There was little milk to do. How is milk produced? For no apparent reason, milk disappears or what is a lactation crisis

In articles about breastfeeding, we repeatedly say that each couple - mother and child - is unique, each problem requires individual consideration. However, there are almost always some general recommendations, which in any case will not harm and, perhaps, even help mom figure out the situation on her own.

Attachment to the chest

The first thing a young mother should learn is proper attachment baby to the chest. It causes effective sucking, breast stimulation, helps to avoid pain during feeding and nipple injuries. But perhaps most important for sufficient milk supply is the principle feeding on demand and not on schedule. Moreover, if the baby of the first weeks of life sleeps for a long time and does not ask for a breast himself, he should be awakened and offered a breast at least once every one and a half to two hours. Thus, 10-12 (or more) applications per day provide sufficient nutrition for the infant, maintenance of lactation and health. maternal breast. Frequent application even before the arrival of milk, when there is only colostrum in the breast, provides the laying of the required number of receptors for successful lactation, contributes to the emotional comfort of the mother, helps to avoid or in mild form deal with postpartum depression. In favor of feeding on demand, the joint stay of mother and baby in the maternity hospital works.

Even if for some reason there was a decline in milk production, frequent applications are the key to a good one.

To get the baby more milk than he is able to suck on his own, technology also helps "chest compressions". This works well when the baby is still very small and gets tired of suckling quickly; when the baby is often applied to the breast and sucks for a long time, but the mother still notices a slight increase in the weight of the child. This technique helps if the mother suffers from recurring milk stasis. What does it look like? Mom takes the breast with her hand in the same way as she gives it, but further from the nipple: thumb on one side, the rest on the other. Slightly compresses the breast, making sure that the baby does not lose the nipple and remains properly attached. The reception can be used immediately (if the baby initially finds it difficult to suck milk on his own) or after the active sips are over, and when the breast is compressed, the child will take a few more effective sips of milk.

Increased lactation

To increase lactation and the number of hot flashes in one feeding, you can repeatedly shift the baby from one breast to another, i.e. give both breasts at one feeding. How to understand that you can offer your baby a second breast? It is important not to allow an imbalance of foremilk and hindmilk, so this is done only after the baby stops swallowing milk and just sucks for a while. This technique can be combined with the chest compression technique.

Calmness and peace of mind of the mother no less important for success. This should be taken care of at home. If the mother was frightened, experienced a strong shock, pain, then a special breathing exercises or just deep calm breathing, warm bath(possibly with the baby), a pleasant experience, tasty food. Small physical activities (housework, walking, even just carrying a baby) - reduce the level of adrenaline. You should also encourage your baby to breastfeed frequently.

Stimulation of lactation contributes to everything that allows mom and baby feel each other's skin: feeding as naked as possible, co-sleeping, carrying on hands, light massage and stroking mother's hands, just laying out the baby on the mother's bare stomach and chest. Similar contacts through psychological sensations trigger hormonal regulation.

But already with established lactation, if possible, it is necessary to prevent strong breast filling. In the milk accumulated in the breast, a special inhibitor protein appears - a substance that triggers the mechanism for reducing milk production.

False hypogalactia

We have already mentioned that sometimes there is a so-called false hypogalactia, i.e. when the mother thinks that she does not have enough milk, in fact, the baby may well have enough milk. When does this happen? When mom, ignoring reliable signs, begins to focus only on the following indicators and situations.

Mom makes "control feedings" - weighs the baby before and after feeding. She is nervous, worried about what number she will see on the scales. The baby feels the mother's tension, is distracted, sucks less effectively. Babies during the day can be applied to the breast for various reasons, including just to calm down a little or "drink", the mother most often regards each application as " good nutrition"and is very upset when he sees only a few grams on the scales. If the weighing takes place in the clinic, this is even worse, because feeding is given strictly limited time, after which the baby, who has fallen asleep or has not yet pumped enough, is placed on the scales. And there is also the error of the scales, the expenditure of energy by the baby on sucking itself ...

Milk is expressed little or not at all. An imaginary sign, because neither the sucker nor the hands can reproduce the mechanism of sucking the child. There is such a thing as breast capacity - the volume of milk that can accumulate in it. It is different for every woman. And even the left and right breasts of one woman can accumulate different amounts of milk. The capacity has nothing to do with the ability to produce milk, but it is this amount in best case mother expresses, i.e. even if it turned out to express, the resulting volume is much less than that that a child can suck.

The baby does not calm down after feeding or is restless during it. Often mothers remember that they have "little milk" in the evening, when many children are especially restless. Babies may cry and worry different reasons. By the way, studies show that small children do not experience hunger as such until a certain point, and a truly hungry child will rather sleep than worry. In addition, sometimes anxiety is a sign of normal age-related behavior.

Reasons for concern

Some mothers refer to heredity: “Mom didn’t feed, and I can’t!”. We have already mentioned that in the days of our mothers and grandmothers, feeding according to the regimen was widespread, often a woman was immediately recognized as “non-dairy”, although, most likely, the failure of breastfeeding consisted in separation in the hospital, rare feedings, the need for early work. With the right actions, such "heredity" can be happily avoided.

The breast stopped filling up between feedings. This simply indicates the establishment of lactation: milk will now be produced in response to the suckling of the baby, accumulation can only occur in case of long breaks between feedings.

Sometimes mothers believe that small breasts are unable to produce milk. This is wrong. The glandular tissue is responsible for the production of milk, which, even in a very small breast, can be very developed, have a large number of shares and ducts. Adipose tissue is responsible for breast size.

Mom believes that she eats little and / or not varied, so there is not enough milk. To this is often added the belief that milk is "bad", its composition is defective. Diverse, healthy eating mothers are undoubtedly very important. But it is more important for the health of the mother herself, her strength, her mood. The energy composition of milk (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) does not depend on the nutrition of the mother, it is laid genetically and in accordance with the needs of the child (for example, it is known that mothers of babies born prematurely have milk richer in proteins). The vitamin and mineral composition of milk can be slightly influenced by mother's nutrition, but at the same time, the mother's body is such that even with a deficiency of some element in the mother, the composition of the milk will be complete.

Milk does not leak from the breast between feedings and/or from the second breast while suckling the first. This does not at all indicate the absence of milk, but only that the ducts are "strong" enough not to let milk through in the absence of sucking. The age of the child when milk stops leaking is different for each (from several days to several months). It happens that leakage is not observed from the very beginning (more often this happens with the second and subsequent children).

After feeding, the baby takes the proposed bottle with the mixture, drinks it all and then sleeps for a long time, usually the mother says: "So, I was hungry and only now I'm full." Experts generally do not recommend conducting such a "test". The bottle satisfies the baby's natural desire to suckle; already quite quickly evacuated from the stomach, the mixture gets there, but it is very difficult to digest, so the baby is sleeping, because. there is simply no strength left for anything else.

