Holiday scenario in the middle group “Magic New Year's Tale”

New Year's party in the middle group "Hello, New Year»

Children enter the hall to the music, dance around the Christmas tree.

Presenter: The world of miracles comes long-awaited,

Behind the eye is dark, a blizzard and snow,

Crystal chime under toys

Man enters the New Year.

Until the clock chimes

Let's guess that the coming year

He brought us everything that we wanted:

May he bring us good luck.

Let's have fun today

And let our sonorous laughter ring joyfully!

With a wonderful holiday - New Year's ...

Children: Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!

Song "Hello New Year"

1 child: Dissolved the trees of frost,

In white hats all at home,

Sparkled on the birches

Silver border.

2 child: Everything is covered with white fluff,

The whole earth is now covered in snow.

How beautiful! What a delight!

I can't look!

3 child: Glistening with golden rain

Our cozy, bright room,

The Christmas tree invites guests

It's time for the holiday!

4 child: Waiting near the Christmas tree

We are miracles today

On this holiday come alive

Presenter: Well, come on, kids

Both girls and boys

Let's get together in a round dance

Nice to meet...

Children: New Year!

Round dance near the Christmas tree

(children sit down)

Presenter: New Year's round dance

The children were waiting whole year.

Dads, moms, kids

Happy tree from the heart!

(leader's phone rings)

Presenter: Hello Dedushka Moroz!

What upset you to tears?

You rested on the edge

Is there a hut near Yaga?

What did grandma do?

What?! Snegurka dragged?!

You are on your way,

To return the Snow Maiden?!

(addressing the audience)

What are we to do, friends?

We can't do without them!

(the soundtrack “Flight of the Bumblebee” sounds and Baba Yaga flies on a broomstick)

B. YAGA: Fu Fu Fu! Well well well!

I don't understand anything!

Oh, my broom, broom,

Where did you take it?(looks at tree)

What is the bush in the middle of the hall?

Oh, blind, I have become old ...

Presenter: Don't lead us by the nose!

Well!!! Bring on the Snow Maiden!

B. YAGA: (chuckling and rubbing hands)

To get the Snow Maiden,

You have to pay the ransom!

I collect from all

Songs, music and laughter!

presenter : Well, guys, do you agree?

If you agree, then great.

We will entertain grandma

And we will find the Snow Maiden.

Task 1. Dance "Snowflakes"

2 - task. Sing new year song"Little Christmas Tree..."

3 task. Solve Christmas riddles.

4 task. Play with Baba Yaga in her favorite game (fly on a broomstick).

5-task. Perform the dance "New Year's guests".

6 task. Tell a poem.

(for each completed task, Baba Yaga gives the host
fant - for example, a spruce cone)

presenter : Well, we showed the concert

We collected a ransom.

And Yagi and the trace caught a cold ...

Stop! Who inherited it?

(points to large traces of paper scattered around the room)

If we follow the tracks -

We will find Yaga in an instant

(calls two volunteers who will have to cross

Gig from one track to another without stepping on the floor)

…Yeah, I got it! (pull out the stubborn Baba Yaga)

B. YAGA: Everything in me is shaking...

Nothing to do: have to

Give you the Snow Maiden

And release from captivity.

(magic music sounds and the Snow Maiden appears)

SNOW . Finally I'm back

To you on a holiday in kindergarten.

Happy New Year

Congratulations to all guys!

Presenter: Gotta tell Santa Claus what we have gained

Snow Maiden - so that he comes to us as soon as possible.

Everyone calls Santa Claus - and he appears. Greets children and guests.

D . M . : (says to the Snow Maiden)
Oh, you sweetheart!

Worried about you!

(says to Baba Yaga)

You, Baba Yaga, tremble!

Keep your evil -

Otherwise, I'll take a closer look,

Instantly I will freeze you!

B. YAGA: What, what, Santa Claus!

Yara repented to tears!

I'm with the boys again

I will sing and dance!

Round dance with Santa Claus

Game in the circle "Catch the hand"

poetry reading

D.M. While playing with the guys -

Our gifts suddenly disappeared.

Help me find, Yaga -

I will reward you in full.

B. Yaga: (mimics)-

Grandma, grandma, help...

Well? Where are you without Yagi?

I'll conjure right now -

Only, mind you, don't bother me!

(referring to the Snow Maiden)

Come on, stretch out your hands

Take off my shoe.

(The Snow Maiden helps to remove the bast shoe from her foot and gives it to B. Yaga)

B. Yaga: Hey, bast shoe,

Fly over the stump

Wander around the forest

Come back to me with gifts!

(throws him behind the Christmas tree, and a holey felt boot flies back)

B. Yaga: What kind of boots is this?

Yes, even with such a hole?

Who gnawed?

Snow. Probably mice...

B. Yaga: Eh, I'll ask the rodents!


Shishars - micers,


Come on, mice, come to me,

To the Christmas tree.

(throws a felt boot behind the Christmas tree, and a mouse jumps out from behind the Christmas tree)

Mouse: Wee-wee-wee, wee-wee-wee...

You, Yagusha, be patient.

Wag my tail just once -

And gifts - right there!

(twirls tail)

One-two, work-la-la,

Happy New Year - voila!

(Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden endure because of ... cheese)

D. M. Yes, a gift - a feast for the eyes!

Baba Yaga: (skeptically)
Yes, everyone to eat ...


Where are the sweets, oranges,

Cookies, tangerines?!

Snow. Maybe the cheese is not simple?

(comes and checks)

He is stuffed - that's what!

(takes out gifts)

D.M. Take a treat…

And remember us all year long!

Santa Claus distributes gifts, congratulates everyone on the upcoming New Year, everyone says goodbye and leaves.

New Year's celebration

"How the guys rescued the Snow Maiden"

Musical director

New Year's holiday for children of primary and secondary groups.

Hall decoration

The hall is festively decorated, in the center there is an elegant Christmas tree. At the foot of the round dance are large Stuffed Toys: bears, hares, squirrels, dogs, cats and big dolls. For Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, two real or fake stumps (large and small) were supplied.


adults: Host, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Wolf.

Middle group children: Snowflake girls, Bead girls, Dwarf boys.

Children junior group : Animals - Bear cubs, Squirrels, Bunnies, Fox cubs.

To the music of M. Glinka from the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila", the children of the middle group run one after another into the hall, with the end of the music they stand around the Christmas tree, raising their clasped hands up, making "gates". To the same music, the children of the younger group run under them, hold hands and form a circle.

