Short personalized congratulations for graduation. Extracurricular event “Personal congratulations for graduates on graduation evening


1. There is some kind of mystery in this girl,

why compare the Mona Lisa with her!
He speaks a little, is silent furtively,

but the boys will not yield. ...

2.If Roma it comes to class very well!
Where Roma is, there are no quarrels; where Roma is, there are no fights.
We all love Roma very much, we respect him just like that!..

3.Who is always neat, cultured and pleasant among us?
And helpful, and courteous, and moderately playful?
Our UmrilovKirill !


4. He is tall, slender and handsome, handsome, fit and neat,
And in erudition, he will not yield and anyone will go to college...

5. This lady is combative, energetic and courageous,
Very, very pretty... who is she, who is she? ...

Surely, Diana !

6.Brave like an empress

and, like a princess, young,
And impulsive like a tigress

and, like a novice, kind,

sometimes talkative, sometimes timid
Anechka , worried for sure! ...

7. We have one girl!
Both beautiful and modest.

There is still a lot of mystery in it,
But we are always sure that you won’t let us down,

Victoria , all of us you never!

8.If you stop bySusanna in notebooks,

The letters, like birch trees, stand in order.

Warmth and tenderness, happiness and attention!..

9. Karina loves to sing and dance,Problems are difficult to solve.

10. Anna We wish you true friends,May your life be full of joy! (Kharitonova)

11. Lisa - ringing voice -And slender as a spikelet.Loves to help adultsAnd you couldn’t find a kinder one.

12.The name is beautiful, ancient -Igor ,

Only reliable and strong men
It would suit best

The world doesn't have a better Igor!

13. Irina - this is the name of joy,

Float through life like a butterfly,

And don’t lose optimism!

14.FastVadik matured
He managed to learn everything.
Strive for new knowledge.
This will come in handy at school.

15. Fair and calm,
Always worthy of praise.
Sasha children respect
Everyone wishes him success. (Veretennikov)

16. From any position
You will always find a way out
You love to fantasize
You will never be lost. (Bogdan)

17. Ruslan we wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Meet good friends
To be as kind and nice
And get straight A's.

18. CShevket sad to leave
But we will still smile.
After all, in high school so many interesting things
Unknown, wonderful.

19 . Danila see you off to high school
With all our hearts we wish him:
At school you try
and study diligently.

20. Sasha ours is a shirt guy!
he won't disappear anywhere.
Well, if necessary,
He will lead you. (Androshchuk)

21. At the gymDima there are no equals.
We wish him victories.
Best read, decide
And “great to receive.”

22. Masha doesn't let go of grudges
Walks through life boldly.
Always be cheerful and brave
Skillful in all matters.

23. OurRoller loves without fail

A change from all my studies.

You can run around here

Measure your strength.

Nikita - means “winner”.

Lead you to victories.
Trust him on your journey!
You are stubborn and persistent
But we are very vulnerable.
Their best properties
Keep it forever.



with ending primary school

Nikita means “winner”.
Capable Angel - your guardian
To your victoriesnews
Trust him on your journey!
You are stubborn and persistent
But we are very vulnerable.
Its best properties
Keep it forever.



with graduation from primary school

Our Roller certainly loves

A change from all my studies.

You can run around here

Measure your strength.



with graduation from primary school

Masha doesn’t let go of grudges,
He walks briskly through life.
Always be cheerful and brave
Skillful in all matters.



with graduation from primary school

Dima has no equal in the gym.
We wish him victories.
Best read, decide
And get straight A's.



with graduation from primary school

Sasha is our guy!
he won't disappear anywhere.
Well, if necessary,
He will lead you.



with graduation from primary school

Danila to high school

see you off
With all our hearts we wish him:
At school you try
and study diligently.



with graduation from primary school

It’s sad to say goodbye to Shevket,
But we will still smile.
After all, in high school there are so many

Unknown, wonderful.



with graduation from primary school

We wish Ruslan from the bottom of our hearts
Meet good friends
To be as kind and nice
And get straight A's.