Mom reacts to the words of medical staff, friends, relatives that there is not enough milk, the child does not eat enough. This imaginary sign is worth noting separately, because. he, with enviable constancy, brings confusion into the vulnerable souls of young nursing mothers, makes them scared, sometimes completely unreasonably introduce supplementary feeding to the baby and, in the worst case, even finish ahead of time breast-feeding.

Not everyone has competent information about breastfeeding, not everyone breastfed their babies themselves. The older generation is often guided by an imaginary sign of "heritage of milkiness" and tells a modern young mother that she will not be able to feed because her mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, aunt, grandmother's neighbor in the apartment did not feed ... They, of course, can be understood: after all, there was simply no other example before my eyes! Sometimes the environment of a young mother very closely draws her attention to the size of her own breasts and claims that the breasts are not suitable for feeding. It's even worse when own family There are relatives of a mother who has just given birth, who, instead of supporting, helping to establish breastfeeding, caring for a young mother, on the contrary, downright advise “not to suffer”, but to give a mixture and are rather skeptical about the help of lactation specialists. After all, they really want both mom and baby to be healthy, calm and happy! In order for the care of relatives to be combined with the establishment of natural feeding, experts recommend studying information about feeding and caring for the baby by the whole family, including the older generation.

But what is the medical staff guided by when they talk about the amount of milk in the mother's breast? Probably all the same criteria, which, unfortunately, for a long time were considered the norm. The mixture is always the same (contains approximately 40 standard imperfect components); it is supposed to be given strictly by the hour and a certain amount (often overpriced, to be sure, what is called). Before that, you need to take care of the cleanliness of the bottle and nipple (which are still approximately the same shape and size). So, having heard a medical judgment about the amount (lack) of milk in the breast, about the shape and size of the nipples, the mother should simply remember that the breast is not a bottle with divisions, it cannot be filled to a certain mark and emptied, while looking at how much has flowed out. It is immediately useful to recall imaginary signs of milk sufficiency: breast size, breast fullness, milk leakage, amount of pumped milk. The breast "works" in response to the sucking of the child, all babies and mothers are different. The composition of women's milk is also unique, it contains more than 400 components, in addition, it is different for each mother and adapts to the needs of her baby.

Breastfeeding is a normal natural process. Mothers are designed by nature to produce and babies to suck out breast milk. It’s just that a modern mother needs a little help and support (including informational support) in order to breastfeed her child correctly, for a long time and with pleasure. Remember that every mother is able to breastfeed her child, and the situation of "not enough milk" in the vast majority of cases is solvable.

Malchenko Polina,
lactation consultant, member of AKEV


Thanks a lot for the article! It should be given to all mothers in maternity hospitals to read in order to destroy deep-rooted misconceptions about breastfeeding. It is a pity when young mothers listen to the older generation with their unjustified advice about the feeding regimen and the need to introduce complementary foods.

06/30/2018 00:34:33, Natalia

To calculate the amount of milk needed for children under 2 months of age, the following formula is used:

800 - 50 (8 - p), where

800 – daily rate milk for a 2-month-old baby;
n is the number of weeks of life;
50 - the amount of excess milk for each week missing up to two months;
8 is the number of weeks.
This is an approximate calculation, but you still need to rest on it. And so as not to think - the control of what was eaten. Put the rebec on the scale before and after feeding. It’s better in the morning, don’t be afraid that it will wake up, I hung mine periodically for up to six months. Only scales should be accurate, ideally especially for small ones. I had trading ones, but they showed exactly. I always knew when I had a crisis, then I immediately started drinking Apilac to improve lactation, apply it often, lay down to sleep next to me to suck to the maximum at night. Three days later everything was back to normal. I drank the course of Apilak until the next crisis, then I started drinking again. But this is not necessary, in principle it was possible in advance, I later realized that approximately everyone has the same deadlines.

Comment on the article "Not enough milk? Worth sorting out! Part 2"

How to survive the “stormy rush” of milk for a nursing mother? Immediately after childbirth and during the first 2-3 days, colostrum is produced in the breast. It stands out in small quantities, and the mother practically does not feel it. Then, by the end of the 3rd, the beginning of the 4th day after childbirth, the breast begins to increase in size, become more dense and tense. These changes indicate the beginning of the milk arrival process. Often they are accompanied painful sensations, a slight increase in local temperature ...


I had little milk after giving birth, as they did C-section. Some of the tips from the article were needed when weaning the baby from the breast.

During the first pregnancy, she suffered for a very long time, she expressed herself. And when I gave birth to a son, I bought a breast pump, heaven and earth, much easier and very convenient!

Frequent milk consumption in old age increases the risk of hip fracture, Japanese scientists from a group of universities came to this conclusion. The reason for this is the harmful trans fats contained in this product, the researchers said. Milk has a reputation as one of the main sources of calcium - a substance necessary for bones and teeth. However, frequent consumption of this product leads to negative consequences for good health. And in the risk zone, first of all, people of the age ...

the age of the baby, it must be no younger than 1.5 years; the state of lactation - have signs of involution of the mammary gland been shown for some time already? To check this, the mother needs to part with her baby for a day, for example, leaving him with his grandmother or father. If after a day there is no painful filling of the breast, it does not become dense and hot, then the woman is ready for weaning. If, after twelve hours, mommy is ready to run to the child so that he ...

Around the topic of proper nutrition for more than a year there have been fierce disputes. Nutritionists and journalists take turns accusing fats, then carbohydrates, then sugar, then gluten of all mortal sins ... The list is endless. This topic becomes especially painful when it comes to baby food. We understand the most popular myths. Grandma's Dinners Everyone probably remembers the times when weight gain in a child was considered an exceptionally good indicator. Our parents were really happy...


I have nothing to do with chemistry, but from the media and from information about our favorite mixture of Humanu, I know that if from native, it means not from powder, but from cow, natural. Agree, it’s one thing to make powder from natural, and then “chemicalize” the mixture, and it’s quite another thing when without all kinds of pomace ...
I don’t know about allergies… We didn’t have any.

we are not candidates of chemical sciences, but I can say for sure that native milk as a raw material for infant formula is always a sign of quality. For example, only a few baby food manufacturers can boast that their processing plants are located near farms, and that they make the same cereal mixtures not from powder, but from liquid fresh milk. This is more difficult, and the quality control system should be different. I have a friend, she immediately transferred the baby to the mixture - the milk disappeared on the 11th day after birth ... I used Remedia, but it is rare, Humana, - the pediatrician recommended it, because they are on native milk, not powdered, and the risk of fluctuations in quality is minimal.
I will tell you the truth that it is not recommended to include in the diet of children from families with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus products containing native (non-adapted) protein. cow's milk. But it's on any HA food

4. if there is little milk - more often - more often - apply more often, yeah. but not more than 2 hours later. if he doesn’t ask more often, you can pump between, but this also needs to be fought for at least a week for this matter. Little milk? Worth sorting out! Part 1.

