Phone wallpapers that bring happiness. Good luck, wealth and love will be attracted by the right picture on your phone

Psychologists say: if the mobile model can only tell about social status owner, the main picture on the phone screen will tell you about his desires and dreams. The owner of a mobile phone looks at the display more than 150 - 200 times a day, and the photo on the screen

If the picture is chosen correctly, it programs a person for happiness, good luck and health. But which picture is correct? This question was asked by the journalists of the KP. Boring news offers to get acquainted with what they "dug".

Money loves... gifts

No, a photo with bundles of money to attract them is not the best the best option. Large piles will not work: the owner of the phone simply will not believe that he can get so much. A small stack - not much is needed. Psychologists say: it is better to put something on the screensaver that symbolizes giving, caring. The fact that you are willing to give something away for nothing is what triggers and lung mechanism accepting gifts. And money is attracted to swift, good energies.

Ideal picture options: gift, box chocolates, beautiful packaging with perfume, a cake, fastened hands, pictures with the number 8. The last number, by the way, is considered the happiest in numerology.

Richer, even richer...

Let's say you have money for a house by the sea, but you want not just a summer house, but a small palace. gold fish help you, really! Experts say that this fairy tale character will multiply your very real money. Feng Shui experts even recommend hanging an image of a goldfish over a safe or in a stash in the house. We hope that apartment thieves will not read this article ...

Bird for business

The image of a large flock of birds guarantees the attraction of new customers and business partners and scares off sudden tax audits. The latter, of course, is a joke, but the choice of a particular feathered one is a serious matter.

So, owls represent patronage and the appearance of a mentor in life, a peacock contributes to success in several directions at once, an eagle is worth putting if you are starting a new business, flamingos attract large investments.

The color scheme is also important: a yellow bird will give strength for a major project, a blue bird is considered a symbol that brings success in all endeavors. blue bird good luck remember?

Butterfly happiness

Happiness is a short-term state, like the life of a butterfly, so pictures with butterflies are advised to put when there is not enough joy and harmony in life. It is believed that the number of fluttering beauties should be even.

Tired of butterflies - change them to a fountain, a waterfall, in general, any picture with flowing water. They are a symbol of change for the better. Psychologists even advise looking at such a "water amulet" on your phone if you need to attract luck immediately. Sets, they say, to the right happy wave.

Flowers, spring!

Do you want to bring good luck? Then know: luck is a changeable girl, like spring. That's all that symbolizes flowering, renewal and growth, she loves. Standard - blossoming plum. Even the Chinese sages valued her as a proven talisman, why are we worse? Bet - you won't go wrong.

Strength is cute

You must have noticed that in gyms hang photos of athletes with perfect proportions. So that not only the body works, but also the subconscious. The reception is also suitable if you want health and longevity, psychologists are sure. Post a photo of a muscular athlete or a slender strong gymnast - you will begin to change yourself!

There is also a recipe from feng shui masters. Place a pine tree or a turtle on the phone display - recognized symbols of longevity. But we are still for jogging and exercising. That is, for the picture with the athlete.

Bouquet of passion

Let's not discover America if we say that the world hasn't come up with anything better than paired images symbolizing love. A couple of people, doves, glasses - everything works! But there is also a lesser-known talisman - a picture with peonies. Moreover, white and pale pink buds attract new relationships, season with romance, red and purple bouquets enhance passion in married couples. True, we have an even number of flowers (two too) - a sign of sorrow and mourning. Therefore, put a photo of the bouquet. The bigger the bouquet, the better.


And if it doesn't work

Vasilisa VOSTRYAKOVA, Master in Cosmobioenergetics:

Any picture, be it on your phone or on a poster above your desk, is a visualization of desire. A painted fairy tale. And if you really want it to be fulfilled, you will do everything for this. The screensaver will become a reminder of your goal. And very effective, believe me. Dreams can not come true only for two reasons: they are not specific enough or you yourself have little faith in their implementation. But in fact, if a person has chosen a picture, he has already formulated a desire, has already declared to the Universe that he really wants it. And if so, then the picture will definitely work.


