A real Yakut, as she looks. Top sexiest girls in Yakutia

From the editors of Lady Mail.Ru. Our country is so large that life in different parts of it can sometimes be radically different. In St. Petersburg, Dagestan and Kalmykia, ideas about fashion, beauty and women's destiny will inevitably be different. These features - sometimes funny, sometimes touching - we want to tell you in our new series materials about women from different regions of Russia.

Irina Efimova is a Yakut, born and lives in the permafrost zone and knows firsthand how to stay beautiful in -50 ºC. We asked her about what a typical modern representative of this people looks like.

Irina Efimova was born and lives in Yakutia

“I was born and raised in Yakutia, the largest of the republics that make up Russia. We have amazingly beautiful nature and a harsh, sharply continental climate: the temperature ranges from +40 ºC in summer to -60 ºC in winter. Yakutsk, the capital of the region, is home to 320,000 people. It is the largest city located in the permafrost zone.

Yakutia has a harsh climate, but stunningly beautiful nature

There are two types of girls among the Yakuts: “Vilyuysky” (from the name of the Vilyui River) - swarthy, thin-faced, hook-nosed, with resinous, often curly hair, dark "deer" eyes. They are usually fragile and short. Another type is tall, white-skinned, with chestnut, sometimes almost blond hair. They are considered the most beautiful according to the Yakut canons.

Two types of Yakut beauties. On the right - Maria Gushchina, Miss Yakutia-2005, on the left - Sardana Syromyatnikova, Miss Yakutia-2006

Fashion style

In Yakutsk, the influence of modern Asian culture is very strong., primarily anime and K-pop (a Korean genre of popular music and a subculture that grew out of it). Teenagers, boys and girls, often dye their hair in uncharacteristic colors, wear colored lenses, girls wear hats with animal ears and muzzles, platform sneakers, other funny clothes unknown brands. Sometimes it's all present at once, sometimes it's just one or two elements. Maybe this is due to the fact that we most often go on vacation to Asia - China, Thailand, Vietnam, Korea, Japan.

Other important featureNational clothes . For Yakutia is not fancy dress, and the same item of clothing, such as, for example, Evening Dress . Certainly, all year round they don’t wear it, mostly on Ysyakh(traditional meeting of summer, the most massive National holiday Russia, collecting under open sky up to 180 thousand people). A month before Ysyakh, all local ateliers are inundated with orders for khaldai - traditional summer dresses. Although the latter are more worn by older ladies, the young ones flaunt in stylized, fitted and fitted outfits.

Yakut women in traditional dresses at the celebration of Yysakh

National elements in clothes are quite ordinary thing . IN Everyday life it can be either summer dresses with national prints, women's bags with Yakut patterns, less often - stylized vests or coats in the national style.

For example, a girl in jeans is walking down the street, and they are tucked into high boots (winter shoes from deer paws). Or a silver braid with a national ornament is woven into the braid, or a leather and fur phone bag. Not to mention earrings, charms or rings.

Personal care

They joke about us that here permafrost in which we conserve and keep well for a long time. Often this happens: you look at a woman and you don’t understand how old she is. In fact, in terms of self-care, we are not much different from other Russian women, except perhaps in Lately we are more popular asian cosmetics- Korean, Japanese, Chinese. With make-up, everything is quite extreme: either the girl does not make up at all, or she does make up in full, brightly. natural makeup not in fashion.

Yakuts prefer bright makeup

We are not fond of the total Europeanization of centuries, as, for example, in Korea. WITH age problems they fight, as elsewhere: creams, masks, injections, braces. IN last years became popular "beauty tours" in China: once every two or three months, the girls specially fly for a few days to Beijing or Harbin (we have regular flights to these cities). Haircut-coloring, manicure-pedicure, eyelash extensions, tattooing, spa, massage, shopping - they say that in the end it turns out cheaper than in Yakutsk.

warm fashion

Fashion in Yakutia is followed and, in general, global trends are followed, at least in the capital of the republic. But it's more about summer or spring. Because we don't have one fashion magazine or a site that would tell you how to dress in winter. What glossy publications offer for the winter is a demi-season for us. Therefore, here women are guided by their taste.

