How to have a first date with a girl. Instructions for guys on a first date: how to behave with a girl and where to go

Getting a girl to like you is not the end goal. After all, you still need to have a few dates with her to start a full-fledged relationship. And if you make a mistake at this stage, she may simply abandon you. This means that every guy should know what to do on the first date with a girl. Your main task is to show yourself as young man, and not as a friend.

How to prepare for a date with a girl?

First of all, you need to choose your clothes in advance and get ready so as not to be late. Also you must have good mood and a sufficient amount of money, even if you don’t plan to spend anything.

In addition, you need to think about:

  • Volume ;
  • What topics to talk about;
  • What to tell about yourself;
  • How to behave if the lady is angry, sad, etc.

Prepare yourself mentally. Don't worry. Remember that a girl is a person just like you. And she may worry even more than you.

Don't make big plans for yourself. Your task is simply to get to know her better and get closer to her if possible. You shouldn't plan any sex or even kissing. The smaller your dreams, the less disappointment you will have later.

What to do on a date with a girl at 15 and 16 years old?

First of all, you need to talk. This will allow you to find contact and defuse the situation. You can tell something interesting, joke or fool around. Let her understand that you too normal person, not a shy statue.

Here is your algorithm of actions in one picture)))

Stay close to the girl. If you keep a greater distance, she will feel cold and will not perceive you as a guy. If you are walking down the street and your hands are down, you can try to take her hand. This may not work. But it's worth a try. It is better for her to withdraw her hand than for you to do nothing at all.

If you are sitting on a park bench next to each other, you can again take her hand or hug her. At the same time, you should not say something like “can I hug you.” It will look stupid.

If none of this works, then there are 2 options:

  1. She's just shy;
  2. She sure as hell doesn't like you.

The second option is preferable. After all, no matter how shy a girl is, she will be ready to do anything with someone who arouses her interest. And everything else is excuses.

Just don't joke about vulgar topics or hint at sex. Although one can praise its merits. For example, if she is wearing tight pants, then we can say that she can safely earn extra money as a model or something similar. Let her know that you are interested in her body. Girls like it, but you shouldn't overplay it.

How to end a date with a girl?

At the end of the evening you should definitely have it. And you will have to try to kiss her. This is a classic of the end-of-all-dates genre. If you think that kissing her on the lips won't work, then just kiss her on the cheek. This way she will feel the man in you.

Many articles and websites say that on the first date you need to do without kissing. Even the girls themselves say so. But this is complete nonsense!

After all, it is intimacy that makes you a couple, and not just friends. Every lady wants to be kissed. And she will never admit it. After all, girls always pretend to be goddesses and princesses.

It is important to remember that at the end of the meeting the girl should stop and look at you, as if expecting to continue. It is at this moment that you need to come up and kiss her. If she just leaves without saying “bye,” then she (most likely) didn’t like you.

What to do in case of failure?

If you did something stupid, clumsy, funny, etc., then don’t dwell on it. Pretend like nothing happened. Girls love confident and unwavering guys.

In case you didn't feel it from her great heat, you can ask on social media. networks about the status of your relationship. You can also set up a second date. Remember, you need to take action. Bring the relationship to either her refusal or the beginning of intimacy. Avoid uncertainty and limbo.

If you know for sure that everything went wrong and nothing will work out for you, urgently go to another one. You should not fall in love ahead of time and become attached to her. This is the only way to find someone who will reciprocate your feelings.

You met, and the traitor-dream left you, all thoughts were only about this angel, and time stood still. Having gathered your courage, you take the first step. And now the first date is set. Not finding a place for myself in agonizing anticipation upcoming meeting, you are trying to find answers to the same questions, like annoying flies that haunt you. How to behave so as not to disappoint, what to do, where to go, what to talk about? The answers seem to be obvious, but how to choose the right ones so that the object of your passion does not put an end to a barely nascent relationship? No one will do this for you, but you should use logic and trust your intuition.

