Summer sports entertainment for older groups. Summer. Summer holidays. Scripts, entertainment

Title: Summer Fun for senior group Preschool educational institution from the series “On a summer meadow” - “Forest walk”
Nomination: Kindergarten, holidays, entertainment, scenarios, thematic, senior group
Competition: Best Author's Publication

Position: music director, first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 14"
Location: Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region

Summer fun for the older group of kindergarten


Presenter - music. supervisor;
- Co-host - teacher;
- Bee - adult

Decorations and props:

Trees arranged around the hall;
- “grass clearing” near the central wall;

- “clearings” between the trees for children (gymnastic mats decorated with green fabric);

Masks-caps of flowers for the round dance-game “Wreath” (buttercup, white clover, cornflower, rose, poppy);

Paper butterflies in red, yellow, blue, white, glue, multi-colored circles with a diameter of 1.5–3 cm;

Basket with treats

To the accompaniment of light, calm music, children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle facing the music director.

Also an interesting summer entertainment for the older group of preschool educational institutions:

Music supervisor. Hello guys! It’s so good that summer is still with us, making us happy with its warm days. Why do we all love this time of year? Because we know what Summer is!

The poem "What is summer?"

Music supervisor. How nice it is in the forest in the summer! It smells of flowers and herbs, the birds are singing. Oh, I really wanted to visit the forest! And you? Let us ask for a magical breeze to take us to the forest right now. Raise your hands up and smoothly swing them above your head, close your eyes, and I will talk magic words.

To the light magical music of the muses. the leader says the magic words, and the teacher-co-leader at this time unrolls the clearing rugs.

Music supervisor.

The music stops.

Music supervisor. Here we are in the forest. Thank you breeze! Guys, I suggest saying hello to the forest and playing Echo. I will sing a phrase loudly, and you will sing the same phrase back to me, only quieter, like an echo.

Music the leader sings acapella:

Musical greeting to the forest

Hello, hello, forest! (Children repeat)

You are full of miracles. (Children repeat)

Greet the guests - (Children repeat)

Make the children happy! (Children repeat)

Music supervisor. The forest heard us and rustled loudly the leaves on the trees:

The bushes heard us and also rustled their leaves, only a little quieter:

The grass ant also greeted us and rustled quietly:

And she invited us to sit down and listen to the silence. Sit down in the clearings...

Children sit on grass mats.

Music supervisor. Let's sit for a while, relax, listen to poems about the breeze and summer.

Poem “Summer Wind” (N. Pikulyova)

Poem “Summer” (N. Baeva)

Immediately after reading the poems, listening:

Music supervisor. do you hear guys? Whose voice is this? (Cuckoos). The cuckoo calls us to take a walk in the forest.

Children get up from the “clearing” rugs to the music. The director has three child soloists.

Song "Forest Walk"
(T. Khizhinskaya, “M. ruk-l”, No. 4, 2012, p. 58)

Music supervisor. We've had a walk and returned to our clearings again, take a seat.

Audio recording: buzzing of a bee (or musical fragment)

Children listen.

Music leader (looking around). Do you hear, guys? It seems like a bee is buzzing somewhere...

From behind the scenes, a Bee “flies out” into the clearing, looks left and right, spins around, holding her head, and sits down half-turned towards the children.

Music leader (quietly). Guys, let's quietly say: “Hello, bee!”

Children repeat.

Bee (scared). Oh, guys!

Music supervisor. Don't be afraid, Bee, we won't hurt you.

Bee (now boldly). And I’m not afraid! I myself can sting anyone I want!

Music supervisor. No, no, Bee, no need to sting anyone! We heard that you are looking for flowers.

Bee. Oh yeah! I flew here and there, but didn’t find any flowers... And now I’ve rested, and it’s time for me to fly to collect nectar from the flowers. Goodbye!

Music supervisor. Dear Bee, wait, you don’t need to fly anywhere. There are flowers in our meadow too!

