An original congratulations sketch to the newlyweds from friends. Original sketches of congratulations for a wedding

How to entertain guests at a wedding? How to surprise and amuse newlyweds? Usually all events come down to competitions and table games. But that's how it usually is. We offer you a non-standard option - funny scenes for the first or second day of the wedding, which will be appropriate both during the feast and during the dance program!

Short and funny wedding scenes about newlyweds

A holiday where young people always get the most attention, it’s appropriate to highlight it with a few funny scenes with guests in the form of cool situations. And this does not require the participation of professional actors. We are pleased to present you small funny wedding scenes with a touch of romance. They perfectly diversify ready-made wedding scenarios.

Pantomime dating

The host (or the most artistic guest) invites guests to reflect on where and how the newly-made spouses met. Guests are given several attempts, after which a version of the meeting of the bride and groom in love is shown in the form of a pantomime.

To the sound of music, the girl sits down on a bench and begins to read a book. A guy appears. When he sees the girl, he pretends to love at first sight. Sitting quietly on the same bench, he does not take his eyes off the girl. The guy shows her signs of attention, but the girl demonstratively does not pay attention to it. The desperate guy takes a break from trying to attract attention and takes out of his pocket... a chocolate bar. Slowly unfolding it, he begins to break off pieces with emphasis, putting them in his mouth. The girl starts looking towards the chocolate bar until the guy sees. He plays along with her, leaving the chocolate unattended, turning away in the other direction. The girl begins to savor the chocolate one piece at a time. The guy sees this and holds out the tile with a smile on his face. After demonstrative indifference, the girl sits closer to the guy and covers their faces with a book. Further actions the audience doesn't see. After a couple of seconds, the book falls down, and the guests see two faces smeared with chocolate. The couple leaves.

Matters of the Heart - a comic scene with elements of dressing up

Three people in white coats with a stretcher, medical and construction tools enter the hall. The stretcher is installed in the form of a screen, covering the bride and groom. From their negotiations, it becomes clear to the guests that preparations are underway for the operation. The action also begins behind the screen. Only thanks to some comments from the doctor (for example, “a scalpel” or “oh, that’s a kidney”) and the characteristic sound of the instruments, the audience understands that the newlyweds are undergoing surgery. At the end of the action, the doctor comes out to the guests, holding two halves of a cardboard heart in his hands. Explains that one half is the groom's heart, the other is the bride's. From now on they will have to become one flesh. By adding both halves, the inscription is obtained: “One flesh forever.” Not sure what to do about it, the doctor orders the heart to be sewn back up. After the operation, the doctor, along with the orderlies, comes out and says that the medical examination is over, and the bride and groom are allowed to get married. “Only their hearts are beating loudly, it’s strange,” the doctor notes, and the whole group in white coats leaves.

Theatrical congratulations on the wedding

Most guests prefer to give money for a wedding, so believes that it doesn’t hurt to be creative in this matter. Most unusual way giving money is a fun theatrical scene with themed props that will complement the wedding congratulations script. For this you will need:

  • big box, painted to look like an ATM,
  • keyboard sticker (or homemade template),
  • Bank card,
  • bank clothes for the congratulatory person.

It looks interesting when the name of the bank and bank card coincide with the names of the newlyweds, for example, MashaKolya-bank. A guest with a microphone sneaks into a large ATM box. The ATM is brought into the hall, and next to it is a congratulatory person in the uniform of a bank employee who hands the newlyweds a card. Having officially introduced himself, he invites the newlyweds to take advantage of the opportunity and withdraw money. The bride and groom insert their card into the ATM and hear a voice from the box asking them to enter their PIN. Here the scenario can be developed in several ways:

  • use the wedding date or another date for the PIN code memorable date;
  • hold a competition or a series of competitions for newlyweds, as a result of which they will gain the right combination numbers

After entering the PIN code correctly, the newlyweds receive their gift. Money can be glued together in one strip so that the ATM dispenses it in one roll.

Wedding anniversary scenes

Funny scenes with the participation of guests will help you celebrate your wedding anniversary in a small or wide circle. The portal invites you to remind spouses of the birth of their love with the following scene.

