Evening leisure club with discos. An evening of relaxation with an entertainment and dance program in the style of "Retro" - "Farewell, summer


Zaitsev A.V., teacher-organizer of the Association "Palace of Youth" in Yekaterinburg

Your attention is invited to the scenario of the evening of rest for high school students (preferably for one class parallel), which can be held before the holidays, when all grades are set, there are no homework and you can just relax.

On playground the HOST of the program comes out. He has a roll of paper in his hand. An instrumental melody, selected at the discretion of the presenter, sounds as a musical background.
LEADING. Hello. For today's meeting with you, I have prepared a special poster. Here he is.
The LEADER unfolds the roll, shows the poster to the audience. Nothing is written on paper.

LEADING. What are you smiling at? Isn't it clear what is written here?
The LEADER notices that the sheet is blank.

LEADING. Sorry, didn't unfold it that way. Here! I wrote it myself!
The LEADER turns the sheet over to the audience. The sheet is clean.

LEADING. Well, how? Like? I wrote this especially for you. With my own hands. True, the handwriting is not very beautiful, but he himself.

The LEADER notices that the sheet is blank on both sides.

I think I got the wrong piece of paper. I wanted the best, but it turned out how ... I wrote only three words. I think people will be happy. I spent the whole night preparing a poster. The text is simple: "Hello, good people!" Hello - this means be healthy, beautiful, smiling, kind, joyful. Laconically, and at the same time - capaciously. Scientists, for example, have calculated that there are 2,798 languages ​​and 8,000 dialects on our planet. Imagine, 2798 times you can say: "Hello." Could you say this word in at least ten languages ​​of the planet?

Spectators offer their options: Hello, hi, guten tag, hello, healthy bula, gamarjoba, ohoy, labdien, baremes ...

LEADING. You see, it was not difficult for you. Therefore, I wanted to write my greeting poster for everyone. After all, in Rus' there were more than a hundred greetings. For all occasions. For example, a person who took water from a well was told: “Belenko”. Mushroom pickers or hunters were greeted with the words: “With the field!” And the workers at the mowing or in the smithy were told: "I will be at peace." Or here's another: in the Congo they give each other both hands and blow on them. In Nigeria, when shaking hands, they tap on it thumb. Australian aborigines, greeting each other, dancing. And in New Zealand, when meeting, they still rub their noses, meeting, as they say, “nose to nose”. Imagine, the principal of the school meets your class teacher, and they rub their noses for five minutes. And it remains for me to say without any poster to all of you - hello, good people!
Cheerful music sounds. The audience applauds.

LEADING. In addition to the welcome poster, I also prepared a list of various school subjects, reminiscent of the schedule. Here, look.
The LEADER unfolds another sheet of drawing paper, on which is written: "Geography, Russian language, labor, music, zoology, drawing, mathematics, chemistry, physical education."

LEADING. Some of you must have thought: “Well, here we go again!” I will say right away that these are only conditional names for various fun competitions in which I invite you to take part, but not alone, but as part of small companies. Only one condition: the company gathers 5-7 people who have something in common. For example, all blond or red, snub-nosed or straight-nosed, curly or ... short-haired, blue-eyed or brown-eyed - in a word, each company is somewhat different from the others.
The company that won three games will have a big... secret! By the way, our program is called “Big Secret for a Small Company”. I also want to say that it is not necessary to be a member of any company, you can just remain a spectator. So, while the music is playing, I ask everyone who wants to gather in small companies.

An instrumental melody, selected at the discretion of the presenter, sounds. The participants of the game gather in a company. They come up with names for their companies, which they report to the host.

LEADING. The judging company will award the victory to one or another company, which includes ...
The HOST introduces the judges. They can be teachers, parents, etc.

LEADING. The first company to play and choose any item on your list is the company that wins the auction. While I'm counting to three, you need to remember the various lotteries, because our game is a lottery. After all, it is not known who will get " a big secret". Attention! Auction starts!
Participants of the companies take turns offering their own variants of lotteries: cash and clothing, sports lotto, "sprint", philatelic, etc. The company that failed to name the lottery is eliminated from the auction. It is held until there is only one company left that can offer the name of the lottery. She, as the winner of the auction, is invited to the playground.

LEADING. I ask the first playing company to choose their opponents from the rest of the playing companies.
The second company enters the playing field, which, according to the lot, became the rivals of the first.

LEADING. I ask the winning company to choose one of the subjects in our schedule.
Further on the scenario is the approximate course of the program, since it is not known which subject the companies will prefer. After each game, the winning company chooses the next subject on the schedule. The company that wins three times gets a cake. The losing company returns to its place. The company selects opponents for the next game by lot.
LEADING. The game under the conditional name ... is selected (for example, "Drawing"). I give each company a reproduction of a famous artist, which must be reproduced on this site on their own. Try to do it in such a way that everyone knows what the work is about.
The HOST gives the companies reproductions of two well-known paintings. An instrumental melody plays. Companies create sculptural groups - "copies" of reproductions. Judges and spectators guess the works they depicted. Depending on how quickly the pictures were guessed and how artistic the guys turned out to be, the winning company is determined. She chooses the next subject on the schedule and an opponent.

LEADING. Zoology! Each representative of the fauna, be it a bird or an insect, a fish or a mammal, has its own “life motto”. For example, in a crocodile - "you can't help grief with tears." Both companies need to come up with their own or choose from famous sayings, sayings, quotes mottos for parrot, kangaroo, locust and dinosaur. While the companies are preparing, I invite all viewers to impromptu come up with mottos for the caterpillar, the bug and the moth.
Spectators offer their own versions of mottos.

