Status about yourself, your beloved, with meaning: a selection for all occasions. Aphorisms about yourself beloved, quotes, sayings about yourself beloved

The halo is no hindrance to the crown!!!

I need only one thing to be happy, but new every day!

My boy, did you think that I would run after you? I have too high heel and the crown will fall.

I no longer remember the taste of tears. I have become strong and can endure the pain. I don't know how to be unhappy. And I know how to be alone. I often make mistakes. I learn from mistakes. This is an invaluable life experience. Which makes me cringe! My life is always wonderful. And there is a fire burning in my soul. My God, what happiness. I'm one in a million!

Where is the world heading? Probably at my feet!

My capabilities are shocked by my needs...

I can be charming... I can be disgusting... I can be passion... I can be sweetness... I can be hysterical... I can be calm... After all, I am a woman - this is typical for me!

It turned out that I am a goddess. Wherever I go, everywhere “Lord, you again!”

Yes, I am harsh, sometimes sarcastic. I don't see any humility in me. Stubborn and rude at times. I can’t hide how hot-tempered gunpowder is. But this is all just a view from the outside. Inside, believe me... it's even worse!

Yes, I’m smart, beautiful and happy, but I have to somehow stand out from the crowd!

He puts it on my ears, and I take it off and carefully place it on his horns!

I need a table with a dream view. Espresso and sunset flambé. No, nothing more is needed. But... in the palm of your hand a star. And blues with a hint of chocolate.

How can I insure my life if there is no price for me?

They say... Beauty will save the world! Beauty, I didn’t sleep, didn’t have breakfast, and in general I can’t do everything at once like that...

Passed the school of LIFE with honors. Specialty - "IT'S STILL AN INFECTION!"

Sometimes I pretend that I'm normal, but then I get bored and become myself!

New statuses about my beloved self - I am a girl with eyes the color not of the sky, but of chocolate. Piercingly brown, looking a little further than into the soul...

I was blown away in different ways... but for the foundation!

It's good where I'm not... well, that's where I'm heading!

I can be awesome, I can be awesome... Who's lucky?

Hell was full... and I returned.

If you don't like me, shoot yourself! I won't fix it!

Well, what could happen to him while I’m around?! Maximum nervous breakdown!!!

Bitchiness is not a gift, but the immunity of a beautiful woman!!!

The most wonderful thing about me is that I am in a single copy, I am a unique publication - I don’t have a single copy!!!

While some are waiting for fate to put a prince in their bed, I have been sleeping with the king for a long time.

Everyone loves white and fluffy, but I am black and smooth-haired...

I’m tripping over your opinion here. Sorry. Crushed. I repent.

If my mother taught me to be sweet, gentle, and cultured, this does not mean that I will not kick you in the eye, as my father taught me.

I was not born cruel... It’s just that no one was ever with me at the moment when I needed to wipe away my bitter tears.

No matter how much good they say about me, I always have something to add.

I recently read in a scientific journal that perfect appearance not photogenic. Oh, I think I'm too perfect.

In any case, I will be in CHOCOLATE!

I'm not a piece of candy to suit everyone's taste... I'm a nut that not everyone can handle!

Being a bitch is so nice. Stop wiping your snot and join in!

Yesterday I took another step in my job search: I moved the newspaper with advertisements from the corridor into the room.

Yes, I’m not an angel - I don’t deserve a halo! I can be a sinner, which I admit... But no matter what happens in life, I always remain a HUMAN!

Jealous to the point of horror... Possessive to the point of impossibility... Vindictive to the point of indecency... Vengeful to the point of death... And how does it all fit together in me, so white and fluffy?

A woman gives life! And, damn it, he has every right to complicate it!

10 kg of chocolate is a lethal dose for humans. If I decide to commit suicide, this is how I will die.

In order not to tell others ten times who you really are, there are statuses about yourself, your beloved, which in a succinct form describe the character of a girl. All people are different. Some people believe that you can only show off the best in yourself. Others, on the contrary, treat their shortcomings with humor, choosing funny statuses they love themselves, but they consider even their disadvantages to be true advantages. A sense of humor is good, but if such a trait is not inherent in your character, it is best to choose the status of your beloved with meaning.

