Decoration of the school scene on May 9th. Ideas for decorating the hall for the holidays

Festive decoration for May 9 is not just a procedure for preparing a building for a traditional event. This is our history, pride and memory. Therefore, in addition to the classic symbols of Victory Day, which today can be purchased in many stores or ordered in combination with a service for decorating a hall or building, it is imperative that children be given the opportunity to do something with their own hands.

Children will be able to join the great holiday not only as spectators-extras, but also as its direct organizers. And this is already responsibility, pride in their work and an “adult” attitude to the task assigned. So the best option is to order a professional design decoration, in which children's work will also be used.

What can be ordered from professionals

Each of the companies specializing in decorating premises, outdoor stages and other venues for various events has its own zest and typical developments used by absolutely everyone. The design of assembly halls by May 9, 2017 will be typical in terms of paraphernalia and colors: state colors, the red banner of the times of the Great Patriotic War, the colors of military tunics and, of course, St. George ribbons.

The classic attributes of the decoration of the hall are:

  • garlands of balls (including wicker);
  • panel of balls;
  • columns of balls;
  • all kinds of crafts from balls - shoulder straps, a star, a tank, an anti-aircraft gun, etc .;
  • compositions from helium balloons;
  • bright banners and posters.

If range classical means for decorating the stage, decorating the hall, other rooms and the building itself is so limited, then how do the services of firms differ? Not only cost, but also the quality of design, the material itself, the harmony of combinations of various elements.

Facade design and interior decoration, decoration of window openings and festive stands - all these works have their own specifics, and therefore create a beautiful, truly holiday look buildings can only good specialists.

How can you decorate

In the range of services of special companies - professional design of premises or buildings of any size. Therefore, the assembly hall or classroom, windows kindergarten or the facade of the school will look not only festive and beautiful, but also taking into account the age of the children:

  • For preschoolers, intricate balloon crafts depicting military symbols - weapons, stars, shoulder straps - will be interesting. The size of the decorations will be harmonious with the size of the room for which they are intended.
  • For high school students, the design of the school in a more “adult” manner is suitable: strict columns from balls of the colors of the St. George ribbon, colorful banners, stands or pillars with various images - from the traditional inscriptions “May 9” to images of photographs of the Immortal Regiment.

If in your nursery or educational institution There is finished work Guys, dedicated to the Day Victories, you must certainly include them in the overall design:

  • So, ordinary children's drawings on A-4 paper can be designed in the style of front-line letters-triangles, placed on a stand that will certainly attract the attention of guests.
  • Volumetric crafts of children (sculpting, papier-mâché, other techniques) on a military theme can be divided into composite fragments and decorated with balls, which will make them part of the overall decoration of the room.

Kindergarten by May 9

With the hands of professional designers and the kids themselves, you can prepare a unique holiday in honor of Victory Day, which will remain in the memory of kids, teachers and guests for a long time.

  1. Little children love to play. Why not take this feature into account in kindergarten and build, for example, an arch of balls through which every child can pass? And the colors of the St. George ribbon on the balls of the arch will forever capture this day in the memory of the kids as one of the most interesting and joyful holidays.
  2. When choosing a design for a kindergarten, you need to remember that the kids all love to try for strength, so structures that are better not to be touched by hands should be immediately raised to a height inaccessible to kids.
  3. What you should pay attention to when decorating a garden for Victory Day:
    • entrance group (columns and garlands of balls);
    • windows (poster or applications);
    • assembly hall (festive banner, garlands, pavement signs);
    • hall (garlands and columns of balls, stands with children's crafts);
    • training and play rooms (garlands, wall posters with photographs of the Great Patriotic War or photographs of veterans).

If you want to make the design of the garden original and memorable, order a complex decoration of the entire building - a unique holiday atmosphere will be created.

School by May 9

The decoration of the school for the Victory Day should carry not only a festive mood, but also an informational and patriotic load. After all, to bring up in the younger generation pride in their great ancestors who defeated fascism - the main task adults.

Therefore, in addition to bright balloons and colorful banners when decorating a school by May 9, you need to pay attention to stands, thematic panels, and pillars. So that they not only bear festive symbols, but also have portraits of warriors-defenders of the Motherland.

The architecture of schools always provides a large number of windows. They can and should be used to decorate the building for the holiday. Posters can be placed on the glass of window blocks. On the facade of the building, between the windows, festive garlands of balloons, flags and army banners of Soviet military units times of the Great Patriotic War.

