Scenario "New Year at the airport" for a preparatory school group. Methodological development (senior group) on the topic: “New Year at the airport

Compiled by: teacher

Municipal educational institution "Petropavlovskaya"

secondary general education

School of Shelegin Yu.V.

Presenter 1

Presenter 2
TV presenter


Director's assistant


Father Frost

Snow Maiden

The rumble of an airplane is heard.

Morozko Airlines apologizes to passengers and offers to meet New Year in an Aeroport.

Passengers enter the stage.

How is it at the airport? What are you saying, I'm shooting a new film. I'm flying to Hollywood.
Calm, comrades, calm.
Just a minute, just a minute. I am a famous Producer. My new show group should perform in New Year's Eve on TV. I urgently need to fly away. This is a disgrace, I will complain!
Unfortunately, dear passengers, all flights are delayed due to bad weather.
TV presenter.
I famous TV presenter. If I'm late for the program, I'll be out of work.
Just a minute, just a minute. I am writing down.
Why no job? Dear passengers, I have an interesting thought. Why don't you help organize an interesting program here at the airport.
Are you laughing at us? Are you joking?
No I am not joking. There are a lot of passengers here. Everyone will have to celebrate the New Year here, whether you like it or not.

Journalist: I saw, by chance, it’s true that among us there is a famous director Nikita Mikhalkevich, what if he tried to start filming his film right here? This will be the material for my new article.

Administrator: You journalists, if only you could crush other people’s bones, but oh well, that’s basically an idea, now I’ll talk to him, maybe he’ll actually arrange a casting for roles in his new film right here at the airport.

TV presenter: I could help him, I’m a television star after all!

Everyone leaves.

Good evening, Good evening ladies and gentlemen! There is something very romantic in what happened; not everyone has the opportunity to celebrate the New Year at the airport. Friends, let's not be sad. I am sure that a little later you will remember this evening as the most interesting and amazing in your life.
Presenter 2

While the administrator is negotiating with the director , I thought, shouldn't we learn the most popular dance? And most importantly, should we all dance together? Oh, it would be a unique sight for everyone. By the way, just now I was informed that, quite by chance, a famous dance group ended up here at the airport. As it turned out, they are not flying away on tour, but are simply seeing off their best friends. Let's ask them to support our program and learn something amazing with us. Do you agree?

The dance group learns movements with the audience to the music, and then everyone performs this dance. DANCE FROM CLASS 6A

It turns out that we can have a great time at the airport too. All the stars gathered here: directors, producers, TV presenters, journalists and even pop stars.

(A breathless administrator runs in.)

Administrator: Everything is agreed... the casting will be here - HURRAY!

(the director comes out important)

Presenter 2
Attention! Now you will witness another stunning spectacle. A famous director, who was supposed to fly to Hollywood to shoot his new film, decided to film his film here at our airport. I think he should be thanked for this decision.

Journalist: Well, what did I say, I’m calling my newspaper right now “ New Year's news», let them leave room in the new issue for my stunning article.
Every minute is precious to me, that’s why I made this decision.

So, one girl from each class is invited to the casting for the role of the Snow Maiden. and you, dear passengers, will determine the winner with applause.

TV presenter

(when the participants take the stage, the TV presenter holds a competition)

I distribute cards with tasks, you must beat the task that was offered to you.

(after the end of the skit, you call out the names of the girls and ask the audience to support her with applause, the one with the loudest applause will be the winner)


2. And now I invite 4 boys from different classes for casting on the main page male role STRANGER

TV presenter holds a competition: Before you are empty glass bottles, but these are not simple, but magic bottles, now you must take turns playing a New Year's melody, whose melody will be better determined by the audience with applause.

Director: I invite soda 4 boys from different classes, the loudest, you must roar like a tiger, the one who roars loudest will win.

(you decide the winner yourself) ……….. you will play the role of a tiger in our film, stay on stage.

TV presenter: I ask the 3 most smart boys. Who considers themselves such?

(when the participants take the stage): you will play the forest in our film, stay on stage.

Director, and now I invite 3 people, both boys and girls, everyone.

(when they come out, you will announce) you need to flap your wings like a bird and shout at the same time

Meow like a cat. (after that you continue) what do you think, dear passengers, who completed the task more expressively. Let's give applause to the one you like best. (you call names one by one, and the audience applauds).

You will play the role of a crow.

TV presenter: All we have to do is choose the strongest one young man, you have to inflate the balloon, who is faster and who is bigger, then burst it.

Director: Well, now that the roles have been determined, it’s time to start filming. I ask all artists to come on stage.

Is the operator ready?

Operator: all is ready

Director's assistant: " New Year at the airport." frame one, take one.

Director: engine, let's start.

(the director’s assistant reads the script, the participants act it out)

After finishing the script - Director: stop! Cut! Thanks to everybody, you're free.

