Demons of high school what are the names of the characters. Anime "Demons of High School": characters and their stories

Anime "Demons" high school", the characters of which are written in this article, talks about high school student Hedo. Unlike most of those around him, he still does not have a girlfriend, this greatly upsets him. And in the eyes of those around him, the young man looks completely preoccupied.


In the anime "High School Demons", the heroes are not only people, but also otherworldly creatures. According to the plot, demons have been fighting for total control over hell since ancient times. They were opposed by fallen angels who were expelled from heaven.

And their common opponents were the angels, whom God regularly sent to confront both of these otherworldly races that settled in hell. The war has been going on for many years, all sides are suffering colossal losses. The main thing is that during the battles their actual military leaders die - Satan and God.

As a result, several centuries ago the armies, left virtually beheaded, were forced to suspend this war. The winner was never revealed. But this had no effect on relations between races. They still remain tense. And due to great losses, they begin to resurrect people under the guise of demons. As a result, such a person becomes a servant of the demon who decided to resurrect him. At the same time, they need to stimulate these new demons to develop. Therefore, a new rule is being introduced - people who have turned into slaves of demons are able to break into the noble strata if they surpass their creators in strength.

The Demons of High School anime, which had a release date of July 7, 2013, has since gained a lot of fans.

Anime plot

In the anime "Demons of High School" itself, the heroes at first are ordinary high school students. During the years that the anime "Demons of High School" has been released, many fans want to know how many episodes there are in this series. Including additional episodes, there are 66 episodes in four seasons.

At the center of the story is Hedo. He is very sexually anxious because he has never had a girlfriend. Because of this, the young man is very worried.

But then he meets a pretty girl named Yuma Amano, who agrees to start dating him. But Hedo's happiness does not last long. On their first date, she kills him. Before his death, she reveals that she is forced to do this because of a certain “Sacred Gear.” It turns out that God placed this “mechanism” in Hedo. And after that, the high school student began to pose a threat to all fallen angels.

Just before his death, Hedo calls upon the demon Rias Gremory for help. She agrees to save him by turning him into her servant.

As a result, Hedo becomes an active member of the school's occult research club, which consists of demons who obey Gremory. Hedo learns from his mistress that he has a chance to fix everything and be saved. To do this, he needs to become a representative of the nobility. Then he will be allowed to have his own servants and even gather his own harem. Hedo is eager to make a career among demons in order to be able to obtain own girls in unlimited quantities in your personal harem. But it turns out that this is not at all easy - after all, he has less magical powers than a child. Therefore, at first he cannot use even the simplest spells.

In the anime "Demons of High School", the plot is so captivating that it makes viewers watch all the episodes with passion.

Magic artifacts

In the anime High School DxD, magical artifacts are actively used. There are special ones that were created by God. He places them in the bodies of all kinds of people. These are precisely those “sacred mechanisms”. They allow their owner to gain magical abilities.

If the owner dies suddenly, this “mechanism” passes into the body of another person. If the owner becomes more skilled over time, the “mechanism” can evolve. Then its owner gains new abilities.

Demons have their own magical artifacts. These are 16 chess pieces. Each of them can be used to resurrect a person, as well as to help him gain a certain ability. If a person has great potential, for example, he has several powerful “holy mechanisms”, the demon can spend several of these chess pieces at once.

Special seiken are also used in these battles. This is a magical weapon endowed with special powers. Essentially, these are swords, although there are many fakes among them. These swords are divided into two types. Some are used by exorcists, with their help they drive out demons and devils. The second type of sword can only be used by selected warriors. They are a special weapon against both fallen angels and demons. Even a small scratch caused by such a sword is enough for the enemy to be fatally struck.

Demon characters

There are 72 demon clans involved in the series. The most powerful clan is the Gremory clan. It includes main character series. This is a high school student named Issei Hedo.

The girl who killed him turns out to be a fallen angel, whose name is Raynal. But Hedo escaped. He used his last dying wish to die on Rias' chest. This helped him call on the demoness for help, who revived him. True, from now on he had to become her servant.

At the same time, Hedo believes that it is his duty to protect Asia. At the same time, he does not pay any attention to her feelings, believing that her kindness is associated solely with excessive kindness and a complete misunderstanding of Japanese culture.

Hedo makes great efforts to rise through the ranks of demons in the High School DxD series. His ultimate goal is to get his own harem.

Hedo has a sacred artifact - this is the sword of Ascalon, which once belonged to St. George the Victorious. The sword was given by the Archangel Michael, who planned to start a new war, but so far without success. In general, Hedo soon finds himself with a rich arsenal of weapons. These are the 13 Longinus weapons, each of which is also a "holy gear", has powerful force, with its help it is possible to defeat even Satan or God.

In one of the episodes of the anime "Demons of High School", his body was destroyed by Beelzebub, but he managed to gain a new body thanks to the fact that he met the Red Dragon, and the Infinity Dragon also helped him. By the way, dragons are another remarkable race of characters in this work.

Love for Rias

At the same time, Hedo falls in love with his savior Rias. In the tenth volume of the manga, he declares his love for her. He becomes famous among demons after he fought with Sitri's group.

It is worth noting that Hedo has simply unprecedentedly weak supernatural abilities. But he has a unique "holy mechanism" called Suteddo gia. When a hero activates it, his powers double every 10 seconds.

As a result, even if he is weak, he can still defeat his opponent if he has enough time. Ultimately, he may become the owner of real powerful power. Moreover, its "mechanism" has unique ability- he can enhance someone else's magic, for example, holy water or a cross. Hedo sacrificed his left arm and is now replaced by a dragon's paw. It is for this reason that he, unlike all other characters, is able to touch all kinds of holy objects.

