Ready ransom of the bride. Unusual bride price ideas: original thematic sketches

Bride price is an important part wedding ceremony. The tradition dates back to ancient times, when the groom had to pay money in material things (food, cattle, other valuable items) for the right to marry his beloved.

The ransom is carried out in 2 stages: the first time, when the guy crosses the threshold of the house and pays for the right to enter it, and the second time, when he redeems the bride.

How to organize a bride price

Modern wedding traditions suggest a wide scope for creativity. You need to take the buyout rules as a basis and, on their basis, draw up interesting scenario with competitions and tasks for the groom and guests from his side.

The general mood of the guests depends on a properly conducted ransom, so you need to spend it lively and cheerfully, in no case delaying it.

It is important to pay attention to attributes (posters and Balloons in front of the house, a colorful bag and plates for coins, colored paper blanks for competitions). Assign roles for the bridesmaids, decide on contests and riddles. Bridesmaids should actively prevent the groom from going to his bride for free, invent tricky questions and assignments.

Musical accompaniment is desirable, you can attract an accordion player.

Who conducts the rite of redemption

For the successful conduct of the competitions, appoint a responsible person who will prepare according to the scenario and will coordinate the actions of the guests during the competitions. This may be a specially appointed toastmaster with experience who will carry out the ransom quickly and cheerfully. It is not recommended to delay the ceremony for more than half an hour. Bridesmaids and relatives from her side take an active part, their main task is to play skits and contests with humor.

Competitions for the ransom of the bride

Build your own script by choosing the most interesting riddles and tasks for the groom, you can poetic form. Redemption can be classic-in folk rustic style or in the form of a talk show. You can choose a scenario for a gangster or Caucasian ransom, arrange a ceremony in a marine style.

The ransom is arranged by relatives and girlfriends, first of all, in order to have fun themselves and to amuse other participants in the action, and only then “sell” the future wife to her beloved.

For the scenario, a specific plot is selected, which is supplemented various competitions and trials for the groom.

For fun to be sparkling and sincere, fresh original finds are needed.
We offer several ideas.

Redemption of the bride according to the plot "Casting in Hollywood"

Casting in Hollywood will undoubtedly be very interesting and fun if the bride and groom, as well as their friends, know and love world cinema, and are able to make a witty ransom with a mention of the most famous films.

In addition, show business is an area where everything is decided either with the help of connections, or with the help of money, or with the help of love - almost like in life.

The entire ransom takes place as the strictest casting of the groom for the role in the film "The Most happy life". A beautiful, talented and most suitable woman for this role - the bride - has already been approved for the main role in the film.

Producers (relatives of the bride) warn that a lot of effort and money has already been invested in the future film, so the groom must pass all the tests with dignity: perform them himself or give a bribe to the film producers.

The future movie star needs to prove his ability to get used to the role happy husband and father (here you can organize a competition with the participation of children), convince a strict commission that he is ideal for the role of the main character and worthy of the heroine.

Such a ransom will not do without demonstrating your physical ability necessary in Hollywood films - beauty and strength.

If the applicant for the main role cannot do something, then his understudies (friends of the groom) should do it for him.

In several tasks, the groom passing the casting must prove that he knows his partner in the future film masterpiece well, is ready for her whims and suits her perfectly.

In the final part of the ransom, the groom is informed that he will be able to amend the script of the film, determine its genre, so he needs to tell how he imagines the happiest life.

No special paraphernalia is required for this ransom., but the operator with the camera will be an ideal addition to it, or even one of the participants in the action, because any casting is always recorded in order to later evaluate the applicants.

In the final wedding film, the part called "Redemption" will be a great and funny start.

Funny modern scenario "Social networks"

Modern youth cannot be imagined without the Internet, social networks and mobile gadgets.

If future newlyweds spend a lot of time on Odnoklassniki or Facebook, and part of their daily communication takes place in one of the modern messengers, then such “Internet addiction” can be made an excellent basis for funny ransom bride.

A poster "The most beautiful bride of the Internet lives here" is placed on the door of the house or entrance. The girlfriends and relatives conducting the ransom are presented to the groom as "friends" and "friends of friends" of the future wife.

On the threshold of the entrance, the bridesmaids tell the groom that they are ready to show him the page of the beautiful bride Internet, but he will have to pay for good speed and traffic.

Throughout the buyout the groom is tested for knowledge of the "virtual side" of the life of his beloved.

To do this, the girlfriends will have to carefully study the accounts of the future wife in those in social networks where she spends most of her time.

A few examples of contests for the groom and his friends:

  • Print out several photos from the bride's Instagram (or take parts of photos) so that the groom finds out when, where and for what reason this photo was taken (he must pay for each wrong answer).
  • Read to the groom several “classic” statuses from Odnoklassniki so that he determines which of these statuses the bride wrote.
  • Ask to name 5-10 songs from the playlist of the future wife of VKontakte.
  • Describe the main photo of her Facebook profile.

