How does loud noise affect pregnancy? How music and speech affect the fetus in the womb

Does he hear future child inside the womb? How well and can it be frightened by loud sounds?

Formation of the hearing aid

The hearing organs of a baby, in comparison with other systems, are formed for a long time and difficult - up to 16 weeks, after which “maturation” already occurs. Bookmark starts at 4 weeks prenatal development from the bones of the skeleton. At week 7, the future baby already has the basics of the middle ear. Gradually, the hearing organs "ripen" and begin to function. Before 16 weeks, the child does not feel loud sounds, respectively, they do not affect him in any way.

What does a baby hear in the womb?

As soon as the embryo's ears begin to function, he hears a little, but to hear anything at all, the sounds outside must be very loud, for example, a firecracker or a rock concert. After all, inside the mother's tummy is amniotic fluid, it dampens sounds, plus the vibrations of the body of the embryo itself interfere.
At the 24th week of intrauterine development, the hearing of the unborn baby improves significantly, the sound is already being transformed into nerve impulses. From this period, the baby is able to hear not only loud sounds, but also music. And at 27-30 weeks, the hearing of the unborn child is so mature that it distinguishes loud speech.

Is the child afraid of loud noises?

The child inside the womb does not hear very well, so it cannot be frightened by sounds, but it reacts sharply to the mother's condition. If loud noises cause stress in the expectant mother, then the baby will also be anxious from this. In addition, the discomfort that a pregnant woman experiences from the sounds of loud and ultra-high or low frequencies can adversely affect the pregnancy as a whole, up to premature birth.

What volume is acceptable

To feel comfortable, the total noise in the house and on the street should not be higher than 40 dB in daytime and 30 at night. In reality, especially in urban areas, background noise exceeds 60 dB. This is not a very critical indicator, but it causes a state of constant nervous tension in the mother's body.
A separate category of sources of sound vibrations that are harmful to pregnancy is Appliances. You should avoid watching TV for a long time, working at a computer, using various household appliances, as well as listening to very loud music, because sound vibrations in headphones can exceed 100-120 dB. With the constant background sound of the bustle of the city, devices that play music are always set to high sound.
In order for the pregnancy to proceed normally, avoid disputes, scandals in raised tones, loud music, and the sounds of working equipment. For the baby, external sounds do not harm even loud ones, but some sound vibrations can adversely affect the state of pregnancy.

Our world is full of sounds, and we all have an amazing ability to hear them. Loud and quiet, pleasant and annoying, they somehow affect our body. A lot has been said about the degree of this influence and the consequences: it is known for certain that the sound signals entering the brain activate certain zones of it, changing the level of hormones, and finally, the mood.

We ourselves may not react sharply to these changes, but our body, and even in interesting position will definitely notice them. This raises a quite reasonable question about whether it is possible for pregnant women to go to the cinema, where the sound component is essential element holistic view of the film. I propose to look for the answer to it together.

It is because of the loud sound that expectant mothers deny themselves the pleasure of going to a movie show. Isn't it in vain? According to obstetricians and gynecologists, physiologically, until the 16th week, the fetus is deaf, because it has not yet developed a hearing aid. So why do we talk to him almost from the first days of conception, you ask? It turns out that he "feels" us.

The sound signal is transmitted through vibration, affecting biological tissues and allowing the baby to “hear” and understand even more than if he already had both ears at his disposal. By the way, when the latter appear, the fetus reacts to the sound. We made sure of this after a series of studies were conducted at the University of Toronto, during which women in an interesting position were allowed to listen different sounds: classical music, jazz, rock, loud noises from the street. Do you know what was the result?

It turns out that classics and jazz were perceived calmly in the womb, but from rock and street noise they began to kick there. Moreover, the baby had tachycardia in response to stress, even if the mother herself liked this kind of music. Interestingly, some physicians are actively using the results of this study in their activities: patients with breech presentation they recommend applying headphones with pleasant music to the stomach above the pubis for a period of 36-37 weeks, thereby forcing the babies to bring their heads closer to them and roll over.