Leading: The New Year is already on the threshold. May it be kind, peaceful and happy for everyone!

Health to you, joy, cheerful, festive mood!

Under subdued sounding music M. Glinka, children come closer to the Christmas tree and examine the toys with which it is decorated. They are met by the Host and the Snow Maiden.


With songs and laughter

Everyone ran into the hall

And everyone saw a forest guest.

Tall, beautiful, green, slim,

It glows with different lights.

Isn't she a beauty?

Children(in chorus): We all like the tree!

1st child of the middle group:

We are all very well

fun today

Because he came to us

New Year's holiday.

2nd child of the middle group:

We've been waiting for this day for a long time

Haven't seen each other for a whole year.

Sing, ring under the tree,

New Year's dance!

3rd child of the middle group:

How fun, how fun

How joyful all around!

We greeted the Christmas tree with a song,

We sing a song to her.

How elegant are you

With a silver star!

How big are you

How fun with you!

Children, standing around the Christmas tree in two circles, sing the song "The fairy tale does not end" (words by V. Stepanov, music by G. Levkodimov).

Children of both groups:

On a green Christmas tree

The lanterns swing.

Friends from good fairy tales

They meet at the festival.


Pinocchio, Chippolino,

Aibolit, Thumbelina.

Invited everyone to the party

Christmas tree invited.

We have fun with friends

The Christmas tree is dancing.

There are poems and songs

No one around is frowning.


Until next year

Let the fairy tale never end.

May all your desires

And all dreams come true.


5th child of the middle group

Let's dance merrily

Let's sing songs

For the tree to want

Come visit us again.

Children of the middle group perform "Dance around the Christmas tree" (music by J. Ozolin).

Description of movements

Children stand around the Christmas tree, holding hands, turning their heads to the right.

Introduction. The children are listening.

Bars 1-8. They move to the right.

Measure 9. They make two claps in front of them, sliding the palm of one hand over the palm of the other (as if hitting cymbals).

Measure 10. Make three stomp.

Bars 11-12. Spin around lightly to the right.

Bars 13-16. Repeat the movements of the 9-12th cycles.

Bars 17-18. They take four soft steps towards the tree, gradually raising their hands up.

Bars 19-20. They run back (creating a rhythmic pattern - two eighths and a quarter), gradually lowering their hands.

Bars 21-24. Repeat the movements of the 17th-20th cycles.

Bars 25-26. Take four steps forward, gradually raising your hands up.

Bars 27-28. Make three ringing claps over your head.

Bars 29-32. They circle around in place and wave their arms above their heads.

After the dance, the children sit on chairs.

Snow Maiden: How many guys have gathered! Hello!

Children: Hello, Snow Maiden!

Children sing the song "Snow Maiden" (words by V. Stepanov, music by G. Levkodimov).

- Who to you. Snow Maiden,

White sewed an outfit?

— Sewed me a white dress

Winter snowfall.

Made me a dress

Made me a white dress

Winter snowfall.

- Who to you, Snow Maiden,

Did you sing songs in winter?

- Sang me songs affectionately

Forest breeze.

Sang me songs.

Sang me songs affectionately

Forest breeze.

- Who to you, Snow Maiden,

Beads gave from the stars?

- Gave me bright beads

Santa Claus.

Gave me beads

Gave me bright beads

Santa Claus.

- You say, Snow Maiden,

What do you wish us?

- I wish you joy

To all my friends!

I wish you joy

To all my friends.

At this time, they run up to the Snow Maiden snowflake girls middle group.

Snow Maiden:

Are you here, my friends?

I overheard the blizzard

What will come to us today

New Year.

I learned from birch

What's with Santa Claus

There are many different sweets

And gifts for children.

Home Snowflake:

Let's fly to kindergarten

There we learn from the guys

Who is waiting for what gifts

From Frost to the New Year.

The lights on the tree go out. Snowflakes scatter and whisper to the children what gift they would like to receive from Santa Claus. Then they run up to the Snow Maiden.

1st snowflake: The guys told me: sled me,

2nd snowflake: And my shoulder blades.

3rd snowflake: Ski me.

4th snowflake: And my skates.

5th snowflake: Christmas tree, beads, lights.

6th snowflake: Vova is waiting for a bear as a gift.

7th snowflake: Sasha - a brand new book.

8th snowflake: All the guys say:

Let today in kindergarten

Santa Claus is coming to us

Will bring gifts!

Snow Maiden:

The arrow moves forward

Soon there will be a New Year!

Quickly fly to grandfather

What did you find out - tell me

Invite us to the tree.

Snowflakes run away.

Leading: So that Santa Claus will quickly find his way to our kindergarten, let's call him, children. Children: Santa Claus, wow!

Father Frost: Oh, I'm coming!

Hello Hello!

Happy New Year,

I wish you all health

I was with you last year

Forgotten no one.

Here is Marina, Valya, Kolya,

Here is Valerik, Katya, Olya...

And did you recognize me?

All the same I am gray-haired.

But just like a young

I'm ready to dance

Right now.

Get in the circle, everyone.

Start your round dance.

Children of both groups stand in two circles around the Christmas tree.

Father Frost Q: Why aren't the lights on the Christmas tree?

He takes his magic stick, knocks it twice and says: “Beautiful Christmas tree, smile!” The lights on the tree flash twice. Then he knocks three more times and says: “Beauty Christmas tree, light up!” The tree is lit up with colorful lights.

The guys perform a round dance "The New Year is coming to us" (words by 3. Petrova, music by V. Gerchik).

It's good that every year

The New Year is coming to us.

Lights up our Christmas tree

And starts a round dance.


If dancing is not enough

The dance has a twist.

We'll dance all over again

And then vice versa.

Well, wider, wider circle.

Come out bolder, friend!

Clap your hands merrily

Don't spare your hands today!


We dance under the Christmas tree

We can do three hours

And we will not get tired at all -

What miracles!


Description of movements

The guys stand around the Christmas tree in two circles. In the outer circle are the children of the middle group.

Introduction. The children are listening.

Bars 1-5. Everyone sings and walks around the Christmas tree: one circle is to the right, the other is to the left.

Bars 6-13. They stop and clap their hands.

Bars 14-25. They go to the Christmas tree with small springy steps, gradually narrowing the circle, then

turn their backs to the tree and walk away from it, expanding the circle. With the end of the verse, they again turn to the tree.