with graduation from primary school

From any position
You will always find a way out
You love to fantasize
You will never be lost.



with graduation from primary school

Fair and calm
Always worthy of praise.
Children respect Sasha,
Everyone wishes him success.



with graduation from primary school

Vadik grew up quickly,
He managed to learn everything.
Strive for new knowledge.
This will come in handy at school.



with graduation from primary school

Irina is the name of joy,
Sparkling, splashing, colorful.
A pinch of pepper, a handful of sweets
And the laughter in her is fused into one.
I wish with ease as before,
Float through life like a butterfly,
Greeting friends with a gentle smile
And don’t lose optimism!



with graduation from primary school

The name is beautiful, ancient - Igor,
You wear it with dignity, with honor.
Only reliable and strong

It would suit best
Maybe someone won't believe us
And, doubting, he won’t trust words...
We won't argue, it's just for us
The world doesn't have a better Igor!



with graduation from primary school

LISA - ringing little voice -
And slender as a spikelet.
Loves to help adults
And you couldn’t find a kinder one.



with graduation from primary school

We wish you true friends,
Lots of health and sunny days,
Success in your studies and only good things.
May your life be full of joy




with graduation from primary school

KARINA loves to sing and dance,
Problems are difficult to solve.
We wish you to study it only with “5”
and develop your talents at school.



with graduation from primary school

If you look at Susanna in


Letters stand like birches

in order.
We wish you joy and charm!

Warmth and tenderness, happiness and




with graduation from primary school

We have one girl!
Both beautiful and modest.

There is still a lot of mystery in it,
But we are always sure - no

you'll let me down,

Victoria, you never did us all!



with graduation from primary school

Brave as an empress

and, like a princess, young,
And impulsive like a tigress

and, like a novice, kind,
Now, suddenly, sharp, now silent,

sometimes talkative, sometimes timid
Anechka is definitely worried! ...



with graduation from primary school

This lady is combative, energetic and

Very, very pretty...

who is she, who is she?

Well, of course, Diana!



with graduation from primary school

Who is always neat among us, and

cultured and pleasant?
And helpful, and courteous, and in moderation

Our Umrilov Kirill!



with graduation from primary school

If Roma comes to class this

Very good!
Where Roma is, no quarrels are heard,

where Roma is, there are no fights.
We all love Roma very much,

We respect you just like that!



with graduation from primary school

There's something about this girl


that only the Mona Lisa is with her

Talks a little, is silent


but the boys will not yield.



with graduation from primary school

He is tall, slender and handsome,

handsome, fit and neat,
And in erudition - it will not yield

and anyone will go to college...



with graduation from primary school

Vadik grew up quickly,
He managed to learn everything.
Strives for new knowledge.
This will be useful at school.



with graduation from primary school

Irina is the name of joy,
Sparkling, splashing, colorful.
A pinch of pepper, a handful of sweets
And the laughter in her is fused into one.
I wish with ease as before,
Float through life like a butterfly,
Greeting friends with a gentle smile
And don’t lose optimism!



Krasnogvardeyskaya secondary school

schoolI – III stages No. 1

announces Gratitude

Balyasny Anatoly Pavlovich

for the assistance provided

for classroom renovation

School director I.V. Nikitin

poems about children's names for graduation

That was many years ago.
Me too for the first time
With a crowd of fellow kids
Came to school class.

I was given a lesson too
And they called to the board,
And I solved it as best I could,
Holding a chalk in your hand.

They sped off school years,
And you won't catch up with them.
But sometimes I meet
Their comrades.

One is a sailor, the other is a tanker,
And the third is an engineer,
The fourth is a circus artist,
And the fifth is a land surveyor,

The sixth is the polar captain,
The seventh is an art critic,
The eighth is our announcer, Levitan,
The ninth is me, the poet.

And every time we meet
We're talking about school...
- Do you remember how they taught us
And how I didn’t know where the Caucasus was,
Didn’t you know where Crimea was?

As I tried to suggest,
To help out a friend,
That five eight is forty five
And that Elbrus is a river?

