Do-it-yourself poster templates for Teacher's Day. Release of the school newspaper for Teacher's Day

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Teacher's Day - This is a holiday of people dear to you, to whom you are attached and even fell in love.

Teacher - a word that everyone associates with the very first teacher. But a teacher is not just a school employee, but a person who is dear to you, he opens up a world of new, immense, exciting before you.

Teacher's Day - probably the most famous professional holiday in our country.

Previously, it was always celebrated on the first Sunday of October, but since 1994, a permanent date has been “fixed” for Teacher's Day - October 5, when this holiday is celebrated in more than a hundred countries around the world.

However, there are states in which the date of the holiday differs from the generally accepted one. So in Argentina, in memory of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, "mentor Latin America”, the holiday is celebrated on September 11, and in Taiwan on September 28 - the birthday of Confucius.

Lubenchenko Nastya, 5 "A"


ruler, dedicated to the Day knowledge.

School re-opened its doors

in front of your students.

ruler for high school students,

dedicated to 10 tragic events in Beslan.

4 September children in grades 9-11 took part intrack and field run"Test yourself"

Savelyeva Marina Eduardovna

We took the first interview with a mathematics teacher, Marina Eduardovna.

- Why did you choose this particular profession?

She smiling :

Given by nature.

How many years have you been a teacher?

20 years.

Why did you decide to become a teacher in the middle classes?

wanted to be a teacher lower grades, but there was no recruitment, so I had to go to work in high school.

What lessons were your favorite?

After a little thought, Marina Eduardovna answered:

Physical education, literature, algebra.

- What were your least favorite subjects back then?

We didn't get a quick answer here. Long remembering the old teachers and the subjects they taught, she nevertheless gave us the answer to this question:


How did you study at school?

Marina Eduardovna, remembering her school years, answered:

I was average in school.

Did you have bad grades?

Once there were 7 triplets.

This interview ended. Marina Eduardovna wished all the students successful studies, and congratulated the teachers on the upcoming Teacher's Day.

Permyakova Anna Konstantinovna

We also managed to talk with the teacher of history and social studies, Anna Konstantinovna, who also spoke about herself with pleasure.

Why did you choose the profession of a teacher?

- Because this is the profession of our family, I am a teacher in the third generation, and I dreamed of becoming one since kindergarten.

-Why history?

- My history teacher said that I would never know history, and gave a fat three, but in general I wanted to become a math teacher.

-How many years have you been working at the school and why our school?

I have been working at the school for 15 years already, and Vera Vasilievna invited me to work at the school.

-Who did you study at the institute?

- I studied as an engineer-physics, but later unlearned at the Faculty of History

-Favorite subject?

My favorite subject is geometry.

What about your least favorite subject?

Disliked: biology, music, fine arts.

Oblasova Ludmila Yurievna

- How did you study at school?

I studied well! Graduated from school on 4 and 5.

-Who did you originally want to be?

From the first grade, I wanted to be a teacher.

What faculty did you study at the university?

I studied at a very interesting faculty, which my teacher advised me. I recently completed my master's degree and became a master of pedagogy.

How many years have you been working at our school?

I started working in 1982, for 32 years now.

What were your favorite and least favorite lessons at school?

- She loved literature very much. I didn't have any subjects I didn't like, but there were some that were boring, like English.

-How did you come to our school?

I was called when I was still in my third year at the university, many teachers who studied at our school come back to work here.

-Why exactly Primary School?

In general, I wanted to become a teacher of Russian and literature in high school but my teacher advised me to go to elementary grades, so I decided to take the advice and never regretted it.

Communicated Lvova Lera, Nagernyak Dasha, 8 "A"

Look back to childhood...

Childhood is the most important and most amazing time in a person's life.

Sergei Bodrov

"Amazing child"
Everyone is talking about me.
Because I'm from the cradle
I smile at everyone.

I sat well
and learning to pose.
I beg you me
take a photo soon!