Presenter 1
Just a moment! A new film needs a show group. Now, if you don't mind, a famous music producer would like to select the group members. Over to you.
I saw many talented people among you and decided to select participants for a new show group. For the group I need a trumpeter, guitarist, drummer, pianist and, of course, the lead singer of this group. So, let's begin.

1st competition "Trumpeter's Choice".
We need to check the lungs of the contestants. I invite 4 boys for the competition. At the producer's command they must inflate air balloons to the music. When the music stops, the one who has the most balloons is declared the trumpeter of the show group. (He is given a trumpet or a pioneer bugle, the trumpeter remains on stage, all other participants leave the stage with incentive prizes to the applause of the audience.)

2nd competition "Guitarist's Choice".
4 people participate in the competition. The participants' task is to imitate playing the guitar and dance to the music. Participants are given guitars, and one by one, to the applause of the audience, the contestants dance with the guitar. The best is determined by the audience: whoever gets the most applause will play the role of guitarist in the show band.

3rd competition "Choice of a drummer".
4 people participate in the competition. There are noise instruments, pots, forks, spoons, combs, etc. on the table. The participants’ task is to play these instruments in turn to the music. Who will have the most original game Whoever gets the most applause from the audience will be the drummer in the show band.

4th competition "Pianist's Choice".
3 people take part in this competition. The competitor is given a children's piano and a task card. For example: “Imagine that you win at a concert, there is a full hall of spectators, and suddenly your left ear itches,” and another task: “You are playing, and an annoying mosquito has stuck to you and constantly lands on your nose.” And the third task: you are playing and suddenly you discover that someone has placed a button on the chair. The participants’ task is to imitate playing an instrument to the music and replay the situation that happened to each participant.

5th competition "Soloist's Choice".
4-5 people participate in this competition. The participants’ task is to sing one verse at a time to the soundtrack of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” The best soloist is chosen by the audience based on applause.

So, the choice is made! Meet the new show group "Kis-meow"!
Presenter 2
Friends, you are witnessing an unusual sight. In the future, a popular group, and I have no doubt about it, will perform its first hit for you for the first time.

The soundtrack of the song "Black Cat" is playing. The lead singer is given the lyrics to this song.
- 1st verse and chorus.

1. Once upon a time there was a black cat around the corner,
And the whole house hated the cat,
But the song is not about that at all
How people didn't get along with cats.
Chorus: They say you won't be lucky
If the cat is black
He will cross the road.
In the meantime, on the contrary -
Only for a black cat
And no luck.

All other group members imitate playing instruments.

Presenter 1
This is great! Bravo! And now we are together new group We continue the dance program.

Dance program.

Presenter 2
Just a moment! The administrator wants to make some announcements.
Dear passengers, for some reason you have stopped asking for our airline to resume flights. This is even wonderful, it means you like it here, then I think you will be happy to meet our Father Frost and Snow Maiden
Presenter 1
This is where we had to start. What would New Year be without our beloved Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden?

Father Frost.
Hello, friends!
Old year leaves,
Good, good year,
We won't be sad
After all, a new one is coming to us,
May he bring good luck to everyone.

Snow Maiden:

The old year is ending

Good, good year

We won't be sad

After all, a new one will come to us

Let's remember all the good things that happened

Let's meet the best that will happen

After all, the year is fortune, it shines on us all,

And may luck never forget us

Father Frost.
Friends, I did not come to you empty-handed. I have prepared a surprise for all passengers of Morozko Airlines. And I brought you a prize, but you still need to earn it. (puts the prize on the chair) I invite 5 interested people. I'll recite a poem as soon as I say the word three. Grab your prize immediately. The one who takes the prize at the wrong time is eliminated.

One day we caught a pike

Gutted, and inside

We counted small fish

And not one, but two

A seasoned boy dreams

Become an Olympic champion

Look, don’t be cunning at the start

And wait for the command one, two, seven.

When you want to memorize poems

They are not crammed until late at night

And repeat them to yourself

Once, twice, or better yet, five.

Recently a train at the station

To me three I had to wait an hour

But why didn’t you take the prize, friends?

When there was an opportunity to take it.
Presenter 2
Well done, Grandfather Frost! What a wonderful competition.

Snow Maiden:

Yes, and I did not come to you empty-handed, I know for sure that both children and adults love to play, I offer you a game. The winner will receive a special prize.

I invite five people here who are willing.

I blindfold you, and on my team you must hang the toys on the Christmas tree.

So: one, two, let's go!

(You give the winner a toy)

And here is my surprise prize: a ticket to a cruise around the Christmas tree on our wonderful Morozko airliner.
Presenter 1: Santa Claus, maybe you can hold a few more competitions, look how fun we all are, we forgot that someone needs to fly somewhere

Father Frost.
Just a minute, friends!
Unfortunately, it's time for us to go!
Happy New Year
And, of course, I wish
Make your dreams come true.
May you all be happy.
Don't be bored, have fun,
Don't be angry about the weather.
Very soon you, friends,
Fly away in all directions.