Decoration of individual school premises:

  • in the lobby it is advisable to place large banners, large posters or stands of a general festive theme, massive balloon structures;
  • in school corridors and classrooms - small garlands, stands and pavement signs with photographs of the wartime and portraits of veterans, drawings of the schoolchildren themselves;
  • the design of the stage and the assembly hall at the school should correspond to the solemnity of the holiday: a beautiful patriotic banner, military and state symbols, black and white photographs of the liberators in large format.

On school lessons history, children probably prepared more than a dozen essays on the topic of the Great Patriotic War. The best of the work can be used to create festive interior: make a special stand for them, decorating it with yellow-black ribbons and dummies of military flasks, grenades, copies of front-line letters.

Paper decorations that can complement the interior by May 9:

  • doves of peace - they can be located both under the ceiling itself and on the walls;
  • voluminous five-pointed stars will look great on the walls of school corridors;
  • a photographic film from newsreels of the war years can show documentary footage.

Window decoration for Victory Day

More recently on window panes allowed only christmas snowflakes, today it is customary to decorate them for any holiday. May 9th is a special day in this respect. It has long since turned from the anniversary of the Great Victory into folk holiday the triumph of justice, the heroism of the people and their army. Therefore, the main symbolism of window decoration is military. And - peaceful, because May 9 became a milestone in the countdown of peacetime.

  • What will look best on the windows in kindergarten? Portraits of soldiers-liberators, stars and Eternal Flame. And also - contrasting symbolism, which is perfectly perceived by the child's psyche: flowers next to the tank, the sun and birds soaring in the sky next to the plane.
  • For school windows more fit classic poster symbols: St. George Ribbon, faces of victorious warriors.
  • When designing windows, you need to take into account the play of light reflected from the glass. White color in this case, it is “lost”, but the rich, traditional colors for May 9 - red, yellow, black, green (“protective” color of tunics) - will look beautiful through glass.
  • One of classic options applications on the windows for May 9 - a scattering of festive fireworks. Moreover, the “window” salute can be performed not only in the form of an application or a drawing on a poster, but also applied with paints.

Decoration of facades by May 9

Today, not every institution can afford street art, and therefore holiday decoration facades can be done in a more familiar manner: the national flag, banners Soviet armies Great Patriotic War, St. George ribbons, garlands of balloons, holiday banners, streamers.

Decor elements for decorating facades also include:

  • grid printing;
  • illumination (holiday illumination).

Many of the works for the decoration of facades by May 9 require special qualifications, since they are carried out at a height. Depending on the number of storeys of the building, they can be used to decorate it. various means, from one banner for a small building to a full-fledged illumination and a set of banners for a high-rise building.

May 9 is a holiday for everyone and the whole country!

Real patriots are not brought up. They are raised by the older generation by their own example of attitude towards their country, its history and present.

Victory Day is traditionally celebrated in our country so that every young generation can understand and feel the significance of this day in the history of our people, and veterans in Once again made sure that the feat of them and those who gave their lives for the Victory will never be forgotten by posterity. And that is the main goal. festive decoration streets, houses and educational institutions.

In order for the celebration of Victory Day on May 9 in kindergarten to be bright, appropriate design is required preschool thematic symbols. It is not difficult to make it at all, and parents, together with educators, will cope with such work in a couple of hours.

Making a kindergarten group by May 9

Most of the time children spend in their group, namely in game room. This is where the design for Victory Day in kindergarten should begin. The decoration of the room is different from the New Year or the autumn festival - it is more strict, because a serious theme leaves a certain imprint.

It is desirable that a small corner be organized in the group, in which the relevant attributes of the holiday will be collected - a red star and a banner, a St. George ribbon, an inscription, imitation eternal flame and flowers. Here you can also add crafts on the topic - tanks and planes made of plasticine, applications and postcards with military themes made by children.

On thematic session dedicated to the celebration of the victory over the invaders, the teacher in an accessible form tells the children about the heroic deed of their great-grandfathers, about the need to be grateful to them for our day.

Decoration of kindergarten windows by May 9

Even from afar, approaching the building of a preschool institution, children will go there with joy and interest, if they flaunt on the windows various decorations on a holiday theme. White doves soaring in the sky, bouquets of flowers, inscriptions and, of course, St. George ribbons, which are seen everywhere these days, look very beautiful.

Decoration of the music hall of the kindergarten by May 9

holiday event, dedicated to the end war, is traditionally held in music hall preschool institution, which means that he should show off in all the decoration.

