Interesting and unusual statuses about grandmothers. Quotes about grandma

Grandmothers are the real Guardian Angels. They understand us better than anyone and are ready to help Hard time, feed us and are always welcome. It is our grandmothers who spoil us the most. Quotes about grandmother are warm, just like her hands.

AirPods (very high quality replica). Sale! As a gift, a magnetic cable for iPhone. Delivery throughout the CIS 6 month guarantee Payment upon receipt. Return without explanation within 14 days. .

Grandma once asked if you were still a virgin, I decided to say yes. she stroked my head and said “my poor thing.”

Grandmother Quotes - If grandparents feel the need to interfere in the upbringing of their grandchildren, this only shows that they have not been very successful in raising their children. Robert Lembke.

What parents do not allow, your beloved grandmother will definitely allow.

When children are born in our family, we are still young... When grandchildren are born, a second youth comes...

It’s terrible not only how we communicate with our parents and grandparents, but also the fact that they may soon be gone, and we won’t have time to apologize.

The grandmothers on the bench are the same gopniks - they eat sunflower seeds and know everyone in the area.

What would be so heroic to do? Maybe move grandma across the road?.. Mikhail Lashkov.

Children are the flowers of life, collect a bouquet and give it to your grandmother.

As my grandmother says: it’s good to be able to do everything, but God forbid you do everything yourself!

I will kiss my dear grandma very deeply, because my granny is very, very kind.

Grandchildren are unloved children...that’s why they are allowed so much.

If I had known before how wonderful it was to have grandchildren, I would have started right away with them. Louis Wise.

Grandmothers, they are like Freemasons, because they have a great passion for different rituals, - with the only difference that to join the society of grandmothers you do not need to stand on one leg or take oaths of allegiance.

- We love our grandchildren because they are the tormentors of our tormentors...

As my grandmother says: “If you messed up, but the feeling of guilt never came, it means you did everything right.”

In some questions, grandmothers at the entrance are not inferior to Google.

– Grandchildren and grandparents get along so well because they have common enemies.

70% of grandmothers feign insanity.

Slavik baffled his grandmother by arriving to her already fat.


The way to grandma's heart lies through conversations about the dacha...

I never will adult woman! I’ll be a smart girl, and then I’ll immediately become a kind grandmother Tatyana Solomatina.

Best source uninterruptible power supply - grandma.

A garden of love blooms in grandma's heart.

If as a child your grandmother allowed you to leave the house without a hat in winter, then there is a chance that she is not your own...

To change a person, you need to start with his grandmother. Victor Marie Hugo.

They are the apple of not only their parents' eyes, but also their grandparents'. A grandparent's love for their grandchildren never ends, so the business site celebrates this connection with selected quotes and sayings. "To become a grandfather, to enjoy one of the few pleasures in life for which the consequences have already been paid."
― Robert Brault Your task as a parent does not end when your children leave home and start their own family. This is what life gives you the grand name of being a grandmother. Considered a step above the child's parents, you take on the role of mediator, confidante, and most true friend. Being a grandmother is one challenge that is filled with love, bright moments of laughter, and another chance to relive the good old days of childhood.

It's amazing to see grandparents and grandchildren form strong relationships, despite the age difference between them. What's real beautiful relationship it doesn't matter if the grandson little baby in the cradle or mature personality, for grandparents, he/she remains the treasured apple of the eye. Needless to say, the feelings are reciprocated by the grandchildren, who value, love and cherish the relationships they share with their grandparents.

From grandparents to grandchildren
When Emotions Flow.

You are not my child's child,
and your life is a joy to me.
I am grateful to have you in my life.
As I look across generations
I reminded you that our bonds are in the form
As eternal as spirit. - Author unknown

My child's child, the heart of my heart.
Your smile is the bridge between us.
I am young again, discovering the world through your eyes.
You have time to listen and I have time to spend,
It's nice to look at familiar, favorite traits achieved in you again.
Through you, I see the future. Through me, you will see the past.
For the time being, we will love each other while these moments are in the past. - Author unknown

Promise tomorrow
And I hope that dreams come true.
Reminder of childhood
It's still a part of you.
Miracle miracle
Where did this love begin?
There's so much to touch
Hand holding grandson. - Author unknown

God gave grandchildren.
God mixed a pinch of mischief with two parts of love and joy; he added a special shine to every special boy. God gave grandchildren to keep us energetic and always on our toes. To bless our lives with laughter, and keep our memories close. To make our days easier and brighten our paths. - Author unknown