Snow Maiden

Health, joy and happiness
We wish you a Happy New Year.
So that no anxiety, no misfortune
There was no guard at the gate.
So that the sun shines tenderly,
Everything that the heart expects came true,
And just to make it gratifying
All your life, like this year!
Presenter 1
Let's see off Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden with friendly applause. Goodbye and see you next year! And we continue.
Dispatcher: Dear passengers, we are boarding flight 2010, passengers are requested to go to check-in)

Attention! I want to announce good news to you. The weather has improved and all flights of our airline have been restored. Passengers are asked to undergo customs inspection of their luggage and register their tickets. The airline wishes you a happy trip and thanks you for your help in organizing entertainment program!
Presenter 2
Well, friends, I am very sorry to part with you. Still, despite some problems, we had a lot of fun, right? I'm sure we will meet again. Happy New Year! Happiness, love and good luck!

TV presenter

The rumble of an airplane is heard.

Attention! Passengers who took tickets for flight number 2004! Due to bad weather, the flight is delayed. Please go to the waiting room. The airline apologizes to passengers and offers to celebrate the New Year at the airport.

Passengers enter the stage.

How is it at the airport? What are you saying, I'm shooting a new film. I'm flying to Hollywood.

Calm, comrades, calm.

Just a minute, just a minute. I am a famous Producer. My new show group is supposed to perform on television on New Year's Eve. I urgently need to fly to New York. This is a disgrace, I will complain!

Unfortunately, dear passengers, all flights are delayed due to bad weather.

TV presenter.
I am a famous TV presenter. If I'm late for the program, I'll lose my job.

Just a minute, just a minute. I am writing down.

Why no job? Dear passengers, I have an interesting thought. Why don't you help organize an interesting program here at the airport.

Are you laughing at us? Are you joking?

No I am not joking. There are a lot of passengers here. Everyone will have to celebrate the New Year here, whether you like it or not. We have Santa Claus, but we don’t have a program presenter, maybe some of you will agree?

Friends, there is a popular entertainment program presenter among us, if only he agrees...

Gee, do you have to help everyone out?

Have to.

Everyone leaves.

Good evening, good evening, ladies and gentlemen! There is something very romantic in what happened; not everyone has the opportunity to celebrate the New Year at the airport. Friends, let's not be sad. I am sure that a little later you will remember this evening as the most interesting and amazing in your life. Now let's cheer ourselves up with wonderful music that invites you all to dance.

Dance program.

You danced great. And I thought, shouldn’t we learn the most popular dance? And most importantly, should we all dance together? Oh, it would be a unique sight for everyone. By the way, just now I was informed that, quite by chance, a famous dance group ended up here at the airport. As it turned out, they are not flying away on tour, but are simply seeing off their best friends to America. Let's ask them to support our program and learn something amazing with us. Do you agree?

The dance group learns movements with the audience to the music, and then everyone performs this dance.

It turns out that we can have a great time at the airport too. All the stars gathered here: directors, producers, TV presenters, journalists and even pop stars. Gentlemen, I just saw an incomparable pop star among you. I will ask her to come up on stage with me, and all the fans will enthusiastically greet our star with applause. I don’t want to ask you unnecessary questions (addresses the star), sing your favorite song for all the happy passengers.

The lead singer of the vocal group performs a song from Alsou’s repertoire “Winter Dream” to the soundtrack.

While all your fans are lining up for your autographs, we will continue our show program. What awaits us next? And then we will fly a little. No, no, in no way am I laughing at you or at myself. Bad weather won't stop us. They stretched their arms out to the sides. Now your engines have started. Keep it up! We will fly with you to the music around the Christmas tree.

Just a moment! A famous music producer decided to create his new show group here. Now, if you don't mind, he would like to select the group members. Over to you.

I saw many talented people among you and decided to select participants for a new show group. For the group I need a trumpeter, guitarist, drummer, pianist and, of course, the lead singer of this group. So, let's begin.

1st competition "Trumpeter's Choice".
We need to check the lungs of the contestants. 4-5 people take part in the competition. At the producer's command, they must inflate balloons to the music. When the music stops, the one with the most balloons is declared the trumpeter of the show band. He is given a trumpet or a pioneer bugle, the trumpeter remains on stage, all other participants leave the stage with incentive prizes to the applause of the audience.

2nd competition "Guitarist's Choice".
4 people participate in the competition. The participants' task is to imitate playing the guitar and dance to the music. Participants are given guitars, and one by one, to the applause of the audience, the contestants dance with the guitar. The best is determined by the audience: whoever gets the most applause will play the role of guitarist in the show band.

