Crocheted snowman: photo, description, diagram. Knitted snowman crochet for the new year

I propose to tie a toy on a Christmas tree in the form of a snowman. As you know, a snowman is molded from snow, hence its name. Basically a snowman consists of 2 or 3 balls of snow. I will crochet a snowman, imitating snow balls.

So, in this tutorial I will tell you in detail how to crochet a snowman with step by step photos.

How to crochet a snowman

To knit a snowman you need:

We start knitting from the bottom ball. To do this, cast on a chain of 2 VPs (air loops), knit 6 RLS (single crochets) into the far loop. Further, increasing the number of loops in each row by 6, we knit a flat circle, consisting of a circle of 36 loops.

This diameter will be a large "com". If you want to link bigger size, then you need to continue to knit a circle until right size. Now the number of loops obtained (in this case 36) divide by 6 and knit this number of rows without changes. We knit 6 rows without additions and decreases. Such a hemisphere is formed.

Now we decrease the loops in the reverse order - first we knit each 5 and 6 together, then 4 and 5, etc. Knit until there are 12 stitches in the row.

At this point, you need to fill the ball with padding polyester. You can then complete the circle, and then knit the next smaller one, or you can immediately continue to knit a smaller circle.

We knit the next row with the addition to get 18 loops (that is, we knit 2 loops in every third loop).

We knit with additions until a circle of 30 loops is formed, then we knit 5 rows without changes, and then with decreases in the reverse order until all loops are over. The main part of ours is ready.

Now you need to make his hands. We knit, as in the previous case, 2 VP, and then 6 RLS and 12 RLS, then 2 rows of 12 RLS each and reduce the loops to 6 RLS.

We fill the hands with padding polyester and sew them to the body.

How to crochet a snowman hat

For the hat, white and red threads are used. We collect 2 VP, we knit according to the rules of the circle up to 24 loops.

Now we knit without changes 7 rows.

The cap is ready. The rest of the red and white yarn is cut into pieces of 4 cm, tied with a thread in the middle, cut off the excess so that a pompom is formed, which we attach to the hat.


We knit a chain of air loops of the required length, then, alternating rows, we knit different colors scarf using single crochets.

Eyes and mouth are embroidered with thread and needle.

It remains to make a nose for the snowman. The nose of a real snowman is made from a carrot. To imitate a carrot, we knit 2 VP, then 6 sc in the far loop. Now we knit 4 rows without changes, at the end we make 3 decreases.

Everyone good day, today we will figure out step by step how to crochet a snowman ourselves. I will show you different models snowmen, and then I will teach the GENERAL PRINCIPLE of knitting all these kind smiling snowmen. I will give diagrams, descriptions and explanations for them, post photos of the knitting process knitted crafts with snowmen. Today, even beginners will understand how to crochet a snowman with their own hands. You will learn how to do this once and for all, and in the future you will be able to knit other figures (not necessarily snowmen) according to the same principles - but penguins, kittens, puppies and other cute ones. amigurumi toys. We'll consider a variety of options:

  • flat knitted snowmen.
  • snowmen made from crochet balls.
  • One-piece knitted snowmen (with a neck and snowy hands).
  • snowman bags crochet.
  • oval snowmen.
  • small miniature crochet snowmen.
  • We will also learn to knit. snowman friends- penguins and birds.

That is, we know different ways crochet a snowman, and choose a convenient version of this craft for us.

Don't worry about the number of threads in your stores. You can start by knitting very small snowmen. And the work is fast - you will not have time to get tired. And the result is cute miniature - nice to see.


how to crochet them.

You can knit these flat snowmen figurines. flat knitting in a circle - with a uniform addition of loops, in each row you need to add 12 loops. Thereby, the circle won't roll in the shape of a convex bowl.

And now we will figure out how to crochet 3D snowmen. Snowman toys, chubby and plump. They can be linked different ways:

  • knit in pieces(tie the balls and assemble a snowman out of them),
  • or knit entirely(when the knitting of the head smoothly narrows into the neck, and then expands to the tummy of the figure).


scheme + description).