But most of the time his hand remains in human form because it has to participate in rituals to drain the dragon's power. In his clan he has the rank of a pawn. On the one hand, this is completely unprestigious, on the other hand, once in enemy territory, he is able to turn into any other figure, with the exception of the king.

Interestingly, he gains new abilities thanks to Rias's breasts and his sexual desires.

Rias Gremory

In the anime "Demons of High School", the characters are often sympathetic to the audience, even if they are formally negative. This fully applies to the demoness from the Gregory family.

At the school where Hedo studies, she serves as the head of the occult research club. At the same time, a certain territory of the city is strictly assigned to it. Ultimately, the entire school is subordinate to her.

In her team of demons, she has the rank of king, that is, the most influential figure. Over time, she falls in love with Hedo, even moving into his home. When the main character confesses his love to her, she reciprocates his love.

Interestingly, her breasts are the key to Hedo's strengthening. Therefore, among her enemies in the anime "Demons of High School" funny nickname- "Princess Switch."

Other demons

In the anime "High School Demons" there are many characters who are demons. This is also Akeno Himejima. This is the second most popular girl in the clan after Rias herself. He is also a member of the Occult Research Club.

Her mother is a priestess who was human, and her father is one of the leaders of the fallen angels movement. She is very kind to her comrades, but at the same time turns into a sadist in battle.

In the team she has the status of a queen, combining the abilities of most weak pieces. Her signature move is a lightning attack. She is in love with Hedo and tries in every possible way to attract his attention. And in the end, seduce the guy.

Another demoness is named Koneko Tojo. Even though she is in 10th grade, she looks like she just entered elementary school. The presence of such a character - distinguishing feature many Japanese animated series.

Most recently (in August of this year), new episodes of the anime “Demons of High School” were released. For 4 seasons in a row, the heroes cannot determine which of them is stronger.

Koneko participates in battles on the side of the demons. At the same time, she is very popular among both boys and girls. Among demons it is considered a rook. In battle she great benefits in defense and great strength. Like all the other demonesses, she loves Hedo and dreams of starting a family with him.

Race of fallen angels

In the anime "High School Demons" (season 4), a particularly stubborn struggle is waged against the fallen angels. It includes former angels who were disowned by God because of their vulgar thoughts. They were cast out of heaven, but even now they choose large churches as their bases. True, they first have to destroy all the icons.

Among the fallen angels, Azazel stands out. He is their leader. True, he is absolutely not interested in resuming the war. Instead, he studies and collects "holy gears". He progressed so far in this work that he began to produce his own artifacts. True, they are significantly inferior in quality. When angels, demons and fallen angels made peace, he took up the position of curator of the occult sciences club.

Another leader of the fallen angels is Kokabiel. He is trying to start a new war between all races. Azazel was even forced to give orders to stop him.

Race of Angels

Quite a lot in anime. They are powerful, have always served God, and therefore have the right to attack demons.

After God died, the angels were unable to increase their numbers on their own. But over time, they created the Holy Courage system, which allowed them to transform people into angels. Interesting feature: Angels need to purify themselves through sex, unlike other races. But at the same time, their partner must undergo a cleansing ritual, which usually takes several hours.

The most powerful of the angels is called Archangel Michael. After the death of God, he seized power in heaven. He is loyal to Hedo, but at the same time he tries to prevent new war.

Fighting on the side of the angels is Hedo's childhood friend, whose name is Irina Sido. It is noteworthy that Issei considered her his girlfriend for quite some time, mainly due to her cocky personality. She is a committed Christian and an agent of the church. The owner of the sacred particle, which allowed her to become the owner. She devoted herself entirely to faith. For this reason, her partner Xenovia did not even reveal to her the truth about the death of the biblical god.

Irina finally learned the truth from Archangel Michael. At the same time, it turned out that she easily accepted this news and now began to believe in Mikhail himself. With the help of the emerging Holy Courage system, she turned into an angel and began to directly report to Archangel Michael, receiving the status of an ace. After the three races made peace, Rias' team made peace with Xenovia. As a result, a kind of Church Trio was formed. It is noteworthy that Irina has been in love with Hedo since childhood.

Another angel by Dulio Gesualdo. Before becoming an angel, he was an exorcist. And very strong and powerful. He had the ability to fight demons of the highest level. He is the strongest of all the reincarnated angels. He has 10 wings, he is one of the main candidates for Seraphim.


Powerful creatures that also participate in the confrontation between races are dragons. At the same time, they do not purposefully take any side specifically. Instead, they act selfishly and freely. At the same time, they have a very high level of intelligence. They represent power.

Therefore, for centuries, everyone feared and respected dragons. They are the only beings in this world who have not sided with any faction. During Great War Almost all supernatural beings fought either for angels, or for demons, or for fallen angels. And only the dragons managed to maintain neutrality.

With the exception of only a few individuals who nevertheless joined one of the races. While representatives of other races have long life spans, dragons are immortal. They cannot die of old age, but they can be killed. During the time period presented in the anime, almost all dragons are either asleep, sealed in Sacred Gears, or have died.

DxD viewing stages

Don't treat him like an idiot!
-Why are you still an idiot?
-Manipulate this idiot...

