The best quotes about true friendship with meaning between men, a man and a woman, a guy and a girl, women, girlfriends, friends, children: a list for statuses. Beautiful, short, smart words and phrases, sayings of great people, from films and songs about

In the life of every person, a large place is occupied by his friends, if, of course, he has them. So if you have friends, then from time to time it will be useful to put in the status cool statuses about friendship. This will be especially useful for girls, because statuses about female friendship play a fairly large role in their relationship, at least virtual ones.

Friendship also has feelings. I am your friend.

In life a true friend- one. The rest - one way or another, just good friends and people, just in this moment located near you.

The main thing is that the status should be cooler than that of your friends.

Women's tears need a pillow for women's holidays- flowers, but I need a girlfriend as cool as you!

A friend is not the one who will get you out of trouble, but the one who will not let you get into it!

A friend is not the one who says "everything is fine", but the one who says "everything is bad, but I'm with you."

A friend is someone who stays by your side even when they'd rather be somewhere else.

Friendship - is this concept even needed to once again understand that a friend can be a traitor?

Friendship is when you yourself send a friend on a date, and then the whole evening you are angry with her because you have nothing to do.

Friendship between a man and a woman is very weak at nightfall.

Friendship between a guy and a girl is impossible ... Someone will definitely fall in love and ruin everything ...

Friendship is not needed for life, it is one of those things without which life is not needed ...

Friendship doubles the joys and cuts the sorrows in half.

Friendship between a guy and a girl does not happen ... Someone is sure to love.

Friends are when they listen, understand, do not condemn, but help in difficult times.

Friends are people who will remind you of your jambs all your life, and make fun of them!

Friends are people who hate your ex more than you.

Friends are those who love you, no matter how shitty you are...

Friends are those who know us well and yet love us.

Friends are known in trouble... or when you need guarantors...

Friends. It is so beautiful. Have fun with them and no longer honor yourself as lonely. And then you feel bad and friends disappear. Those who have never been stuffed into friends come, but are sincere to you.

If my girlfriend was a guy, I would marry her.

If you suddenly get drunk and you are no ... a friend is always with you.

If you are my friend, give me a gift!

There is an opinion that at one fine moment, “in contact” everyone will become friends of everyone.

There is such a thing as friends. The concept is there, there are no friends.

You know, I just adore my friends ... and everyone, everyone, all people ...

And yet it exists ... there is friendship between a guy and a girl!

Sometimes it seems that friendship is the name of processed cheese and only...

Everyone wants to have a friend, but no one wants to be a friend.

How are you, friends, missing ...

As rare as it is real love True friendship is even rarer.

  • Next >

I read the other day the post of another fool, talking about female friendship. The post is colorful, with examples: how Masha cheated on Glasha, how Tanya stole her husband from Anya, and how… well, you never know what happened.
And I was soldered.

I have long wanted to write about female friendship, for a long time, honestly, for two years already, but I just couldn’t understand everything, how I feel about this very friendship, I believe in it, I don’t believe it.
I finally understood. I believe. Friendship is. Women's, yes.
And what they say there is that "wooo, any girlfriend raaaano or later betrayed", well, you know ...

Life is interesting. And in this life, the women themselves are much more critical of their own kind than they are of men.
Well, that is, he lives with her for five years, they have love, carrots, everything. And then he suddenly likes some lady, and he goes to her. Suddenly. But this one, with whom there was love, remains alone, with a sticky feeling of betrayal and a three-year-old child.
And what, one of these women will say later that love does not exist?
But nichrome.
All, as one, will moan: "Aaah, I loved him."
But what if he went to his girlfriend? Will something change? No. No one will say, everything, they say, there is no love, it does not happen, do not believe it, even if they tell you that there is. But everyone will cackle that "there is no such thing as jeeen friendliness." And they will be offended. Not for men. For women, of course.

Or he laid a bolt on her in a big way (or did he put it? What’s the right thing, with a bolt?), but she still ran after him, didn’t sleep at night, pissed off when he called every three months, an hour later in the middle of the night she was on the other side of the city.
And nothing. And "This is Love." There is love, but how!
But it’s worth a girlfriend to have some business of her own and not fly at the first call - that’s it, she betrayed, there is no female friendship.

Is not it?

* * * * *
Women are too critical.
Everything is simple for the boys: they became friends in childhood and now they are friends forever. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all where they made friends - in the yard, when the frogs were inflated, in the summer pioneer camp, or just sat at the same desk at school. The main thing is to make friends. And now "Sanya is my friend." No matter what garbage that same Sanyok did.
It seems like there is nothing to share.
As a friend told me recently: “Well, Vasek brought a girl, the girl is so sweet, beautiful, they didn’t have anything.
And what do you think? Took the girl from Vaska. And it's okay, it's like nothing.

