Snowflake costume for girls with tutu skirt. New Year's snowflake costume for girls. Detailed master class with photos

Sew new Year costume for girl you can do it yourself. Even today, when there is a huge amount in stores beautiful dresses snowflakes And carnival costumes To celebrate the New Year, independent sewing is important.

I went shopping looking for an outfit for my three year old. Maybe it’s still early, or maybe this is the trend. But I really liked the white fluffy snowflake dress, and it costs 1500 rubles. I almost bought it, but several “Buts” stopped me.

- But this New Year's dress, which will create a delightful image of a little snowflake, will have to be worn for a couple of hours and will it suit the next year- question. After all, kids grow up so fast!

- But not all parents will be able to buy outfits at this price and your child will be very richly dressed compared to the rest. And this is not good. Let a 3-year-old child not understand what they are wearing. And the habit of standing out in this way can persist in both parents and the grown-up child. So much for social conflicts.

- But money is not so easy for us, adults, and not in such quantities to buy a dress for 2 hours of the New Year's holiday and for once in a lifetime. And for growth - these are relics of the past.

That's how I stopped. Then I remembered that I can sew and even want to open online courses on cutting and sewing. And that wonderful dress just stands before my eyes!

Let me sew New Year's snowflake costume with your own hands for your blue-eyed girl.

There are two ways: go to the store and buy fabric, for example, white tulle for a skirt, and at the top you can use a white T-shirt.

Or you can rummage through yours and your grandmother’s “chest” and look for old, but little-worn white, blue blouses and dresses suitable for the New Year’s snowflake. Especially shiny things that have long gone out of fashion, but have not lost their sparkle.

Pattern of a New Year's costume for a girl very simple, no special knowledge of a cutter or dressmaker is needed.

Let's imagine the image of a snowflake and choose the fabric for New Year's dress. So, White dressperfect solution, but blue is also possible, because ice and water have shades of blue and white. The suit can be sewn as a dress or used as a skirt with a blouse or T-shirt.

Fabric - organza or similar quality, tulle for the skirt - medium hardness.

Cutting and sewing a skirt for a snowflake costume made of organza

The first skirt model.

The skirt should be cut with minimal possible number seams. This can be a simple fabric the length of the skirt and 3 times the width, at least larger than the waist size. There will be one seam on the side or back, at the waist line we gather it with an elastic band.

Second model.

Skirt sun. Without seams and with a large margin at the waistline - this is for additional gathering at the waistline. This way the skirt will be fuller.

You can wear an underskirt under an organza skirt for more fluffiness.

Cutting and sewing snowflake skirts from stiff fabrics

The fabric is white tulle, the stiffness is better than medium. We cut out 50 pieces of this fabric, 20 cm wide and the length of the product.

The belt is a thick elastic band 2 cm wide. The length of the belt will be four cm less than the waist circumference.

These pieces need to be folded in half and tied with knots one by one to the belt. Make the knots arbitrary and strong. At the same time, do not overtighten the elastic; it should remain elastic. It will work out fluffy skirt. The edges of the hem can be trimmed with scissors.

You can thread a satin ribbon into the loops formed by tying pieces of tulle and tie a bow.

Decorating a costume for girls New Year's tinsel or beads, nice option snowflake additions are artificial fur or white fleece. We do the same with shoes.

Let me remind you that elegant dress you need to choose the same color shoes and tights. A various crowns for the New Year are sold in stores.

Makeup for girls snowflakes

For expressiveness of the eyes. Delicate blue pearlescent shadows - apply them to the eyelids and under the eyebrows.

For lips. Soft pink lipstick with glitter or pearl. Or lip gloss with a pink tint.

You can also add glitter to your makeup.

Look at the models of the New Year's snowflake costume that I collected from the public domain.

More interesting pattern from the series we sew in 5 minutes in my new article

Happy New Year! What will you hide under the Christmas tree? I recommend a super book where your child plays the leading role. You can order online, there is a trial free option. Book binding is soft, hard and High Quality. It's great that children can read fairy tales to themselves!