Arguing about the danger of loud sound, one cannot fail to mention the dB - a measure of sound. For the normal functioning of our hearing aid, their level should not exceed 55 dB during the day and 40 dB at night. All this is heard, so we all know about it. Meanwhile, not everyone understands that in the conditions of large cities these norms are significantly increased, but a person who lives there permanently does not even notice these increases.

For comparison:

  • ordinary colloquial speech - 45 - 60 dB;
  • traffic noise - 80 dB;
  • baby crying - 75 - 80 dB;
  • noise at the construction site - up to 100 dB;
  • the sound of a flying aircraft - up to 140 dB;
  • noise of a vacuum cleaner and office equipment - up to 80 dB;
  • children's games - up to 80 dB;
  • car passage - up to 70 dB for cars and up to 80 dB for trucks;
  • music in a nightclub - up to 110 dB;
  • a passing train or motorcycle - up to 90 dB;
  • car signal - up to 120 dB;
  • sound at a concert or in a cinema - up to 120 dB.

Using these data, to the question of whether it is harmful for a pregnant woman to go to the movies, most experts answer: “No, it’s not harmful.” Dangerous for a hearing aid is a sound with a power of up to 200 dB or a little less (from 100 dB), but if it acts constantly - for days on end, as a result of which a rupture of the eardrum and complete deafness may occur.

How does your baby react to loud noises?

In the early stages, that is, until the 16th week of pregnancy, the baby will not notice the sounds in the cinema. From the moment when the hearing aid is formed, he, first of all, will hear everything inside: the beat of the heart, the flow of blood through the vessels, the rumbling of the stomach. Any loud sounds will have to pass through before reaching it. amniotic fluid, while losing a significant part of its intensity. And even if they reach the baby, it is impossible to talk about their negative impact on his body. There is no exact information about their harm yet.

Doctors simply say that if the baby feels bad, he will definitely tell about it, constantly changing position, kicking and forcing his mother to leave the place he does not like. The easiest way to notice his discontent is a woman, of course, on later dates when the shocks and shocks will be most noticeable.

Summing up all of the above, it is worth noting that although the fetus is not as deaf as one might imagine, he will not experience great discomfort from listening to loud sound in the cinema. Much more important to him emotional condition mother at this point, but more on that later.

What other inconveniences await a pregnant woman in a cinema

Other dangers that a woman may face during a movie show are trivial:

  • Huge crowds of people - perhaps in summer period they are not so critical, but in autumn and winter, when they “walk” with might and main colds, transmitted by airborne droplets, quite. Is it necessary to talk about what harm they can cause to a pregnant woman, not only in the first, but also in the second trimester, even when all the organs of the fetus are already formed. Possible consequences: miscarriage in the early stages, developmental pathologies in the middle of the term, placental abruption and preterm birth on demolitions.
  • Stuffiness is a "disease" of all premises in which there is a large crowd of people. At some point, the level of oxygen becomes critically low and the fetus feels it, even if the woman herself does not notice it. Possible consequence- hypoxia, or oxygen starvation. The first signs of a dangerous diagnosis are too frequent or, conversely, rare fetal movements in the case when the woman herself is calm and sits in comfortable position. Of course, you can notice them in time and sound the alarm at 30 weeks and later, when the weight of the crumbs already allows you to feel its movements well.
  • The same position - whatever one may say, but the chairs in the cinema force the mother to stay in the same position for a long time (about 2 hours). First of all, it is dangerous for herself - veins suffer, limbs that numb, although negative impact the child can also feel, about which he will definitely let you know with his movements.

Finally, the last, although not fatal, is the difficulty with going to the bathroom. Before and after the session, large queues are usually observed in the ladies' rooms, and it is far from always that the expectant mother can be skipped ahead: for short periods or in some women, the tummy is not visible due to the special constitution of the body. The mother will feel all the negative consequences of this inconvenience to the maximum when the baby puts pressure on bladder while she waits for her turn.