* * * * *
There is female friendship. She must be weird. Often incomprehensible to men. And all because women are often angry. And angry to their own kind, too.
How closer women each other, the more difficult it is for them to communicate, because everyone thinks that if their friendship is already 5, 10, 15, 20 years old, then they have the right to judge.
For some reason, we are kind with unfamiliar women.
-Hi, I'm Katy.
- And I'm Anya!
-Nice that mit yu, Anya.
And the chatter begins about rags, about boys, about Botox - and all this is so sweet and sincere. First six months. Because we can’t tell unfamiliar girls that they are fat, or that they don’t have boobs, or that you are a fucking fool and your boyfriend is an asshole, and you are like a rag in front of him ... We can’t, because an unfamiliar woman will look at you, twist her finger at her temple, and think - well, what a rude.
But you can pour a bucket of dirt on your best friend, we know each other from the cradle and we have the right.

But we don't have.
Even if she recovered, even if it was twenty kilos, we have no right to run into her and shout: "Lose weight, bitch! You are a lazy rag! And what the hell did you leave the hall for?"

If someone thinks that I am exaggerating, then no, honestly, I have had such a thing in my life. I had one madam who once told me exactly that. You, said Katya, are fat. And you are not fat by nature, but because you eat a lot, you don’t go in for sports and are generally a lazy schmuck.
I don’t remember exactly how much the lazy schmuck in my face weighed at that time, I only remember that on the day when I was tired of everything, we bought me a Russian skirt of forty-sixth size together. This is for hips up to a hundred centimeters. Ten more than the standard ninety.
But the lady always went with her forty-five kege, her mother was tall and thin, and her father was dry, without a drop of fat. And she, genetically, apparently, could eat anything and anytime, at any time of the day.
I could too, yes. But it was put off in me, but not in her.

To be honest, she often told me this, but that time the collision was the last. We talked for a long time, but quarreled suddenly and completely.
Because I'm fat and she has a mink hat.

I'll tell you now. I believe that youth is not only in the soul, but also in appearance. And if you are thirty, or even over thirty - the most stupid decision to make short haircut and buy women's rags.
Let it be, of course, not mini teenage girls, but not women's clothes either.
And she, the same girl who shouted that I was fat, bought herself a mink hat. Well, such a woman, not beautiful, stylish, modern, but completely woman, with a visor. And she walked in a fur coat to the floor. With shoulders. But I was silent, silent and did not say a word, after all, her choice, and she bought it already, what can I do.
But when I heard this: "You're fat, you eat a lot, etc." for the hundred and tenth time, I told her everything I thought about her mink hat, fur coat not her style, sapphire earrings "by status" and her schizophrenic husband. For nefig to irritate.

I don't know why I am. Just remembered.

* * * * *
Our relationship with Lizka somehow deteriorated a little. Well, it seems that everything was always good, but here, apparently, we spend a lot of time together, June is in the yard, and she has been with me since February. And for several months now, improvements have been noticeable, it is already almost exactly like normal person, runs on dates, got in touch with her ex, one of ... He once wiped his feet on her, wiped them disgustingly, and she was like a dog to him ...

And then today, while I was walking down the street, I realized. We have become too strict with each other. It seems to us that we are too close and have every right to teach each other. We, so to speak, see the picture from the inside. I can see what Lisa is doing. And Lisa sees what I'm doing. And we have hardly talked for two weeks already, well, about everyday life, perhaps: tea, coffee, will you eat? And personal - we do not discuss. Sometimes she goes out for the night and doesn't talk to anyone. And I guess, but I don't ask. We have absolutely no meetings, joint discussions and decisions left.

I feel that Lizka sometimes wants to tell me something, but she never does, because she knows my attitude to all this. And he knows that I will start to get angry and throw slippers at her. And in response, I also don’t say a word to Lizka. She has a disgusting trait - to remember all sorts of stories I told and use them against me. Hit for hit, it's called. Disgusting, to be honest. And all this is purely babushka. Maybe.

So what are friends for? To wander around the shops, grind the bones for the peasants, watch a funny movie. But most importantly, to support Hard time and be near in a moment of joy. Do not judge, do not advise, but support. Raise a glass of wine or a mug of coffee and echo her: "Yes, you're right, what a goat!", Or: "Oh yes, he is really handsome!".
And rejoice when she feels good, and hug her shoulder when she cries. If she wants.