And around the flowers, flowers
Just amazing beauty.
Only everyone around knows
I am the best I am a flower!

Our correspondents asked a question to students in 1 "A" class.

What is a teacher?

The ideal teacher...

    Doesn't shout, kind, loves, doesn't ask homework, does not force to learn literature, dictates less in the lesson, calls to the blackboard more often. (Zhenya Pushkina, Sonya Babaeva);

    Kind, sympathetic and sympathetic (Maxim Klyuev);

    Explains topics clearly each class has its own (Lyudmila Kiseleva);

    Understanding, cheerful, with a sense of humor (Anastasia Kopytova);

    Sociable, can find mutual language with students, with a sense of humor (Valery Rokhmanko);

    Demanding, strict and understanding (Veronika Litovchenko);

    Focused on military discipline, sensible, expressing thoughts clearly and understandably, understanding the student, charismatic (Victoria Vasilyeva);

    It should be a good man, which clearly explains the topic, moderately strict, not irritable, so that after the lessons you can come up and ask again, you could feel the return (Nastya Borisenko).

Characteristics of students depending on the sign of the zodiac

Aries It is difficult for an Aries to sit still, especially to follow the rules of conduct. He grasps the idea of ​​what the teacher is saying and develops it on his own.


Most teachers love Taurus. They are assiduous, diligent, executive.


The twins are nimble, agile like mercury students. During the lesson, they manage to redo a bunch of things, while hearing what the teacher says.


The teachings of Cancer depend on its inner state. If the teacher is not liked, the performance in this subject can drop to almost zero.

a lion

Lions are sure that they know everything and are able to do it better than anyone else. In this case, there is no element of competition, the struggle for leadership, which is characteristic of Leo.


The most diligent students are undeniably Virgo. Smart, smart, moderately nimble, but generally obedient. Teachers usually don't have problems with them.


Libra, like any air sign, is inquisitive and easily grasps information. Studying is given to them quite easily. But in order to avoid the superficiality of knowledge, they need to know why they need this or that knowledge.


Scorpio is usually a diligent student, but at the same time very wayward, recklessly defending his understanding of justice.


Studying for Sagittarius is easy, but this does not mean that he will be an excellent student. Sagittarius cannot be forced to learn something. He prefers to do what interests him, ignoring everything else.


Capricorns are teachers' dream. Diligent, stubborn, purposeful, serious beyond their years. But stubborn.


Clever Aquarius, teaching is usually given easily, even too much. Due to his natural curiosity, he comes to school well savvy, he knows a lot, as it were, on his own.


Fish are usually shy and too impressionable, so their abilities are not revealed immediately, they first need to "get used" to the environment.

On the picture: 1 row ( from left to right) Kurmelev Albert Grigorievich, Leontieva Olga Mikhailovna, Oblasova Lyudmila Yurievna. 2 row - Elizarova Ekaterina Ilyinichna, Roshchina Marina Valentinovna, Permyakova Anna Konstantinovna. 3 row - Ovchinnikova Antonina Pavlovna, Shashukova Yulia Vyacheslavovna, Postnova Tatyana Nikolaevna, Galaeva Valentina Nikolaevna. 4 row - Nikolaeva Marina Yurievna, Novikova Elena Ivanovna, Chuevskaya Irina Mikhailovna.


Worked on the issue: Ch. editor - Sherstkina M.E., Elizarova E.I.

Journalists: Nastya Lubenchenko, Dasha Karpova, Lera Lvova, Dasha Nagernyak.

Is Teacher's Day coming up? In each school, the work of editorial teams begins to intensify. Do-it-yourself wall newspapers for Teacher's Day are a great gift for teaching staff. How to make them unusual and festive?

