All about basketball history of basketball. In Tsarist Russia. "Great-grandfather" of basketball pok-ta-pok

Who Invented Basketball?

Basketball- one of the most popular and accessible games on our planet. This game was coined December 1, 1891 College teacher of the Youth Christian Association from Springfield, (Massachusetts, USA) James Naismith. To somehow replace the boring and practically the only gymnastic classes at that time physical education James Naismith tied two peach baskets to the railing of the gymnasium balcony and, dividing eighteen students into two teams, challenged them to score more balls into the basket than their opponents.

However, young people certainly remember the joys and sorrows they experienced helping these real convulsive quarrels and teasing that the fun was paid off In the race, for example, the home team fans present in large numbers, making themselves heard, more urged home team supporters to encourage their players and mock opponents.

Sometimes a derby win could put up with better fan positions in non-explosive tournaments. We will try to recall in this section of our "virtual museum" of Milan basketball those exciting games that, due to the adjacency between two fans, brought about the climax of the sporting rivalry in Milan basketball.

He had such an idea while still at school, when he and his peers played the old game "Duck on a Stone". The meaning of this game was to toss a small stone with which it was necessary to hit the top of another stone, larger in size.

"Great-grandfather" of basketball pok-ta-pok

Some historians believe that basketball has its ancestor, the game of pok-ta-pok, which was played by the ancient Mayans. The Indians considered it as a metaphor for the Cosmos - the movement of the ball across the field reminded them of the movement of the planets in the Universe.

The first Milan derby: the beginning of a tradition

History of the Milanese Derby Man

History of the women's Milan derby. M. and Pirelli, formations that then finished last in the standings. Thanks to Václav Štepán, new slabs were brought from Chrudim and installed on stands from the slopes, which served for many years until the new stands were built in the workshop of the locksmith Mr. Pochobradski. Who was the first chairman of the section and who is not mentioned in any archives?

I must say that he was not only an excellent theorist, coach and exemplary teacher, but he was a valuable person for whom nothing was difficult, so he went to training and matches on Saturdays and Sundays from Chrudim by bike. He raised a number of excellent players not only in the section, but also in the school, where the basket has long been the number one sport. Already in the next season, both the youth team and the men's team participated in the team. At that time, all those who lost basketball were a part that they could take and work, and in a very a short time built a summer playground for the falconry, which was played daily, and was also widely used by the local school.

The goal of the team was to score a four-kilogram rubber ball into the opponent's ring carved from stone and vertically located on the wall. At the same time, players could hit the ball only with their hips, elbows, shoulders, buttocks or back. Athletes decorated their bodies with ritual symbols, dressed in leather protective robes, magnificent headdresses made from feathers of exotic birds and all kinds of amulets.

These tournaments were invited to teams from Podebrady, Kolin, Pardubice and many other basketball towns. After the departure of most of the founding members, there was a certain stagnation in the war, and it must have come to a number of younger generations when the president was 18 and other officials were even younger. On the hot stove in the corner high school Sokolovny in Vysokyi Myto and other rarities that today seem simply unrealistic. At this time, the section also contributed social life of our city, where he organized summer carnivals for the falconry.

Monument to the founder of basketball

The competition was held under the watchful eyes of leaders, priests and a large audience. The winning team was awarded an honorary prize. Considering that the players had conquered the heights of skill and now they could compete only with the gods, the priests sacrificed the “lucky ones”.

Today, a version of pok-ta-pok exists in several northern states of Mexico under the name ulama. The game was saved as sports entertainment and a spectacle for tourists. And the winners are no longer sent to compete with the gods.

During the preparation, the team came together for more than 14 days to joint work. There were only two games in the Premier League. This cadre had the prospect of building on the successes of the generations of Zdenko and Irka Stehlik, Josef Holecek, Irka Truks, Mili Steiskal and Frantisek Klubitschek.