I was here a month ago, when Lizka was not at home, I sat, thought, read a book. And suddenly I realized that I want to tell her so much that I love her, that she is the best for me, that I am very glad that I have her. And I even took the phone to write it to her. But someone distracted me, someone called, and I forgot.
And I remembered it only a week later. And then we started arguing. And it was completely off topic to write it, and there was no longer a desire, to be honest. And when Lizka barks at me, it’s completely lousy and I don’t even want to answer. If she was on the phone and not in my kitchen, she would turn the hell off.
All I know is that I don't want it to be like that mink hat. So many years have passed, but the sediment remains.
We definitely need to be better. And easier.
Like when we haven’t seen each other for many months, and so much has happened during this time, and someone would say: “Ahhh, they haven’t even phoned even once during this time, what the hell is friendship!” ...
But I just had her. And it doesn’t matter that I’m in flight, and Lizka too, and we are temporarily not up to each other.

* * * * *
Female friendships are complex. And making friends is hard. I just want to be a boy just to dial a number and say: "Sanya, let's go have a beer!". And tell each other how someone blew someone, and remove the whore, and go fishing, to sit silently on the shore and wait for the float to twitch. And at night, drink vodka and fry meat. Or don’t bother at all, but put a jar of stew into the cauldron and pour pasta.

And so that it doesn’t matter at all that Sanyok hasn’t washed for three days, that his socks are torn, his pants are in a patch, and his woman is a complete whore.
And so that a pimple, a pimple on Sanka's nose, does not bother me. It's not my pimple, but his. If he likes it so much, let him go.

© Ekaterina Bezymyannaya

There is always a lot of talk about female friendship. Someone recognizes its existence, but most deny female friendship, as such. We will not deal with this complex, philosophical and epochal issue, but will approach it with humor ...
● Two friends are walking along the seashore. And suddenly one of them found a bottle. I opened it, and Jin flew out.
- Quickly say three cherished desires!
She says:
- I want to live long and always be young and the most beautiful!
Jin grunted something there - she became a written beauty, rejuvenated immediately.
- I also want to be rich!
Gin muttered something - began to pour around her credit cards, bucks, gold-diamonds.
- And I want to live with Brad Pitt!!!
Jin grumbled and vanished. Suddenly a helicopter flew in, Brad Pitt jumped out of it, picked her up and carried her away in his arms to the helicopter.
The second friend looked after the first lucky woman, pouted, and went further along the beach. Look - and there is another bottle. She opened it, and there was Ginyonok.
“I want,” she says, “to be Miss World, live forever, be the richest, and always have the most handsome men!
- I, - says Dzhinok, - is still small, I am not even a thousand years old, I can fulfill only one wish, and even then, so far only metal objects are good for me.
The second friend thought a little and said:
- Zakuy then forever my girlfriend in a chastity belt!
The wife did not come home to spend the night, and in the morning she told her husband that she had spent the night with a friend.
Husband called 10 best friends - they all said they didn't have her.
The husband did not come home to spend the night, and in the morning he said that he had spent the night with a friend.
Wife called 10 best friends. 5 said that he spent the night with them, and another 5 said that he is still with them.

Compliments for a friend ;)

● You've lost so much weight! You even have pantyhose on!
● What a cool dress you have, I would also look for something like that for curtains!
● Mmmm! What a wonderful smell! Is this a sampler from last year's fashion magazine?
● Oh, what a cool suit you have on! I want to buy one for my mom too!
● What an amazing ring! And inexpensive, right?
● You don't walk, but flutter straight! Like Carlson!
● I'm looking at you and I just can't understand - and what did the men find in me?
● Can you tell me where is the nearest decent second-head? You must know.
● Do not be so upset! This sweatshirt didn't suit me at all.
● Listen, how do you manage to look so different, but all the time in the same dress?
● Which one of ours did you see? Oh, I'm sorry, I keep forgetting that you're minus seven...
●Are you getting better? Listen, it suits you! No one can get better, but you go! And don't listen to anyone!
● Well, today someone will covet you!
● So what if you're a bitch! But look how this handbag goes with your sandals!
● What are you - again on a diet, and it does not help?
And finally, a few definitions about female friendship
● The friendship of three women is just a conspiracy of two against a third.
● Female friendship is when friends envy each other silently...
● Women's friendship as such does not exist, it's just a non-aggression pact. For example, like this:

There's no reason for us to fight
We both want one
"Don't touch my man
I won't touch yours!"