We can first crochet white balls, fill them with centipon or other filler. Then put the ball on the ball, fasten them together with threads - and get the body of a snowman. Next, we knit arms, a nose, a hat for him, we embroider eyes and a mouth.

We begin to knit a ball, adding the number of columns in a row specified by the scheme.

Below I will give a crochet ball pattern ... but First I want to talk about the GENERAL PRINCIPLE knitting any ball.

Then you will understand how to knit balls of different sizes according to the same pattern, then you will be able to set the size of the ball that you knit yourself.

So here the general principle of creating a crochet ball:

Crochet ball pattern may look like this - the picture below. This scheme is fully consistent with the description that I gave in the picture above. circular knitting in each row it increases by six columns, so the knitting itself is divided into six sectors.

If we want to get a small ball- we stop knitting on the 4th-5th row ... we move into the phase ordinary knitting(1-2 rows) - this will be the middle of the ball, and then we begin the decrease phase (narrowing the second half of the ball)

If we need a big knitted ball - we knit according to this pattern up to 8-9 rows or more (adding everything and adding a column to each sector). Then the ball will be bigger.

But there is one thing but ... when we add columns exactly ON THE EDGE OF THE SECTOR, then we have a visible scar of such allowances (as in the photo below).

In order not to see the scars, you can try to TURN THE BALL INSIDE OUT, possibly with inside the scar will not stand out so much.

Or you can make allowances IN DIFFERENT PLACES of the sector. That is, the essence of the scheme does not change, as before, in each sector, we add one column ... but this additional column grows each time in a new place in the sector. The diagram below shows this UNIFORM WAY of adding columns when knitting the same ball.

How to crochet


We can knit a snowman - not assembled from balls, but connected entirely by a single figure where the neck connects the head and stomach of the snowman.

Here is a simple, understandable knitting principle - we begin to knit a ball (according to the diagrams above) ...

... then, when the top of the ball has not yet been knitted, we begin to EXPAND again, add loops so that our knitting GOES EXTENDED AGAIN (as in the photo below) - this will be the transition to the snowman's belly.

By the way, according to this principle, you can crochet such a craft - a SNOWMAN COVER on a candy jar.

But we continue to knit and our expansion after the neck grows and grows and turns into a large round belly ball. Thus, we get a SINGLE FIGURINE of a snowman, where the head is merged with the body.

How to tie


on the snowman's head.

It's simple enough. Let's think together. The bottom of the bucket (or the cylinder) is flat - which means we will knit the bottom according to the FLAT CIRCLE pattern (which I gave above at the very beginning of the article). Then when we get to the outer edge of the bottom, we will knit the sides of the bucket - for this we need to SIMPLY STOP ADDING COLUMNS IN A CIRCULAR ROW - and our knitting itself forms a tube shape, around the bottom.

If you want the bucket to expand slightly towards the edges in shape, then just in the middle of the height of the bucket, add literally three or four columns in a row ... and then repeat this increase again after 3 rows.


simple crochet patterns.

In this way, you can tie the snowmen yourself different shapes. It can be snowmen-bags.

From white threads, you can knit any shape - even in the form of a loose curved sausage. And then attach a nose, eyes, paws to a white sausage and put a hat on top - and here you have Mr. Snowman.

Any shape + your imagination. Oval elongated snowmen, similar in shape to peanut pods, also look cool.

Beautiful knitted snowmen.


You can make additional decorations for your knitted snowman, also crochet. For example, a garland of bright light bulbs. Cute handsome snowman with a cheerful face, rosy cheeks, in a bright New Year's hat.

You can crochet an INCOMPLETE OUTFIT for your snowman, panties. shirts, mittens. Get bright New Year's craft crochet.

You can put your snowman on knitted skis. Ski poles made of wooden skewers, painted with gouache and with knitted circles put on them.