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Photo gallery: Winter beauty: DIY New Year's snowflake costume for a girl

Delicate, airy and incredibly cute snowflake - traditional New Year's image, without which almost no matinee can do. The image is popular and therefore often repeated. To make your little snowflake stand out against the general “snowy” background, we suggest sewing her a costume with your own hands. Firstly, it will fit the baby’s figure perfectly and will not cause discomfort to the child. And, secondly, the designer’s costume always guarantees its originality and uniqueness.

New Year's snowflake costume ideas for girls

Let's start with the fact that there are a lot of options for implementing this popular image. But almost every one of them is based on basic clothing white or blue tint: dress, suit, skirt and T-shirt (body). The base is decorated with sequins, beads, New Year's tinsel, lace. The main motif of the decor is, of course, snowflakes of all sizes and patterns. The look is usually completed with a themed headdress. This could be a white hoop, headband, or tiara.

On a note! To make the snowflake costume light and airy, use white and blue feathers when decorating it. different sizes. But be sure to lay out the feathers in the form of snowflakes, otherwise you risk getting a strange bird costume.

DIY snowflake costume for a girl - step-by-step instructions

If you are not strong in improvisation, you can use ready-made master class on how to create a snowflake outfit. This option is very easy to implement and requires a minimum of effort and investment.

Necessary materials:

Main stages:

How to make a snowflake headdress - step by step instructions

The final stage will be the creation of a suitable headdress. The simplest option is a headband, which we suggest you make with your own hands from a regular elastic band.

Necessary materials:

  • rubber
  • ribbon roses
  • rhinestones, pearls, beads
  • hot glue
  • paper

Main stages:

D oh New Year 10 more days!
If you haven’t had time to buy a New Year’s “snowflake” for your beloved daughter or granddaughter, you can make it yourself, like I did.

I made my first “snowflake” for my Olenka when she was 2.5 years old.
We wore it to the Christmas tree party at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses.
If you liked this “snowflake”, look further...

D To start, we go to the store and choose fabrics - white crystalline (preferably dense), white mesh (preferably with sparkles), white chiffon (for a scarf-cap, if you want to make such a snowball on your head, consisting of “prickly” snowflakes) and many Swarovski rhinestones of different sizes...

The basis for making a “snowflake” is the same technique as when making a collar (for Piggy and not only)☺

So: First, cut out the snowflakes according to the template different shapes(I have -3 types)
Moreover, along the edge of the template we cut out only half of the snowflake;
We leave the other half cut by hand with some extra fabric.
This is what it looks like:
(I got 22 snowflakes with a diameter of 9.5 cm.) - this is only for the skirt.

We fold the crystal fabric into a triangle and pin it with needles to secure the edge.

We get a circle on which we place snowflakes along the edge.
Snowflakes MUST touch each other -
Like this:

We melt each snowflake to the base with a hot needle and,
until the fusion site has cooled down, press it with your finger - the snowflake “sits” in place.

Then we put the template on the snowflake and cut along the edge of the template with a hot needle bottom part snowflakes and its middle.

When all the snowflakes around the perimeter are ready, fold the circle again into a triangle so that all the snowflakes coincide along the edge.

Measure the length of the skirt from the edge and cut out the middle.

The result is an even circle like this:

Now is the time to glue the rhinestones.
If the rhinestones are adhesive-based, just put each one in place and press for a few seconds with a moderately hot needle.
I don’t recommend it being very hot, because... whitish or brown spot). Practice on a separate piece of fabric to adjust the needle temperature.
In general, for gluing rhinestones I use “Moment” glue, which I apply to the fabric with a long needle (in a dot) and place the rhinestone on this place with tweezers, pressing it with my finger.

We frame the upper edge of the snowflake along the contour with dots.
(Slightly lift the fabric between your fingers and burn a point with the end of a hot needle, holding it strictly perpendicular to the surface of the fabric).

and set aside.

Let's move on to the top tier of the snowflake skirt.
To do this, take a mesh fabric and, by folding it, cut out a circle.
There should be 4 such circles.
This skirt should be shorter than the previous one.

We cut each one on one side and connect it to each other, placing them in bow folds.

We also assemble the top under the elastic band, put the second skirt (with bow pleats) on the first (with snowflakes). We connect them together, sew on a belt, into which we insert three elastic bands at equal distances.

Well, you can come up with the top yourself. I sewed two wide straps (from crystal), on which I placed wings collected from scraps of fabric from skirts (lunge from the center of the circle).
I alternated crystallon and mesh (see main photo).