For the most part, there are no complaints about the impressive girls and ecchi, except for the typical ones: fan service to the detriment of the development of the characters and the conceptual setting. The only plus of the anime is the beautiful female characters with a certain level of internal development who face internal problems and try to overcome them. I would like to replace Issei with, if not a hit-and-miss progressive, then at least Kazuma, so that the girls would find harmony and not look like an appendage to a limited protagonist.
It was also nice to listen to Riser’s original voice acting and look at the experienced Azazel.

Now about the cons:

1. Issei is a dull and undiscerning hero who

leaked the climactic finale of the first season

And now he just wants boobs. Their abundance in the series is not bad, the bad thing here is that the hero does not learn any lessons and without a second thought “pathetically” overcomes his enemies. For a certain period of time, everyone just forgets about the events of the finale. Strength does not comprehend in principle, it comes to him on its own. Concentration on boobs for her work symbolizes. You involuntarily remember the same Kazuma, who, despite his fetishes, demonstrates intelligence and observation. The characters change there, the protagonist becomes more cunning and more tolerant of his team.

And here there is condescension and acting out nice guy with clichéd phrases like “You can always rely on me”, “I will protect you”, “%prejudice_name% is bad, you are above this!”. I saw only one example of a suitable solution - his plan with Koneko in the eighth episode (I forgot the season).

Rias, in my opinion, was not spared from this either. In the first season, she looks like a girl who is not devoid of wisdom, “the mother of soldiers,” who knows how to push Issei forward with carrots. But it turns out that when the story comes to the moments when it seems - here it is, the turning point of the relationship! - it turns out that this is so that Issei would say “I’m glad to try, President,” and she, in turn, would continue to play him out and at the same time reflect, like, why does he address me as “you”...
As a result, without proper elaboration, this results in

some kind of existential battle between Rias and Issei in a spatial rift

After the fight with Diodora Astaroth. I don’t even know how to describe it, if you are familiar with the eighth-grader syndrome, you will intuitively understand what is wrong with this realized fantasy.

2. The concept of peace. It was practically not outlined, they simply shook out of the box the bad fallen ones, the good demons and, you have to understand, the stupid and narrow-minded churchmen. If you look at it, all the problems are due to specific antagonists, and not because of the absurd caste system or labeling (which is only condemned, but not criticized). It would be possible not even to justify the confrontation between factions, but to critically push the crisis of such a system to the point of a logical contradiction, when everyone understands that everyone is the same, enmity is provoked by established ideas about angels, fallen ones and demons. But this is not the case. Some kind of agreements, intrigues, it is unclear why the war was fought at all. The clergy, in theory, are represented only by Frid and Valper who went.

However, if we abstract from this, the anime will bring some pleasure. I'll give it a 7 for the generally good female characters, some more advanced ones, such as Azazel (Rias in his style would also look good), White Dragon, Koneko, and for the unobtrusive, light story. I advise you to find a better one.

Issei Hyoudou: main character and a troubled schoolboy who, until recently, never had a girlfriend. The first girl was the fallen angel, Raynal. Killed him on their first date. However, his dying wish to die on Rias's chest allowed him to summon a demoness who saved his life by turning him into a demon and making him her servant. Without hesitation, he makes any sacrifice for the sake of Rias, and also considers it his duty to protect Asia. Envy dreams of his own harem. Owns a holy mechanism, possessing that it is enough to kill God or Satan. Although Issei has such a strong mechanism, he is unprecedentedly weak in magical abilities. His holy mechanism, when activated, doubles Issei's powers every ten seconds.

Rias Gremory: The main character, the school's idol and Issei's mistress. A demoness in the walking noble family of Gremory, bearing the title of dukes. Younger sister Sirzechs Lucifer, in currently bearing the name of Satan and the next head of Gremory. Head of the school's occult research club. She is also assigned the territory of the city in which Issei lives and ultimately his school is subordinate to her. In the demon team he has the rank of king. She is in love with Issei and with the development of the plot, like Asia, she settled in his house and responded to Issei’s confession in return.

Akeno Himejima: Member of the Occult Research Club, second in popularity and power after Rias, Daughter of the human priestess and one of the leaders of the fallen angels, Barakiel. She is extremely kind towards her comrades, but in battle she turns into a sadist. In the demon team, she has the rank of queen and counts all the weaker pieces in herself. She specializes in lightning attacks and has the nickname, Lightning Priestess. She is in love with Issei and tries in every way to seduce him.

Kaneko Tojo: Member of the Occult Research Club, former necromancer. Despite the fact that she is a tenth grader, she looks like a student primary school, is popular among boys and among girls is considered the mascot of the school. In a demon team, she has the rank of rook, giving her in battle incredible strength and protection. She is also in love with Issei and declared herself his future wife.

Asia Argento: The nun Issei encountered in the city came from abroad and therefore does not know Japanese culture well. Like Issei, the owner of a holy mechanism that allows her to heal both people and demons. After Asia's abilities were discovered by the church, she was revered as a saint for some time. However, everyone did not see a person, but only a certain creature capable of healing a person. Therefore, no one wanted to be friends with her. Moreover, after Asia healed the demon, the church considered her a witch. As a result, Asia was cast out of the church and picked up by fallen angels collaborating with exorcists. Raynal was later killed for her holy mechanism. However, she was in turn defeated by Issei, and Rias rejoiced Asia as a demon subordinate to her. In the demon room, Asia took on the role of the elephant whose job is to support the team. She fell in love with Issnya and settled in his house, being introduced to his parents as his bride. In the sixth volume, she confessed her love to Issei.