After each verse of the song for bars 26-34, the children dance. The dance movements of the children of the middle and younger groups are different.

Children of the middle group perform the following movements:

Measure 26. Lightly touch the toe of the floor 2 times.

Measure 27. Make three stomp (right, left, right foot).

Bars 28-29. They repeat the movements from the left leg and at the end turn their backs to the tree.

Bars 30-34. Repeat the movements of the 26th-29th cycles.

Children of the younger group perform lighter movements: “spring”, squats, whirling.

Children do not let Santa Claus out of the circle and ask him to dance. Santa Claus is dancing. The children sit down. The Snow Maiden hides behind the Christmas tree and throws snowballs at Santa Claus. Santa Claus finds the Snow Maiden and invites her to dance for the children too.

Then Santa Claus takes out a magic box that helps him find out which of the children will read poems (the names of the children and the titles of the poems are written on a sheet of paper in the box).

Children of the middle group read poetry.

1st child:

Christmas tree! Christmas tree!

How many lights!

How many balls.

Fish and flags!

2nd child:

Who is on the tree

Did you burn the star?

The guys got up

All in a circle.

3rd child:

They stood up and sang:

Outside the window - blizzards

Outside the window - blizzards

And we have fun

4th child:

Dances, round dance.

Hello New Year!

5th child:

Suddenly - knock

At the door.

Father Frost,

Come in quickly!

All children:

Santa Claus, Santa Claus,

What did you bring to the kids?

Father Frost:

The hills are steep

dashing sled,

Dances, round dance,

And the Christmas tree and the Christmas tree

For the New Year.

6th child:

Santa Claus, Santa Claus,

What else did you bring us?

Father Frost:

Snow and blizzards

Laughter and fun

Skis and skates.

Please, please

Play snowballs.

Santa Claus plays snowballs with children (they can be made from cotton wool or foam rubber or play with imaginary ones), invites the Snow Maiden to call Snowflakes and dance with him. Under the "Waltz" (Appendix 21, music by A. Glazunov), the Snow Maiden and Snowflakes with silver threads gathered in a bundle perform a waltz improvisation.

Children of the younger group read poetry.

1st child:

Snow, snow is spinning.

White all street!

We gathered in a circle

Rolled up like snow.

2nd child:

Snow fell on the threshold.

The cat made himself a cake.

In the meantime, sculpted and baked,

The pie flowed in a stream.

3rd child:

Make your own pies

Not from snow - from flour.

Santa Claus draws the attention of children to the beads that decorate the Christmas tree. He knocks three times with his magic stick on the floor - the beads "come to life". Girls of the middle group perform the dance of the Beads to the "Waltz" (music by M. Glinka).

Description of movements

9-12 girls stand in a semicircle near the Christmas tree, holding their skirts with their hands. Bracelets with bells are worn on the wrists.

Bars 1-8. They run one after another and form a circle.

Repetition of bars 1-8. They form three circles and run holding hands. With the end of the music they stop.

Bars 9-12. Call the rhythmic pattern to the right.

Bars 13-16. They spin around, rotating the hands of their raised hands.

Repetition of bars 9-12.

Repetition of bars 13-16. On an easy run, they rebuild in one circle, holding the skirts with their hands.

Bars 17-24. They run around each other.

Repetition of bars 17-20. While running, they narrow the circle, gradually raising their arms and rotating their hands.

Repetition of bars 21-24. They run back, lowering their hands, and form a semicircle near the Christmas tree.

A game of girls-beads with Santa Claus is being held: he tries to “tie” the head with a thread, the beads crumble and run away to their places. Santa Claus invites children of the younger group to solve riddles (children of the middle group help the kids answer).

Father Frost:

Clubfooted legs.

Sleeps in a den for the winter.

Guess answer.

Children: Bear.

Father Frost:

Cunning cheat.

red head,

Fluffy tail - beauty.

Who is this?

Children: Fox.

Father Frost:

Not a bird on the branch

The animal is small.

The fur is warm, like a heating pad.

Children: Squirrel.

Father Frost:

He is a gray robber.

He has no faith.

All fangs click.

Children: Wolf.

Father Frost:

What a beauty

It stands, shining brightly,

How beautifully decorated.

Say who is she?

Children: Christmas tree.

Father Frost: Snow Maiden, why under the tree musical instruments lie?

Snow Maiden:

Here we have a forest school.

Bear cubs are brought to us.

Squirrels, funny bunnies,

Little red foxes.

Our teacher is a gray wolf,

He knows a lot about music!

Wolf ( guests):

We do not immediately and not suddenly

We develop children's hearing.

Wolf (to animals): Wow! Get ready, kids!

The wolf raises the conductor's baton, 8-10 children of the younger group in hats of various animals take percussion instruments: drums, tambourines, triangles, rumba, maracas, cymbals - and perform dance melodies (improvisation).

Father Frost: Thank you, friends! We were well entertained. I want to please you too. Prepared gifts for everyone. But who is that behind the tree?

The lights in the hall go out. The introduction to the dance of the gnomes sounds. From behind the Christmas tree come 7 Dwarf boys (in height) of the middle group, dressed in white tights, red shirts with a white belt and a gold buckle, red caps with beards attached to them. IN right hand they hold lanterns, the left one is on the belt. Performed "Dance of the Dwarfs" (music by F. Cherchel).

Description of movements

Measure 1. Children walk in a circle one after another (step 1/2).

Bars 2-4. Continue moving in a circle (step 1/4).

When repeating the 1st-4th measures, the movements are the same, but at the end of the 4th measure, the children turn their faces into a circle and put the lanterns on the floor in front of them.

Bars 5-6. They put their hands on the belt and perform four stomps, first to the right, then to the left (step 1/2).

Measure 7. Transfer hands to knees (elbows apart). On the first or second quarter of the beat, they squat deeply (heels together, toes apart, knees apart). On the third or fourth quarter of the measure, they rise, perform a stomp with the right foot, arms up.

Bars 8-11. Perform semi-squats with alternately placing the foot on the heel. At the end

On the 11th measure, they take flashlights and go in a circle. At the end of the dance, they stand in a semicircle around the Christmas tree.

1st Dwarf: Come on, guess who we are.

2nd Dwarf:

We are gnomes, we are gnomes, we are gnomes

We are good forest gnomes.

