Choosing a breast pump: which is better - manual or electric, how to properly express breast milk? Which breast pump is better: Avent or Medela

Future mom a few months before the expected date of birth, she makes a list of all the necessary things for herself and the crumbs that she may need in the maternity hospital and after discharge. Often among the main shopping points there is a breast pump - a special invention with which it is very convenient and quick to express the nutrient fluid. However, not all young mothers understand whether this purchase is mandatory, and if so, which model to choose. After all, manufacturers offer a huge range, which differs not only in the mechanism of work, but also in the price category.

Before you start exploring the market for products for nursing mothers, which is replete with all kinds of products designed to facilitate the process of breastfeeding and make it as comfortable as possible, you need to figure out if a breast pump is necessary purchase. The answer to this question is decided individually, depending on the difficulties that a woman may face after childbirth and during breastfeeding. Physicians and consultants on breastfeeding insist that when proper organization this physiological process, a breast pump may not be needed at all, but if certain problems arise, this product will become an excellent assistant and simply an indispensable thing in the arsenal of a young mother.

Experts note that without certain indications, a breast pump should not be used. The fact is that frequent pumping can cause the development of mastitis, and this is already a serious complication, for the treatment of which antibiotic therapy is used, and sometimes surgical intervention.

The breast pump is a great invention, but it is only allowed to use it when necessary.

  • to stimulate the mammary glands immediately after the birth of the baby. Childbirth is a complex process, during which complications with the health of the baby or mother are possible. Therefore, in order to start the formation of lactation, if it is impossible to attach the child to the breast (the baby is in intensive care, premature, he has no sucking reflex), it is necessary to express the breast every two to three hours;
  • during lactation crisis. At certain intervals, a nursing mother experiences a deficiency of nutrient fluid. This is due to many factors, but the main thing at this time is to maintain sufficient milk production and continue breastfeeding. Using a manual or electric breast pump stimulates the nipples, thereby signaling to the brain that even more valuable fluid is needed;
  • with breast problems: lactostasis or mastitis. However, in this case, it is necessary to act carefully and only on the recommendation of a doctor. The first advice when detecting stagnation is to drain the seal, for this it is very convenient to use this invention;

    Doctors warn that during the treatment of lactostasis, you should not express your breasts very often. It is enough to carry out the procedure two or three times a day. The rest of the time it is better to put the baby to the breast.

  • in case of inability to breastfeed the child. For example, a mother was admitted to a hospital for treatment, or she has studies, a business trip, and other reasons when she is forced to be away from the baby. To save breast-feeding, during the period of separation from the baby, milk must be expressed;

    Also, a breast pump is perfect when a nursing mother needs to make supplies of nutrient fluid. Milk is expressed and frozen in special bags or stored in a bottle in the refrigerator for a short time.

  • Video: Dr. Komarovsky on when to buy a device

    Types of devices: which one to choose

    Every year, manufacturers of goods for young mothers surprise us with new products that do all the work almost independently. Progress does not stand still: modernization has also affected models of breast pumps. If our mothers and grandmothers preferred to express milk with their hands more or only got acquainted with the most simple options this invention, today breastfeeding women have a huge selection of all kinds of helpers. First of all, you should pay attention that all models of breast pumps are divided into two types: mechanical (or manual) and electric (they work on charge or mains).

    Doctors and lactation consultants recommend not buying the most expensive model in advance. After all, the price of a product can reach five to ten thousand rubles, and as a result, a young mother may not need a breast pump at all. Dr. Komarovsky advises making a purchase only as needed, if a woman lives in a city and choosing an invention is not difficult. Or buy the simplest and cheapest model just in case, if you need to go for more than one hour, for example, from the village.

    First of all: pump-action breast pump

    This model appeared more than one decade ago and used to be a success. It is a fairly simple design, consisting of a plastic nozzle on the chest and a pump or pear. The principle of operation also does not raise questions: a woman should attach the product to the nipple, supporting the breast with one hand and squeezing the pump with the other. At the time when the nursing mother releases the pear (unclenches her hand), a vacuum is created, which contributes to the release of milk from the mammary gland.

    To date, pump-action breast pumps are not popular, but they have not been discontinued, because. the price is very low and many women who cannot afford a more expensive product buy this particular model.

    Some modern manufacturers have slightly upgraded such breast pumps, providing them with a milk collection bottle. This is very convenient, because there is no need to drain the expressed liquid into another container during the procedure.

    Photo gallery: comparative characteristics of different models of pump-action breast pumps

    A more modern model of a pump-action breast pump, which is equipped with a convenient pump and a bottle for pumped fluid. simple model breast pump - breast attachment and pump
    The manufacturer added a milk collection bottle to the breast pump model

    Piston model for expressing milk

    These models are among the most popular. They are much more convenient than pumps, and the price category is lower than that of the newest electrical products. Such a breast pump consists of a special nozzle on the nipple, which can be made of plastic and supplemented silicone patch, so as not to injure the chest during pumping, and piston handles. Also included is a milk bottle. The woman applies the product to her breast, firmly fixes it on the nipple and presses the lever with one hand. The fluid is quickly released and the chest is emptied.

    Such models are very easy to wash due to the convenience of design and ease of assembly of all parts of the product.

    Piston breast pump is one of the most popular products for pumping breast milk.

    In step with the times: electrical product types

    For the convenience of pumping, electric models of breast pumps were invented. The principle of their work is that a nursing mother does not need to work with her hands: squeeze the pump or press on the handle. Everything is done by a special motor built into a small block. A woman just needs to attach the product to her chest and press the button for the product to start working.