Winter fashion arises spontaneously. Suddenly, at some point, everyone understands that boyar fur hats are in trend, and they begin to wear them. Then they are replaced by “Yakutian women” (high hats with a fur trim) or “Mongolian” hats with tails, mink mittens, mittens with a national pattern appear on the streets. Where this knowledge comes from is a mystery.

Furs are considered a luxury everywhere, but with us they are a necessity. In a sheepskin coat or a down jacket at minus 50, you can only move in short dashes. Since we have a fur coat - required item and, whatever you say, dear, they try to buy it for a long time and give preference classic models. Most women choose mink or raccoon fur coats.

In Yakutia without warm coat- nowhere

Very popular national fur shoes - high boots. Real Yakut high fur boots are sewn from reindeer paws and are expensive: from 25 to 40 thousand. There are also Chinese “analogues”, which are made from cow or horse skins, it turns out to be cheaper by about 5-7 times. True, Chinese boots are worn for a year or two at most and are quickly wiped off, while real deer boots serve for a very long time.

This is what Yakut fur boots look like

Interestingly, the Chinese are very quick to respond to all our local trends. In a huge market in Yakutsk, they sell, for example, pseudo-Yakut brass jewelry.

Diamonds and national jewelry

Yakutia is the largest supplier of diamonds in Russia, therefore diamonds - local must have. Wearing them is considered appropriate at any age and at any time of the day. Almost every girl has diamond earrings, a ring or just a certified stone in a box. Even girls sometimes have tiny glittering studs in their ears.

Diamonds count the best gift for adulthood, wedding and birthday- the choice is huge, and you can find stones for any wallet. Quite tiny will cost about 3-4 thousand rubles. Studs with small stones - within 10 thousand rubles.

National jewelry is in great demand. Modern Yakut jewelers make beautiful, relevant and modern-sounding things. Many wear them every day, combining, for example, with the usual business suit and it's completely normal. Interesting feature Yakut earrings - removable pendants and a clasp that opens forward, this is not done anywhere else.

National Yakut jewelry looks very colorful

If I travel somewhere, I often take a parade set with me. silver jewelry, and they always enjoy incredible attention. When you put on all this “harness”, a whole line of people who want to take a selfie with you immediately line up. Despite the fact that in Yakutia in this form you can safely go, for example, to the theater, and this will not surprise anyone or desire to take you on the phone. Before the revolution, such sets were inherited by female line, but in Soviet time they were not appreciated best case- donated to the museum. My parents did not save them, so I had to buy everything myself: I passed silver spoons by weight and paid only for the work - there is such a service in jewelry. But there will be something to leave for the daughter.

It is believed that in the Yakut literature, a woman is the keeper of the hearth, but in real life this is far from true. Almost all schoolchildren are brought up with Yakut literature at school, but why can't we instill values ​​in children? Also about the image of a man who was a leader, a toyon.

In the bowels of the Yakut culture, wonderful traditions have been preserved, from which the people draw a new worldview, moral guidelines that form the ideal of a modern girl. For any nation, a girl is sacred; the future of the nation depends on her. In our time, the problem of education is relevant - understanding by young girls of their destiny in life, the role of a woman in the family.

The Yakut girl must, as they say in the olonkho, in accordance with the sacred destiny, become the ancestor of the Sakha, the educator of children, the main keeper of the hearth for her family.

Now modern Yakuts no longer look at a woman only as a hostess. In their eyes, she does not break away from public life, socially useful work. In the age of universal education, intellectual upsurge, look at feminine beauty synthesizes the bodily spiritual principle. A person perceives the beauty of women in connection with her intelligence, comprehensive development personality.

Now everything is changing. On the one hand, this, of course, is connected with social processes. Modern girls desperately love independence, their freedom and strive to realize their career plans. And this is not only their attitude to the issue. Gender studies show that modern society as a leader can accept both a man and a woman. Sexual prejudice has long been erased.

But the people from ancient times sang beautiful girl in their legends, songs, poems. Her image in the olonkho and works of art by Yakut writers as the ideal of the Sakha people has not yet been deeply studied. The Yakut woman has always been associated with the concept of beauty, something very tender.