Bee. Oh, how good! But I don't see them!

Music supervisor. Can you solve riddles about flowers?

Bee. Oh, of course I can! We bees know everything about flowers!

Children make a wish for a Bee

Riddles about flowers

Bee. This is fragrant clover! We, bees, fly and circle over the flowers, as if we were dancing in circles!

Poem “Wreaths” (V. Berestov)

Music supervisor. And now the guys and I will also start a round dance, weave a wreath of flowers and you, Bee, get up with us!

Children wear masks-caps of flowers - buttercup, poppy, cornflower and clover.

Round dance-game “Wreath” (Hungarian folk melody)

After the round dance, while the children are standing in a circle, the Bee “flies around” the flowers, touching them with her nose, as if collecting nectar.

Bee (stopping). Oh, what wonderful nectar I collected from your flowers! My honey will turn out sweet and aromatic! How beautiful yours is flower meadow! If only butterflies would fly here, it would become even more beautiful!

Music supervisor. There will be butterflies here now!

Music The leader invites the children to take off their mask-hats, lay them out in the clearing and go to the tables where multi-colored butterflies of yellow, red, blue and white, multi-colored circles, and glue are prepared. Children are invited to decorate butterflies as they wish and, upon completion of work, sit down in the “clearing”. All items for applique are removed from the tables into the basket.

Music supervisor. I invite you to play the game “Butterflies and Flowers” ​​with our butterflies.

The teacher helps to lay out 4 small rings on the floor, with one flower in each of them. To the music, children with butterflies in their hands easily run between the flowers, and when the music ends, they gather near a flower of their color. The game is repeated 2-3 times, the mask-caps of the flowers are returned to the clearing.

Bee. Oh, how interesting fun game! I would fly a little more among your flowers!

Music supervisor. The guys and I know a funny dance about a bee. Come and dance with us!

Children are asked to put butterflies on the tables and are invited to dance. During the dance, the Bee quietly places a basket with treats in the “clearing” among the flowers.

Dance “Bee” (I. Onuleva)

After the dance, the children stand in a circle.

Bee. Ah, I have never collected nectar from flowers so mysteriously and cheerfully! Thank you guys! It's time for me to fly and make honey. Goodbye! (The bee is about to fly away, and then, turning around, says with a sly smile). Oh, yes, there in the grass, among the flowers you will find a treat. (“Flies away” backstage).

Entertainment for children 5-6 years old “Summer has come to visit us”

Entertainment is carried out in the fresh air.

Progress of entertainment


Festival of the sun, festival of light.

Come visit us -

We are always glad to have guests.

1st child.

Hello, hello our summer,

Everything is warmed by your warmth:

Meadow, and field, and gardens,

Forest, and river, and ponds.

2nd child.

Okay, fine in the summer.

The green forest is all in bloom,

Looks with affectionate greetings

The sun is bright from the sky.

3rd child.

Hello summer! Hello summer!

Everything is warmed by the bright sun.

Let's run into the green forest,

Let's sit in the clearing.

Children perform the song “On the Bridge” (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by G. Boyko).


Happy summer, you are dear to everyone,

The fragrant meadows are full of flowers,

Their songs of praise fly to the skies.

Look, children, how beautiful it is in the forest, how the silk grass spreads along the ground, what flowers decorate the earth.

Children come out in flower costumes.

4th child.

Hello white daisy,

Hello, pink porridge.

We need a lot of flowers

For bouquets and wreaths.

Flower girls perform “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P. Tchaikovsky (audio recording, fragment of the ballet “The Nutcracker”). At the end of the dance, the girls form a circle near the “butterfly” - a girl crouched on one knee. “Flowers” ​​run away, “butterfly” remains, performing movements according to the text.


The “flower” was sleeping and suddenly woke up,

I didn't want to sleep anymore

He moved and perked up.

He soared up and flew away.

The butterfly performs a dance to any modern music.