We come to you in fairy tales and dreams.

We guard the trees in the forest

And we mine treasures in the earth.

4th Dwarf:

We are good, old gnomes,

Now do you know who we are?

Father Frost:

Come on, gnomes, get ready!

Go to the dense forest!

There under the age-old spruce

The treasure is not easy.

Treasure for all you share

And bring it here quickly.

5th Dwarf:

We know, Santa Claus,

This spruce was seen in the forest.

Yes, we confess, we did not know

That a treasure is buried under it.

6th Dwarf:

Come on, gnomes, get up!

Everybody follow me!

7th Dwarf:

We will pass through the earth

We will find a mysterious treasure.

To the music, the Gnomes leave the hall and soon return with bright colored bags on their backs.

1st Dwarf:

Santa Claus, look.

This is what we found in the forest.

Father Frost:

This is a treasure, this is a treasure,

It contains gifts for children.

Santa Claus helps the Dwarfs distribute gifts and says goodbye to the children.

Father Frost:

Let the tree sparkle with elegant lights,

Let your songs and laughter sound, do not stop.

And may this whole year be joyful -

You are all very nice people!

Goodbye, see you next year.

The melody “December” by P. Tchaikovsky (from the cycle “The Seasons”) sounds in the recording. The lights go out, only the lights on the Christmas tree are lit, the children leave the hall with gifts.

New Year's party for the middle group.

To the music, the children enter the hall.

Vedas: With songs and laughter

Everyone ran into the hall and the forest guest

Everyone saw.

Tall, beautiful

Green, slim, bright lights

She glows.

Isn't she a beauty?

All (in chorus) We all love it!

1st child: We have a happy holiday

Winter has brought

green tree

She came to visit us.

2nd child: Today on the Christmas tree

Shiny outfit

The lights are golden

How the stars burn.

3rd child: We are you, elegant,

Let's take it to our circle

funny about you

Let's sing a song.

Song "Holiday tree"(sit down)

Vedas: The most fun in the world

Let's celebrate New Year's Eve.

To rejoice with us

Our dads, our moms!

Vedas (bells are heard):

Guys, do you hear the ringing of bells?

In the cold, cold and frost,

It can be seen that he is visiting children

Dear Santa Claus!

(song sounds, Santa Claus enters)

D. M: Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

Congratulations to all children

Congratulations to all guests!

I was with you a year ago

I'm glad to see everyone again.

They grew up, they became big,

And did you recognize me?

Children: Santa Claus!

Dance "Touki - Tuki". Children do not sit down, they stand around Santa Claus.

Ved.: Santa Claus, we won't let you out!

D.M: how can you not release it? Yes, I'm going out now!

(tries to get out, but the children keep their hands tightly clasped)

Vedas: And don't try! Play with the guys fun game then let's release it!

A game "Dwarfs and Giants"

(Santa Claus tells the children both words in turn. At the word " dwarfs"Children squat down and close their eyes, at the word" giants"With their hands raised, they stand up and stretch up. At that moment. When the children are in Once again sat down and closed their eyes, Santa Claus leaves the circle.)

D.M: Well, I'm out!

Vedas: What a sly one! But we would have let you out anyway!

D.M: Oh, and I got tired of something.

presenter : Grandfather Frost, you sit down and rest.

D.M: - And I have a magic box that will tell me the one who will now tell me a rhyme.

They read poetry.

Vedas: Oh, Santa Claus, our Christmas tree is not on fire! Light our Christmas tree!

D.M: What, I'm old, I've done, I forgot my staff in the forest! That is OK! For now, you are having fun without me, and meet my Snow Maiden, and I will soon return to you with a staff!(leaves)

Fox runs into the room. In the hands of a staff and a bag.

Fox: (laughs) Oh, what a wonderful tree! Now I will light it and hide all the lights in a bag! Here my foxes will be happy! Let all the animals see what a smart Christmas tree the fox will have at home! One, two, three, fire!

(The fox touches the Christmas tree with a staff, the Christmas tree lights up)

Fox: Come on, darlings, quickly into the bag!

(collects lights, the tree goes out)

Fox: Well, that's enough, otherwise I won't get it! (suddenly notices the children). Oh! ... And I ... I ... he ... we, that is ...

Vedas: You can't continue! Why, Foxy, did you take all the lights from the Christmas tree? And why did you steal the staff from Santa Claus?

Fox: But she didn't steal it! I found him in the forest. Santa Claus already has a lot of everything, but I, the poor little fox, have nothing! I won't give you the lights! Here's the staff, please! All my paws are frozen from it! (runs away)

Vedas: What are we going to do? How can we get the lights back? Let's call Santa Claus. Staff - then it's here! (name)

All: Santa Claus - 3 times

(Santa Claus enters)

D.M : I did not find my staff! How am I going to conjure? And I can't light the Christmas tree without him!

Vedas: Do not grieve! Here it is your staff, Santa Claus! Lisonka - a naughty woman found him in the forest, but took him with her. And then I used your staff, and hid all the lights from the Christmas tree in a bag ... Here, the children saw everything!

D.M: Well, this is fixable! I will return them to the Christmas tree, and I will teach Lisa not to play pranks! Give me a staff!

To light the lights on the Christmas tree

I'm blowing on needles

I will shout loudly: one, two, three!

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, burn!

(touches with a staff, the tree lights up)

Vedas: Here it is, our Christmas tree!

In the blaze of radiant lights,

All she is brighter and more beautiful,

All greener and more magnificent!

Guys, let's sing a song.


D.M : And tell me - ka, children, did my granddaughter, the Snow Maiden, come here?

Children: No!

D.M : tell me, hares, tell the animals, have you met my granddaughter, the Snow Maiden?

Hare : she tells fairy tales to animals in the forest!

D.M : Oh, well, granddaughter! Again with surprises! I think that she will be here soon, but for now let's sing a song with you about a merry New Year.

Song: Happy New Year sat down)

(Music sounds and the Snow Maiden enters)

Snow Maiden : Hello guys!

Hello bunnies!

Hello dear grandfather!

We missed you!

D.M : But what do you have, granddaughter? (points to book)

Snegur : I came to the children for a holiday,

She brought them a miracle book,

This book is not easy.

All magical,

The book is interesting, new, wonderful!

I'll show you, would you like?

Take a closer look

I open the cover

And the picture comes to life!