What am I? Yes, different... When I love, she is beautiful. If you are not loved, you are gloomy. For the very smart - I'm a fool. For the kind - and I am kind. For those who are angry, I’m just a cobra. For the righteous - sinful. For the unlucky - successful. For a sweetheart - beautiful. and for bores - Happy..

I thought that a zero balance would save me from calling my exes, but after the second bottle I remembered that there is a “promised payment”!!!

I'm tired of everything... I'm tired... I'll go to the monastery... To the men's... For three days... Mmmmm, or maybe four?... We'll see how they greet us...

I can’t sleep... I’ll go open his page and count the sheep...

Jealous to the point of horror. Possessive beyond belief. Vicious to the point of indecency. Vengeful to death. And how does it all fit together in me, such a sweet angel????!

I live like in a fairy tale: my wife is a witch! Mother-in-law Baba Yaga! Brother Nightingale Robber! Children are like hell! Only neighbor - Elena the Beautiful! And her husband is Ivan the Fool!!!

If yours former men they want to be with you again: it means you were better than those who came before you and much better than those who came after...

I am the way I am!!! If I wish you happiness, then with all my heart, and if you have sent me, then please do not delay!!!

Did he leave you? Remember your physical education lessons, they taught you how to jump over goats.

I’m already past that age when you worry about what others will think about you... Now let others worry about what I will think about them...

She has reached the age when the guy she likes can be married.

I am faithful if they are faithful to me... I am honest when they are honest with me... I am kind as long as they deserve it!

Don't look that I'm small.
No matter how much I wave, I can’t pick up the bones.
My left one is crown, my right is funeral.

To wake up kind and affectionate, you need to fall asleep happy and satisfied!

My hair is chocolate, I smell like caramel, strawberry syrup runs through my veins, my lips taste cherry juice…. I'm too sweet... Your ass will stick together!)))).

Woman - unique creation: breaking into pieces, falling apart - she collects her soul “piece by piece”, becoming even more perfect and better...

Do you want to arouse a man's interest? Don't think about him, think about yourself...

I give a smile to everyone. A glance - not much. The heart belongs to one.

I always wanted beautiful figure, flat tummy, collarbone and distance between the thighs, but the soul demanded sausage

The most important thing that every woman should have is self-esteem. Even if you love a man, you need to love yourself even more!

I had a fight with my husband. I don’t wash, I don’t clean, I don’t cook... Lord! If only he hadn’t decided to put up with it!

When I have a lot of difficulties, there is no need to feel sorry for me, I should be envious: after all, now I will become smarter and stronger.

I’m one of those people who, when asked about shortcomings, answers: “Too good for you!”

If I behave well, that's great, if I behave badly, then I don't care at all.

Who is proud??? Am I proud??? No... we queens are simple women!

I can endlessly look at three things: how the fire burns, how the water flows and how my Dishwasher washes the dishes for me...

Strive for excellence, be like me!

I have no bad habits, I have a habit of being mischievous.

I'm such a good actress that you think I hate you... but I can't live without you...

If you don't like this world, then you are selfish. But be simpler, do as I do: forgive people who simply do not know who their true king is!

Praise yourself: the opinion remains, but the source is forgotten!

Actually, I'm young! It's just been a long time...

I'm the best! I walk and sow good things: now my wallet, now my keys...

I am a high-society tigress. But I also look harmonious in slippers.

I will go to the end in everything... and in our relationship I will go even further.

I went back to work after vacation, I feel like children in kindergarten - I want to cry and go home!

There is Spiderman, Superman and Me. Someone has to manage everyone.

And my character is wonderful! It’s just that everyone’s nerves are somehow weak.

I still can’t get used to the fact that I have to share with my husband the most precious thing I have: myself!

I accidentally noticed here: if you don’t fasten your blouse with the top three buttons, then you don’t have to paint your eyes.