When choosing the place of your first meeting, it is worth taking into account many factors, for example, the age of the chosen one, her interests and character, the time of year and the weather, by the way. Your object of sympathy should feel relaxed and comfortable in the chosen environment, and it’s not time to think about yourself yet. You will no longer see a lady who is used to resting in quiet places if you take her to a shooting range. Believe me, the girl will appreciate your concern for her if you focus on her preferences. If you know nothing at all about it, choose a neutral option, for example, an evening spent in a cozy cafe, although banal, it’s a win-win. Invite your romantic partner to a melodrama at the cinema or to take a walk in a quiet park (well, not in the piercing wind, of course). In winter, you can also spend an evening at the skating rink. Invite a sporty and active girl to bowling, horseback riding, ride an ATV, or maybe she wouldn’t mind playing paintball. An animal lover will appreciate a trip to the zoo or to the circus for an animal show. A young lady who is too shy can be invited to a party in the company of her friends; she will not feel very constrained here, as she might have during your one-on-one meeting. Just don’t forget to show her attention, otherwise she will think that she is unnecessary at this evening. A beauty who is accustomed to signs of attention from men needs to be surprised; she will not be impressed by everyday life. Use your imagination and experiment, just don’t try too hard. As an option - romantic dinner on the roof of the house with invited musicians and a waiter. As you can see, there is no clear decision when choosing a meeting place, and this is not the main thing. Your behavior on the first date is much more important. By coming to meet her, albeit with a modest, but heartily presented bouquet of flowers, you will only earn a plus and earn her favor. It is not necessary to give gorgeous roses, cute wildflowers will also make her eyes sparkle, because the priority here is a sign of attention, and not bravado of the number of bills spent. Don't try to be late, you are guaranteed a ruined evening. If alcohol is present, no matter whether you are relaxing in a restaurant or on a picnic, do not get carried away with it. Of course, it will help you relax, but if you overdo it, you risk turning this date from your first into your last. Remember that attention should be concentrated only on your interlocutor, and not on the chest or sirloin of the waitress. If someone suddenly calls you, you don’t need to talk to him for too long, nor do you need to constantly go somewhere. Try to talk on neutral topics, do not touch on too personal ones. If you see that a conversation about something is not entirely pleasant for her, stop it. Awkward pauses brighten it up with a joke. Jokes are not the worst way to lift your spirits, but without obscene language. Find out about her interests in a particular area, just don’t turn it into an interrogation. Don’t forget to talk about your preferences, just don’t get carried away; a man talking about himself for hours will not cause delight in a lady. Also try not to interrupt, few people will like this. It is advisable not to touch on past relationships. Behave confidently and casually, but without arrogance. Remember about gallantry, girls prefer gentlemen to dorks. How and how your evening will end depends, of course, on the girl and on the impression you make on her. There is no need to rush things, but it is possible that you will be overwhelmed by a wave of passion on the very first evening.

After you successfully met a girl, took her phone number and correctly completed the first phone conversation, the next stage of seduction begins - a date with a girl. It is very important to understand what a “date” is. A date is a stage in your relationship with a girl. A date does not equal a meeting. You can go through all three dates in one meeting. Or you can spend a first date for two months, meet a girl 10-15 times during this time, and remain at the stage of the first date (example - a guy dates a girl for two months, and not only did not have sex with her, but did not even kissed her; this happens very often among guys who come to us for consultations).

There are three stages of seducing a girl - three dates with a girl:

  • First date. Bridesmaids, finding common interests and points of contact, the beginning of rapprochement.
  • Second date. The end of rapprochement and kinesthetics (touch).
  • Third date. The transition to sex and sex itself.

We teach our students to have sex with a girl in three meetings. That is, we believe that going on three dates in three meetings is a good baseline for our graduate. At the same time, our graduates and a number of girls manage to go through the entire process in one meeting.

Today we will talk about how to spend a first date with a girl.

What to wear on a first date?

Everything is simple here! You need to dress on a first date according to the same rules as when going out into the field to meet a girl. That is, “right from scratch.”

What to give on the first date?

Many newcomers to dating and seduction believe that a girl definitely needs to give something on her first date. For example, a bouquet of flowers. Complete nonsense! There is no need to give anything at all. In the near future there will be an article on our website where we will analyze in detail what and when to give to girls. For now, let’s say that girls don’t need to give anything for the first, second, or third date.

Where to go on a first date?