Do-it-yourself wall newspaper for Teacher's Day - a gift to educators

Teaching is a respected, important and responsible profession. These people put knowledge into us with early years. Moreover, they educate us. Every year on the eve of October 5, children begin to create wall newspapers for Teacher's Day with their own hands. They can combine a wide variety of areas - poetry, prose and painting. Everything is up to you.

step by step

So, in more detail. What will you need to make a wall newspaper for Teacher's Day with your own hands? First, decide on the style of design and text content. Secondly, prepare congratulations (by hand, printed or cut out from magazines), photographs, postcards, pictures. Third, create a foundation. As a rule, a Whatman sheet is used for this.

The title can be cut out of colored paper or foil. Congratulatory texts are pasted on the base. Don't forget about places for pictures. Make beautiful frames around them, draw flowers. Decorate the corners of the newspaper with appliqués or painted clay hearts. Attach it to the board and decorate with bows and balloons.

Together with parents

A do-it-yourself wall newspaper for Teacher's Day is a kind of school printed publication with congratulations for teachers, cheerful and solemn poems, short humorous stories and sincere wishes. Most often, such gifts are prepared by Guys, of course, still small. Therefore, often young parents undertake to help them. Students can also color in the pictures. But adults get more difficult work.

autumn notes

How else can you decorate a wall newspaper for Teacher's Day with your own hands? A photo of the landscapes of your hometown is a great option. Autumn notes always penetrate this holiday. And you can draw pictures with felt-tip pens or gouache. Depict a forest school whose students came to congratulate the teachers. A yellowed forest and a slightly grayish sky will look very beautiful. Attach dried maple leaves around the perimeter. Just do not use fresh leaves in any case. They lose their appeal too quickly, and your work will turn out to be untidy.

Buy or make?

By the way, today many stores offer ready-made holiday posters. They look quite strict and contain only quotes of great people and texts of congratulations. Of course, typographic work will always look more stylish. However, this is stereotyped and somehow soulless. It is much more pleasant to make a wall newspaper for Teacher's Day with your own hands. Don't be afraid to take on the job. The result will surely please both you and those to whom this surprise is intended.

For the whole team or individually

There is more than one option for making a wall newspaper for Teacher's Day with your own hands. Photos of all teachers of the school pasted on it must be signed. I wish each of them happiness, health, further creative success. At the bottom, add the date and class.

And you can congratulate separately, for example, your class teacher or school principal. Paste the recipient's photo into the center frame. Around - your photographs. Put signatures. inflate air balloons and write your names on each of them. Attach them to the board each next to your photo.

school pearls

Original do-it-yourself wall newspapers for Teacher's Day should be distinguished not only by warmth and gratitude, but also by your sense of humor. You can insert quotes here from school essays or "crown" phrases of your teachers. The main thing is to design the newspaper neatly and beautifully. Do not doubt that among other works it will definitely stand out. If necessary, with it you will take first place in the school competition.

In short, Teacher's Day is great occasion thank our beloved senior mentors, congratulate them, give cards and flowers. Nevertheless, it will be much more pleasant for them to receive something creative from you, to see how wonderfully you can use your skills, abilities, knowledge. Such a collective present, like a wall newspaper, will bring a lot to the heroes of the occasion. positive emotions. So pick up whatman paper and paints - and start demonstrating the talent of young artists. Markers, felt-tip pens and pencils will also come in handy. Applications made from quilling look very attractive. In general, show your imagination. There may be many options.

Most importantly, make this gift from the heart, from pure heart, with love. Your efforts will be appreciated. Such surprises cheer up for a long time and are never forgotten. Rejoice people who have long been close to you. And their happy smiles, of course, will delight you.

Master Class. Wall newspaper "Happy Teacher's Day!"