Shot of Cupid

It is necessary to create an impromptu bus - arrange chairs. Give the guy in the role of Cupid wings and a bow and arrows. Cupid is sitting in front, a guy is sitting on one of the chairs. The next stop is announced - “Free”. A girl with huge bags appears on the bus and hits the guy with them. The guy gets angry: “Careful!” The girl, in turn, rudely replies: “Actually, you can give me your seat, you see what kind of bags I have.” The guy loses his temper: “You need to take a taxi with such bags!” He looks out the window and mutters: “What impudence. And because of her stupidity, I have to stand all the way.” The girl accuses the guy of lack of courage. At this moment Cupid shoots at the young people. A romantic melody sounds. The guy looks at the girl differently: “Incredible beauty...”. The girl notes that the guy has enough real masculine qualities. The stop is announced - “Lovers”. The couple gets off the bus together, the guy carries her bags, and the guests loudly shout: “Happiness and love to you.” The scene can be completed nice wishes for spouses.

If you are looking for interesting and funny wedding scenes, use our article. It contains the coolest scenarios.

An interesting scene will be a great surprise for the newlyweds. Of course, the production will not replace a material gift, but it can be an excellent addition to the traditional envelope with money. After all, young people are happy with all the gifts from guests, but after a few years they will not remember who gave what. But a cool scene will be remembered for a long time.

In addition, a funny performance will amuse all the guests at the wedding. Thanks to such moments, the celebration becomes a real holiday and does not turn into boring gatherings. The main thing is that the production script is chosen correctly. Think about whether the newlyweds and guests will be able to appreciate the jokes you showed. Select them so that you don’t offend anyone present with a bad joke.

Short funny scene “Three Weddings”

This funny scene is really short. Four people are needed - two presenters, a “groom” and a “bride”. The presenters describe the weddings, and the “young” perform the named actions. Here are the words of the presenters, they say in turn:

  • Dear newlyweds and guests! We were gathered here for a wonderful reason - the wedding of two lovers. Meanwhile, many strive to get married in some unusual way. This is how today's marriage might take place.
  • Option one is fast. (Speaks very quickly, the actors are trying to keep up with him.) So, who's next? You? Come on in! Para-raram... In short, it was a wedding march. In the name of the state! By mutual will! Sign your name! Kiss! Have a drink! Dance! Congratulations! Farewell! Next!
  • Of course, such a marriage will save the young people time. But, as they say, soon only cats will sign. But there is another option – the orthodox one.
  • The servant of God is married to the servant of God according to the will of God... (all this is said mournfully and drawn out).
  • This is, of course, a very solemn version, but we will not watch it in full. Some may fall asleep, others may get hungry. Let's take a better look original wedding- African.

The second presenter portrays a savage, conducting a marriage “rite” over the couple. He makes passes with his hands, jumps, and says “Uh!” with different intonations. The first presenter interrupts him and says: “Here are three marriage options that you could use today. But it’s great that you didn’t become original and got married traditionally.”

The first presenter says: “We hope that you will remember our performance.” The actress continues: “And if you don’t remember, then look at the video - it’s not for nothing that a cameraman was hired.” The actor further says: “And now we just want to tell you “Uh!” That is...” His words are picked up by everyone in chorus: “Advice and love!”

“Marriage Contract” – another cool scene for a wedding

This scene will show everyone the pros and cons marriage contract. Of course, in a cool, comic interpretation. A couple is needed for the production: glamorous bride Alena and groom Vladimir. Events take place before the wedding. Vladimir begins the dialogue.