Leading. Thank you, sweet butterfly! And we go further into the forest, where there are visible and invisible berries in the clearing.

Children perform the song “On a Walk” (music by M. Krasev, lyrics by N. Sakonskaya).

2. We found a little white fungus,

They carefully placed it in the box.

Well, you can’t even count the ripe berries,

As soon as we get home, we’ll start eating.

After singing the song, a girl dressed as a berry comes out.


I'm a drop of summer on a thin leg,

They weave bast baskets for me,

He who loves me is glad to bow,

And the name was given to me by my native land.

Leading. Guys, did you recognize wild berries?

Children. Strawberries.

Berry. I have two jugs. Who wants to play with them and pick berries?

The game “Who can pick the most strawberries” is played. Small red balls are scattered on the grass, two participants collect them in jugs. Then the presenter and the “berry” count the balls and reward the winner with a candy with a berry name. The game is played 2-3 times.


I grew up near a birch tree.

We lived amicably with her - we often started a conversation,

And now she is sad - she hangs her head low.

The angry boy broke her twig.

If you help the birch tree, treat the twig.

Leading. Come on, Strawberry, show us your sick girlfriend.

The children “snake” for the berries and approach a fake birch tree, near which lies a broken branch. The 3rd Strawberry girl performs the song “Berezonka” solo (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina). The leader places the branch on the birch tree, coats it with clay and ties it with a bandage.

Leading. The trunk will almost recover - the tree will grow.

5th child.

Let us love and protect the forest,

Let's help adults in this matter:

Protect forests, fields and rivers,

So that beauty is preserved forever.


The sun is shining for us from heaven,

How good our forest is!

Children perform the song “Forest Song” (music by V. Vitlin, lyrics by P. Kaganova). The Bear (teacher) appears from behind the tree.

Bear. Who is that noise here in my forest?

Leading. Little bear, these guys came to visit you. They love to sing songs and play games.

Bear. Do you want to play with me? Then try running like a bear.

The bear runs on all fours, somersaults, and runs on. The children repeat after him.

Bear. Well, clever guys! Do you know how to throw cones? I'll take a look now.

The bear takes out two baskets (one empty, the other with cones), places them at a distance of 2-3 m. Children take turns throwing cones into the basket.

Bear. What sharp-shooting guys, do you run fast? Then the game for you is “Trap”.

Children scatter across the clearing. The bear sleeps, then wakes up and catches the children.

Bear. Cheerful, dexterous, accurate, brave. I need to reward you. Oh, the wind brought the smell of raspberries to me. Oh, again! Guys, come with me to look for raspberries. I hid it somewhere and forgot about it.

The children follow the Bear and find a basket of raspberries hidden under the leaves. The bear says goodbye and leaves.

Leading. So we welcomed summer - it is dressed in greenery, Summer has come to us again - this is very good.

To the audio recording of “Songs about Summer” (music by E. Krylatov, words by Yu. Entin from the cartoon “Santa Claus and Summer”), the children go into a group.

Physical education in summer for older children preschool age"Who knows how to be friends"

There is a song about friendship.

Leading: Hello guys. What is this song about? That's right, about friendship. Today we will talk about it.
Brighter sun rays
Friendship in the whole world.
It's more fun with friends
On any planet!

Guys, friendship is a great value, a gift of fate. Friendship helps us study, work, live. It makes us better, kinder, stronger. Not for nothing Russian folk proverb says: “If you don’t have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him!” Are you guys friends? We’ll check this now, answer my questions loudly and unanimously.
- Shall we celebrate the holiday?(Yes)
- Will we miss you in silence?(No)
- Will we play together?(Yes)
- Maybe I can put you to bed?(No)
And now I invite everyone to play the game “Best Friend”.
We stand in 2 circles, one circle goes to the left, the other goes to the right.