On the other hand, young people do not read, and a work of art does not play in their lives the role that was characteristic of young people in the 1930s-1970s. Then the literary hero became an ideal for generations, an example to follow.

But still have Yakut people still strong age-old traditions, in particular, until now, a woman is considered the keeper of the hearth, and a man is a breadwinner.

Women are more likely to get tired of social activities and declare that they would be happy to devote themselves to their home, family, if a man created all the conditions for this.

Varvara Okorokova - Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Institute of Languages ​​and Cultures of the Peoples of the Northeast RF, NEFU

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Our country is so large that life in different parts of it can sometimes be radically different. In St. Petersburg, Dagestan and Kalmykia, ideas about fashion, beauty and women's destiny will inevitably be different.

Irina Efimova is a Yakut, born and lives in the permafrost zone and knows firsthand how to stay beautiful in -50 ºC.

“I was born and raised in Yakutia, the largest of the republics that make up Russia. We have amazingly beautiful nature and a harsh, sharply continental climate: the temperature ranges from +40 ºC in summer to -60 ºC in winter. Yakutsk, the capital of the region, is home to 320,000 people. It is the largest city located in the permafrost zone.

Among the Yakuts, there are two types of girls: “Vilyuysky” (from the name of the Vilyui River) - swarthy, thin-faced, hook-nosed, with pitch, often curly hair, dark “deer” eyes. They are usually fragile and short. The other type is tall, white-skinned, with chestnut, sometimes almost blond hair. They are considered the most beautiful according to the Yakut canons.

Two types of Yakut beauties. On the right - Maria Gushchina, Miss Yakutia-2005, on the left - Sardana Syromyatnikova, Miss Yakutia-2006

Fashion style

In Yakutsk, the influence of modern Asian culture is very strong, especially anime and K-pop (a Korean genre of popular music and a subculture that grew out of it). Teenagers, boys and girls, often dye their hair in uncharacteristic colors, wear colored lenses, girls wear hats with animal ears and muzzles, platform sneakers, tutu skirts, and other funny clothes of unknown brands. Sometimes it's all present at once, sometimes it's just one or two elements. Perhaps this is due to the fact that we most often go on vacation to Asia - China, Thailand, Vietnam, Korea, Japan.

Another important feature is the national dress. For Yakutia, this is not a fancy dress, but the same wardrobe item as, for example, an evening dress. Of course, they don’t wear it all year round, mainly on Ysyakh (the traditional meeting of summer, the most massive national holiday in Russia, gathering up to 180 thousand people in the open air). A month before Ysyakh, all local ateliers are inundated with orders for khaldai - traditional summer dresses. Although the latter are more worn by older ladies, the young ones flaunt in stylized, fitted and fitted outfits.

Yakut women in traditional dresses at the celebration of Yysakh

National elements in clothes are a fairly common thing. In everyday life, it can be T-shirts or summer dresses with national prints, women's bags with Yakut patterns, less often - stylized vests or coats in the national style.

For example, a girl in jeans is walking down the street, and they are tucked into high fur boots (winter shoes made from reindeer paws). Or a silver braid with a national ornament is woven into the braid, or a leather and fur phone bag. Not to mention earrings, charms or rings.
Personal care

They joke about us that there is permafrost here, in which we are conserved and are well preserved for a long time. Often this happens: you look at a woman and you don’t understand how old she is. In fact, in terms of self-care, we are not particularly different from other Russian women, except that recently we have more popular Asian cosmetics - Korean, Japanese, Chinese. With make-up, everything is quite extreme: either the girl does not make up at all, or she does make up in full, brightly. Natural makeup is out of fashion.

