Congratulate your beloved on Women's Day. Happy Women's Day

No wonder he is called
women's day
We call him not in vain:
On this day -
Smiling sun,
Dawn seems seven-colored.
On this day
We are all greater
Everyone is respectfully embarrassed.
be you marshal
Or an academic
You are not God
Born a woman.
Woman Cheerful and sad.
Great and simple.
The one with us
On a distant wintering,
The one that is waiting for us
The room is empty.
The one that plowed
And mowed
And the steering wheel squeezed in the sky,
The enemy did not ask for mercy -
Let there be sorrow
In her eyes
"Honey!" - sounded at the pier.
"Mom!" - bandaged I called ...
Woman -
Immortal Beginning
The kindest on earth began.

Today, on the day of the eighth of March,
Let the sun shine bright
May joy, happiness bring
And let success not bypass.
I wish you good health
Congratulations on the coming spring!

On this day, warmed in spring
All flowers, smiles to you!
So that you do not know sadness
Even a light sadness shadow
So that your eyes always shine
And not only on this day!

Congratulations on Women's Day

It is very difficult to find happiness in life,
And not everyone can love.
I am in captivity of love strong passion
Turned out to be destined!
Black eyes darling
You blew me away.
And congratulating you today
I would only wish you happiness!

Congratulations on Women's Day

There is a great power in the world
That robs you of rest and sleep.
Before her, the winter receded,
And this force is called Spring.
She is subject to nature and feelings,
We are all in her power.
Agree that it would be sad
If there were no spring in the world.
Faces thawed again with spring,
Hearts are young again.
We are ready to fall in love
And keep this gift to the end.
Whether the time is witchcraft,
Is it a combination of causes
Maybe it's neither one nor the other.
There is a love vitamin.
And such a vitamin, probably
For men there will be images of ladies,
And so the verse, no doubt,
Addressed directly to you.
Everything beautiful is merged with spring,
In this word - love and flowers.
You won't argue with me
Spring has no masculine features.
So let me congratulate you on spring,
Those who are more perfect than us in everything.
Who is beautiful in face and soul,
The ones we talk about and sing about.
Be happy, be loved
And always be lucky.
Be gentle and be vulnerable
And jealous, but only sometimes.

Congratulations on Women's Day

Woman is spring
The image is blooming and tender.
A woman is always
The world is radiant, boundless.
It's been so many years
I am fascinated by you.
You are hope and light
I am bewitched by you.

Let everything be fine in life
And there will never be tears
Let everything be light and clear
Even though life is sometimes complicated.
And on this day, so beautiful,
I want to drown in happiness
I want to forget all the bad weather
And sigh with tender joy!
I wish you great health,
Live as long as you can
So that the husband warms with his love
And he carried you in his arms!

A woman's smile... What could be cleaner?
Who can't love a woman's smile?
The smile of a woman will warm you with warmth,
The smile of a woman will light up everything around.
The smile of a woman, what could be more tender?
The beauty of the seas and the impregnability of the rocks,
Can I compare the radiance of the stars with her?
And the one who was looking for unity,
Found in it a world of mystery and love.
The smile of a woman, the world is blue, live!

Congratulations on Women's Day

I wish you happiness, like a globe of the earth,
Ringing laughter, like an echo in spring,
Tenderness is light, like the greenery of birches
And everything that is conceived to come true.
Not a drop of grief, but joy - the sea,
And such happiness, a little intoxicated,
Good luck in everything excellent, and in love - unusual.

Congratulations on Women's Day
And with all our hearts we wish
On this day, you are too lazy
Do not work on the housework
Let me sing and dance,
And with spring mood
Don't be discouraged for a whole year.
Let in moments when it does not disturb
Fatal thunderstorm of our lives,
Someone put a hand on your shoulders
Someone clearly looks into the eyes!

The morning will come and
In a moment, the petals will dissolve the rose ...
Let tender eyes your
They don't know what tears are.
Let everything be as you want
Let expectations not be deceived
And all the beautiful dreams
Your reality will become!

On this March day
We wish you well that at the beginning of Spring
On the day when the forces of nature awaken
We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
Wishing you health and happiness for many years to come!

Congratulations on Women's Day

On this glorious, enchanting day,
From the bottom of our hearts we want to congratulate you,
So that worries are an inseparable shadow,
At least for a day I decided to leave you.
There is no sweeter lady in our bank,
What we confess to you timidly,
And congratulations we go to you soon
Even if we do it so badly.
Be happy for many years
Let men keep their eyes on you
Valentina - You would have heard in the next
Alexandrovna - their quiet tale.

Congratulations on Women's Day

With March melting you,
With March raging
With the most caressing
With the most exciting
Happiness to you lasting,
Happiness of the heart -
the very best,
The most eternal!