The section was chaired by Karel Simachl. Therefore, it is not surprising that the team did not achieve good sports results and finished only in the last two games. However, due to the reorganization of the competition, another year of this competition was saved. Vaclav Steiha arrived from Benešov for the matches. During the season, Milan Zlesak and Jan Spaczek were also given the opportunity to hope for youth. These teams were replaced by Zdenek Levinsky, Tomas and Karel Plavkov, Mirek Pilny, Jiří Semrad, Ladislav Markalos and Miroslav Fidra.

First modern version basketball vaguely resembled the current one. There was no dribbling, the players only threw it to each other, standing still, and tried to throw it into the basket, and only with both hands from below or from the chest, and after a successful throw, one of the players climbed onto a ladder attached to the wall and removed the ball from baskets.

In games, the team went without coach Irka Kunesh and won only once in 18 games. After the arrival of Zdenek Stelik in our city, the actions of women were restored. From July to December, the entire floor, mainly thanks to local crew members, was rebuilt. However, the division's activities were not restored as many players went out of business and others moved to other divisions. After the New Year, Vaclav Štěha hired new basketball followers, but he only managed to get 10 people who trained once a week under his guidance.

The first rules of basketball

In December 1891, James Naismith played several friendly basketball games and worked out 13 basic rules, which he published on January 15, 1892 in the local school newspaper under the heading "We have a new game!":

  1. The ball can be thrown in any direction with one or both hands
  2. The ball may be hit with one or both hands in any direction, but never with the fist.
  3. The player cannot run with the ball. The player must pass or throw the ball into the basket from the spot where he caught it, except for a player running at good speed.
  4. The ball must be held with one or two hands. You can not use the forearms and body to hold the ball.
  5. In any case, hitting, grabbing, holding and pushing the opponent is not allowed. The first violation of this rule by any player shall be called a foul (dirty play); the second foul disqualifies him until the next ball has been potted and if there was an obvious intention to injure the player, for the entire game. No substitution is allowed.
  6. Hitting the ball with the fist is a violation of points 2 and 4 of the rules, the penalty is described in point 5.
  7. If one of the sides commits three fouls in a row, they must be recorded as a goal for the opponents (this means that during this time the opponents must not commit a single foul).
  8. A goal is scored if the ball thrown or bouncing off the floor hits the basket and stays there. Defending players are not allowed to touch the ball or basket while shooting. If the ball touches the edge and the opponents move the basket, then a goal is scored.
  9. If the ball goes into touch (out of bounds), then it must be thrown into the field and the first player to touch it. In the event of a dispute, the referee must throw the ball into the field. The thrower is allowed to hold the ball for five seconds. If he holds it longer, then the ball is given to the opponent. If either side tries to play for time, the referee must give them a foul.
  10. The referee must monitor the actions of the players and fouls, and notify the referee of three consecutive fouls. He has the power to disqualify players under Rule 5.
  11. The referee must keep an eye on the ball and determine when the ball is in play (inbounds) and when it goes out of bounds (out of bounds), which side should be in possession of the ball, and control the time. He must determine the defeat of the goal, keep a record of goals scored, as well as perform any other actions that are normally performed by the referee.
  12. The game consists of two halves of 15 minutes each with a break of five minutes between them.
  13. The side that scores more goals during this period of time is the winner.

In Tsarist Russia

Basketball appeared in Russia 10 years after its invention. Petersburger George Dupperon in 1901 he brought basketball rules to Russia and, apparently, the first games took place in the same year, but nothing is known about this. But it is known that in 1906 members of the Mayak sports society held basketball matches.

After graduation school year this team almost collapsed. Was held new set, in which the cadre was formed, which formed the basis of the group of men in the first half of the 1980s. Among the staff were, among others, Libor Kovacka, Tomasz Netolitsky, Pavel Chech, Irka Beranek and others who left our city or with basketball.

John and Oldrich Stransky agreed to restore the men's team. The young players were inexperienced and aged five years off wrestling. There were also no players with footboards. Despite these problems, the team did not finish the latter and retained their membership in the regional competition.

