Statements about school years by the evening of the meeting. Evening meeting classmates. What to wear and how to behave at a meeting of classmates? How to organize an evening of meeting classmates

We all experience some excitement when we go to meet our old classmates. Gather together for festive table after for long years parting is a good tradition that has developed many years ago. Classmates exchange wishes, stories about their lives, remember school days. Toasts at the meetings of graduates do not bypass such a banquet. After all, all those present want to express their respect, recognition to teachers, wish something to their classmates, and simply maintain a friendly atmosphere.

When the turn comes to say a toast, not everything that we would like to come to mind always comes to mind. As a result, excitement sets in and only a few standard phrases that won't surprise anyone. But everyone wants to stand out in front of their classmates, seem resourceful and witty. To do this, it is worth taking toasts with you for the evening of the reunion of graduates.

We haven't seen each other for years, friends.

We haven't seen each other for many years, friends,
Everyone has their own destiny:
Work, hobbies, family
There are many worries in life!
But despite this, together we
And the evening of the meeting again united us,
And our eyes are full of joy
And reopened to the past!
Let's remember the school years
And let's have a great evening
But for starters, I, like a toastmaster,
I propose a toast to our meeting!

God bless us all!

God bless us all!
Good luck and big victories!
And living with true love
for many, many years!
Do not dilute our roads!
Don't let me forget
neither the joys nor the troubles of yesterday:
Without them, there can be no friends.
So let's drink! And let's end in a nutshell
on this toast, saying:
"Let's get together
even fifty years later!

We haven't seen each other for a long time, dear friends.

We haven't seen each other for a long time, dear friends,
That school bench has already forgotten us,
Where we all sat together after school,
Do you remember how many vows we gave?
That we will be friends forever
That we value friendship
What will we do after
Go to all dance floors.
Do you remember all our teachers,
After all, there is nothing in the world than they are nicer people,
I'm glad we're here today
And that we all got to the place.

Hooray! We got together

Hooray! We got together
Through the years, time, distance
We have been waiting for this meeting.
Overcame a breakup.
How mature the boys
How adorable the girls are
Changed my pants to trousers
Replaced skirts with dresses.
How much shine in the eyes
Mind and worldly wisdom.
Gray hair is visible in the hair
A little military bearing.
How our ladies have changed
We were children only yesterday
Today - many are here,
The children are waiting for their own at home.
We met and it's a joy
And this is happiness and delight!
Let's cry, touched, we are a little
Thanks to everyone who could come.

Let's see each other, brothers!

Let's look at each other, brothers!
How many years have passed since then
How could we all get together
For the last school gathering?
You must be surprised:
We are all over forty
But nothing has changed
just improved a little
So why be sad about the past?
I propose to drink now
All for what is impossible
Forget the school years!

We left the school walls
The last bell has rung
And life swirled us as adults:
Career, family, many things.

Faithful school comrades,
Let's walk today
All our pranks and pranks
Passing years to remember.

We return to our childhood
And in the youth that quickly passed,
We are all happy to meet again
Throwing away all our affairs.

It's like they never parted.
Years come to mind
When we studied, we talked,
As a child, life was simple.

There are a lot of other worries now.
I want everyone to move forward
Without losing enthusiasm and gunpowder,
I want to find happiness.

Good luck to everyone in business, in a career,
And in personal life warmth.
Let the doors open for you
All your old dreams.

Are you going to a meeting?
Haven't seen your friends in years?
Drive away doubts
Thoughts keep coming and going...

What if no one remembers me?
What if I changed a lot?
And suddenly I'm not needed there at all -
Alien at the feast of their lives?

And suddenly I forgot all the faces,
Will my memory fail me?
Will there be relatives?
It's hard to imagine them now...

And so they gathered ... So many years, like an abyss,
which closed under their feet,
And the memory gets from the bowels of such
Something we didn't even think about.

All the same faces - close, dear,
Their time has not spoiled at all,
Although fate was made adjustments
And the crisis, and the war, and perestroika.

What a pity that not everyone gathered,
You can't tell everything over the internet.
Let's drive away worries and fatigue,
Let's meet in another five years!

We've gathered today
To refresh the memory
And happy time
Resurrect moments!

Let everything be great
As in school years:
Easy, fresh and young -
We are always seventeen!