Little milk? Worth sorting out! Part 2. Already from here the conclusion suggests itself - there is little milk - you need to express it, a lot - you can’t express it. Child with colic. Does baby have colic?

Little milk? Worth sorting out! Part 2. Breastfeeding. Increased lactation and false hypogalactia. I fed my daughter from one breast while expressing milk from the second (by this time I already had a breast pump, which ...


white threads, dairy? Then it just starts to flow more fatty milk, after the first, more watery. When it enters the bottle, it dissolves in previously expressed milk. And just something :)
On business:
1. Peeling skin is normal. The skin on the nipple should change. Normal - if it doesn't hurt. Cracks often come from improper attachment. The fact that you are now pumping and feeding from a bottle, you are even more knocking down the attachment in the direction of the wrong one, most likely. You'd better give it up. If it is completely impossible to feed from the breast, drink from a syringe or pour in with a spoon. An electric breast pump, by the way, does not treat the breast more carefully than a child. Vice versa. Therefore, it looks like the baby is not breastfeeding properly.
2. Problems with the amount of milk may be related to p..1. That is, to be the result of improper application. On the other hand, you may not have a problem, and doubts about the amount of milk were sown by the "kind" words of doctors or relatives. Why did you decide that milk is not enough? Give the numbers: with what weight the child was born, what weight was the lowest, what increase. How much do you feed (duration and frequency of feedings)? How much does a child pee/poop a day?
3. If your milk starts to seem low, don't start supplementing until you've tried all the ways to increase your milk supply. Why: The body produces as much milk as the baby eats. Therefore, you supplemented - the child ate less from the breast - less milk came on the trail. day - You supplement even more - ... voila! at 5 months milk is running out. It is still not too late to correct the situation - if, of course, you have a desire (and since you are writing here, then most likely you have :)).
Write down the numbers for now, nothing is clear without them. And you definitely don't need a doctor :)

ALL norms are based on observations of artificers. A child of 7 weeks can eat both 15 grams per feeding and 215. There are a huge number of modification factors on which it depends: the degree of vivacity, colic, the phase of the moon, the time of day, the degree of maturity of mother's lactation, mood, mother's condition, ambient temperature, time of the last sleep, the child's temperament and the manner of sucking, the feature of capture, the period relative to the growth spurt, the situation with the intestines, etc. And to predict them, calling the "average value" - is almost impossible. It is only possible to assess the sufficiency of milk if a 7-week-old child has an increase over the past 2 weeks and the number of urination per day.

Why was the child crying? Against the background mature lactation mother expresses most often without a milk tide foremilk, more saturated with lactose. And if it is then given to a child from a bottle, then, firstly, the feeling of fullness will quickly end, and secondly, a mismatch with the natural composition that would be with normal feeding can cause a storm in the intestines. The pancreas could not cope with an excess of carbohydrates, and the result was colic.

How to fix it? DO NOT feed with expressed milk, breastfeed if possible. And when it is necessary to move away for a while - when decanting, cause a milk rush (nipple massage, pumping during feeding, auto-training), and not just mechanically freeing the breast from milk accumulated over a certain period.

Check out all channels. This milk has stagnated. It will not dissolve on its own, it must be decanted. The baby can also dissolve, as they are still weak in this. Little milk? Worth sorting out! Part 2.


It is necessary to soften and MANDATORY decant. One way: with a warm compress (camphor alcohol is WARM on gauze, tracing paper on top, polyethylene on top, put cotton wool on top and tie a woolen scarf.) For 2 hours, no more and no less. Then immediately into the bath, massage with a warm, even hot shower and decant with DRY hands. If he can’t express, call a midwife or take a breast pump. Massage hard stones in the chest. Check out all channels. This milk has stagnated. It will not dissolve on its own, it must be decanted. The baby can also dissolve, as they are still weak in this. Enough milk! It just increased. If camphor disturbs, then there is such a remedy - OSMOgel. Make a compress with it.

For the most extreme case keep in mind that in Moscow there are very good center on all sorts of milk problems. I don’t have coordinates with me, but I gave it here in the spring, look at the search or call - it is located in the planning center on Sevastopol. They can advise on the phone, they can come to your home, great specialists.

Little milk? Worth sorting out! Part 1. Myths about breastfeeding. If I am not mistaken, if the child is 2-3 months old, then he should eat 1/5 of his weight in milk per day, then increase it slowly and now ...


I have exactly the same story, everything is just like it was written about me ... but a month later, after a couple of days, I’m already giving more mixture, I don’t even suck everything out of my chest (is it so little there ??) I’m probably too lazy to strain knowing that there is something tastier and it flows straight into my mouth ?? 60 gr is easy... so I don't know what to do, or even give up on this breastfeeding, the child doesn't really want my milk anyway?? or what???

04/13/2016 07:59:33, Nastya D

Hello, please advise me too! I fed up to 3 months normally, I ate when I wanted, but the weight was 4700 .. The pediatrician said that there was a shortage and give a mixture! I kicked, but the baby had to cry ((although he is cheerful and cheerful! As a result, he can’t even breastfeed right now, even at night, he cries! And he doesn’t take a bottle with formula or with expressed milk! I want to breastfeed .. But what to do ?? Tell the girls!!

04/07/2016 10:30:28 AM, Alina Khusainova

Little milk? Worth sorting out! Part 1. Part II. ...they didn't show any signs of dehydration, etc. Any supplementation or When breastfeeding, complementary foods should be introduced no earlier than 6 months of age.


How many times a day do you feed? From one or two breasts?

Have you eaten anything new or unusual?

In fact, when dehydrated (significantly), the child does not look cheerful, he looks sleepy and lethargic. But given the huge life potential of young children, a child's cheerfulness may not mean the absence of problems. But a sunken fontanel is really a sign of dehydration.
In general, diarrhea in children under one year old is a VERY SERIOUS problem (unless it is really diarrhea, which in infants is determined not by the frequency of the stool, but by the consistency), and this danger cannot be neglected (fortunately, diarrhea in children who are exclusively breastfed is a very rare occurrence). If diarrhea occurs, you should definitely call a doctor, and before he arrives, give the child a solution of rehydron (in extreme cases, rice water) to prevent dehydration (1 teaspoon every 10-15 minutes), increase the frequency and duration of breastfeeding.