    The advantage of such models is that a young mother can choose the pumping speed based on individual preferences: a woman chooses just such a speed so that during the procedure she feels as comfortable as possible and does not experience discomfort.

    Electric breast pumps are one of the most expensive models.

    The most modern: electronic models

    Products of this kind are the most expensive, so not every nursing mother can afford such a purchase. But in baby stores, maternity stores, and pharmacies, electric breast pumps are very common these days. They differ in that a control processor is built into a special unit. Its function is to control the rate of pumping, the release of nutrient fluid from the nipples. Such a device works directly from the mains or from a battery.

    In all models of electronic breast pumps, it is possible to express both mammary glands at the same time. There are two holes on the control unit on both sides, where two bottles are connected with the help of special tubes.

    The electronic breast pump is the most expensive device on the market.

    Table: comparative characteristics of manual and electric models

  • Good nipple stimulation and reduced risk of breast injury. This is achieved due to the silicone nozzle, which fits snugly to the breast and the pumping process is as close as possible to sucking a baby;
  • a nursing mother does not spend much time emptying her breasts. If compared with manually, then the procedure takes only 10-15 minutes, while the woman decants with her hands for about half an hour;
  • a huge selection of models of different price categories;
  • ease of operation and maintenance: products are quickly disassembled, all parts can be sterilized.
  • Video: how to choose a breast pump

    We buy the best: the most popular models

    From the variety of models presented, a kind of list of the most popular has been formed. It is based on the feedback of experts and nursing mothers who have successfully used the products and were satisfied with the result.

    Experts pay attention: which model to give preference to is an individual decision of a woman, which is based on the recommendation of a consultant or a friend, the price category of the product, the desire to purchase a model of a certain manufacturer and other factors.

    The best among mechanical

    Among the mechanical breast pumps, the most famous are:

  • pump model Italian brand Chicco: inexpensive and easy to use. Made from high quality plastic. The set comes with a bottle to collect liquid and a nipple to feed the baby immediately;
  • piston breast pump manufactured in Great Britain from the famous company Avent Philips. The special silicone breast cap is equipped with small pads that provide maximum breast stimulation during pumping. Comes with two milk bottles and lids to keep the nutrient liquid closed. The product is easy to disassemble and wash or sterilize;
  • Medela Harmony: the name of the model speaks for itself - the perfect harmony of the product and the nursing mother. This is the breast pump Lately bought by most women around the world. Italian manufacturers claim that the product is made from safe material which has passed quality control. The breast pump itself is a compact product with a large 150 ml bottle and a very comfortable handle;
  • another manufacturer from the UK Tommee Tippee with its model breast pump Close to nature has gained popularity on Russian market and not only. The principle of the company is to make the pumping process as similar as possible to sucking a baby. The breast cap follows the contour of the breast and is made of durable silicone. The set also includes bottles for milk, nipples for feeding crumbs, as well as a container for sterilization and storage of the breast pump.
  • Photo gallery: the most popular manual breast pumps

    Tommee Tippee Close to nature breastpump includes many parts for baby feeding and product care Avent Philips breastpump is very easy to use, but has a small milk collection capacity Chicco breastpump is low price and excellent quality
    The Medela Harmony breast pump is very compact and can be taken with you on a trip, on a visit or during a visit to the clinic

    The most famous electrical

    If you choose from electric models of breast pumps, the most popular today are:

  • Avent Philips is also leading among electric models. woman without special efforts will be able to express milk, choosing a comfortable procedure mode. However, the disadvantage is the rather large size of the control unit;
  • The Medela Mini Eltctric is an electric breast pump with a very compact design. A small block with the necessary buttons is located on top, a bottle is attached to it. A nursing mother can easily take such a model with her on trips;
  • Another model that women around the world buy from the Italian company Medela is the Swing Maxi electronic breast pump. With its help, a young mother can express two breasts at the same time, which significantly saves time spent on the procedure;
  • More a budget option The electric model is offered by the Polish brand Canpol babies. The product is made of high-quality plastic, and the control unit is also a bottle holder for more convenient storage products.
  • Photo gallery: the most popular electrical products

    Canpol babies breast pump is a budget option among other popular electric models
    The Avent Philips electronic breast pump is equipped with milk pumping bottles and nipples to feed your baby right away.
    The Medela Mini Electric breastpump features a compact size
    Medela Swing maxi is a popular breast pump from the Italian manufacturer

    Important information: how to use and care for the product

    Using a breast pump is very simple:

  • before the pumping procedure, experts recommend doing a light breast massage to increase the flow of milk and facilitate the release of fluid from the nipples;
  • then with one hand you need to support the mammary gland, and with the other, attach the nozzle to the nipple. It should fit snugly against the skin;
  • if a woman uses a mechanical model, it is enough just to press the pump or lever so that the milk begins to stand out;
  • when expressing with an electric product, you must first set the speed, such as slow or fast, and then press the button.
  • After emptying the breast, the breast pump must be washed:

  • first you need to disassemble the product to remove all removable parts;
  • then wash the product with special means for washing children's dishes;
  • many products can be sterilized. To do this, use sterilizers, carry out the procedure in a double boiler or in a water bath (steam over boiling water in a saucepan). The duration of sterilization takes at least five minutes;

    It is worth noting that before using the breast pump for the first time, it must be sterilized for at least twenty minutes.

