The script for a teacher's day at school is cool. Original ideas for scenes. Funny humorous scene on Teacher's Day for elementary grades - "Battle of the Teachers", video

Decorate holiday concert, sketches for Teacher's Day will help to dilute it with cheerful notes, the plot of which tells about unusual cases from the life of school groups. These are usually small miniature sketches that reflect one short episode. school life. These mini-sketches are akin to Yeralash: funny, fun, capacious and harmless.

The main characters of the festive performances, of course, are schoolchildren and teachers. It is not at all necessary to invite your favorite teacher to play the role of Maria Ivanovna. Funny scenes on Teacher's Day look much more interesting, where all the roles are played by students. It is not necessary to specifically point to someone on a holiday. If in the proposed script for a humorous sketch for Teacher's Day, the name of the teacher is accidentally entered, which matches the name of the person who works at your school, be sure to replace it so that there is no hint of someone's shortcomings or oversights.

Increasingly popular among children and teachers are scenes-congratulations on Teacher's Day, in which the characters transform into famous artists and from the stage give their congratulations to educators. It turns out a rather original number, which will also cause a smile, something like the performance of new Russian attendants or congratulations from a pop star.

Scene for Teacher's Day "Fun School"

The plot of the scene is quite simple, but at the same time alive and interesting. A journalist appears at the school, who, on the eve of the holiday, interviews children, the director, young teacher. All this is played out according to the script that is in the application.

Funny sketch for Teacher's Day "Lifelong Incident"

Main actors of this scene are the director of the school and the boy Vova, who will be played by several students. First, Vova, a first-grader, appears before the children, then the director talks with Vova, who is already in the 5th grade. We'll have to get acquainted with his tricks in the 9th and 11th grade. Surprisingly, the final scene introduces Vova as the director of this school, in front of which is the girl Katya. This funny scene is written in verse, so it will look especially interesting.

Humorous sketch for Teacher's Day based on the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse"

This sketch for Teacher's Day and Ershov's fairy tale "The Humpbacked Horse" have something in common. Main character little introduction Ivan. Whether he is a fool, or the Tsarevich, it is difficult to figure it out. He meets the Little Humpbacked Horse, with whom he discusses school problems.

Cheerful scene-congratulations on Teacher's Day "Nikitichna and Petrovna"

Who does not remember the funny funny presenters Nikitichna and Petrovna, who gave the world hundreds of interesting stories that make you laugh to tears. We invite you to laugh with them, because they will play on the school stage original scene-congratulation for Teacher's Day. It can be performed by two students, but it is imperative that they have some little talent for theatrical impersonation and be able to plausibly play two old merry women who came to congratulate the teachers.

Scene-performance for Teacher's Day "Ring show"

Small theatrical performance school scene, in which the main characters will be not schoolchildren and their eternal opponents of the teacher, but also parents and teachers who have entered into an unequal dispute. What is the argument about, you ask? Yes, all about the same, about children. cool scene on Teacher's Day will allow both teachers, parents, and the schoolchildren themselves to smile, about which in question in the ring.

Every year, at the beginning of October, each of the classes prepares a mini-concert or small performances for their native teachers. Small talents, primary and secondary school students, demonstrate all their abilities: they dance, play the piano, guitar, and other musical instruments, recite poetry. However, the most anticipated in the solemn program are always funny skits on Teacher's Day. Humorous scripts for scenes are written either by the guys from the senior classes together with their parents, or by the teachers. Since each time one of the parents or the children themselves film the holiday on camera, the most interesting moments of the performances are posted on the Internet for public viewing and discussion. most incredible and original videos sometimes get millions of views. Sometimes the teachers themselves arrange flash mobs that literally blow up the Internet!

Funny humorous sketches for Teacher's Day - video

School is serious business; and this statement, for sure, no one is going to dispute. However, in order to know where the line between funny and serious lies, humor is present in our lives. Preparing humorous sketches for Teacher's Day, the guys give all the best to 100%! Every class wants to be the best. Let the performances of the guys not be compared: a flurry of applause plucked during the demonstration of the production and an explosion of laughter ─ the best assessment of their efforts.