We say: “The circle of friends invites everyone to our merry round dance.”
We stop facing each other and perform the following movements:
- I, I, I am your best friend- touch your chest with your palm;
- Me, me, me - look around- we spread our arms to the sides;
- Better, better there is no you- we pat each other on the shoulder;
- We, we, we are friends,
- You, you, you are my best friend- shake hands;
- You, you, you, look around- spread their arms to the sides;
- Better, better, no me- press hands to chest;

- We, we, we are friends- hugging.

Now I see that you know how to be friendly. Let's see how the heroes of our fairy tale can be friends.
Host: It’s beautiful in the forest in winter. One thing is bad - the forest animals are cold and hungry. They wander through the forest, looking for food. And the cunning fox decided to get closer to people, maybe he would lose some food. She walks carefully so as not to be noticed.
The fox comes out, sneaking.

The fox noticed that one man had gone fishing and ran after him. She waited for him to catch a fish, ran ahead, the cunning one, fell on the path and lay there as if dead. The man picked up the fox and said: “It will be a nice collar for my wife’s fur coat.”
The fox threw away all the fish and ran away.
And you and I will try to catch the fish ourselves.
1. Game "Catching Fish"
Plastic fish need to be placed into a bucket with their feet.

Presenter: The fox walks happy, has eaten enough fish, and sings songs. And a wolf meets her, hungry and angry.

2. Breathing exercise"Wolf"
Gray wolf in a dense forest - ooh-ooh
Often howls at the moon - ooh-ooh
How will you hear this howl - ooh-ooh
Run home quickly - ooh-ooh

Host: And the Wolf asks the Fox: “Teach me, sister, to fish.”
- Of course, I’ll teach you. After all, you and I are best friends! - the fox answers. And she keeps jumping around the wolf.
3. Exercise "Jump like a fox"
Jumping from hoop to hoop, moving the hoop forward.

Fox: Lower your tail into the hole and say: “Catch a fish, small and large!” The fish will catch itself on its tail. The stupid wolf believed the cheat and sat all night with his tail hanging down at the ice hole.
4. Game "Who can stand on one leg longer"

Presenter: The whole wolf was chilled. Let's help him warm up.
5. Hand massage "Warming your palms"
Let's warm our hands,
Let's rub our hands.
(rubbing palms)
We shake hands, shake hands(turn palms over, tinder)
Let them burn with fire.(quickly rub palms together)
Three faster and faster
We rub them harder.
All! Warm up, Look!
(put palms to cheeks)
They turned red.(show palms to each other)

Leading: And in the morning the women came to the ice hole for water, saw the Wolf and began throwing snowballs at him.
6. Throwing a ball into a basket
"Let's help drive away the Wolf"

Presenter: The wolf jerked harder, and his tail came off. He ran into the forest to lick his wounds. Meanwhile, the fox sneaked into the village into a hut, ate some dough and smeared it on his head.
The Wolf meets the Fox and says: “What’s wrong with you, sister?”
Fox: “People caught me, beat me, even took out my brains.”
The Wolf took pity on the Fox, put him on his back and took him into the forest. And she drives along and quietly says: “The beaten one is lucky.”
7. Game "How the Wolf Carried the Fox into the Forest"
(carry in a hoop).
Presenter: “Die yourself, but help your comrade.” Were the Wolf and the Fox friends? Yes, there was a Wolf good friend, and Lisa constantly deceived him.
Children recite poems about friendship.

P/i "Couples".
Don't sleep, don't yawn, quickly choose a pair. (Children stand in pairs and scatter to the music. When the music ends, they stand in pairs with those with whom they stood).

Presenter: Let's finish our sports festival a song about friendship.

Entertainment script “Red summer, sing louder!”

for older children

Musical director Elena Valerievna Rudinskaya


Create joyful fun mood.


Energize children.

Develop a desire to communicate with each other in a relaxed atmosphere.

To unite the creative manifestations of the children, to provoke their initiative.

Develop children's musical and motor skills.

Call emotional response and bring joy.


Leading teacher of the senior group.

Sun, Summer - children of the senior group.

Preliminary work.