  • clean parts are recommended to be laid out on a special cotton towel and allowed to dry;
  • after drying, the product should be collected and stored in a special container or box.
  • Each model has instructions and rules of operation. Manufacturers are advised to carefully read the information and strictly follow the instructions. Only in this case the product will last a long time.

    Video: how to assemble and sterilize a breast pump

    What moms will say: reviews of women

    I breastfed until 2 years old. The breast pump was Avent, manual. I don't use it often, but sometimes it helps a lot! In general, I think that this useful thing! My sister and friend used the same - they are also very satisfied!


    I bought Avent, I really like it and it came in very handy. Nipples periodically crack or just clear up after feeding - irreplaceable! And from the hands directly rubbed the skin on the chest ... But it seems to me that you can express more with your hands. A friend bought a Japanese one, but said that she was better at it with her hands.


    I report about the Medela Mini Electric: the first time it didn’t work out very well ... I poured no more than 30 ml. Best of all, it sips overfilled breasts ... I have easily 60-70 ml from the 2nd time. it turned out. - I left the rest to the child 😉 There is also a minus - it buzzes terribly! at night, the husband wakes up immediately, although he sleeps in another room /


    I had Philips-Avent Manual Natural twice, then I bought Avent Electric. Now I will also buy an electric one, only it !!! My babies don’t take breasts almost, they are very heavy and the structure is like that, they decant constantly. Hands just dried up, electric is my salvation was and will be.


    I recommend Medela. I have a Medela mini electric plus and I am very satisfied. (there immediately on 2 breasts suctions). I don’t use 2 at once, but it’s convenient that at least not so often wash and sterilize. I sterilize EVERYTHING. Every time. I specially bought a free-standing large sterilizer. Very satisfied! It stands in the room, next to the bed and the baby's crib. I fed the baby and I take out a clean one, I express it.

    Anna Zolotoi Dragon

    The breast pump is a great helper during breastfeeding. Of course, there are women who do not need this product at all. But in the event of various situations, difficulties, this item will become a real lifesaver during breastfeeding. Today manufacturers different countries offer nursing mothers a variety of models that differ in the principle of operation and price category. It is convenient for some to use mechanical breast pumps, while others prefer modern electric ones. The choice depends on the individual desire of the young mother and financial capabilities.

    Manual and electric breast pumps help prolong breastfeeding.

    Pumping is a laborious process. Natural feeding is vital for a child. The breast pump is the mother's main assistant in matters of maintaining lactation. Manual and electric breast pumps do not differ in principle of operation. It's easy to use them. Choosing the right breast pump will help to study its capabilities, technical characteristics and reviews of nursing mothers.

    Maximum simple process pumping will make a breast pump!

    Today, many lactation consultants are advocating an on-demand, non-pumping regimen. Whether or not to listen to their recommendations is the personal choice of each nursing mother, but in certain situations it is impossible to do without pumping.

    When and why?

    Expression of breast milk is necessary:

    • IN postpartum period when colostrum begins to transform into milk. In the first days of life, many babies do not breastfeed very actively, and the mother often produces more milk than the baby needs. It is necessary to express in this situation so that stagnation does not occur in the mammary glands, leading to mastitis with prolonged inactivity.

    Immediately after childbirth, a lot of milk is formed, the crumbs cannot cope with such volumes.

    • To maintain lactation for a long period. By expressing regularly, you can prolong the period of feeding the baby and support the production of milk in cases where, due to certain circumstances, the coexistence of mother and child is impossible.

    The longer you feed your baby, the healthier he will be.

    • With lactostasis. Blockage of one of the ducts of the mammary gland can cause a lot of discomfort to the mother, and prolonged stagnation of milk in the breast can lead to the development of mastitis. If the baby cannot resolve lactostasis, then the mother must definitely decante it herself.
    • When mom needs to take a break and leave the baby with other relatives or a nanny. In this case, pumping is necessary only if the mother practices completely natural feeding, so that the child has food during her absence.

    Mom's milk is tastier than mixtures.

    How, then, to express correctly, efficiently and quickly breast milk when there is an urgent need for it? Only using a device specially designed for this purpose - a breast pump.

    Truths of the Past

    Of course, there are situations when the use of a breast pump is impossible and then pumping must be done according to grandmother's method: manually, however, the process will take much longer and cause inconvenience to the mother.

    Not everyone can pump by hand!

    The history of the invention of the first breast pumps has its roots in medieval France, but the first patent was issued only several centuries later in the United States.

    A single mechanism for the operation of breast pumps

    The principle of operation for all modern breast pumps is the same: a special nozzle on the breast (usually silicone) tightly envelops the nipple along with the areola, and the mechanical (or electrical) part creates a vacuum that provokes the release of breast milk.

    Mechanical helpers

    Today there is a huge selection of breast pumps with different classifications:

    Mechanical or manual breast pump - the simplest and inexpensive option for expressing. Manual breast pumps are produced for individual use only; in maternity hospitals, mechanical breast pumps are not used. A mechanical breast pump can be:

    • Piston- It is easy to use and virtually silent. Modern models of PM necessarily have a pumping bottle included, and thanks to the silicone nozzle for the breast, the process of natural feeding is partially imitated. A piston breast pump is usually equipped with a mechanism for adjusting the pumping force, which helps the mother to set the optimal intensity of exposure for her. These devices are sterilized quite calmly, but they do not differ in the special strength of the constituent elements. The most popular manufacturers of piston breast pumps: Avent, Chicco, Medela.

    Piston models are the most popular.