11/29/2001 10:29:40 AM, Lesha

Future mothers look forward to the first meeting with their babies. And, of course, they think about how they will feed their babies. What to do if milk does not come after childbirth? Or suddenly there is less milk and the baby does not have enough of it? What to do if not at all breast milk?
While some mothers are tormented by the above issues, others decide to give up breastfeeding in advance in favor of mixtures, so as not to spoil the “beauty” of their breasts.

Natural breastfeeding is the key to the proper development of the baby, because mother's milk contains more than 400 natural ingredients necessary for a growing organism.
No matter how hard scientists try to deduce the perfect formula So far, only about 40 components of artificial nutrition have been developed. In addition, breast milk contains stem cells, which so far cannot be replaced by anything.
During breastfeeding, an emotional connection is established and maintained between mother and child, and this has a positive effect on the development and strengthening of the crumbs. Therefore, if there is at least a minimal opportunity to continue breastfeeding, this should be strived for.

What to feed the baby in the first days?

Many young mothers are sure that milk immediately appears with the birth of a child. For them, it becomes a discovery that for the first few days it may not be at all. But to feed the baby, even the amount of colostrum that is produced immediately after birth will be enough. It is not necessary to supplement the baby with mixtures, as some compassionate nannies in maternity hospitals advise. Nature is so conceived that the baby can wait 2-3 days before the arrival of mother's milk, experiencing satiety from a few drops of colostrum.
It is necessary to apply the baby to the breast as often as possible, to ensure the correct capture of the nipple (ideally, it is completely hidden in the baby's mouth, along with the areola). This speeds up the production of milk in the mother's body.

It seemed!? false signs

Nursing mothers are characterized by excessive worries, for whatever reason. Including, if the baby behaves restlessly, cries, does not sleep well, the mother decides that she does not have enough breast milk.
A similar thought can also visit her as a result of persistent recommendations and advice from relatives, relatives, pediatricians. It may seem to others that the mother does not have enough of her own milk to feed the baby, due to small size chest. Or she is not at all capable of breastfeeding, since all the women of her family could not breastfeed their children.
How to understand that there is not enough breast milk for a child?

Signs of hypogalactia

To understand that we are talking about insufficient production of breast milk (hypogalactia), you can use the following criteria:

  • restless kid
  • Minimum weight gain that does not meet the standards (less than 500g / 700g per month)
  • Reducing the amount of urine excreted by the infant per day (normally about 10-15 urination)
  • The baby's stool is denser, drier, less frequent than usual.

Having noticed all these signs in a baby (individually, they may indicate other problems), you need to think about how to establish breastfeeding.
A common phenomenon of a temporary lack of milk is called a lactation crisis. Growing up, the child requires more and more consumed milk. In the mother's body, there may be short hitches, periods when the mammary gland is tuned to produce required volumes nutrition. A lactation crisis may occur at the end of 1,3, 5 months of a baby's life.
Many mothers raise a panic, noticing that by the evening there is not enough breast milk. You should not be afraid that the child will remain hungry at night. Night feedings compensate for the lack of milk in the evening.


Why is there less breast milk? There are several reasons for this:

  1. Hormonal disorders that led to the underdevelopment of the mammary glands, developmental anomalies.
  2. Severe toxicosis late term pregnancy.
  3. Injury to the mother during childbirth, bleeding, infection.
  4. Microtrauma of the nipples (cracks), mastitis.
  5. Infectious diseases of the nursing mother.
  6. Nutritional errors.
  7. Violations of the daily routine.
  8. Stress, difficult life situations.
  9. Incorrect feeding regimen, including long breaks, leading to a decrease in the amount of milk produced.

How to restore lactation

  • Refuse "regime" feedings, feed the child at his first request. Feeding according to the regimen inhibits the production of breast milk.
  • Apply the baby to the breast for every 1.5-2 hours at least 1 time.
  • Practice the correct latch on the breast, avoiding trauma to the nipple and swallowing air by the baby.
  • Apply the baby alternately to the left and right breasts. Alternation can occur during one feeding.
  • Express milk after feeding. The more milk the child consumes in one feeding (or expressed by the mother), the more it comes to the next time.
  • Massage the breasts before pumping.
  • Take liquid as needed.
  • During feedings, mother and baby create an opportunity for skin-to-skin contact. This stimulates the production of the love hormone (oxytocin), which affects the production of milk.
  • Sleeping with the baby and night feedings have a beneficial effect on increasing the amount of milk. At night, the hormone prolactin is produced, which controls the intensity of the formation of breast milk.
  • walk on fresh air together with the baby, eat right, eliminate stress that negatively affects milk flow.
  • Emotionally tune in to the restoration of breastfeeding.
  • On the advice of a lactation consultant or doctor, take medications, herbal teas to improve lactation.
  • Use

If the milk was gone, or due to the illness of the mother or child, lactation was impossible, it is quite possible to restore feeding, with patience and following the rules listed above.

The recovery process takes time and patience. In addition, it is necessary to supplement the baby with mixtures or gradually introduce early feeding. Bottles, nipples, pacifiers should be kept away. Let the baby satisfy the sucking needs through the mother's breast. To make natural feeding a priority for the baby, supplement it with a spoon, a syringe without a needle, use supplementary feeding systems at the breast.


How to warn possible problems with breastfeeding?
Eliminate daily routine violations, support proper nutrition, practice frequent attachment of the baby to the breast, joint sleep and night feedings, drink about 2 liters of fluid per day, express the remaining milk, take folic acid/ vitamins for nursing mothers.
And most importantly, worry less and not think up non-existent problems for yourself. A real inability to breastfeed is very rare, in 2-3 cases out of 100. You can check your doubts about this by visiting a doctor.
To breastfeed him as long as possible (up to 1 year, 1.5 liters). This special communication between mother and baby cannot be replaced by anything. Let it bring only joy and positive emotions!

One of the most common and painful problems that mothers face when breastfeeding is the lack of milk. How can a nursing mother figure out if her baby has enough milk and, if necessary, how to increase its amount?

Worries about whether her baby has enough milk happen at least once with every young mother, especially in the first months after childbirth. Unfortunately, for many mothers, doubts about the sufficiency of milk end with the transfer of the baby to artificial feeding. Often faced with the first difficulties, a nursing mother makes a hasty conclusion about her hopeless “non-dairy” (although the amount of milk may be quite sufficient) and, with the “support” of grandmothers or girlfriends, who often do not have experience of successful breastfeeding, begins to supplement the baby with a mixture or completely refuses to breastfeed. Most often this happens due to insufficient knowledge about the mechanism of lactation and the criteria by which a mother can independently verify whether her baby has enough milk.