But first, guess from which fairy tale I will show you the picture:

The grandmother loved the girl very much,

She gave her a red hat.

The girl forgot her name

Well, tell me what her name was.

(Little Red Riding Hood comes out of the book. “Dance of the Little Red Riding Hood”) after the dance, a wolf runs out and tries to catch up with Little Red Riding Hood. She hides behind the Snow Maiden.

Wolf : Grandmothers, do not be afraid of mom, calm down!

I'm not evil, not evil at all!

I don't eat your kids!

I do not live in more often, I am not real!

D.M : Oh, you prankster! So you decided to scare the girls a little? Stay on our holidays together with our guests!

Snegur: And here is the next page:

Baggy on sour cream, cold on the window,

Round side, ruddy side,


(a bun runs out of the book, dances)

D.M : Sit down, Gingerbread Man, with the guys, but away from the wolf and the fox, otherwise, as if inadvertently, you can’t please them in their mouths!

Snegur : I'll show you another picture!

Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows…guess without a clue:

Who are the heroes of this tale?

(Three bears come out, dance a dance)

Snegur : And here is the last riddle.

Heals young children

Heals birds and animals

The good doctor looks through his glasses...

(Aibolit comes out of the book, he carries an announcement, hangs it on a Christmas tree)

Aibolit: a hospital for birds and animals is open, come get treated here as soon as possible!

(Animals run to the doctor, dance of Aibolit and animals)

D.M : Oh, good girl, granddaughter! You brought a wonderful book. I have not seen such miracles for a long time, and the guys were interested.

Fox: Well, now I finally get all the flashlights out of the bag and admire them. They are so glorious, they burn with multi-colored lights. (sits down, opens the bag, and there are snowflakes) I don’t understand anything! What happened to the Christmas tree lights? did they freeze? (tastes it and immediately throws it on the floor) Oh! Oh!!! All teeth froze! Ugh! Nasty lights, they turned into ice cubes!

D.M: Here, here, it serves you right, Lisonka!

Fox: (frightened) Oh, is that you, Santa Claus?

D.M: I'm Lisonka! And I turned the lights into snowballs myself. It's not good to undress the Christmas tree, and even on New Year's Eve! Lights decorate it, and you put them in a bag! What a shame!

Fox: Shame on you, Santa Claus, shame on you! I will no longer...

Snegur: Grandpa, let's forgive Chanterelle...

Vedas: She left the staff for you, did not take it ...

D.M: So be it, forgive you! But don't mess around anymore. Now go into the forest and check if everything is calm in the forest, if anyone is naughty.

Fox: I'm running, running, Santa Claus, I'll look at everything, but I'll check! (runs away)

D, m: Snow Maiden, And where are your snowflake girlfriends, invite them to dance as soon as possible.

Snow Maiden: Snowflakes, fluffs

fly to me

(Music plays and Snow Maiden with snowflakes dancing dance)

Vedas: Santa Claus, do you know how to play games?

D.M: And how. I can!

Vedas: Can you jump over a rope?

D.M: Yes, I was the most important jumper in the forest. What, you don't believe?

Vedas: Well then show me!

(two keep the rope taut. D.M accelerates several times to jump, but at the very rope he turns back, and everything repeats. In last time D.M ran under the rope)

D.M: Oh, well, you blew me away.

Vedas: Grandfather Frost, while you and the Snow Maiden sit down, have a rest, and we will sing a song for you.

"Snow porridge"

Bunny: There lived a bunny with long ears,

Frosted bunny ears on top,

Frosted nose, frostbitten tail

And I went to visit the kids to warm up,

It's warm and dry there. The wolf is not

And they give carrots for dinner.

D.M: Oh you sweetie! What a wonderful and capable bunny! Now I’ll find you a carrot, delicious (while looking, another rabbit appears nearby)

D.M: how many of you!

Vedas: Santa Claus, look how many bunnies are here, treat them too, and they will dance for you.

Performing "Bunny Dance"

Snow: Grandpa, what are we going to give the kids today? Children are waiting for gifts.

D.M: (looks around, searches, groans)

Vedas: What happened, Santa Claus?

D.M: I remember I was carrying gifts, but where I put them, no, I don’t remember, I forgot

Vedas: What to do, grandfather, will the children really be left without gifts, do something.

D.M: Am I a wizard or not? They say that I am 100 years old, granddaughter.Bring me the cauldron! (carries)

Put it here on the table! (puts)

salt, sugar,

A little snow, tinsel!

I'll add some water too!

One minute, friends! (closes lid) (lights go out)

Bypasses the boiler, saying the words:

Snow, snow, snow

Ice, ice, ice

Miracles for the New Year!

You, boiler, help us!

And turn into gifts!

Opens the lid, takes out a gift!

And now in the bright light, I will distribute my gifts!Distribution of gifts

(giving gifts)

D.M: Well, it's time for us to say goodbye,

It's very sad to say goodbye!

Happy New Year everyone,

We wish you happiness, joy.

Snow: Goodbye, kids

It's time for us to hurry to the fairy tale!

MBDOU "Kindergarten" Teremok "pgt. Guards»

Prepared by the teacher: Nalivaiko I.N.

Matinee in the middle group "New Year".

Music sounds, leading and the children holding hands go into the hall.


Each of us is waiting today

Fun party

But more than anything in the world

Children are waiting for this holiday!

Guys, what holiday are we all waiting for?

Children: New Year!

Children read poems about the New Year:

1) Sasha E.

New Year, New Year!

What it is?

It's a miracle of miracles

The biggest

new year wishes

Ours all come true

Christmas trees are elegant

They smile with lights.

2 ) Kira

The magical holiday is coming

We have been waiting for him for a whole year.

Snowflakes are spinning and flying

They want to visit us on the Christmas tree

3) Arsen

We have a lot of fun

At your holiday.

And a song about a Christmas tree

Now we will sing to you!

The song "Christmas tree - Christmas tree."

Leading: And now a little warm-up, guys. Try to answer questions.

Santa Claus is a cheerful old man? (Yes!) - Likes jokes and jokes? (Yes!)- Knows songs and riddles? (Yes!)- Eat all your chocolates? (No!) Will it warm us up outside? (No!)- Santa Claus is Frost's brother? (Yes!)- Do we have a good birch? (point to tree) (No!)- Is Christmas getting closer? (Yes!)- Is there a Snow Maiden in Paris? (No!)- Santa Claus brings gifts? (Yes!)- Does he drive a foreign car? (No!) Does he wear a cane and a hat? (No!)- Does it look like a dad sometimes? (Yes!)