Scene "Othello and Desdemona" for Teacher's Day, description and video

Among the scenes for October 5, for several years now, the miniature “Othello and Desdemona” has been “in the top”. The essence of the mini-performance is simple and very vital. The marriage of spouses (Othello is a faithful hard worker husband and Desdemona is a young teacher) is bursting at the seams. The wife spends all the time at work, completely abandoning the house and household. In vain are the efforts of her faithful, who trusts in the prudence of his half. All his exhortations to “cook something to eat” or “go to the store” do not find understanding with the class teacher who loves only her school. Having exhausted all the arguments, the young Othello pounces on the slow-witted Desdemona. During the performance of schoolchildren with such a performance, the hall literally shakes with laughter: the situation is very familiar!

Scene for Teacher's Day "Control" - description and video

The funny scene “Control” is a staging of a situation familiar to everyone. As soon as the teacher announces the beginning of the annual test, each student in the class suddenly has questions that have not arisen before. Someone needs to go out, another ─ cannot figure out the test option, others do not understand at all where they are and what they need to do.

Scene for Teacher's Day "Expectations and Reality" - description and video

Another funny skit is based on a comparison of situations at school and is called "Expectations and Reality." The guys from the senior classes show the difference between such familiar moments as the flu at school, a survey of knowledge, understanding the teacher in the "ideal" presentation of teachers and in real life.

Scenes for Teacher's Day for high school - video

On Teacher's Day, October 5, or Friday before the holidays, most of the senior classes perform with dramatizations of various school and extracurricular situations. Usually, guys, especially high school students and middle school students, do an excellent job of remembering and showing the scene perfectly. If there are difficulties when staging a mini-performance or the guys cannot remember the words, before the concert and performance they can re-watch the video with scenes for Teacher's Day. This will help them and video cutting clips with the best performances KVN teams. High school students will be able to choose the video they like and make their own, slightly modified, staging of a mini-performance for the Teacher's Day holiday. The merry scene “An Unexpected Check at School” will appeal to all adults, and even to the smallest spectators from lower grades.

The production of "History Lesson with the Teacher of the Year" performed by popular comedians from " Ural dumplings” will definitely appeal to future graduates. The situation played out in a merry performance, fortunately, is not so common, but, unfortunately, it is too recognizable in some of the Russian schools.

"English Lesson" is the name of a performance for high school students, performed not only on Teacher's Day, but also during other concerts dedicated to school celebrations. A negligent student who came to the exam to a teacher who is not very attentive to her wards is a common school situation.

Sketches for Teacher's Day for elementary grades

For primary school choose simple and short scenes. Babies don't remember well long texts, therefore, during the performance of the children, their first teacher should be next to them. If the student forgets the words, a little hint from the teacher helps him not to get confused. Senior comrades of first-graders-third-graders can take part in the dramatizations. For example, in the miniature play " Primary School» the class teacher is portrayed by a high school student.

Sometimes on Teacher's Day, students in grades 9-11 can act out a situation that is not happening in Russian schools. The success of the performance largely depends on the talent of young actors. Scenes where little actors try on the roles of teachers and their negligent students look very funny.

Beautiful dance for Teacher's Day for grade 5

Congratulating teachers on their professional holiday, students in grades 5-6 often choose an incendiary dance for their performance. Usually, girls take a more active part in the production. Fifth-grade boys are either taken to "backup dancers" or they find a funny and talented solo dancer. The style is chosen by the performers themselves. Today, hip-hop and disco, sports rock and roll and ballroom dancing are popular among the guys.

During the preparation of the performance, fifth-graders can invite children from the senior classes to participate in the production. Everyone will love this dance!

If there are girls in the class attending sports schools and acrobatics, ask them to help the rest of the guys learn the basic dance elements.

Beautiful dance for Teacher's Day for grades 10-11

In the tenth grade, many of the students already know how to dance beautifully. Some of them are addicted ballroom dancing, contempo, modern trends in dance skills. If there is a girl or a guy in the class who is professionally engaged in this type of art, staging a performance ─ a dance for Teacher's Day ─ can be entrusted to this particular person. Feeling the full responsibility of the task, the teenager will cope with it on "five". Sometimes parents, seeing how the children are going through, building the scenario of their dance performance, ask their children to let them help evaluate the performance and, perhaps, critically evaluating it, point out the shortcomings to the children. You should never turn down this kind of help. Valuable and wise advice dad or mom, even if they are very far from the art of dance, will give an advantage to your number.