What you need to know about lactation. Lactation is a very delicate and complex physiological process that is triggered by hormones and further supported by the emptying of the breast, as well as the frequency and quality of the baby's suckling. The main role in the mechanism of lactation is played by two hormones - prolactin and oxytocin. They begin to be produced by the pituitary gland immediately after childbirth, when the inhibitory effect of the placenta on milk production is eliminated. Prolactin is the hormone responsible for the secretion of breast milk, it is also called the “hormone of motherhood”. The amount of milk in the mother depends on it - the more prolactin the pituitary gland produces, the more milk in the mother's breast. The active production of prolactin is facilitated by regular and complete emptying of the mammary gland and vigorous breast sucking by a hungry baby. In this case, nerve impulses from the receptors of the areola of the nipple and the ducts of the empty breast send information to the brain that milk is in demand. Thus, the pituitary gland receives a signal for the release of prolactin, which in turn stimulates the secretory cells of the mammary gland to produce a new portion of milk. The more often and more actively sucking occurs and the breast is emptied more completely, the greater the release of prolactin will be and, accordingly, the greater the amount of milk will be produced. This is how the principle of "supply and demand" works, while the child receives as much milk as he needs. Prolactin is produced during feedings, but it starts to “work” only after a few hours, i.e. while the baby is breastfeeding, the mother “stores” prolactin for the next feeding. Most prolactin is produced during the night and early morning hours, so it is very important to keep night feedings in order to provide the baby with milk throughout the next day.

The second hormone actively involved in the process of lactation is oxytocin. This hormone promotes the release of milk from the breast. It is produced with a slight delay in response to active stimulation of the nipple during suckling, while many mothers feel a “rush” of milk or even breast pain. Under the influence of oxytocin, the muscle fibers located around the lobules of the mammary gland contract and squeeze the milk into the ducts towards the nipple. Decreased production of oxytocin makes it difficult to empty the breast, even if there is milk in it. In this case, the child has to make considerable efforts to extract his food, so during feeding he may behave restlessly and even get angry. When trying to express milk, in this case, the mother will be able to squeeze out only a few drops from the breast, remaining in full confidence that she does not have enough milk. The amount of oxytocin produced depends on the emotional state of the mother (no wonder oxytocin is also called the “hormone of love”). The more positive emotions and pleasure a woman receives from the feeling of motherhood, the more this hormone is produced. The amount of oxytocin increases from pleasant touches, when a mother cuddles her baby, strokes, kisses him, carries him in her arms. While stress, anxiety and other negative emotions reduce the production of oxytocin, as this releases a large amount of the "alarm hormone" adrenaline into the blood, which is the worst "enemy" of oxytocin, blocking its production. That is why a comfortable and calm environment around her and her baby is so important for a nursing woman.

Why did the milk "run away"?

Lactation is a very mobile process, which is influenced by many different factors (mother's health, frequency of feeding, the severity of the sucking reflex in a child, etc.). Breast milk cannot be produced “on schedule” and, for certain reasons, its quantity may decrease. Insufficient milk production in the mother is called hypogalactia. Depending on the causes of its cause, primary (true) and secondary hypogalactia are distinguished.

True inability to lactate (primary hypogalactia) occurs according to various sources in only 3-8% of women in labor. It usually develops in mothers suffering from endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, diffuse toxic goiter, infantilism, and others). With these diseases, underdevelopment of the mammary glands is often observed in the mother's body, as well as a violation of the processes of hormonal stimulation of lactation, as a result of which her mammary glands are simply not able to produce enough milk. The treatment of this form of hypogalactia is rather difficult; in such cases, hormonal preparations are prescribed for its correction.

Secondary hypogalactia is much more common. The decrease in milk production in this case is mainly associated with improperly organized breastfeeding (irregular breastfeeding, long breaks between feedings, improper breastfeeding), as well as physical and mental overwork, lack of sleep, eating disorders, diseases of the nursing mother. The causes of hypogalactia can also be complications of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period, prematurity of the baby, taking some medicines and much more. A decrease in lactation can be triggered by the mother’s unwillingness to breastfeed her baby or her self-doubt and inclination to artificial feeding. In most cases, secondary hypogalactia is a temporary condition. If the cause that caused the decrease in milk production is correctly identified and eliminated, lactation will return to normal within 3-10 days.

Already in the process of established breastfeeding, a nursing mother may encounter such physiological phenomenon, How " lactation crisis when her milk supply suddenly decreases for no apparent reason. Usually this is due to a mismatch in the amount of milk to the needs of the child and cyclic hormonal changes in the mother's body. The fact is that the growth of the baby may not occur evenly, but in jumps, the most typical growth jumps are at 3, 6 weeks, 3,4,7 and 8 months. As the baby grows, so does his appetite; in such a situation, the mammary gland simply does not have time to produce the required amount of milk. At the same time, the baby can receive as much milk as before, but this amount is no longer enough for him. In addition, it is during these periods that a temporary change can occur in the body of the mother. hormonal background, which also affects the amount of milk. This situation is reversible and does not pose a danger to the health of the child. With an increase in the number of feedings and the absence of supplementary feeding with a mixture, after a few days, the mother’s breast will “adjust” and provide the crumbs with sufficient nutrition. Most often, lactation crises occur in the first 3 months after childbirth and can sometimes occur at intervals of one to one and a half months, their duration is no more than 3-4 days (less often 6-8 days). It should be noted that lactation crisis more often occurs in those women who are pre-configured for its inevitable appearance and believe that they are not able to fully breastfeed the baby, as well as those who consider it necessary to feed the baby at strictly defined hours. Some women do not encounter such problems at all, so it is not necessary to expect the onset of a lactation crisis.

All of the above situations are true forms of hypogalactia, which are still not as common as false or “imaginary” hypogalactia, when a nursing mother produces enough milk, but she is convinced that she does not have enough milk. Before sounding the alarm and running to the store for a package of formula, mom needs to figure out if she really has little milk. The basis for doubts about the sufficiency of milk most often are such complaints:

"the breast is always soft, there is no rush of milk." During the first few months after birth, lactation develops as mother and baby adapt to each other. During this period, milk can be produced both more and less than the needs of the crumbs and, accordingly, both a feeling of breast fullness and a feeling of an “empty” breast may occur. With the establishment of mature lactation, milk begins to be produced exactly as much as the child needs for given feeding, while the mammary gland may not be as full as before. In addition, milk continues to be produced directly during feeding. Thus, based on the feeling of breast fullness, it is impossible to draw a conclusion about the sufficiency or lack of milk.

"inability to express even a small amount of milk." None the most best breast pump can not compare with the child in the efficiency of sucking milk from the breast (provided that the breast is properly latch on). In addition, the pumping process requires a certain skill. Some women, having a lot of milk in their breasts, can express only a few drops, so it is impossible to judge the sufficiency of lactation by the amount of milk expressed.