1. Learn thematic poems and songs: “Hello, summer!”, “Heat in summer,” “Rain,” Sunny bunnies,” “Summer flowers” ​​(music by E. Tilicheeva, lyrics by V. Stepanov).

2. Learning dances and music games: “Summer”, “Freckles”, “Sun and Rain”, “Cucaracha”, “Chu-chu-va”.

3. Tell children about the signs of summer.


2 umbrellas, disposable plates, caramels, hoops, hats for flowers.

Progress of the event.

To the music “This is what our summer is like,” children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.

1st child.

We celebrate the holiday of Summer,

Come visit us

We are always glad to have guests.

2nd child.

Birds will fly to the holiday:

Woodpeckers, swallows, tits.

They will click and whistle,

Sing songs with us.

3rd child.

Dragonflies will buzz around

Poppies and roses will smile,

And a tulip will dress

In the brightest sundress.

4th child.

We celebrate the holiday of Summer,

Festival of the sun, festival of light.

The sun, the sun is warmer,

The holiday will be more fun.


I am glad to see dear guests

Our favorite kindergarten,

For you we will dance and sing

This summer fun day!

The song-dance “Summer” is performed.

1st verse.

Butterfly, butterfly flies across the sky

Butterfly, the butterfly is in no hurry

Spread her wings and sat on a flower

So you've reached it - get into the net.


Red ribbon, green grass

Yellow sun, head in a Panama hat

We happily walk into the spruce forest

And in the forest there are mushrooms - this is our forest.

2nd verse.

Flowers, flowers, how beautiful you are!

Forget-me-nots, buttercups, heavenly blue

Let's put the bouquets and put them in a basin

Baba Valya will sell you all at the market.

3rd verse.

We are walking along the sunny path

But we won’t find our clearing

Cans, bottles, newspapers crumpled sheet

A tourist took a walk in our clearing.


Friends, let's smile!

Let's plunge into the world of childhood with you.

Let more songs be heard!

Let the sun pour down from above!

And let the circle of friends be small

To the rhythm of dance and dreams!

Today, with you and me fun party, we will sing, play, dance and, of course, wonderful guests will come to us. And now I will tell you a variety of statements, if you like it, then say in unison “How lucky we are!”

The game is a chant of “How lucky we are.”


Long-awaited summer

Fun and hot!

It's come to us!


How lucky we are!


Classes are abandoned!

Good days have come!


How lucky we are!


Birds are singing everywhere,

Butterflies are flying around!


How lucky we are!


You can take a ride to the sea!

There's frolic on the shore!


How lucky we are!


Everyone can swim

Roll on the grass!


How lucky we are!


You can go to grandma's

And eat pancakes there!


How lucky we are!


Go to the forest to pick mushrooms,

Carry berries in baskets!


How lucky we are!


Yes, indeed, Summer is the most wonderful time of the year for children. Guys, let's sing our wonderful song about Summer and invite you to our wonderful holiday.

The song “Hello, Summer!” is performed.

1st verse.

Hello summer, can you hear the sound of summer?

Today we all sing a song together

Which just makes your head spin.

But this world is full of joyful light

And the heavenly blue laughs.

Sing a sunny song.

2nd verse.

Hello summer, as always somewhere

Life is beautiful and simple, like twice two.

There is good news - we are together again

And leaves and grass are green everywhere.

Why should the wind slumber on the branches of a cedar?

If words are heard in the song of a bird.

Don't miss summer and go to the sound of the wind

Sing a sunny song.

3rd verse.

Hello, summer, it's no secret

That the melody of that song is not new.

Let the words of the song be together for two hundred years

But that’s probably why the song is alive.

While the winds rustle generously over the earth

And the leaves clap loudly in your hands.

Don't miss summer and go to the sound of the wind

Sunny song, sunny song

Sing a sunny song!

Summer comes out (child of the older group).


Hello to you, preschool children!

I am Red Summer, I am rich in sunshine.