  • Alena, we need to talk...
  • About what? Do you want to leave me?
  • Not really. Listen, you and I have been together for a long time...
  • And that's why you leave me! Mom told me...
  • Alena, I'm not leaving you!
  • Exactly, exactly? At all?
  • Yes. But we need to discuss one important point.
  • Which moment?
  • Marriage contract.
  • Contract?! But these contracts only spoil the relationship. And my mother thinks so.
  • The contract is very convenient, it guarantees our rights and obligations in marriage.
  • Yes? And what rights do you want?
  • Responsibilities! Listen here. The contract states that in the event of a divorce...
  • That is, you will leave me after the wedding! My mother was right...
  • I won't leave you! But this clause is mandatory in the contract. I have to compensate you for the divorce - you will get 25% of my money.
  • Why 25? I want half!
  • Well... After all, only 50% belongs to me, another 50 belongs to you. That's half of my fifty and it will be 25.
  • Aaaaand... What next?
  • There is also a mandatory point - about treason.
  • Have you cheated on me?
  • But are you already going?
  • No. But this is a mandatory item. In case of betrayal, I will pay you compensation...
  • How many?
  • The court will decide this.
  • OK.
  • What if you cheat on me? What will I get?
  • Well... For the first betrayal you give me a warning.
  • What does “for the first” mean?
  • OK. Then for the second - a second warning...
  • What, another warning?!
  • Yes, but very, very, very strict. For the third betrayal...
  • For the third?! Alyona! For the third betrayal, I will throw a teapot at you!
  • Well, why is it just a teapot? And what about me? Launch it at Artyom.
  • In Artem?!
  • Which Artem?
  • Don't dodge!
  • OK. Write down that I already received the first warning...
  • What?! That is, you... Who is this Artem?!
  • Well, didn't I say that contracts ruin marriages? (Addresses the newlyweds.) Trust your loved ones without contracts, and your marriage will be strong and happy.

Cool prank for a wedding scene

This funny prank can be included in any scene at a wedding, or can be staged separately. Then it will be immediately followed by congratulations to the newlyweds. We need a presenter and an actress to play the cleaning lady. You will also need two identical buckets (one with water, the other with confetti).

The presenter begins to say something. Suddenly a cleaning lady comes on stage with a bucket and begins to really clean the floor. The host is trying to send her off stage. But the woman grumbles under her breath that she still needs to wash, but there is always someone standing here, etc. The presenter suggests not paying attention to the harmful woman and continues his story.

Meanwhile, the cleaning lady is cleaning the stage. She washes the rag in water several times, constantly moving the bucket from place to place. At one point, the bucket ends up behind a screen, where it is replaced with another, filled with confetti. The audience does not see this substitution. The cleaning lady comes onto the stage with a new bucket. Suddenly she suddenly throws the contents of the bucket onto the audience. This is followed by frightened screams, rain of confetti and cheerful laughter.

The scenario of a modern wedding usually includes various kinds artists to entertain guests at the banquet: from a cover band and dance group to the fire show and magicians. How can you add flavor to such a show program?

A great idea would be to organize all kinds of interactive events at a wedding, in particular, holding fun games and funny competitions. And for creative and imaginative guests who like to perform in public, you can prepare cool humorous skits in which they will be happy to participate, the portal is sure.

Options for funny scenes for a wedding

All scenes can be divided into two groups:

  1. Entertaining (organized by the host or independently by the guests to amuse the newlyweds and other guests).
  2. Congratulations (represent small scenes in the form of congratulations to the newlyweds at the wedding).

Creative and active people usually agree to participate in productions, regardless of the type of their professional activity. Therefore, if your celebration will be attended by many guests who like to perform in public, feel free to prepare funny skits for the wedding as one of the elements entertainment program at the banquet.


  • Roles: ATM, policeman, presenter.
  • Props: refrigerator box, markers, souvenir bills.

To carry out this funny skit At the wedding, guests will need to make something similar to an ATM from a large refrigerator box in advance: make a slot for dispensing money and draw a screen and keyboard. Four empty cells should be displayed on the screen with the inscription PIN code.

One of the guests takes the newlyweds away from the hall so that it will be a surprise for them. At this time, an ATM is brought into the hall. One of the guests hides in it, who will voice the role of the device.

The newlyweds enter the hall, and the host says: “ One of the guests was unable to come to your holiday and sent you a large sum of money for your honeymoon as a gift. And there is an ATM right here. Come on, newlyweds, withdraw your money quickly!».

The newlyweds approach the ATM, but do not understand what to do. Here the ATM says: “ Enter your PIN code!" The newlyweds say they don't know the pin code. The ATM continues: “ They don't know the PIN code. Guard, they want to rob me!».