3rd competition “Choice of a drummer”.
4 people participate in the competition. There are noise instruments, pots, forks, spoons, combs, etc. on the table. The participants’ task is to play these instruments in turn to the music. Whoever has the most original performance and who gets the most applause from the audience will be the drummer in the show band.

4th competition "Pianist's Choice".
3 people take part in this competition. The competitor is given a children's piano and a task card. For example: “Imagine that you are playing at a concert, the hall is full of spectators, and suddenly your left ear itches,” and another task: “You are playing, an annoying mosquito has stuck to you, which constantly lands on your nose.” And the third task: you are playing and suddenly you discover that someone has placed a button on the chair. The participants’ task is to imitate playing an instrument to the music and replay the situation that happened to each participant.

5th competition "Soloist's Choice".
4-5 people participate in this competition. The participants’ task is to sing one verse at a time to the soundtrack of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” The best soloist is chosen by the audience based on applause.

So, the choice is made! Meet the new show group “Kis-meow”!

Friends, you are witnessing an unusual sight. In the future, a popular group (and I have no doubt about it) will perform their first hit for you for the first time.

The soundtrack of the song “Black Cat” plays. The soloist is given the text of this song - 1st verse and chorus.

1. Once upon a time there was a black cat around the corner,
And the whole house hated the cat,
But the song is not about that at all
How people didn't get along with cats.
Chorus: They say you won't be lucky
If the cat is black
He will cross the road.
In the meantime, on the contrary -
Only for a black cat
And no luck.

All other group members imitate playing instruments.

This is great! Bravo! And now we, together with the new group, continue the dance program.

Dance program.

Just a moment! The administrator wants to make some announcements.

Dear passengers, for some reason you have stopped asking for our airline to resume flights. This is further wonderful, it means you like it here, then I think you will be happy to meet our Santa Claus.

This is where we had to start. What would New Year be without our beloved Grandfather Frost? Let's call him together.

Everyone calls Santa Claus. Music sounds and Santa Claus appears.

Father Frost.
Hello, friends!
The old year is passing away
Good, good year,
We won't be sad
After all, a new one is coming to us,
May he bring good luck to everyone.

We have wonderful traditions, let’s not forget them and, as before, we will dance around the Christmas tree with Santa Claus.

Modern music is playing, everyone is dancing around the Christmas tree.

Well done, this is the real one New Year's dance!

Father Frost.
Friends, I did not come to you empty-handed. I have prepared a surprise for all passengers of Morozko Airlines. I'm already very old and decided to find myself a replacement for these dance evenings. I am announcing a competition to fill the position of Santa Claus. The task is simple: whoever matches my fur coat and hat, whoever greets the guys in an interesting way, I will choose him as my deputy.

Competition, selection of the winner. Santa Claus and his deputy distribute gifts to the children.

Well done, Grandfather Frost! This competition showed us how difficult it turns out to be in the role of our beloved Grandfather Frost. And now we continue our program and dance together with the deputy of Santa Claus.

Father Frost.
Just a minute, friends!
Unfortunately, I have to go!
Happy New Year
And, of course, I wish
Make your dreams come true.
May you all be happy.
Don't be bored, have fun,
Don't be angry about the weather.
Very soon you, friends,
Fly away in all directions.

Let's see off Grandfather Frost with friendly applause. Goodbye and see you next year! And we continue. Dance like me, dance like us, dance better than us!

Dance program.

Still, you dance great, but it seems to me that you sing even better. Yes? I would like to check this now. Everyone, repeat after me in a friendly manner. Oooh! (The audience repeats.) Woo-hoo! Well done, now let’s beat out the musical rhythm by clapping. Ready? We repeat along with the clapping: “O-o-o-o, o-o-o-o-o, a-a-a-a,” etc. It was just amazing. You sing great, but now I would like you to dance to the song of a wonderful duet. Have no doubt that these are the rising stars of our stage. Greet and dance with them.

Soloists vocal ensemble perform a song from the repertoire of the Strelki group “New Year”.

Attention! Now you will witness another stunning spectacle. A famous director, who was supposed to fly to Hollywood to shoot his new film, decided to film a short fragment here. I think he should be thanked for this decision.

Every minute is precious to me, that’s why I made this decision. You need to bring to life the picture of the fragment that I will read to you from the script. "Night. The moon rose in the sky. Suddenly it blew strong wind. The trees swayed. Wolves howled in the forest. On the outskirts of the village, a dog stands near a house, shuddering. A sparrow has settled down on a perch nearby and is dozing, sometimes opening one eye or the other. The trees are noisy, and because of the noise you can’t hear a fox sneaking into the chicken coop. Suddenly the rooster crowed, sensing the fox, the dog barked and chased after her. The owner ran out of the house and started screaming. The fox ran away. A disheveled sparrow flew around the house in fear. The dog, breathing heavily and wagging its tail, approached its owner. The owner stroked the dog and, satisfied, went to bed.”