In the twentieth century

Leads basketball in the world of FIBA, which was established on June 18, 1932 in Geneva. Here the first international rules of the game were approved. Since then, they have been repeatedly adjusted and changed, the last significant changes were made in 1998 and 2004. Since 2004, the rules of the game have remained unchanged. The rules of the game are somewhat different in the NBA and championships held under the auspices of FIBA ​​(world championships, continental championships, international and national championships of European clubs). Basketball has been included in the Olympic Games since 1936. The first Olympics for this game was attended by the founder of basketball, James Naismith. World championships have been held since 1950 among men, since 1953 - among women.

Some older players left vigorous activity, young people moved or studied in Prague, so morale training was very poor. Military service is carried out by George Lamb. In the second half of the competition, our advice was strengthened. During the summer, training players to focus on improving physical form. Participation in the trainings was about 90%, so the final place of the participants was a success. Team manager Karel Kopecky, who was one of the most active members of the section. Again, we have resumed the tradition of sports balls, which was a good injection into our poor box office.

In 1989, a landmark event took place for the entire world basketball. FIBA has decided to allow professional athletes to participate in Olympic Games.

World basketball stars

Undoubtedly, greatest development Basketball has reached the United States, where since 1946 the most spectacular and unpredictable NBA championship has been held annually. The best teams in the NBA today are " Los Angeles Lakers, Boston Celtics, Chicago Bulls. Behind long history Many great players came out on the floor in the NBA, but among them the stars, Larry Bird, shone brightest of all.

Next season, but, unfortunately, he Tomasz Netolicki prefers football and after the gradual departure of young people to military service did not work to keep the men's team up to par. The team played as an addition and an inter-district championship, which got the opportunity especially for players who warmed up mostly bench substitutes. Because of the disagreements between the coach and the young players did not stop, he took over as coach Ladislav Nowak. However, morality training could not speak to everyone, so instead of 10 participants, there was one of the worst since the promotion to regional competition.

Most often, the Yugoslav national team became world champions among men, which won this tournament 4 times, 3 victories were celebrated by the teams of the USA and the USSR. In women, basketball players from the USA won more often than others - 4 wins.

In the Olympic arena there are no equals, both the men's and the women's team of the United States. In the entire history of the Olympic tournaments, US male basketball players became champions 14 times (out of 17 possible, in 1980 the US team did not take part in the Olympic Games). American basketball players have won Olympic gold medals 7 times out of 10 possible.

Both teams achieved good results in their categories. Aldrich Stransky. This season was not the worst in the history of our club. In connection with this tragic event, there are no records and further evaluation competition. After a break of several years, he used the section and introduced regional competition among teams and junior men's teams. Outside of the first three games with the team fought with a high infirmary, so most of the match took place, only 6 players. Rails finish-evaluation is therefore not a bad result.

The junior team took the first place in the region. IN next year was successful again. The training of the team took place only at the beginning of the competition, and over time their intensity and the performance of the team declined. In the final evaluation, the team came in last place, although the quality of the team promised much the best place. They are trained and men's team. The end of the season was more than a good team and fought ahead to the regional championship. During this period he managed youth teams. Almost every year the ranks on or step of the regional championship.

BASKETBALL (How did basketball come about?)

General information:

Founded in 1891;

Website Russian Federation Basketball;

How did basketball come about?

The homeland of modern basketball is considered to be the United States of America. One winter in 1891, students at the Youth Christian Association College in Springfield, Massachusetts, were simply toiling with boredom and anguish in physical education classes.

Despite the fact that we won out of 6 5 matches, we could be declared regional champions. Thus, there was a possibility that the men's team would not be due to the lack of players registered for the competition, since the players from Pardubice are closed. The danger is that they will repeat the period of the eighties, and so was the team entered the competition. The committee was aware of its capabilities and it became clear that the team would, due to a very narrow team, go out of their way to just support.

Despite all these problems, but we are all firmly convinced that basketball can keep our city. Over the past five years, the situation in the section has been moving along a sinusoid. Traditionally, we have written good results youth teams that regularly top the regional tables and advance to the playoffs. After a solid preparation, the summer and the consolidation of the team arrived and excellent results. The regional competition team only lost 2 games from first place and advanced to the playoffs.

