The meaning of the word love in the explanatory dictionary of Ephraim. What is love

Intimate and deep feeling, aspiration to another person, human community or idea. Most Attention two aspects of love are usually attracted - as a purely psychological phenomenon (there are divisions into parental love in it ... Sexological Encyclopedia

  • love - Boundless (Korinthian, Lermontov, Shchepk.-Kupernik). Selfless (Nadson, Munstein, Samborsky). Immortal (Andreev). Immortally young (Balmont). Chatty (Pushkin). All-penetrating (Polonsky). All-creating (Polonsky). Dictionary of literary epithets
  • Love - Ovi, female. Slav. Derivatives: Lyuba; Lyubava; Lyubanya; Lubakha; Lyubasha; I love; Lucy; Busya; Lyubush. Origin: (Borrowed from the old-sl. language, where it appeared as a tracing paper from the Greek name Charis. From charis - love.) Name day: 30 Sept. Dictionary of personal names
  • love is love. 1. A feeling of deep affection for someone or something, based on a common interest, ideals, on the readiness to give one's strength to a common cause or salvation, the preservation of someone or something. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova
  • LOVE - LOVE - a universal culture of the subject series, fixing in its content a deep individually selective intimate feeling, vectorially directed to its object and objectified in a self-sufficient striving for it. The latest philosophical dictionary
  • Love - orff. Love, female Name Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  • LOVE - LOVE - English. love; German Liebe. Emotionally colored attitude towards a certain object (person, object, idea, etc.), expressed in the need for identification with it. sociological dictionary
  • LOVE - LOVE - in the most general sense - the attitude towards someone or something as unconditionally valuable, association and unity with someone (what) is perceived as good [GOOD], i.e. one of the highest values. New Philosophical Encyclopedia
  • love - bvi, creative. - bow, w. 1. Feeling of deep affection for someone, something. Mother's love. Love for a friend. □ I love my homeland, but with a strange love! My mind won't defeat her. Lermontov, Motherland. Small Academic Dictionary
  • love - LOVE -bvi, tv. - bow; and. 1. Feeling of deep affection for someone, something. Maternal l. L. to a friend. Filial L. to mother. * I love my homeland, but with a strange love! My mind will not defeat her (Lermontov). // Feeling of affection, sympathy for smb. Explanatory Dictionary of Kuznetsov
  • love - About the duration, stability of feelings; about the time of the emergence of love, about the first, last, new, etc. love. Infinite, immortal, fleeting, faithful, eternal, old, long, long, long-term, long-awaited, belated... Dictionary of epithets of the Russian language
  • love is a common Slavic word of Indo-European nature. In German we find Liebe, in English we find love. Etymological Dictionary of Krylov
  • Love - An intimate and deep feeling, aspiration for another person, human community or idea. L. necessarily includes an impulse and a will for constancy, which take shape in the ethical requirement of fidelity. Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  • love - LOVE - HATE Love - hate (see) beloved - hated (see) And those that I got to know closer, I, looking closer, divide it like this: I love some to joy, I hate others to pain. You. Fedorov. Love, anger, the heart of May... Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language
  • love - Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love Zaliznyak's grammar dictionary
  • love - LOVE, love, creativity. love, female 1. only units A feeling of affection based on a common interest, ideals, on the readiness to give one's strength to a common cause. Love to motherland. | The same feeling based on mutual location, sympathy, closeness. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov
  • love - LOVE, love, tv. love, w. 1. Deep emotional attraction, strong heart feeling. Enchantment, waiting, agony of love. Declaration of love. Express your love. Marriage for love, without love. Marry for love (for a loved one). L. to the grave (eternal). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov
  • be in love to love whom, what, to feel love, strong attachment to whom, ranging from inclination to passion; strong desire, desire; the choice and preference of someone or something at will, by will (not by reason), sometimes completely unconsciously and recklessly. The guy loves the girl; talk about sexual passion; and she loves, in love. Parents love their children, wish them well, root for them with their hearts. I love sugar, but I don't like honey. The moth loves the sun. I don't like grumps, I can't stand it, I hate it. Who loves the priest, who loves, who loves the priest's daughter. She loves wine, but it does not love him, he is drunken and seething. Loving God loves. Whom I love, I beat. God would love you the way you love me! Sick of the one who loves whom; and sicker than the one who does not love anyone. Love, don't fall in love, drink, don't get drunk, play, don't win back. When you love me, love my dog ​​too. Whom you love, you yourself give; but you do not love, and you will not accept from him. Eat hungry and love young. The mother loves the child, and the wolf loves the sheep. Love us, move on. He loves like a wolf loves a sheep. I love you like the devil in the corner. The cat also loves the mouse. I don’t love, I can’t refuse (I don’t want to). Everyone loves goodness, but not everyone loves it. To love yourself is to love a friend. If you love someone else's beard, love your own, substitute. I love you when I am with you: you hate me when you are with me! I love you (I love shabr), but not like myself. Wife, wife, do you love me? - "A?" - You don't like Al? - "Yes." - What "yes? - "Nothing". I love you like a bug in the corner: where I see it, I'll crush it. Whom they do not love, they do not obey. What you don't like in another, don't do it yourself.
    | In arkhan. they say to love, about the drug, to begin to act: Wine loves in the veins, begins to get hot. Bath steam loves in the bone, to produce a feeling of bliss.