    • Syringe- progenitor of PM. It consists of 2 cylinders placed one inside the other. The inner cylinder is superimposed on the nipple, and the outer cylinder carries out back and forth movements generated by the woman's hand. It is thanks to these movements that a vacuum is created that allows milk to come out of the breast. The syringe pump is easy to care for. It can be used instead of a feeding bottle. Almost all modern models have a pressure regulator that allows you to choose the optimal pumping mode. There are not many syringe pumps on the market today, but they do exist. Most well-known manufacturers such models - companies Chicco And "Nuk".

    Not the most convenient model, which, nevertheless, has a place to be.

    • pump action- consists of a nozzle for a breast and a pumping element. A pump breast pump does not always include a bottle, and it cannot be sterilized by boiling. Trade brands have earned trust among mothers " Kurnosiki», « Canpol», « Tommee tippee», « The world of childhood», « Avent Isis».

    The pump model is convenient and simple.

    • "Pear"- this design consists of a breast attachment (plastic horn) and a rubber bulb. For pumping, you first need to squeeze the pear a little, and only after that attach the horn to the halo. There is a pumping bottle here. Also, pear breast pumps are equipped with a special valve that regulates pressure relief. The most popular manufacturers Chicco And Canpol.

    The simplest are pear models.

    Pump, piston or other manual breast pump are great budget options for infrequent, quick pumping when mom is out and about. They are easy to clean after use, silent and take up little space. For permanent use, mechanical breast pumps are not suitable for a number of reasons:

    • the efficiency of pumping out milk from the breast is low;
    • contribute to the formation of cracks in the nipples;
    • not all models have a bottle included;
    • mother's hands are quite tense and quickly get tired.

    You need to get used to hand tools.

    Any of the models of manual breast pumps can only express one breast at a time. Reviews about manual breast pumps are different, but almost all mothers are in solidarity in one opinion: you need to get used to the RM.

    Kira, baby 2.5 months, first birth:

    “Only our domestic PM helped me to drain my chest. Tried before foreign brands - the effect is minimal. Yes, at first it hurts and is uncomfortable, but when you understand how to put your breasts in there correctly, it will become easy and even pleasant to express yourself!”

    Modern electrical models

    Electric breast pump Great for repeated daily use. There are models that work directly from the network (often used in maternity hospitals), as well as from batteries and accumulators. The pumping process of any of the models of electric breast pumps is automatic. The vacuum is generated by an electric motor attached to the breast funnel or separately (depending on the model itself).

    He works, you rest.

    The most efficient are breast pumps that operate directly from the mains., however, most models make a lot of noise during pumping. Battery powered breast pumps are perfect for mothers who love exciting walks and travel. They are portable, do not create excessive noise. On average, the battery lasts for 2-2.5 hours continuous work devices.

    Battery operated breast pumps are less efficient than cordless and corded pumps. Batteries quickly fail, which is politely warned in advance by the light indicator.

    The ideal option is a breast pump that works both from the mains and from batteries.

    Almost all models of electric breast pumps come with a special bottle. Rare models do not have a pumping intensity regulator and a control unit equipped with a display that reflects the current characteristics of the pumping process. Often, manufacturers now offer breast pumps that can operate both from the mains and from batteries and have the function of pumping both breasts at the same time. Models from " Nuk», « Medela», « Tommee tippee».

    Smart devices

    Electronic breast pump- one of the varieties of electric new generation. These devices are designed taking into account the peculiarities of the food process. baby. It is convenient to use them several times a day. The electronic breast pump can be adjusted in intensity and frequency of rhythmic contractions so that it mimics the baby's natural sucking movements during feeding. That is why electronic breast pumps are called "two-phase". Another nice feature that is present in the electronic models of breast pumps is the ability to remember and recreate the pumping process. The price of EM is quite high, but it justifies the quality declared by the manufacturer. Reviews of mothers using electronic breast pumps confirm that models from manufacturers " Nuk», « Medela», « Avent» really effective pumping aids.

    Nuk produces expensive but very effective models.

    Ulyana, the baby is six months old, is very pleased with the purchase:

    “My baby was fed through a tube even in the maternity hospital. Naturally, I had to pump, because, as experienced mom(this is my third child), I was categorically against IV. The first week I pumped the old fashioned way, manually every 2 hours, but I don’t have much milk immediately after giving birth, and in order to strain the unfortunate 20 grams, I had to pore over a jar for an hour in one session. The result was purple bruises on both breasts. I was angry and wept in pain.

    After the maternity hospital, we settled for 2 weeks in another hospital, where in my room some young mothers had breast pumps with them. I really liked one imported EM model. I was surprised by the speed with which the roommate expresses herself, and the amount of milk: in 10-15 minutes - 100 grams. And all this without torment, pain and tears. Mom had a Russian-language instruction with her, having studied which I urgently dialed my husband’s number, puzzled him with buying exactly the same model, and now I get only pleasure from pumping.

    You can buy a breast pump today at any pharmacy. Much harder to choose. To help mom finally prioritize the choice of models, we offer short review the most popular and demanded brands of breast pumps.

    Philips Avent manual

    Presented by an English manufacturer in 3 main series, each of which is distinguished by unique additions to the standard (body, nozzle, bottle, nipple, spare parts) configuration:

    • "Comfort"- trial sets of night and day inserts for a bra are applied. Weight of the device - 200 g. Price range: 3100-3450 rubles;

    Avent Comfort - light and compact, always at hand.

    • natural- Supplemented with a travel container for nipples, equipped with a mechanism for storing the pumping mode. Construction weight - 300 g. Estimated price: 3400-3500 rubles;
    • ISIS- equipped with adapters for cups and additional containers for storing milk. Product weight - 850 g. Cost: 3600-3800 rubles.