Gasper Vladi: a half-breed vampire, the second elephant in Rias's team. A fan of dressing in women's clothing, he is also a talented magician and one of the most successful demon contract holders. However, he avoids contact with other people and enters into contracts forcibly via the Internet. It has a holy mechanism that allows it to stop time for everything that comes into Gasper's field of vision. Since he was half human, vampires despised him. At the same time, he was considered a monster, and people who actually accidentally fell under his holy mechanism. As a result, Gasper was killed by a vampire hunter, and Rias was resurrected, since he was not able to control his powers; at first, the vampire lived in a room locked with a magical seal. In the fourth volume, Rias received permission to remove the seal, from the beginning he was afraid of his comrades, but soon after listening to Issei's words, he becomes his friend.

Xenovia Quarta: Originally an agent of the Vatican Catholic Church. IN early childhood lost her parents and was raised in the church. A very devout and fanatical believer. Even at a young age, she joined the ranks of exorcists and fought against the enemies of the church. From birth he has a talent in the possession of holy swords and is the owner of the legendary sword Durandal. Thanks to your efforts and strong faith received great trust from the church and as a result, she and Irina Sido were sent to pursue the criminal thief who stole Excalibur. Pursuing a criminal, she arrived in a Japanese town. In the process of fighting for the legendary swords, she had to team up with the demons living in those lands and fight with Kokabiel. As a result, a terrible secret was revealed to her, the death of the biblical god and Saton. She lost her footing in life and her faith collapsed. Moreover, for knowing this terrible secret, Xenovia was excommunicated from the church. In desperation and nowhere to go, she asks Rias Gremory to take her in and turns into a demon. Later he finds a new goal in life, to know female happiness, conceive and raise a child. Considers Issei a suitable candidate for this.

Kiba Yuuto: Member of the Occult Research Club. He is extremely popular among schoolgirls, which is why Issei does not like him, who is not always popular with the opposite sex, but despite this, Issei appreciates him and considers him a friend. Real name Izay. From childhood he was brought up in the church, was a diligent believer and a capable child, so he was chosen as a participant in a special project to create artificial carriers of Excalibur. Unfortunately, the experiment ended in failure and the project was closed; certain elements were extracted from the underling children for the use of holy swords. And the test subjects themselves were killed with a deadly eye, thanks to his comrades, Izaya managed to escape, but he had already inhaled poisonous gas, was already dying, filled with hatred of the church and Excalibur, Rias found him and turned his servant into her demon, and his new name was Kiba Yuto. In the demon team, he is the rank of horse, whose combat ability is enormous speed. His holy mechanism creates any demonic swords, and can also create a sword that combines holy power and demonic

Present tense

High School DxD (Japanese: ハイスクールD×D Hi bitch:ru D×D, rus. Demon High School) - light novel by Ishibumi Ichiei, published since 2008, a manga adaptation of the light novel (published since 2011), as well as its film adaptation - anime, created in 2012 and shown in Japan by the AT-X TV channel.

From the point of view of a light novel author, readers new to his work will think “tits, tits, tits... Is the author from the planet of tits?” Those familiar with his work, on the contrary, will think “is this Ishibumi? Then what happened to the boobs? . At the beginning of 2017, it was announced that the series would continue; the film adaptation would be handled by the new studio Passione, which previously produced the Rail Wars anime.


According to the plot of the light novel, demons have been fighting for control of hell since ancient times with fallen angels expelled from heaven. In addition, their common enemy was the angels sent by God against both races inhabiting hell. During the endless wars, all three sides suffered huge losses. In particular, both Satan and God were killed during the war. Because of this, several hundred years ago the warring parties were forced to end the war without determining the winner. However, relations between the parties still remain tense. Due to huge losses among the population, demons began to resurrect people as demons. Each such person became a servant of the demon who turned him. In order to encourage new demons to develop themselves, a new rule was introduced - even servants created from humans can become nobles if they can become strong demons.

The story follows the main character, Issei Hyoudou. Issei is a horny high school student who has never had a girlfriend. At the beginning of the light novel beautiful girl, Yuma Amano, invites Issei to date her, but kills him on the first date, explaining that the culprit is a certain “Sacred Mechanism” that the Lord placed in Issei, and which poses a threat to the fallen angels. Before his death, Issei, without realizing it, summons the demon Rias Gremory, who decides to save him by turning him into a demon similar to her and making him her servant. He also becomes a member of the school's occult research club, entirely composed of Gremory's subordinate demons. Having learned from Gremory that, having become a noble, he can have his own servants and assemble his own harem, Issei becomes eager to climb the social ladder of demons. However, it turns out that he magical powers less than that of a child and he cannot use even the simplest spells.

Several magical artifacts are actively used throughout the story.

  • Sacred Gear (Japanese) 神器(セイクリッド・ギア) Seikuriddo gia) - magical objects created by God and placed in bodies different people. Each holy gear gives its owner a specific magical ability. After the death of the owner, the mechanism passes into the body of another person. As the owner becomes more skilled with his mechanism, the mechanism evolves and gains new abilities. One of the stages of this evolution is Balance Breaker (Japanese) 禁手(バランス・ブレイカー) Baransu Bureika:, russian Balance Breaker) .
  • Evil Pieces (Japanese) 悪魔の駒(イーヴィル・ピース) I:viru Pi:su) - 16 chess pieces that every noble demon has. Each figure can be used to resurrect a person as a demon and give him the ability corresponding to the figure. If a person has great potential, for example, owns a rare holy mechanism, it will take several figures to resurrect him.
  • Holy Swords (Japanese: 聖剣 seiken) - weapons endowed with holy power. Most of the existing swords are fakes that were modeled after the sword of God. Holy swords are divided into two types: the first type is ordinary swords used by exorcists to drive out demons and fallen angels; the second type are “true” swords, which can only be used by a select few. Due to the use of holy power, these swords are extremely powerful weapons against demons and fallen angels. Even a small scratch is enough to cause fatal damage to them. Famous Holy Swords - Excalibur, Durendal, Ascalon, Caliburn, "sword of thunder".



