Alternative energy sources: technology review. Alternative energy sources: types and uses

Basically, we extract the energy used in everyday life and industry on or in its depths. For example, in many underdeveloped countries, wood is burned for heating and lighting homes, while in developed countries, various fossil fuel sources - coal, oil and gas - are burned to generate electricity. Fossil fuels are non-renewable energy sources. Their reserves cannot be restored. Scientists are now studying the possibilities of using inexhaustible energy sources.

Fossil fuels

Coal, oil and gas are non-renewable energy sources that were formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals that lived on Earth millions of years ago (for more details, see the article “Ancient Forms of Life”). These fuels are extracted from the earth and burned to produce electricity. However, the use of fossil fuels poses serious problems. At current rates of consumption, known reserves of oil and gas will be exhausted within the next 50 years. Coal reserves will last for 250 years. When these types of fuel are burned, gases are formed, under the influence of which a greenhouse effect occurs and acid rain occurs.

Renewable Energy

As the population grows, people require more and more energy, and many countries are switching to renewable energy sources - solar, wind and water. The idea of ​​using them is widely popular, since they are environmentally friendly sources, the use of which does not harm the environment.

Hydroelectric power stations

Water energy has been used for many centuries. Water turned water wheels, which were used for various purposes. Nowadays, huge dams and reservoirs are built and the water is used to generate electricity. The flow of the river turns the wheels of the turbines, converting the energy of the water into electricity. The turbine is connected to a generator, which produces electricity.

Solar energy

The earth receives a huge amount solar energy. Modern technology allows scientists to develop new methods of using solar energy. The world's largest solar power plant was built in the California desert. It fully meets the energy needs of 2,000 homes. Mirrors reflect Sun rays, directing them to the central water boiler. The water boils in it and turns into steam, which rotates a turbine connected to an electric generator.

Wind energy

Wind energy has been used by humans for thousands of years. The wind inflated the sails and turned the mills. To use wind energy, a wide variety of devices have been created to generate electricity and for other purposes. The wind rotates blades that drive the shaft of a turbine connected to an electric generator.

Atomic Energy

Atomic Energy - thermal energy, released during the decay of the smallest particles of matter - atoms. The main fuel for producing nuclear energy is uranium, an element found in the earth's crust. Many people consider nuclear energy to be the energy of the future, but its practical application creates a number of serious problems. Nuclear power plants do not emit toxic gases, but they can create a lot of problems because the fuel is radioactive. It emits radiation that kills all living organisms. If radiation enters the soil or atmosphere, it has catastrophic consequences.

Accidents of nuclear reactors and releases of radioactive substances into the atmosphere pose a great danger. The accident at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl (Ukraine), which occurred in 1986, resulted in the death of many people and the contamination of a vast area. Radioactive waste has threatened all life for thousands of years. Usually they are buried at the bottom of the sea, but cases of waste burial deep underground are also common.

Other renewable energy sources

In the future, people will be able to use many different natural sources of energy. For example, in volcanic areas, technology is being developed to use geothermal energy (heat from the earth's interior). Another source of energy is biogas produced by rotting waste. It can be used for heating homes and heating water. Tidal power plants have already been created. Dams are often built across river mouths (estuaries). Special turbines, driven by the ebb and flow of the tides, generate electricity.

How to Make a Savonia Rotor: The Savonia rotor is a mechanism used by farmers in Asia and Africa to supply water for irrigation. To make your own rotor, you will need several thumbtacks, a large plastic bottle, a cover, two gaskets, a rod 1 m long and 5 mm thick and two metal rings.

How to do it?