LEADING. I also prepared my own version of the mottos. For the caterpillar - "keep up with the times", for the bug - "houses and walls help", for the moth - "the theater begins with a hanger." Playing companies are invited to the site.
Companies name mottos for kangaroo, parrot, locust and dinosaur. A parrot may have a motto - "repetition is the mother of learning", a kangaroo - "keep your pocket wider", a locust - "one in the field is not a warrior", a dinosaur - "you can't collect bones."
The panel of judges decides on the winner of the game and announces it.

LEADING. Music lesson! By doing next task you will need an ear and a sense of rhythm. Fragments of popular songs will sound, you need to pick them up one by one and continue to sing, even if the sound disappears. If the team's singing coincides with the soundtrack, this gives a chance to become a winner.
Fragments of popular songs sound. Companies sing.

LEADING. Jury word.
The jury sums up.

LEADING. Literature! Each company is asked to answer the test questions.
1. A. Griboedov wrote "Woe..."
a) onion;
b) from the mind;
c) from heartburn;
d) having nothing to do.
2. The poem "Dead Souls" was written by:
a) Gogol;
b) Hegel;
c) Ziegel;
d) Ah-lu-lu.
3. The hero of the novel by F. Dostoevsky "The Idiot":
a) Nicholas I;
b) Nicholas II;
c) Myshkin;
d) Koshkin;
e) Pushkin.
4. There is a hero in A. Fadeev's novel "The Rout":
a) Snowstorm;
b) Morozko;
c) Snow Maiden;
d) Santa Claus.
5. Complete the following quotes:
"I go out alone..."
a) to work;
b) a bear;
c) on the road.
"My uncle is the most honest..."
a) dismissed;
b) forced;
c) rules;
d) couldn't think of it.
"He rebelled against the opinions of the world alone, as before, and - ..."
a) killed;
b) injured;
c) went missing.
“And what kind of ... does not like to drive fast?”
a) Chukchi;
b) a police officer;
c) Russian.
6. Mayakovsky wrote a poem:
Oh good";
b) "Satisfactory";
c) "Excellent, Konstantin";
d) "It's okay, Gregory."

LEADING. How will the judges evaluate the answers to the Literature test questions?
The jury announces the results of the competition.

LEADING. We continue the game. Labor lesson! I suggest that each company build a tower out of cubes within one minute. Whose tower is higher, he won.
The LEADER brings a large basket of dice to the playground. Companies on command build towers. The jury determines the winner.
LEADING. Next item- This is Russian language!
The LEADER hands each company sheets of whatman paper with letters.

First, look at the column
Then answer my question:
What words are inside
Mouth, ear, forehead, mustache and nose?

On the sheets, the letters are arranged in the following order:

The dump truck whispers a hint:
I'm taking the letters of all beginnings!
And the letters of all ends, friends,
I have already sent separately.
The LEADER hands over to the teams on the second sheet of drawing paper, on which a dump truck is drawn, carrying the letters - B, O, M, K, O, G, Yu. Other letters are written near the dump truck - A, M, O, R, O, K, N, I, T, L.

LEADING. I ask the companies to name the words that contain the mouth, ear, forehead, mustache, nose.
Companies are doing the job. The jury evaluates its results.

LEADING. The company won ... (name). We play on. Geography! This competition is open to one representative from each company wishing to travel. I ask you to come to me.
One player from each company approaches the leader.

LEADING. After I've blindfolded each of you, we'll be on our way. The one who manages to return from a difficult journey will win. Remember: in front - north, behind - south, left - west, right - east.
The LEADER blindfolds the players.

LEADING. Let's hit the road! Three steps north...two west...four south...
The LEADER calculates in advance the trajectory of the movement of the participants in the game so that they do not leave the territory of the stage and eventually return to the place where he is standing.
LEADING. The results of this competition are “obvious”. I ask the fans to welcome the winner.
The audience applauds.

LEADING. The winning company chooses a subject... Chemistry!
The host's assistants carry out bottles of perfume, cologne, and deodorants on a tray.

LEADING. I ask each company to remember the smells of these substances.
Both companies take turns sniffing perfumes, colognes, deodorants.

LEADING. Now I ask you to determine which substances are under the numbers: 1, 2, 3.
The LEADER gives each company three pieces of foam rubber, each of which is numbered. Companies are doing the job.

LEADING. The jury has a card with smell numbers and names of substances in their hands, so now we will find out which company was more accurate.
Judges determine and name the winners.

LEADING. Physical training!
It sounds like a rhythmic tune. LEADER takes to the playground basketball hoop on the counter.

LEADING. Each member of the companies is invited to make one throw of the ball into the ring. Whoever gets the most hits is the winner.
The LEADER gives the companies balls, preferably of different colors. Throws begin. The jury and spectators count the exact hits.

LEADING. The company won ... (name). Math is the only thing left in our schedule! And the winner in this game is the company that remembers more movies, books, in the title of which there are numbers or numbers. For example: "Peter I", "Three fat men", etc.

Companies name movies until one of them can answer. The jury sums up the final results of the competition and reports its decision to the moderator.

LEADING. Our competition was won by the company ... (company name). Before I finish the program, I want to open one little secret for the whole honest company. He led the competition ... (it seems). Now, the big secret.
A melody sounds, the main prize for the winning company and incentive prizes for the rest of the companies are brought into the hall.