One of the three races inhabiting the Underworld. During the War, they lost both Satan and his associates of the Demon Kings, as well as most of the 72 clans of pure-blooded demons. Therefore, the Kings and Satan were re-elected, and the mass conversion of strong representatives of other races began. “Converts” are placed below pure-blooded demons, but they are also given the opportunity for promotion. The territory is divided among the surviving pureblood demon families. The capital was moved from Lucifahad to Lilith (both cities are in the territory of Satan).

Gremory clan

Issei Hyoudou (Japanese: 兵藤一誠 Hyoudo: Issei) - main character. An anxious high school student who, until recently, had never had a girlfriend. His first girlfriend was a fallen angel, Raynal, who killed him on their first date. However, his dying wish to die on Rias's chest allowed him to summon a demoness who saved his life by turning him into a demon and making him her servant. Without hesitation he makes any sacrifice for Rias. He also considers it his duty to protect Asia, but does not notice her feelings, attributing everything to the girl’s kindness and her poor understanding of Japanese culture. He makes every effort to climb the social ladder and gather his own harem. Wields the holy sword Ascalon, which previously belonged to St. George the Victorious. The sword was given by the Archangel Michael for the battle with Kokabiel, who was trying to start a new war. Also wields one of the thirteen weapons of Longinus, holy mechanisms that have the power to kill God or Satan. His body was destroyed by Shalba Beelzebub, but after accidentally meeting the Great-Red Dream Dragon, Ophis gained a new body with the help of the Infinity Dragon God. Confessed his love for Rias in the tenth volume. Became famous among children after the battle with the Sitri group. Based on his adventures, the Gremory House makes a series that has become popular both in the Underworld and the hidden part of Kyoto, where it plays the main character named "Oppai Dragon" (Japanese: おっぱいドラゴン Oppai-doragon) .

Although Issei has unprecedentedly weak magical abilities, his Holy Gear Boosted Gear (Japanese: ブーステッド・ギア Bu:suteddo gia) , when activated, doubles Issei's powers every ten seconds. Thus, despite his weakness, given enough time, Issei is able to gain enormous strength. Ddraig is sealed within this mechanism. Also, its mechanism is capable of enhancing other people's magic, including the power of the cross and holy water. Thanks to the fact that he sacrificed his left hand, it represents the dragon's paw. Therefore, Issei, unlike other demons, can touch such holy objects as a cross with this hand. However, thanks to regular rituals to drain the dragon's power, the hand remains in human form most of the time. In the team, Rias has the rank of pawn. Like a pawn, upon reaching enemy territory it can turn into any other piece except the king. Thanks to his Holy Gear, it took all eight of Rias' pawns to resurrect him. Therefore, Issei is the only pawn on her team. Issei gains new abilities solely thanks to his carnal desires and Rias's breasts, so he became known under pseudonyms "Dragon Emperor of Boobs" And "Oppai Dragon" (Japanese) 乳龍帝おっぱいドラゴン Chichiryu:tei Oppai-doragon) .

Voiced by: Yuki Kaji

Rias Gremory (Japanese: リアス・グレモリー Riasu Guremori:) - the main character, school idol, Issei's mistress. A demoness who is part of the noble Gremory family, bearing the title of dukes. The younger sister of Sirzechs Lucifer, currently named Satan, and the next head of the Gremory family. Head of the school's occult research club. She is also assigned the territory of the city in which Issei lives and ultimately his school is subordinate to her. He has the rank of king in the demon team. She is in love with Issei and with the development of the plot, like Asia, she settled in his house. She reciprocated Issei's confession. Due to the fact that her breasts are the key to strengthening Issei, she has the nickname among enemies and in the series "Switch Princess" (Japanese: スイッチ姫 Suitchi-hime) .

Voiced by: Yoko Hikasa

Akeno Himejima (Japanese: 姫島 朱乃 Himejima Akeno) - Member of the Occult Research Club, the second most popular and powerful girl after Rias. Daughter of a human priestess and one of the leaders of the fallen angels, Barakiel. She is extremely kind towards her comrades, but in battle she turns into a sadist. In a demon team, she has the rank of queen and combines the abilities of all the weaker pieces. She specializes in lightning attacks and has the nickname "Priestess of Lightning". She is in love with Issei and tries in every way to seduce him.

Voiced by: Shizuka Ito

Koneko Tojo (Japanese: 塔城小猫 Tojo: Koneko) , real name Sirone (Japanese: 白音 Shirone) - Member of the Occult Research Club, former nekomata. Despite the fact that she is a tenth grader, she looks like an elementary school student. He is popular among both boys and girls and is considered the school mascot. According to one of the guys who is in love with her, her appearance and character strongly resemble Yuki Nagato. In the demon team, she has the rank of rook, which gives her enormous strength and protection in battle. Also in love with Issei; declared herself his future wife.