This masterclass is for creative people- teachers, parents who want to please their teachers.
making a wall newspaper for the holiday.
- learn new ways to work with paper,
- talk about the sequence and techniques for making flowers, leaves of various shapes;
- develop ideas about composition;
- develop imagination, creativity,
- develop fine motor skills
- cultivate perseverance, accuracy, respectful attitude to work

How much warm words written about teachers. Let's just remember a few:
If a teacher has only love for the job, he will good teacher. If the teacher has only love for the student, like a father, a mother, he will better than that a teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for the work or for the students. If a teacher combines love for work and for students, he is a perfect teacher. - L. Tolstoy
He who is a teacher to the marrow of his bones takes all things seriously, only taking into account his students - even himself.
Friedrich Nietzsche
The most important phenomenon in the school, the most instructive subject, the most living example for the student is the teacher himself. He is the personified method of teaching, the very embodiment of the principle of education. Adolf.
To be a good teacher You need to love what you teach and love those you teach. V. Klyuchevsky.
Very soon all teachers will celebrate their professional holiday. I would like to wish this amazing people all the best, creative success, wonderful students, warmth in the family and, of course, health.
To you, DEAR TEACHERS, this work is dedicated.

colored paper (thick, for xerox), drawing paper, glue, ruler, scissors (or stationery knife), pencil, felt-tip pens.

Stages of work:

1. For the wall newspaper, I made paper chrysanthemums in white, pink and burgundy(how to make them, you can see in my master class “DIY paper chrysanthemum sprig. Master class with step-by-step photo”, and you can also make any other flowers.

2. We make leaves: cut out leaves from green paper, as well as thin veins from bright yellow paper:

3. We cut out triangles of any length and width, with the help of scissors or a pencil we twist the tips of the “grass”.

4. Draw a maple leaf template:

5. Transfer the template to colored paper yellow, green, red, orange color, cut out, fold "accordion". Then we bend this "accordion" in half, gluing along the long side.

6. You can additionally tint the folds of the maple leaves with paint or highlight the folds and corners with a felt-tip pen. After that, glue a "tail" to each maple leaf:

7. We carry out an umbrella. To do this, you can take any paper (I took a newspaper), fold the sheet in half and draw a half of an umbrella, cut it out:

8. On the template, retreat 1 - 1.5 cm from the edge, draw a line and cut out:

9. Run an umbrella from colored (I have from blue) paper, since the whole umbrella did not enter, I divided it into 2 sheets of colored paper. And cut out the edge of the umbrella from white paper.

10. In addition, cut out white stripes - the place where the "knitting needles" are located in the umbrella, as well as the triangle - the tip of the umbrella, glue:

11. Cut out the umbrella handle template, transfer to colored paper.

12. We place an umbrella and flowers on a drawing paper, noticing approximately how the text of the congratulation will be located.

13. We remove the umbrella and flowers, write a congratulation. Since the edge of the umbrella is white, we cut a thin shaving of a blue pencil (lead) along the very edge on the Whatman paper and rub it with a piece of white paper or a cotton pad:

14. We collect a wall newspaper: lay out an umbrella, flowers, leaves, maple leaves, weed:

15. Since I have a little left free space I added a few more kind words teachers. As a result, it turned out like this:

Happy Holidays again dear teachers.

In early October, schools and others educational establishments our country is celebrating wonderful holiday- Teacher's Day. On this day, not only schoolchildren, but also their parents, colleagues and even former students. Together with beautiful bouquets they prepare congratulations in verse and prose, commemorative postcards and small gifts. Special wall newspapers and posters made by hand and timed to coincide with the holiday are also popular. As a rule, a wall newspaper for Teacher's Day is prepared by each class and then takes part in a school-wide competition. Therefore, it is so important not only to use a ready-made poster template, but also to show creativity, choose original drawing, photo, beautiful congratulations in verse. In our article today you will find several step by step master classes do-it-yourself wall newspapers on whatman paper, and also learn what to write on a poster for Teacher's Day and find ready-made templates for posters.

Do-it-yourself wall newspaper for Teacher's Day on whatman paper, master class

The simplest and most popular version of a congratulatory wall newspaper for Teacher's Day is a do-it-yourself poster drawn on whatman paper. Firstly, such a wall newspaper is always unique and made with soul. Secondly, an ordinary drawing paper provides unlimited space for creativity and you can design a poster for Teacher's Day as you please. And thirdly, it is not at all necessary to draw a wall newspaper for Teacher's Day with your own hands on whatman paper completely. You can always supplement the poster with clippings from thematic magazines, postcards and stickers.