  1. To make the blades, cut the top off the bottle and cut it in half lengthwise.
  2. Use thumbtacks to attach the bottle halves to the cap. Be careful when handling buttons.
  3. Glue the gaskets to the lid and insert the rod into it.
  4. Screw the rings to the wooden base and place your rotor in the wind. Insert the rod into the rings and check the rotation of the rotor. Having chosen the optimal position for the half of the bottle, glue them to the cap with strong water-repellent glue.
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Today, the main sources of energy in the world are coal, oil and natural gas. All this fuel is fossil fuel, since it comes from the fossilized remains of animals and plants that existed on the globe many millions of years ago. This fuel is used to heat homes, other buildings, and vehicles. Fossil fuel is a non-renewable resource. That is, there is a limited amount of all these types of fuel on Earth.

For this reason, scientists are constantly working to find other sources of energy, the number of which will not be limited. Renewable energy sources are cleaner and do not affect environment such harmful effects as fossil fuels. Alternative energy sources include: solar energy, hydropower and wind.

With the help of solar panels, you can accumulate solar heat and use it to heat homes and other buildings. Flowing water also produces energy. When falling down, the water rotates the turbine, driving the generator, which generates electricity. Turbines are also used to convert wind energy into electricity.

Nuclear energy is one of the important sources of energy; it is released when the atomic nucleus splits. To produce energy using renewable sources, scientists have not yet solved the problem associated with the reduction in cost of the technology for producing such energy.

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    Is photosynthesis important to us? All life on Earth exists thanks to solar energy. Plants illuminated by the rays of the sun seem to reach out to it and accumulate nutrients- carbohydrates. This process is called photosynthesis. In turn, people and animals, consuming plants for food, draw from them the energy necessary for life. The power of the sun reaches us in the form of heat and light. Heat is generated by the wind, and the wind drives rain clouds, from which water is needed. How does a nuclear reactor work? A nuclear reactor uses energy obtained from the decay of uranium. It provides heat with which electricity is generated. This is the operating principle of all nuclear power plants. A nuclear reactor is a huge boiler that produces water steam. The steam, in turn, rotates a turbogenerator, which produces current. By releasing energy, nuclear fuel does not disappear. It can be used in other branches of nuclear energy. The nuclear reactor was created in 1942 in Chicago (USA) by Enrico Fermi.

Or in its depths. For example, in many underdeveloped countries, wood is burned for heating and lighting homes, while in developed countries, various fossil fuel sources are burned to generate electricity -,. Fossil fuels are non-renewable energy sources. Their reserves cannot be restored. Scientists are now studying the possibilities of using inexhaustible energy sources.

Fossil fuels

Coal and gas are non-renewable energy sources that were formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals that lived on Earth millions of years ago (more details in the article ““). These fuels are extracted from the earth and burned to produce electricity. However, the use of fossil fuels poses serious problems. At current rates of consumption, known reserves of oil and gas will be exhausted within the next 50 years. Coal reserves will last for 250 years. When these types of fuel are burned, gases are formed, under the influence of which a greenhouse effect occurs and acid rain occurs.

Renewable Energy

As the population grows (see article ““), people require more and more energy, and many countries are switching to the use of renewable energy sources - solar, wind, etc. The idea of ​​using them is widely popular, since they are environmentally friendly sources, the use of which does not harm the environment.

Hydroelectric power stations

Water energy has been used for many centuries. Water turned water wheels, which were used for various purposes. Nowadays, huge dams and reservoirs are built and the water is used to generate electricity. The flow of the river turns the wheels of the turbines, converting the energy of the water into electricity. The turbine is connected to a generator, which produces electricity.

The earth receives a huge amount. Modern technology allows scientists to develop new methods of using solar energy. The world's largest solar power plant was built in the California desert. It fully meets the energy needs of 2,000 homes. Mirrors reflect the sun's rays, directing them into the central water boiler. The water boils in it and turns into steam, which rotates a turbine connected to an electric generator.

Wind energy has been used by humans for thousands of years. The wind inflated the sails and turned the mills. To use wind energy, a wide variety of devices have been created to generate electricity and for other purposes. The wind rotates the blades of a windmill, which drive a turbine shaft connected to an electric generator.