His flowers in my wreath are burning,

Fresh flowers are my outfit.


We all admire your outfit,

We can stand next to you

And just touch it with your finger...

We are glad to see you, Summer, be with us.

For you, our dear guest, the children will perform a dance.

The dance "Cucaracha" is performed.


Guys, do you know what summer is?

5th child.

Summer means a lot sunlight.


Yes, I have enough sun for all of you. Let's call the sun together to come to us for a holiday.

All children.

The sun is clear,

Dress up

The sun is red,

Show yourself.

Put on the scarlet dress

Give us a red day!

The sun is clear,

Show yourself,

The sun is red

Dress up.

It turns out that there is a girl dressed in a “Sunshine” costume.


In the morning the sun rises:

"Wake up, kids!"

It invites everyone to go for a walk:

“Get dressed, kids!”

Get ready, dress up,

Smile more cheerfully!


The day begins -

The sun is not too lazy to shine,

The sun is rising in the sky,

He invites everyone to have fun.

The song “It's Hot in Summer!” is performed.

1st verse.

The sun is shining brightly,

Little butterflies flutter

In summer it is very hot in our world,

And at night the stars shine in the sky!


In summer it's hot - hot!

Autumn leaves are bright

It's hot in summer

In spring a stream rings,

In winter there is a blizzard and a breeze!

In summer it's hot, it's hot,

Autumn, spring - cold,

In winter, snow is like white ice cream!

Oh, how beautiful this world is!!!

2nd verse.

You can collect flowers in summer

In a beautiful sunny meadow,

Run around singing this song

And hang by the river on a bungee!


Sometimes the sun has a day off,

Then the rain comes pouring down.

We won't go for a walk -

Let's sing a better song!

The sun is leaving.

The song “Rain” is performed.

1st verse.

In the morning summer rain along with a gray cloud

They went out for a walk above my window.

I take my umbrella, jump in the puddles,

I invite the rain to play hide and seek.


Rain, you funny rain, you won’t drive us home

Rain, rain, rain, rain, rain - we will grow faster.

2nd verse.

The fidgety rain jumps across the flowerbed,

A wet sparrow hid on a branch.

Like a drummer, the rain hits the puddles

This song only makes us more happy.

3rd verse.

The cloud is dancing in the sky, the rain is having fun

The mischievous wind caught my umbrella

The sun came out, he laughed merrily

A rainbow-arc sparkles above the ground.


Guys, let's play a game before our sun appears.

The game “Sun and Rain” is played.

The song “About the Rain” is playing. Children are divided into two groups. One group is with Summer, the other with the Leader. Each group has an umbrella. When the music plays, the umbrella is closed, and the children run around and have fun. As soon as the music stops, children must run to their teacher, who opens the umbrella.


Sun, come out again

Shine it brighter for us.

Beautiful girls, go out with the sun,

Show me your dance.

Performing the dance “Freckles”


Thank you, dear guys, thank you, the sun made me happy. I see how wonderfully you can sing and dance. And now, I want to find out how smart and cheerful you are. Sunny, help me play a game of imagination and reasoning.


With great pleasure, dear Summer.


There will be boys on your team, and girls on mine. Let's see who's smarter.

The game “Listen - picture” is played.

Children listen funny text and perform movements according to the text. What Summer says is performed by girls, and what the Sun says is performed by boys.


Hey girls, spread your arms,

Let's sit on the floor like in an apartment.

And now everyone stood up together,

They removed their hands to their belts.

Step everyone to the right, step everyone to the left,

You are all like queens!


Hey boys, let's cross our legs

And let's jump on the spot.

And with your hands up and down,

Let's all clap for an encore.

And then sneeze together!

Now you need to laugh!


Girls hands on shoulders,

So that no melancholy or boredom

Right foot forward

And then vice versa!


Now listen to the command:

Grab yourself by the ears

And tongues out,

And wider than the elbows.

Summer and Sun together.