Necessary materials for a wall newspaper on whatman paper for Teacher's Day with your own hands

  • whatman
  • pencils, markers, paints
  • magazine clippings or printed templates
  • scissors

Do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions for a wall newspaper on whatman paper for Teacher's Day, master class

  1. Let's start with the preparation of whatman paper for the poster. Of course, you can leave the sheet white, but then there is a high probability that your poster will merge with the background of the walls and will be inexpressive among other wall newspapers. Therefore, we recommend toning the poster paper in any neutral color, for example, beige. This can be done with paints or shaded wax pencils.
  2. In order for the wall newspaper to be bright and attract attention, you need to make a small accent in the middle of the sheet. It can be a drawing, a sticker, a cut out picture from a magazine. In our case, the center of the wall newspaper will be a do-it-yourself globe. On top of the poster we make a bright inscription "Happy Teacher's Day!".
  3. Now let's move on to congratulations. Possible options for the wall newspaper: beautiful poems dedicated to teachers touching prose or words of gratitude. If in doubt what to choose, then bet on poetry - they are always relevant and look good on any poster. congratulatory words we place it on the wall newspaper immediately below the globe.
  4. To make it clear that the wall newspaper is dedicated to Teacher's Day, we will supplement the poster with thematic drawings. For example, funny images of pencils, as in our case. And be sure to draw a bouquet on the poster that will complement the festive theme.

    On a note! Don't worry if your artistic ability leave much to be desired. You can always supplement the wall newspaper for Teacher's Day in this master class ready-made templates from the Internet and clippings from magazines pasted on whatman paper.

  5. If you have a small congratulatory poem, then there will still be a lot of space on the wall newspaper that needs to be filled with maximum benefit. For example, place two drawings of open books on the sides of the poster. Firstly, they will visually make the poster more attractive. And secondly, such books on the wall newspaper will serve as excellent templates for personal congratulations from each student in the class.
  6. Take a close look at ready-made version poster and think about which areas of the wall newspaper were left empty. We recommend filling them with small thematic drawings, for example, school bells. Ready!

Do-it-yourself wall newspaper for Teacher's Day with beautiful poems, master class

If you plan to create a do-it-yourself wall newspaper for Teacher's Day with a lot of congratulations, then you should choose the option with beautiful poems from our master class. This wall newspaper is very easy to make. The only point that can cause difficulties concerns the selection of poems. We recommend that you write congratulations on your own for the wall newspaper for Teacher's Day with beautiful poems. But if such an option is not possible for a wall newspaper, then you can always find ready-made poems on the net, slightly modify them or leave them in their original form.

Necessary materials for a wall newspaper for Teacher's Day with beautiful poems

  • drawing paper or a large piece of thick wallpaper
  • pencils
  • colored paper
  • scissors
  • gel pens or markers

Instructions for a master class on how to make a wall newspaper with poems for Teacher's Day

  1. Since most of our wall newspaper will be occupied by poems, then Special attention worth paying beautiful frame. For example, decorate the perimeter of the poster with a pattern of autumn leaves or school calls. At the top of the poster, be sure to place a catchy inscription, for example, "Congratulations!".
  2. Now you should visually divide the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall newspaper into several sectors, depending on the number of teachers you plan to congratulate with verses. For each of them it is worth picking up or writing a beautiful congratulatory poem. Then gel pens different colors write congratulations, leaving the lower middle of the poster free.
  3. So that the poems do not mix with each other, and the poster looks interesting, we add a few drawings. For example, these could be thematic sketches about school subjects.
  4. Now lower part fill the wall newspapers with bright stars with the names of all the students in the class. The stars may be different forms and flowers. You can cut them out according to patterns from colored paper or draw them on the poster with pencils. Ready!