Voiced by: Ayana Taketatsu

Asia Argento (Japanese) アーシア・アルジェント A:sia Aruzento) - a nun whom Issei accidentally encountered in the city. I came from abroad, so I don't know much about Japanese culture. Like Issei, the owner of the Twilight Healing Sacred Gear (Japanese) 聖母の微笑(トワイライト・ヒーリング) Towairaito hi:ringu) allowing her to heal both humans and demons. After Asia's abilities were discovered by the church, she was revered as a saint for some time. However, everyone saw in her not a person, but only a certain creature capable of healing people. Therefore, no one wanted to be friends with her. Moreover, after Asia healed the demon, the church considered her a witch. As a result, Asia was cast out of the church and picked up by fallen angels collaborating with the exorcists who had been kicked out of the church. Reynalle was later killed for her holy mechanism. However, she was in turn defeated by Issei, and Rias revived Asia as a demon subordinate to her. As part of the demon team, Asia has taken on the role of an elephant whose job is to support the team. She fell in love with Issei and moved into his house, being introduced to his parents as his bride. In the sixth volume, she confessed her love to Issei.

Voiced by: Azumi Asakura

Gasper Vladi (Japanese) ギャスパー・ヴラディ Gyasupa: Vuradi) - a half-breed vampire, the second elephant in Rias's team. Hikikomori and lover of dressing in women's clothing. At the same time, he is a talented magician and one of the most successful in concluding demon contracts. However, avoiding contact with other people, he enters into contracts exclusively via the Internet. Possesses the holy gear Forbidden Balor View (Japanese) 停止世界の邪眼(フォービドウン・バロール・ビュー) Fo:bidone Baro:ru By:) , allowing you to stop time for everything that comes into Gasper's field of vision. Since he was half human, vampires despised him. At the same time, he was considered a monster by people, especially those who accidentally fell under the influence of his holy mechanism. As a result, Gasper was killed by a vampire hunter and resurrected by Rias. Since he was not able to control his powers, at first the vampire lived in a room closed with a magical seal. In Volume 4, Rias received permission to remove the seal. At the beginning, he was afraid of his comrades, but soon after listening to Issei's words, he becomes his friend.

Voiced by: Ayane Sakura

Kiba Yuuto (Japanese: 木場祐斗 Kiba Yu:to) - Member of the Occult Research Club. He is extremely popular among schoolgirls, which is why Issei, who has never been popular with the opposite sex, dislikes him, but despite this, Issei appreciates him and considers him a friend. Real name Izay. From childhood he was brought up in the church. He was a diligent believer and a capable child, so he was chosen to participate in a special project to create artificial carriers of Excalibur. Unfortunately, the experiments ended in failure and the project was closed, certain “elements” necessary for using holy swords were extracted from the experimental children, and the experimental children themselves were killed using lethal gas. Thanks to the help of his comrades, Izaya managed to escape, but by that time he had already managed to inhale a lethal portion of poisonous gas. Already dying, filled with hatred for the church and Excalibur, Rias Gremory found him and turned her servant into a demon, giving him a new name “Kiba Yuuto”. Since then, Kiba has followed her everywhere, fulfilling the duties of her “knight,” while not forgetting his desire to take revenge on the Excaliburs. In the demon team, he has the rank of horse, whose combat ability is enormous speed. His holy mechanism Sword Birth (Japanese: 魔剣創造(ソード・バース) So: do ba: su?) creates demonic swords with any desired property. Due to the fact that the Biblical God and Satan are dead, entering Balance Breaker, Kiba can also create a sword that combines holy and demonic powers.

Voiced by: Kenji Nojima

Xenovia Quarta (Japanese: ゼノヴィア Zenovia) - initially an agent Catholic Church Vatican. In early childhood, she lost her parents and was raised by one sister in the church. A very devout and fanatical believer. Even at a young age, she joined the ranks of exorcists and fought against the enemies of the church. From birth, she has a talent in the possession of holy swords and became the owner of the legendary sword Durandal. Thanks to her efforts and strong faith, she received great trust from the church and as a result, she, along with Irina Shido, was sent to pursue the criminal thief who stole the Excaliburs. Pursuing a criminal, she arrived in a Japanese town. In the process of fighting for the legendary swords, she had to team up with the demons living in those lands and fight Kokabiel. As a result, a terrible secret was revealed to her - the death of the biblical God and Satan. She lost her footing in life and her faith collapsed. Moreover, for knowing this terrible secret, Xenovia was excommunicated from the church. In desperation and not knowing where to go, she asks Rias Gremory to take her in and turns into a demon. Later she finds a new goal in life - the knowledge of female happiness, to conceive and raise a child. Considers Issei a suitable candidate for this.

Voiced by: Risa Taneda

Rossweiss (Japanese: ロスヴァイセ Rosuweise) - Rias's second rook, a former Valkyrie. She arrived in Japan as Odin's bodyguard, but he abandoned her. A specialist in Scandinavian magic, which he uses more often than demon powers. He tries to save money, usually purchasing everything he needs at sales, promotions and in stores. He wants to help his grandmother living in the province of Valhalla. Since Volume 17, she has developed feelings for Issei.

Fallen angels

One of three factions consisting of angels who have fallen from God's grace due to having "dirty thoughts" that distract them from God's teachings in the Bible. Even though they were cast out of Heaven, fallen angels and their subordinates usually choose churches as their bases. However, before that they destroy all the icons there. On this moment, fallen angels are the smallest faction compared to the others.

Azazel (Japanese: アザゼル Azazeru) - leader of the fallen angels. Absolutely not interested in resuming the war. He is engaged in collecting and studying holy mechanisms. He has progressed so far in his research that he is able to create his own holy gears. Although, they are inferior in quality to those created by God. After the fallen angels, angels and demons made official peace, he became the curator of the occult research club. In volume 12, he left his post as leader of the fallen angels.