And then together

Jumped on the spot!


Well done guys, you did it. You are really smart, cheerful and quick-witted.


We continue our meeting, you played well and showed yourself.

Girls and boys,

Like sunbeams

They dance and sing -

They live happily.

The song “Sunny Bunnies” is performed.

1st verse.

Sunny bunnies

Got up at dawn

Everyone is warm and happy

It became on the ground.

Bunnies along the paths

Jumping in the forest

Collect early dew.

2nd verse.

The river glitters with gold,

Shines in silence

Sunny bunnies

Dancing on the wave.

The bunnies stopped by

To my room.

WITH Good morning!

I'm already getting up!


Guys, do you know that in the summer there is always a lot of beautiful flowers.

There are many of them everywhere: in the forest, in the field, in the meadow, and in the flower beds in the garden. Everyone loves flowers, admires them, collects them in bouquets, and weaves wreaths.

1st child.

The rosy summer has come to us

And calls to the green space.

How much sun is around, how much light,

And the flowers are like a colorful carpet.

2nd child.

Forget-me-not, cloves, chamomile,

Bells, poppy, cornflower,

Yellow buttercup, fragrant porridge

We will weave it into a multi-colored wreath.

The song “Summer Flowers” ​​is performed (music by E. Tilicheeva, lyrics by V. Stepanov).

1st verse.

More noticeable every day

The summer sun is warming,

In the field and in the forest

Flowers bloomed.


White chamomile, pink porridge,

Buttercup is a yellow flower,

Blue cornflower.

2nd verse.

Blue and white

We will make bouquets;

We will weave wreaths

There will be flowers in them.

3rd verse.

Let's sit on the grass,

We will dress up in wreaths,

And in any wreath

Nice flowers.


Look what wonderful flowers came to visit us.


My name is rose. Accept me.

I am very fragrant and delicate in color.

By color and name they gave me.

And they even called her the queen for her pomp.


I am a lily; I will be friends with you;

I am meek and modest, and very slender;

I like to bend down and look at the stream...

Let me spin around in a circle with you!


I always grow like a barely visible bush,

And the mignonette looks like a poor flower.

I just smell nice, poor grass,

For this, I get acquaintance and affection everywhere.


We are daisies, we are daisies,

Like white shirts

In a meadow clearing

Let's dance our dance.


I just opened my blue eyes

And washed the leaves with fresh dew.

What, is it a holiday here today?

Did the children come here?

Let's meet them with a fun game.

The game “Chu-chu-va” is played.

After the dance, everyone sits down, leaving Rose and Violet.


Guys, I want to ask you a riddle about great friend all colors.


Flew over the lawn

He will fuss over the flower,

And share the honey! (Bee.)

That's right, this is a bee, let's now act as bees and play the game.


Come on, bees, fly out,

And collect your honey!

Relay game "Bees". (Who will collect nectar from flowers faster.)

Bright disposable plates are laid out on the floor, with caramels (nectar) in the middle. The bees need to transfer one caramel to their hive house (hoop). Each team has its own “hive”.


What is summer?

1st child.

That's a lot of light

2nd child.

This is a field, this is a forest,

3rd child.

It's a thousand miracles

4th child.

This is a fast river

5th child.

There are clouds in the sky

6th child.

This bright flowers,

7th child.

This is the blue of heights

There are a hundred roads in the world

For baby feet.


Guys, our holiday has come to an end, and summer has just begun. Children, be attentive to nature, take care of it, do not pick flowers in the fields and meadows, do not break anthills, do not offend butterflies. And summer will come to you every year, and again you will sunbathe in the sun, swim, and play.

To the music of the song “Starry Summer” (music by A. Pugacheva, lyrics by I. Reznik), sounding in the recording, the children leave the hall.







The recording contains cheerful children's music. On the site, decorated with berry bushes and trees, Berries children appear in multi-colored outfits. The berries are dancing.


We want to tell you a story about berries,

We can show you games and dancing!