Or you can tie a Christmas tree to your snowman. I have already told you on our website you will find many schemes and methods.

An elegant hat with a beautiful graceful shape. We have already said above how to tie a cylinder on a snowman's head (see the same article).

The cylinder can be decorated with knitted sprigs of holly with red berries.

By learning how to crochet balls, you can crochet a funny round bird for a snowman - a white one or a bullfinch ... or a penguin.

Penguins can also be knitted in different ways ...

You can also crochet New Year's deer and put it next to the snowman. The result will be a composition - TWO COMRADES.

Here are the rules for crocheting a snowman. Now you can make your own funny snowman for a gift to your loved ones, to an exhibition at school or kindergarten or just for your own joy and pleasure.
Put it on your desktop and all day long your eyes will meet its happy muzzle.

May these winter days be filled with sparks of miracles, magical crackling and joyful radiance.
Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.

We are getting ready for the New Year. I'll tell you how to crochet a snowman.

We will need:

  • white yarn,
  • remnants of red or orange yarn,
  • any other colored yarn for accessories,
  • eyes (ready-made or beads, buttons, etc.),
  • hook,
  • scissors,
  • needle, white thread,
  • any filler (sintepuh, cotton wool, etc.).

We knit the body from the bottom up.

To crochet ball, in each row the number of intermediate loops between the addition of columns will increase.

3 row: 1 sc in one column of the previous row, 2 sc. in the column of the previous row. Alternate = 18

8 row: 1 sc in each of the six loops of the previous row, 2 sc in the column of the previous row. Alternate = 48

9 row: 1 sc in each of the seven loops of the previous row, 2 sc in the column of the previous row. Alternate = 54

10-14 row: 1 sc in each loop of the previous row. = 54

15 row: 1 sc in each of the seven loops of the previous row, 1 sc in two adjacent columns of the previous row. Alternate = 48

16 row: 1 sc in each of the six loops of the previous row, 1 sc in two adjacent columns of the previous row. Alternate = 42

17 row: 1 sc in each of the five loops of the previous row, 1 sc in two adjacent columns of the previous row. Alternate = 36

18 row: 1 sc in each of the four loops of the previous row, 1 sc in two adjacent columns of the previous row. Alternate = 30

19 row: 1 sc in each of the three loops of the previous row, 1 sc in two adjacent columns of the previous row. Alternate = 24

20 row: 1 sc in each of the two loops of the previous row, 1 sc in two adjacent columns of the previous row. Alternate = 18

21 row: 1 sb in the loop of the previous row, 1 sb in two adjacent columns of the previous row. Alternate = 12

22 row: 1 sb in the loop of the previous row, 1 sb in two adjacent columns of the previous row. Alternate = 6

Description of how to tie the body of a snowman:

In knitting in a circle, it is very important to evenly distribute the number of knitted columns, so for starters I will present you with a diagram.

We start by closing two air loops in a circle.

For knitting in a circle, the initial circle should consist of 6 loops or single crochets.

Threading the hook into the second loop from the hook (Fig. 5), we knit 6 single crochets (Fig. 6).

We close the connecting column, which we knit in the first loop of the row.

If you count, now you can see 6 loops formed by single crochets of the first row. Connecting loop do not count.

Any knitting of rows in a circle begins and ends exactly the same. At the beginning, lifting loops are necessarily made, and at the end a half-column is knitted from the last column of the row to the first column of the same row, thereby we connect the end and the beginning of the row. This will additionally help you not to get confused in knitting in order to evenly add loops.

We knit two single crochets into the first loop of the previous row (! Not into the lifting air loop). So we knit two columns without a crochet in each loop to the end of the row. Total 12 columns (lift does not count)

We close with a connecting column into the loop of the first column of the second row and make an air lifting loop.

Single crochet in the first stitch of the row, then two single crochet in the next stitch. We knit alternating to the end of the row - a single crochet in a loop, two single crochets in one loop. A total of 18 columns.