    Avent ISIS is also equipped with milk storage containers.

    None of the parts of each of the presented models contain bisphenol-A.

    Elena's review:

    “I quickly got used to the manual “Avent” - everything is simple and clear. It is convenient that there is a special nipple that repeats the shape of the nipple. We did not need pre-purchased bottles, as there were enough of them in the set. I advise everyone".

    "Canpol Babies" manual

    It is ideal for mothers with hyperlactation or milk stasis in the breast.


    • product size - 12x18x7 cm;
    • weight - 600 g;
    • bottle is.

    Approximate price: 1000-1500 rubles.

    Working with Canpol Babies is convenient and fast.

    Anastasia's review:

    « This is my second breast pump. I really liked the bottle. The pumping process is soft, but I got a hard pear. But she pumped up her hands. ”

    It captivates with its simplicity of design: it consists of only 3 parts. The silicone funnel has internal cross rings to help stimulate milk production. The breast pump comes with a container for sterilization and storage of the device elements and inserts for a bra.

    Unsurpassed quality at a reasonable price + bonuses in the form of inserts in a bra.


    • expression force regulator - absent;
    • bottle - yes;
    • weight - 350 g.

    Estimated cost - 3200 rubles.

    Olga's review:

    “I was attracted by the price and the simplicity of the details. In the process of using it, I found out that it is also quality item, which does not take long to adapt.

    "NUK" manual

    The advantage of these models of the German company over others is the presence of a pumping force regulator and a thickened silicone nozzle, which gives an additional massage effect. Can be used as electric, battery operated.

    Many mothers entrust such a delicate process only to the NUK breast pump.

    • material - silicone, plastic;
    • weight - 300 g;
    • product size - 16x17x8 cm.

    Batteries are not included. Price: 3600-38000 rubles.

    Tatiana's review:

    “Excellent pumping out excess milk. Silicone has a good grip on the breast. The bottle is shockproof - I personally checked it. There is no particular discomfort during pumping. I recommend"!

    "Kurnosiki" manual

    The most ordinary domestically produced breast pump in terms of design and use. There are models with and without a bottle.

    The product weighs from 150 to 250 g. Cost: 300-450 rubles.

    Kurnosiki, perhaps, the most budgetary model.

    Maria's review:

    “Milk after childbirth did not come. The first thing that came across in the pharmacy was "Kurnosiki". Cheap but effective. This breast pump helped me to drain my breasts. He saved his girlfriend from lactostasis. It hurts at first, but then you get used to it. Normal thing."

    "World of childhood" manual

    This is a compact breast pump that meets all sanitary and hygienic standards. It is easy to handle and maintain, takes up little space.

    Experienced mothers say that products from the World of Childhood company are no worse than imported Avent.


    • weight - 200 g;
    • size - 18x26x8 cm;
    • material - plastic. Cost: 1000-1800 rubles.

    Inna's review:

    “I compared the World of Childhood with Avent. I didn't find any difference other than the price. I bought what was cheaper and I don’t regret my choice.”

    Philips Avent Electric

    The manufacturer of this model vouches for increased comfort when expressing (transformation into mechanical breast pump). This device has a built-in memory that remembers the individual pumping rhythm.


    • required voltage in the network - 220-240V;
    • weight - 250 g.

    Price: 7700-9600 rubles.

    Xenia shares:

    “Once again, Avent has outdone itself! I got the perfect quick and painless pumping from this breast pump. Even in manual mode, I liked everything. It makes noise when working, but not loudly.

    "Medela Swing" electric

    Works in 2 modes: from the mains or from batteries. Compact but noisy. For frequent daily use does not fit.

    The Medela Swing is both battery operated and mains powered.


    • material - polypropylene, plastic;
    • weight - 450 g;
    • size - 21x10x15 cm.

    Estimated cost: 6200-8500 rubles.

    Love says:

    “The electric option saves a lot of time, effectively decanting even the beginning of milk stagnation. The option with batteries did not impress me - weakly for me.

    "Chicco" electric

    This is a two-phase breast pump, equipped with a double regulator of pumping intensity and remembering the mode of the previous pumping session. Suitable for mothers with large breasts, as it has a large funnel. Works from the mains and from batteries.


    • weight - 300-1000 g;
    • required voltage in the network - 200-220V;
    • material - silicone, polypropylene, plastic.

    The price depends on the configuration: from 6100 to 12000 rubles.

    Feedback from Svetlana:

    “The quality of the Italians is excellent. My breast pump has been working flawlessly for six months now. I like everything except for its weight.

    "Canpol Babies" electric

    The advantage of this breast pump is its compatibility with standard and wide neck bottles, achieved by a specially designed adapter. This breast pump does not belong to the category of noisy machines.

    "Canpol Babies" low noise model, ideal for small apartments.


    • size - 20x22x8 cm;
    • material - polypropylene, silicone;
    • mains voltage - 200-240V.

    Cost: 4700-6800 rubles.

    Feedback from Natalia:

    “Girls, I liked it! It creates minimal noise during operation, and even has 3 levels of control for controlling the strength and rhythm of pumping. For me, this is a great option!

    "Tommee Tippee" electric

    Consists of 3 main parts. Easy to assemble and disassemble daily care. Equipped with a pumping power level regulator. It is completed with the container for storage and sterilization. Noisy.


    • material - silicone, polypropylene;
    • operates on voltage of 200-220V.

    Price: 6800-8500 rubles.