Atomic energy is thermal energy released during the decay of the smallest particles of matter. The main fuel for producing atomic energy is - contained in the earth's crust. Many people consider nuclear energy to be the energy of the future, but its practical application poses a number of serious problems. Nuclear power plants do not emit toxic gases, but they can create a lot of problems because the fuel is radioactive. It emits radiation that kills everything. If radiation enters the soil or water, it has catastrophic consequences.

Accidents of nuclear reactors and releases of radioactive substances into the atmosphere pose a great danger. The accident at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl (Ukraine), which occurred in 1986, resulted in the death of many people and the contamination of a vast area. Radioactive waste has threatened all life for thousands of years. Usually they are buried at the bottom of the sea, but cases of waste burial deep underground are also common.

Other renewable energy sources

In the future, people will be able to use many different natural sources of energy. For example, in volcanic areas, technology is being developed to use geothermal energy (heat from the earth's interior). Another source of energy is biogas produced by rotting waste. It can be used for heating homes and heating water. Tidal power plants have already been created. Dams are often built across river mouths (estuaries). Special turbines, driven by the ebb and flow of the tides, generate electricity.

How to make a Savonia rotor:

The Savonia rotor is a mechanism used by farmers in Asia and Africa to supply water for irrigation. To make your own rotor, you will need some thumbtacks, a large plastic bottle, a cap, two gaskets, a 1m long, 5mm thick rod and two metal rings.

How to do it:

1. To make the blades, cut the top off the bottle and cut it in half lengthwise.

2. Using thumbtacks, attach the bottle halves to the cap. Be careful when handling buttons.

3. Glue the gaskets to the lid and insert the rod into it.

4. Screw the rings to the wooden base and place your rotor in the wind. Insert the rod into the rings and check the rotation of the rotor. Having chosen the optimal position for the half of the bottle, glue them to the cap with strong water-repellent glue.

Prospects for use alternative sources energy

Traditional energy sources are becoming irrelevant. Many reasons force humanity to abandon them. Today the focus is on alternative ways, already used in practice and planned for the future. Research continues, so science moves forward without stopping at the results achieved. Now you can evaluate some of the achievements that have already yielded first results in order to understand how profitable new directions will be in a few years.

Alternative energy continues to spread. The reason is its obvious advantages over traditional sources, which are difficult to refute. In some countries, the government is conducting complex government programs with enormous financial investments for gradual replacement, but so far the results remain insignificant.

What are the main types?
  • Lightning energy;
  • Atomic energy.

Endless research allows us to compare the possibilities offered by nature. Humanity continues to search for new directions, which in the future will certainly turn into an ideal replacement for traditional sources. Detailed description will give general information, and will also indicate which types have already found application in Everyday life population of the planet.

The energy of the sun has been used by man for a long time. Initial attempts were made in ancient times, when people used a directed beam to light a tree. Modern methods based on use large areas batteries collecting flows for subsequent processing and accumulation in batteries.

With the help of such energy everyone flies space stations and satellites. In orbit, access to the star is open, but on Earth, some countries are actively using the new source. One example is entire “fields” of batteries powering small towns. Although it is much more interesting to consider new small autonomous sources, where the surface area does not exceed the roof small house. They are installed privately all over the world to provide heating at no extra cost.

Wind energy has been used by humanity since time immemorial. The best example These are sailboats that move due to a constant air flow. Now scientific research has made it possible to create special generators that provide electricity to entire cities. Moreover, they work according to two principles:

  • Offline;
  • In parallel with the main network.

In both cases, it is possible to gradually replace the traditional source, reducing harmful effects on the environment. Now you can evaluate the results achieved, confirming the correctness of your choice. Data suggests that in Denmark 25% of energy generated comes from wind power plants. Many countries are trying to gradually switch to new sources, but this is only possible in open spaces. Because of this, in some areas the use best option remains inaccessible.

The energy of water remains irreplaceable. Previously, it was used in simple mills and ships, but now huge turbine hydroelectric power plants supply electricity to entire regions. The latest developments offer humanity an opportunity to get acquainted with a fantastic future that will be built on latest sources. What alternatives are countries already using?