We close the circle with a connecting column and an air lifting loop.

Single crochet in each of the next two stitches and two single crochet in the next stitch. So alternating we knit to the end of the row. There will be a total of 24 columns.

The number of intermediate rows depends on your desire, for a ball - 5 rows are enough, the greater the number of intermediate rows, the more elongated the body will turn out.

You can also reduce the initial number of rows, then your snowman will be smaller.

We reduce as evenly as we added.

We fill with any filler ...

We finish knitting according to the above scheme.

At the end of the loop, tighten and fasten the thread.

The head is knitted in the same way:

1 row: in the second loop from the hook, knit 6 single crochets (sc) = 6

2 row: 2 sc. in each column of the previous row = 12

4 row: 1 sc in each of the two loops of the previous row, 2 sc. in the column of the previous row. Alternate = 24

5 row: 1 sc in each of the three loops of the previous row, 2 sc in the column of the previous row. Alternate = 30

6 row: 1 sc in each of the four loops of the previous row, 2 sc in the column of the previous row. Alternate = 36

7 row: 1 sc in each of the five loops of the previous row, 2 sc in the column of the previous row. Alternate = 42

8-10 row: 1 sc in each loop of the previous row. =42

11 row: 1 sc in each of the five loops of the previous row, 1 sc in two adjacent columns of the previous row. Alternate = 36

12 row: 1 sc in each of the four loops of the previous row, 1 sc in two adjacent columns of the previous row. Alternate = 30

13 row: 1 sc in each of the three loops of the previous row, 1 sc in two adjacent columns of the previous row. Alternate = 24

14 row: 1 sc in each of the two loops of the previous row, 1 sc in two adjacent columns of the previous row. Alternate = 18

We fill our ball with sintepuh and finish knitting.

15 row: 1 sb in the loop of the previous row, 1 sb in two adjacent columns of the previous row. Alternate = 12

16 row: 1 sb in the loop of the previous row, 1 sb in two adjacent columns of the previous row. Alternate = 6

We tighten the loops and fasten the thread.

If you decrease or increase the number of rows when knitting the snowman's body, decrease or increase the number of head rows in the same way.

Sew the head to the body...

Handles 2 pieces...

Didn't get too smart. We collect the length you need from the air loops, and then we knit 5-7 rows with single crochets into each loop of the previous row.

To to tie snowman mittens you can do it like this...

We tie it to the handle: (I did not count the loops, their number will depend on the number of rows of the handle).

1 row: 2 sc. in each column of the previous row,

2 row: 1 sc in each loop of the previous row.

Get a cuff...

3rd row: 2 sc. in each column of the previous row,

4 row: 1 sc in each loop of the previous row.

5-6 row: 1 sb in the loop of the previous row, 1 sb in two adjacent columns of the previous row. We alternate.

We tighten the loops and sew the mitten with the same thread to the place where the finger will be.

We knit 2-3 lifting air loops and go down with single crochets. We tighten the loops and fasten the thread.

1 row: in the second loop from the hook, knit 6 single crochets (sc) = 6

2 row: 2 sc. in each column of the previous row = 12

3rd row: 1 sc, 2 sc. in the column of the previous row. Alternate = 18

4-13 row: 1 sc in each loop of the previous row. = 18

We fill the nose with sintepuh a little.

14 row: 1 sc in the loop of the previous row, 1 sc in two adjacent columns of the previous row. Alternate = 12

15 row: 1 sb in the loop of the previous row, 1 sb in two adjacent columns of the previous row. Alternate = 6

We tighten the loops and fasten the thread.

To tie a carrot, we close three air loops into a ring and knit with single crochets in a circle desired length. We tighten the loops, pull the thread in the opposite direction.

It remains to knit a scarf and a hat, sew eyes and nose.

Our snowman is ready.

The description turned out to be quite literate, but you can tie such a snowman in a few hours, there would be a desire!