Yakuts prefer bright makeup

We are not carried away by the total Europeanization of centuries, as, for example, in Korea. They struggle with age-related problems, as elsewhere: creams, masks, injections, braces. In recent years, “beauty tours” to China have become popular: once every two or three months, girls specially fly for a few days to Beijing or Harbin (we have regular flights to these cities). Haircut-painting, manicure-pedicure, eyelash extensions, tattooing, spa, massage, shopping - they say that in the end it turns out cheaper than in Yakutsk.

warm fashion

Fashion in Yakutia is followed and, in general, global trends are followed, at least in the capital of the republic. But it's more about summer or spring. Because we don't have a single fashion magazine or website that talks about how to dress in winter. What glossy publications offer for the winter is a demi-season for us. Therefore, here women are guided by their taste.
Winter fashion arises spontaneously. Suddenly, at some point, everyone understands that boyar fur hats are in trend, and they begin to wear them. Then they are replaced by “Yakutian women” (high hats with a fur trim) or “Mongolian” hats with tails, mink mittens, mittens with a national pattern appear on the streets. Where this knowledge comes from is a mystery.

Furs are considered a luxury everywhere, but with us they are a necessity. In a sheepskin coat or a down jacket at minus 50, you can only move in short dashes. Since we have a fur coat - a necessary item and, whatever you say, expensive, they try to buy it for a long time and give preference to classic models. Most women choose mink or raccoon fur coats.

Very popular national fur shoes - high boots. Real Yakut high fur boots are sewn from reindeer paws and are expensive: from 25 to 40 thousand. There are also Chinese “analogues”, which are made from cow or horse skins, it turns out to be cheaper by about 5-7 times. True, Chinese boots are worn for a year or two at most and are quickly wiped off, while real deer boots serve for a very long time.

Interestingly, the Chinese are very quick to respond to all our local trends. In a huge market in Yakutsk, they sell, for example, pseudo-Yakut brass jewelry.

Diamonds and national jewelry

Yakutia is the largest supplier of diamonds in Russia, so diamonds are a local must-have. Wearing them is considered appropriate at any age and at any time of the day. Almost every girl has diamond earrings, a pendant, a ring or just a certified stone in a box. Even girls sometimes have tiny glittering studs in their ears.

Diamonds are considered the best gift for coming of age, weddings and birthdays - the choice is huge, and you can find stones for any wallet. Quite tiny will cost about 3-4 thousand rubles. Studs with small stones - within 10 thousand rubles.

National ornaments are in great demand. Modern Yakut jewelers make beautiful, relevant and modern-sounding things. Many wear them every day, combining, for example, with a regular business suit, and this is perceived as absolutely normal. An interesting feature of Yakut earrings is removable pendants and a clasp that opens forward, this is not done anywhere else.

When I travel somewhere, I often take a ceremonial set of silver jewelry with me, and they always enjoy incredible attention. When you put on all this “harness”, a whole line of people who want to take a selfie with you immediately line up. Despite the fact that in Yakutia in this form you can safely go, for example, to the theater, and this will not surprise anyone or desire to take you on the phone. Before the revolution, such sets were inherited through the female line, but in Soviet times they were not appreciated, at best they were given to the museum. My parents did not save them, so I had to buy everything myself: I handed over the silver spoons by weight and paid only for the work - there is such a service in jewelry stores. But there will be something to leave for the daughter.

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Made top yesterday sexy men and today the turn of girls has come. I won’t have any problems with the number, and therefore I will make a TOP TEN. The top will include not only girls, but also women, mothers) I evaluate external data, demand in the profession and, of course, sexuality. So, look and envy with white envy ..;)

1. Maria Gushchina. She won such titles as "Miss Virtual Yakutia 2005", "Beauty of Russia 2005". NY agency teacher, loving wife and mother. Owner of the most luxurious, natural hair in Yakutia :)

2. Sardaana Syromyatnikova. "Miss Yakutia 2006", "Second Vice Miss Russia 2006". One of the few Yakut beauties awarded such a high place in the Miss Russia contest. this moment works as a lawyer in a bank.

3. Sardaana Koryakina. "Miss Virtual Yakutia 2004", "Miss Yakutia 2005", "Miss National Costume"at the contest" Miss Russia 2005 ". Unfortunately, due to a disagreement with the organizing committee of the contest," MJ "was deprived of the title" MJ 2005 ". The green-eyed beauty, socialite, is known for a scandalous affair with Afanasy Maximov.

