks to learn something new; usually interested in one limited area of ​​expertise.

As a rule, does not show interest in acquiring new knowledge.

Indifferent to any kind of new knowledge.


Always keeps his things in perfect order. Always dressed neatly, pulled up - both at the desk and at the blackboard. Protects public property, always tries to put it in order.

Keeps in proper order own and loaned to him things (books, abstracts). Helps to put in order public property (desks, inventory, etc.) rather out of duty.

Does not show much desire to maintain order around him. Sometimes he comes to school untidy, sloppy dressed. Indifferent towards those who damage public property.

Often does not take care of himself appearance, the state of his books, things, does not protect public property, even spoils it.

He does not care at all about keeping his things in proper order, always untidy, slovenly. On occasion, without hesitation, damages public property.

B. Attitude towards people.


He always shows concern for acquaintances and strangers, tries to help and support anyone.

Tends to take care of strangers, if this does not interfere with his personal plans and affairs.

Often shows indifference to other people's affairs and concerns, if this does not affect him personally.

As a rule, he is indifferent to the concerns of others, does not help them on his own initiative.

He considers it superfluous to take care of unfamiliar members of society under the motto: "Mind your own business."

Honesty, truthfulness.

Always truthful in relation to his parents, teachers, comrades. He speaks the truth even when it is unprofitable for him.

Almost always truthful in relation to his parents, teachers, comrades.

He often tells lies for his own benefit.

Almost always inclined to tell lies.


Actively fights what he considers unfair.

He does not always fight what he considers unfair.

Rarely speaks out against what he considers unfair.

Doesn't seek justice.

Completely indifferent to manifestations of injustice.


In his actions he is always guided by considerations for the benefit of the cause or other people, and not his own benefit.

Almost always guided by considerations for the benefit of the cause or other people.

Rarely are they guided in their actions by considerations of the good of the cause, and not their own benefit.

In actions, he is often guided by considerations of his own benefit.

In actions, he is always guided by considerations of his own benefit.


Always willingly comes into contact with people, likes to work and relax with others.

As a rule, he enjoys talking with people.

Strives to communicate with a limited circle of people.

Prefers individual forms of work and rest.

Closed, uncommunicative.

Feeling of camaraderie.

Always helps comrades in hard work and in difficult moments of life.

As a rule, he helps his comrades.

Helps comrades when asked.

Very rarely helps comrades; if asked, may refuse to help.

Never helps comrades in work, in difficult moments life.


Always sympathetic to others, comrades often share their worries with him.

Sincerely sympathizes with others, if not too absorbed in his own thoughts.

Absorbed by his own feelings so much that it prevents him from sharing the feelings of other people.

Almost does not know how to sympathize with others.

He does not know how to sympathize with others at all, his comrades do not like to "borrow" from him.

15. Politeness, tact.

All his actions and words testify to respect for other people.

Almost always shows proper respect for other people.

Often impolite and tactless.

Often unacceptably harsh, rude. Often starts quarrels.

Always harsh, unrestrained both in communication with peers and with elders. In a quarrel, insults others, is rude.

G. Attitude towards oneself.

16. Modesty.

He never exposes his merits and merits.

Sometimes, at the request of his comrades, he talks about his real achievements and merits.

He himself tells his comrades about all his real achievements and merits.

Often boasts of things that have not yet been done or that in which he takes very little part, to which he has little to do.

He boasts of even minor achievements, exaggerated virtues.

17. Self-confidence.

Never consults with others, does not seek help even when it should be done.

Performs all tasks, assignments without the help of others. Ask for help only when really needed.

Sometimes, performing a difficult task, asks for help. Though I could do it myself.

Often, when performing tasks, assignments, he asks for help, support from others, even if he himself can handle it.

Constantly, even in simple matters, he needs encouragement and help from others.

18. Self-criticism.

He always listens with attention to fair criticism, persistent in correcting his own shortcomings.

In most cases, he responds correctly to fair criticism, listens to good advice.

Sometimes he listens to fair remarks, tries to take them into account.

Criticism, advice is inattentive, does not try to correct shortcomings.

Rejects any criticism. Refuses to admit his obvious mistakes, does nothing to correct them.

19. Ability to calculate your strength.

He always soberly assesses his own strengths, choosing tasks and affairs "on the shoulder" - not too easy and not too difficult.

As a rule, he correctly measures his strengths and the difficulties of the task.

Sometimes there are cases when a student poorly measures his strength and the difficulties of the task assigned.

In most cases, he does not know how to measure his strengths and the difficulties of the case.

Almost never knows how to correctly measure his strength and the difficulties of the task, deed.

20. Striving for success, superiority.

He always strives to be the first in everything (in studies, sports, etc.), persistently achieves this.

Strives to be among the first in many areas, but Special attention focuses on achievements in any one area.