ãJournal "Practice of administrative work at school", No. 1, 2004

Holiday evening script
1. "Good mood" - all together
Presenter 1: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, seniors and senoritas!
Presenter 2: Good evening to everyone who arrived, ran, reached and found a place in the central square of our village!
Presenter 1: Today we have gathered in our retro cafe to say goodbye to the brightest, joyful and fun time of the year, which one? (summer), yes, the outgoing summer.
Presenter 2: Literally in a few days, autumn will become the mistress of nature and we called our evening of rest: “Farewell, summer!”. Let's remember the names of the summer months. (audience responds).
And people still say: “June is the beginning of summer, July is the crown of summer, and August is the reserve of summer.”
Presenter 1: Therefore, today we will make a trip through all the summer months. And not just a journey, but a musical retro journey.
Presenter 2: A bright program in the style of the 60-80s, consonant with the cult films "Cry-Baby", "Prisoner of the Caucasus", "Dandies" and others, sincere and friendly, is opened by Albina Nazarova
2. "Our neighbor" - A. Nazarova
Presenter 1: All ages are submissive to love, as well as music. Music and creativity know no time. If the music or song is beautiful, it will find its listener in 30 or 40 years. Marina Yauk and Vladimir Kuznetsov "Guitar"
3. "Guitar" - M. Yauk, V. Kuznetsov
What other popular songs of the 60s do you know?
Music retro quiz "Guess me"
Presenter 2: As it is sung in a famous song, according to statistics, there are nine guys for ten girls, and at our evening, ironically, men were in the minority, and now I invite you to the stage charming man Viktor Kartashov
4. "Where have you been" - V. Kartashov

Presenter 1: How much sun! How much light!
How much greenery around!
What is this? This summer
Finally came to our house.
5. "Starry summer" - M. and A. Yauk
Presenter 2: Good summer!
Good summer!

Related scenarios

  • Scenario of the holiday program of the day of the village "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KOMMAYAK" - scenario of the Festive program in honor of the 90th anniversary of the village of Kommayak (The stage of the summer stage is decorated with garlands of balls. Before the start of ...
  • Fairy tale social - Scenario used to celebrate the Day social worker Fairy tale socialOn stage fairytale house. Sounds like music from a fairy tale. Windows open. Fairy-tale grandmothers appear ...
  • Social Work Island - Social Worker's Day Social Work IslandDecoration: a screen with the inscription "Social Work Island", on the sides of the screen there are inscriptions "Family Work Tribe", "Youth Work Tribe ...

"WE SERVE RUSSIAN TEA".(evening of relaxation with games and competitions).

Goals of the evening: strengthening of patriotic and aesthetic education youth; expanding horizons and studying Russian customs; improvement of work on the organization of leisure.
Decor: stands with paintings (like popular prints from the series "Congratulations - we invite you"); large embroidered towels with roosters and Russian ornaments; a poster with the inscription: "Russian customs"; in the costumes of the presenters - elements of Russian ornament.
Props: two rocker arms, two samovars, wood chips, two hatchets, a Palekh box, Khokhloma dishes, nesting dolls, wooden trays, two buckets, a screwdriver, a soldering iron, two brushes, two wooden triangles with holes on one side, musical instruments(accordion, balalaika, fife, drum, xylophone, rattles), hoop, embroidery canvas, box for nuts; barrel, 1 kg of nuts, table tennis balls, glassware.

The course of the evening of rest.
I. Organizational moment.
The word of the two leaders.
The participants of the evening sit at the tables, divided into two team camps.
Presenters: She and he.
She. Good evening and regards,
Dear guests!
Gathered from all sides
All are our relatives.
I look at your faces
Okay, I'm glad
Like I'm in a huge, friendly
And friendly family.
We cordially invite everyone
Sing, dance, play with us,
But first we offer
We all of you - to dance.

II. Hosting evening events.
1. Playing Russian musical instruments, performing Russian songs and dances.

She. We invite from each side those who love Russian music.
Those who wish to give out wooden spoons, metallophones, balalaikas, triangles and other Russian musical instruments. To the accompaniment of a button accordion or a musical recording, each group performs in turn some Russian song or instrumental melody.
She. So, before us are cheerful musicians.
Show me, friends, your talents!
Here is an accordion, a drum, a pipe and a balalaika.
Come on, each side, sing to us and play!
He. And now from each side
We need skilled dancers.
Come on right side
Sounds like "Lady" to you!
Left-hand side, get out!
Also dance "Lady"!
And now we invite everyone to start
Dance Russian dance!

The participants of the evening of rest dance "Kamarinskaya", "Lady", "Russian dancing", etc.

She. Very often behind events
And behind the hustle and bustle of days
We do not remember our old days,
We forget about her.
He. And though more familiar to us
flights to the moon,
Let's remember Russian customs,
Let's remember our past.

2. Competitions: completing tasks and simultaneously showing Russian customs.
She. Of course, we will not be able to remember all the rites and customs of the Russian land during our evening. But some of them - we will try.
Judges must be chosen. In advance, you need to think about the insignia for them.
Five people are called from both sides at the tables - two girls and three guys.
He. Here we are gathered! We pin flowers to the dresses of the right side - white daisies, pin cornflowers to the left side - blue flowers. A large family gathered in one hut to drink tea.
She. They need to inflate the samovar,
They need to set the table.
Both those and others are dexterous and fighting.
Whose side is friendlier, whose is more fun,
need to determine
To better reward.
And you, all sitting, looking at us,
Not just onlookers, but of their own side
And we won't just compete!
It is necessary to collect the winner of a hundred pieces of nuts,
For the best answers, yes every victory
We put nuts, according to the custom of antiquity,
Into this box for the right side,
And you need to put a nut in this barrel,
If the left side has earned it.