4. Violetta Ivanova.Senior coach rhythmic gymnastics RS (Y), a student of the school of Irina Viner, a socialite.

5. Polina Protodyakonova. "Miss Virtual Yakutia 2006", the most demanded Yakut model in Russia and abroad.

6. Yana-Maria Irnazarova. "Miss Yakutia 2008", MVYa finalist.

7. Evgenia Gunina. "Miss Virtual Yakutia 2011", business woman. The first blonde to win the MVYa. Wonderful wife and mother.

The Yakuts are a Turkic-speaking people numbering 480 thousand people. In terms of numbers, the Yakuts occupy the first place in Yakutia (49.9% of the population), the second place (after the Russians) in the Far Eastern Federal District and the 19th place among the peoples of Russia.

The Republic of Yakutia (Yakut. Sakha Өrөspүүbүlukete) is the largest administrative-territorial unit in Russia and in the whole world in terms of area (3.083 million sq. km.), it is equal in area to five France; Yakutia is larger than the second largest CIS state - Kazakhstan. If Yakutia were an independent state, it would take eighth place in the world in terms of territory.
Yakutia is one of the coldest places on Earth, two Eurasian cold poles are located here - Verkhoyansk and Oymyakon.
In the second half of the 18th century, most of the Yakuts were converted to Christianity, but shamanism also persisted. Russian influence affected not only religion, but also the traditions of naming the Yakuts, as a result, Russian names almost completely replaced the pre-Christian Yakut names.
Descendants from mixed marriages Yakuts with representatives of other peoples (usually Russians) are called Sakhalyars. The first Sakhalar was Lyubim, the son of the Russian pioneer Semyon Dezhnev and his Yakut wife Abakayada Syuchu.

18th place: - model, Miss Yakutia 2008. Height 174 cm, weight 48 kg, figure parameters 85-60-90.

17th place: - model, winner of the audience award at the Miss Yakutia 2006 contest, title holder " best model Russia" at the Moscow international forum Fashion House International. Height 176 cm, weight 50 kg, figure parameters 87-59-90.

16th place: (born November 15, 1990) - model, TV presenter, finalist of the Miss Virtual Yakutia 2009 contest. Height 170 cm, weight 52 kg, figure parameters 88-61-91. Page "In contact" - vk.com/christin_sokolova

15th place: - Model, Miss Yakutia-2006, Second Vice-Miss Russia 2006, was the face of jewelry company"Gold of Yakutia". Page "In contact" - vk.com/id6006748

14th place: - Model, singer, Vice-Miss Virtual Yakutia-2009, First Vice-Miss Yakutia-2010, Beauty of Yakutia 2011, Second Vice-Miss of the beauty of Russia - 2011 contest. Anastasia Sanitarova is a Yakut mother.

13th place: - finalist of the Miss Virtual Yakutia 2012 contest. Height 170 cm, weight 50 kg, figure parameters 83-63-89. Page "In Contact" - vk.com/id29460085

12th place: - TV presenter, Vice-Miss Virtual Yakutia 2010.

11th place: Natalia Yakovleva(born April 2, 1983) - singer, performing under the stage name Dalaana. Page "VKontakte" - vk.com/algic

10th place: - Vice-Miss Virtual Yakutia 2006.

9th place: Yuliana Krivoshapkina(stage name -) - vocalist, master of playing the khomus (Yakut musical instrument), laureate of international music competitions. Page "In contact" - vk.com/id83059819

Juliana - Uhuktuu

8th place: - model, vice-miss virtual Yakutia 2008.

7th place: (Schindler)- model of Slava Zaitsev's agency, takes part in fashion shows in Moscow. Page "VKontakte" - vk.com/fekas

6th place: - model, finalist of the Miss Virtual Yakutia 2012 contest. Height 167 cm, weight 45 kg, figure parameters 88-62-89. Blog - dnevniki.ykt.ru/Yuliya.Ivanovska

5th place: Tamara Obutova(born August 24, 1982) - actress of the Sakha Academic Theater. P.A. Oyunsky (Yakutsk). In 2008, she starred in Save Our Souls as Oyulun.