“the child is anxious during or after feeding, often requires the breast, sucks for a very long time and does not let go of the breast. All these signals can indicate a lack of milk, but they can also be a baby's reaction to stress or fatigue (for example, with an excess of impressions during the day, new acquaintances, a change of scenery), so the baby can react to mother's feelings and nervousness. Such behavior can also indicate that the baby is not feeling well (tummy hurts, teeth are cut, etc.). Therefore, relying only on the behavior of the child, it is wrong to draw conclusions about the decrease in lactation, but of course, in such a situation, the mother has a reason to pay attention to more reliable criteria.

You can quickly and reliably make sure that the baby has enough milk by counting the number of urinations. Do the "wet diaper" test, for this you need to count the number of urinations of the child in 24 hours, without using disposable diapers and changing the diaper every time the baby peed. If the baby has stained 12 or more diapers, and the urine is light, transparent and odorless, then the amount of milk that he receives is quite enough and you need to look for another reason for his concern. According to WHO standards, 6-8 wet diapers per day is already an indicator that the amount of milk is enough for the normal development of the child and supplementary feeding is not required in this situation, but active and persistent efforts are required to increase lactation. If the child urinates rarely (less than 6-7 times a day) and the urine is concentrated with a pungent odor, this is a sign that the baby is starving.

Another reliable criterion for assessing the adequacy of nutrition and the normal development of the child is the dynamics of weight gain. Although the growth of the child is uneven, in the first half of life, the baby should gain at least 500-600 g of weight every month. It is usually estimated monthly increase when the baby is weighed by the doctor during the next examination. At present, children's scales are widely used, on which parents weigh the baby at home, conducting the so-called, " control weighings". Often this measuring device becomes additional source stress for a nursing mother, who begins to weigh her baby after each feed, trying to determine how much milk he received. Meanwhile, this control method is very uninformative. Firstly, milk norms are calculated for 7-8 feedings per day, and a child who is breastfed on demand suckles much more often and, accordingly, can receive milk in one feeding. less milk than he is "supposed to". In addition, the amount of sucked milk depends on the well-being, mood and appetite of the crumbs and can fluctuate significantly during the day. If the mother is concerned about the rate of weight gain of her child, it is more expedient in such cases to weigh the baby once a week, while observing strictly defined conditions (you need to weigh in the morning before eating a completely undressed baby without a diaper). According to WHO, a weekly weight gain of 125 g or more is evidence that the baby is getting enough nutrition. From the age of 5-6 months, the growth rate of the child decreases, and he can add 200-300 grams per month. If during the first months of life the baby added a lot (1-1.5 kilograms per month), then in the following months he may gain less weight than his peers.

How to return milk? Only after the mother, based on reliable criteria, is convinced that her baby really needs more milk, she needs to take measures to stimulate lactation. In most cases, "escaped" milk can be returned. The most important criterion for success in this case is the mother's self-confidence and a great desire to breastfeed. Only confidence in the correctness of her actions and a mood for long-term breastfeeding will help her show the necessary perseverance and patience and resist the "friendly" advice of relatives and friends to feed the "hungry" baby with a mixture.

In order to restore lactation, it is necessary to solve two main tasks: firstly, to find and, if possible, eliminate the cause of the problem (for example, fatigue, lack of sleep, improper attachment the baby to the breast, etc.) and secondly, to establish the hormonal “supply-demand” mechanism by increasing the number of feedings (“requests”) of the baby, in response to which the mother’s body will respond with an increase in the “supply” of milk.

breast stimulation

Given the decisive role of hormones in the mechanism of lactation, the most important and effective way to increase milk production is to stimulate the breast by sucking the baby and completely empty it. With a decrease in milk production, the mother should first take the following measures:

- increase the frequency of breastfeeding - the more often the baby suckles, the more often signals will be sent to the brain for the production of prolactin and, accordingly, more milk will be produced. It is necessary to give the baby the opportunity to suckle for as long as he wants, artificially limiting suckling can lead to the fact that the baby does not get to the most nutritious "hind" milk and does not get enough fat and protein (hence, there may be poor weight gain). If there is not enough milk in one breast, the second breast should be offered to the baby, but only after he has completely emptied the first. In this case start next feeding you need from the breast that the baby sucked last.

- make sure proper attachment baby to the breast - effective stimulation of the nipple and emptying of the breast occurs only when the baby completely captures the areola. In addition, if the breast is not properly latch on, the baby can swallow a large amount of air, which can fill a large part of the volume of the stomach, while the amount of sucked milk will decrease. It is very important to choose the most comfortable position for feeding, in which the mother can relax and will not experience inconvenience and pain.

- keep night feeding - the maximum amount of prolactin is produced in the period from 3 to 8 in the morning. To ensure the production of a sufficient amount of milk the next day, there should be at least two feedings during the night and pre-morning period.

- increase the time cohabitation with the baby - to stimulate the production of milk, it is very useful for a nursing mother to spend as much time as possible with her baby, carry him in her arms, cuddle him, co-sleeping with the baby and direct skin-to-skin contact are very useful for lactation.

Psychological comfort

In the life of any mother, anxiety and unrest are inevitably present. The main thing is that her short-term momentary unrest does not develop into constant anxiety. Nervousness, burden of responsibility, fear of doing something wrong can cause chronic stress. In this state, a high level of the hormone adrenaline is constantly maintained in the blood of a nursing mother, which, as already noted, has a blocking effect on the production of oxytocin, and thereby prevents the release of milk. Hence the common misconception that milk is lost "from the nerves." In fact, enough milk can be produced in the breast, but if the mother is nervous or irritated, she cannot “give” it to the baby. So mom gets into vicious circle when, as a result of stress, her milk is poorly excreted - the child cannot suck it out of her breast and behaves restlessly - the mother concludes that she has little milk and starts to get nervous again, trying to supplement the crumbs with a mixture - as a result, the number of breastfeedings decreases - as a result, the production of prolactin is reduced and the amount of milk in the breast is actually decreasing. To avoid similar situations, a nursing mother needs to learn how to relax. Breathing exercises, massage, a warm shower or bath with aromatic oils (lavender, bergamot, roses), pleasant music and other ways to create a calm and comfortable environment around you can help with this, and of course, the most important antidepressant is a little man who is infinitely beloved and in need of mother's love and warmth.

Complete rest and sleep

As a rule, a woman sitting at home with a baby is charged with the entire burden of household chores, which is already saying that a full 8-hour sleep for a nursing mother is “only a dream”. However, lack of sleep and physical overload is one of the most common causes decrease in the amount of milk in the breast. In order to improve lactation, mom needs to reconsider her daily routine and be sure to find a place in her busy schedule for daytime sleep and daily walks in the fresh air. Ideally, the mother's daily regimen should coincide with the child's regimen, as soon as the baby falls asleep, it is also better for the mother to lie down to rest. Perhaps, for this, part of the household duties will have to be shifted to other family members, and some of the not very important things will be postponed for a while, because in currently her primary task is to provide her child with the most valuable and necessary nutrition- breast milk and only after that to be an exemplary wife and mistress.