The best option for a first date is a cafe or hookah bar. A walk or sitting on benches in the park is also suitable. But the cafe is better. Its advantage is a quiet environment and the ability to concentrate on each other. On the street, you and your girlfriend will be distracted by extraneous things - other people, all sorts of noises and interference. And it’s better to look at each other in a cafe, sitting next to each other. It is a very big mistake to go on a first date with a girl to the cinema or any other place where you will practically not be able to talk.

In a cafe, it is advisable to order something to drink (tea, coffee, juice, water) and some dessert (ice cream, cake) or a small portion of food (for example, pizza).

A hookah bar is better than a cafe. Hookah is very relaxing and creates a trusting atmosphere. Naturally, if you come to a hookah bar, you need to order a hookah and drink something. But you have to be careful with the hookah bar - not all girls smoke hookah. Therefore, if you want to smoke a hookah with a girl, at the calling stage it is best to ask the girl whether she smokes it at all or not.

Of course I have, universal option– invite a girl to a cafe that has a regular hall and a hookah lounge. And already on the spot decide which hall you will go to.

The area in which the cafe will be located is very important. The best option is the city center. An exception can only be if you and the girl live in the same area. Then you can choose a cafe near both of you. But only if this cafe is worthwhile. If there are none nearby, go to the center! Big mistake choose a meeting place closer to the girl’s house if you live on the other side of the city. If you are not from the same region, the meeting should be held on neutral territory.

Who pays on the first date?

Remember the rule: whoever invites pays. Therefore, the bill on the first date, as well as on subsequent dates, is paid by the man. An exception can only be if the girl, in principle, always pays for herself (sometimes this happens, although very rarely). Thus, if it comes to paying the bill and the girl says that she will pay for herself, you can refuse, but if the girl insists, then take the money, add yours and pay the bill.

Or you can say, “Let me pay today, and next time you’ll have coffee, okay?” This way you will prepare a springboard for the next meeting.

What is the purpose of a first date?

The purpose of the first date is to get to know each other as best as possible, find common ground and common interests, determine whether you need to meet again, and if so, interest the girl as much as possible.

What to talk about with a girl on the first date?

You can talk to a girl both on the first date and on subsequent ones about absolutely everything. For more information on this topic, see other materials on our site. And here we add that it is very important to speak emotionally and with soul. Girls love emotions very much. One way to express emotions is to tell something interesting beautifully and with feeling.

It is also advisable to find common interests and common ground during the first date. Find out who likes to do what, where they prefer to go, what their interests and hobbies are. Later, this information will help us decide how and where to most effectively spend a second date.

Touching on the first date

On a first date, it is important to make at least a few touches. We recommend doing everything below:

  1. Lightly shake hands when meeting.
  2. During a conversation, touch the girl several times (at least twice) as if by chance. This is especially good to do during your emotional story about something.
  3. Bye-bye, kiss the girl on the cheek (or better yet, on the lips; you can do it without a hickey).

Duration of the first date?

The length of the first date is from 40 to 90 minutes. Optimal time- one hour. You, not the girl, should determine the end of any date (including the first one). When you realized that all the tasks that need to be completed on the first date have already been completed, you must decide whether this meeting ends or not. You have two options:

  • End the meeting.
  • Continue the meeting and thus begin a second date.

If you decide to end the meeting (which is done in most cases), you can use one of the following formulations:

  1. Oh, it’s been so long... It’s so good with you that time passes too quickly...
  2. I have to go. There are still so many things to do today...

If you have already decided that you want to meet this girl again, then you can immediately arrange the next meeting. For example, during a date you found out that a girl likes to skate. And you love too. This means you can safely agree to meet on a second date at the skating rink. If the girl didn’t suit you, you can.

Transition of the first date into the second

If you decide not to end the meeting, then that means you need to start the second date and do what you're supposed to do on a second date.

Let's add that if the first date smoothly turns into the second, then it is very advisable to change the place. If you were walking, it is optimal to move to a romantic cafe. If you were in a cafe, but did not smoke hookah, you can move to a hookah lounge or another cafe where there is a hookah. If you have already smoked hookah, you can move to a romantic cafe. You can also go to a pizzeria, karaoke, club, billiards, bowling alley, skating rink and many other places. You will need to do there what you are supposed to do on a second date.