Strives in one thing, especially of interest to him, to achieve recognition, success.

Very rarely strives for success in any activity, easily satisfied with the position of the "middle peasant".

Never strives to be the first in anything, gets satisfaction from the activity itself.

21. Self-control.

Always carefully weighs his words and deeds.

He does not always carefully control his words and actions.

For the most part, he acts thoughtlessly, counts on “luck”.

Almost always acts thoughtlessly, insufficiently carefully controls himself.

He constantly acts thoughtlessly, counting on “luck”.

D. Volitional qualities of the personality.

22. Courage.

Always joins the fight, even if the opponent is stronger than himself.

In most cases, he enters the fight, even if the enemy is stronger than himself.

He cannot always force himself to fight an opponent stronger than himself.

In most cases, retreats before the force.

Always retreats before force, cowards.

23. Decisiveness.

Always independently, without hesitation, makes a responsible decision.

In most cases, he makes a responsible decision without hesitation.

Sometimes hesitates before a responsible decision.

Rarely does one dare to make any responsible decision.

Unable to make any responsible decision on their own.

24. Persistence.

He always achieves what he has planned, even if long-term efforts are required, he does not back down in the face of difficulties.

As a rule, he tries to fulfill the intended, even if there are difficulties in doing so. Opposite cases are rare.

Brings to the end the plan, only if the difficulties of its implementation are insignificant or require short-term efforts.

Very rarely completes his plans, even if he encounters minor difficulties.

Faced with difficulties, immediately abandons attempts to fulfill the intended.


Always knows how to suppress unwanted emotional manifestations.

As a rule, he knows how to cope with his emotions. Cases of the opposite nature are rare.

Sometimes he doesn't know how to deal with his emotions.

often unable to suppress unwanted emotions.

He has poor control over his feelings, easily falls into a state of confusion, depression, and so on.

E. The position of the child in the children's team.


He is the favorite of the class, he is forgiven some shortcomings.

In the class, the guys treat him with sympathy.

Enjoys the sympathy of only a part of classmates.

Enjoys the sympathy of some guys.

4. Is a member of some extracurricular association, but does not enjoy authority there (sports school, club ________________).

Not a member of any out-of-school association.

Section III. Features of mental processes and emotions.


Always easily and quickly focuses his attention on the explanation of the teacher. He never gets distracted in the lesson, he does not make mistakes due to inattention in the lesson.

Listen carefully to the teacher's explanation. It is rarely distracted, sometimes there are errors due to inattention.

Doesn't always listen carefully to the teacher's explanations. Periodically distracted, often makes mistakes due to inattention, but corrects them when checking.

He listens attentively enough only if he is interested. Often distracted. Constantly makes mistakes due to inattention, does not always correct them when checking.

As a rule, slowly and with difficulty focuses his attention on the lesson, learns little from the teacher's explanations due to constant distractions. Makes many mistakes due to inattention and does not notice them when checking.


When memorizing, he always understands the structure and meaning of the material. But even material that requires rote memorization is easy to memorize.

When memorizing, he can remember only what he previously understood, understood. Material that requires rote memorization is given with difficulty.

The material that requires rote memorization is very easy to learn, it is enough to look at it 1-2 times. Has a habit of not understanding the structure and meaning of the material being memorized.

When memorizing, he understands the material for a long time. When presenting, he makes mistakes in form, but he expresses the meaning accurately.

To memorize the material, he repeatedly mechanically repeats it, without parsing and comprehending, makes semantic errors.


Quickly captures the essence of the material, always among the first to solve problems, often offers his own original solutions.

He understands the material quite quickly, solves problems faster than many, sometimes offers his own original solutions.

Satisfactorily understands the material after the teacher's explanation, solves problems at an average pace, usually does not offer his own original solutions.

Among the latter, he captures the essence of the teacher's explanations, is distinguished by a slow pace of thinking and solving problems.

Understands materials only after additional classes, solves problems extremely slowly, blindly uses known “templates” when solving problems.

emotional reactivity.

He always emotionally reacts vividly to any life phenomena, he can be deeply, to tears, excited by a story, a movie.

Usually emotionally vividly reacts to life events, but it is rare that he can be deeply agitated.

Rarely shows a lively emotional reaction to events.

Live emotional reaction is practically absent.

General emotional tone.

Constantly lively, very active in all areas of school life, interferes in everything, takes on all cases.

Lively, moderately active in all spheres of school life.

Lively, active only in some areas of school life.

In comparison with his comrades, he is less active and lively.

Almost always lethargic, apathetic in all areas of school life, despite the fact that he is healthy.

Emotional balance.

Always calm, he does not have strong emotional outbursts.

Usually calm, emotional outbursts are very rare.

Emotionally balanced.

Increased emotional excitability, prone to violent emotional manifestations.

Short-tempered: strong emotions are frequent