A policeman appears in the hall, approaches the newlyweds and sternly says: “ Who is violating public order here? What do you want from an ATM?" The newlyweds say that they do not know the PIN code, but want to receive the money. And the policeman continues: “ Well, you will have to find out whether you are the legal recipients of this money. If you answer the questions correctly, you will decipher the PIN code!" You can come up with the most various questions for newlyweds, which they must answer in turn, for example, how many children the groom wants to have in the future, on what floor the bride lives, etc.

When the newlyweds guess the pin code, they take markers and write it on the screen. The ATM makes characteristic sounds and dispenses bills to the newlyweds.

Advice: in this way you can congratulate the newlyweds in an original way using real banknotes. You can include such a scene both in a wedding scenario for a small company and for a large celebration!

Sheikh and his daughters

  • Roles: sheikh, 5 daughters (it is desirable that all roles be played by men).
  • Props: oriental clothing for the sheikh and wives.

This comic scene is based on dressing up male guests in women's outfits, with the help of which you can cause laughter and surprise among everyone present at the wedding. If, of course, there are not enough willing men, girls can also play the role of daughters.

A sheikh with his wives enters the hall and says: “ I heard that you got married. Well, congratulations! But how a real man, you understand that one wife is not enough. That's why I brought you my five daughters. Choose any of them. And to make your choice easier, each of them will now show what she can do!».

Each daughter does what she does best, such as dancing, singing, giving the groom a massage, feeding him, etc. The funnier what your daughter does, the more fun it will be!

After all the daughters show their abilities to the groom, the sheikh says: “ Well, which one do you choose?" The groom replies that he doesn’t need anyone except the bride. Then the sheikh says: “ As you want! Then I wish you happiness and love, I see that there is enough of this in your hearts! And that's great!».

Love is a carrot

  • Roles: carrots (bride), pepper (groom), cucumber, onion, tomato.
  • Props: chair.

Along with staging in the form original congratulations, at a wedding you can organize it simply comic skit, in which the newlyweds themselves will participate. Here is one possible scenario.

The bride sits on a chair in the middle of the hall, and the presenter at this time says: “ One day, a beautiful carrot grew in the garden; it was impossible to take your eyes off of it, it was so good! And all the suitors from the neighboring beds went to her in succession to woo her! The cucumber came first - the conqueror of women's hearts!».

A cucumber enters the hall, and the presenter continues: “ He didn’t miss a single beauty and decided to win the heart of our beauty. He invited the carrots to dance. They began to dance. Yes, the cucumber began to tickle the carrots with its thorns, so that it could not stand it and drove away the careless groom».

The bow enters the hall next, the presenter says: “ The second came the onion. He decided to win the bride's heart by surprising her with a striptease. He began to take off his hundred notorious fur coats. He undressed and undressed... Yes, the carrots began to cry, she burst into tears and drove the stripper away».

The third person to enter the hall is a tomato. The presenter voices the scene: “ The third to come to the carrots was the tomato - a noble guy from the rich, all arrogant, coins jingling in his pockets, his hands full of money, waving them in front of the bride. He shows off his clothes, saying, look how expensive my suit is, and how branded my shoes are. The carrot looked at all this and drove the braggart away».

The fourth person to enter the hall is the groom, playing the role of pepper. The presenter says: “ Pepper was the last to decide to woo her, although he no longer believed in his luck after the stories of other vegetables. But our groom is not simple, but he is a tough guy. He walked up to the carrots, knelt down and said the most important words. The carrot was touched and agreed to become the pepper's wife. And they played a luxurious wedding that made all the vegetables from the neighboring beds jealous!».

A funny skit will fit into almost any format wedding celebration, diluting the performances of artists and games at the wedding, the portal is sure. The main thing is to come up with a scenario so that the guests can play their roles without any problems, having fun from the heart and delighting everyone present at the holiday with their creativity! And if you want to surprise the newlyweds, feel free to come up with original script congratulations on a wedding that will be remembered for a long time by both the young couple and all the guests!

Such a significant event as a wedding excites not only the newlyweds and their parents; relatives and invited guests also face a number of questions. Which gift should I choose? What words to choose? How to congratulate? A banal and insipid wish from the category “Happiness to you!” Bitter,” of course, will be received favorably, but it is unlikely to please the bride and groom, as well as the rest of the guests.