    Dal V.I. . Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary, 1863-1866 .

    • Meaning of the word Cute in Dahl's dictionary - amiable, any, beloved, worthy of love; dear, desired; attractive, forcing oneself to love; pleasant-looking, pretty: gentle, meek, loving; baked, prayed; …
    • count - count, or count and count something, and count, count, old. count, recalculate, recount, determine the number, the amount of something, either by direct counting, ...
    • hunting - female the state of a person who wants something; desire, desire, inclination or aspiration, own will, good will; passion, blind love for the occupation, ...
    • resentment - female resentment ryaz. , tul. every unrighteousness, to him who must endure it; everything that offends, dishonors and reproaches, hurts, ...

    The following word meanings:

    • What's happened wisdom- cf. -wisdom of women philosophy, the science of abstraction or the science of immaterial causes and effects; the science of achieving wisdom, i.e., understanding the destination ...
    • love (02) - female sensible curiosity, love of science, knowledge, desire to learn. - knowledgeable, in whom there is curiosity. Lover husband. -nice wives. …
    • to love - what, app. , southern choose any, choose according to your liking. I look for any tree for myself, look out, choose, take a fancy to, choose according to my liking, -sya ...


    LOVE, love whom, what, feel love, strong attachment to whom, ranging from inclination to passion; strong desire, desire; the choice and preference of someone or something at will, by will (not by reason), sometimes completely unconsciously and recklessly. The guy loves the girl; dialect about sexual passion; and she loves, in love. Parents love their children, wish them well, root for them with their hearts. I love sugar, but I don't like honey. The moth loves the sun. I don't like grumps, I can't stand it, I hate it. Who loves the priest, who loves, who loves the priest's daughter. She loves wine, but it does not love him, he is drunken and seething. God loves those who love. Whom I love, I beat. God would love you the way you love me! Sick of the one who loves whom; and sicker than the one who does not love anyone. Love, don't fall in love, drink, don't get drunk, play, don't win back. When you love me, love my dog ​​too. Whom you love, you yourself give; but you do not love, and you will not accept from him. Eat hungry and love young. The mother loves the child, and the wolf loves the sheep. Love us, move on. He loves like a wolf loves a sheep. I love you like the devil in the corner. The cat also loves the mouse. I don’t love, I can’t refuse (I don’t want to). Everyone loves goodness, but not everyone loves it. To love yourself is to love a friend. If you love someone else's beard, love your own, substitute. I love you when I am with you: you hate me when you are with me! I love you (I love shabr), but not like myself. Wife, wife, do you love me? - "A?" - You don't like Al? - "Yes." - What "yes? - "Nothing". I love you like a bug in the corner: where I see it, I'll crush it. Whom they do not love, they do not obey. What you don't like in another, don't do it yourself. | In arch. dialect to love, about the drug, to begin to act: Wine loves in the veins, begins to get hot. Bath steam loves in the bone, to produce a feeling of bliss. | To love, to love each other; more talk. about sexual love. Love and multiply. | To be loved: what you like is what you love. I did not like this man. He fell in love. I dislike him. You fell in love with this rubbish. Loved, exhausted. I loved it, I'm tired of it. Love what. elect. I fell in love, I fell out of love, I stopped. I loved you. Loved a lot. We fell in love for a year. They fell in love. love cf. duration love w. about. (church. love, genitive love) the state of a lover, passion, heartfelt affection, inclination; lust; hunting, disposition to what. Love is crazy, passion. God's love is limitless. The union of truth and love produces wisdom. Win hearts with love, not fear. God's love is not human. Human love loves itself, but Divine love loves a friend. There is no higher love than to lay down one's soul for a friend. Where there is love, there is God. May God give you love and advice (to the newlyweds). A gift is not dear, love is dear. old love long remembered. Love is blind, mischief. Love jokes jokes. He was crushed by a lover, a lover. Love is rarely used. in plural, but then it