In honor of the eighth day of spring - an incendiary song

You are dearer to me than all the riches of the Earth - soulful song

WITH spring holiday, girls!
Happy International Women's Day!
Let laughter be ringing today
And all the hardships for nothing!

Let resentment, anger and jealousy
Will leave my heart forever!
After all, everyday life is not terrible,
If there is a love-star in the soul! ©

I congratulate you, beauty
On International Women's Day,
I wish you a bright, glorious life
Only positive changes.

May luck be with you
Let love go hand in hand
And happiness is like good angel,
It carries easily through difficulties. ©

Today warm sun ray
Let the shadow drive away sadness.
I heartily congratulate you
On International Women's Day!

I wish you spring in my heart,
Bloom together with flowers
Get drunk with a magical aroma
And excite beauty.

Let the smile decorate
Your bright, pretty face,
Let your eyes shine
Let love burn in them. ©

I want to congratulate you tenderly
On International Women's Day.
Let him conquer the charm
In fate, a high step.
Let all obstacles recede
Before strength, ardor, mind.
May happiness be complete
With comfort, peace, hearth.
Let love be true
One that makes you want to fly.
On a festive day I wish you
Drive crazy and enchant. ©

Relax, sweets and martinis -
Here's our big target.
And the hour is right for the shot -
International Women's Day.

I want to shoot clearly
Collect all your trophies:
Perfume, stockings, flowers and sweets.
Well, in general, it's great to take a walk! ©

With a fragrant sprig of lilac
Spring comes to every home
We heartily congratulate you
With International women's day!

Today is a holiday
The calendar is on fire.
I heartily congratulate you

Voice greetings on International Women's Day

Mommy, be happy, I ask - a good song

(to a friend) Our women's holiday - song

holiday date
The calendar is on fire...
We heartily congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day!

wish good health,
Success, joy in the family,
And personal happiness, of course,
And friendship, peace on earth!

Please accept our congratulations
On International Women's Day!
Let your mood be
Always blooming like a lilac

May your life be beautiful
And the children are always happy
Let your house be a full bowl!
Good luck, happiness and kindness!

Like diamonds melt ice
Flickering under the March sun
Happy International Women's Day
I congratulate you today!

I won't stop talking
How happy I am with you
I'm lucky to love you
And I'm lucky to have you with me!

The month of March and the eighth day.
The smell of spring in the air.
We will celebrate spring
And let me congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day!

Let it be in your heart on this day
Spring plays shyly
And the wind of good changes
Fulfills your wishes

I want to be myself
Other example inspiring
Happy International Women's Day
From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you!

Beautiful day March 8th,
When everything sparkles around
And let me congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day!

I wish you health, happiness,
To never grow old
May you always flourish
In the name of happiness and kindness.

For a long time the blizzard has died down,
Spring is knocking on every home.
I congratulate you, friend,
Happy International Women's Day!

greeting card

Spring is the season of warmth and light,
It's time for excitement in the blood
And let my words of hello
They sound like a declaration of love.

And I, with no less zeal,
Without any allowance for illness -
I would kiss all you women
Like fighting their girlfriends.

Such a disposition towards you,
Since it is clear without embellishment -
Our men's establishment
What would it cost without you?!

Without "gold" without our "fish"
After all, this is not nonsense! -
Without your sunny smiles
And hard work.

Busy in the library
The financial part is functioning...
And the order is like in a pharmacy,
Because women's power is there.

And men - there's no catch -
I want to say for sure:
Things don't go so bad
Kohl near women yet.

And we again call you to help,
And is it our fault
That we, too, will "muzhichim" you,
When we're completely fucked up.

That's why we're on fire
We burn with sensual fire,
And we warmly congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day!

Spring is the season of warmth and light,
It's time for excitement in the blood.
And let these words of greeting
They sound like a declaration of love.

And myself to someone especially
I'll "like" a "wedge" today...
On behalf of the team,
That is, on behalf of - men!

Women's Day March 8
All nations celebrate.
Give sweets, flowers,
Warm weather in the house!

congratulations now
Lovely women with a spring day.
Warm days, shining eyes
We wish you, no doubt.

May March bring warmth
Fulfills all desires.
In the heart of happiness, in the house - good,
Mischief, charm!

On International Women's Day
I wish you happiness and fun
Put on a bright smile
To have a cool mood
So that every hour today
Only gave you good
So that the shine of your happy eyes
Blinded everyone with beauty!

Women's Day, March 8,
Congratulations now.
A spark of passion, drive
Let it not leave your eyes.

Super woman wish
Stay forever.
May they live in you forever
Lady, mother and wife.

Let there be enough strength for everything
Energy bursts forth.
Let it be sweet at night
Joyfully, happily - in the afternoon.

Today on this Women's Day
I want to wish you
All my life to be so beautiful
And charm all men.