During this monologue, a table with props is brought onto the stage. And on the contrary, at a distance, they put two small tables.

He. Please listen carefully!
Here is your first task:
We must quickly, lively, soon
Take the samovar into the yard.
Two girls, run here
Take the samovar
Take them to the yard,
Place on tables
And come back!
Attention! Started!

There is a competition.
The leader after each competition says the following words:

We put a nut, according to the custom of antiquity,
In the box on the right side.

Or You need to put this nut into the keg for the victory.
The left side got it.

He. Attention! Attention!
Your second task:
Before filling the samovar,
You have to go for water.
The buckets are close, the wells are low.
Girls go for water
Put buckets on the yokes,
Hurry to the well - draw water!
Run to the table - pour the samovar!
Then bring the buckets back to me
And each take its place.

There is a competition. A nut is placed for the winner.

She. It is necessary to prick splinters to the samovar.
Comrades men, take wood chips,
Prick 10 splinters each.
Take both of you to work together,
Just don't hurt yourself!
Handle the ax with care
And work as fast as you can.
Attention! Judges keep time
And our men start work.
He. Which of you is smart and old -
We will inflate the samovar.
This task is very difficult:
Must be turned on carefully
But the samovar will not hiss -
The socket needs to be fixed.
No matter how hard friends try
Yes, their samovars did not swell for a long time.
Your task is to turn on the samovars in such a way,
To boil tea.
What problems do you find?
All tools on the bench!
Get started!

Balls scattered across the floor. On both sides of the team members are wooden triangles. Participants use brushes to drive balls into triangles.

She. Young girls
The hut is cleverly removed.
While the girls in the hut are cleaning,
Men don't waste time
Men can do everything
repair samovars,
Even embroidery! Don't laugh for no reason!
They are now proving
They will embroider a rooster on a hoop and show it to us.
And while they embroider,
You and I will not be bored
And we will sing together an old song -
Not short, not long.
So that while we sing a song,
Our men managed to embroider roosters.
Attention! Started!
He. Our samovar is about to boil.
The table must be set on time.
Anyone who wants to get 2 nuts in his keg,
Try fast, do it right
Beautifully set the table.
These beauties have been sitting and missing for a long time,
Let them set the table for tea now.
She. Boiled our samovar
It rises in a stream of steam.
We must take the samovar and bring it to the table,
Bring tea to guests.
Young people, please get to work
And how to try.
He. Here we counted nuts.
It turns out, friends,
Who honestly earned them,
Whose side is friendlier.
She. And during the tea party, a conversation began
About random events, about great events,
What is known so far
About craftsmen about skillful,
About customs about Russians,
About the tunes of antiquity
And how to bake pancakes.
He. Who among us does not like Russian pancakes -
lush, ruddy, round?!

3. Quiz "Do you know?".
Quiz questions:

1) And who will tell us why pancakes are round? What Russian holiday is complete without pancakes? Tell about it. What pancake recipes do you know?
2) Why were flowers embroidered on pillows in the old days?
3) Why were roosters embroidered on towels?
4) Its craftsmen were known far beyond the borders of Russia. Our Tula masters even shod a flea. Does anyone know where this story is written? Who is the author of the story?
5) Why is the box that I am holding in my hands called "Palekh"?
6) Russian masters are famous glassware. There is such a city in Rus', where they have long been engaged in blowing glass products, and the name of this city is purely Russian. What is it called?
7) Wooden spoons, boats, bowls, nesting dolls delight the eye with bright colors, delicate patterns. What city is this dish from?
8) Russian proverbs, like Russian products, are famous all over the world. All over the earth, people agreed that there is no faster and wiser proverb. Many foreign proverbs are similar to ours in meaning. Come on, we will tell you a foreign proverb, and you, in response, will tell you our Russian.

Foreign proverbs:
a) Before speaking, turn your tongue seven times. (Vietnamese.)
b) A person bitten by a snake is afraid of a colorful ribbon. (Afghan.)
c) “There is a lot of noise, but little wool,” said the devil, cutting the cat. (Finnish.)
d) The son of a leopard is also a leopard. (African.)
e) Glory is not to the one who started, but to the one who finished. (Polish.)
After each answer, the winners are given nuts.
9) In many works of Russian writers we meet proverbs and tongue twisters. Remember Mr. Cook from the famous novel by V. Ya. Shishkov. What is the name of this novel?
10) This Mr. Cook from the novel was very fond of Russian proverbs, collected and wrote them down. But he didn't always speak correctly. For example, instead of the proverb “Whoever burns himself with milk blows on water,” he said: “Whoever burns himself with milk blows on vodka.” And when he got frostbite on his nose, for the first time he became disillusioned with Russian proverbs. He said: “I have one nose, and I froze it, and the Russian proverb says: “Three noses - and everyone will walk.”
How to say right?
11) And not only proverbs, but also songs, our Russian melodies, aren't they good? Not a single holiday, not a single event in the life of our people in Russia passes without music and songs. Wedding songs, laudatory, ceremonial, festive, round dance, girlish songs - all of them help to live and work, they are often heard at work and at rest. Many of them were taken by Russian composers in their works. For example, this melody ... (“There was a birch tree in the field” - it must be sung or played on a musical instrument.)
Where was it used and by which composer?
12) And this melody ... (Kamarinskaya is performed.) What is it called? Who used it and where?