Roles are assigned and the plot is played out.

Thanks to all!

Friends, very soon you will see yourself on television. It is a great happiness to star in a film by a famous director. You're not tired yet, are you? Then we continue our dance program.

Dance program.

Attention! I want to announce good news to you. The weather has improved and all flights of our airline have been restored. Passengers are asked to undergo customs inspection of their luggage and register their tickets. The airline wishes you a happy trip and thanks you for your help in organizing the entertainment program!

Well, friends, I am very sorry to part with you. Still, despite some problems, we had a lot of fun, right? I'm sure we will meet again. Happy New Year! Happiness, love and good luck!

TV presenter

The rumble of an airplane is heard.

Attention! Passengers who took tickets for flight number 2004! Due to bad weather, the flight is delayed. Please go to the waiting room. The airline apologizes to passengers and offers to celebrate the New Year at the airport.

Passengers enter the stage.

How is it at the airport? What are you saying, I'm shooting a new film. I'm flying to Hollywood.

Calm, comrades, calm.

Just a minute, just a minute. I am a famous Producer. My new show group is supposed to perform on television on New Year's Eve. I urgently need to fly to New York. This is a disgrace, I will complain!

Unfortunately, dear passengers, all flights are delayed due to bad weather.

TV presenter.
I am a famous TV presenter. If I'm late for the program, I'll lose my job.

Just a minute, just a minute. I am writing down.

Why no job? Dear passengers, I have an interesting thought. Why don't you help organize an interesting program here at the airport.

Are you laughing at us? Are you joking?

No I am not joking. There are a lot of passengers here. Everyone will have to celebrate the New Year here, whether you like it or not. We have Santa Claus, but we don’t have a program presenter, maybe some of you will agree?

Friends, there is a popular entertainment program presenter among us, if only he agrees...

Gee, do you have to help everyone out?

Have to.

Everyone leaves.

Good evening, good evening, ladies and gentlemen! There is something very romantic in what happened; not everyone has the opportunity to celebrate the New Year at the airport. Friends, let's not be sad. I am sure that a little later you will remember this evening as the most interesting and amazing in your life. Now let's cheer ourselves up with wonderful music that invites you all to dance.

Dance program.


You danced great. And I thought, shouldn’t we learn the most popular dance? And most importantly, should we all dance together? Oh, it would be a unique sight for everyone. By the way, just now I was informed that, quite by chance, a famous dance group ended up here at the airport. As it turned out, they are not flying away on tour, but are simply seeing off their best friends to America. Let's ask them to support our program and learn something amazing with us. Do you agree?

The dance group learns movements with the audience to the music, and then everyone performs this dance.

It turns out that we can have a great time at the airport too. All the stars gathered here: directors, producers, TV presenters, journalists and even pop stars. Gentlemen, I just saw an incomparable pop star among you. I will ask her to come up on stage with me, and all the fans will enthusiastically greet our star with applause. I don’t want to ask you unnecessary questions (addresses the star), sing your favorite song for all the happy passengers.

The lead singer of the vocal group performs a song from Alsou’s repertoire “Winter Dream” to the soundtrack.


While all your fans are lining up for your autographs, we will continue our show program. What awaits us next? And then we will fly a little. No, no, in no way am I laughing at you or at myself. Bad weather won't stop us. They stretched their arms out to the sides. Now your engines have started. Keep it up! We will fly with you to the music around the Christmas tree.


Just a moment! A famous music producer decided to create his new show group here. Now, if you don't mind, he would like to select the group members. Over to you.

I saw many talented people among you and decided to select participants for a new show group. For the group I need a trumpeter, guitarist, drummer, pianist and, of course, the lead singer of this group. So, let's begin.

1st competition "Trumpeter's Choice".

We need to check the lungs of the contestants. 4-5 people take part in the competition. At the producer's command, they must inflate balloons to the music. When the music stops, the one with the most balloons is declared the trumpeter of the show band. He is given a trumpet or a pioneer bugle, the trumpeter remains on stage, all other participants leave the stage with incentive prizes to the applause of the audience.

2nd competition "Guitarist's Choice".
4 people participate in the competition. The participants' task is to imitate playing the guitar and dance to the music. Participants are given guitars, and one by one, to the applause of the audience, the contestants dance with the guitar. The best is determined by the audience: whoever gets the most applause will play the role of guitarist in the show band.

3rd competition "Choice of a drummer".
4 people participate in the competition. There are noise instruments, pots, forks, spoons, combs, etc. on the table. The participants’ task is to play these instruments in turn to the music. Whoever has the most original performance and who gets the most applause from the audience will be the drummer in the show band.