does not decline. Favorite par. who is loved; the chosen one, who is loved more than all others. In Psk. hard. beloved person, sociable, friendly, courteous, friendly. Loving par. if pron. loving means: capable of loving, endowed with a hot and tender disposition, desiring to love. Favorite herb, Tsar's eyes, sundew, Drosera; | grass Triticum strigosum, white-striped. We love it, plant. cuckoo, Orchis maculata. Well loved. sib. dogs, plant seeds sticking to the floors of clothes. | amiable, beloved, dear, beloved, dear, to whom or to what we are cordially attached; worthy of love, deserving affection, heartfelt affection. Dear friend, an appeal to close person or lower, hello. My dear homeland. A kind thing, a desirable thing, a pleasant thing. A kind young man, educated, pleasant to deal with. He spoke kindly to me, condescendingly, kindly. Courtesy property, belonging, state of the beloved. To be nice to someone, to try to be nice, to want to seem like that. Kindness cf. action by value vb. Lyubeznik m. -nitsa w. love ryaz. sib. hunter to be nice, pleaser, milovzor, ​​red tape; willing to please. Lover m. what, hunter of what, loving what. Antiquity lover. Flower lover. loving, friendly, friendly, friendly, friendly; expressing love and friendship. Loving letter (old) friendly message of the sovereign. To do something lovingly, out of love, lovingly, with love, friendly, benevolent. Favorite, -mitsa, love, favorite, beloved person or animal, who is preferred by others, is loved more than others. Lyubimich m. favorite. Her little son is her favorite. Not from the kings of oppression, but from the favorites of the kings. Lyubimtsev, Lyubimichev, Lyubimitsyn, they belong to. Favorites and temporary workers dishonor the ruler. Lovage m. lovista, lubistra w. chickens. we love resin. plant dawn, Levisticum. Love tincture. Lover m. plants. Eranthis hyemalis. Lyublenik m. -nitsa w. beloved, dear, loved one. Any, any adj. amiable, lovable, beloved, amiable, kind. Love and love use. also in the form of a noun. whom I chose or chose, fell in love with; friend, friend, dear. Lyubka, lyubochka, lyubasha, -shka, -shenka, -shechka, lyubushka, -shenka, -shechka, lyubushka, lyubonka, lyubava, -vochka, -gun, etc., affectionate and welcoming nicknames for a sweetheart, daughter, sister, wife and etc., often replacing the name Love, or taking on the meaning of a mistress. Not your eye (knife), not any bite. Mil and love, so be a friend. Where love, they don't give; where there are dislikes, there are two and three. | Love, so matchmaker, not love, from a kind person. We love your product; do you like ours? dialect matchmaker to the father of the bride. | Lyubka, plant. Orchis moris, nappy. | Rusten. Platantera bifolia, fracture, cuckoo's tears. Any, ver. psk. any, which, with freedom of choice, is better liked; chosen according to taste, according to desire; taken for choice. Take any watermelon, cut, which is pleasing. I and any dislike, all worthless, disliked. Hobby: as you like. Any adv. to one's liking, to please, to please, to please, to please; comforting, fun. It's nice to see how well they live. Nightingale is a pleasure to listen to. | Star. or. Dear, great. There is nothing more loving than people love people. It's so good that any-s-two! It's expensive to watch. It's nice to see how a girl with guy goes. Love - so to the crown, dislike - to the father. Two like, the third do not poke your head (the third - zas). Love, gossip, sit, but dislike, go. Do not listen dislikefully, but do not interfere with lying (or: a lying). Any, take it; dislike, go away. Like it, take it, don't like it, don't stir it. Fool, what is stupid is funny (and it's fun). Lyubok m. any thing, any that is chosen. To take, to choose. Lyubok, single action. vb. be in love. Lyubkovy, to lyubku, any, chosen relative. Love apples, the best, selected. Lyubki m. pl. love, freedom, will of choice; a position where you do whatever you want from two or more sentences. Lyubki you, take what you like, any. We agreed with him on loves or on loves, we crawled. Become in love, in a game of checkers, between two checkers, so that you can beat any. Choose from lyubok (from lyubka) any. Loving, loving, prone to love, hot-hearted for love, for goodness. | Lyubky (Sib.), dear, amiable, beloved. Love, love. the state of any person. Loving, loving, friendly. Dear brethren (song). Lyubchik, village talisman, Nekrasov (Naumov). | Loving what, app. southern choose any, choose according