  • Tidal power plants;
  • Wave power plants;
  • Micro and mini hydroelectric power stations;
  • Aero hydroelectric power station.

Tidal power plants use the energy of the tides. Their height and power depends on the influence of the Moon, so the stability of the feed remains a bit of an issue. Although in France, India, Great Britain and several other countries the project has been implemented and is successfully used as indispensable support.

Wave power plants are being built on the shores of the oceans, where the power of regular impacts on the coast exceeds imaginable limits. In this case, the limitation becomes insufficient strength. It does not allow you to get enough energy.

Micro and mini hydroelectric power stations are suitable for narrow mountain rivers. Their small size allows you to freely find time, and their power is suitable for supplying small settlements. Experimental models have been tested, so operating facilities with good performance are now being built.

Aero hydroelectric power station is the latest technology, which is still being tested. It is based on the condensation of moisture from the atmosphere. Operating installations still remain a ghostly dream, but there are certain indicators confirming the feasibility of the investment Money in development.

Geothermal energy remains widespread. This alternative source is used by several different ways. It remains one of the most interesting for certain regions, so abandoning it makes no sense. The only problem is high price installations, which limits their number. What options are possible?

  • Thermal power plants;
  • Ground heat exchangers.

Lightning Energy

Lightning energy is a new trend. This direction is just beginning to be developed, but scientists say that it is possible to use the available gigawatts. They are wasted, going into the ground. The American company has begun research aimed at creating special installations for capturing thunderstorms.

Lightning energy is a powerful source that can provide electricity to a large area of ​​a metropolis. The estimated cash costs for construction should pay off within 5-7 years, so the feasibility of such investments remains undeniable. All that remains is to wait for the completion of research for implementation. new technology into wide use.


The sun and wind as alternative energy sources have been known for a long time, although in Russia they are not as widespread as in European countries.


Traditional energy sources are fossil fuels, but reserves of coal, gas and oil are limited. Therefore, we have to look for alternative energy sources - renewable, and therefore inexhaustible. Having spent only once on installation, the use of alternative energy sources is possible for life - of course, subject to periodic maintenance of the installations.

What alternative energy sources are there and how they are used, you will learn on this page.

The sun and wind as alternative energy sources have been known for a long time, although in Russia they are not as widespread as in European countries. However, to ignore this free natural resource for obtaining electrical energy impossible. Moreover, the use of alternative energy sources is not only quite economically profitable, but also environmentally safe.

Wind is an alternative energy source

One of the conditions that will allow the use of wind energy as an alternative energy source is the need to have a wind turbine - a wind power plant. In addition, it is important to have a house in an area where strong winds not uncommon, although small gusts will be enough to operate a windmill with a power of 1.5-4 kW. Such an alternative source of energy for the home will fully satisfy modest needs: light, watching TV, recharging a laptop. For this, an installation with a power of 500-600 W is sufficient.

This type of alternative energy source is a structure consisting of the following elements:

wind heads with three blades,


slewing bearing,





A wind power plant works like this: blades fixed on a wheel begin to rotate under the influence of the wind; the wheel transmits torque to the generator shaft, which produces energy. There is a direct relationship between its quantity and the size of the wheel: the larger the wheel, the easier it captures the wind, the more energy is generated. The energy enters the charger, which transforms it into constant electricity necessary for charging batteries. All processes are controlled by the controller. To obtain alternating current, on which everything runs Appliances, there is an inverter.

To install this alternative source of electrical energy, it is necessary to prepare a concrete foundation, including a foundation element (reinforced concrete ring) filled with mortar. steel mast in vertical position hold stretch marks.

Currently, purchasing a wind power plant, not only imported, but also domestically produced, is not a problem. It is clear that its cost directly depends on the power, for example, a 1 kW wind power plant (it will produce 120 kW per month) will cost about 35,000 rubles.