We've become adults now
We can't get our childhood back.
School opened the door to life for us
And showed the way.

But, seeing off to the school class
Now your children
We remember every time
About my youth,

About our school above the river,
About the class in two windows.
There was no such thing in the world
As good as she is!
(S. Mikhalkov)

Favorite school

How I love school, mom!
In the morning noisy crowd
We come to class the very best...
This class is of course mine.

There is no more beautiful school in the world:
It's cozy and warm here.
And with our teacher
I admit, we were lucky.

Doesn't swear angrily
Even if he puts “two”,
And he will show it in a businesslike manner,
Where the mistake is, let us know.

May there be many lessons at school,
We will overcome, no problem!
Start at the door
Our school years...
(A. Gavryushkin)

Hymn home school

Everything will pass and maybe
I'll get tired of everything when I get old,
But while you're learning
In this school - rejoice.

Glory, glory to the school
And teachers,
After all, they teach us
And very diligently.

Glory to our Motherland,
Wise and beautiful.
We will increase with labor
Its power and strength.

Glory to all those who decide
The most difficult task -
Transformation of ignoramuses
To the opposite.

If you ever
You will rank with the greats
Don't forget this anthem
Like your relic.
(V. Samigulina)

School is always with me

Years go by day by day
In cities, auls, villages.
But no one ever
Will not forget the word - SCHOOL.

School is always with me
School is always with you
In grief, in hope and in joy.
School is in your destiny,
In every happy day,
The school is in you and me.

In a terrible hour, in severe darkness,
In the realm of business and power
School builds on Earth
Our future happiness.

We are going into the future
In every heart there is a flame of knowledge.
And all the way along the big road
The school is a faithful friend with us.

School is always with me
School is always with you
In grief, hope and joy.
School is in your destiny,
Every happy day
The school is in you and me.
(Remake of the song)

School anthem
(To the tune of the song "Hope")

Ours shines bright Star,
We come to this school again,
Back to class and back to work,
To be prepared for a difficult life.

Teachers stand at the blackboard
Explaining to us the basics of objects.
For you my friend and for me
There are no limits to knowledge and advice.

My hope is always in school.
And the assessment is a reward for your work,
And then the song is sung,
When the school is happy to see you and me.

And the composition of the students is not simple:
There are more boys than girls here.
But the inspector is at a loss for words...
His look is somehow surprised.

We came here from different schools.
Life has brought us together under this roof.
Some people like tennis, some people like football,
Some are computers, some write songs.

Our best teachers:
They love and respect us
How rich the Russian land is
Good people, you know.

You say - we are not prodigies,
We also go to college.
Flowers of our gratitude
Let them bloom in the school garden.

Our best teachers:
They love and respect us
How rich the Russian land is
Good people, you know.
(Anthem of school No. 4 in Oryol

What teachers, students and parents dream about
(to the tune of the song about the dreams of the heroes from the film "The Flying Ship")

Ideal class: dressed in uniform,
Ready for the lesson, and knowledge is normal,
There are no twos in the magazine, fives are increasingly common -
This is happiness! There is no sweeter one! (teacher's verse)

Oh! If my dream came true,
What a life it would be like then!
Oh! If the dream came true,
What a life would begin then!

"The teacher is not strict and does not bother us,
You can have conversations and copy,
Fewer lessons, more frequent holidays -
This is happiness! There is no sweeter one! (students' verse)

Smart child and wise teacher,
This is every parent's dream!
Let's be more attentive to each other -
This is happiness! There is no sweeter one! (parents' verse)

(E. Nikolaeva ■)

Congratulations to teachers

Who teaches us?
Who is tormenting us?
Who gives us knowledge?
This is our school teacher -
Amazing people.
With you it is clear and light,
The soul is always warm.
And forgive me if it's on time
The lesson was not learned.
We sincerely congratulate you
All our teachers
And we wish everyone good health
From prankish children!
To the teacher

IN great life You opened the doors for us,
You not only taught us the alphabet.
Teacher! We love you, we believe you!
We learned lessons in kindness!