These are all jokes ... Women's, men's - she either has friendship, or she simply does not exist ...

Legends are made about her, films are made, she is sung in songs. Its existence is disputed, disappointed in it and dreamed of.

All this is about female friendship. Someone calls a friend a companion, with whom it is convenient to go shopping, to the movies, to cafes, so as not to feel lonely. And for someone, a girlfriend is a sister from another mister, with whom both through fire and into water.

We will not argue about whether women can be real friends, but simply picked up the 20 best, in our opinion, quotes about female friendship.
Friendship between women is just a non-aggression pact. Henri de Monterland
In conversations with each other, women imitate the spirit of comradely solidarity and that confidential frankness that they do not allow themselves with men. But behind this semblance of friendship - how much vigilant distrust, and how it is, to be honest, justified. André Maurois
Women's friendship is just a joint survival in the world of men. Maria Matskevich
For too long a slave and a tyrant lurked in a woman. Therefore, she is incapable of friendship: she knows only love. Friedrich Nietzsche
Men treat their male friendships as soccer ball, which they throw anywhere and anyhow, but it does not break. Women, on the other hand, rush about with their female friendship, like with a crystal vase, and if it falls, it breaks into smithereens, into small pieces. Ann Morrow Lindbergh
The most beautiful moment in my life I can call the one when I realized that I had a girlfriend, like-minded person. William Rotsler
I need one, only one friend, but who can get along with all the shades of my fickle mood. Esther Clark A good friend can tell you the whole truth of the uterus. True, in a minute it will no longer be the best ... Arthur Brisbane
The loneliest woman in the universe is not the one who doesn't have a man, but the one who doesn't have a best friend. George Santayana
A real miracle happens when you meet your soul mate who recognizes who you are and who you can become, and who ignites your blood for new great things. Rusty Berkus
Best friend can hear even the unspoken. Mark Levy
For most women, experiencing love means discussing it with your best friend. Leszek Kumor
A true friend will always tell the truth in person. Even the most bitter, which we are not ready to admit. (From "Desperate Housewives")
Yes, you girls are very strange. At first you are ready to grab each other's throats, and then you smile sweetly. Stace Kramer
Have one and only girlfriend, just know how to choose it correctly. Muriel Barbery
Women's company is much better than men's - a friend will always understand and accept everything that a representative of the strong half considers an insignificant trifle. Maria Nikolaeva
If you want to know the shortcomings of a girl, praise her in front of her friends. Benjamin Franklin
I am not strong, she is not strong, but together with my friend we are stronger than anyone in the world. Linda Macfarlane
Such is the fate of a friend: to rejoice when the other finishes unmarried life, even if it promises you loneliness. Mark Levy

Henri de Monterland

  • Women's friendship is like a crystal vase: no matter how carefully you store it, sooner or later it will break anyway.
  • It is very difficult to find that one friend who can tolerate and understand all the changes in my mood.
  • The best friend, when you fall, will not regret and will not extend her hand to you, but will fall next to you and will laugh like crazy.
  • Girlfriend - she is a friend in Africa. If you call her at night, tell her that you are hopelessly in love, she will simply say: "Sleep!" and hang up the phone. And in 15 minutes he will call back and say: "Open the door for me, just be quiet."
  • The kiss of two girlfriends has something of a boxing handshake before a fight.
  • Best Friend is SWAT in action: arrives at last resort to anywhere in the world with dry rations - wine, sweets and a reliable, moisture-absorbing shoulder.
  • The best friend is a person who does not need to tell anything, because she can see what is happening in her eyes.
  • The third is not superfluous, the third is a spare.
  • real girlfriend not the one that does everything you say, but the one that does what you really need, even if you are against it.
  • Nothing adorns a woman like a well-chosen girlfriend.

  • If my friend was a guy, I would marry her.
  • Sometimes it seems to me that friendship is just the name of processed cheese.
  • The enemy is easy to forgive. But how to forgive a friend?
  • A woman gives to friendship only what she borrows from love.
  • The most common types of female friendships are friendship-enmity and friendship-rivalry.

  • True female friendship is as common as a blooming fern.
  • Women's friendship is just a joint survival in the world of men.

Maria Matskevich

  • In conversations with each other, women imitate the spirit of comradely solidarity and that confidential frankness that they do not allow themselves with men. But behind this semblance of friendship - how much vigilant distrust, and how it is, to be honest, justified.

André Maurois

  • For too long a slave and a tyrant lurked in a woman. Therefore, she is incapable of friendship: she knows only love.

Friedrich Nietzsche

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