to your liking. I myself look for any tree, look out, choose, take a fancy to, choose according to my liking, with what or for what; look at something with love, with pleasure; inspect what you like; enjoy contemplation. I love the sun. Mother loved her daughter. love cf. action by value vb. Lover m. who admires what; Bol. as a joke. There are many lovers of your daughter. Favorite resin. favorite, delicious, special. about meat. Loving or loving. love, clean, good meat, without fat or bones and tendons. Lubovshchina, any that you like, to choose from; | chickens. pork meat remaining in lard, after cutting it. Lyubets m. a halt for crayfish, meat for their bait. Lyubyaga vol. dear, kind, cheerful person, pleasant and kind comrade, interlocutor, kind fellow. Love is. yarosl. chickens. eagle Love. She loves, loves to agree. | love potion, root, love drink. His love was bewitched, spoiled. | Rusten. Orchis incarnata, dremel. Love, referring to love; friendly, agreeable, or peaceful. love friends performed mutual love. Love affair, letter, explanation, conversation. about sexual love. Live love advice, love, friendly. Where there is love, there is advice. To become with someone lovingly, amicably, peacefully. Love is. state, property of love. Lover m. -nitsa f. lovers of each other, a couple who are in love or are in marital relations. - nikov, - no one, belongs to him, to her .; -no one, pertaining to them. Love, amour, drag, fall in love mutually. Loving, full of love, love. Friendly, affable, friendly, benevolent. Amorous, referring to a dear friend. Fornication, an act cf. fornication. - effective, - effective, related to this. - act, - act, - act, fall into prodigal sin. Lyubodey, - deinik m. - dike f. living in an illicit carnal relationship. -deev, -deikin, belongs to them. Lubodeychishch m. fat, absenteeism, celibate. curiosity cf. - nativity sensible curiosity, love of science, knowledge, desire to learn. - knowledgeable, in whom there is curiosity. Lover m. -nitsa w. a curious spectator, busy contemplating what. Merciful, merciful. Silence, cf. silence, taciturnity. -silent, taciturn, taciturn. | Loyalty cf. - the wisdom philosophy, the science of abstraction or the science of immaterial causes and effects; the science of achieving wisdom, i.e., understanding the purpose of a person and his duty, merging truth with love, -wise, -wise, referring to wisdom; attained wisdom. - to philosophize, to philosophize. Lyubomudr m. - sage m. philosopher, sage. Loyalty cf. lust for power, the desire to rule. - initial, power-hungry. Louboneist, possessed by love, lust. Loving, idle. Curiosity, a tendency to disputable conversations, to verbiage. Curious, who loves to inquire, find out everything, without need and benefit; who tries to know and see everything, without any other goal. About case, things: worthy of attention, entertaining and wonderful. Science is inquisitive, ignorance is curious. -experience curious property; Bol. used about the deed, not about the person: entertaining. - torture cf. affiliation of a curious person; passion to know and see everything, without purpose and benefit. Curiosity, desire to know or see something. To be curious, to be curious, to inquire and seek out what is not the case. Kindness cf. voluptuousness. Lustful, voluptuous, voluptuous. -sweetie m. voluptuary. love cf. love for the word, for speech, for the study of languages ​​and their affinities; philology; linguistics. verbal, philological. Lyuboslov m. linguist or philologist. Loyalty cf. love of humility; the union of humility with love. humble, full of humility out of love. The lustful m. suffering with humility and love. Curiosity cf. inclination to the life of a wanderer, to travel. lust cf. surrendering oneself to the will of carnal urges; property into a bestial state. - passionate, related to this state. Voluptuous diseases, from carnal lusts occurring; syphilitic, venereal (French, bad, bad, shameful). Covetousness cf. covetousness, greed for wealth, greed, insatiability. -telny, related to this, -ness. property, quality is. Covetous m. -nitsa f. self-interested. Curiosity cf. love for work, science. Piety cf. ambition; | church reverence, veneration. - honest church worthy of honor, praise. honorable, ambitious, or giving honor, honor. -to honour, to honour, to revere, to honour. - Xia, be respected, honored. Curious, reverent, respectful, inclined to pay due honor, respect. generous, generous, generous, chivy; generous.