If everything is more or less clear with the gift - usually it is money, then it is advisable to approach the congratulations with imagination. On this wedding day, congratulations to the bride and groom can be presented in the form of a skit or a funny reprise. Marriage is not only new page in the life of a young couple, it is also fun party, so originality and jokes are quite appropriate.

How to congratulate the newlyweds' relatives

When preparing a congratulation script, you should remember that in in this case The expression “brevity is the sister of talent” is especially relevant.

Wedding congratulations from friends and family should take 5-10 minutes. You should also not worry too much about the content of the congratulations. By and large, this can be a humorous skit on a topic that more or less has something in common with family life and ending with congratulations to the newlyweds.

It can also be a dance scene, unusual, original packaging for a gift or congratulatory verse. As an example, we can consider several simple scenarios. For example, “Cubes” - this congratulation will require nine people and simple preparations.

You need to prepare the props and rehearse the scene itself a little so that it looks organic.

The props you will need:

  • nine strong cubes, made of thick cardboard, thin plywood or plastic, with a 30 cm edge;
  • a large box, the dimensions of which will allow you to place cubes in it;
  • one photograph of the bride and groom, poster format, size 90 x 90 cm;
  • two congratulatory posters: on one the names of the newlyweds, on the other the name wedding gift, size 90x90 cm;
  • nine photographs illustrating the history of the relationship between the bride and groom (30x30 cm).

Posters are cut into squares (30X30) and cubes are pasted over them so that the folded cubes form a whole photograph/poster. Nine individual photos are also pasted into cubes, and when assembled they form a photo collage. Photos should be selected by someone close to you, dear person(brother, sister), it’s easier for him to figure out which pictures the young people (especially the bride) prefer.

Congratulations follow a simple scenario. The toastmaster announces that a group of relatives wants to congratulate the newlyweds.

Melodic dance music begins to play, to the sound of which two young men bring a large box with the inscription “surprise” into the center of the hall and place it on the table.

The rest of the participants in the scene come out next and are given cubes taken from the box. While performing a group dance, they place cubes on the table, putting photos of the newlyweds out of them.

Then the “structure” is dismantled, again distributing the cubes to the dancers. The second time they collect congratulation poster, then a photo collage and finally a poster with the name of the gift, for example, “ Honeymoon to Cuba." The scene needs to be rehearsed several times. And it's not about the dance, which doesn't have to be outstanding.

Participants just have to remember who, when, and which side to place the cubes on; by the way, this task can be made easier by numbering their sides accordingly.

“Umbrella” is a scene for a small number of congratulators, for example, an aunt with her family.

You will need an umbrella a large number of small denomination bills (10-50 rubles), beautiful wrapping paper/foil. Small bills are loosely glued into a long strip (the longer, the better). The main amount of the gift (large bills) is suspended on strings inside the umbrella, after which it is closed. The folded umbrella is carefully wrapped with a ribbon of loose change, then wrapped in wrapping paper and tied with ribbon.

The gift is presented to the newlywed, insisting that he unpack it. The young husband removes the packaging, unwinds the tape and finds a note under it, something like: “You already have a long ruble.” After this, the young man is asked to open the umbrella, under the cover of which he finds another note (he can read it himself or give it to his wife) with a text about the importance of the weather in the house. Alternatively, instead of notes there may be comments from your aunt. This is followed by hugs and wishes for a happy family life.

Such a congratulation is not complicated, but has undeniable advantages - it does not take much time and arouses genuine interest among both guests and young people.

“Dancing” – their parents can also take part in the theatrical congratulations of the newlyweds.

They don’t need to prepare or learn any skits - they already have a busy day today. It will be enough, for example, to dance a waltz, which is wonderful for this occasion. However, it can be any dance. Of course, you will need to practice. Alternatively, parents can sing a song, but this requires talent, whereas everyone can dance to one degree or another.

The toastmaster announces a musical dance of congratulations from the parents.