4th competition "Pianist's Choice".
3 people take part in this competition. The competitor is given a children's piano and a task card. For example: “Imagine that you are playing at a concert, there is a full hall of spectators, and suddenly your left ear itches,” and another task: “You are playing, and an annoying mosquito has stuck to you and constantly lands on your nose.” And the third task: you are playing and suddenly you discover that someone has placed a button on the chair. The participants’ task is to imitate playing an instrument to the music and replay the situation that happened to each participant.

5th competition "Soloist's Choice".
4-5 people participate in this competition. The participants’ task is to sing one verse at a time to the soundtrack of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” The best soloist is chosen by the audience based on applause.

So, the choice is made! Meet the new show group "Kis-meow"!

Friends, you are witnessing an unusual sight. In the future, a popular group (and I have no doubt about it) will perform their first hit for you for the first time.

The soundtrack of the song "Black Cat" is playing. The soloist is given the text of this song - the 1st verse and chorus.

1. Once upon a time there was a black cat around the corner,
And the whole house hated the cat,
But the song is not about that at all
How people didn't get along with cats.
Chorus: They say you won't be lucky
If the cat is black
He will cross the road.
In the meantime, on the contrary -
Only for a black cat
And no luck.

All other group members imitate playing instruments.

This is great! Bravo! And now we, together with the new group, continue the dance program.

Dance program.

Just a moment! The administrator wants to make some announcements.

Dear passengers, for some reason you have stopped asking for our airline to resume flights. This is further wonderful, it means you like it here, then I think you will be happy to meet our Santa Claus.

This is where we had to start. What would New Year be without our beloved Grandfather Frost? Let's call him together.

Everyone calls Santa Claus. Music sounds and Santa Claus appears.

Father Frost.
Hello, friends!
The old year is passing away
Good, good year,
We won't be sad
After all, a new one is coming to us,
May he bring good luck to everyone.

We have wonderful traditions, let’s not forget them and, as before, we will dance around the Christmas tree with Santa Claus.

Modern music is playing, everyone is dancing around the Christmas tree.

Well done, this is a real New Year's dance!

Father Frost.
Friends, I did not come to you empty-handed. I have prepared a surprise for all passengers of Morozko Airlines. I am already very old and decided to find a replacement for myself for such dance evenings. I am announcing a competition to fill the position of Santa Claus. The task is simple: whoever matches my fur coat and hat, whoever greets the guys in an interesting way, I will choose him as my deputy.

Competition, selection of the winner. Santa Claus and his deputy distribute gifts to the children.

Well done, Grandfather Frost! This competition showed us how difficult it turns out to be in the role of our beloved Grandfather Frost. And now we continue our program and dance together with the deputy of Santa Claus.

Father Frost.
Just a minute, friends!
Unfortunately, I have to go!
Happy New Year
And, of course, I wish
Make your dreams come true.
May you all be happy.
Don't be bored, have fun,
Don't be angry about the weather.
Very soon you, friends,
Fly away in all directions.

Let's see off Grandfather Frost with friendly applause. Goodbye and see you next year! And we continue. Dance like me, dance like us, dance better than us!

Dance program.

Still, you dance great, but it seems to me that you sing even better. Yes? I would like to check this now. Everyone, repeat after me in a friendly manner. Oooh! (The audience repeats.) Woo-hoo! Well done, now let’s beat out the musical rhythm by clapping. Ready? We repeat along with the clapping: “O-o-o-o, o-o-o-o, a-a-a-a,” etc. It was simply amazing. You sing great, but now I would like you to dance to the song of a wonderful duet. Have no doubt that these are the rising stars of our stage. Greet and dance with them.

The soloists of the vocal ensemble perform a song from the repertoire of the Strelki group, “New Year.”

Attention! Now you will witness another stunning spectacle. A famous director, who was supposed to fly to Hollywood to shoot his new film, decided to film a short fragment here. I think he should be thanked for this decision.

Every minute is precious to me, that’s why I made this decision. You need to bring to life the picture of the fragment that I will read to you from the script. "Night. The moon rose in the sky. Suddenly a strong wind blew. The trees swayed. Wolves howled in the forest. On the outskirts of the village, a dog stands shuddering near the house. Not far away, a sparrow perched on a perch, he dozes, sometimes opening one eye, then the other. The trees are noisy, and because of the noise you can’t hear a fox sneaking into the chicken coop. Suddenly the rooster crowed, sensing the fox, the dog barked and chased after it. The owner ran out of the house and began screaming. The fox ran away. A disheveled sparrow flew around the house in fear. The dog ", breathing heavily and wagging his tail, he approached the owner. The owner stroked the dog and, satisfied, went to bed."

Roles are assigned and the plot is played out.


Thanks to all!

Friends, very soon you will see yourself on television. It is a great happiness to star in a film by a famous director. You're not tired yet, are you? Then we continue our dance program.

Dance program.