Video of your dance dedicated to the Day teachers, can score tens of millions of views, like a video with dance performances of Ukrainian schoolchildren. True, the guys lit up at the graduation, but who prevents high school students from repeating the same thing on October 5?

Congratulating your favorite teachers on their professional day, give them funny, humorous sketches for Teacher's Day or a beautiful dance. As a rule, teachers and guests of the concert like incendiary, energetic performances of young artists, dynamic performances, often changing scenery during performances. Preparing a beautiful dance for October 5, students in grade 5 can call on their friends from the senior class for help. A jointly prepared performance or dance of grade 10 and younger students can complete a festive concert dedicated to all employees public education and, first of all, to our wonderful members!

Every year, teachers in more than 100 countries around the world celebrate Teacher's Day. So, in Russia since 1994 this professional holiday received state status and was postponed to October 5 - the date designated by the international community. According to tradition, on Teachers' Day in schools they spend solemn events, cool watch, and within the "unofficial" part - festive receptions or banquets. In addition to bouquets of autumn flowers and cute memorable souvenirs, schoolchildren to such significant date prepare for favorite teachers concerts with songs and dances. We propose to add some original and “fresh” ideas to the Teacher's Day script - primary and secondary school students can play funny humorous skits about teachers and school, as well as learn beautiful dances. With appropriate preparation, such numbers are quite capable of being performed by all students - from grades 5 to 10. And our videos will help young "artists" to better prepare for the numbers and amaze the audience with their outstanding theatrical and dance abilities.

Funny humorous sketches for Teacher's Day for primary school students - ideas and videos

School humor is anecdotes, jokes, riddles, jokes, jokes and a truly inexhaustible source of fun and Have a good mood. Therefore, funny humorous sketches on school topics can be added to the script for Teacher's Day. As a rule, such productions are based on scenes from the everyday school life of students and teachers, slightly embellished and “seasoned” with notes. light humor. So, primary school students can prepare for their favorite teacher on Teacher's Day funny scene, the main characters of which are a strict teacher and a "lazy" student. As a plot, you can choose any, the most common case - “I forgot my diary at home”, “I was late for a lesson”, “I put a button on a friend’s chair”. Such funny skits on Teacher's Day are always relevant and cause a lot of positive emotions in the audience. Of course, students need to rehearse their performance properly, learn their lines, and most importantly, feel like real actors, albeit on a school “scale” for the time being. Inspiration to you and creative ideas!

Funny scene on Teacher's Day for elementary grades - about a physical education teacher and Vovochka's dad

Jokes about Vovochka and his parents have long become "classics" of modern humor. After all, teachers and parents of students are often two “opposing” camps, between which amusing situations arise every now and then. So such a scene on Teacher's Day with the participation of these funny characters will undoubtedly please both students and parents and the "heroes" of the occasion.

So, at the beginning of the plot, Vovochkin's dad comes to the principal of the school - on crutches and with his head tied with bandages. In response to the surprised look of the director, the demand follows: school teacher physical education must pay monetary compensation for the injury, because the hospital refused to issue a bulletin. As an "argument" Vovochkin's father cites his own appearance, obtained as a result of performing exercises given by a physical teacher for children. At this time, Vovochka's dad stood behind closed door and tried to repeat the task of the teacher. "Children, raise your right leg!" - and dad raised his right leg. Then came the command to raise his left leg, which Vovochkin's parent tried to raise, holding on to the window sill with his hands at that time - his right leg was already raised! Having lost his "foothold", Vovochka's dad falls and hits his head on the floor. Turns out his legs are stuck in the battery! So trust the teacher after such classes - even the children will be crippled! Needless to say, very "topical" and interesting topic for a humorous scene for Teacher's Day.

Funny humorous scene on Teacher's Day for elementary grades - "Control", video

For this funny school scene Teacher's Day does not require any special decorations or costumes. According to the plot, the teacher gives the class a "surprise" - test. It is clear that the students use all their ingenuity and resourcefulness to avoid an unexpected "test". So, the boys begin to distract the teacher's attention with various funny tricks and ask questions on "abstract" topics. However, the teacher does not think to go "on the occasion" of cunning students.