Raynal- fallen angel who killed Issei. She pretended to be a girl Yuma who was in love with him and offered to meet, to which Issei agreed. She was Asia's guardian.

Barakiel- one of the leaders of the fallen angels, was betrothed to a human priestess. Akeno Himejima's father.

Kokabiel- one of the leaders of the fallen angels. He wanted to start a new war between the three races. Was defeated by Vali Lucifer, who came to stop him on Azazel's orders. After his defeat at the hands of Vali, he was sealed in the Underworld at the bottom of Kokytos ("River of Weeping" - one of the rivers flowing in the Underworld).


One of the three main races, along with demons and fallen angels. Angels are powerful beings who serve the God of the Bible and have the right to attack demons. After the death of the Bible God in the War of the Three Races, the angels were not able to increase their numbers in the usual way, but after the creation of the Holy Courage system, they were able to transform people into angels. Unlike demons and fallen angels, angels need to be purified through sex, but before this their partner must undergo a lengthy purification ceremony (taking several hours).

Archangel Michael- the strongest of the angels, after the death of the biblical God, began to rule in heaven.

Irina Shido- Issei's childhood friend, although Issei himself, not least because of her cocky character in the past, considered her a boyfriend. Church agent and committed Christian. She is one of those who received a holy particle to be compatible with Excalibur, and was the owner of the Imitation Excalibur. Knowing how much Irina was dedicated to her faith, her partner Xenovia was reluctant to reveal to her the truth about the death of the Biblical God. But having learned about this from Archangel Michael, Irina, oddly enough, easily accepted this news, supplementing her faith in God with faith in Michael. With the help of the system, Holy Courage was turned into an angel, subordinate to Archangel Michael, and received the rank of ace. After the conclusion of the peace of the Three Races, she accompanies Rias' team everywhere as a representative of Heaven and restored friendship with Xenovia, which had cooled between them due to Xenovia's transformation into a demon, and also became friends with Asia, forming the so-called Church Trio. She has been in love with Issei since childhood.

Dulio Gesualdo- Even before becoming an angel, Dulio was the strongest exorcist in history and was able to fight even high-level demons. Dulio is the strongest of the reincarnated angels, has 10 wings and is a Seraphim candidate.


Some of the most powerful creatures in High School DxD. They always act freely and selfishly. But despite this, dragons have high level intelligence. Dragons are creatures that represent power. Because of this, at all times, dragons have been admired, respected and feared. Dragons are the only creatures that did not aid any faction during the Great War, unlike Yokai, European monsters, spirits, fairies, and other supernatural creatures. However, some dragons did join one of the three factions. Unlike other races who have long term life, dragons are immortal, although they can die if killed. Currently, almost all dragons are either sealed in Sacred Gears, asleep, or dead.

In the anime "Demon High School", characters from three races captivate viewers with their abilities, openness and diversity of characters. During the show, one could see on the screen different heroes who pursue their own interests, live and fight according to their own principles. Every person will find for himself the most interesting of the total number of personalities shown.

Main character

Of all the characters in Demon High School in the anime, the main character is the most memorable. His name is Issei Hyoudou, and he has a special vision of the relationship between a girl and a boy. He turned into a demon, because after being killed on his first date by the archangel, he was saved by his dying wish. The guy cares about his friend Asia, although he does not notice her feelings. At first glance, we can conclude that it is quite weak, because magical abilities not even at the average level. Only in battle his strength doubles every ten seconds. It is enough for him to hold out for a little time, and then the enemy will no longer be in trouble.

Two strong demonesses

Among the characters in Demon High School, Rias Gremory is one of the main characters. This girl is from ancient family is the sister of Sirzechs Lucifer himself, who bears the title of Satan. She owns the territory of the city where Issei's house and school are located. She is secretly in love with a guy, but will reveal her feelings only during the course of the plot. In his team of demons, he has the highest rank of king. She always looks powerful and heads the school's occult scientific research club, which includes the second most powerful demoness, Akeno Himejima. IN ordinary life she tries to be kind and sensitive to all her comrades. When the time comes for battle, he turns into a bloodthirsty creature with a love of torture and sadism. Born from the union of a priestess and one fallen angel. Specializes in lightning elemental attacks, which he actively uses in battle. Every time he meets Issei, he tries to seduce the guy, because he has feelings for him strong feelings. She is significantly inferior in popularity to Rias, but is in second place in the club.

Issei's girlfriend

Among all the characters in Demon High School, many girls in anime will like the nun Asia Argento. She arrived from abroad and accidentally ran into Issei in the city. The heroine has problems settling into Japan, because she doesn’t understand the local culture at all. She can heal people as well as demons with her Sacred Gear. IN home country the church praised her because of this ability, but people stopped treating her as an equal. At first, the girl began to be considered some kind of creature with superpowers, and later, for curing a demon, she was branded a witch. After her exile, she was picked up by fallen angels, and Asia began collaborating with the rejected exorcists. She was later attacked by Reynalle for possessing a healing artifact. Salvation came from Issei, who contributed to the resurrection of his girlfriend. From that moment on, the former nun became a demon and began to play a support role. She has feelings for the main character, but he does not notice them, and attributes all the oddities to ignorance of Japanese culture.