Nutrition and drinking regimen

The nutrition of a nursing mother affects the qualitative composition of milk more than its quantity. However, lactation is not the time to go on a diet in pursuit of restoring your previous weight. It has been proven that even with a mother's malnutrition, lactation can persist, but milk production will occur to the detriment of mother's health at the expense of her body's own reserves.

Of course, for the full production of milk, a nursing mother needs additional energy, nutrients and fluids, while it is important that the nutrition and drinking regimen be complete, but not excessive. The calorie content of the diet of a nursing mother should be about 2700-3000 kcal / day, during this period she needs high-quality proteins with increased nutritional value(which are found in meat, dairy products, eggs), fats enriched with unsaturated fatty acids (fish, vegetable oils), vitamins and minerals. It is very important to observe the diet, as eating at certain hours ensures a more rhythmic production of breast milk. Meals should be fractional, the optimal frequency of meals is 5-6 times a day, it is better to have a snack 30-40 minutes before feeding. With a decrease in milk production, it is advisable for a nursing mother to include in her diet products that have lactogenic properties (i.e., promote milk production) - carrots, leaf lettuce, parsley, dill, fennel, seeds, Adyghe cheese, feta cheese, sour cream, as well as lactogenic drinks - carrot juice or carrot drink, blackcurrant juice (in the absence of allergies in the baby).

Of much greater importance for maintaining lactation at the proper level and stimulating milk production when it decreases is the drinking regimen. A nursing woman needs to drink up to 1.5 - 2 liters of fluid per day (this volume includes purified and mineral water without gases, compotes and fruit drinks from seasonal berries and fruits, tea, dairy products, soups, broths). The exception is the first week after childbirth - the time of arrival of milk, when a large amount of fluid can lead to the development of lactostasis (milk stagnation). Promotes better emptying of the breast warm drink 20-30 minutes before feeding (this may not be strong green tea or just warm boiled water). Often, to increase milk production, mothers try to drink large amounts of tea with milk or “condensed milk”. It should be noted that cow's milk protein is a strong allergen, and eating a large amount of sweet "condensed milk" can lead to unwanted weight gain for a nursing mother, so clean drinking water is the best drink for a nursing mother.

Shower and massage

Quite effective ways to increase lactation are hot or contrast showers and breast massage. These treatments increase blood flow to the breasts and improve milk flow.

It is better to take a shower in the morning and in the evening after feeding, while directing jets of water onto the chest, do a light hand massage clockwise and from the periphery to the nipple, for 5-7 minutes on each breast.

To increase the flow of milk, you can do breast massage. To do this, grease your hands with olive or castor oil, place one palm under your chest, the other on your chest. Massage the mammary gland with light in a circular motion clockwise (for 2-3 minutes each), without squeezing the breast with your fingers and trying not to get the oil on the areola of the nipple. Then the same light strokes are carried out with the palms from the periphery to the center. This massage can be performed several times a day.

Phytotherapy and homeopathic remedies

Some have been proven to have a positive effect on milk production. medicinal plants(anise, cumin, dill, fennel, lemon balm, oregano, nettle, etc.), due to the content in them essential oils, having a stimulating function and biologically active components with a hormone-like effect. They are used in the form of infusions and herbal teas, both separately and in the form of fees. The composition of the collection is selected individually. For example, dill, anise, cumin, fennel are recommended for digestive problems in a nursing mother; mint, lemon balm, oregano will help mom calm the nervous system; nettle is useful if a nursing mother has reduced hemoglobin or physical overwork. You can also use ready-made teas "for nursing mothers" of industrial production (HIPP, Humana, Dania, Laktovit) It should be remembered that any plants can cause allergic reaction Therefore, stimulation of lactation with herbs should be used with caution by nursing mothers whose babies suffer from allergies.

Pretty efficient helper method to increase lactation is the use of homeopathic remedies, which must be selected and prescribed by a homeopathic doctor individually for each woman. Among the ready-made homeopathic remedies freely sold in the pharmacy chain, the drug MLEKOIN is most often used.


Vitamins (A, B1, B6, C, E, PP) and microelements (calcium, iron, magnesium, etc.) have a stimulating effect on the lactation process, they activate the processes of cellular metabolism, improve tissue microcirculation and improve the composition of milk. Usually they are prescribed in the form of special vitamin-mineral complexes for nursing mothers (Materna, Vitrum-prenatal, Pregnavit, Elevit Pronatal, etc.).

A wide range of vitamins and minerals is contained in APILAK, a biostimulating preparation based on royal jelly, which is also widely used to stimulate lactation.

Most often, an increase in the number of feedings, adjustment of the daily regimen and nutrition of the mother in a few days give positive results and lactation improves. If the above measures within 7-10 days do not bring tangible results to a nursing mother, it is necessary to discuss medication and physiotherapy methods for increasing lactation with a doctor.

The paramount question that arises in any woman who has given birth to a child is how to provide the baby with a sufficient amount of breast milk? But what if there is very little of it? My answer: every woman who was able to conceive a baby, endure due date and give birth, and can feed him. There are very rare cases when there is a need to really switch to artificial nutrition, a young mother in most cases is able to fully feed her baby with breast milk.

On the first day after childbirth, there cannot be much milk at once, its volume increases during the first days. And for starters, the baby is enough of the colostrum that appears immediately after birth. In order not to panic and start supplementing breastfeeding that has not yet begun with mixtures, you need to remember that most of the doubts are groundless.

  • Tip 1: Is my breast milk nutritionally sufficient?

To check if your milk has enough fat content, you need to decant it into a transparent container and let it stand. You can evaluate the fat content by seeing it with your own eyes. There is a more radical option - to give milk to laboratory research, where they will accurately determine whether the baby has enough of the amount of nutrients that it contains.

  • Tip 2. Suddenly there is no milk at all?

The feeling of fullness and fullness does not always accompany the appearance of milk. In order for the milk to remain, it is necessary to apply your baby to the breast on demand, and after feeding, you can express the rest. This is where the principle of supply and demand comes into play. . As long as milk is needed, it appears. As soon as there is no need for it, it quickly disappears. Medicine knows cases when women, who had long ago finished feeding their child, began to apply someone else's baby to their breasts and milk appeared again. Therefore, everything that your child cannot drink should be expressed with a breast pump. If there is still doubt that the baby is full, offer him both breasts in turn in one feeding.

  • Tip 3. What to drink or eat to make more milk?