If you decide that the first meeting must end with sex, then it is very important to move to the second place, and after some time (after 2-4 hours) to the third (and then, possibly, to the fourth). The movements are described in detail here.

We wish you good luck and believe that you will succeed!

When the day of your first date with him comes, you are overcome with a wave of enthusiasm, all sorts of romantic stories pop into your head, and music sounds in your heart. But it happens that everything ends completely differently than you planned, and ideal man turns into an unscrupulous villain. If you intend to have a relationship with a guy serious relationship, and not just have a one-night stand, it’s better to follow a few of our tips on the first date. Perfect evening you are guaranteed!


Of course, if you really like this man, then your nerves will go crazy. As a result, you will go out into the street dressed as if you were going to prom. Of course, we do not encourage you to dress as if you ran out to the store to buy bread. You need to know everything in moderation:

  • Don't do anything to your hair, it just needs to be clean. Place them as usual.
  • Put it on casual clothes, but be sure to wear heels! It looks like you're still wearing the same jeans, but there's something about stiletto heels that affects guys.
  • A minimum of cosmetics, the main thing is to highlight the eyes. This is what the guy will have to look in all evening, so try not to overdo it with eyeliner.
  • Don't pour a ton of perfume, deodorant and other perfumes on yourself, otherwise he will get a headache from the strong smell.
  • Always wear beautiful lingerie. It's much better to be confident in yourself, even if you don't plan to spend the night with him. Life is a strange thing, anything can happen.

Meeting point

Depends on how familiar you are. If you have been communicating for some time, then it is better to go to a skating rink, a fair, an exhibition, or any crowded place where you can have fun, and then move to a cozy cafe. If you don’t know each other at all, then it’s best to start the evening by getting to know each other in a quiet place. But under no circumstances go to the cinema - it always ends with kisses, and now you leave the cinema in an embrace, without really recognizing each other.


Under no circumstances should a girl arrive early; it is much better to be a little late. If your gentleman pretends that you arrived on time, then he is a gentleman. But if he starts making complaints, it’s better to immediately say that your hamster is sick and urgently needs to be taken to the hospital.

Sign language

First, find a comfortable place to sit. It's best to sit in a chair so you can relax. If you sit on the edge of your chair like a schoolgirl, it will be reflected in your gestures and facial expressions. Look into his eyes, laugh more, breathe out, calm down and relax. But not enough to look around, at your nails or out the window. Try to concentrate on him, his voice. And what you definitely shouldn’t do is look at cute guys. It's simply indecent, and your interlocutor is unlikely to like it.

Basic politeness

Be polite to the people around you. The worst thing is when a person you meet for the first time begins to behave rudely with waiters, bartenders and just passers-by on the street.

What is not allowed and what is possible

On first dates, many girls tend to pretend to be graduates of the Institute of Noble Maidens, thinking that by doing so they can kindle passion in a man. Tell me, would you yourself want to date a guy who is celibate? For a normal man, not a maniac, needs a woman with a spark. A bore can only push him away. If you are dressed tastefully and have a nice conversation with him, this is already enough to understand that you are a decent girl. But at the same time, you can talk and laugh with him about sex, this will only direct his thoughts in the right direction.

The past is gone

What topic should you definitely not touch on? That's right, your exes. Of course, if you like a guy, then you are wildly interested in who he had before you, what kind of girl she was. You will immediately start looking for her in in social networks, look at her profile and bite her nails. Why do you need it? This side of him personal life for the time being (or better yet forever) should be closed from you. And he shouldn’t know about your adventures either.

Where are your manners

If you want to have a serious relationship with a guy, let him look after you, pay for you in restaurants and just be a gentleman. Of course, if you are meeting him for sex without obligations, it is worth paying for yourself, so that later the accusations “you used me” do not fall. But if you feel that this man is not indifferent to you, think a hundred times before splitting the check in half.

Silence is gold

Standards of decency

Certainly, modern society significantly expanded the scope of what is permitted, but better guy do not frighten with your sharp humor and deep knowledge of the mighty Russian language. Again, if you can act relaxed with friends, then before serious man tricks like this won't work. He'll just think you're small.