During a session, women who sit far away from the aisles may be embarrassed to go to the toilet so as not to interfere with others enjoying the movie. Needless to say that in an interesting position this is superfluous.

Some pregnant women ask their doctor about the possibility of attending concerts where loud music is played and whether it is harmful to the unborn child. Is it dangerous to listen to loud music in the car? We will try to give short answers to these questions today.

The influence of music on the child and the expectant mother

It has long been known that light and quiet music has a calming effect on any person, and for an unborn child it has medicinal properties. The first sounds that a baby hears in the womb can shape his emotional state. Scientists have proven that music has a beneficial effect on intellectual development children and the development of creative and logical thinking. As a result, the process of raising children will be easier and more successful. For mothers who listen during pregnancy musical works, children much earlier than their peers react to sounds and quickly recognize the melodies they are familiar with, their memory, sense of rhythm and hearing are better developed. Music has a beneficial effect on the formation of areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for speech, intuitive and associative thinking.

But loud music most often can only harm the unborn baby.

Baby in the womb and loud music

In most cases, loud music or songs are not harmful. intrauterine fetus however, a woman should take some precautions. At about twenty-four weeks, the vibrations in the baby's inner ear are converted into nerve impulses by which sound is perceived. At 27-30 weeks, the baby's ear is mature enough to begin to respond to sounds that are naturally muffled for him by the amniotic fluid and own body. In their fluid-filled home, the baby's eardrum and middle ear can't do their normal job, so sounds that are quite loud to the mother are not audible and have no negative effect.

But if loud noise(90-100 decibels) is observed throughout the day and its impact is repeated, this fact increases the chances partial loss child's hearing. Such prolonged exposure to noise may also increase the risk of preterm birth and low weight at the birth of a baby. An extremely intense sound of 150 or 155 decibels can cause similar problems for a child. Try to take the back rows in the hall at concert performances, and muffle the music in the car a little.

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It is impossible to imagine the world around us without music and numerous sounds. The fervent chirping of birds in a summer forest or the sound of an excited sea surf, the rustling of fallen leaves or the crunch of frozen ice underfoot on a cool autumn day ... Everything that we hear makes our life interesting, allows us to deeply feel what is happening and even get rid of problems. Calm and subtle sounds help to relax after a hard day, and cheerful energetic melodies improve mood, give vigor and strength. I wonder how sounds and music affect the expectant mother and her baby?

Mom is the first universe for the baby

The child begins to learn the world from the very first minutes after his birth, but thanks to his mother, his acquaintance with the world occurs much earlier. Being in the womb, the baby feels how the mood of the mother and her emotions change, and also gets acquainted with the sounds and music that a woman prefers to listen to during pregnancy.

This was known to people even in ancient times. So, in China, expectant mothers were released from stress, they were allowed to walk along the green alleys and listen to beautiful music. In Japan, pregnant women were sent to communities located in a beautiful area, where their musical and aesthetic education. In the East, there was a belief that during pregnancy a woman should “weave” the soul of a child with “threads of her voice”, so expectant mothers, sitting near their homes, often sang for a long time.

About thirty years ago, scientists found that from about 18-20 weeks of its development, the fetus hears everything that happens both inside the mother's body and outside. At the same time, all the sounds coming through, passing through amniotic fluid, lose about 30% of the volume and are quite muffled.

How does music during pregnancy affect mom and baby?

Music therapy is one of the most effective areas of intrauterine development of children. It allows you to harmoniously develop both hemispheres of their brain: the left, which is responsible for the decision logical tasks, and the right one, which allows you to think creatively. Such stimulation of the brain promotes the growth of neurons and has a positive effect on both the physical and mental state baby. According to some scientists, listening to music during pregnancy, the expectant mother can even contribute to the formation of musical talents in the crumbs.

Music affects the motor, respiratory and emotional sphere fetal life. He reacts differently to the rhythms and volume of melodies - his movements change, breathing quickens or slows down, brain activity increases. And depending on the pace, the child learns to show emotions: “sad” to lyrical works or energetically “dances” to loud and clear rhythms.