Another gentleman. 🙂

And a smaller snowman...

Create with pleasure!

I was glad to help!

We all made snowmen as children. And now many do it with their children. But such a snowy handsome man is short-lived. It melts with warmth. And here connected crochet snowman will last a very long time and will be pleasing to the eye.

To knit a snowman we need:

  • yarn (white, orange, lilac);
  • two beads;
  • hook;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • thread with a needle;
  • pompoms.

The body and head of the snowman are knitted together, inseparably.

We take white threads and start knitting with two air. n. In the second of them we knit six st. b/n. Now we need to expand the body, that is, make an increase. In all rows we will add six tbsp. And we will knit five such surplus rows.

Knit four more rows. But we won't be adding to them.

And now you need to make a decrease in order to start knitting the second ball to the snowman. To do this, we make four decreases in the next 4 rows. And in the 5th we make six decreases. Reduce until the hole closes. The body and head are ready.

Need to tie pens. The snowman will be in mittens lilac color. And we will start knitting with mittens.

In a sliding loop we knit six tbsp. b/n. In the 2nd row we make six additions. After that, it is necessary to knit two more rows, but we do not make increases in them.

We form a finger. Yarn over at the beginning of the row and insert your hook into the first stitch. We pull out the working thread. We do not knit loops on the hook! And we repeat the same four more times (with a hook we introduce into one loop). After that, we knit all the loops on the hook together and make one air loop.

We make two decreases in a row. We knit another row with a lilac thread, and then change it to white. With white yarn you need to knit 6 more rows.

We turn to knitting a nose-carrot. We knit six columns into the amigurumi ring. We make two increases in the 2nd row. We knit four rows in a circle.

We fill with synthetic winterizer.

We knit a scarf for a snowman from lilac yarn and decorate with pompoms. You can buy them or make your own.

We collect a chain of air loops of the required length. And we knit one row of Art. with a crochet.

Sew on pom poms.

Knit a hat for a snowman. It will be striped: white and lilac.

We start with purple. We make a chain of 30 air. p. and close it in a ring.

In each next strip (not in a row!) We make two decreases. So you need to knit three strips. We make six decreases until the hat closes (reductions are no longer in stripes, but in rows).

Sew eyes and a nose on the toy.

We put on a hat and scarf. And we get such a snowman!

knitted snowman (both crochet and knitting needles) can be excellent New Year's toy for the baby, and if you sew a loop to the hat, then he will be able to show off on the Christmas tree.
New Year's master class was prepared by Anyutka.

DIY Christmas crafts - the best decoration holiday. And what could be more fun than this fairy tale hero like a snowman?

Crochet in skillful hands you can knit an unusually cute and funny snowman, which can not only decorate festive table, but also become great gift loved ones or even a child's favorite toy!

To crochet a toy like a snowman, you need to be patient, with materials, tools and arm yourself with our tips:

  • Before you start creating, it would be good to read a master class or watch a video tutorial on crocheting a snowman.
  • Threads are better to buy woolen or cotton. You can use the leftover threads from the previous knitting. One snowman takes 30-50 grams of thread. Crochet hooks are desirable to have different sizes. The hook should always match the thickness of the thread.
  • Sometimes you may need knitting needles, for example, for knitting a scarf.
  • Beads, buttons, glass beads will be needed for the eyes and eyebrows.
  • It is best to knit a snowman according to the scheme, which can be found in master classes or videos.
  • If you decide to give your loved ones such a surprise as a snowman knitted, then it can be beautifully decorated with crocheted details.

The process of crocheting a snowman is based on general principle. A snowman always consists of two or three balls, which are his torso and head. If you know how to knit a ball, then you can easily knit a snowman. For beginner needlewomen, a master class or a video lesson on crocheting a ball will be of great help.

We offer you several master classes in which you will find detailed description crochet algorithm for crocheting New Year's snowmen.