Moms and dads come out to the middle of the hall and take turns addressing the young people:

  • mother of the bride - “let your life be like a waltz - enchanting, magical, brilliant and elegant”;
  • father of the bride - “let your life be like cha-cha-cha, bright, passionate, seductive and endless like wedding ring, which you exchanged today";
  • mother of the groom - “let your life be like tango - a dance of love, an interpretation of the relationship between a man and a woman”;
  • father of the groom - “may your life be like rock and roll, and the crazy energy of dance will help you overcome life’s adversities.”

After this, music plays, the parents dance, and at the end of the dance the bride and groom join them. The couples change - daughter-in-law with father-in-law, groom with mother-in-law, father-in-law with mother-in-law. These family dances look very touching.

When choosing a poetic form of congratulations, it is advisable to avoid platitudes. You should not read a poem of your own composition in which love rhymes with carrots. It's better to look for original ones good poems or order them from a professional author.

Funny congratulations from friends

Cool scenes with dressing up are the lot of the groom's friends and bridesmaids.

It would be good to agree with the toastmaster who will conduct the wedding so that he uses helium before announcing the skits. Announcements made with serious face and at the same time in a squeaky voice, they will look comical. For scenes you can use these options.

“Sheikh”: one of the groom’s friends changes into an oriental robe embroidered with silk. Friends also act as girls, about three of them, dressed in some kind of hedjab. To make the scene funnier, you can choose participants in the congratulations who will stand out from the general background - the first is very tall, the second is very large, and the third will pretend to be lame.

The toastmaster announces the arrival of a “dear guest” from the East. The sheikh congratulates the groom on his first wife, admires her, but complains that one wife is not enough.

And in a fit of generosity, he offers one of his own - for a year or two, until the groom finds someone.

At the same time, the “sheikh” takes turns describing the merits of his “beautiful wives,” playing up their features. The groom politely but firmly refuses, the guest gives a consoling gift and the procession leaves.“The Postman”: the most talkative of friends dresses up in the recognizable image of the postman Pechkin (raincoat, earflap hat, big bag, mustache) and after the announcement of the toastmaster enters the hall.

He declares to the respectable public that he has important messages, but he forgot his glasses at home and needs help. A couple of “volunteers” (a friend of the groom and a friend of the bride) come out and help him read the letters.

The whole point is that funny texts letters are invented by friends and girlfriends, and there are no limits to imagination.

Messages can be like this:

  1. My only one! I long years accompanied you, together we experienced ups and downs, I was faithful and patient, but you still left me. I'm not angry, I forgive you. Be happy. Goodbye to your single life.
  2. With this letter we inform you that the duty Stork has taken off. Estimated arrival time is in nine months. Sincerely, Heavenly Office.

The rest of the letters are written in a similar style, each of the friends can offer something of their own, then it will be enough to choose the funniest ones from many options.

Among the letters with “important” messages, you can read a text that is absolutely not related to the wedding, for example, an order to reward Pechkin - “For outstanding feats and dedicated work, the management rewards you with an alarm clock “Slava”, we wish you happiness, success...” - and so on Further. “Pechkin,” hearing this, mumbles in confusion: “This is mine, this is for me.” After reading the letters, the postman “accidentally” finds a parcel in the bag (containing a gift) and gives it to the newlyweds.

“Husband's Best Friend” is a well-known skit that is always a success.

A table and three chairs are used as decoration. Characters:

  • Venechka is a young husband (the husband has a mournful, dejected look), a thin young man of short stature;
  • Albina – loving wife(the hand is constantly on the back of the spouse’s neck);
  • Olimpiada Dormidontovna - mother-in-law (in height, bearing and voice she looks like a grenadier);
  • Egor is Veniamin’s school friend (a cheerful, cheerful guy).

Happening chance meeting in a restaurant, at which Venya is present with his wife. The only time Venya says anything is at the meeting. Having introduced his wife, Venya becomes silent, or rather, simply does not have the opportunity to say a single word.

The further conversation boils down to a dialogue between Yegor and Albina, who manages to answer for her husband before he can open his mouth.

For example, in response to Yegor’s offer to order beer and steaks, she immediately blurts out: “Venechka doesn’t drink anymore.” Then, after a pause, he adds: “Eating the flesh of living beings is immoral, Venechka realized this and became a vegetarian.”

