Dance for teacher's day high school. Dance for Teacher's Day, video

Dance has its own special soul. She reveals herself through the movements of the performers, their gestures, facial expressions, and costumes. Want to do gorgeous gift teachers, give them a dance on Teacher's Day. What can you dance on such a festive day? It all depends on the skill of the dancers: waltz, tango, mischievous polka will look great from the stage during the concert. The dance on Teacher's Day can be performed by one dancer, or it can be of a mass nature. An example of a mass dance on Teacher's Day could be a flash mob prepared by school students and shown to teachers during recess or in the morning before classes in the school yard.

It is not necessary to prepare a classical dance for Teacher's Day. Today a large number of children visit various dance studios outside the walls home school. Show your teachers the hip-hop or rock and roll, oriental or club dances you learned in the studio.

Dance compositions composed by the children themselves or school choreographers look interesting. Show your imagination and surprise your teachers with a dance number. Get your class together and learn some beautiful moves, then practice them to music. It is not only the choreographer who can supervise such preparation. Most often, the initiators of such numbers are girls who love to dance.

To make ideas appear in your head with lightning speed, we suggest downloading a selection of music for dancing for Teacher’s Day. The dance on Teacher's Day presented in the video will further inspire students and dance studio managers.

Music for dancing for Teacher's Day

Very beautiful melody for oriental dance . One girl or a small group of girls with one soloist can dance to it. For oriental dance you must have beautiful costumes. Remember that you were going to dance it at school, so you shouldn’t forget about the school ethics framework.

Incendiary song " We are little children"will become the basis of an amazing dance composition in which children will express their mood and emotions. Funny costumes will add liveliness to this concert number.

How do you imagine autumn blues? It can be described in words. Or you can convey it in a dance that will be performed for your favorite teachers. Smooth movements, tenderness and beauty of autumn will come together in a beautiful dance.

Fast rhythms hip hop will give great mood to all the spectators who came to the festive concert. This modern dance can be the highlight of the entire holiday program. Listen to music and create. Put movements on it.

Modern dance for Teacher's Day, video

Younger schoolchildren, as a rule, do not take an active part in a large school concert. But they often organize their own congratulatory concert, where there is room for dancing and humorous skits on Teacher’s Day. Such an event takes many days to prepare and, of course, with the help of parents, older school friends, and sometimes teachers. Next you will find several original ideas for humorous skits on Teacher's Day for primary classes that will help make the holiday fun and interesting.

Let's start with the topic comic skits. Most often, humorous scenes play out interesting and familiar moments, individual days from school life, for example, writing a test, being late for class, not studying homework. All these topics are already familiar to primary school students and they can easily perform them in skits. If among the students there are talented children with good acting skills, then you can stage several humorous skits of a parody nature. Moreover, parodies can be both about the teacher or teachers, and about classmates. The main condition is that parody scenes must be kind and cause a smile, not offense, so as not to darken festive mood on this day. Having decided on the theme and specific situation that the skit will be about, you need to think about the style in which to play it out. Since the students primary school On Teacher's Day, they can often be shy and very nervous on stage, it is better to choose the format of a musical medley for comic skits. This is a dynamic mixture of excerpts of different melodies, famous phrases from films and cartoons, which are selected to suit the plot of the scene. The little actors will only have to play out their roles with facial expressions and gestures, and if there are words in the medley, then simultaneously open their mouths during the scene itself.

Another a win-win a comic skit for Teacher's Day - a production with the participation of famous heroes and characters. For example, the most famous student Vovochka and his constant teacher Marya Ivanovna will definitely bring a smile on the faces of teachers and guests of the holiday on this day. You can also experiment a little and involve students’ parents in comic skits on Teacher’s Day. For example, a number in which parents will play their schoolchildren, and the students themselves will appear in the role of teachers and parents, can turn out to be very funny.

Funny scenes for Teacher's Day for high school, video

Teacher's Day for high school students is a real test. After all, on this day the responsibility for the entire school, schedule, lessons and festive concert with dances and skits. One can easily become overwhelmed by such responsibility, but only if one does not approach the issue of organization seriously. And if you think through all the details well and important points, then it is quite possible, through the efforts of high school students, to hold a wonderful Teacher’s Day, on which, without funny skits there's simply no way around it. We present to your attention several interesting ideas for funny scenes for Teacher's Day for high school, which will certainly inspire you to hold an unforgettable holiday.