I adore myself, and he adores me, and I am delighted with me. In general, we live in perfect harmony.

Over time, I learned to correct everything that I had screwed up! The only thing left to wonder is when do I manage to do all this?!

I greet anger addressed to me with laughter..... I know that envy is a sign of success.

As a child, I was constantly called kind and good, probably jinxed.

I don't dream of becoming a princess...I was born one.

It takes me a long time to sort things out. I give it to the eye right away.

You need to do everything for your loved one, for example, I want pasta, I’m going to Italy.

I met a dog handler here... well, such an attentive man... he scratched me behind the ear all night...

It is impossible to forget someone like me. I will not let.

I've lost height many times...but never fallen below the baseboard.

You don't need to re-educate me! I raised myself for too long.

You'll have to look for such a goat again! But I’m smart, I found it!

It’s easy and simple with me when I’m away and in photographs.

I don’t want to be like anyone, but at the same time I want many to imitate me.

If we talk briefly about myself, then my mom and dad are not ashamed of me.

I will create my own little world for myself, and I will live there happily, caring only about myself.

Yesterday, it seemed, I gained my wits. Today I woke up - but no, I just got pissed...

I'm the one who takes the last bite from the plate when everyone pretends to be full.

I will make this praneta spin at the rhythm I need.

I can talk about myself for hours... listen, listen, and write down!

I am like good wine: over the years I become stronger, richer and brighter.

The vacation was a success... I forgot the password to access my computer...

There are those who bring disorder and destruction, there are those who bring goodness and justice. And I? What about me? I'm okay, I'm just living.

Over the weekend, I cooked delicious dishes, cleaned the entire apartment, ironed a huge pile of laundry, and in the evenings I made my husband happy. Because the Internet didn’t work for two days!

How I would like to look at my beloved self from the outside, to see all the disadvantages and shortcomings, to understand what I’m doing wrong.

I don’t need much - for myself I choose only the very best!

I immediately realized that nothing would work out with him when in a cafe I ordered cognac, and he ordered ice cream...

The main thing is not to be perfect, the main thing is to always remain yourself.

I could write a song about myself, but there is no music that would be worthy of it.

I don't care what you think about me. My mom says that I am “sunshine”!

Sometimes my mind goes crazy too. Like in a convertible.


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Man is the center of the universe. Self-knowledge is the main goal of each of us. There are people who live without tomorrow, without goals, without beliefs. There are people who have a clear goal and imagine what to do tomorrow, in a month and even after tens of years. Such people love and respect themselves. This time we mean our lovely girls. How can they bypass their own “I”? Statuses about your beloved contain a selection of expressions dedicated to your own “Ego”. Each of us sometimes finds it pleasant to pay attention only to ourselves, notice changes in ourselves and conduct an internal dialogue with ourselves. The time has long passed when people were similar to each other, when society existed within the uniform framework established by the state, society, morals, and customs. In this day and age, everyone is an individual, democracy has given us the chance to express ourselves through own style, both in personal matters and in public matters. Perhaps each of us loves to look at ourselves in the mirror, to feel our strength and intelligence. If you are such a person, then a selection of statuses about your beloved is just for you. In particular, this applies to the beautiful half of our Earth. After all, girls are the embodiment of femininity and love, both for themselves and for others.

I love being alone, but next to someone I love.

Only the person who considers himself lucky can rightfully be called lucky.

I blew and blew away specks of dust from it and... I accidentally blew it away... Now I'm blowing away specks of dust from myself... MY BELOVED!!! Don't catch a cold...)))

Of course, I’m not perfect... but I’m still a masterpiece...))))))

I don’t envy anyone, I don’t take revenge, I’m not tormented by resentment. I live, love and enjoy life.

Know how to control yourself if you don’t want others to control you.

Yes, I am a sinner, not a righteous woman, not ugly, not beautiful... Maybe there is still time to improve? Only I like my role...