    The meaning of the word LOVE in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov


    love, creativity love, w.

    1. only units a feeling of affection based on a common interest, ideals, on the readiness to give one's strength to a common cause. Love to motherland.

    || The same feeling based on mutual location, sympathy, closeness. Brotherly love. Love for people.

    ||The same feeling based on instinct. Mother's love.

    2. only units The same feeling based on sexual desire; the relationship of two persons mutually connected by this feeling. Unhappy love. Happy love. unrequited love. Platonic love. (see Platonic). sensual love. Blaze with love. Suffer from love.

    3. trans. The person who inspires this feeling (colloquial). She was my first love.

    4. only units Inclination, disposition or attraction to something. Love for art. Love for work.

    Ushakov. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Ushakov. 2012

    See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is LOVE in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    • LOVE in Wiki Quote.
    • LOVE in Miller's Dream Book, dream book and interpretation of dreams:
      To see a loved one in a dream means satisfaction with your current environment. To see that the love of others fills you with happiness portends that a successful ...
    • LOVE in the Newest Philosophical Dictionary:
      a universal culture of the subjective series, fixing in its content a deep individually selective intimate feeling, vectorially directed to its object and objectified in ...
    • LOVE in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
      - the universal of the culture of the subjective series, fixing in its content a deep individually selective intimate feeling, vectorially directed to its object and objectified ...
    • LOVE in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
      674261, Chita, ...
    • LOVE in the Dictionary of Yoga:
      (Love) The Power of Harmony (see), manifested in human life in the shape of …
    • LOVE in the Dictionary of Gypsy Names:
      (borrowed, wives) - "love" ...
    • LOVE in the Bible Encyclopedia of Nicephorus:
      (1 Corinthians 13, Mt 22:36-40). The nine commandments of the Lord were divided into two tablets, since the commandments contain two types of love, ...
    • LOVE
    • LOVE in Sayings of famous people:
    • LOVE in Sayings of famous people:
    • LOVE in Sayings of famous people:
    • LOVE in Sayings of famous people:
      nothing more than an exchange of fantasies. Nikola ...
    • LOVE in Sayings of famous people:
      a story in a woman's life and an episode in a man's life. Jean...
    • LOVE in Sayings of famous people:
      the misconception that one woman is somehow different from another. Henry ...
    • LOVE
      is the only game in which an amateur has more chances for perfection than a professional. …
    • LOVE in Dictionary One sentence, definitions:
      - this is selfishness together. Germaine de...
    • LOVE in the Encyclopedia of a sober lifestyle:
      - an intimate and deep feeling, aspiration for another person. Willingness to sacrifice oneself for another person. Ancient Greek used four...
    • LOVE in the Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      , the highest feeling manifested in deep emotional attachment identity to another person or personalized object. L. as an intimate deep feeling ...
    • LOVE in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    • LOVE in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
      intimate and deep feeling, aspiration to another person, human community or idea. L. necessarily includes impulse and will ...
    • LOVE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
      - the attraction of an animate being to another for connection with him and mutual replenishment of life. From the reciprocity of relations, one can logically deduce ...