Let everything work out in life
And success awaits us all.
Let a happy occasion
Everyone is waiting for us!

All of us health, wisdom,
Money, love, kindness!
May all wishes come true
And in our honor - Hurray!

Time changes our lives.
But at heart we are the same children.
The evening gathers again
classmates around the world.

The years flew by quickly
The last call rang out.
From foreman to minister.
Everyone is at the next table.

Everything they could, they did.
Who is in a career, who is on maternity leave.
Remember what you dreamed about
Are we ever at dawn?

Grow up, change.
Everyone has chosen a path
So much together we learned
And they grew up little by little.

Let everyone remember today
What I dreamed about at the desk,
Did not work out? So it does not matter.
Let today be the start.

A short

Let him give you an evening of meeting
A lot of warm memories;
And remind everyone of this evening
About that wonderful time: meetings, love and dreams!

“Do you remember your school days?
And our native, beloved class?
We have been graduates for so many years
And we're just here now!

I want everyone to have fun
Remember the past times
And enjoy the nostalgia
After all, we only have one memory!

Let's go to this meeting
Now let's all drink a little,
For this warm, bright evening,
For times that can not be returned!

Our long-awaited meeting
We did not gather for the first time
And we have one task
Remember our mischievous class.

Who studied for five
Someone just didn't go
Someone was hiding behind the curtains
In general, he did a good job.

Each one was especially precious.
Without confessions and names.
We were friends without a showdown -
Someone stupid or smart.

Learned fun together
Knowing all around.
When we grew up, we parted
Forgetting about the past.

Let's wish each other
Do not forget your glorious class.
Thank you all for the service
For the meeting that connected us.

These years are gone
Gathered at this place.
We were scattered through life
And now we're together again.
Our graduation class is fun
Let's never forget
And of course our school
We will always remember.

Time is running steadily
Flows like water
We are gathered here today
Remember your school years.

How to study, how to fall in love,
How naughty we sometimes
It's good that everyone got there
Meet the class now!

How many years have passed, it's scary to remember!
We were shaken around the world by fate,
But to meet with your favorite school
We always got together.

Now familiar faces
They beamed with smiles again.
And the soul calls us to have fun,
Her love for school has not dried up.

We congratulate each other on the meeting
Friendly family classmates,
We remember those who for the evening
For some reason they didn't come.

Exciting meeting of classmates -
An opportunity to meet childhood again.
One of the kind and sincere holidays,
That keeps us from forgetting our friends.

Graduates different years proud
And the school that let us fly
And the team that works
We wish you many, many years.

I congratulate everyone who chose the time
Came to school, dropping everything.
Let's throw off the burden of the past years,
We rejoice that fate brought us together.

My friends, graduates of the past years!
We grow up, but only from year to year
It becomes more necessary from youth hello,
What brought us together, regardless of the weather.

The February cold does not blow out the fire,
That in every heart flared up brightly.
After all, a meeting with childhood for you and for me
More than the most priceless gift.

Today we sincerely congratulate all:
Teachers, old comrades.
Let our sonorous laughter sound again at school,
And our childhood will look through the gray hairs.

Fleeting, time, classmates,
How many years have passed since then
As we sat at school at the desk,
Looking straight at the teacher...

How many paths have been taken since then
And there are no roads yet.
So after all, today we will remember everything,
How then he was not alone.

How much joy, fun,
How much selflessness, dreams.
May these wonderful moments
Will never fade. bridges,

What do we throw into childhood now
Never let them burn.
Remember how it was in autumn
Many years and many winters ago?

The past is gone, it's true
And we don't need to be sad about him.
As a child, the sun was radiant -
We will never forget this:

The school where we studied at our desks,
Strict as always teachers.
How much selfless joy
How many stupid, windy undertakings.

Let's sit, as before, classmates,
Let's mourn for school topics table.
The past is gone, but not in vain,
From above, everything that was, was given to us.

An exciting occasion today
After all, the meeting again graduates,
And sad, and a little difficult,
After all, so much time has passed.

We have changed, we have grown
Everyone already has a family
But remember how the eyes burned,
And they were great friends.

How cool to touch now
Pieces of the past again.
And back to childhood for a little bit,
And suddenly turn back time.