Ex to someone, faithful to someone, loved and loved, confident in herself)

Listen to yourself and look at yourself... in complete silence with eyes closed you will be able to hear and see yourself... you will learn a lot about yourself...

My thoughts are like my lunch: some I eat myself, and some I throw to my dogs.

I am very good, one might say outstanding... in places...)))

I don't owe anyone anything! Except for yourself... Or rather, you shouldn’t, but simply must... be loved and happy!

No matter what everyone around you says, you won’t be happy on your own!

What difference does it make to me what you think about me... I’m sure that your thoughts about me do not coincide with mine at all... And this is the main thing...

Take half of Yourself from Me and give it to Someone? ... I'm not even a little ready!!! ...I am greedy!!!)

Briefly about yourself: Year of manufacture 1986. Mileage 26. Light tan color. The headlights are green. Documents in hand. The body is not damaged. The roof is in place. The brakes are fine. All options. I start with a half turn...

Love is great self-respect.

I’m worried, my soul is anxious, only when I got sick, I was able to understand: When I die, it’s quite possible... I will miss ME.

Don’t try to compare me and look for me in others, I don’t wander around anywhere, I’m always within myself.

Be more concerned about your character than your reputation. Your character is what you really are, and your reputation is just what others think of you...

In my environment there were, are and will always be men - where would I be without them!

I don’t ever say that I’m good, I’ll say this - I’m not bad and I’m loved...

Are you tired of the prince? Love yourself, and a whole regiment will ride on white horses.

Briefly about myself: selfish, alcoholic, complete bastard, pervert - in short, a normal woman.

My roof has gone so far that... I CANNOT DETERMINE its direction)))

Self-love is not a manifestation of selfishness; it is self-esteem.

Whatever I do, I do it confidently, without thinking about what people will say... And in general, I played other people’s opinions on male organs!!!

I look in the mirror and think: Mm-yes... Not the Fountain I... Not the Fountain. I AM FIRE!!! Statuses about yourself beloved, statuses about yourself beloved

It's a shame when you can't kiss the person you love, even on the cheek, because it's you.

Love yourself, otherwise who needs the love of a person who doesn’t even love himself.

I love it when someone good mood, someone’s salary was raised, someone bought an awesome dress... I love it even more when that someone is ME!


The time comes when you begin to understand that if you commit “unseemly” actions, then either accept yourself for who you are... Well... or don’t do them...

Don't think that people are against you, for the most part they are just for themselves.

The hedgehog doesn't want to sleep. The hedgehog wants to sing.

I will look at myself and I will be my own joy - neither crooked nor askew, but as beloved as it should be.

I don’t need handouts of beautiful words. I am quite confident in myself and enjoy life.

I'm not greedy, I always share my wisdom with others and my stupidity with others))))))

From adversity and from illness, she is both a doctor and a friend to herself)

When I fell in love with myself, I freed myself from everything that harms my health - food, people, things, situations. Everything that leads me astray. Today I call it Self-Love.

Tell us about yourself in a few words? - "Anything has happened)

Not ideal, but real...

There is no need to flatter me, I already know that everything is good in me, and that everything is simply wonderful!!!

I have decency, but it’s disordered...

I did not declare war on the world, I declared a boycott of people unworthy of my attention.

I know that I’m very harmful, that’s why not everyone likes me! I take it into account! Tomorrow, so be it, I’ll fix it!


Dear MEN!!! Well, your butts won’t be able to handle... such an adventure... as I...)

The only thing that is cheap is what you wear without feeling confident.

We must learn to love ourselves - with a healthy and holy love, in order to remain true to ourselves and not lose ourselves.

Oh, and I love myself, my beloved!!!

She always smiles at me in the mirror beautiful woman! And I smile back at her, let her be pleased too!

Without wasting your labors in vain, love yourself.

And according to the horoscope... today I... AMAZING!!!)))))

I quarreled with a young man... I started gnawing at myself. Afraid of getting poisoned, I stopped)))

Only those who do not know how to love do not love me.

No matter how well they say about you, THINK BETTER ABOUT YOURSELF!