Attention! I want to announce good news to you. The weather has improved and all flights of our airline have been restored. Passengers are asked to undergo customs inspection of their luggage and register their tickets. The airline wishes you a happy trip and thanks you for your help in organizing the entertainment program!

Well, friends, I am very sorry to part with you. Still, despite some problems, we had a lot of fun, right? I'm sure we will meet again. Happy New Year! Happiness, love and good luck!

Characters: Presenter; Administrator; Director; Journalist; TV presenter; Producer.

The rumble of an airplane is heard.
Attention! Passengers who took tickets for flight number 2004! Due to bad weather, the flight is delayed. Please go to the waiting room. The airline apologizes to passengers and offers to celebrate the New Year at the airport.

Passengers enter the stage.

How is it at the airport? What are you saying, I'm shooting a new film. I'm flying to Hollywood.
Calm, comrades, calm.
Just a minute, just a minute. I am a famous Producer. My new show group is supposed to perform on television on New Year's Eve. I urgently need to fly to New York. This is a disgrace, I will complain!
Unfortunately, dear passengers, all flights are delayed due to bad weather.
TV presenter.
I am a famous TV presenter. If I'm late for the program, I'll lose my job.
Just a minute, just a minute. I am writing down.
Why no job? Dear passengers, I have an interesting thought. Why don't you help organize an interesting program here at the airport.
Are you laughing at us? Are you joking?
No I am not joking. There are a lot of passengers here. Everyone will have to celebrate the New Year here, whether you like it or not. We have Santa Claus, but we don’t have a program presenter, maybe some of you will agree?
Friends, there is a popular entertainment program presenter among us, if only he agrees
Gee, do you have to help everyone out?
Have to.

Everyone leaves.

Good evening, good evening, ladies and gentlemen! There is something very romantic in what happened; not everyone has the opportunity to celebrate the New Year at the airport. Friends, let's not be sad. I am sure that a little later you will remember this evening as the most interesting and amazing in your life. Now let's cheer ourselves up with wonderful music that invites you all to dance.

Dance program.

You danced great. And I thought, shouldn’t we learn the most popular dance? And most importantly, should we all dance together? Oh, it would be a unique sight for everyone. By the way, just now I was informed that, quite by chance, a famous dance group ended up here at the airport. As it turned out, they are not flying away on tour, but are simply seeing off their best friends to America. Let's ask them to support our program and learn something amazing with us. Do you agree?

The dance group learns movements with the audience to the music, and then everyone performs this dance.

It turns out that we can have a great time at the airport too. All the stars gathered here: directors, producers, TV presenters, journalists and even pop stars. Gentlemen, I just saw an incomparable pop star among you. I will ask her to come up on stage with me, and all the fans will enthusiastically greet our star with applause. I don’t want to ask you unnecessary questions (addresses the star), sing your favorite song for all the happy passengers.

The lead singer of the vocal group performs a song from Alsou’s repertoire “Winter Dream” to the soundtrack.

While all your fans are lining up for your autographs, we will continue our show program. What awaits us next? And then we will fly a little. No, no, in no way am I laughing at you or at myself. Bad weather won't stop us. They stretched their arms out to the sides. Now your engines have started. Keep it up! We will fly with you to the music around the Christmas tree.

Just a moment! A famous music producer decided to create his new show group here. Now, if you don't mind, he would like to select the group members. Over to you.
I saw many talented people among you and decided to select participants for a new show group. For the group I need a trumpeter, guitarist, drummer, pianist and, of course, the lead singer of this group. So, let's begin.

1st competition "Trumpeter's Choice".
We need to check the lungs of the contestants. 4-5 people take part in the competition. At the producer's command, they must inflate balloons to the music. When the music stops, the one with the most balloons is declared the trumpeter of the show band. He is given a trumpet or a pioneer bugle, the trumpeter remains on stage, all other participants leave the stage with incentive prizes to the applause of the audience.

2nd competition "Guitarist's Choice".
4 people participate in the competition. The participants' task is to imitate playing the guitar and dance to the music. Participants are given guitars, and one by one, to the applause of the audience, the contestants dance with the guitar. The best is determined by the audience: whoever gets the most applause will play the role of guitarist in the show band.

3rd competition "Choice of a drummer".
4 people participate in the competition. There are noise instruments, pots, forks, spoons, combs, etc. on the table. The participants’ task is to play these instruments in turn to the music. Whoever has the most original performance and who gets the most applause from the audience will be the drummer in the show band.

4th competition "Pianist's Choice".
3 people take part in this competition. The competitor is given a children's piano and a task card. For example: “Imagine that you are playing at a concert, there is a full hall of spectators, and suddenly your left ear itches,” and another task: “You are playing, and an annoying mosquito has stuck to you and constantly lands on your nose.” And the third task: you are playing and suddenly you discover that someone has placed a button on the chair. The participants’ task is to imitate playing an instrument to the music and replay the situation that happened to each participant.