    • LOVE in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      intimate and deep feeling, aspiration to another person, human community or idea. In ancient mythology and poetry - cosmic power, ...
    • LOVE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      intimate and deep feeling, aspiration to another person, human community or idea. In ancient mythology and poetry - cosmic power, ...
    • LOVE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      , love, those. love, w. 1. Deep emotional attraction, strong heart feeling. Enchantment, waiting, agony of love. Declaration of love. Explain...
    • LOVE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      LOVE, intimate and deep feeling, aspiration to another person, human community or idea. In ancient mythology and poetry - cosmic. …
    • LOVE in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
      ? the attraction of an animate being to another in order to unite with him and mutually replenish life. From the reciprocity of relations, one can logically deduce ...
    • LOVE in the Popular Explanatory-Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
      love "and, love" ovyu, oh love "and, only unit, f. 1) A feeling of deep affection for someone or something. I love my homeland, but ...
    • LOVE in the Dictionary of synonyms of Abramov:
      (hot, selfless, disinterested, passionate), attraction, passion, affection, inclination, inclination, weakness (to what), passion, addiction, devotion, attraction, mania, sympathy, fidelity, goodwill, ...
    • LOVE in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegov:
      a feeling of selfless and deep affection, L.'s heartfelt attraction to his homeland. Maternal l. hot l. Mutual l. This person is her...
    • LOVE in Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB:
      intimate and deep feeling, aspiration to another person, human community or idea. In ancient mythology and poetry - cosmic power, ...
    • LOVE in Dictionary One sentence, definitions:
      It is a petty theft that the natural order of things succeeds in committing from the social order. Antoine de...
    • LOVE in Dictionary One sentence, definitions:
      is a gross exaggeration of the difference between one person and everyone else. George Bernard ...
    • LOVE in Dictionary One sentence, definitions:
      - nothing more than an exchange of fantasies. Nikola ...
    • LOVE in Dictionary One sentence, definitions:
      - a story in a woman's life and an episode in a man's life. Jean...
    • LOVE in Dictionary One sentence, definitions:
      - a delusion according to which one woman is somehow different from another. Henry ...
    • LOVE in Aphorisms and clever thoughts:
      the only game in which the amateur has more chances for perfection than the professional. …
    • LOVE in Aphorisms and clever thoughts:
      this is selfishness together. Germaine de...
    • LOVE in Aphorisms and clever thoughts:
      it is a petty theft that the natural order of things succeeds in committing from the social order. Antoine de...
    • LOVE in Aphorisms and clever thoughts:
      it is a gross exaggeration of the difference between one person and everyone else. George Bernard ...

    The meaning of the word LOVE in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova


    love O vy

    1) a) A feeling of deep affection, devotion to someone, something, based on a common interest, ideals, on the readiness to give one’s strength to a common cause or salvation, the preservation of someone, something.

    b) Such a feeling based on instinct.

    2) a) Such a feeling based on mutual sympathy and sexual desire.

    b) The relationship of two persons mutually connected by such a feeling.

    3) trans. unfold The one that makes you feel that way.

    4) Inclination, disposition or attraction to smth.