So during pregnancy expectant mother is provided great chance develop the intelligence of the baby, activate his creative and musical ability and also teach the child to feel external world and express emotions. It has been proven that after birth, children actively respond to those melodies that they “met” in the womb.

Pleasant sounds and music have a positive effect on the health of expectant mothers. They relax, calm, relieve depression, increase vitality and even enhance immunity. At the same time, it is not only the nature of the melody that influences, but the instruments on which it is performed. Thus, the clarinet has a positive effect on the circulatory system, the flute helps with bronchopulmonary diseases, and string instruments help in the treatment of vascular and heart diseases.

However, not all sounds are favorable. First of all, this applies to very loud and "hard" sounds (for example, in manufacturing plants). From the very early dates pregnant women should avoid visiting such places, because this "music" can lead to congenital hearing loss in a child. If it is not possible to completely eliminate such noises, you should consult your doctor about measures to protect against them.

What is the best music to listen to during pregnancy?

The choice of melodies depends on your taste and mood. And it does not matter what you will listen to - a pop song or an aria. The main thing is that you like the music, have good energy and do not beat on the ears. It is useful to listen to soothing calm melodies, the sound of the sea, the singing of birds, the sounds of a summer forest, and do not forget about rhythmic music. However, heavy rock and metal, even if they improve the mood of the mother, is better to postpone for a while: according to some reports, the frequencies of this music negatively affect the immature brain cells of the fetus.

Great if you like listening to classical music. The melodies of Vivaldi, Boccherini, Handel, Bach, Brahms and Beethoven have a beneficial effect on the rhythms of the brain, help to cheer up the mother and have an exciting effect on the fetus, so they need to be listened to in the morning and afternoon. The music of Haydn and Mozart, on the other hand, is soothing and therefore ideal for evening music sessions. But if the classic causes you only negative emotions, you should not torture yourself - it is best to choose any other melodies.

Today, there are music collections specially designed for pregnant women, recordings with the sounds of nature, and even discs with the heartbeat of calm mothers. During pregnancy, this music will allow you to relax, and after the baby is born, it will help you calm him down.

From around the second trimester of pregnancy, listen to your favorite tunes every day for 15-20 minutes. It does not matter whether you listen to music using the music center or headphones. Your baby will get used to this music even in the womb, and after birth it will be associated with his mother, causing a feeling of security and peace.

Also, mom can play on her own musical instruments or sing to the baby. Mom's singing not only has a beneficial effect on the baby, but also helps to some extent prepare for childbirth: a woman periodically holds her breath, regulating the amount of oxygen supplied to the child. These "workouts" are especially useful in late pregnancy.

Do not forget about music even after childbirth: turn it on already known to the child tunes, sing your favorite nursery or lullaby songs, introduce him to new sounds. As some studies show, the brain reserves of babies who were "learned" in music before birth and in the very early childhood significantly higher than their peers.

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Until recently, it was assumed that the fetus is reliably protected by the tissues of the mother's body from the effects of noise. However, it has been found that loud noise can reach the fetus. Research carried out at the Institute of Medicine environment Karolinska University in Stockholm proves that during pregnancy, women should avoid exposure high levels noise.

The study, published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, covered 1.4 million children born in Sweden between 1986 and 2008. The following indicators were analyzed: the mother's profession, her age, ethnicity, body mass index, length of stay on leave for health reasons, bad habits(smoking) and socio-economic factors.

According to the results obtained, in the group of part-time and full-time workers, the adjusted value of the relative risk (HR) of a child's hearing loss associated with exposure to occupational noise levels above 85 dB, compared with noise levels below 75 dB, is 1.27 (95% confidence interval). If only full-time female workers are considered, this rises to 1.82 (95% CI).

“The Swedish Occupational Safety and Health Administration advises pregnant women to avoid noise above 80 dBA, but unfortunately this recommendation is not always followed,” says Jenny Celander, lead researcher. “Our results show how important it is for employers to follow this recommendation. Even if pregnant women enjoy by individual means hearing protection, their unborn children are left unprotected.”