God created granddaughters.
God created granddaughters to give to our lives and to keep our hearts young. God draped every morning with the Sun, and sprinkled every night with song. He carved out places for laughter and joy, created to last long after: then a separate place was reserved for tenderness when God created granddaughters. - Author unknown
Quotes About Grandchildren

"They say genes are passed on through generations. Maybe that's why grandparents will find their grandchildren so cute." ― Joan McIntosh

Children are the Rainbow of life. Grandchildren are a pot of gold. ― Irish Blessing

The grandchildren are the crown of age, and the glory of the children is their fathers. - Proverbs 17:6 (ESV)

"Your sons were not made like you. That's what grandchildren are for." ― Jane Smiley

“Perfect love sometimes does not come until grandchildren are born.”― D. I. Pisarev

“Grandchildren of the dots that are connected by lines from generation to generation.”― Lois Poe Wyse

“A granddaughter is a gift from above, one to cherish and love.”― Author Unknown

"God gave us loving grandchildren as a reward for all our random acts of kindness. "- Author unknown

“Never have children, only grandchildren.”― Mount Vidala

“Grandchildren are precious gifts for parents from children.”― Author Unknown

“The grandchildren love reminders of what we are here for.” ― Janet Lanese

“Do you know why children are so full of energy? Because they suck it out of their grandparents.” ― Jean Perret

“If I knew my grandchildren, I would have so much fun with them first.”― Author Unknown

“Grandchildren should not be responsible for their grandparents’ debts.”― Nassim Nicholas Taleb

“Joy for grandchildren is measured in the heart.”― Author Unknown

"Grandchildren don't make a woman feel old; she married her grandfather, which worries her." ― Author Unknown

“Few things are more satisfying than grandchildren fighting over your knees.” ― Doug Larson

“With your own children, you love them immediately―and with grandchildren, it's the same way.”―Kevin Whately

"What a deal grandchildren! I give them my change and they give me millions of pleasure." ― Jean Perret

Aphorisms About Grandchildren

Grandchildren will fill the space in your heart you never knew was empty.

We may not be rich and famous, but our grandchildren are priceless.

The grandson reaches out for your hand and feels your heart.

While we are trying to teach our grandchildren about life, our grandchildren are teaching us what life is all about.

Circle of grandchildren full of life love.

Grandchildren make the world a little softer, a little kinder, a little warmer.

Grandchildren are the hands with which we will conquer heaven.

Grandchildren are like a warm blanket on a cold day. Just in your hands, makes you feel great.

Grandchildren are like flowers, you will never get tired of watching them grow.

Side by side or miles apart, grandchildren are always closer to the heart.

Grandchildren are like stars. they sparkle and shine.

Grandchildren are angels without wings. Blessing our lives with the most expensive things.

The most gems you will someday be on the neck and arms of your grandchildren.

Joy to grandchildren is measured in the heart.

A grandson is a gift from above; one to cherish and love.

Grandchild hugs last long after they've let go.

God's most precious work of art is the warmth and love in the heart of a grandson.

Your children don't like you. That's what grandchildren are for.

Grandchildren are like snowflakes. Each one is beautifully unique.

There's nothing like a grandson to put a smile on your face, a lump in your throat and a warm feeling in your heart.

The real miracle of life happens when your child's baby is born.

Grandchildren. the greatest gift, your heart will never know.

You've got the whole world in your hands when you hold your grandson.

Grandchildren best part I'm getting old.

Grandson's laughter of the sun in the house.

If you think you can't love anyone more than you love your children, wait until you look into your grandchildren's eyes and truly love.

Just when you think you know everything, what is love. grandchildren came.

Grandchildren have a special way of bringing joy every day.

A grandson is a blessing. A gift from heaven above, precious a little angel cherish and love.

Grandchildren are pieces of the heart.
Being a grandmother is a blessing. For the youngest ones, you will learn to see things anew. After all, he receives the patient and caring heart to raise equally loving and affectionate grandchildren.

You don’t recognize dad today - He came, and suddenly at the door He didn’t throw his hat on the table, But hung it up as if he were visiting. “Hello, son! Hello, daughter!” And, laughing this time, He kissed mom on the cheek, And shook granny’s hand! He didn’t hide in the newspaper, He looked at everyone at the table, He didn’t hit the cutlet with a fork - It was as if someone was sitting in it. he was better, he was simpler, he poured tea into cups, he even called his grandmother “not mother-in-law,” but he called him “mommy!” And I asked my mother directly: “Mom, what happened to him?!” “Women’s Day,” said my mother, “ Dad should be like this.” I don’t understand this. Maybe an adult will understand? Is it unpleasant for dad to be good? whole year?