If the bride's neighbors on the porch are friendly, they doors can be designed in the form of pages on social networks, and the pages are very beautiful girls(this can be both bridesmaids and famous actresses or models).
The door to the bride’s apartment can also be made in the form of her page, the line “Marital status” can be left blank so that the groom writes any text with his own hand (married / everything is difficult / she is mine, etc.)

Thematic scenario "Cinderella": funny and unusual

The whole ransom is based on the idea that the bride is a beautiful Princess, and the groom is Cinderella, an unhappy guy, swamped with work and evil relatives, who ran away from home forever to get to the ball (wedding) and kiss the beautiful Princess.
As soon as he kisses her, he will forever become a handsome prince.

But first, the future prince must complete several tasks and prove his desire to become the husband of a beautiful princess.

The first step is to ask the groom questions related to the household, with everyday life - that is, to find out his housekeeping, because he is Cinderella.

Arranging the bride price Special attention should pay attention to non-standard thematic ideas that will immerse everyone present in the fascinating world of fairy tales, adventures or fun game. Such scenarios make the ransom exciting and fun, set the festive tone for the whole day of the wedding celebration.

A wedding is just made for original and naughty ideas. To have plenty of fun on this holiday, you must completely rely on your imagination. And you should start getting creative with the ransom of the bride - this is the tradition with which wedding entertainment sets the tone for the entire celebration. Scenario unusual redemption the bride will allow everyone present to plunge into the atmosphere of the game, fairy tales and adventures ...

Bride ransom: features of preparation and rules for its implementation

Redemption of the bride - old wedding tradition which has been preserved to this day. It has long been customary that after marriage the bride left her parents' house, so her relatives, not wanting to let go of their blood, demanded a ransom from the groom for the future wife. The modern scenario of the ransom of the bride is full of contests and tests that show all the prowess young man. In addition, the ransom of the bride is enough fun event, which charges with positive all those present for the whole day.

Get ready for it interesting event both the bride and her bridesmaids and the groom need it. Bridesmaids need to think over contests and props for them, write a script, assign roles, take care of photo and video shooting. Some issues need to be discussed with the groom in order to avoid embarrassing situations.

For example, the approximate amount of money that the groom will have with him. You also need to discuss the scenario, especially if it is unusual. Not all men agree to perform funny tasks under the laughter of others. Also pay attention to the complexity of the contests: they should be feasible for a young person and "not squeeze him like a lemon."

In any case, the groom needs to be supported, encouraged, and sometimes helped, because a wedding is an exciting event that easily unsettles.

The groom must also prepare for this event. First of all, he should remember all the important dates, interests and preferences of the bride. It also doesn't hurt to consider original confessions in love or pick up a few non-standard compliments for your beloved.

The financial side is also important: you need to remember to stock up on change. And most importantly, smile, be brave and relaxed, try to overcome your excitement. Below are some ideas for themed bride price scenarios that will dip you into a world of creativity and fun.

Unusual bride price: interesting ideas

The idea of ​​​​the script for the ransom of the bride "Heart Ligament"

The essence of this creative idea consists in the fact that the groom collects a bunch of keys - a "heart bunch", and then picks up from these keys the very one that will open the door to his betrothed in front of him. The algorithm for this scenario is as follows:

  • bridesmaid with bridesmaids prepare heart, on which the earned keys will be strung (a heart can be made of wire), and several keys (according to the number of contests);
  • passing each test, the groom receives one key. The more keys in the "cardiac ligament", the more love the future spouse burns to his chosen one. Ideally, you need to earn all the keys, because it may happen that one missed key will be the one that will fit the bride's door;
  • having completed the last task, the groom approaches the bride's door, on which a lock hangs. His task is to find a suitable key as soon as possible. For every miss there is a penalty.

Thematic sketch "Redemption of the bride in the style of traffic police"

This cool script ransom of the bride involves checking the rights of the groom to create a family hearth. Arriving at the house of his beloved, the groom faces some obstacles: he needs to pass the following tests:

  • test for intoxication love for the bride(here you can include a task to check how well the groom knows his chosen one - her favorite smells, photographs of her childhood, lip print, etc.);
  • test of mastery of the rules of love behavior(here you can’t do without comic “road” signs that need to be prepared in advance. The groom must explain their content. For example, “hands” means to constantly wear it on your hands, “lips” means to kiss as often as possible, “a cup with a bed” - bring coffee to bed, etc.);
  • "technical inspection" of the betrothed(First, the “inspector” checks whether the groom has everything (bouquet, rings, champagne), then the groom’s strength is checked - can he carry his wife in his arms? balloon. It needs to be inflated to such an extent that it bursts. If he succeeds in this task for certain time(for example, in 30 seconds), then the test is passed).

If the groom fails to pass any test, the “inspector” says that he can pass on the rights another time or hints at a bribe. Therefore, the young man should be prepared for fines. When all stages of the test are passed, the groom is given the right to create a family, with which he hurries to his beloved.

Features of the script for the ransom of the bride in a fairy tale format

There is a great many original scripts bride price in fabulous style . Often actors here are the prince with the princess (newlyweds), Baba Yaga, the sorcerer or Koschey the Immortal, the fairy and other classic characters.