So, first, let's decide on the current topics for comic scenes. An interesting number can be put on tests and exams that graduates will soon have to take. Due to its relevance, this topic can be perfectly played out within school concert, dedicated to the Day to the teacher. To make such a scene interesting and uncluttered, we recommend presenting it in unusual shape. For example, you can beat a test in an unusual way in the form of a popular soundtrack, leaving the melody, and replacing the words with typical phrases of schoolchildren while taking a test. Another original version skits that will help make the act even funnier on a holiday are presented in the “expectation and reality” style. We are sure that everyone has seen similar pictures on the Internet, in which the expectation and reality of one object/event/phenomenon differ significantly from each other. This kind of format can also be played out from the perspective of a school theme for Teacher’s Day. For example, put on a funny skit about how different the expectations of the teacher and students are from the real events taking place in the classroom. An interesting humorous skit for Teacher’s Day can also be staged in the format of a popular television show. For example, use the KVN format and perform several skits about school life in the form of traditional competitions, for example, “Warm-ups”. Also for Teacher's Day you can put original skit in a news format, in which presenters can tell in a humorous manner about the main events from school life.

Funny skits about teachers for Teacher's Day, video

Particular attention should be paid to funny skits on Teacher's Day about teachers themselves, which can be performed as part of a school concert. The most popular option is a parody number, in which students appear on stage in slightly exaggerated images of teachers. Such parodies are always relevant, but they should only be performed by gifted students with good theatrical abilities. You can stage interesting and funny skits on Teacher's Day about teachers based on subjects. For example, play out several short and common situations typical for different lessons. These can be either separate scenes about each subject, or a large number like “One day in the school life of a class.” An example of such a funny scene for Teacher’s Day about teachers, or more precisely, about a teacher in English, watch the video below.

Beautiful dance for Teacher's Day, grades 1-5, video

Add variety to holiday program on Teacher's Day and at the same time congratulate dear teachers You can also do it through dancing. It is logical that dance ideas for Teacher’s Day for grades 1-5 will differ from similar ones musical numbers, staged by high school students on this day. And it’s not just about the level of difficulty, but also about the styles of execution. For example, a good idea for a dance on Teacher's Day for students in grades 1-5 would be a fun dance with simple movements to a popular song about school. You can also stage a humorous version of the dance, which is sure to please all guests of the festive concert dedicated to Teacher's Day. You can watch many interesting dance ideas for Teacher's Day in the video below.

Beautiful dance for Teacher's Day for grades 10-11, video

As for dance ideas for Teacher's Day for grades 10-11, here possible options a lot more. For example, a dance on Teacher's Day can be combined with a funny skit in the medley style. Such a humorous skit for Teacher's Day with music will look very original. In addition, dance ideas for Teacher's Day for students in grades 10 and 11 may not be limited solely to school topics. Variants of modern dances, as well as unusual combinations of different dances, will be quite appropriate on this day. musical styles and dance styles. And, of course, no one has canceled the traditional dance for Teacher’s Day - the waltz, to which you can always invite dear teachers. We are sure that such a dance on this significant day will be remembered for a long time by both teachers and students.

Teacher's Day is celebrated on different countries V different time. Some post-Soviet states continue to congratulate teachers on the first Sunday in October, the rest have their own history. For example, the Poles always have Teacher’s Day (October 14) as a day off, in Lebanon they devote a whole week to the holiday - from March 3 to March 9, Argentines congratulate their teachers on September 11, and in India a real carnival is organized for respected teachers on Radhakrishnan Sarvepalli’s birthday. In Russia, teachers work during their day. To congratulate teachers, junior and senior school students organize entertaining comedy concerts at school. Talented children perform pre-prepared funny skits on Teacher's Day about teachers, active groups of grades 5 and 10 demonstrate beautiful dances.

Teacher's Day should be spent in such a way that both teachers and students have equal fun. You can come up with hundreds of different congratulations. In some Russian schools, it is customary to give teachers wall newspapers, in others, it is customary to take a creative approach to doing homework (put on a skit in English, act out an excerpt from a given work of literature). In many educational institutions high school students replace teachers in lessons, and in almost all of them, without exception, they organize solemn and fun concerts with dances, songs and skits about teachers, exams and tests.

Funny skits for Teacher's Day about teachers for high school, video

Skits for Teacher's Day about teachers for high school - the most The best way lift teachers' spirits in their professional holiday. A small funny production about labor school days will be the highlight of a humorous concert. Most often in such scenes the characters “teacher”, “ classroom teacher", "director", "head teacher", "Vovochka", "Masha", "parents of students". To make the scene more realistic, high school students dress in prepared costumes and use various decorations and attributes: desks and chairs, cool magazine, pointer, glasses, pens and notebooks, etc.