Berries are famous among the guys,

They are irreplaceable and useful!

Pick berry after berry,

Take their vitamins for yourself.

The berries are tasty and juicy growing in the garden and in the clearing.

You can find them under the leaves both here and here!

Strawberries and raspberries, blackberries, apricots!

Useful for sure. And that's not a question!

Hawthorn, mulberry, blackthorn and gooseberry

The gardener will invite you to the garden!

Plum and currant -

For them, a garden is as good as a home!

Enjoy, kids,

Berries from the heart!

Berries dance with children a cheerful dance “Pick Berries.” Children repeat the movements behind the leading berries. The best berry dancers are rewarded with prizes - “Berry Caramel”. After the dance, the children sit in the hall.

Raspberry and Strawberry appear on the stage.

Raspberry and Strawberry(together).

We are sister berries: Raspberry and Strawberry.

Raspberries. I live in the garden

Strawberries. Well, I'm in the forest.

Raspberry and Strawberry.

We invite you guys

Admire the beauty!

We invite everyone to the podium,

Collection of berry models

We present together!

The recording contains rhythmic music.

Children dressed in berry style appear on an impromptu podium. They may have unusual hats, headdresses in the shape of berries or using berries. Shoes or other footwear are also decorated with berry patterns. The girls have various berry ornaments “scattered” on their dresses, skirts and blouses. The boys' shirts also have large and small berries on them. On socks or knee socks there are designs with berries or pompoms made in the shape of berries.

First, the models come out one after another, and at the end of the demonstration, according to the rules of the show, all participants appear on stage together. They are applauded.

After the demonstration of the models, two couples appear on stage: Blackberry and Hawthorn, Thorn and Plum. To measured music, they perform a pair dance with bows, transitions and squats.


Berry greetings to you from the garden and forest!

Listen, guys, to our humble advice.

You are filled with health,

Communicate with vitamins!

We want to help you, friends -

Overcome all diseases!

Get in order.

Let's exercise together!

Berries place children in lines and perform a set of exercises with them.

Exercise 1. “Gathered for berries.”

We walk in place, bending one arm, as if we were carrying a basket.

Exercise 2. “Look under the leaf.”

We squat and pretend to look under the leaves.

Exercise 3. “Collect berries in a basket.”

We imitate picking berries in a basket. We move around the site, squat, then stand up and bend and unbend right hand. The left arm is bent at the elbow, as if a basket were hanging on it.

Exercise 4. “Sorting out the berries.”

We imitate as if we were arranging the berries in different sides. We move our right and left hands apart.

Exercise 5. “Delicious berries.”

We bring the right one to our mouth, then left hand, showing how berries are fragrant and tasty.

Mulberry and Apricot come out.


I am an important Mulberry tree,

Berry official!

I love order and precision,

In the sun I ripen ahead of schedule.


I am Mr. Apricot!

Seriously full of vitamins.

Jam and juices, compote and decoction -

Apricot makes a wonderful brew!


We would like to offer you a game,

It will amuse you!

The game "Who can pick the berries faster."

2-4 tree models are brought to the site, with “berries” attached to them. 2-8 people are chosen from among the children. The game can be played individually or in pairs.

Music is playing. Children on the command “Pick the berries!” fruit picking begins. Whoever can pick the berries faster while the music is playing wins. The winners are awarded with gifts.

Currant and Gooseberry come out. Sounds energetic funny music. Berries perform a dance.

Currants and Gooseberries.

Girls and boys

Boys and girls

And also guest spectators,

Berry stories

Would you like to see it?

Funny stories

The screen will show ours,

The stories are funny

In the magazine "Berry Collage"!

Children watch cartoons on the TV screen related to the theme of berries.

Discussion: which cartoon character did you like best and why?

Children are rewarded for the best answers.


Stories about berries

They told you

Everything was shown in pictures

It's time to dance

Stretch your arms and legs!

The performance ends with a cheerful “berry” disco.