    Efremov. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. 2012

    See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is LOVE in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    • LOVE in Wiki Quote.
    • LOVE in Miller's Dream Book, dream book and interpretation of dreams:
      To see a loved one in a dream means satisfaction with your current environment. To see that the love of others fills you with happiness portends that a successful ...
    • LOVE in the Newest Philosophical Dictionary:
      a universal culture of the subjective series, fixing in its content a deep individually selective intimate feeling, vectorially directed to its object and objectified in ...
    • LOVE in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
      - the universal of the culture of the subjective series, fixing in its content a deep individually selective intimate feeling, vectorially directed to its object and objectified ...
    • LOVE in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
      674261, Chita, ...
    • LOVE in the Dictionary of Yoga:
      (Love) The Power of Harmony (q.v.) manifesting itself in human life in the form of …
    • LOVE in the Dictionary of Gypsy Names:
      (borrowed, wives) - "love" ...
    • LOVE in the Bible Encyclopedia of Nicephorus:
      (1 Corinthians 13, Mt 22:36-40). The nine commandments of the Lord were divided into two tablets, since the commandments contain two types of love, ...
    • LOVE
    • LOVE in Sayings of famous people:
    • LOVE in Sayings of famous people:
    • LOVE in Sayings of famous people:
      it is a gross exaggeration of the difference between one person and everyone else. George Bernard ...
    • LOVE in Sayings of famous people:
      nothing more than an exchange of fantasies. Nikola ...
    • LOVE in Sayings of famous people:
      a story in a woman's life and an episode in a man's life. Jean...
    • LOVE in Sayings of famous people:
      the misconception that one woman is somehow different from another. Henry ...
    • LOVE
      is the only game in which an amateur has more chances for perfection than a professional. …
    • LOVE in Dictionary One sentence, definitions:
      - this is selfishness together. Germaine de...
    • LOVE in the Encyclopedia of a sober lifestyle:
      - an intimate and deep feeling, aspiration for another person. Willingness to sacrifice oneself for another person. Ancient Greek used four...
    • LOVE in the Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      , the highest feeling, manifested in a deep emotional attachment of a person to another person or personalized object. L. as an intimate deep feeling ...
    • LOVE in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    • LOVE in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
      intimate and deep feeling, aspiration to another person, human community or idea. L. necessarily includes impulse and will ...
    • LOVE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
      - the attraction of an animate being to another for connection with him and mutual replenishment of life. From the reciprocity of relations, one can logically deduce ...
    • LOVE in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      intimate and deep feeling, aspiration to another person, human community or idea. In ancient mythology and poetry - cosmic power, ...
    • LOVE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      intimate and deep feeling, aspiration to another person, human community or idea. In ancient mythology and poetry - cosmic power, ...
    • LOVE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      , love, those. love, w. 1. Deep emotional attraction, strong heart feeling. Enchantment, waiting, agony of love. Declaration of love. Explain...
    • LOVE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      LOVE, intimate and deep feeling, aspiration to another person, human community or idea. In ancient mythology and poetry - cosmic. …
    • LOVE in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
      ? the attraction of an animate being to another in order to unite with him and mutually replenish life. From the reciprocity of relations, one can logically deduce ...
    • LOVE in the Popular Explanatory-Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
      love "and, love" ovyu, oh love "and, only unit, f. 1) A feeling of deep affection for someone or something. I love my homeland, but ...
    • LOVE in the Dictionary of synonyms of Abramov:
      (hot, selfless, disinterested, passionate), attraction, passion, affection, inclination, inclination, weakness (to what), passion, addiction, devotion, attraction, mania, sympathy, fidelity, goodwill, ...
    • LOVE in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegov:
      a feeling of selfless and deep affection, L.'s heartfelt attraction to his homeland. Maternal l. hot l. Mutual l. This person is her...
    • LOVE in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
      intimate and deep feeling, aspiration to another person, human community or idea. In ancient mythology and poetry - cosmic power, ...
    • LOVE in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
      love, creativity love, w. 1. only units a feeling of affection based on a common interest, ideals, on the readiness to give one’s strength to the common ...
    • LOVE in Dictionary One sentence, definitions:
      It is a petty theft that the natural order of things succeeds in committing from the social order. Antoine de...
    • LOVE in Dictionary One sentence, definitions:
      is a gross exaggeration of the difference between one person and everyone else. George Bernard ...
    • LOVE in Dictionary One sentence, definitions:
      - nothing more than an exchange of fantasies. Nikola ...
    • LOVE in Dictionary One sentence, definitions:
      - a story in a woman's life and an episode in a man's life. Jean...
    • LOVE in Dictionary One sentence, definitions:
      - a delusion according to which one woman is somehow different from another. Henry ...
    • LOVE in Aphorisms and clever thoughts:
      the only game in which the amateur has more chances for perfection than the professional. …
    • LOVE in Aphorisms and clever thoughts:
      this is selfishness together. Germaine de...
    • LOVE in Aphorisms and clever thoughts:
      it is a petty theft that the natural order of things succeeds in committing from the social order. Antoine de...