And so that your soul shines
Never faded again
After all, you are a magical creature,
Like a heavenly star.

With spring to bloom
You are like the most beautiful flower.
And so that you do not know grief
Let the breeze blow away all sorrow.

Let the day be set in the morning -
Good weather, good mood.
Be energetic and cheerful
March 8 accepting congratulations.

May wishes come true
From joy, the beat of the heart does not subside.
Be as light as spring itself
Smiling all around.

The long-awaited month of March has come,
Today is the eighth
And the holiday is dear and desired,
When smiles are warm!

I leave things for the time being
Today, flowers are more important!
I congratulate you, dear,
Whose heart is more beautiful than spring!

May life not be sorry for you
Pleasant moments and news,
And everywhere surrounds you
More good people!

May luck be your companion!
From happiness in the soul is hot!
May everything you wish come true
And life adds more!

On the day of goodness and beauty,
Sweet tenderness and affection
I want you to know
That fairy tales do come true!

Believe in the dream and strive for it
And the eighth of March for sure
Wish you hurry
Everything you need urgently!

On a bright day March 8
I wish you luck:
For money to come
And the troubles were gone
In order not to get sick in life,
Don't watch series
Fly to the islands
To always be right!
Let everyone respect you
Taken for a queen.
And beloved friends
You are always happy!

I wish you joy, happiness
And the warm ocean of love
To forget all bad weather,
Catch luck with your hands.

I just want to be loved
Mysteries, travel and roads.
Don't Forget About Achievable Goals
May the Lord keep you.

I wish on the day of March 8
Hear many sweet words
Wake up in the morning in the sun
And in the sea pink flowers.

On this day of beautiful spring
I wish you much happiness
To joy and goodness,
With you, they just walked together.

To always give flowers
The one who is more dear to the heart,
And the eighth of March
It was just a good start.

Love, as it happens in the movies -
Great, pure and boundless.
Good sincere people
What surrounds every day!

What words to congratulate a woman on her birthday, so that they would be remembered by her for a long time? What is it to wish for? So that you do not have these questions, we are on our website selected the best and beautiful wishes happy birthday woman. It has become very easy to congratulate a woman in verse, you just need to take a congratulation from this page of our site.

Congratulate a woman in verse is very beautiful sincerely

Where is the most beautiful one?
Who is funny and cute?
Who is the most beautiful of all and everything?
This is all about you!

Happy birsday, my dear!
Everyone around knows for sure
What's another like you
There is no beauty!

I wish you to live happily
Always be yourself
original, cute,
Sincere, kind and simple!

May happiness shine in your eyes
May spring always sing in the soul,
Let from her husband - only love and affection,
After all, there is only one like it in the world.

To walk hand in hand with luck
To be respected and praised
So that you don't forget your friends
You are the only one in the world for them.

You are smart, beautiful, without a doubt,
I always wish you to be like this.
Happy birthday to you
Be the way everyone knows you.

Happy birthday to you
And we wish women's happiness.
Health, joy, success,
More humor and laughter!

What else do you need to be happy?
Love, warmth and chocolate.
And your female beauty
Let anyone admire.

And finally, good luck to you
good luck, for long years,
In all your satisfaction -
And this is the whole secret of happiness.

I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday -
On your birthday, you are beautiful as always!
Many words and compliments are very flattering ...
You sparkle like a star today!

I wish you spiritual joy
Lots of happiness and healthy long years!
The pleasures of life every day
And, of course, luck and victories!

We wish you simple happiness
And the quiet joy of the earth.
Let you everyday bad weather
Always bypassed.

As always, take good care of
Beautiful features in the soul.
As before, generously give to everyone
Fire of warmth.

I want to wish you a wonderful birthday!
Let your life be interesting
And help faith, inspiration
cherished dreams implement!

May luck illuminate your path
Success prepares a generous fate!
I wish you always stay
Happy yourself! Joy, goodness!

Originally congratulate a woman in verse is very beautiful

Your character softer than roses,
And the soul is like a brilliant diamond,
Like the breath of the wind of thunderstorms ...
You are wonderful man!

May today bring the day
Only light everything and the best:
Close affection, love of friends,
Prosperity, prosperity!

May life always be generous
For surprises, good gifts!
Optimism to you, warmth!
Let everything you want come true!

On your birthday
I want to wish
Dreams of fulfillment.
Don't lose your smile

Save your love
But cherish freedom.
With friends of frequent meetings,
Rapprochement with nature.

Let your eyes shine
From happiness, pleasure.
May you be young
You are every birthday.

Happy birthday, dear, bright,
The ideal of beauty, kindness,
All of you sunlight warmed up
Everyone misses your warmth!

We only wish you well
Near the faithful reliable people,
Be the same always cheerful,
Be in harmony with your life!