Vedas: Well done! Hear guys? The needles whispered on our Christmas tree. It can be seen they are whispering so that we light the fires. Come on, together, very amicably, what do we need children to say?

Children: 1-2-3 Christmas tree burn! (Lights light up)

Children read poetry

1 child. Peter

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

WITH new joy for all!

Let them ring under this vault

Songs, music and laughter.

2 child Natasha

Let on the whole, on the whole planet

Children celebrate the New Year -

Joyful and fun

With dances and songs!

3 child Veronica

Hello, Holy holiday New Year!

The winds are humming about you,

And greet you today

The children gathered at the Christmas tree.

4 child Ilya G.

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree,

He lit the fires on her.

And the needles shine on it,

And on the branches - snow!

5 child Ilyas

I will write to Santa Claus, And in a letter I will ask Santa Claus to bring me a present.

6 child Milan H.

Here we stand under the tree

And we speak poetry!

We sing songs in unison

We invite you to the New Year!

7child Timur

Soon, soon the New Year! Santa Claus is coming soon. Behind the shoulders is a Christmas tree, Fluffy needles. He delivers gifts to us And asks us to read poetry.

Host: Guys, let's

Ved.: Showers the New Year on the earth with miracles!

Here is the tale at the gate

Looking forward to meeting with us!

Guys, do you hear? Santa Claus is in a hurry to us!

Music sounds, Baba Yaga flies in.


Hello, who are you?

B. Ya.

It's me, Snow Maiden,

Wow, what a figurine!


There you go, very interesting. We will check this now!

B. Ya.

Yes please!


Tell the Snow Maiden, where have you been?

Tell me, honey, how are you?

B. I The stupa broke down by December I flew on a broomstick .... (covers her mouth) Oh, what am I saying!


Where do you live Snow Maiden, tell me.

Describe your crystal house.

B. Ya.

Oh, you have confused me completely!


We all understand, tell the guys who it is?

Children : Baba Yaga!

Vedas .

We recognized you Yaga

Would say hello to us.

B. Ya.

say hello? Well what

It's very possible.

B. Ya.

Fuck you, tree,

barbed needle

Hello, the audience is the parents,

Their children are tormentors.

Oh guys! Well, they missed me, they suffered for a whole year without me. They obeyed their parents and teachers, ate porridge without tears! Ha ha ha. They tell poems, sing songs, dance! What holiday is this? You don't know how to have fun. Do you want me to teach you... to do different nasty things, that's fun!

Children: NO!

B. Ya. : Ugh! What is the wrong answer! They don’t want to learn nasty things, they didn’t invite me to the holiday. Offended! Well, I'll take revenge on you! I'll steal the lights from you for such deeds. And no Santa Claus will find the way to you without lights.

Conjuring, the lights go out. Yaga is hiding behind the tree.

Ved.: Guys, what should we do? We need to help the Christmas tree .. Come on, together, very amicably, what do we need children to say?

Children: 1-2-3 Christmas tree burn! (Lights don't light up)

B. Ya. (Looks out from behind the tree) Ha! You won't get anything.


Most importantly, don't be upset. After all, the New Year is full of miracles and magic! will help us Magic wand and a magic bag. They will call on the help of fabulous friends! (Waving a wand, the boys are given flashlights).

The boys are dancing dance of the Gnomes. (Artyom, Nikita, Misha, Vitalya, Anton).

Vedas.. Hello dear gnomes. We got in trouble. Baba Yaga stole lanterns, lights and all the decorations from the Christmas tree, and if they do not shine, Santa Claus will not be able to find his way to us.

1 gnome . Vital

Take our flashlights!

And light up the Christmas tree!

Let the lanterns burn

Golden balls!

2 dwarf Nikita

What a beautiful Christmas tree

Now we decorate it, look

Dress on a tree of green silk,

And now the lights are on.

The gnomes give the lanterns to the host, they hang them on the Christmas tree. The boys sit down.


Thank you gnomes. But it seems to me that your flashlights are not enough.

Vedas. Save the bag.

(Pulls out stars)

Girls all together : we are stars

1. Alime

The stars sparkle the brightest

And light up the whole earth

Floating after the moon

They lead round dances with him.

2. Vlad

You came to us, branched tree,

Green, slightly silvery,

She came, all sparkling with snowflakes, -

Transparent, thin ice cubes.

3. Kira

Better there is no our Christmas tree,

Ask anyone.

Needles will be good on it. Decorated with stars.

The girls are dancing Dance of "Asterisks" Kira, Veronica, Alime, Sevil, Vlada, Nastya).

(the presenter takes out the stars from the magic bag.)

Vedas.: Guys! See how elegant our Christmas tree is, and we decorated it with fabulous lights. Maybe Santa Claus will see us and finally come. Let's call him.

The children are called Santa Claus.

Music sounds, Santa Claus enters with the Snow Maiden

Snow Maiden: Hello guests! Happy New Year! We wish you happiness, joy!

Grandfather. Freezing: Hello guys! Oh, well, it took me a long time to get to you, for some reason my assistants of lights on the Christmas tree are not enough, you can’t see where to go. In winter, everything glitters and shines, and the lights on the Christmas trees are special, magical.

Vedas.: Grandpa, Yaga took your lights! And almost ruined our holiday.

B. Ya.(Looks out from behind the Christmas tree) Yes, like a holiday, so no one will even call, this Santa Claus - please, also this one - Snegurka. And you, Yaginichna, sit in your swamp, freeze, no holiday, no gifts. I hid your lights!

Grandfather. Freezing : : Return for good, otherwise we will drive you away from the holiday, how you forget to do nasty things! And you will become an exemplary grandmother.

B. I. Yep, no matter how! Collect your lights - yours took!

Playing with B. I . "Collect the Lights"

(3 people, 2 times).

B.Ya. throws the balls out of the bag onto the floor. The task of the children is to collect all the balls as soon as possible. When everyone is almost collected, the host pours the balls back and says: "Oh, trouble, the bag is full of holes." The game is repeated several times.

Grandfather. Freezing: Well, well done folks! Now help me light the Christmas tree 1-2-3 Christmas tree BURN! The tree lights up.

Leading: And now the guys will perform song "Green Beauty"

Vedas. One, two, three, four - get in a wider circle! One, two, three - a round dance of the backwater!