Such a simple, but touching and funny scene on Teacher's Day will cause a kind smile from the audience, give a good mood and give the atmosphere of the holiday a relaxed atmosphere of humor. And many “recognize” themselves and their classmates in the participants of the scene!

Funny humorous scene on Teacher's Day for elementary grades - "Battle of the Teachers", video

The main character in this funny scene is a student whom three teachers, under the “guidance” of the host, are trying in turn to force to give up the diary. So, which of the teachers will be able to take away the diary from a negligent student in one minute, will become the winner of the "battle". After the leader announces the start, a primary school teacher is invited to the “field”. However, the "quirky" student begins to come up with excuses on the go: "The diary was lost", "The diary was taken by the grandmother" and others. The teacher never manages to take possession of the diary, and she leaves the "battlefield". The next participant tries to "bribe" the cunning student with sweets - however, to no avail. And only the third teacher-participant manages to take away the cherished diary by "threats" to call the parents of the little sly one. At the sight of a teacher who got mobile phone, the determination of the main "hero" evaporates, and the diary is transferred to the hands of the winner. The moral of the scene is that in some cases, teachers simply cannot do without the support of their parents.

Funny humorous sketches for Teacher's Day for high school students - ideas and videos

High school students are showing boundless fantasy in staging funny humorous scenes on Teacher's Day. For example, you can use popular TV shows as a “template” and come up with a scene in this format, adding musical accompaniment from famous hits. So, for starters, a host is selected who will announce and “direct” the performance of other “artists”. And the scene itself should be “built” in the form of small funny numbers “from the life of teachers and students”. A win-win!

Funny skit for Teacher's Day for high school - "Expectation and reality", video

With the help of this funny skit on Teacher's Day, the discrepancy between expectation and reality from certain phenomena or events is shown. Since we have Teacher's Day, we use cases and events from school life for the skit. How does the teacher imagine the student being late for the lesson? Certainly not at all like a student. And the teacher's idea of ​​how active students are in the classroom is also different from reality. Such a funny scene from the students will surely cause a cheerful laugh from the audience sitting in the hall.

Funny skit for Teacher's Day for high school - "Othello and Desdemona", video

For high school students, it will be interesting to play a funny scene, the plot of which is based on a parody of Shakespeare's immortal work. The main character of the scene is a teacher who devotes too much time to her work, while her husband and household chores are left unattended. Further, the plot unfolds along a well-known line. Of course, the ending with the "suffocation" of Desdemona by the jealous Othello will also be humorous. For such a scene on Teacher's Day, you can come up with poems in the "Shakespearean" spirit - it will turn out spectacular and will be remembered by teachers and parents for a long time.

Beautiful dances for Teacher's Day - for grade 5, video

Dancing best conveys feelings and emotions. Therefore, on Teacher's Day, you can learn a beautiful dance with students in grades 4 or 5, and as musical accompaniment choose famous rhythmic hits. For a performance, the easiest way is to take a tape recorder or a music center with powerful speakers. The main thing is incendiary and fun! For you, dear teachers!

Dance for Teacher's Day - "Teacher, control the dream!" Video

Dance for Teacher's Day in the style of hip-hop - "Stop teaching - let's dance!" Video

Beautiful dances for Teacher's Day - for grade 10, video

For students in grades 10 and 11, you can choose more "adult" dances than for restless fifth graders. So, groovy rock and roll performed by beautiful high school girls in dresses "from the 60s" will cause a storm of emotions among the audience. Simple movements and the unique charm of girls - and a good mood for Teacher's Day will not keep you waiting. For greater effect, you can also prepare a dance number with "assorted" different styles- classical, breakdance, rap.

Amazing dance from high school girls for Teacher's Day video

Dance for Teacher's Day - from 10th grade students, video

Sketches for Teacher's Day - a great opportunity not only to surprise and please your favorite teachers, but also to unite the class and make it more friendly. We shared with you best ideas funny humorous scenes about school and beautiful dances for Teacher's Day for elementary and high school students - from 5 to 10. And with the help of our videos, students will be able to prepare the most fun and touching dance numbers for Teacher's Day.

Teacher's Day is very an important event in school life. And when choosing a script for school productions, it is important to remember that teachers will really like it if the sketches for Teacher's Day are not just humorous and funny, but add an additional semantic load from which morality can be extracted.