    The Tommee Tippee is very fast but makes a lot of noise.

    Anna's review:

    “I tried Medela before Tomik - not bad, but the last option suited me more. Noise "Tomik" makes less, and in terms of pumping power with "Medelka" they are equal. I also really liked the design: soft and calm.”

    Breast pumps are different for everyone, so from right choice not only the comfort of the pumping procedure depends, but also the possibility of prolonging the period of breastfeeding, the health of the mammary glands and a stable condition nervous system nursing mother.

    You need to choose a breast pump, guided by personal needs and the technical capabilities of commercially available devices.

    A couple of decades ago, pediatricians insisted that young mothers must pump after each feeding. Currently, WHO has issued recommendations for successful breastfeeding, where it outlined its position on pumping: properly organized breastfeeding does not require additional pumping of milk. Since milk is produced only as much as the baby eats, pumping can lead to excess milk production and further lactostasis. And yet, in some cases, such as the illness of a nursing woman or weaning from a child, pumping is indispensable. Since many women believe that pumping with their hands is a painful and uncomfortable procedure, breast pump manufacturers have come to their aid.

    When is a breast pump really needed?
    The mother is separated from the child. If the baby or mother is admitted to a hospital where it is impossible to cohabitation if a woman needs to go to work or continue her studies, breastfeeding can be maintained with the help of a breast pump. It is necessary to express every 3 hours and immediately transfer milk to the child, and if this is not possible, then milk supplies can be stored in the refrigerator (up to 12 hours) or in the freezer (up to six months). If the mother knows in advance that she will be absent from the child, then breast milk can be stored by expressing after feedings and freezing the milk.
    The baby was born premature, he is weak and cannot suckle effectively at the breast. A premature baby is placed in a special incubator. Since breast milk is especially important for such a baby, mom premature baby it is necessary to express and transfer milk.
    The child has defects in the structure of the facial skeleton. In this case, he has difficulty sucking and swallowing milk. When the baby has a facial skeleton correction, he can begin to suckle at the breast, and until that moment he is fed through a tube or from a spoon with expressed breast milk.
    A woman needs to take medications incompatible with breastfeeding. In this case, it is necessary to temporarily wean the child from the breast and, after completion of treatment, continue breastfeeding. A breast pump will help maintain lactation, for this you need to express your breasts 4-6 times a day. At the same time, the child is fed with a mixture from a spoon or cup, since feeding from a bottle with a nipple can subsequently lead to refusal of the breast.
    A woman develops lactostasis or mastitis. This usually happens due to improper attachment the child to the breast, in which there is a blockage of the duct of the mammary gland and a seal is formed. When breast tissue becomes infected, mastitis develops, which requires antibiotic treatment or surgery. To avoid stagnation of milk, it is necessary to express the breast with a breast pump until the seal disappears completely. If the breast has been operated on, then the baby is fed with healthy breasts, maintaining lactation in the diseased breast with the help of a breast pump.

    Types of breast pumps

    Breast pumps today are represented on the market by electric and mechanical models.
    Electric breast pump It can be powered by a mains or battery, milk is expressed into a bottle, some models allow you to express both breasts at once, which saves time. This breast pump is suitable for frequent and regular pumping. The disadvantage of electric breast pumps is their high price and noise characteristics - an electric breast pump cannot be used next to a sleeping baby.
    Mechanical breast pumps There are three types: piston, pump and breast pump with a pear.
    Piston breast pump allows you to express milk into a bottle, is silent and efficient in operation. Thanks to the silicone nozzle, the breast is massaged, while the natural process of breast sucking is imitated by the child and the excretory reflex is stimulated. The piston breast pump can be easily disassembled into parts, the parts are convenient to wash and sterilize. Such a breast pump is suitable for frequent pumping, however, with prolonged use, a woman’s hands may get tired. Another disadvantage of piston breast pumps is the fragility of the parts.
    pump action breast pump consists of a pear and a plastic horn, milk is expressed by creating a vacuum when squeezing the pear. A pump breast pump is significantly less expensive than other types of breast pumps, but can only be used to express small amounts of milk. The disadvantages of a pump breast pump include the lack of a container for milk, low efficiency, the inability to sterilize parts, as well as the lack of imitation of baby suckling, which can lead to cracked nipples.
    Pear breast pump It works on the same principle as the pump. However, unlike him, the breast pump with a pear is equipped with a bottle into which milk is expressed. In addition, the pear breast pump has a valve that allows you to adjust the pressure release. This type of breast pump is only useful for rare cases of pumping. Such a breast pump is cheap, and its disadvantages include low efficiency and a high probability of cracking the nipples, since a breast pump with a pear does not imitate the natural process of breast sucking by a child.

    Popular models of breast pumps

    Recognized manufacturer's model Philips- piston breast pump Avent, the efficiency of which is not inferior to the efficiency of electric breast pumps. Thanks to the silicone diaphragm and the petal massager, the breast is gently massaged, which improves milk flow. A woman can easily control the intensity of the pumping process by pressing the handle of the breast pump with different strengths. Milk can be expressed into a bottle or into special sterile milk storage containers. The advantage of a breast pump Philips Avent is easy to use, all parts can be sterilized. The kit includes spare silicone parts, which increases the life of the breast pump. Electronic breast pump Philips Avent combines the advantages of a manual breast pump Philips Avent and electronic memory that remembers the rhythm hand pumping. By pressing the button on the handle, the breast pump is switched from manual pumping mode to electronically controlled pumping mode and vice versa.