Answers to quiz questions.
1) Pancakes were baked on Maslenitsa, baked in the likeness of the sun.
Shrovetide! .. Cheerful, wide, riotous, honestly ... How many different epithets have been invented for the holiday beloved in Rus'! Maslenitsa goes on for a whole week. All days pancake week have their own special names: Monday - "meeting", Tuesday - "tricks", Wednesday - "gourmet", Thursday - "revelry, fracture", Friday - "mother-in-law's vespers", Saturday - "sister-in-law gatherings", Sunday - " farewell, farewell, kisser, forgiveness day.
Maslenitsa - seeing off winter. For a long time in Rus', straw effigies are burned this week - symbols of winter, they build snow towns and then arrange whole battles. High steep hills are poured near the river, and on an old basket, a board, an armful of straw, or even just on their backs, they famously roll down. Cheerful troikas rush along the snow-covered roads.
Well, what is Maslenitsa without pancakes! Good to eat them right there. fresh air. Well, if you cook them at home, you will have a delicious smell of pancakes, reminiscent of the spacious, fun Russian holiday - Maslenitsa.
First, some preliminary advice. Russian pancakes come in several varieties: some with yeast, pure buckwheat; others are purely wheat; the third - buckwheat in half with wheat flour; the fourth are baked on soda, which replaces the yeast. The seasoning of pancakes is different, but their baking is the same, namely: when the dough rises in last time, you don’t need to stir it so that the dough doesn’t fall off, but take it with a spoon and pour it onto small hot pans, which, when starting to bake pancakes, never wash with water, but put both old and completely new pans on the stove, pour a little fat, pour coarse salt, let it warm up well, remove. When cooled down a bit, dry the pans thoroughly to remove all dirt and soot. Then wipe again with dry salt and then with a dry, clean cloth. You should never scrape the pans with a knife, and if the dough does not lag behind well, then clean them again, as mentioned above, grease them with oil and then start baking. If the dough before baking pancakes turns out to be thick, you can’t dilute the whole dough with milk, but separate two spoons into a separate bowl, mix well with milk and then combine with the general dough, stirring it slightly so that it doesn’t fall off. The dough should have the density of good sour cream.
Butter, sour cream, cottage cheese and soaked herring finely chopped in milk are served with pancakes.
Pancake recipes are known, for example, such as buckwheat, lean Russian, wheat, with eggs or onions, early Guryev, etc. (Recipes can be detailed if necessary.)
2) To have good dreams.
3) A symbol of the morning to get up early in the morning with the cock crow.
4) "Lefty", N. S. Leskov.
5) Palekh box, it was made by masters from Palekh.
6) Goose-Crystal.
7) Khokhloma, Khokhloma painting on wooden utensils.
8) Russian proverbs:
a) Measure seven times, cut once.
b) He who burns himself in milk blows on the water.
c) Much ado about nothing.
d) The apple does not fall far from the tree.
e) The end is the crown of business.
9) "Gloom River".
10) Three on the nose - everything will pass.
11) P. I. Tchaikovsky, First Concerto for Piano and Orchestra.
12) "Kamarinskaya". M. I. Glinka "Fantasy for Orchestra". Part 9 "Kamarinskaya".

III. The final part of the evening.
She. Yes, the Russian people created many songs and dances! Now, each side that showed us which of them is more friendly, let them show their skills in dances and songs.
You, friends, will have to work again.
You need to recruit teams - five people each.
One command - stand to my right,
The other is on the left.
He. And now each side should sing a song!
What could be more wonderful!
right side We invite you to sing along with us!
The participants of the evening sing a Russian song.
She. The left side sings a song.
Further, any dance program can be offered.
Then the hosts say goodbye to the participants, thank them for their activity, and reward the winners.

SCENARIO of the Evening of rest of youth, dedicated to the Day student.

The hall is festively decorated, on the walls of the hall there are posters and drawings on the themes of student life.
Music is played in the lobby of the club and the hall.

On this frosty winter day
Snow we will not revenge,
We'll be better today
Talk about students.

We wish you trouble
The evil ones were "nothing"
So that you "granite of science"
Helped always, in everything.

To have more knowledge
So that the fire in the eyes does not go out,
Today we are Happy Student
Loud congratulations to you!

Hello our dear guests. Today we have gathered on a solemn occasion - we are celebrating Student's Day. (Music sounds and the vocal group of the club appears on the stage with the song “In the French side ...” The hall picks up the song.)

Leading: Well, we tuned in to the festive wave, sang, danced, and now we will test your knowledge of history.

First question: When and why did this holiday originate? (A competition is held for the best knowledge of the history of the holiday. The winners are awarded a Prize)
(Historical note: It so happened that it was on Tatyana's Day, which is celebrated on January 25 according to the new style, in 1755, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree "On the Establishment of Moscow University", and Tatyana's Day became the official university day, in those days it was called The founding day of Moscow University Since then, St. Tatiana has been considered the patroness of students.
Probably, the favorite of Empress Elizabeth Shuvalov did not think that with his light hand January 25 will be the birthday of the higher school.