Since the kids are small, I didn’t risk putting the “snowflake” on a T-shirt or naked body. White cotton T-shirt with long sleeve fits seamlessly into the outfit. Well, at home, if it’s warm, a light T-shirt will do.

Well, how to make a “snowball” cap scarf is a separate lesson.
You can do without it by making rubber bands-snowflakes.

For those who have learned their lesson, I suggest watching my favorite “Snowflakes” at the holiday.

The first “Snowflake” was also useful for the youngest Katyusha.
Well, I already made another one for Olenka...

Often, mothers and grandmothers of little girls attending kindergarten are faced with a situation on New Year's Eve when they need to create a beautiful New Year's Eve for their baby. snowflake costume. Of course, today you can easily purchase something like this ready-made in a store or rent it from a special agency. However, this is not always accessible, cheap, convenient, and besides, this option is unlikely to stand out with individuality and originality.

That is why we decided to devote one of our articles to this difficult issue and tell you what and how you can make it DIY snowflake costume, so that your baby is the most beautiful and elegant on the New Year tree.

DIY snowflake costume for girls

The first version of the New Year's snowflake outfit can be made even by those mothers and grandmothers who have absolutely no idea about the rules of cutting and sewing. Moreover, you practically don’t have to sew it; you just need to do just a few stitches by hand and the suit is ready. Many may think that it is practically impossible to do this or that as a result of such simple actions nothing beautiful will come out. The master class described above will completely change your opinion and, perhaps, you will make just such an option for your baby.

Consists of this outfit from a fluffy tulle tutu skirt, which is the main element of the suit. All you have to do is choose a suitable top for it in the form of a smart white blouse, blouse, tights or T-shirt, and also make a beautiful crown, but first things first.

Rubber white, width 50-60 cm;

Hard white tulle for a skirt - 1.5 meters;

Hard white tulle for the crown - 20 cm;

Plastic hairband;



Simple pencil;

Sewing needle;

The bobbin thread is white.

How to make a snowflake costume

1. Let's start by making a skirt. To do this, cut all the tulle into identical strips 25 cm wide and about 50 cm long. Please note that the length of the strips may vary depending on the height of the child, which, accordingly, affects the length of the finished skirt.

2. Then we take measurements from the girl’s waist and, in accordance with the obtained value, measure out a piece of wide white elastic, the edges of which are sewn together with back side manually using a needle and thread with thick, reliable stitches.

3. After we have all the details of the future skirt ready, we can begin to form it. To do this, take the first tulle strip, fold it exactly in half, and then, having identified a loop at the top along the fold line, we place it from the bottom up under the elastic band. and pull both ends of the strip through it. Tighten the knot. It is important to not tighten it too tightly so that the fabric does not overtighten the elastic, but only fits snugly across its width.

4. Next, using the same principle, we fill the entire space of the elastic with tulle stripes. The more stripes there are, the more magnificent the tutu skirt will be. You can also use not one, but several tulle colors in your work, for example, white and blue, white and blue, or white and silver. In addition, you can additionally decorate the edge of the skirt with Christmas tree tinsel, a traditional decor used in creating a snowflake outfit.

5. Now let’s start making the crown, we took a regular plastic hairband as its basis, it’s better if it’s white, but if you couldn’t get one, Any will do another. First, let's prepare the crown blanks; for this we need to cut the tulle into identical strips, each 10 cm long and 3 cm wide.

6. We will form the crown according to the same principle as the skirt; we alternately thread strips of tulle folded in half through the headband and secure them with knots so that they stick out upward, framing the entire headband.

7. So that the resulting crown blank acquires the required form, carefully cut off the edges of the tulle so that the protruding strips along the edges become crusty, and in the center of the headdress remain long. Additionally, the crown can be decorated with small rhinestones, confetti, sequins, beads, tinsel, or glued small appliqué elements cut from metallized foil.

That's all, snowflake costume for girl- ready. You can easily make this option in a couple of hours, almost on the eve of New Year's party.

What other options for such an outfit can be created using the method described above, we invite you to consider in our small selection of photographs offered to your attention below.