    The most common manufacturer's model Medela is a piston breast pump Medela Harmony, which is based on the technology of two-phase pumping: a fast rhythm stimulates milk production, a slow rhythm allows you to express milk gently. Medela Harmony It comes with an additional massaging silicone funnel, which contributes to a more efficient release of milk.

    Remarkable electric breast pump Lactaline ( manufacturer Ameda), allowing you to express milk from two mammary glands at once. The breastpump works both from a network, and from batteries that expands possibilities of its use.
    Popular model manufacturer Nuk is an electric breast pump E-MOTION with a two-phase pumping system. The funnel of the breast pump is suitable for any breast size, the pumping intensity can be easily changed using the flow rate regulator. E-MOTION Operates both on mains and batteries.

    Known Manufacturer Model Chicco is a piston breast pump Chicco One Ha nd, which has an angled funnel for a more comfortable pumping position. The intensity of pumping is regulated by a special valve.

    Company "The world of childhood" releases a pump-action breast pump with a pear. This model low cost, the kit may include a bottle to collect milk.

    Helpful Hints

    To choose the right model, decide for what purposes and how often you will use it, how much time you plan to spend pumping milk.
    Read the instructions for your breast pump before using it.
    Wash and sterilize the breast pump parts before first use.
    Wash your hands with soap and water before pumping.
    Put a warm compress on your chest, massage your breasts - this contributes to the production of oxytocin, due to which milk moves more efficiently through the ducts and is expressed faster.
    Place the funnel of the breast pump on the breast so that the nipple is in the center of the breast.
    Adjust the pressure generated by the breast pump so that there is no pain.
    Change the breast you are pumping several times, this will allow you to collect more milk.
    Wash and air dry all parts of the breast pump after use.

    Video. electric breast pump

    The content of the article:

    With established lactation and feeding the newborn on demand, the baby independently regulates the production of breast milk. In such cases, outside intervention is not required. But sometimes a nursing mother needs to express milk: when going to work, producing too much or too little milk, breast diseases (inflammation of the mammary glands, abrasions, cracked nipples, etc.). In addition, it is recommended to express milk during antibiotic treatment, when the child is temporarily transferred to artificial nutrition.

    Expression of breast milk is a manipulation that consists in emptying the mammary glands with the help of a breast pump. To avoid problems during the procedure, you must adhere to certain rules. Otherwise, the risk of breast diseases increases. Therefore, you need to choose a quality breast pump and study the instructions for its use.

    Manual breast pumps

    A mechanical breast pump is a simple device for expressing milk. The device has a simple design, which allows it to be quickly assembled and disassembled. Hand device has more low price unlike the electrical counterpart. Compact devices do not make noise during operation, do not depend on electricity and batteries, ideal for occasional use. In addition, a nursing mother regulates the intensity of pumping and the volume of milk.

    There are pros and cons to consider when choosing a manual breast pump. different models.

    There are the following types of mechanical breast pumps:

    1. Pump- This is a device that has the simplest design (a chest attachment and a rubber pump or pear). To express milk, you need to press the pump often to create a vacuum environment and provoke milk production. There are models without a container or with an attached bottle.
    Advantage - low cost (from 90 rubles and above).
    The disadvantage is that due to frequent squeezing of the pump, the hand quickly gets tired, with frequent use, cracks appear on the nipples, low suction power.

    2. Breast pump-syringe- This is a device that looks like a syringe. The device consists of two cylinders, where the inner one is applied to the chest, and the outer one is moved back and forth. This is a very popular model that is easy to clean and use for pumping. In addition, the compact device can fit even in a small handbag.

    3. Piston (cylindrical)- This is a breast pump, which has the following design: a silicone nozzle on the chest, a special lever and a bottle. To start pumping, press the nozzle against the nipple and press the handle.


    Soft silicone nozzles bring pumping with a piston device as close as possible to breastfeeding;
    a cylindrical device expresses from 150 ml of milk in 10 minutes;
    the breast pump works almost silently;
    all parts of the device can be sterilized;
    acceptable price and a huge selection.

    parts are not durable and may fail with frequent use;
    when pumping, the hand gets very tired.

    Manual breast pumps are more suitable for occasional use. Compact and lightweight devices are used when traveling or when the mother goes to work.

    Electric breast pumps

    Electric devices create a vacuum environment due to the operation of a motor that runs on mains, accumulator or batteries. The use of such a device is not difficult for a lactating woman. To start the pump, you just need to put the nozzle on your breast and press the button.

    To choose the right electric breast pump, you need to familiarize yourself with their main pros and cons. Advantages of electrical devices:

    It does not require the expenditure of strength and energy.
    The "smart" device remembers the pumping mode.
    Some models work in two-phase mode: phase 1 - fast pace, moderate suction power, phase 2 - slow pace, deep pumping. Such breast pumps allow you to express the milk accumulated in the breast as much as possible.
    There are devices with nozzles that allow you to express milk from both breasts.
    Electric breast pumps can be quickly disassembled, cleaned and sterilized.
    Such a device is suitable for continuous use, it does not injure the nipples and does not cause fatigue.

    However, electrical devices have significant drawbacks: high cost and noisy operation.

    Rating of the best breast pumps

    The most popular mechanical breast pumps

    1. Philips Avent 330/20 (Philips Avent 330/20). As the reviews of nursing mothers say, this is the best device among manual breast pumps. Includes bottle, nipple, 2 caps and spare parts.


    The massaging nozzle imitates natural production milk;
    easy to use;
    compact device can be used on the road.
    There are no disadvantages.