There is something else that is said after someone's death, and it has to do with faith (and I have it with serious problems). This happens after the funeral, after the ceremony itself, in the house, when everyone returns. Family, loved ones and mourners return to the house, eat, drink and reminisce about him. And sooner or later, someone is guaranteed to say the following (especially after a few drinks): “You know, I think he’s up there smiling at us right now. And I think he feels good. “Well, for starters, there is no “above”, for people who need to smile from there down. It's poetic and sublime, and superstitious people are a little reassured by it - but it doesn't exist. But if it existed - if - and if someone somehow managed to survive death in a non-physical form, then, in my opinion, he would be too busy with other heavenly activities than standing in the middle of Heaven and smiling down at living people . What the hell is this for eternity? And why does no one ever say: “I think he’s down there smiling at us now”? Apparently, it never occurs to people that their loved ones might end up in hell! Your parents may be in hell right now, especially your father! Yes, fuck, there are a lot of fathers in hell. F*cked up. Even those who taught you to play billiards - stupidly because they beat you too often. And for fucking my neighbor. And for fucking the neighbor's dog. And who knows, maybe even for fucking the postman - how do we know what dad had in mind? Parents in Hell I like this option better. And the grandfather and grandmother are in hell - imagine this. Imagine your grandmother in hell - frying pies without an oven. And if someone went to hell, I very much doubt that he would smile. “I think he’s down there now, yelling at us. And I think he's in fucking pain. "People just don't want to be realistic.

When you have a grandmother, she is sometimes closer than your parents, because with her you can afford almost everything. The grandchildren love to visit her on holidays or weekends. Interesting and fascinating statuses about grandmothers will help you fully express your mood and attitude towards this person.

Statuses about grandma with meaning and depth

Of course, on the Internet there are many interesting sayings about parents, mothers and fathers. Some of them are not only humorous, but also have deep meaning. So, statuses about grandmothers that contain the truth of life:

We can only complain to our grandmother about our parents.

There is a belief that a good and attentive dad helps you be. But no, only a reliable grandmother can make a mother kind and sympathetic.

Grandmothers believe that their children and grandchildren are always hungry, so they cover chic table and get offended if they don’t eat everything.

It is very difficult to explain to your grandmother what working at home on a computer is. No problem! After all, we also don’t understand how they could work for thirty years in one place. To each his own.

Grandma really enjoyed communicating with distant relatives via Skype. He says: “We talked and gossiped, but there is no need to go somewhere or set the table. These are miracles.”

What parents do not allow, your beloved grandmother will definitely allow.

Oh, and it’s difficult with these grandmothers, especially when you explain to them how to use a mobile phone.

Only grandmothers are absolutely sure that they will give us money for a cake, even when we are already 20 years old.

Funny and grannies

Of course, there are often funny situations with mom’s or dad’s moms. Especially when the grandchildren are still small. The following statuses about grandmothers may be useful and interesting.

A little girl, about five years old, recently told her parents: “Grandma has some problems with her memory!” "Why?" - Mom asked. “Every time I come to her, she asks: “Who came to us?”

There may be a bad son or daughter. But grandchildren are always ideal for grandma, and parents do not behave correctly with them.

The grandmother, putting her grandson to bed, sang for three hours straight, but he did not fall asleep. After the fourth hour had passed, the grandson asked: “Grandma, maybe I’ll go to sleep already? Or do you still want to sing?”

The old man and the old woman lived quietly and peacefully, but then... his grandson came to visit.

At the end summer holidays They shouted loudest for joy that their parents and grandparents had arrived.

The laptop was on the floor; my grandmother decided it was a scale. Now she knows for sure that she weighs 50,000 rubles.

“Grandma, did you walk towards us with your own feet?” asked the 3-year-old granddaughter. “Yes...” the old lady was surprised. “And dad said that the devils brought you to us!”

Statuses describing the interesting behavior of grandmothers

Sometimes the older generation behaves in a way that surprises and amuses them. Here are some statuses about grandmothers that fully describe them:

There are not enough police officers for everyone, so grandmothers often replace them.

Near saunas, restaurants and discos, grandmothers are never mistaken in their readings.

It's very easy to change the way your whole house thinks about yourself. Don’t say hello to the grandmothers at the entrance once, and you will learn a lot of new things about yourself.

Despite the sarcastic and humorous sayings about grandmothers, they are the best. After all, only with them can we feel like children, no matter how old we are.