Snowflake costume for girls - photo:

Knitted New Year's snowflake costume crochet

The next master class will appeal to those who are fond of crocheting, because a beautiful elegant New Year's dress for the role of a snowflake can not only be sewn, but also knitted, and this is not difficult to do and even beginner craftswomen can do it, the main thing is to strictly follow the description below and you everything will work out.

For work, it is better to choose natural mercerized cotton yarn; you can also use viscose or fancy yarn for knitting, for example, grass, it will be useful for finishing an outfit.

As for the hook, its size by number must correspond to the selected threads; usually on the skein of yarn it is indicated with which hook it is recommended to knit them.

Also in your work you may need several safety pins, measuring tape, scissors.

Crocheted snowflake dress - job description.

1. The upper part of the dress will be made in the form of a yoke; we will knit it using the pattern below. Previously using measuring tape Let's take the child's size, and then, based on the obtained dimensions, we will form a yoke. The yoke can be made using identical rows of single crochets, or you can also knit this part single crochet stitches or combine several types of loops, creating an openwork fantasy pattern.

2. Next, fold the finished yoke in half, leaving a slit for the fastener on the back, add another 10-15 chain stitches under the arms on both sides, and continue knitting in the circle for another 5-6 rows, depending on the desired size.

3. The last row we knit the top of the dress with double crochets, alternating them with air loops, so that we get uniform holes in the pattern at the waist, into which we will later draw a thin satin ribbon.

4. Then carefully knit each sleeve in turn. To do this, you can use the main pattern, such as the one with which the yoke itself was knitted, or include in the work a fantasy pattern, such as that which we will later use to knit the skirt.

5. We will knit the lower part of the dress - the skirt - in the round openwork pattern, gradually expanding towards the bottom, using the one proposed below.

Snowflake costume for New Year- scheme:

6. We tie the neck of the finished piece with two rows of single crochets using fancy “grass” yarn. We will also decorate the sleeves of the dress and the lower part of the skirt in a similar way.

7. Pull a thin satin ribbon through the holes at the waist and form a neat small voluminous bow in front. Additionally ready-made dress can be embroidered with beads, sequins, decorated with rhinestones, decorative rhinestones and other New Year's items.

8. What a similar one New Year's outfit without a crown, of course it is possible, as well as the whole buy snowflake costume in the store or make it yourself, just like a dress using a skein of yarn and a crochet hook. We need to knit five identical small ones of the same size and two identical ones a little smaller. You can do this using any scheme you like; we present one of these to your attention below.

9. Next, we need to starch the resulting crown blanks. This can be done in several ways - using regular starch, concentrated sugar syrup or PVA glue. To do this, the latter needs to be diluted a little cold water and soak all knitted parts in it. Next, all the workpieces should be thoroughly straightened and left to dry on a flat surface, previously covered with plastic film or foil.

10. After the blanks have completely dried, we glue five of them, the larger ones, to a plastic hairband, thus creating a crown, and hang two smaller ones symmetrically on the sides on small chains of air loops. That's it, the crown is ready!

What other options crocheted carnival dresses for the roles of small snowflakes you can make with your own hands, we invite you to consider them in our next photo selection.

Knitted snowflake costume - photos and ideas:

Another simple one universal option creation, which is easy to perform for any, even not very experienced, needlewomen. The essence of this suit is to create two elements - a skirt and a cape, using one pattern. This model uses the style of a sun-flared skirt, and this style will also help us make top part outfit

The proposed pattern is designed for a girl’s height of 92-98 centimeters, if you need a larger size, simply increase it in accordance with the measurements taken from the child to the desired size.

So, for work we need:

White satin or silk fabric - 0.8-1 meter;

Cotton white fabric for lining - 0.3-0.5 meters;

White tulle - 0.5 meters;

Large mother-of-pearl pearl beads - 9 pieces;

Decorative plastic snowflake;

White elastic band, 2 cm wide and 40 cm long;

White small button - 1 piece;


Sewing needle with bobbin thread;

Sewing machine.

Description of work.

1. Transfer the existing pattern to the main and lining fabric folded in half front side inside and cut out the necessary parts.

3. After this, turn it inward by 1-1.5 cm bottom edge skirts and do the finishing stitching.

4. Sew pre-slightly gathered tulle, 12-15 cm wide, to the lining.

5. In the upper part of the skirt, we will bend both the main and lining fabrics inward, thus forming a drawstring for the belt, and pull the elastic into it.