    2. Medela Harmony- Excellent value for money and quality. The device of the Swiss manufacturer with the technology of two-phase pumping allows you to adjust the breast pump to your needs.


    Possibility to adjust the pumping pace;
    the device is silent in operation, has a soft handle;
    easy to assemble and transport.
    Disadvantage: breast pad is not anatomically shaped.

    3. Tommy Tippee Closer to nature- the most mobile device. The device consists of 3 parts, and therefore is assembled in a few seconds.


    Massaging pad;
    the kit includes a container for transfer and sterilization;
    there is a container for collecting milk;
    economical offer.

    Disadvantage: the minimum volume of the milk container.

    4. Chicco pump-action with a bottle - a budget option for women who do not have problems with the volume of milk.


    Ability to adjust the pace of pumping;
    does not injure the nipples;
    bottle and anatomical nipple included;
    low price.

    Disadvantage: does not stimulate the natural flow of milk.

    5. World of childhood– a good breast pump for occasional use.


    Easy to apply;
    can be combined with any bottle with a regular neck;
    economical option.


    Not suitable for frequent use;
    plastic breast pad.

    The best electric breast pumps

    1. Medela Swing Maxi (Medela swing maxi)– High performance electric breast pump.


    Ability to express 2 breasts at the same time;
    2 phases of work;
    suction power can be adjusted;
    the device works quietly;
    Runs on electricity and batteries.
    Disadvantage: high price.

    2. Philips Avent 332/01 (Philips Avent 332/01)- a convenient device for a lactating woman.


    Convenient design;
    massage nozzle for the chest;
    in the set nipple and bottle;
    gently stimulates the natural production of milk;
    You can adjust the intensity of pumping.

    works loudly;

    3. Medela Mini Electric- compact device for occasional use.


    Minimum dimensions;
    runs on electricity and batteries;
    vacuum force can be adjusted.
    Cons: Loud.

    4. Medela Freestyleefficient device to help a lactating woman.


    The high-performance device expresses milk quickly;
    the ability to pump from both breasts at the same time;
    2 phases of work;
    a whole set of devices allows you to transport, store and cool milk;
    backlit monitor;
    the ability to remember pumping parameters.

    Disadvantage: high cost.

    5. Nuk Emotion (Nuk e-Motion)- a great economical option.


    Compact and mobile device;
    two-phase pumping technology;
    massaging pad;
    comfortable handle;
    automatic shutdown when the risk of moisture penetration into the device increases.
    Disadvantage: difficult to adjust the speed of work.

    Before choosing a breast pump, you can consult with your doctor.

    Indications for use

    Breast pumps are used in the following cases:
    Hyperlactation. The mammary gland produces too much milk, which must be expressed after feeding to avoid hardening.
    Hypolactation. The mammary gland does not produce enough milk, and therefore it is necessary to stimulate its flow.
    There is no way to breastfeed the baby. When she goes to work, a woman expresses her milk so that the newborn can be fed while she is away.
    The baby refuses the breast. Sometimes newborns drink breast milk only from a bottle.

    In any case, the breast pump is important instrument, which periodically need all nursing mothers.

    Preparing for pumping

    In order for pumping with a breast pump to be correct, a lactating woman must observe the following rules:

    1. Wash your hands with antibacterial soap, wash the mammary glands with warm water.

    3. Then you need to carefully study the instructions for the breast pump.

    5. Before the procedure, select a funnel of the required size. The nipple should not be pressed against the wall of the nozzle, otherwise the milk will be expressed slowly and painfully. It is important to leave room for the nipple to move back and forth.

    6. If a woman big breasts or large nipples, choose the nozzle with the largest diameter.

    7. Before the procedure, the breast can be slightly moistened so that it adheres to the nozzle.

    8. Decide in advance on the place where you will express, it should be comfortable.

    9. Express milk at a speed that is comfortable for you, even if it is the highest.

    10. Before or during pumping, stimulate the flow of milk with light circular movements on the chest.

    After preparation, you can proceed to the pumping itself.

    To stimulate milk flow, take warm bath, cover your chest with a warm towel, or look at a photo of your baby.

    The question of how to use a breast pump is of interest to expectant mothers. Each device has instructions that must be carefully studied before use.

    Helpful tips to make pumping easier:

    The duration of pumping for each breast is from 10 to 15 minutes. If the woman has expressed earlier, then you need to continue for a few more minutes.
    To facilitate the process, you need to bend forward a little, so the lobules of the mammary glands will pass milk faster.
    Raise your chest with one hand, and press the nozzle against it with the other. The nipple should be placed in the middle of the nozzle, and the funnel should be adjacent to it to create a vacuum environment.
    To start pumping manual breast pump– press the handle or pump when using electrical appliance– press the button. Do not squeeze the breast, otherwise you will injure the nipple. If pain occurs, check the location of the nipple in the nozzle. If the pain is severe, stop pumping and try again after 30 minutes.
    Pumping is continued until the breast becomes soft and the lumps disappear. Before finishing, massage the breast from the armpit to the center to drive away the remaining milk. After expressing the last drop, you can use the milk or freeze it.

    Store breast milk only in a sterile container with a tight-fitting lid. The shelf life of breast milk at room temperature is about 6 hours, in the refrigerator - 8 days, and in the freezer - 6 months.

    Now you know how to choose and operate a breast pump. Modern devices should be easily and quickly assembled and sterilized, and also not injure the chest. Besides, best breast pumps are made from quality materials and they are easy to use.

    Manual, electric breast pump
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