Snowman with a scarf - master class

We invite you to knit together with us a funny snowman, which you can hang on the Christmas tree, give to friends or decorate their house.

You will need: red, green and light golden threads, a hook, two balls of different sizes, a needle and thread, PVA glue and a brush, paper, black beads and glass beads.

Step one: tie two balls with golden threads. This will be the body and head of the snowman.

Step two: we firmly connect the torso and head, for which we thread the tip of the thread from the torso blank into the penultimate row of the head blank, tighten it and tie it into a knot.

Step three: knit a red scarf with knitting needles.

Step four: we make a nose out of paper and wrap it with a red thread, attaching it with glue, as shown in the diagram.

Step five: we knit a green hat, and from beads and glass beads we make eyes and eyebrows.

Step six: we attach the nose with a needle and thread and pull a golden lace through the tip of the cap.

Snowman in a hat - master class

For needlewomen who know the technique of crocheting, creating such a snowman according to the scheme will not be difficult.

You will need: white, orange, brown and black woolen threads, hook.

  • We knit a ball ( lower part torso), but not to the end, but on 12-18 columns in a row we begin to knit the next smaller ball ( upper part torso). By the same principle, we knit the third ball (head).
  • We knit balls separately small size- these will be the handles.
  • We stuff the snowman with padding polyester or cotton wool. For stability, you can put plastic balls or pebbles on the bottom.
  • We knit a hat from black threads and a nose from red ones. Then we embroider the mouth and eyes.

Heating pad on a mug - master class

Snowman, knitted thin knitting needles and crocheted, as a heating pad for a mug - albeit small, but important detail for comfort in the house.

You will need: blue and white yarn, orange Iris threads, hook No. 1.5, knitting needles, synthetic winterizer and beads.

  • First, we knit the head: with a white thread on the knitting needles, we collect 20 loops and knit stockinette stitch, adding in 3 and 5 rows of 10 loops. Having connected the 22nd row, fill the resulting part with a padding polyester. Then in the 23rd, 25th and 27th row add 10 loops again (total there will be 70 loops in the row). On the 120th row close the loops. Run a seam, wrap the edges inward, hem at neck level and tighten slightly.
  • We knit a hat: we collect 38 loops and we knit a garter stitch for 32 rows and close the loops. We carry out a seam, we tighten the crown, we make a white pompom and sew.
  • We knit a scarf: with blue threads we collect 8 loops and knit about 100 rows.
  • We make a nose: we take an orange thread and crochet 3 air loops, connect them into a ring and knit the first row of 5 tbsp. b / n, 2-8 rows of art. b / n, adding 1 loop. Stuff the nose with padding polyester and sew to the head. Then sew on the beady eyes as shown in the diagram. Crocheted and knitted snowman is ready.

Knitted snowman on a postcard - master class

Even novice craftswomen will be able to knit such a cheerful character, which is great for decorating a New Year's video card or decorating a Christmas tree.

You will need: woolen or cotton threads of red, white, black and orange flowers, hook, four buttons, two beads and floss threads.

  • We knit two mugs different sizes. Beginning needlewomen can find a description of knitting circles in master classes or video lessons.
  • We knit a hat, nose and scarf, sew on buttons, make eyes and dimples on the cheeks, embroider a smile and snowflakes with floss threads. Then we sew all the details according to the scheme.

Ideas for creating New Year's snowmen

Shaggy yarn can make a fun fluffy family.

Original potholders in the form of a couple of funny snowmen will decorate your kitchen.

Having studied the master class and video tutorials on crocheting, you can easily knit an athlete snowman.

A cheerful snowman will make a wonderful company, crocheted green tree.

A cute gift will be a mobile phone case decorated with a snowman.

And even a novice craftswoman will knit such a New Year's tack.

A little patience, skill and imagination will help you create unique images Christmas snowmen. We hope that our workshops and ideas were interesting and informative for you. You can easily peep the missing little things in the video knitting lessons.