Teachers - important people in our life. They can be loved, disliked or feared. But it is difficult to overestimate the contribution that they make to the formation of our personality.

And in gratitude for this, on Teacher's Day, I want to give them at least a little joy, warmth and good mood with the help of funny and humorous scenes.

How to prepare funny (humorous) sketches for Teacher's Day

It seems as easy as shelling pears - I found a few scenes and played them. But if you do not prepare correctly, then instead of the expected triumph, the performance can turn out to be a complete mess.

There are a few basic principles that will greatly increase your chances of success:

  • Prepare in advance
    Sometimes a tight deadline is mobilized and everything goes well, but is it worth the risk? A clear understanding of the script, rehearsed words and well-coordinated teamwork will guarantee a good mood for everyone.
  • Choose your cast wisely
    • If you choose a student for the skits, who is on his own cheerful person, and causes a stir among the public with one appearance, then you have already won half;
    • Participants in the scenes must have artistic abilities (at least their inclinations) and feel free in front of the public;
    • For a good parody of one of the teachers, it is desirable that the student by nature be similar to him: hair, habits, complexion, etc. (you need to be extremely careful with this method and use it only if you are sure that the scene is really funny and you will not offend anyone);
    • Give a chance to someone who is not yet a popular person in the school or class.
  • Set a clear goal
    You must clearly understand what effect you want to achieve. For example, to surprise teachers with the manifestation of new talent among students and accurate sparkling humor - “on the bull's-eye” (maybe to notice something funny in the work of the school or teachers, which they had not noticed before, but again - harmless).
  • Choose the right topic
    Make sure that the topics of speeches do not deviate from common theme holiday, and in combination with each other looked harmonious.
  • Use the brainstorming method
    Among the many different thoughts that arise in the guys, there will certainly be one that will serve as the basis for a good number.
  • Rehearse outside of school
    So you protect yourself from unplanned leakage of information, and the guests of the event, including teachers, will definitely be surprised by what is happening. You can get together at the house of one of your classmates.
  • Play scenes from the Internet in your own way
    If instead of the classic “Ivanov” and “Sidorov” we use the real names of the students, this will add liveliness and naturalness to the acting. This will make it more interesting and funnier.
  • Use in video skits
    If you have the opportunity, use funny video cuts from the life of schoolchildren, video congratulations from students, etc. in the sketches for Teacher's Day.

Options and ideas for scenes

Any ideas related to school life are relevant for Teacher's Day, for example:

  • weekdays and weekends of students;
  • relationships between classmates;
  • problems of children and teachers (after all, teachers also have work problems, although few students think about it);
  • situations outside the school (in the library, museum, stationery store, etc.);
  • school-wide issues (for example, city competitions);
  • memories of school years at the time of students, more mature and advanced age.

Remember the main rule - sketches for Teacher's Day should be harmless.

That is, in no way hurt the feelings of teachers, or other students, or any other school employees.

All roles, including the roles of teachers, are filled by students - do not involve teachers in this matter.

Don't Forget Morality

Teachers, for the most part, are very responsible and serious people. They are kind to their students, their upbringing and moral character. Therefore, they will like it if the skits have not only an entertaining effect, but also an additional semantic load from which morality can be extracted.

Everything that you show on stage should lead to certain conclusions.

For example, about why it is important to study well, respect elders, listen to what teachers say. You can show how the knowledge of geography, history, mathematics, language that you acquire at school will be useful in the future. Or how important it is sometimes to put yourself in the place of a teacher and imagine what he feels and what drives him in this or that situation.

Original ideas for scenes

fun school

In order for what is happening on the stage to captivate and please everyone, it is necessary to make the characters of the scenes of everyone who is somehow involved in the educational process.

Imagine: a journalist came to your school who is preparing a report about your educational institution . Think about what funny or unusual he will see? Whom will he meet? In what situations? What will he hear if he interviews teachers, students, director? In a word, look at your school from the outside, through the eyes of this journalist, write down everything, and then act out in faces.

How Vovochka grew up

It is good to play a scene in which one student, suppose Little Johnny, will be shown in different periods life(of course, Vovochka different ages must be played by different students). Here he is a first-grader and the director scolds him for getting dirty from head to toe, running during recess in the yard. Here Vovochka is already a fifth grader and the director scolds him for his poor progress and threatens to call his parents.