A large layout of the eternal flame in the form of five pointed star located in the center against a smartly draped wall. It can be made from thick cardboard and paint with gouache, the main thing is to find a craftsman who probably is among the parents.

IN Lately often used for holiday decorations air balloons. Victory Day is no exception, because there are golden star balloons that are great as symbols of the celebration. And, of course, May is always flowers. They can be big or small, bright or delicate. pastel colors. With help flower arrangements you can decorate even the most ordinary room.

Today I have collected several simple, but quite effective ways to decorate a hall (actual, musical) for a children's holiday.

The disadvantage of such an undertaking is that the creation paper decorations takes a lot of time, so if we are talking about decoration school hall, I advise you to conduct several master classes with children of middle and older school age. This the only way get a lot of the same items for holiday decoration.

Large voluminous flowers and pompoms

pom poms different colors and sizes can be purchased online. They will be delivered folded, it remains only to fluff.

If you have time and free hands, you can do it yourself.

I will not repeat myself, just send to my article, in which there are three examples fairly large pieces of paper. Just be careful some flowers are made from corrugated paper, A hanging balls And floor flowers- from thin silence.

We follow the picture, there is a description:

How to decorate the hall with such flowers?

  • can be hung from the ceiling
  • attach to the edge of the stage (there, as a rule, there is always something to cover :-))
  • hang vertically on ribbons around the edges of the stage
  • put along the edges of the "carpet" path, along which graduates solemnly walk

Corrugated Paper Flowers

Here you can't do without collective creativity. But! If you make a sketch 2-3 months before the event, it is quite possible to do everything in time. Again I send to my article with 10 workshops on making such flowers and bouquets that will decorate not only the stage, but also holiday tables(follow the picture):

By the way, ideas can be taken from the newlyweds, whose tables are decorated with living plants. What a difference! These are charming examples of flower arrangements, which in paper version will look very festive!

Here I will also mention the “trees of happiness”. They are also made from corrugated paper or colored table napkins. It turns out elegantly, there are a lot of master classes on the Internet, look for it!

How to decorate the hall with voluminous garlands

The bottom line is this: you need to do three-dimensional figures from paper, which are then strung at some distance from each other on threads, fishing lines or thin tapes. Such garlands hanging from the ceiling will greatly decorate the music or assembly hall.

Here is my example - doves in the clouds: I print out the diagram paper dove(By the way,). For one garland, we need two of these birds. Cut and fold along the folds, looking at the picture in the right corner.

We will alternate pigeons with such paper clouds. I don’t give a diagram - we randomly cut out identical parts from 2 sheets of A4 format, bend and fasten in the center with a stapler. IN big figure I cut out a small detail inside. This will also be a small cloud.

All! It remains to collect our thread voluminous garland! I did this with a needle, fastening the details simply with a “step back” seam so that they would not roll down.

How do you like my doves in the clouds? By the way, these garlands spin very beautifully from any movement of air. In the diagram, the dove has legs, but we do not need it to stand on the table, I just made a rounding at the bottom.

Cardboard letters

The inscriptions on the back of the stage - weakness almost always and everywhere. The letters are poorly colored, the letter spacing is not respected, everything, as a rule, looks unprofessional.

If possible, it is better not to do this at all :-). But there are times when inscriptions or numbers are required. For example, a school anniversary.

I suggest decorating large cardboard letters with small flowers from colored napkins. The work is painstaking, but the effect is quite interesting.

Napkins are the most ordinary, small. For one flower you need 2 napkins. Put them folded one on top of the other, draw a circle with a saucer, cut it out. In the center we fasten with a stapler. What to do next, you can see in the picture. We fix the resulting flowers with glue on a cardboard blank with numbers or letters.

wall decorations

In the picture on the left - charming flowers with voluminous petals. Cut out hearts, fold them in half, glue one side. We made them quite large - one petal was half landscape sheet. A noticeable decoration, no doubt! We fastened them to strips of plain blue wallpaper, decorated the backdrop of the stage.

On the right picture is a “musical” wreath made from photocopies of musical pages. It's easy to twist the buns, the result is amazing!

Ready-made voluminous paper decorations

Please appreciate my great work - articles with pictures that I have prepared for your convenience. Found best examples design, gave advice on installation and assembly :-). All these elements are quite LARGE, great for the hall, the price is quite convenient.

I wish you pleasant viewing (click on the red words):

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