What to draw on a do-it-yourself poster for Teacher's Day

As can be seen from the master classes, the principle of designing a wall newspaper for Teacher's Day is quite simple to implement. The main thing is to visually highlight the congratulatory part and supplement it with suitable illustrations. But what exactly to draw on the poster for Teacher's Day with your own hands, so that it is bright and interesting? There can be many options, but let's focus on the most popular. Firstly, for poster illustrations, any traditional attributes school theme: bell images, stationery, subject details, etc. Secondly, images can also be used to design a poster for Teacher's Day fairy tale characters and animals. This theme will be especially relevant for posters in elementary grades. And thirdly, you can try to draw on the poster for Teacher's Day with your own hands the teacher and students.

Wall newspaper templates for Teacher's Day, photo

If you have little time to implement the proposed master classes, and draw beautiful wall newspaper on Teacher's Day you need to quickly, we recommend using the templates with pictures that can be found below. Such ready-made templates for the wall newspaper for Teacher's Day are good because they can be printed in a wide format and get a decent version of the poster on whatman paper. All that remains is to color the poster and add poetry to the wall newspaper. In addition, such a wall newspaper for Teacher's Day can be decorated at will with other drawings, photos of students and teachers, thematic stickers.

To the student, like a father, a mother - he will be better than that teacher who has read all the books, but has no love either for work or for students. If a teacher combines love for work and for students, he is a perfect teacher.

L. Tolstoy

To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those you teach.

V. Klyuchevsky

Very soon all teachers will celebrate their professional holiday. I would like to wish these amazing people all the best, creative success, wonderful students, warmth in the family and, of course, health.

To you, dear teachers, this work is dedicated.

Do-it-yourself wall newspaper for Teacher's Day - templates, poems, step by step instructions. How to draw a poster for Teacher's Day

Wall newspaper for Teacher's Day and beautiful holiday poster students usually do it by hand. They draw bright, spectacular pictures on whatman paper, post photos of teachers, interesting articles and touching, inspirational and good wishes. Those who are “not friends” with artistic skills use black and white or color templates that are painted with paints and filled with thematic information. Teachers are always enthusiastic children's creativity of this kind and are very happy about the ability of schoolchildren to think creatively and show imagination.

Do-it-yourself wall newspaper for Teacher's Day on whatman paper - photo and master class

How to make a beautiful, catchy and bright wall newspaper for Teacher's Day with your own hands, a master class with a photo will tell. Ready product will be aesthetically pleasing and will become great gift from schoolchildren to beloved teachers. You need to hang a creative work in the most prominent place in the classroom, for example, on a blackboard, so that each teacher sees the congratulations and responds to it.

Necessary materials for a do-it-yourself wall newspaper for Teacher's Day

  • paper sheet
  • maple leaf stencil
  • stencil for letters
  • colored paper
  • 2 sheets of A4 format with congratulatory verses printed on them
  • wide brush
  • fine brush
  • scissors
  • gouache

A step-by-step master class on making do-it-yourself wall newspapers for Teacher's Day on whatman paper

  1. With the help of gouache and a stencil in the form maple leaves draw a kind of frame on a sheet of drawing paper. Place it on the right, bottom and left, and leave most of the top space empty. The contours of the leaves are “scattered” randomly over the paper, but so that they do not overlap each other.
  2. When the base is dry, use a thin brush to paint with green paint. different shades among the large leaves are very small.
  3. In parallel, prepare decorative flowers. To do this, cut sheets of pink, burgundy and yellow colored paper into very thin stripes. Form flower petals from the burgundy and pink “cuts”, and paste yellow strips of paper inside like the middle.
  4. Dense white sheets, on which verses on the occasion of Teacher's Day are printed, are painted with small orange and yellow leaves.
  5. Then, in the center of the future wall newspaper, squeeze out two thin strips of glue at a distance of 3 cm from each other. Attach sheets of poetry to them so that the inner edges of the paper fit snugly together. Mask the joint by painting it with a large number of tiny colored leaves.
  6. When the leaves with the verses stick well to the main paper, fasten one orange and one yellow strip along the edge of the pages. This is necessary so that the application resembles an open book.
  7. Glue paper flowers around the makeshift book at the bottom, alternating burgundy and pink.
  8. Cut out rectangular cards 8x12 cm from yellow paper and paint them with a thin brush with small autumn leaves.
  9. On each card, use a stencil to write letters, form them welcome words"Happy Teacher's Day" and stick them on top as a heading. At the end, spread the newspaper on the table and let it dry completely. Then decorate a classroom or assembly hall with the product.