One of the strangest heroes

In the anime Demon High School, Gasper Vladi is one of the strangest personalities. He is half-vampire and at the same time a talented magician who easily concludes contracts with other demons. His peculiarity is that he avoids in every possible way any contact with other individuals. He conducts all his actions via the Internet and tries to limit himself completely from society. Another oddity of his is his love for women's clothing, which the vampire often dresses in. In Rias's team, he performs an important function, because he can use his holy mechanism to stop time for everything that falls within the range of his vision. His life before meeting the team leader was quite difficult. Vampires despised the guy for being unclean, but people tried to kill him because they saw a monster in front of them. One of the hunters managed to do this, after which Gasper was resurrected by Rias and taken into her group. He completely obeys the commander and demonstrates all his power in battle.

Public Favorite

As in any other anime, in “High School Demons vs. Fallen,” a character beloved by all creatures of the opposite sex is always present. His name is Kiba Yuuto and he is also part of the Occult Research Club. The girls absolutely love his appearance and behavior, and because of this, the hero cannot stand Issei. Even as a child, he came under the influence of the church because of his obedience and tolerance. That is why they decided to make him an artificial carrier of Excalibur along with other children. The experiment failed, and they decided to kill the experimental characters with a lethal gas. Kiba managed to escape, but by that time he had already inhaled his portion of the substance. Rias found him near death and turned him into a demon. The girl gave him a new name, and the hero himself decided to get rid of his past “Izay”. In the group, Rias Gremory plays the role of the creator of demonic swords with any properties. He does this with the help of his holy mechanism. Kiba can also create weapons with holy power, not just demonic power.

Fan of faith

In the anime Demon High School, the names of the characters are quite difficult to remember, but the image of Xenovia Quarta is immediately imprinted in the memory. This fanatical adherent of the faith was first a Catholic agent of the Vatican and carried out various assignments from the church. Already with young age managed to join the ranks of exorcists, because she blindly believed in the righteous fight against dark creatures. For her efforts, she earned a high status in the organization and the full trust of the highest officials of the Vatican. Works great with the holy sword Durandal. In one of the missions, I pursued a criminal who stole Excaliburs. Following in his footsteps, the girl arrives in Japan, where she learns a terrible secret. For this knowledge, she is excommunicated from the church, and the completely broken heroine with the lost meaning of life joins Rias Gremory. In the guise of a demon, Xenovia now has the goal of giving birth and raising own child. He wants to see the main character as a father. She later met her former teammate Irina and became friends with her again in the story.

Two more demons

Rias's competitor in the anime "Demon High School" from the list of characters is Vali Lucifer - the descendant of the strongest hero of his race. He leads the brigade of the same name and is distinguished by his enormous strength. This primarily concerns the huge number magical energy and the holy mechanism Vali. When physically touching an enemy, half of his power goes to Lucifer and leaves the enemy's body. Using this method, the character managed to defeat many enemies, including Kokabiel. The second demon is the last member of Rias Gremory's team named Rossweisse. The girl used to be a Valkyrie and was part of Odin's personal guard, but he abandoned her. After that, she was turned into a demon and joined Rias' team. When fighting with opponents, he often uses Scandinavian magic techniques. In ordinary life, Rossweiss always saves money and goes shopping only during the time of discounts. He tries to keep an eye on his grandmother and maintain contact with his only relative.

Fallen angels

In the anime Demon High School, the biographies of characters from the fallen angel race are similar. They were all banished from heaven for their wicked thoughts. After this, Azazel united them around him and became the unanimous leader. His interests include finding ways to renew and studying all the holy mechanism. He collects such devices, and based on the data obtained, he creates new ones that are inferior in power to the original ones, but useful in battle. Kokabiel fought under his command until he was killed due to his desire for an untimely end to the war. Barakiel is also considered one of the leaders of the race, although he is inferior in power to Azazel. He is the father of Akeno, born from a marriage with a human priestess. The last known fallen angel is Raynalle, who killed Issei in his human life when she pretended to be a girl in love with him. B happened in the initial episodes, on which the further narrative is based.

Converted Angel

The names of the characters in the anime Demon High School are quite complex, but the main church agent Irina Shido is different in this regard. Throughout her life, the girl faithfully served the church, carried out any tasks and unquestioningly obeyed the Vatican. When she was told that the biblical god had died, she did not fall into despair. The news only further strengthened her belief in the righteousness of the struggle. While serving in the exorcist squad, Irina was the owner of Excalibur Imitation. Later, for her services to the church, with the help of a special device, “Holy Courage” was turned into an angel. Due to peace with demons, Rias became the representative of her race on the team. She was Xenovia's companion and was able to restore her friendship with her former comrade during this time.

Chief angels

Every fan knows what the names of the characters in “Demon High School” from the leadership of the angel race are. The highest orders come from the Archangel Michael. He began to rule after the death of the biblical god, and devotes all his efforts to preventing a possible new war of the three races. The head treats Issei well and considers maintaining peace to be his highest goal. In this he is different with all his might strong representative race of angels Dulio Gesualdo. At one time, he was also a man who, as an exorcist, spent many years fighting evil. For this he was awarded entry into the ranks of the angels. Of all reincarnated beings, he is considered the strongest. Dulio is presented as the main candidate for the Seraphim. In battle he uses all ten of his wings and is capable of fighting on equal terms with the most powerful demons.


This anime is similar in style to The Seven Deadly Sins, and many users confuse the characters. In the Japanese series "Demon High School", the characters Gil (the girl's name) do not exist even among the dragons, unlike the first mentioned work. Creatures of this race are hibernating, dead, or imprisoned in holy gears. It is believed that in ancient times, when the wars between demons and angels did not end, dragons always maintained neutrality in most cases. Time cannot kill them, since the count of their years is endless. They were proud and cruel by nature, for which they were feared and admired. They are rarely mentioned in the anime.