But this does not scare the boy, as he hid all the belts at home. The next on the stage is Vova, a ninth-grader. The director grabs his head and reproaches him for the broken window. Then the eleventh grade, exams, talk about the future profession, with which the graduate has not yet decided.

And it all ends with a scene when Vova grew up and became the director of this very school, and in front of him stands a little first grader, whom he scolds for getting dirty all over on a walk.

Role reversal

Every student at least once in his life dreamed that the teacher was in his place..

Imagine the class in which your teachers study. How do they behave? How do they respond in class? What grades do they get? Having played such a scene, you will give a lot of positive to yourself and teachers.

Funny and funny scenes for Teacher's Day

Of course, sketches about teachers should be funny, cause positive emotions and don't offend anyone. The success of such sketches largely depends on the thoughtfulness of the script and the actors who will play the roles. They should feel free, not be squeezed and in no case get lost in front of the audience.

To do this, rehearse future scene as many times as it takes for the actors to feel confident delivering their prepared lines.

Battle of the Teachers

This sketch for Teacher's Day is universal and suitable for both high school students and elementary school.

  • Characters:
    leader, student Sidorov, 3 teachers.
  • Requisites:
    table, chair, diary, candy.

The host announces the start of the television program “Battle of Teachers”, explains the rules (whoever makes Sidorov give a diary in a minute is the winner) and calls the first participant (for example, elementary school teacher Mary Ivanovna).

Marya Ivanovna is trying in every possible way to take the diary away from Sidorov, but he is a “grated kalach” and comes up with many excuses: “There is no diary”, “The dog ate the diary”, “Grandma took it to read”, etc. As a result, the host announces the defeat of the participant and calls the next one to the test. The same thing happens. It’s not even possible to bribe Sidorov with a candy, because “My dad works at a chocolate factory, I just have heaps of these sweets.”

Yes, and threats to put in a corner do not help, Sidorov retorts by saying that "I have already seen everything in this corner, there is nothing scary or interesting there." And only the third teacher threatens to call his parents, even taking out his mobile phone and, as it were, dialing a number. And then the student gives up and still gives the diary, saying at the same time that “it’s okay, at least mom will see the diary, but they will call the father.”

As a result, the host announces the winner and concludes from everything shown that the teachers, with all their dedication and diligence, would never have coped without the help of their parents.

At the drawing lesson

  • Characters:
    leader, teacher, students.
  • Requisites:
    chairs, pencils, sheets of paper, folders (act as easels), a vase, an apple.

The teacher invites the children to draw a still life. The students are drawing. After some time, the teacher begins to walk between the rows and look at the children's work.

One schoolboy draws faces instead of a vase and an apple.

  • Teacher:
    What is this?!
  • Student:
    Well, what are you, Ivan Nikolaevich! It's still life!
  • Teacher:
    You are sure?
  • Student:
    Ivan Nikolaevich, you, as a true artist, must understand: this is how I see it!
  • Teacher:

When a student gives the diary for evaluation, the teacher puts a "2". “This is how I see it,” the teacher explains.

boy in the store

  • Characters:
    schoolboy and salesman.
  • Requisites:
    badge for the seller.

The boy enters the store.

On the offer of the seller to suggest something, the student asks questions:

  • When did Alexander I rule?
  • OK. Cosine theorem?
  • Light dispersion?

The salesperson shrugs his shoulders in response to all questions.

Why then pester in vain: “What to suggest, what to suggest?”

In gym class

  • Characters:
    two students.
  • Requisites:
    Not needed.

One student is doing a hard classic push-up. Another thinks: 97, 98, 99, come on, smart guy, just a little more .. 100!
The one that was doing push-ups gets up, restores breathing.

Her friend: Masha, how are you, okay? Maybe vodka? Well, you're great! Do you even realize what you just did?! But we will move forward and increase the load every day! Tomorrow, let's start counting not from 97, but from 95!

Alumni meeting

  • Characters:
    elderly teacher, adult students.
  • Requisites:
    poster with the inscription "Class of 2000".

The audience reminisce about their school days.