Years later, we again gathered at the same table. Already completely different concerns: work, family, children. Each of us went our own way, but, as before, we are connected by wonderful memories from a carefree school life.

Homecoming Day is a bright event, these are memories of school pranks and strong friendship, the first teacher and the first call, important exams and an exciting graduation. This is a chance to meet classmates and tell news about yourself. Congratulations on this great opportunity!

The day of the meeting of all graduates is coming today.
Graduates remember their studies together again.
All that seemed difficult and difficult mistakes
Today they will be remembered again, but with a kind smile.
I hasten to congratulate you today with a wish
Do not forget the study days, all meetings and partings.
Do not forget happy days and child carelessness
A study that sometimes seemed endless to us.
May happiness, joy and success accompany everywhere.
You, fellow graduate, I will never forget.

On this evening of meetings, we hurry again
Immerse yourself in your school years.
School uniform and elegant new bow
They will always live in my memory.

We friends are getting older and wiser
Our children are students themselves.
All over the years you feel sharper
Sadness about school. Days and nights.

Hello! How we all grew up
How the face has changed
Everyone is good and everyone is in business,
Everyone remembers the school porch.

Let's look at each other with a smile
Recall old calls.
Cheer up, friends!
Good luck to us graduates!

We studied together many years ago.
We say "Hi" to each other. A tear will shine.
The February wind will blow away fragments of phrases:
“Do you remember...?”, “Physics lesson...”, “Our ball...”, “Our class...”.
And the kaleidoscope will return the memory to the country,
Where is childhood in the rain, but goes without an umbrella.
Where our friendly laughter rings like a bell.
And the school beckons, like a magnet, today everyone.
I wish you and I now
Stay a bright glare on the board
Or become a notebook sheet in September,
To see a shadow in your window.
Thank you, time, for a magical day!
Alas, this meeting is in a fairyland
We are allowed only in February ...

Again we sit at the desk
And look at the teacher
But this is not a lesson.
The bell won't ring now.
We are glad to meet again
We will remember together
Exactly twenty years ago
We all graduated from kindergarten.
And on the line for the first time
Hurry up, here's our first class!
How rushed to the lesson
We barely heard the call.
We remember our first love
And how violently the blood boiled.
We remember all teachers
And school friends.
How they played football at physical-re,
And how did you pass the exams?
And how you called the last time
Call, already for adults us.
We will sit here for a long time
And look at the teacher
We'll be back in a year
And we will remember again...

Ah, how many years ago
Have we left these walls?
And like adults already,
Inside - all the same children.

I used to go here with longing,
And I got "deuces"
It happened to you, friends,
I anger, sometimes, kept.

But that time has long passed
I grew up, matured.
And since graduation, better days
I didn't dare to imagine.

Let's fill up the glasses
For school years!
And these faces, this class
Let's remember forever!

Dear my classmates,
How many winters have passed, how many years.
We are participants in the same song with you,
School days refrain and verse.

In these classes, behind these desks
We are still young,
We also torment atlases with maps,
Also, at breaks, we are hailing.

Let time not spare us
Scattered through the life of the year,
Whatever the mirror says
Those days are with me forever.

Years have not noticeably passed since school,
And today we are gathered at the same table,
To remember the school years
When we didn't care!
We are now solid uncles and aunts,
And I want to be small again!
Run again in the school corridor
And besides deuces, there is no grief to know!

So we met classmates,
And it's been many years already.
For me you are the same girls, boys
I remember eating lunch in the canteen.
Remember how you ran away from class together?
How did teachers scold us later?
Everything then seemed serious
And now everyone has their own family!

The school bell rings again
Inviting us all to the lesson
Let many days rush far,
And school years a little sorry

Friends, today we meet again,
I congratulate everyone on the day of graduates,
And may this meeting be wonderful,
Let's celebrate this evening together!

Today we got together again
And we will celebrate this holiday
The schoolyard and the walls are calling us home
We are bound to this building by fate,

We do not forget everything that happened at school,
First love, spurs and quarrels
I want to congratulate everyone on the day of graduates,
And so that every year we meet again!

The years have passed, we have all changed,
But we really miss those days
When reluctantly, but still, they studied.
We miss school and old friends.