Round dance with Santa Claus. Santa Claus was walking through the forest.

Father Frost: Well, well, now sit down and I'll go sit down, rest.

Vedas. No, Grandfather, we will not let you out of the circle.

Father Frost: How not to release? And now I'll take it and leave! (The game "We will not release ».)

Father Frost: And now I will outwit you. What are you now: small or big? (Large). And what were they like before? (small). Show! (Children squat down.) And show how big you are now? (Children get up). And when you grow up, you will be even more, show me! (Children stand on their toes, unhook their hands and raise them up). So I went out, and you said: we won’t let you out, we won’t let you out! And now I want you all to quietly sit down and snowflakes fly in and cool me down. (Everyone sits down, snowflakes take tinsel and perform snowflake dance - Mariana, Sasha E, Natasha, Sanie, Milana F, Milana H., Elina)

Vedas.: Guys, what can you do with snow?

Children: To make a snowman.

Game "Funny snowman". Children glue, and parents glue with their eyes closed.

Vedas: Let's tell Santa Claus poems.

Children read poetry

1. Misha

Look through the door crack - You will see our Christmas tree. Our Christmas tree is high, reaches the ceiling. And toys hang on it - From the stand to the crown.


The Christmas tree is dressing up - The holiday is approaching. New Year's at the gates, The tree is waiting for the children.

3. Maryana

Dad chose the most fluffy Christmas tree. The most fluffy, the most fragrant ... The Christmas tree smells like that - Mom will immediately gasp!

4. Nastya

Children lead a round dance,

Clap your hands!

Hello hello new year

You are so good!

5 Milana F.

We've been waiting for this day for a long time

For a very long time, a whole year

Sing, ring under the tree,

New Year's round dance.

6. Elina

Hello, New Year's holiday, the holiday of the Christmas tree and winter! We will invite all our friends to the Christmas tree today. 7. Anton

Our Christmas tree is full of toys And the balls hang on it! Our Christmas tree Happy New Year! Congratulations to all guys! 8. Artyom Outside the window, snowdrifts, cold, Thick ice froze in the puddles. The blizzard is angry, the snow is sweeping ... Soon the holiday - the New Year!


They say: on New Year's Eve

Whatever you wish -

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true.

D.M. How many beautiful poems do you know! Oh, who's calling me? I'll go and see! (He goes behind the Christmas tree, and the parsley hides). No one, probably, it seemed!

Vedas. Santa Claus, who is hiding behind you?

D.M. Ah, there you are! Well, mischief-makers, well, pranksters! What else can you do?

Arsen: One, two, three, four, five, we love to dance very much!

D.M. Dance. Have fun! ( Parsley Dance - Ilyas, Petya, Timur, Gleb, Arsen ).

Snow Maiden: What a wonderful dance you are! Do you want to play? Let's play game , which is called " Who will transport the toy faster on a sled? . For the game we need two teams. The first player takes the sled, runs around the flag and returns. And so the next player runs. It is important not to drop the toy. Which team completes the task faster, that one will win. Guys, will we take Grandma Yozhka to the team?

Children: No.

Baba Yaga: Well, I'll be good. I promise to be an exemplary grandmother.

Vedas: Forgive Yaga?

Children: Yes.

Vedas: Santa Claus, look at our children! And they know poems, and they sing songs, and they play.

D.M.: Yes, you made me happy.

Don't forget Santa Claus

Bring a cart of gifts

Together with the Snow Maiden

We will give you gifts.

Snow Maiden: Did you receive all the gifts, did you forget anyone?

Children: All!

Snow Maiden: It was fun today

We are under the Christmas tree.

We want you to say goodbye

Wish everyone good health!

Baba Yaga: Do not be sad, in a year Santa Claus will come with me (laughs and hides behind the Christmas tree).

D.M.: Goodbye! See you again soon!

The song sounds, D.M. and the Snow Maiden.

Vedas.: We congratulate all guests

We wish you happiness, joy, so that your laughter will always ring!

Children: Happy New Year everyone, everyone, everyone!

Beautiful ornate Christmas tree. The hall is decorated with snowflakes. A large snowman cut out of thick cardboard stands in the center. So that it does not fall, they make a stand in the form of a cross. Having made slots in the longitudinal bar, they fix the snowman and attach a spacer at the bottom at the back - so the snowman will not fall.

Lyrical music sounds. The Snow Maiden comes out.

Snow Maiden.

Hello! Do you guys recognize me? Who am I? Of course, Snow Maiden! And I recognized you all right away. How you all have grown! After all, a whole year has passed since we did not see each other. Today I have this wonderful mood! New Year is my favorite holiday! And you? .. How you want to sing, dance!

Spinning and singing in the dance.

Snow Maiden.

I am the Snow Maiden - the granddaughter of Grandfather,

Cheerful, fidget.

I am always friends with you

I'm coming to you for the holidays!

How nice in winter! And how much fun do children have in winter!? I love skating, do you? And tell me what else winter fun? That's right, skis, sleds, more ... Tell me, moms, snowballs? Who loves to play in the snow? What all? Then let's all play snowballs. We make snowballs and throw them: you throw at me, and I will defend myself - throw at you.

If there are few children, foam rubber snowballs are poured out for them, and if there are many children, they play with conditional props. In order to easily collect all the snowballs, you need to play the game "Snow Basketball", you can count along the way how many snowballs were thrown into the basket in order to collect everything.

Snow Maiden.

Stop! I'm a little tired, I can't fight back yet.

Did you know that snowballs can be used to play basketball in the winter? Now you will collect 2 snowballs and throw them into the basket, and I will count how many snowballs you collect. (The game is on.)

Well done! Oh, and I'm hot, guys! Are you all too hot? No?

I'm used to cold and frost, and Grandfather Frost too. Oh! And where is Santa Claus? Maybe he's around somewhere? Well, let's call together! Grandpa, wow! Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah!..

I'm afraid that it will melt, it's hot here, but let's, while Grandfather Frost is gone, let's cool our hall, arrange a blizzard and a snowstorm. Imagine that we are in a winter forest.

Have you been to the forest in winter?

Didn't you get into a blizzard?

They became trees, they raised branches, our pens.

The sun hid in the snow clouds.

The forest is shaking, cracking,

And the blizzard is buzzing, whistling!

So ... Trees bend, sway,

They crack but don't break!