A photo of this alternative energy source can be seen here:

Alternative energy sources include solar panels

Not all regions can boast of the presence of strong winds in Russia. The same applies to sunny days, the number of which varies in different areas, although even heavy clouds do not prevent you from receiving 100 W per 1 m2. To generate 10 kW of energy, the area of ​​solar panels must be 100 m2.

To use the sun as an alternative source of energy, solar energy must be converted into electrical energy. This will require special elements, the transformation process itself is called the photoelectric effect, and the module used for this is called a photovoltaic cell.

Down conductors are mounted on both sides of the photocell. When the sun's rays hit a photocell, some of the light (photon) is absorbed. This releases one electron. At this moment, a current is generated. The electricity generated in the solar cell can be used directly or stored in a battery. Individual photocells are not able to power a home required quantity energy, so they are collected in panels of different sizes and types. Typically, to use solar energy as an alternative energy source, panels are assembled into silicon photovoltaic modules, the size of which varies from 0.4 to 1.6 m2, with a power of 40-160 W.

Application of solar energy as an alternative source of electrical energy

When combined, the panels form solar panels - an alternative source of energy, coefficient useful action which is still small and amounts to 5-15% (only 15% of light is converted into electrical energy).

A set of solar panels with a controller, inverter, batteries, cable, electrical load and supporting structure is called a solar station, which can be considered and used as an emergency power supply system.

The cost of a station consisting of four modules with a power of 115 W, two batteries, a 1 kW inverter and a controller will be approximately 125,000 rubles. Whether such an alternative energy source is sufficient for a dacha depends on energy costs, which must be calculated before purchasing the complex. If there is electricity in the house, then monthly meter readings will help; if it is not started, then you should install all the items that are energy consumers, add up their power and multiply by the number of operating hours per month - this will be the amount of energy consumption. Of course, it is necessary to optimize the amount of energy consumed, for example, by installing energy-saving light bulbs, solar-powered street lights, etc.

Connections and branches of wires and cables must be made in branching and junction boxes specially designed for this (they can be distinguished by the number of holes: in the first there are four, in the second - two).

It must be admitted that alternative energy sources have not yet become commonplace, since the initial costs of purchasing equipment are quite high, and they will pay off no earlier than in 10 years. However, the prospects that are opening up, according to scientists, are enormous.

What other alternative energy sources are there?

Below you will find out what other alternative energy sources are available that can replace traditional ones.

Alternative energy sources include mobile power plants. They are mobile, compact, powerful, have a significant resource, are durable, and work with sufficient low level noise and with a large temperature difference - from +45 to -50 ° C.

The main components of a mobile power plant are a generator and an internal combustion engine. An alternative source of energy are synchronous stations (for use in emergency situations) and asynchronous stations (for maintaining voltage in the network and connecting electrical appliances that respond to power surges).

Mobile stations can run on gasoline or diesel fuel. The former are used as a source of power supply during power outages. Their power ranges from 0.5 to 12 kW, which is quite enough to perform small amounts of work. The generator is equipped with an autostart, i.e. it starts operating when the power is cut off. The noise level of gasoline power plants is approximately 20-30% lower than diesel ones.

The diesel power plant is designed for permanent job. Its power varies widely - from 12 to 2500 kW. Stations can produce different numbers of revolutions per minute - up to 3000 rpm. For a constant power supply to the house and site, it is enough if this parameter is 1500 rpm. The latest generation of diesel stations can operate uninterruptedly all year round.

When purchasing a mobile power station, you need to select a unit of the required power. To do this, you need to establish which devices will work from it. Among the regular consumers of energy are the refrigerator and lamps; among those that are turned on periodically are the iron, power tools, etc. To calculate the power of the station, you need to sum up the power of those devices that are actively used and add an additional 20%. If the needs of a small garden house are provided by a station with a power of 2 kW, then for an individual comfortable house you will need a station with a power of 10-20 kW.