Wall newspaper templates for Teacher's Day

If you have difficulty creating a wall newspaper for Teacher's Day with your own hands, you can use colorful ready-made templates from the Internet. Just add the photos you want to the poster layout and download your work. It remains only to print a poster and decorate your class with it.

Poems for the wall newspaper for Teacher's Day

❖ ❖ ❖
Low bow to you for your work and patience,
For the warmth of your bright soul!
Joy, happiness, kindness, inspiration!
Great success in your work!
❖ ❖ ❖
Thank you for your knowledge
which you give
For with what diligence
You teach the subject
For wisdom and patience
For kindness and care!
Let the sea of ​​​​inspiration
Brings you work!
❖ ❖ ❖
Your modest work knows no price,
Nothing compares to it!
And everyone praises with love
you by a simple name -
Teacher. Who doesn't know him?
The simple name is
That illuminates with the light of knowledge
I live the whole planet!
We originate in you
You are the color of our life
And let the years melt like candles
We can't forget you, no!
❖ ❖ ❖
Which wonderful holiday- Teacher's Day!
Please accept heartfelt congratulations.
Everyone at school - both children and parents -
They are treated with great respect.
Health to you! Diligent students!
Let wishes come true easily
Everything in life will be just wonderful
And ideas become reality!
❖ ❖ ❖
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts
For kindness and patience!
We wish you great joys
In the work of your inspiration,
diligent students,
Notebooks of the most accurate,
And in the classroom every day there are flowers,
AND more holidays pleasant!
❖ ❖ ❖
On a beautiful day with all my heart
Let me congratulate you!
We wish everyone to reach the top!
Good luck in your work!
happy, bright, bright days!
Good students!
Let new creative ideas
It's getting bigger!
May there be more holidays in your life,
Smiles, happiness, bright mood!
And let the students please you more often
Deservedly high marks!
❖ ❖ ❖
Today our entire friendly class
Hastens to congratulate you in verse
And with great respect
I wish you with all my heart
Health and great luck,
So that there are no difficult tasks
And life became brighter!
Success, happiness, bright days!
❖ ❖ ❖
We wish you an interesting life
Always enter the classroom with a smile,
"Excellent" to put in diaries!
We love you!
❖ ❖ ❖
You are a wonderful teacher!
And everyone is happy to congratulate you:
To you for lessons, as for a holiday,
Students are always in a hurry!
For your kindness and knowledge
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Health! Happiness! Prosperity!
Good luck and great luck!
❖ ❖ ❖
Our dear teacher, for you -
Warm and sincere lines:
Every hour is interesting with you,
Everyone remembers the lessons!
In a series of flooded calls
Let inspiration not leave you!
Thank you students
Joy, harmony, luck!
❖ ❖ ❖
You won't find a better time.
Rustling linden alleys,
Ringing blue enters the holiday
My friends are teachers.
They burn and worry again
Again, everyone is a master and creator,
Give back your wealth
Wealth of thoughts and hearts.
❖ ❖ ❖
Every schoolchild knows
How well do you teach the lesson -
Understandable, patient, interesting!
It is not for nothing that your subject has captivated many.
You are always objective, fair,
You know how to find an approach to everyone.
May every day be happy in life
And luck awaits you in any business!
❖ ❖ ❖
Today brighter than the sun light,
And even seem brighter
AND schoolyard and an office!
Today is Teachers Day!
The warmth of simple heart lines
And gratitude from the bottom of my heart
To you, our beloved teacher!
Victory in everything, great luck!