Our journey through life has just begun,
Thank you - it started as it should.
We wish you health and good luck,
Students - good and obedient!

It's June again, graduation class again,
As a part of yourself, you see me off on my way.
Gratitude and deep bow to you,
Because the soul was not allowed to sleep!

There will be new classes and new days,
The whirlwind of school everyday life will spin you around again.
But we know you will remember them,
They have your soul, they have your love!

We wish you health for a thousand years,
Easy classes, bigger salaries and on time!
I wish you patience in everything, and less troubles,
We ask you from the bottom of our hearts - continue the lesson!

Teachers! Like a light on the way!
What a fiery heart you need,
To bring light to people,
So that his trace cannot be erased forever!

Teachers! Your kindness is boundless...
All thoughts and deeds are full of spirituality.
We always bow to you,
And we promise not to stray from the path of knowledge!

Thank you for your noble work,
Teachers, seekers, poets at heart!
Neither years nor barriers will erase
Mentors words and wise advice.

May respect, pride and honor
Your difficult path is inspired,
And let the years be lost,
Russia, the Motherland knows its heroes!
We don't always notice...
We don't always notice
How many worries do we have?
And patient work
The teacher gives.

With barely noticeable gray hair
On a dark blond strand
She stands in front of you
Stacking notebooks.

And you love like him, like me,
Her - and let's say it straight:
She is your second mother.
Who more expensive than mom?
Don't you dare forget your teachers...
Don't you dare forget your teachers!
They care about us and remember us
And in the silence of thoughtful rooms,
They are waiting for our returns and news.
And sometimes we are so indifferent to them,
Under New Year I don’t send them congratulations,
And in the bustle, or simply out of laziness,
We don’t write, we don’t visit, we don’t call.
They miss these infrequent meetings,
And no matter how many years have passed,
Teacher's happiness is formed
From our student victories.

(child's name) is always our best helper.
He will redo things without difficulty.
The nanny will also help the teacher.
Hardworking and very diligent.
…… - gorgeous! Always in a new dress.
And she is always patient in class.
...... friendly with sports,
He doesn't need a sofa.
No time to lie -
Ready to run everywhere.
….. loves books.
Reading boy.
...... always helps kids,
Protects with attentive care.
……. - faithful girlfriend
And the girl is exemplary.
…… (for example, Kolya) prize for the best sleep.
Here he is simply a champion.
...... eats lunch faster than anyone else,
and grows up very quickly.
...... will always collect toys,
will bring order to all corners.
…… draws fabulously -
Colors always excite her/him.
…. , of course, he’s being a little naughty,
But in general, she (or in general he) will not offend a cat.
……sings the best.
The whole day is flying by.
….. will come up with a game
And entertains the kids.
….. will read poetry wonderfully.
The rhymes and lines are all so interesting.
…….swims like a real dolphin.
The result is undoubtedly brilliant.
......he spins so well in the dance.
This skill will come in handy.
...... just has a braid down to the waist.
Our fairy-tale maiden beauty.
...... has such a wonderful laugh.
Success always awaits the cheerful.
......recognizes all our animals,
He reads a lot of magazines about them.
…… always very polite and nice.
If only it would continue to be like this.
..... have skillful hands.
He makes everything without knowing boredom.
……. always asks questions.
He learns a lot about everything.
……. sits in class, listens,
He sleeps well and eats well.
…… - coquette, star, laugher.
A mother's little girl and a chatterbox.
……. will always support and understand.
If you suddenly need it, he will come to your aid.
...... he will build a house in the sandbox,
Maybe he'll go to work as a builder later.
...... growls like a real tiger.
This is our talking child.
...... I want to play,
and not go to bed at all.
……. not the least bit rude
he is a real polymath.
......dresses the dolls,
dreams of becoming a fashion designer.

Entering the 11th grade line

Another constellation has lit up in the school sky "Graduate - 2017". For 11 years they flashed bright sparkles in the classroom. They shone at the Olympics. They sparkled at lyceum evenings. Now they will shine in great life! Each star has its own name. Each star is unique and inimitable.