It was in 1755, when he approved the project of Moscow University, developed by Lomonosov, achieved the approval of the document by the Senate and submitted it for signature to Elizaveta Petrovna. He tried to coincide with the opening of a higher educational institution (the first in tsarist Russia) to the name day of his mother Tatyana Petrovna.

“I give you a university,” he told her on January 12 (25th according to the new style), when the Empress signed the Decree on its creation – “to train the learned sons of the state.” Then this statement became winged.

And in 1835, Tsar Nicholas I ordered to unite the name day of the university and Tatyana's day into one holiday. And so this holiday marches through times and countries. And today students consider the celebration of this day their sacred duty and reinforce it with various concerts, exhibitions, jokes and jokes.
. Thus, by the will of the monarch, a student holiday appeared - Students' Day. Despite the fact that the history of the holiday has its roots in the distant past, traditions have been preserved to this day. Students, as they organized wide festivities more than a hundred years ago, in the 21st century prefer to celebrate their holiday noisily and cheerfully. I hope that today in our hall it will also be noisy and cheerful, and we will sacredly observe the traditions of “loyalty and honor”.
Leading: Do you know that over time, Student's Day ceased to be a holiday and it was sort of forgotten about it, but ... then Tatyana's day was reinstated. Who knows when this happened? (the winner will receive a Prize).
Historical background: Decree of the President of Russia No. 76 of January 25, 2005 "On the Day Russian students"officially approved the "professional" holiday of Russian students.
Leading: And now we will hold a competition for the most funny stories from student life or related to the celebration of the Student's Day. (The winner will receive a Prize.)
One of the stories: In one of his comic feuilletons, A.P. Chekhov in 1885 wrote about Tatyana's Day:
“This year they drank everything except the Moskva River, and then thanks to the fact that it froze ...
Pianos and grand pianos crackled, orchestras did not stop, they fried “Gaudeamus”, throats burst and wheezed ...
It was so fun that one student, out of an excess of feelings, bathed in a tank where sterlets swim.
Leading: Well, we warmed up intellectually, and now let's dance. The vocal group of our club "8th NOTA" is invited to the stage.
(The songs "Bomb" and "Real Life" sound.)
Leading: Our next competition is for the best joke about students or about student life. While you are remembering jokes, Anton Gorbunov will give you hope!
(The song "Everything will be fine" sounds)
Leading: Let's start our competition. (A competition is being held. Prizes are awarded to the winners).

Something on the topic: Tips and signs for passing exams:

At midnight before the exam, at the open window, shake an open record book and say: - Freebie, fly in! close the record book, and do not open it until the exam, so that the freebie does not fly away.

Do not wash, do not cut your hair, do not shave, do not cut your nails.

You won’t breathe before you die, so on the night before the exam, don’t study anything, drink beer, play cards, etc.

Before going to bed, put a textbook or notes under the pillow.

During the exam, all relatives, friends and acquaintances must scold you or keep your fist closed.

Do not forget the record book, pen and clean sheets, dress more modestly, do not be late, but it is still better to answer in the top five.
Leading: And again, our vocalists are on stage. This is a completely young team, which is in the process of formation and has the code name "8th NOTA - Double TWO".
(The songs "Lonely" and "Attempt number five" sound)
Leading: Now let's play again. (A ball game is played. To the music, the ball goes in a circle, on the word “Tatiana”, the one who has the ball in his hands is eliminated. The winners receive prizes)
Leading: We continue our concert program Elena Vaenga's song "Smoke".
(The song “I smoke” sounds. Then “ Brown eyes and "The World Without You")
Leading: Our next competition the best financier It's called How to Live on a Scholarship. (A competition is being held. The winners receive prizes)
Leading: We played, joked, and now we will continue our concert.
(The songs “Captain Arctic”, “God invented you”, “Fire and Water”, “We saw the night” sound)
Leading: And now we are holding a beauty contest, and while our beautiful ladies will preen themselves, the popular singer of the Gorki Leninskie settlement, Lilia, is invited to the stage.
(Songs performed by Lilia sound.)
Then a beauty contest is held, the girls go on stage, dance and sing to the soundtrack, then go down to the hall and walk along the conditional podium. The winner is awarded the Prize and she becomes "Miss Student-2013."
Leading: And dancing again. The vocal group of our club is on the stage.
(The songs “Tu-lu-la”, “Mama-mia !”, “Music connected us”, “Battery” sound, then the disco part begins.)
Leading: Dear friends our evening ends. Once again, we congratulate everyone on the Holiday, Happy Student's Day! Happiness! Health! Joy and EXCELLENT EVALUATIONS!!!

Student jokes.

At the entrance exam, the professor asks the student:
What year did the second World War?
- Don't know…
Who is Lenin?
- Don't know…
- What is the CPSU?
- Don't know…
- Where are you from?
- From Uryupinsk ...
Professor (with a sigh) putting something in the student's record book:
- Throw everything in figs, and in Uryupinsk ...
The bell rings at the academician's house at three o'clock in the morning. The half-asleep academician picks up the phone:
– Hello? Who is this? The voice answers:

Same story the next night. On the third night, the academician prepared a speech in advance. As soon as the phone rang at exactly three in the morning, the academician picks up the phone and yells:
- Yes, you got it already, goat's face, went to the figs, you understand, bastard? Voice:
- Nikolai Petrovich, what's the matter with you? The academician, embarrassed, asks:
“Oh, sorry, who is this?”
- Someone who, a horse in a leather coat!
- Professor, what size should the course paper be? Professor:
“Like a woman’s dress: long enough to cover the subject, and at the same time short enough to attract attention…”
The professor, tired of pulling a student into a three, asks:
- OK. Tell me, what were the lectures about?
The student is silent.
- So ... Tell me at least who lectured.
The student is silent.
Leading question: you or me?
There lived, there were three pigs: Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf and Head of the Department.
- How is current measured?
- In kilometers.
- Well, so the wires stretch, stretch.
– What is the most outstanding product that chemistry has given us today?
- Blonde.
Before we start the exams, does anyone have any questions?
“Yes,” comes a voice from the very back row. - And what subject are we handing over today?
In the middle of the exam, the old professor cleared his throat and modestly addressed the audience:
- Would any of the students who are not copying the text from the textbook now be kind enough to give me this book for a few minutes? I will return it right away.
A student taking a German exam. Examiner:
- Make a sentence in German: a frog jumps in a swamp. Student:
– Ain moment! Der frog in the swamp der slap, der slap, der slap!
Exam, the student falls irrevocably. There is a crowd behind the door and thinks how to help her out. Finally, a guy bursts into the audience and shouts:
- Ivanova, your son was born! Well, the teacher, of course, congratulates her, and puts it satisfactorily.
The student drowns in the exam. And says to the professor:
- Let me ask you a question - if you answer, I go for a retake, if not - I get 3.
- Ask.
- How to drive an earthworm into the ground?
- Well I do not know…
- Lubricate with epoxy, and then beat with a hammer. A couple of days later, at a meeting, the professor calls out to the student:
- Let's get your report. Corrects 3 to 5 with the words:
- This is for you from our department. Gives a bottle of champagne and flowers:
The bottle is from me and the flowers are from my wife.
Medical school exams. In front of the student are three jars of brains in alcohol.
- This one is a professor. This one is a soldier. And this one, with one convolution, is an ensign. Examiner.
- That's right, only in the third case a small mistake. It's not a gyrus, it's a cap mark.
During the exams, the professor asks the student:
- Why are you so worried? Are you afraid of my questions?
“Oh no, professor! I'm afraid of my answers.
The student was late for the lecture. The teacher asks her about the reason for being late. She says:
- Yes, I watched how “gay” and “lesbians” fight on Red Square! Lecturer:
- Well, how are ours? Student:
“I don’t know about yours, but ours will hold out for another half an hour!”
A student and a girl are walking around the city, they see, they sell pies. Young woman:
- Vasya, buy me a pie. They approach the saleswoman. Student:
- Do you have vermicelli pies?
- No. Student:
- Well, you see, there are no your favorites.
The student was dancing with a girl and suddenly fell down. - Water! Water! the girl screamed. They ran with water and brought a glass to the lips of the victim. The student slowly opened his eyes and whispered softly, “And bread.
The student went on a date with a girl. No money left. There are three kopecks in my pocket. They pass by a restaurant.
- Well, let's go to the tavern? No? Well, let's move on! Pass by ice cream. The student again quickly says:
- You want ice cream, don't you? Okay, let's move on! Girl thinks:
- Well, now he will ask, I will definitely have time to say - I want to! Go to the soda machine.
- Do you want to drink?
- Want!!!
- What are you yelling, I'll buy it right now!
Announcement at the institute: - The exam will not take place. All tickets are sold!
1st course: Well, that's it, they'll kick you out. They will kick you out...
2 course: Or maybe they won’t kick me out? No, they're kicked out.
3rd year: Well, now they won’t be kicked out ...
4 course: Well, for sure, they won’t be kicked out ...
5 course: Let them just try!


An evening of dancing and relaxation for large team. This scenario can be used when holding holidays in banquet hall firm or rented club. The script is designed for a team of 50-100 people. Duration 4-7h.

For the event you will need:

Treats (you can limit yourself to sandwiches, fruits and various drinks by organizing a table in the form of a buffet table)

Musical accompaniment.

Props for competitions.

Event Plan

Beginning of the evening.

Competition for the best dance couple.

Auction "Pig in a poke".

Dance entertainment.

Entertainment "Stop, music."

Competitions "On the edge".



Beginning of the evening

At the beginning of the evening, it is necessary to offer entertainment that will unite those who came to the holiday and create the appropriate mood.

For example, you can play this game:

We all have ears

The players become in a circle. The host says: "We all have hands." After that, each participant takes his neighbor on the right for left hand, and shouting "We all have hands" the players move in a circle until they complete a full circle. After that, the host says: "We all have necks," and the game is repeated, only now the participants hold their right neighbor by the neck. Next, the facilitator lists the various parts of the body, and the players move around in a circle, holding the named part of their neighbor on the right and shouting or humming: "We all have ..."

The enumerated parts of the body depend on the imagination of the host and the degree of looseness of the players. For example, the following body parts can be listed: arms (separately right and left), waist, neck, shoulder, ears (separately right and left), elbows, hair, nose, chest.

Competition for the best dance couple

After the audience warms up, you can announce a competition for the best dance couple.

The players dance in pairs tied to the partner's leg balloon. The goal of the partner is to save the ball of his partner and pierce other people's balls. In this case, the couples must continue to dance. The last pair to keep the ball is declared the winner and receives a prize.

During the game, you can make an additional requirement for the participants their dance must comply with sounding music. The music is changing all the time.