"The best amulet - family photo"

The best thing to warm the soul will be a picture taken by you, - says psychologist Nikolai Stupnikov. - A photo of your child, spouse, beloved mother, in my opinion, is much more strong amulet than a picture of a bouquet or an eagle. Recently, scientists from the University of Hannover found that people who always carry photos of their family with them rarely become involved in an accident. And besides - punctual taxpayers. They know that they are responsible for their loved ones and cannot afford to be drawn into adventures.

As for the formulated goals, such as a picture over a table or a screensaver on a phone ... Still, it’s not enough just to designate a goal. If you do nothing to achieve it, your dream will remain a beautiful picture.

What exactly should be done as a screensaver on your mobile phone

Photo: Mikhail FROLOV

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Psychologists say: if a mobile model can only tell about the social status of the owner, then the main picture on the phone screen will tell you about his desires and dreams. The owner of a mobile phone looks at the display more than 150 - 200 times a day, and the photo on the screen is "recorded" to the subconscious. If the picture is chosen correctly, it programs a person for happiness, good luck and health. But which picture is correct?

Money loves... gifts

No, a photo with bundles of money to attract them is not the best option. Large piles will not work: the owner of the phone simply will not believe that he can get so much. A small stack - not much is needed. Psychologists say: it is better to put something on the screensaver that symbolizes giving, caring. The fact that you are ready to give something for no reason also triggers the mechanism of easy acceptance of gifts. And money is attracted to swift, good energies.

Ideal options for pictures: a gift, a box of chocolates, beautiful packaging with perfume, a cake, fastened hands, pictures with the number 8. The last number, by the way, is considered the happiest in numerology.

Richer, even richer...

Let's say you have money for a house by the sea, but you want not just a summer house, but a small palace. Goldfish to help you, really, really! Experts say that it is this fairy-tale character that will increase your very real money. Feng Shui experts even recommend hanging an image of a goldfish over a safe or in a stash in the house. We hope that apartment thieves will not read this article ...

Bird for business

The image of a large flock of birds guarantees the attraction of new customers and business partners and scares off sudden tax audits. The latter, of course, is a joke, but the choice of a particular feathered one is a serious matter.

So, owls represent patronage and the appearance of a mentor in life, a peacock contributes to success in several directions at once, an eagle is worth putting if you are starting a new business, flamingos attract large investments.

The color scheme is also important: a yellow bird will give strength for a major project, a blue bird is considered a symbol that brings success in all endeavors. Do you remember the blue bird of luck?

Butterfly happiness

Happiness is a short-term state, like the life of a butterfly, so pictures with butterflies are advised to put when there is not enough joy and harmony in life. It is believed that the number of fluttering beauties should be even.

Tired of butterflies - change them to a fountain, a waterfall, in general, any picture with flowing water. They are a symbol of change for the better. Psychologists even advise looking at such a “water amulet” on your phone if you need to attract luck immediately. Sets, they say, to the right happy wave.

Flowers, spring!

Do you want to bring good luck? Then know: luck is a changeable girl, like spring. That's all that symbolizes flowering, renewal and growth, she loves. Standard - blossoming plum. Even the Chinese sages valued her as a proven talisman, why are we worse? Bet - you won't go wrong.

Strength is cute

You must have noticed that in gyms they hang photos of athletes with perfect proportions. So that not only the body works, but also the subconscious. The reception is also suitable if you want health and longevity, psychologists are sure. Post a photo of a muscular athlete or a slender strong gymnast - you will begin to change yourself!

There is also a recipe from feng shui masters. Place a pine tree or a turtle on the phone display - recognized symbols of longevity. But we are still for jogging and exercising. That is, for the picture with the athlete.