I laugh at myself and say: “Well, hello..., beloved woman-child!”

I can be serious, oddly enough... To hell with all the humor, there’s no time for jokes!!! And it’s not my fault that I’m fickle... After all, I’m not a minibus schedule!)))

himself better opinion about me are usually those who judge me by themselves; the worst - oddly enough, too.

The world has never seen anyone like me - people like me are not released into the world...

The hardest thing is not to forgive anyone, but to forgive yourself!!! Statuses about yourself beloved, statuses about yourself beloved

I'm not a princess - the crown is falling off all the time... I'm not an angel - the wings are in the wash... I don't love myself - I'm just being silly... I'm not a bitch - I'm smarter... I'm not crazy - I'm still trying to get off... I'm not stupid - I'm just too lazy to think sometimes … I am not a gift, I am a surprise!

Loving is one pleasure, and not denying yourself is another.

As soon as I start to get started, one thing stops me... comparing myself, in similar situation, with a car without a muffler.

Settle down? RIGHT NOW... I'm really in the juice! And the juice is in the FERMENTATION stage...

When you live in tune with your soul, the Universe sings along...

The shortcomings of others should be used as a mirror to discover your own.

They say you need to love yourself. I took a closer look at myself: but there was nothing to love. I will love just like that - for what I am!

Even self-love can be unrequited!

The amount of self-love is directly proportional to the amount of dislike for others.

It's so good that I exist!

Self-love and selfishness are two different things. A person who does not love himself is not capable of loving others. As the Bible says: “Love your neighbor as yourself!”

I am like the ocean: sometimes affectionate, gentle and quiet, and sometimes I can send a tsunami.

I am a scar in someone's life. I am spring in someone's life. And for some, a genius, for others, a stump.

I don’t regret for a second that not all dreams come true...

To enter my soul through the heart, a sound mind must agree.

Look for the one you love... until you find it.

My beloved said that I am a treasure... I'm afraid to sleep... in case he takes me and buries me somewhere!

Maybe I’m a little hysterical sometimes, but I have beautiful eyes and a million-dollar smile.

No need to ask how I’m doing, it’s time to get used to the fact that everything is fine with me!!!

It doesn't matter what I am. It is important that with you I will be what you deserve.

I’ll prepare a project and renovate my life... and, perhaps, I’ll build it from scratch and deliver it turnkey...

The painful “I” - in which self-doubt is balanced by hypertrophied pride, the healthy one - in which calm self-confidence reigns...

Not impressed with my IQ level...? And manners full of grace...? Then, perhaps, I’ll finish you off with my eyes... or with obscenities... of the right size!!!

Damn, I'm so cool! It's so good that I have you)))

I forbid myself to think badly about people. I save time.

Love yourself as you are. None of us can surpass the most talented and objective sculptor - NATURE...

When you behave like a slave, what can you expect to be treated like a queen?

From time to time you need to arrange pogroms for yourself.

Anyone who is satisfied with his life does not prove anything.

Statuses about yourself beloved, statuses about yourself beloved

4 (80%) 4 votes

First of all: I'm good! Secondly: Enough with the “first”!

She has reached the age when the guy she likes can be married.

He doesn't need perfect, he needs me. So harmful, touchy and jealous.

Statuses with meaning to yourself

I’m like a teapot... I boil instantly, but you can’t wash off the scale with any means...

I’m not the one you can live with... I’m the one you can’t live without...

I'm not a queen, but the crown suits me.

Let me introduce myself - Queen! Snowy! Very cold!

Statuses about a girl

I go to his page, gently stroke his name with the cursor and leave.

Daring statuses to yourself

I somehow don’t care how I look in your eyes... In mine I look... great!!! And this is the main point!!:)

If my mother taught me to be sweet, gentle, cultured, this does not mean that I will not kick you in the eye, as my father taught me

We're tired of our “must be able to forgive” attitude. God will forgive. And I will remember.

I'm going to become kind and good. Don't bother me... don't get in trouble!

You do not like me? No problem! You do me too!