They swirled like snowflakes!

Well, the ears are cold,

Cold nose? —

So, Santa Claus is near!

Grandpa, wow! Ah!

It's me calling you!

No, Santa Claus does not hear. Let's try again, loudly, together with our parents, - Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden.

I heard... Oh, thank you. Guys, what if we play my grandfather now? I'll hide and let him find me. He won't be offended. He himself likes to joke... Yes, but where can you hide? Tell me guys!.. Here? Only, chur, do not give out the Snow Maiden. Don't give out, no?

Father Frost.

I'm coming, Snow Maiden! I'm coming, granddaughter! Ooo! How many kids!

Was it you who called me? Thank you! Congratulations, my dears, Happy New Year! I wish you all to be healthy, obedient, and not very naughty ... And where is my granddaughter? Where is the Snow Maiden?

Snow Maiden.(Hiding.)

Grandpa, wow!

Father Frost.

Snow Maiden.

And you find me!

Father Frost.

Ah, naughty! Ah, bastard! Well, wait a minute ... Freeze your own grandfather ... (Fumbling in his pockets.) Where are my glasses?

That's the trouble, I lost it in the forest ... (Grabs some girl.) Got you? (Peering.) Not she ... Aha, here is my Snow Maiden! (Grabs another.) Another mistake...

(Meanwhile, the Snow Maiden hides again.)

Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus, wow!

Father Frost.

Ai-ai-ai-ai! Well, hang on...

Snow Maiden.

Are you angry, grandpa?

Father Frost.

Not really! What, I don't understand jokes? I'm old, right?

Snow Maiden.

Grandpa, the guys here are whispering to each other now. Here, they say, it would be nice if we had games on the Christmas tree today! You can do such miracles! You fetter the rivers with frost, cover the earth with snow fluff ...

Father Frost.

Okay, okay, tell me what game you want to play. And I will clap my hands three times, and, as in a fairy tale, everything for the game will appear in front of us.

Snow Maiden.

Let everything for the game "Three Bears" appear now

Santa Claus claps his hands three times.

Props appear, the game is played.

Three Bears

Pictures of three bears are placed in front of the children: a large one (daddy bear), a medium one (mother bear) and a small one (Mishutka). Children are told that each bear has its own spoon. A big bear has a large one, a medium one has a medium one, and a small one has a very small one. Your own cup, your own plate, your own chair, your own bed (the number of items should correspond to the number of children playing). But the bears got everything mixed up, and now the guys will help them figure it out. Each child is given three cards with pictures (pictures can be drawn or cut and pasted). One child has 3 cups of different sizes, another has 3 spoons, a third has 3 plates, and so on. (differences in magnitude should be pronounced). Children take turns laying out their cards in front of the bears. Parsley, together with the children, looks to see if the cards are laid out correctly, helps to correct mistakes, and at the end of the game praises all the children.

And so they play a few games. This can include any New Year games for children of this age.

Snow Maiden.

Look, Grandpa, what good fellows the guys are, how friendly and fun they played games.

Father Frost.

Granddaughter, do you hear? Someone is screaming!

Snow Maiden. (Looks for a place where they shout.)

I think it's from here.

Yes guys?

(A scream is heard again. The Snow Maiden goes to the bag with gifts, unties it and takes out glove doll, boy Stepashka.)

Oh, this is my Stepashka! How did he get here? We will ask him now, and he will tell us everything, only for this I have to put it on my hand ... like this! As soon as you put it on your hand, it immediately “comes to life” and starts playing pranks.

(Stepashka hides behind the Snow Maiden, looks out and hides again - a playful picture of the relationship between the Snow Maiden and Stepashka.)

Snow Maiden.

Stepashka, where are you?


Snow Maiden.

Stop being naughty! Come here where you are!


Yes, here I am! It’s already impossible to indulge ... They themselves went to the guys for a holiday, but they left me at home ... As if I don’t want to go to the guys for a holiday ...

Father Frost.

So you, it turns out, climbed into the bag yourself to get to the guys?


It turns out on his own. After all, it’s so dishonest, I spent a whole week teaching riddles for the guys, preparing ...

Snow Maiden.

Why didn't you tell us that you were going to the party?


And you were busy all the time, preparing gifts for the guys. So I decided to give the guys a gift.

Father Frost.

So donate. And I, the old one, like riddles. I just don't always get it right...

Snow Maiden.

And I suggest that the guys help you, Stepashka prepared these riddles for them.


And we will ask the guys if they want Santa Claus to also guess riddles?

Snow Maiden.

Okay, so what are your riddles about?


Not about what, but about whom! Pro fairytale heroes who, like me, love the New Year holiday more than anything else.

Father Frost.

Well, guess your riddles, I'm ready, and if I don't guess, will you guys help me? (Children answer.)


Iron teeth, bone leg

Everyone knows it, it's...

Father Frost.

Meat grinder!


No, you guessed wrong.

Snow Maiden.

Who is this, guys? .. That's right, Baba Yaga. Grandpa, listen carefully.


There was a girl

From flower petals.

And this girl is tall

A little more than a nail.

Father Frost.

I don't know this girl, I've never seen her before.

Snow Maiden.

The guys know

They read all the stories.

Well, what is the mystery about? (Children answer.)

That's right, guys, Thumbelina.


Unusual, wooden,

And a little bit weird

But the father loved his son,


Father Frost.

I know I know! Chipollino!


No, you don't, Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden.

And we have an answer! Wooden Pinocchio. Yes, Stepashka?



Father Frost.

Well done, Stepashka - a bright shirt.

Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus, it's time!

All the kids are waiting!

We light the Christmas tree -

Green needles!

Father Frost.

Let's just burn together.

We all repeat after me:

May different dreams

Ours all come true

The lights of an elegant Christmas tree -

Light up bright!

Snow Maiden.

Christmas tree with bright lights

Shines, smiles!

Father Frost.

In a round dance we will become with you -

The holiday continues!

Children dance around the Christmas tree. The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" sounds.

Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus, do not stand by the Christmas tree

And do not hide a laugh in your mustache,

Even Christmas tree needles

They looked into our bag.

open the bag soon

And do not regret gifts

Got gifts for everyone

The kids will be happy!

Give gifts to children. It is better that gifts are signed, children sometimes ask:

"How does Grandfather Frost know my last name?" The Snow Maiden usually replies that she wrote down the names when she came to them with her grandfather last year.