Bouquet of passion

We won’t discover America if we say that the world hasn’t come up with anything better than paired images symbolizing love. A couple of people, doves, glasses - everything works! But there is also a lesser-known talisman - a picture with peonies. Moreover, white and pale pink buds attract new relationships, season with romance, red and purple bouquets enhance passion in married couples. True, in Russia an even number of flowers (two too) is a sign of grief and mourning. Therefore, put a photo of the bouquet. The bigger the bouquet, the better.


What if it doesn't work?

Vasilisa VOSTRYAKOVA, Master in Cosmobioenergetics:

Any picture, be it on your phone or on a poster above your desk, is a visualization of desire. A painted fairy tale. And if you really want it to be fulfilled, you will do everything for this. The screensaver will become a reminder of your goal. And very effective, believe me. Dreams can not come true only for two reasons: they are not specific enough or you yourself have little faith in their implementation. But in fact, if a person has chosen a picture, he has already formulated a desire, has already declared to the Universe that he really wants it. And if so, then the picture will definitely work.


"The best amulet - family photo"

The best thing to warm the soul will be a picture taken by you, - says psychologist Nikolai Stupnikov. - A photograph of your child, spouse, beloved mother, in my opinion, is a much stronger amulet than a picture of a bouquet or an eagle. Recently, scientists from the University of Hannover found that people who always carry photos of their family with them rarely become involved in an accident. And besides - punctual taxpayers. They know that they are responsible for their loved ones and cannot afford to be drawn into adventures.

As for the formulated goals, such as a picture over a table or a screensaver on a phone ... Still, it’s not enough just to designate a goal. If you do nothing to achieve it, your dream will remain a beautiful picture.

City shaman Ekaterina Ryzhikova assures that every thing can magical effect on the material condition. According to her, even mobile phone. It is worth agreeing that the phone is perhaps the most demanded household item during the day. That is why its energy must be used to activate the energy of abundance.

For a phone to attract money, it is not necessary to have an expensive or the latest model of the device. Any, even the cheapest mobile phone, according to Ekaterina Ryzhikova, can become a magnet for money.

First you need to install the correct screen saver on your phone screen. Good luck in money will be attracted by the images of the Hyeres rune. This rune attracts wealth and helps to save the budget.

The right ringtone, according to Ryzhikova, a participant in the Battle of Psychics, can also help in solving financial matters. In order for the money to go into your pocket, you need to put the sounds of ringing coins on the bell or any song that sings about money, gold and all kinds of material goods.

Special attention it is recommended to pay attention to what the phone contains. It is better to delete all negative SMS messages from the phone's memory. In no case should a mobile phone store in its memory photos, contacts, correspondence, videos of those people with whom its owner has not communicated for a long time or is in bad relationship. All such information is emitted negative energy, which undoubtedly hinders personal development and financial growth.

If the phone has a welcome function, it must also be used to attract money. Ekaterina Ryzhikova advises writing a phrase in the greeting that would reflect the desire to get rich. The only rule This phrase must be in the present tense. For example, "I'll be rich soon" or "I want a lot of money" won't work. And "I am a millionaire" or "I have expensive car"- the best option. Each time, turning on the phone, you can see a monetary greeting and recharge with the energy of success.

A phone case can also attract wealth. It is best to store your phone in a small bag. Bags-pouches have always been considered symbols of abundance, because they kept gold coins. To increase finances, you can also use a regular case, but it must be made of natural material. It is best to choose cases of red, green and gold colors. These colors activate monetary energy.

Psychic Ekaterina Ryzhikova often advises using household magic, of which she herself is to some extent an adherent. On the show "Battle of Psychics" of the 14th season, Ekaterina always came to the test with a set various items, more like kitchen utensils, children's toys and quite ordinary household items. This sometimes proves that even the most ordinary things can work wonders! We are sickfor your favorite participants of the "Battle" and do not forget to press and

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