The most popular skits on Teacher's Day about teachers, performed by high school students in a kind manner, make fun of the habits of each of the school teachers, their most frequent phrases and remarks, external features and moral values. Funny dramatizations should be short with a clear and understandable meaning and without a drawn-out ending. Even the most funny scene can make teachers bored if it drags on for a quarter of an hour.

Skits for Teacher's Day from primary school students, video

Unlike high school students, students junior classes more naive and sentimental. Their skits for Teacher's Day are distinguished by simple childish humor and genuine sincerity. Little schoolchildren can perform a small performance for 1-3 minutes, and even with such a short performance they will perfectly amuse the audience. Since the memory of children is not sufficiently trained, you should not use long and monotonous sketch scenarios.

Examples of funny skits for Teacher's Day from primary school students

Teacher: Vanya, how much do you get if you divide 4 by 2?

Vanya: It depends on what to share!

Teacher: Let’s say there are apples between you and Kolya.

Vanya: That will be 3 for me and 1 for Kolya. He owes me 1 apple.

Teacher: No, that’s not right... Well, doesn’t he owe you plums?

Vanya: No!

Teacher: So let's divide the plums.

Vanya: It turns out 4 - and that’s all Kolya. I just don't like plums.

Teacher: Wrong answer again.

Vanya: Which one is correct?

Teacher: I’ll write the correct one in your diary!

Teacher: Vanya, go to the board and analyze the sentence.

Vanya: Dictate, Sergei Vasilyevich.

Teacher: Dad went to the garage.

Vanya: Dad is the subject, went is the predicate, and to the garage is the preposition!

Teacher: Vanya, the word “dryish” refers to what part of speech?

Teacher: Think about what question it answers.

Vanya: What kind? Dryish!

Funny and humorous scenes for Teacher's Day, video

Funny and humorous skits on Teacher's Day are not only a great opportunity to congratulate and amuse your favorite teacher, but also a rare chance to demonstrate your acting talents. After all, in order for the skit on Teacher’s Day to be a great success, it is necessary to get used to the character, thoroughly learn the text and convey the emotions, intonation and habits of the character. Especially if the character is local and familiar to everyone.

Sketch “Othello and Desdemona” for high school for Teacher’s Day

One of the most popular skits for senior schoolchildren on Teacher's Day is "Othello and Desdemona." The dramatization depicts a situation from the extracurricular life of an ordinary school teacher. Such a production is sure to make the guests of the school concert laugh.

“Test” skit for high school for Teacher’s Day

No less popular is the “Control” skit on Teacher’s Day about teachers. It presents frequent curiosities during school tests. The skit will appeal not only to teachers, but also to schoolchildren, parents, and the principal. After all, real life situations always look even more comical than fictional ones:

Modern dance for Teacher's Day for students in grades 1-5, video

How could a Teacher's Day concert be interesting without beautiful and funny dances? Of course not! Dance for Teacher's Day from 5th grade - best gift to the heroes of the occasion. In a funny choreographic performance, younger schoolchildren can express themselves, convey the necessary emotions to teachers (cheerful or sad), and show an episode from the life of a character or their own life.

To set the holiday fun mood You can prepare a children's funny dance of "little ducklings". To add bright colors to the celebration, you can dance with colorful umbrellas. For particularly daring fifth-graders, there are options for the Macarena or Chunga Changa dance with costumes and flashy surroundings. Whatever it is, the dance will always be spectacular. In contrast to monotonous poems and not always witty jokes.

Beautiful dance for Teacher's Day for students in grades 10-11, video

A beautiful dance for Teacher's Day from the 10th grade should be different from a children's performance for younger schoolchildren. It's more serious musical accompaniment, more meaning, complex movements. Of course, a beautiful dance for 10th grade Teacher's Day can be fun and even funny. But in this time, you should approach its preparation creatively, so as not to repeat the worn-out templates of ten years ago.

Ideas for beautiful dances for Teacher's Day:

  • Lyrical school waltz
  • Incendiary "Cucarella"
  • Fun dance in hip-hop style school theme
  • Men's break performed by high school students
  • Paired contempo for 2 performers
  • Dance of sailors and sailors
  • funny dance to a soundtrack of cartoon tunes
  • Surprise dance with dressing up
  • Flash mob dance performance

There are other amazing dance ideas that can be easily turned into reality if you have enough desire and imagination.

In fact, it doesn’t matter what dance or skit the students will perform at school for their teachers’ professional holiday. The main thing is that the number is prepared with good intentions. Both a funny and cheerful skit for Teacher's Day from senior and junior schoolchildren, and a beautiful funny dance from grades 5 and 10 will definitely please teachers. Don't even doubt it!