Dancing on the ice

Each pair of participants is given a newspaper. They must dance in such a way that none of the partners step on the floor outside the newspaper. At each signal from the leader, the newspaper is folded in half and the dance continues. The music changes all the time. If any of the partners left the newspaper during the dance the couple is eliminated from the competition. The last pair left in the game receives a prize.


Participants dance in pairs to the music. Wherein. music is constantly changing. Spectators evaluate the dancers and select best couples who are awarded the victory in the competition.

Auction "Pig in a Poke"

In the interval between dances, you can hold an auction "blindly". The facilitator shows the participants the lots wrapped in wrapping paper so that it is not clear what is inside. In order to provoke the audience, the presenter in comic form tells the purpose of the item.

The auction uses real money, while the initial price of all lots is quite low. Member who proposed highest price for an item, redeems it.

Before being handed over to a new owner, the item is unwrapped to satisfy the curiosity of the public.

It is advisable to alternate funny and valuable lots in order to increase the excitement of the public.

Examples of lots and applications:

Without it, we will not be happy with any feast.

Something sticky.
(Lollipop candy or lollipop packed in a large box)

Small that can become big. (Balloon)

An essential item for a business person. (Notebook)

An item for those who want to leave their mark. (Set of colored crayons)

Cold, green, long...
(Bottle of champagne)

An essential attribute of civilized life. (toilet paper roll)

Short-lived joy.
(Box of chocolates)

A simulator for those who want to learn how to put a good face on a bad game. (Lemon)

Gift from Africa.
(Pineapple or coconut

dance entertainment

For a change, you can from time to time introduce the following game elements into ordinary dances:

Participants join hands and move around the hall with side steps. When enough has joined the snake big number participants, the "head of the snake" (the first person standing in the chain) begins to twist the chain in a spiral. As a result, the snake turns out to be coiled, the beginning of the snake is in the very middle of the rings, from where it is impossible to get out without unhooking the chain. The game ends with a fun unraveling of the rings.

A thread is tied to the belt of the participants, on which a matchbox is attached.

All participants dance to fast music, while trying to step on the boxes of their opponents and protect their box. The participant whose thread with the box breaks is eliminated from the game.

Participants who have saved their boxes by the end of the dance are declared the winners.

Natural selection

Participants stand in a circle and dance. During the dance, they pass each other an object (an orange or a small balloon). Suddenly, the music stops, and the one who has the object left in his hands is eliminated from the circle. Then the music plays again and the dance continues. The last person remaining in the circle receives a prize.

It is desirable to involve everyone present in this game. At first, the musical pauses are quite large, then the intervals between turning off the music decrease.


Participants become one after another a train and "ride" around the hall between other dancers. Two or three participants start the "train" and gradually other dancers are added to them.

Do as I do

Participants become in a circle. The dancers take turns showing different movements that are repeated by other participants standing in a circle.

Come out in a circle

Participants dance in a circle. One of the participants: walks to the center of the circle and starts dancing. After a while, he pulls another participant to the center of the circle, and he takes his place.

Entertainment "Stop, music"

In order for the participants to have the opportunity to take a break from dancing and loud music, small breaks are arranged from time to time, which can be filled with various games and entertainment.
Contests "On the Edge"

Toward the end of the evening, you can offer the public some more spicy entertainment. However, when organizing them and choosing participants, it is necessary to control the situation so that such entertainment does not cause negative emotions some guests (especially the victims of these games). In addition, in such games, the competition should be for a sufficiently interesting and significant prize.

extra clothes

Several of the most daring applicants are called to the stage. A chair is placed in front of each of the contestants. The host invites the contestants to the music, all at the same time, to remove any part of their clothes (or put some item out of their pocket). A participant who, for any reason, cannot remove anything from himself, is eliminated from the competition. The last person remaining in the game receives a prize.


The host calls five to seven people. They are given the task of bringing some items to the leader. The contestant who completes the task first wins a prize.

To give an erotic touch to this fun children's game, a special composition of the list of objects can. For example, this list can contain any clothing, please bring an item starting with a certain letter, jewelry and cosmetics. The task of the participants is not only to find these items, but also to persuade the owner of the shoe, shirt or cell phone they need to part with them for a while.

Male competition

Only men participate in this competition. Each of them receives a bottle filled with water and a glass. The task of the contestants is to fill a glass on the floor without the help of hands, holding the bottle between their legs. The one who completes this task faster and more accurately than others receives a prize.


Two or three glass jars and metal money are required for the game (it is advisable to prepare a trifle in advance, not hoping that the participants will find it themselves).

Those wishing to take part in the competition are divided into two or three teams. Each team receives glass jar and the same number of coins (at least three for each participant).

The host marks the start line, at a distance of 5 meters from which banks are placed. The task of the participants is to hold a coin between their thighs, go to their jar and lower the coin into the jar without using their hands. The team that has thrown the most coins into the bank receives a prize.


It is best to end the evening by awarding participants in various categories, for example:

The most tireless dancer.

The fastest dancer

Most original dance move.

The most plastic dance.

The most incendiary dance.

The best dance technique.

The most resourceful dancer.

The most inventive dancer.

Helpful Hints

When holding the evening, it must be remembered that many people came here to dance. Therefore, do not satiate the evening various competitions and games, it will be enough to choose 3-5 entertainments from the proposed list.

It is best to offer the game during periods when the dancers' enthusiasm is low, when some participants become bored or tired of dancing.

If you have any tips or stories about this issue Be sure to write to us. Perhaps your advice will be of invaluable help to someone.