You need to eat healthy food, eat fractionally, eat what is healthy. Especially useful for the formation of milk nuts and dairy products. If you drink tea brewed with milk thirty minutes before feeding, the milk will immediately be added.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

  • Tip 4. What can I be doing wrong, why is milk not coming?

Do not try to accustom the baby to the regime in such tender age. Do not feed him by the hour, this leads to a decrease in lactation. In the first days of a baby's life, feed him at least once every two hours. At night, a gap of 4 hours during sleep is allowed. In addition, do not limit the baby's time for food. Let him stay at your breast for as long as he wants. Otherwise, he may not have time to suck out the portion of milk he needs. Important: for feeding, take comfortable posture, make sure that the baby correctly captures the nipple in his mouth.

Watch for the filling of the diaper! To understand that the baby eats enough milk, pay attention to the weight of the diaper. If you do not give your baby water, while the diaper overflows, that is, the baby urinates often enough, then he is not starving. I also advise you to turn to "natural medicines" with lactogenic properties: nuts, cheese, bee pollen, royal jelly, nettle infusion and ginger, as well as dill, coriander. It is important to remember: no means will help if you violate the basic rules described above.

Everyone knows that breastfeeding is very beneficial for the baby. With mother's milk, the baby receives all the necessary nutrients for its development, it strengthens the immune system.

Therefore, if a woman does not experience problems with feeding a child, milk flows from the nipples in sufficient quantities, then it is better to breastfeed the child for as long as possible. But what if the mother wants to feed the baby, but the milk does not flow from the breast or there is too little of it or it has changed color? This will be discussed in this article.

One of the main fears of pregnant women and young mothers is the fear that they will not have milk. Women, especially those who have given birth for the first time, immediately after childbirth begin to panic that they do not have breast milk. These fears are most often groundless, because it is known that the process of lactation is getting better gradually, in the first days after childbirth there is no milk in the mammary glands yet, it appears later.

A woman thinks that little milk is secreted and the child does not eat up, but the fact is that the body produces as much milk as the baby needs for one meal. Naturally, in the first days after birth, the child eats a little, respectively, and milk is produced in small quantities. When the baby grows up a little, the milk will also become more.

It is known that in the first few days after childbirth, women do not produce milk, but colostrum. This yellowish color, a clear liquid contains in its composition all the nutrients necessary for the child. It is these drops yellow color, once in the child's body, prepare it digestive system to breastfeeding and help to form primary immunity.

The main reasons for the lack or absence of milk after childbirth:

  1. lactation crisis. A short-term decrease in lactation, which can last from several days to a week, can occur at 3-6 weeks after birth, at 3,7,11 and 12 months of a child's life.

    It is believed that lactation crises occur during periods intensive growth a child, when the mammary glands do not have time to immediately respond to increased demands and are rebuilt gradually. During a crisis, the composition of milk may change, it may slightly change color and taste (it becomes salty in taste, but this is not scary, salty milk is not harmful to the child).

    Moms are advised not to panic if the milk suddenly disappears or changes color. You should not rush to extremes and immediately transfer the baby to mixtures, because in this case it will be very difficult to restore breastfeeding. A temporary lack of milk will not harm the baby. At this time, it should be applied to the breast more often and soon there will be a lot of milk again. And the fact that it changes the taste and becomes a little salty is even liked by many kids.

  2. Difficult childbirth, during which you have to use a large number medicines. The use of drugs during childbirth causes a violation of the hormonal balance in the body of a woman, which leads to a violation of the production of breast milk. In addition, the taste of milk (it becomes salty or bitter) and its color may change.
  3. Absence early application baby to breast after childbirth. Now in maternity hospitals try to put the baby to the nipples immediately after birth. It is believed that this starts the process of milk production in the woman's body. If this is not done, then the woman may have problems with the amount of milk secreted in the future.

    Until recently, things were different. Immediately after birth, babies were taken for standard medical procedures and only a few hours later they brought the mother to feed. Perhaps it was the late attachment of the child to the nipples that caused mass early termination lactation in women.

  4. Psychological problems. One of the main reasons for the disappearance or lack of milk in women is psychological. Unrest, stress, poor microclimate in the family - all these factors can cause a young mother to lack milk.

    In addition, the fears of the woman herself play a large negative role, when she sees that the milk has changed color or is gone for a while, she begins to panic, creating a vicious circle from which it is difficult to get out. At that time important role the support of relatives plays, who should calm and support the woman.

  5. Early start of complementary foods. It often happens that the mother, thinking that the child does not have enough breast milk, begins to supplement the formula too early, which leads to the fact that her own milk begins to be produced less, and over time it disappears altogether.
  6. Scheduled feeding. More recently, doctors advised to feed the baby 5-6 times a day according to the schedule, so that his body gets used to the regimen. But now the opinion has changed. It is believed that if you put the baby to the nipples when he asks, including at night, then the milk arrives faster and lactation can be completely restored over time.
  7. Reception hormonal drugs . When taking drugs containing estrogens (for example, contraceptives), lactation decreases. In addition, milk can change its color and taste (it becomes salty or bitter). Salted milk is safe for a baby and many children even like it. But bitter, discolored milk can be dangerous.
  8. The main thing is to choose the right drug and calculate the dosage!

    Summing up, I would like to note that if a woman has a desire to breastfeed her child, then in most cases, after the reasons for which lactation has stopped or decreased are eliminated, breastfeeding can be fully restored.

    Signs of a lack of milk

    Often a young mother, believing that her child does not have enough milk, is mistaken. There are four main signs by which you can find out whether the baby really does not have enough milk or the mother's fears are in vain:

    1. Child weight gain. The baby should add at least 500 grams per month.
    2. The number of urination should be at least 12 per day. You can find this out by counting the number of wet diapers.
    3. The child's stool should be every day, have a mushy consistency and be yellow in color. The feces of a malnourished child are slimy, scanty, and greenish in color.
    4. Activity and general well-being of the child.

    How to induce milk after childbirth?

    Special means to stimulate lactation

    If a woman has lost her milk or it is too little, then in order to restore lactation use:

    1. Special teas and decoctions. Pharmacies sell special herbal preparations to stimulate lactation. They usually include seeds of cumin, anise, dill and so on. How to use and prepare such decoctions can be found in the instructions.
    2. Vitamins for pregnant and lactating women (Complivit Mom, Centrum, Vitrum Prenatal and a number of others).
    3. Dietary supplements for lactation ("Laktogon", "Apilak").
    4. Powdered milk mixtures to stimulate lactation ("Femilak", "Olympic" and others).

    Before using this or that remedy, you should consult your doctor and carefully study the instructions for use of this drug.

    And in conclusion, advice to young mothers. If you have lost milk after childbirth or it suddenly changed color for a short time, do not worry. By following all the above recommendations, you will again establish the process of milk production and provide the child with the most healthy food for his health!