Today again we gathered as before
And in the walls of relatives we remember that hour.
Smiles shine on their faces with happiness,
We are laughing like children again now.

Native walls gathered us again.
I congratulate everyone on the day of graduates.
The school brought us together that day.
We returned back to our old house.

Where every corner is so familiar
Family faces, old friends.
Where they tried to teach us the laws,
Science, knowledge with the difficulty of a teacher.

Many years passed from meeting to meeting,
Now we have become adults, we have seen the light!
At the school desk we will sit again,
And remember classmates, we'll talk about life.

Do you remember our girls, with briefcases in their hands,
We sat at our desks, in teachings and dreams,
We studied and fell in love, and we were so easy,
Well, today we met - long graduates ...

You are an old man and I am an old man and around an old woman,
But for us they are always cute little girls,
So many years have passed - do not forget the school,
And today we met, dear friend, we are on time!

On our graduation day
Let's remember how the years have flown by.
Now everyone is ready to say
How he wants to meet more often.

I wish everyone did not know
Gloomy days in anguish and sadness.
Remember friends more often
With whom they learned life.

Alumni Gathered Day Meeting
Returns to childhood for a moment.
And everyone on this long-awaited evening
He remembers the best and fun.

How to get together well
And again friends who returned to hug,
Joking, smiling with an open heart,
Remember the past with tender sadness.

One hundred years since the last call.
Well, less than a little, but it seems - recently.
And memory is a thread: it does not break, even though it is thin.
And remember and sad, and funny.
I remember everyone with whom my life has brought,
But for some reason every day more expensive
Those first, those school friends.
Will we see you sometime? May be.
Perhaps the time has come
When, waving a hand at all worries,

It will be possible to bring us all together,
Designating our main Saturday?
Burn all life on slow fire!
Without you, friends, is this life?
I'm waiting to be able to say:
"It's great that we all got together!"

Years fly by inexorably
And 40 years have passed since
How quickly we parted
Strive forward at full speed.

I wish you, friends, girlfriends,
With whom we studied for so many years
So that life is not swept up by blizzards,
May the sun give you light!

Let youth rage in the soul
And the clarity of the eyes will not fade,
Let joy triumph in the heart
When our class meets.

May our meetings be more frequent
And we don't age at all
Let life be sweeter over the years
Good luck, lightness - to you all!

Fourty years! What is the date.
We were graduates
And now gray
But not old people.

I invite you to plunge
To the world of wonderful school years,
Become younger years forty,
Relieve the burden of past troubles.

Guys, 40 years ago we were graduates - young cheerful children who could not even imagine how our life would turn out. But now, time has passed, we all have our families, our victories and achievements, our mistakes and defeats. But, in our hearts, in our memory, bright good memories of the school, of that wonderful carefree time, when every day was filled with smiles, enthusiasm, fun, happiness and childhood dreams, will forever remain. I want to wish everyone health and prosperity in life. Remember school, go back to the good past, remember the important lessons that made us confident, courageous and good people!

So much has changed in 40 years
And we, and our school, and teachers.
But the main thing we have only survived,
We are friendly with you as well as then.

We are already quite old,
Who has turned gray, who is not to be recognized at all.
But we still found each other
To remember our class together.

And we remember a lot of good things, of course,
From the school years that we spent together.
And we are all glad to meet today,
Thank you all dear ones for coming!

Forty years is a long time indeed.
We were young once!
And although life scattered us all,
This date brought us together again!

Joy fills my heart,
So many wonderful days!
Let smiles shine on the faces
So nice to see you again!

Time has flown like a bird
40 years have passed since
When joyful and bold
They left the school yard.

Everyone chose their own path
Which way should he go?
Haven't met for a very long time
We are on the path of life.

But this meeting happened
We are gathered here now
So let's go tonight
Remember our friendly class!

40 years is a lifetime.
40 years flew by like a blink of an eye.
Congratulations on the day of the meeting, friends,
I want to wish peace, goodness.

You don't need anything else
Only health and loved ones nearby.
We've grown up a long time ago
Received cones, medals,

Only hunting will return to childhood,
Go to school, not to work...
So let school memories
Our hearts will be warmed by fire.

Let everyone have a life
And in the hands there will be a titmouse of happiness.
Let old age not touch us,
Well, youth will return again!