Endless gymnastic exercises, which at that time were practically the only means of introducing young people to sports, could hardly inspire anyone. The monotony of such studies was put to rest by a humble college teacher named James Naismith.
The concept of basketball originated in him, back in school years, while playing duck-on-a-rock. The meaning of this game, popular at that time, was as follows: throwing one, not big Stone, it was necessary to hit with it the top of another stone, larger in size.
The first game was played with a soccer ball, and instead of rings, Naismith attached two simple peach baskets to the railing of the balcony on either side of the gymnasium.

The procedure, however, we pondered, and in the new season re-entered the regional championship. The situation repeats itself, as in the previous year. The co-op served as a balanced performance and entered the playoffs virtually unbeaten. preparing Summer for the new season, however, there was no competition and we got last year without reinforcements with only a minimum of players. The training but also the morale of the young players Posik, Zrstast, Jonas a Vlach was very poor, and when we added the busyness and illness of Birds and the injury of Martin Kolář, it is not surprising that the performance of the co-op tended to decrease.

A start was made. This is how basketball was born.. Dr. Naismith's goal was to create a collective game in which as many people as possible could be involved. a large number of involved, and his invention fully met this task.

Now this game has become more complicated and has many rules. Here are the rules provided by Wikipedia:

However, the team made it to the playoffs, but they did so without coach Pauta, who retired. With almost five players, the team did not win a single match and took eighth place in the regional championship. The results of the team show the lack of interest of young players in the event and the fact that there are several experienced players or patients working in Prague, so their participation in the training was more or less symbolic.

The history of basketball is not long. The first games, which are reminiscent of today's basketball, are already played by the old Mayans and Aztecs in rough outlines. In both cases, the main feature of the game was that the "players" tried to place the ball in a certain space - a basket that was placed high - usually on a tree. Games were part of religious rites.

"IN basketball two teams play, usually twelve people each, from each of which there are five players on the court at the same time. The goal of each team is basketball- throw the ball into the opponent's basket and prevent the other team from taking possession of the ball and throwing it into the basket of their own team.

The ball is played only with the hands. Running with the ball without hitting it on the floor, intentionally kicking it, blocking it with any part of the leg, or punching it is a foul. Accidental contact or touching of the ball with the foot or leg is not a violation.

Basketball is one of the few sports that we can accurately determine the year of their creation. He formulated 13 basic rules for new game, which his students started using at Springfield University. Interestingly, the balls were thrown into peach pockets until they were replaced much later by open mesh baskets. Even the ball was not round, but durable, rugby. This was because they used the game very much like rugby players in their mid-winter practice. Players, however, often beat the basket with their body, getting to the basket was very difficult and the game was boring.

Winner in basketball The team with the most points at the end of playing time becomes the winner. In case of a tie at the end of the main time of the match, overtime is assigned (usually five minutes of extra time), if the score is even at the end of it, a second, third overtime is assigned, etc., until the winner is revealed match.

For one hit of the ball into the ring, a different number of points can be counted:

§1 point - free throw

§2 points - shot from medium or close range (closer than the three-point line)

§3 points - shot from behind the three-point line at a distance of 6m 75cm (7m 24cm in the NBA)

The game officially begins with a jump ball in the center circle when the ball is legally tapped by one of the jumpers. The match consists of four periods of ten minutes (twelve minutes in the NBA) with breaks of two minutes. The duration of the break between the second and third quarters of the game is fifteen minutes. After a long break, the teams must exchange baskets.

The game can be played in an open area and in a hall with a height of at least 7 m. The size of the field is 28x15 m. The shield is 180x105 cm from the stand. From bottom edge the shield to the floor or ground should be 275 cm. The basket is a metal ring covered with mesh without a bottom. It is attached at a distance of 0.31 m from the lower edge of the shield. The ball circumference established by FIBA ​​standards for men's competitions is 74.9-78 cm, weight - 567-650 g (for women, respectively, 72.4-73.7 cm and 510-567 g).

Today basketball is one of the most popular sports games in the world. In the United States and Lithuania, basketball is considered the national sport.