6. C front side Along the bottom of the skirt, we will gather the fabric a little evenly on nine sides and decorate the gathers by sewing large pearlescent white beads “pearls” to them.


1. Transfer the pattern to satin fabric from the wrong side and cut out the parts we need.

2. Then we will decorate the upper and lower edges of the cape with bias tapes, stitching them using sewing machine and carefully smooth out all the seams with a hot iron.

3. In the neck area on the back, we will make a small cut for the fastener, grind the edges, then form a loop on one side, and hand sew a small white button on the other.

4. Sew a decorative plastic snowflake onto the front part of the cape in the chest area, which can also be additionally decorated with mother-of-pearl beads, sequins, rhinestones, etc. And the edge of the skirt and cape can be trimmed with shimmering Christmas tree tinsel and it will turn out very beautiful and bright for the New Year.

You can complement the image beautiful crown made with your own hands, or make original ones from your child’s hair and decorate it with suitable hairpins.

Any girl certainly wants to be the most beautiful and charming at the holiday in kindergarten. Most often, girls choose costumes of fairies, princesses, and snowflakes. After all, how can one refuse fluffy skirts, jewelry - about what they desire in New Year's celebration little dreamers.
All these outfits can be easily made with your own hands. We suggest making a snowflake costume with your own hands, photo from step by step instructions The sewing instructions for the outfit are attached below.

How to make a snowflake costume? Making a skirt without a sewing machine

The traditional choice of costume for girls for a New Year's party is the image of a snowflake. For a dress, a tutu skirt (a fluffy skirt) is a mandatory component. If you decide to please your daughter with a suit made by yourself, then you will need:

  • 50 pieces of tulle rectangular shape size 20 x 50 cm (can be in different shades);
  • elastic band the length of the child’s waist minus 4 cm, width at least 2 cm;
  • scissors.

Skirt sewing steps:

  1. First, you need to tie the elastic band into a knot and wrap it around a stool (or for convenience, around your leg/arm).
  2. Next, take one of the pieces of fabric and tie it with a loose knot around the elastic (knot in the middle of the fabric). We also tie all the remaining segments along the entire length of the elastic band.
  3. Then we clamp the ends of all the fabrics, trimming all the pieces with scissors.
  4. For decoration, you can add a satin ribbon, tying it in a bow and thereby attaching it to the back (back) side of the skirt.

DIY snowflake costume: top of the costume

To fully complement the skirt and create a complete snowflake outfit, you need to decorate the top of the dress. For harmony, you can wear a white top with a tulle skirt. This can be a blouse, as well as a jacket combined with a light turtleneck or T-shirt. For a more festive beauty, it is recommended to embroider both the top and the skirt with sequin rhinestones. For New Year's fun, you can attach tinsel to your outfit.

New Year's snowflake costume and headdress for it

The snowflake costume has a mandatory component - a headdress. To recognize the image of a snowflake, the girl must be wearing a crown, headband, tiara or diadem. Big choice headdress for the outfit is present in carnival stores. To save money without spending a lot of effort, you can do the cleaning yourself. For this you will need:

  • silver tinsel;
  • wire.

You need to thread the wire through the tinsel. The flexibility of the wire allows us to “sculpt” a crown suitable for us. Having done beautiful shape, we fix the headpiece in the girl’s hair.

Instead of wire, you can use a hoop, wrapping the same tinsel around it or decorating it with pom-poms made of padding polyester or cotton wool.

Holiday shoes and snowflake makeup

An important component of the costume is shoes. The most suitable option there will be white shoes or boots. Using double-sided tape, decorate the shoes again with rain or tinsel. To avoid leaving your legs bare, wear white tights.

It would be nice to complement the image of a snowflake with a festive one. New Year's makeup. For such a delicate look you will need light pearlescent shadows and soft lip gloss. Lightly powder your face and body with glitter. White and silver beads will be a beautiful addition to the neck.

As you can see, it’s not difficult to make a snowflake costume with your own hands, and you don’t have to buy a ready-made dress in a store, when you can create an outfit to your taste without spending a lot of time and money on creating a suitable look.

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