Happy birthday! You are wonderful
Both today and always.
Stay pretty
Be clean and young.

Let luck inspire
Let the world be at your feet
Let your loved one inspire
And God saves everywhere.

Let luck be easy
And heavy - a wallet,
To this birthday
Hundreds could repeat.

So that dreams always come true
Life's complex castles
Opened before you
Like flowers before a butterfly.

Beautiful day and the sun is shining
Everyone congratulates from the bottom of my heart,
And you are the happiest person in the world
Where is the birthday, there are dreams,

And I congratulate you now
I wish you great joy
And I'll add a couple more lines,
To decorate your holiday

I want a colorful smile
And the cake is higher than the ceiling
To make all the cards shine
So that everything was like never before!

Like a Goddess, you are beautiful!
And bloom day by day!
Much, much happiness to you
Joy, love, kindness!

Have fun walking through life
Be loved, be gentle!
Cry less and laugh more
Forget about adversity!

Congratulate a woman in verse is very beautiful from the bottom of my heart

I wish you happiness, joy
Don't get old and don't get sick
Like a fire always burning.
Long and beautiful life
Be loved and love.
At work, only success
At home - joy and laughter,
For youth to shine
For old age to recede!
To make your dreams come true
You deserve it!!!

Anything you want dear
May it always come true
Let it shine and shine
Your love, your dream.

And the one who is dear will be there -
Native, caring, yours.
Let life bloom magical garden,
The stream flows golden.

Let luck pursue
Prosperity is always enough.
Everything is brighter, bigger and richer
Life offers and gives.

We wish you happiness and good
We wish you a full life
We wish you joy in the morning
Until late at night.

We wish you to do everything in life
And do not grow old, but younger,
Health, vivacity to keep
And live for many, many years.

There are no miracles in the world
And you can't get your youth back.
And the years are melting like ice
But is it worth sighing about them?

With age, a woman is wiser,
And there is another beauty in it,
And proud gait, and stateliness
Full of charm.

Happy birthday!
I wish you a sea of ​​happiness
Beauty, love, warmth.
Let your eyes burn.

Let the kids love you
And the beloved will sip
Fill up with compliments
And give gifts.

So that you live in chocolate
A trillion lay in a deposit
For you to be successful.
I congratulate you!

I want to wish you a lot:
May the road of life be even,
No bumps, sharp turns,
So that someone does not accidentally jump out.

The warm wind on the way drives,
At night the star shines brightly
Heavenly light will show the way
Which will help you reach your goal.

Forget about resentment, sadness,
Tomorrow bright distances are waiting for you.
But there - only with joy and inspiration,
With enthusiasm, perseverance, pressure and zeal!

And let from your flat, not dusty road
All bad weather will go away, worries will disappear.
Health, yes happiness let them be forever
With you, my dear, dear man!

All congratulations on March 8

Spring and forest, and the smell of herbs,
Having absorbed all the flowers and freshness,
You are our happiness, our essence,
Fate and joy, life's path!
They will not be silent forever in your address
Beautiful and tender words.
Always, everywhere when I see you
Goes nice around the head!

A world full of fabulous flowers
Accept this spring day!
The world with the wondrous rustle of the winds
Accept this spring day!
The world with the wonderful song of the nightingale.
The world with the sonorous voice of the stream.
Peace with the song of the March drop
Accept this spring day!

From the sun's splashes the snow sparkled,
And the wind sings recklessly.
In March, nature is not at all strict -
In honor of the holiday of our grandmothers.
From the southern edges along the expanse of fields
Spring is approaching us.
And it became brighter and warmer in the world -
In honor of the holiday of our mothers.
The expanse of the sky is clear, deep and pure,
And the azure expanse beckons.
Look at the beauty all around
In honor of our sisters.
With the beginning of spring, celebrate this day
It is not in vain bequeathed.
And we will always dedicate this day
Our beloved women!

Happy March 8th congratulations!
We wish you all the best,
Let the years not age you
Be Young always!
May spring come to your house
WITH good mood,
And may it always be in all matters,
Luck accompanies!

Congratulations on March 8,
I'm sorry I don't give flowers
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart
AND a simple postcard send.
Everything is simple and very beautiful in it,
The warmth of my thoughts and words,
I want you to live happily
Protect your honor and love ...

The sun warms and bakes
The cold doesn't scare anyone.
We, men, again realized
What would be completely lost without women!
Mothers, grandmothers, sisters, nieces,
Colleagues and classmates
Daughters, granddaughters, wives, loved ones
Be happy, dear women!

Spring is a sonorous, gentle song,
Time for love, renewal!
It's so joyful to live, and so interesting,
And stands, casting aside doubts,
Plunge headlong into the spring stream,
Fly with birds to the blue sky
To the bright magical dreams touch,
Believe in a miracle and sing out loud!