Former students take turns asking questions:

  • Do you remember, Maria Ivanovna, how we put buttons on your chair, and then you could not sit for a long time?
  • Do you remember how we threw a mouse into your bag, and then you carried a bag with a padlock for another week?
  • And remember how we all class public lesson skipped, and then you were deprived of another bonus?
  • The teacher smiles serenely and nods her head. Then he gets up and, with a growing threat in his voice, begins to say:
  • Do you remember how I gave you all up to one deuce on the control?
  • Do you remember how the whole class went on a hike and seemed to get lost?
  • Do you remember how I made you learn “War and Peace” by heart? Ha ha ha!!

The drooping graduates lower their heads one by one.

Musical scenes for Teacher's Day

At the school disco

  • Characters:
    guy, girl, extras, announcer.
  • Requisites:
    table, chair, cocktail glass.

School disco. Music is playing. Everyone is dancing. The girl is sitting, bored.

  • The guy approaches the girl, and tries to seem to her an adult and impudent: “Hey, baby, let's go for a walk after the disco”, etc.
  • The girl replies that she promised her mother to be at home by 10.
  • Guy laughs. “What kind of kindergarten?”
  • Suddenly young man a mobile phone rings.
  • Female voice-over: “Petya, why aren’t you at home yet?! It's time for bed and you haven't had dinner yet! And I will walk Zhuzhu for you? Bullet home!”
  • Young man (in a whisper): "Mom, I'll be there soon!"
  • Without hanging up, girl: “Baby, I will definitely call back!”
  • Voice from the tube: March home!

At the music lesson

  • Characters:
    music teacher class.
  • Requisites:
    chairs, musical instrument, handbag, several mobile phones.

The music lesson begins. The teacher suggests repeating the song “Solar Circle”. Together with the children, they begin to sing in chorus.

Suddenly, one of the children's phone rings.

The melody “On style” is playing (the group “Time and Glass”). All children begin to sing along and dance. The teacher asks to turn off the phone.

The girl gets up from her seat: “Excuse me, Marina Nikolaevna, it was my phone that rang. My mom set the ringtone for me. This is her favorite.” The situation is repeated several times. You can use any "doubtful" (but within reason) melodies. For example, “Black Boomer”, etc.

The teacher is already swearing, explaining to the children that parents should educate them in culture and morality. “But what about Mozart, Bach, Chopin, after all!?” exclaims the teacher. And when she's in Once again tries to start the lesson, someone's phone rings again. The melody “Gray Night” (or similar) plays.

Teacher desperately: “Who has this time?”

You, Marina Nikolaevna! the children answer.

Confused teacher: I'm sorry, husband.

short funny scenes

In addition to mini-performances, short sketches for Teacher's Day may come in handy:

№ 1

  • Sidorov, wake up your desk mate!
  • Why me? It was you who put him to sleep!


  • Ivanov, why didn't you do your homework?
  • If you find fault with me, then tomorrow I will come to school with my parents!


  • Petrov, name a proposal with an appeal.
  • Olga Petrovna, call!


  • Kat, let me carry your briefcase.
  • He is not heavy!
  • and I'm weak!

№ 5

  • Vasechkin, are you chewing on your pen again?!
  • Marya Ivanovna, this is an old habit. I can't help myself!
  • Your habit will soon ruin the school! Well, quickly moved away from the door!

№ 6

  • Nikolaenko, analyze the sentence "Sasha went to the library."
  • “Sasha” is the subject, “went” is the predicate, “to the library” is a preposition.


  • Kuzkin, your home essay about a dog is very similar to the work of Natasha Petrova.
  • So we live in the same yard with her! And there we have one dog for all!


The teachers gathered in the principal's office.

  • Petr Ivanovich, please answer two questions.
  • Ask.
  • First: Will you raise our wages? And the second: why not?


According to the research results, school desks, which have served for over five years, carry more information than any Vkontakte wall.


  • And we as a class decided to declare war on being late!
  • And what are the results?
  • We lost!

Teacher's Day allows you to forget about all the hardships and quarrels, and laugh together at situations from school life. The scenes shown by the students on this day will become great helpers in that.

Humorous sketches for Teacher's Day: video

On the professional holiday of teachers, which practically opens academic year which you want to spend on a positive note, so the skits should be funny and humorous. We offer to see examples of productions in today's video review.