Hearing this maxim, Yegor sighs and orders chips and beer from the waiter who comes up. Venya sighs dejectedly. When asked to meet and sit in the company of old friends, the immediate response is: “ Best company Venechki is me!”

A couple of minutes later, Albina comes out to “powder her nose” and Yegor begins to hope to hear his friend’s voice, alas, in vain. Olympiada Dormidontovna comes up to the table and introduces herself: “I’m Albina’s mother!” To Yegor’s question whether Venya is alone at least occasionally, the answer follows with a clanking metal: “The best company for a man is his wife-friend and her mother, and besides, Venechka has Lately suicidal tendencies appeared!”

Yegor mutters under his breath: “Why would that be?” The conversation continues for some time, vividly illustrating a “joyful” moment in the life of a henpecked man.

In the end, Yegor says goodbye and leaves, followed by the newlyweds and his mother-in-law, while Albina talks animatedly with her mother, without taking her hand off the silent Veniamin’s shoulder. After some time they return, smiling, congratulating the newlyweds, wishing them a long life long life, maintaining mutual respect.

In this video - a version of the original congratulations to the newlyweds at the wedding:

Some fairy tale adapted for the wedding day (Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White, Thumbelina) can also serve as a congratulation. Or, as an option, a dance of little swans, performed by athletic friends in tutus.

What is important is not the content of the skit, but the fact that relatives and friends spent time preparing interesting, funny congratulations. Even if the scene was not performed at a professional level, with minor flaws, the bride and groom will have the warmest and most joyful memories of this day. After all, their loved ones tried for them. And this is pleasant for everyone. Really, right?

Wedding- a wonderful day for loving hearts, it is not surprising that relatives and friends try to bring their most heartfelt wishes and congratulations to the newlyweds. Often, when there are many guests at a wedding, only a few are remembered: the people who decided to congratulate the newlyweds in a creative and extraordinary way. Let's talk about ways in which you can congratulate a couple on their wedding day in an interesting way.

1. Poem. Congratulations to poetic form It’s better to compose it yourself, especially if a whole team is preparing it. You can describe in poetic form the first meeting of lovers, their joint vacation, hobbies, and so on. If you wish, you can remake a well-known song - such a congratulation can also be pleasant surprise: the main thing is that the performer has everything in order with his hearing and voice.

You can make a poetic conclusion to the gift, turning the presentation process into a funny performance - this issue is worth discussing with the toastmaster: as a rule, professional presenters have a lot of ideas on this matter. For example, this is part of a remade song to the tune of “For a week, until the second”:

To your wedding, we guys,
They came running without looking back,
Take a look with fresh eyes
For the bride and groom.

Together “BITTER!” thunder in bass
And then like divers
Find yourself drunk
On Sunday under the table.
We eat merrily, we walk,
Congratulations on your wedding!
And we wish the family love,
The matter of marriage is not easy.

The main thing is not to delay the congratulations and rehearse it in advance, so as not to stutter later and not to peek at the cheat sheet.

2. Video and interview. You can congratulate the newlyweds by showing an interesting film. You can go the most in a simple way and collect old videos, editing them together, or you can make your own movie. Walk along the street, ask passers-by to say a few congratulatory words, you can go to the university or the place of work of the newlyweds and ask your colleagues to say nice words, you can interview people who will attend the wedding in advance. You can also play a prank on the newlyweds: at the last moment before the banquet, disappear from the celebration, and then, after showing a congratulatory video, come out from behind the “screen” (it can be made from a large sheet of paper or a sheet) with flowers and gifts - a kind of lead-in to the congratulations.

3. Slides and photo collages. Choose the funniest photos and make funny slides. For each slide you can come up with funny captions, choose cheerful music, maybe even a children's one - the more creatively you approach this issue, the funnier it will be. By joint efforts, you can also start making a photo collage: it’s great if among your friends there is an artist or caricature artist - then there will be no problems with creating images.

You can present the newlyweds with portraits of them in some funny attire: the groom in royal robe and the bride in fluffy dress princesses, a couple dressed as Papuans or cowboys - there are a lot of options. You can even draw a coat of arms future family– such a gift will also be interesting.