5th competition "Soloist's Choice".
4-5 people participate in this competition. The participants’ task is to sing one verse at a time to the soundtrack of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” The best soloist is chosen by the audience based on applause.

So, the choice is made! Meet the new show group "Kis-meow"!
Friends, you are witnessing an unusual sight. In the future, a popular group (and I have no doubt about it) will perform their first hit for you for the first time.

The soundtrack of the song "Black Cat" is playing. The soloist is given the text of this song - 1st verse and chorus.

1. Once upon a time there was a black cat around the corner,
And the whole house hated the cat,
But the song is not about that at all
How people didn't get along with cats.
Chorus: They say you won't be lucky
If the cat is black
He will cross the road.
In the meantime, it's the other way around
Only for a black cat
And no luck.

All other group members imitate playing instruments.

This is great! Bravo! And now we, together with the new group, continue the dance program.

Dance program.

Just a moment! The administrator wants to make some announcements.
Dear passengers, for some reason you have stopped asking for our airline to resume flights. This is further wonderful, it means you like it here, then I think you will be happy to meet our Santa Claus.
This is where we had to start. What would New Year be without our beloved Grandfather Frost? Let's call him together.

Everyone calls Santa Claus. Music sounds and Santa Claus appears.

Father Frost.
Hello, friends!
The old year is passing away
Good, good year,
We won't be sad
After all, a new one is coming to us,
May he bring good luck to everyone.
We have wonderful traditions, let’s not forget them and, as before, we will dance around the Christmas tree with Santa Claus.

Modern music is playing, everyone is dancing around the Christmas tree.

Well done, this is a real New Year's dance!
Father Frost.
Friends, I did not come to you empty-handed. I have prepared a surprise for all passengers of Morozko Airlines. I am already very old and decided to find a replacement for myself for such dance evenings. I am announcing a competition to fill the position of Santa Claus. The task is simple: whoever matches my fur coat and hat, whoever greets the guys in an interesting way, I will choose him as my deputy.

Competition, selection of the winner. Santa Claus and his deputy distribute gifts to the children.

Well done, Grandfather Frost! This competition showed us how difficult it turns out to be in the role of our beloved Grandfather Frost. And now we continue our program and dance together with the deputy of Santa Claus.
Father Frost.
Just a minute, friends!
Unfortunately, I have to go!
Happy New Year
And, of course, I wish
Make your dreams come true.
May you all be happy.
Don't be bored, have fun,
Don't be angry about the weather.
Very soon you, friends,
Fly away in all directions.
Let's see off Grandfather Frost with friendly applause. Goodbye and see you next year! And we continue. Dance like me, dance like us, dance better than us!

Dance program.

Still, you dance great, but it seems to me that you sing even better. Yes? I would like to check this now. Everyone, repeat after me in a friendly manner. Oooh! (The audience repeats.) Woo-hoo! Well done, now let’s beat out the musical rhythm by clapping. Ready? We repeat along with the clapping: “O-o-o-o, o-o-o-o, a-a-a-a,” etc. It was simply amazing. You sing great, but now I would like you to dance to the song of a wonderful duet. Have no doubt that these are the rising stars of our stage. Greet and dance with them.

The soloists of the vocal ensemble perform a song from the repertoire of the Strelki group, “New Year.”

Attention! Now you will witness another stunning spectacle. A famous director, who was supposed to fly to Hollywood to shoot his new film, decided to film a short fragment here. I think he should be thanked for this decision.
Every minute is precious to me, that’s why I made this decision. You need to bring to life the picture of the fragment that I will read to you from the script. "Night. The moon rose in the sky. Suddenly a strong wind blew. The trees swayed. Wolves howled in the forest. On the outskirts of the village, a dog stands shuddering near the house. Not far away, a sparrow perched on a perch, he dozes, sometimes opening one eye, then the other. The trees are noisy, and because of the noise you can’t hear a fox sneaking into the chicken coop. Suddenly the rooster crowed, sensing the fox, the dog barked and chased after it. The owner ran out of the house and began screaming. The fox ran away. A disheveled sparrow flew around the house in fear. The dog ", breathing heavily and wagging his tail, he approached the owner. The owner stroked the dog and, satisfied, went to bed."

Roles are assigned and the plot is played out.

Thanks to all!
Friends, very soon you will see yourself on television. It is a great happiness to star in a film by a famous director. You're not tired yet, are you? Then we continue our dance program.

Dance program.

Attention! I want to announce good news to you. The weather has improved and all flights of our airline have been restored. Passengers are asked to undergo customs inspection of their luggage and register their tickets. The airline wishes you a happy trip and thanks you for your help in organizing the entertainment program!
Well, friends, I am very sorry to part with you. Still, despite some problems, we had a lot of fun, right? I'm sure we will meet again. Happy New Year! Happiness, love and good luck!

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