Airplane mode

Don't look at your phone! Just forget about his existence. The girl who can't stop talking to her girlfriends, or the boss woman for whom the world is her job, simply won't resonate with a man.

Just recently we touched on the topic of ruined first dates. But that time our attention was focused on the guys’ mistakes. Now it’s worth talking about the behavior of girls during the first not friendly, but more serious meeting with the stronger sex. Although young ladies are characterized by great resourcefulness and, as they say, innate cunning, they still make mistakes. Because of these mistakes, the first date is remembered as not the most best event in life…

A girl on a first date and her mistakes

It so happens in society that it is common for girls to prepare for dates more carefully and seriously. But even with very responsible and thoughtful preparation, the possibility of errors remains. And it’s better to find out in advance about the main problems in communicating with a guy who expects to become someone more significant to you than a friend. What shouldn't a girl do on a first date? We will now list the main flaws.

1. Being late more than expected

Oh, this notorious and misleading idea of ​​female punctuality. In general, any guy is ready for a girl to be late for a date. This stereotype can hardly be suppressed by anything. It’s a completely different matter that being late means only 10 minutes or a little more. When a boy or man has to wait half an hour, or even an hour, the date can hardly be called successful. Rather, impressions and memories of him will remain far from the most pleasant.

2. Theatrical makeup instead of regular makeup

It’s clear that makeup was invented in order to mask subjective flaws in appearance and, accordingly, highlight it strengths. But natural is one thing light makeup, and something completely different – ​​theatrical makeup with a bohemian twist. For some reason, girls usually think that their companion will not pay attention to such an excess. There is no need to delude yourself - even those far from cosmetic subtleties young men perfectly distinguish naturalness from “puppetry”.

3. Endless conversations on and off topic

Among men, there are also talkers, but the average man himself does not like to talk, and does not particularly expect this from a woman. Throwing a huge amount of information at him, especially unnecessary information, is tantamount to the death of the relationship even before it is born. If this is information about yourself, then tell me. Without particularly deep details, of course. But put aside intelligence information about relatives, friends, and neighbors until better times.

4. Emphasize your significance and uniqueness

It’s only in words that guys want to find “the one and only.” In fact, they don't take it particularly kindly when girls start showing off their talents. It is better to confirm talents not with words, but with deeds. This situation is especially difficult for guys who have just recently ended a relationship. In general, don’t be too modest, but don’t show off your uniqueness either.

5. Talking about previous relationships (especially in dark tones)

It’s better not to talk about the relationships you had before on the first date. And if you already mentioned something like that, then don’t try to “make amends.” Especially by criticizing your exes. You'll probably think that this way you can stroke your partner's pride. But this is the wrong approach. Male society, unlike female society, practically does not “fight” within itself. Therefore, by washing the bones of previous partners, you will only irritate the guy. It is better to leave such topics for subsequent dates, when you already have a closer, more trusting relationship.

6. Obsessiveness and turning yourself into a thing

Let's say you really, really liked a guy. You really can’t contain yourself from delight... But this doesn’t mean at all that you need to hang yourself on it, hint at a continuation in every possible way. And when the date is over, please do not bother with calls the same evening or the next morning. Behave normally, without constant impositions. Yes, you don’t have to wait for him to talk about the second date. You can also offer to meet again. But not in a way that makes it clear how much you are interested in him.

7. Excessive impudence in any area

If you really want a guy to like you on the first date, be discreet. At least try. Don't try to spend his money if you don't offer it. Don't ask to go to a specific place or establishment. And try not to get drunk... At least not in public. And in general, remember that sometimes the boy’s goal is just to get you drunk. If your goal is to wake up the next morning at your home, and not at his place, remain sober.

The first date is not the last chance for a girl

A girl definitely shouldn’t consider failure on a first date as a final and irrevocable disaster. There are many boys and men, but you are alone. Happiness will definitely come, but perhaps not right away. And we tried to increase your chances. Be aware of the dangers that await you and find true love. As mentioned above, we have an article about that. You never know - suddenly you want to read and learn about the mistakes of the stronger sex too.