4. Posters, Balloons, big boards. A large poster with photographs of a couple in unusual roles can also be a worthy congratulation. If you know the route of the wedding walk, you can place big photo newlyweds on a big board on one of the city streets. You can write wishes and congratulations on a large bunch of balloons - let the newlyweds launch them into the sky. You can place a congratulation from those present in one balloon, and in order to read it, the young people will have to burst the balloon, for example, without using their hands. Talk to the toastmaster, let him include this in the list of competitions - the spectacle promises to be very funny.

5. Operation "ATM". Giving money in an envelope is boring and not at all original; it’s another matter if you play it out in a skit, amusing both the young people and everyone present. To do this you will need a large box: for example, from a gas stove or washing machine, which is painted to look like an ATM. You can also draw a keyboard; the pin code will be “typed” on it. The newlyweds are given a cardboard card from the Family Bank, but in order to cash it they need to go through a lot of fun tests. Money can be given out in parts: in exchange for each competition, and you can come up with a lot of them - from ordinary riddles and quizzes to traditional wedding dances and relay races.

6. Television announcer. The bride and groom receive many cards, telegrams or letters from relatives and friends who were unable to come. To make it more interesting to read them, let a person with good feeling humor. For this purpose they organize for him “ workplace» in the form of a TV screen: you can use a picture frame or simply cut it out of cardboard. A bow tie, perfect diction, glasses - that’s the whole arsenal.

7. Circus act. Funny congratulations There will be skits rehearsed on our own. Here you are required to have a sense of humor, and not just the ability to do the splits or do a somersault. Gather your team and come up with a number together. Group cheerleading can be portrayed in a deliberately funny way: strongmen with shaking legs, acrobats who keep falling, clowns who are all trying to reach the newlyweds, but all the time some obstacles stand in their way. You can organize a dance competition and announce that the best dancers in the city have been invited for the newlyweds; it is already clear who will dance and how: you can start with the Macarena or the dance of little ducklings, and then perform a parody of lambada or tango - it will be very funny. The main thing is to take care of your makeup so that at first glance you will not be recognized, and the culmination after that will be your congratulations with the caveat: they say, they danced as best they could.

8. Reading minds. Another skit that guests can perform on their own. An announcement is made that a great and powerful wizard has arrived at the newlyweds’ holiday, who can not only turn stones into gold, but also read minds. Some of the guests are carefully dressed up, with a beard glued on and armed with some more terrible equipment: it could be a large chef’s ladle or an unusually decorated hat. And now the game begins: “What is the bride thinking?” - and a song sounds, for example, “Over the Four Seas”, “What is the Groom Thinking About?” - song “If I were a Sultan”, “What are the guests thinking about?” - “If only there was a sea of ​​beer” and so on. The funnier the songs you choose, the more interesting it will be. After this, the wizard reveals his incognito identity and cordially congratulates the newlyweds.

9. Festive fireworks or laser show. If this is not provided festive program, it is quite possible to present the newlyweds with the highlight of the evening. It will be great if you select funny shots for laser projection that would resonate with the theme of the newlyweds meeting or starting a relationship. You can write love story, which someone will tell into the microphone, and then the guests can congratulate the newlyweds all together, showering them with rose petals.

10. Symbolic gifts. You can accompany your congratulations with symbolic gifts: for example, put an empty aquarium in front of the newlyweds, and then give the bride and groom a glass with 2 goldfish swimming in it - this will be a symbol of the creation of a young family. Give the couple an umbrella, tie money inside on a string, and ask the couple to open it. “Money” rain will fall on their heads; wish them to always bathe in luxury, but not to forget about each other. You can give candy - so that life will always be sweet, a rolling pin for the wife and ironclad gloves for the husband, accompanied by a funny speech, the first “golden” brick for the foundation of the future house. You can even stuff bills into a head of cabbage and give them to the newlyweds with a subtle hint about those who are believed to be found in cabbage. There are a lot of options to congratulate a couple in an original way, the main thing is to show your imagination and think through everything carefully, then your wish will be memorable!