Executive, diligent and modest,
He will sort out any answer.
The young man has enormous potential -
He is seriously interested in history.


There can be no other opinions,
He was destined by fate to make a contribution to science,
In economics and history he is a genius,
Member of the Leader club and Olympic medalist.


No one can argue with him
He will be able to defend his position with dignity.
And, of course, he should go to MGIMO,
To become the best diplomat in the world.
Our president - ___________________

Although this young man

And not very talkative,
But in business it is obligatory,
Modest, kind, attentive.


Participant in intellectual competitions,
Strives to do everything in life with an A,
He puts a lot of effort and effort into his studies,
He dreams of becoming a programmer in the future.


Music, culture, fiction.

He is chronically interested in aesthetic objects.

Everything is extremely clear to her in the science of beauty - ____________

Beautiful, smart, charming...

Modest, diligent in lessons...

And, in general, let's say decisively...

The nature is very positive - ___________________

She is interested in history, literature,

Language English, also physical education.

Easy to talk to, pleasant,
Always open and understandable.
She good friend and studies diligently.
Success will come to her - it's inevitable!


Another heroine - creative person.

Both an athlete and a record holder in studies, she draws excellently.

He smiles subtly at everyone.

Cute girl - ____________________

This girl with a strong character

He knows how to stand up for himself.
On any occasion, let us tell you, he has his own opinion!


Fate has not deprived you.

Masculine strength lives in you.

Eyes burn like two agates,

That's why all the girls love it - ___________________

A serious, thorough person.

And already quite independent.

My health is normal.

Always in excellent condition physical fitness - _________________

This guy is a genius at dancing.
He can do everything in studies, maybe.
He knows no doubts
And he will always help his friends.
And he sings and plays
On the guitar, or in the field,
As an athlete, he understands everything
In basketball and football.


He constantly strives for success

Clearly moves towards the intended goal.

In life, obstacles are not a hindrance to him

He is very confident in his abilities.

In the future, a chemist known to all of us.

This - ______________________

He has everything: determination, practicality,

Energy like a waterfall

Patience, intelligence and pedantry.

An athlete, an excellent diplomat.


This girl is always calm
And how many secrets and mysteries there are in it,
She dreams of becoming a financier
And money loves counting and order.


This lyceum student is worthy of praise,
Loves mathematics, kind and calm,
Friendly, competent - knows all subjects,
He dreams of enrolling in economics.


Her name is Victoria - and that means victory.

She can tell about many victories in history.

She heroically rushes to the Faculty of History -


This girl aspires to become a doctor,

In addition, she is also artistic, flexible,
I helped our lyceum and class as best I could,
She performed for us, danced, read,
She is not afraid of illness or sore throat

This - _________________________

This girl has a beautiful appearance behind her
Solid character hidden, striving forward,
She is always responsible, hardworking,
And once you set a goal, you will always reach it!


He's just a great football player
Both Ronaldo and Zidane
He has a ton of talents,
He will conquer many countries.

And dances and sings,

Gives smiles to everyone.

The famous Don Juan,

This - _________________

He can become a brilliant programmer

And he will soon be able to overtake Bill Gates.
In Olympiads, competitions, debates,
He always strives to achieve victories.


Curious, active
And slightly demonstrative.
Looks, listens, reads,
He is the first to know about everything.

And the lyceum is proud of him. This -


Very talented and smart
He was the life of the party and the leader.
Won at various Olympics,
In terms of economics, he has no equal,
Economic universities would be happy
Enroll him in any of your departments!


Everyone knows Masha at our school -
For many years he has been reading poetry better than anyone else,
In addition to talent, she has willpower,
This means that success will always await her in life!

Tender, sweet, romantic, sublime and poetic.

No wonder everyone always calls her extraordinary -


Modest, silent, serious,

Successful in studies

And, to be honest,

An example to follow for everyone.


This girl has a strong character,
She is proud in moderation, and always
She moves forward decisively and proudly,
Having invested a lot of effort and labor into this.