Anniversary meeting -
Glorious 40 years!
All words of praise
Good luck and victories!
Don't be sad, don't get old
Deal with any goal.
We have a happy life
Just starting.
Would you all travel the world,
Don't accumulate fat
travel, strive,
Drink to the brim with happiness
Know that peace, guys,
Sometimes we just dream.

We've grown so much in forty years
Fate turned out differently
About our youth, about our deeds
It is impossible to forget, alas, never.

Let's remember our friends
We won't forget the teachers either.
As in their graduation, the sunset met together,
Today we will not miss anything with you.

And let there be wrinkles near the eyes of classmates,
And all the boys are already with gray hair,
I wish you all more health,
With hope to live, and in the heart - with a dream.

40 years have left a mark
On the figures, on the faces, on the skin,
But young souls hello
Age cannot make you older.

Let there be light in the eyes of youth,
Classmates, be healthy,
And 10 years later
We will shake the old days with you again.

Years will pass, turning into smoke,
With our new meeting, invariably,
Let everyone remember: he was young,
When the sea was knee-deep.

The bell rang, we were in a hurry to the lesson,
The teacher met us at the desk,
Then we weren't in a hurry to grow up,
And childhood moved away day by day.

Now we are very pleased with the rare meeting,
Memories will be shared by all of us.
May friendship unite us forever
May our children's laughter not fade away.

Teachers at the alumni meeting


In the life of each of us
It was the first step and the first class,
Lessons in a motley sequence,
And the first waltz, and graduation ...
How carefree we all lived,
How funny we were! -
Fooling around at change
They wrote graffiti on the walls.
Now, of course, we are different,
Solid and business
But all we know and can do
From you, of course, we have!
We were not always obedient
It even happened that they were stubborn,
But you for your kindness
Often compared to my mother.
After all, you always understood us,
Sometimes forgetting about family
Gave a piece of my heart
For all the leprosy, forgiving us.
Thank you for everything, folks
For teaching us.
And let the kids be different
Of course also love you!


February is coming (.or the month of your meeting) - the time of joyful meetings,
Helping to save the memory of our youth.
After all, once together they not only studied,
But often we walked and had fun.
Remembering curiosities, we will laugh out loud.
We don't have to be afraid of the director anymore!
We grow up, grow wiser, of course, not in vain
Beloved teachers tried.
Let's for the school, for us and our class
We will certainly raise a toast now!


Tonight we meet at our school.
The hubbub in the corridor will not stop for a long time.
From different corners rush here
Meet teachers and friends
Those who have long since ceased to be children,
Who many years ago left these walls.

Only once a year we can meet
Under the school roof to talk again.
In your former class let's go in. Everything is native here
Familiar and yet… so distant.
All the same board, desks by the window. And here is mine...
We'll sit down for a bit.

We will remember our golden childhood...
As a crowd went to school and from school ...
Riding down the mountain on an old briefcase,
And the films “under 16” that we watched in the club ...

We will remember how worrying, passed the exams,
And how they helped each other with one cheat sheet ...
We will remember how furtively, until we were seen,
We wrote names under the cover of the table.

(What names are just not gathered here.
Here are ours, look! They didn't get lost

School is like a bouquet of flowers
Waiting for the meeting time.
So let it be for many years
We will remember this evening.
In a few minutes
The scene will light up.
This evening we are all waiting
IN school hall invariably.

Hello, hello meeting night!
We keep traditions.
Graduation day today
And we are talking about you.
A flurry of applause awaits you,
Congratulations, compliments
Meeting night!

Why do alumni meet?
From nostalgia or longing?
Who do they want to see and why?
What do they want to talk about and with whom?
Someone in this life is lucky:
Though late, he was recognized.
And someone hides an unlucky look:
All talk is unnecessary nonsense for him.
Someone managed not to lose their appearance -
It's nice to shine among classmates.
Someone has nothing to say, not life is a shame.
What's the point of having an empty talk about it.
We were all young thirty years ago.
In our eyes then shone the excitement of fate.
It seemed that everyone could conquer the mountains
And fast rivers to cross calmly ...
But everyone is rewarded with their own destiny.
Perhaps there is nothing to brag about them in front of you.
Not everyone came to the school meeting,
Perhaps they did not find the strength in themselves for this