You can use other heroes: Pinocchio, Cipollino, Winnie the Pooh ... Maybe a kaleidoscope of fairy tales: one competition takes place in one fairy tale, then the groom falls into another. For example, first he ends up in the "Country of Fools", where Pinocchio and Malvina give him one task. Then the young man is transferred to visit Winnie the Pooh, where he is offered the next test, and so on.

To make the transition from one fairy tale to another more logical, after the first competition, you can present the groom as a reward with “walking boots” - funny shoes that are not so easy to walk in. Wearing them, he is transported to another country.

Having finally got to his beloved, the groom will have to go through another test - to disenchant the bride. To do this, he fights with the "sorcerer" (who is faster, more agile, stronger, etc.). To the disenchanted bride, he gives a bouquet and then - a holiday according to the classical scheme.

The idea of ​​​​a medical scenario for the ransom of the bride

The main idea of ​​this unusual sketch is to pass a medical examination and get a health certificate. In this certificate, they usually write the diagnosis “chronic love”, and only the bride can help him with this disease.

What kind of doctors should the future spouse go through according to the scenario of the medical ransom of the bride? Neurologist, ophthalmologist, ENT specialist, cardiologist, etc. The list can be anything. The main thing is to choose interesting thematic contests. For example, an ophthalmologist can, covering one eye, throw darts at a target. There are no well-aimed hits - give a bribe so that the doctor writes the necessary conclusion.

At the end, the groom ends up in the last office - to the therapist. After the diagnosis is made, the doctor writes out a prescription for the groom, but it is addressed to the bride. This can be a joking message like the following: “Do artificial respiration as often as possible (especially when the spouse’s heartbeat quickens), feed the husband with healthy and tasty food, save him from bouts of longing,” etc.

Mafia style ransom script

According to the unusual idea of ​​​​a mafia-style bride ransom scenario, two families of mafiosi meet - the bride's witness - " godmother”, her girlfriends and fiancé with their friends. The bride's "clan" tests whether the groom's "clan" is worthy of intermarrying with their family. Tests can be as follows:

  • shout out a declaration of love to the bride as loudly as possible Italian(checking how true the groom's belonging to the Italian mafiosi is). For a fee, the groom is provided with a Russian-Italian dictionary;
  • check of possession of card game technique(the groom is offered several cards that need to be prepared in advance. Each of them has a certain number that means some important date in the life of the newlyweds. The future spouse must remember what this or that card is connected with);
  • checking the groom for accuracy(to find out if the betrothed can protect the honor of his beloved, the “godmother” gives him a “pistol with three bullets” - three darts from darts, which he must throw at a prepared target. If none of the three attempts was successful, help a witness comes in. If he cannot even once get into the "top ten", then he will have to pay off);
  • checking the ability to "open" the lock(the groom must choose the key with which he will open the apartment of his beloved. The keys may be in balloons, at the bottom of glasses with sour, sweet and salty water. For each incorrectly selected key, the betrothed pays a fine).

When all the tasks are completed, Italian music sounds, and the groom is allowed to visit his beloved. The bride, surrounded by her friends, sits "on the throne." Next - the usual deployment of events: the presentation of a bouquet, a buffet table, etc.

Adventure ransom of the bride in the style of a quest

Similar scenario interesting ransom the bride is ideal for lovers of active entertainment. As a rule, such scenarios cover a vast territory, so you can start a quest-style ransom even not near the bride’s house, but, for example, on a nearby playground. It is there that the bridesmaids meet the groom with the company and offer interesting adventures. What exactly? Here are examples of some of them:

  • First you need to open the chest in which the card is located. She needs to find a bride. To open the chest, you need to know the lock code. The combination of numbers in the cipher is different dates from the life of a couple in love (although there may be other numbers, for example, the size of the bride's shoes or the birthday of the mother-in-law). Answering the questions correctly, the groom approaches the cipher. If the cipher is not fully disclosed, you can pay extra for hints;
  • So the card has been received. It shows the route that you need to go through before you get to the bride. Bridesmaids with assignments await at each stop. By completing each task, the groom receives a piece of the puzzle. Having folded it completely, he will be able to say a magic spell (or perform some kind of action), after which he will freely get to his beloved. Stops can be anywhere: at the entrance, "near the fifth birch from the red hill on the site", in the stairwell, at the door of the bride's apartment ...
  • another quest option: after completing the tasks, instead of puzzle pieces, the groom receives souvenirs or joke money, for which he will redeem the bride from her girlfriends at the very end of the test. For the same "fee" he can also purchase a bouquet with which he will go to his chosen one.

A bit of theory: we make the ransom of the bride successful and original

Summing up, we note a few nuances that will make the ransom of the bride bright and unusual:

  • when choosing tests for the groom, “dress” them in a playful form. Which one - it depends on your imagination. The main condition is that all entertainment should be subject to one theme, and the scenario of the ransom of the bride should have a logical conclusion;
  • consider the place of the ransom. An event taking place in a private house - perfect option. Expand your territory for competitive program. For a private house, a ransom in the style of a quest or in a fabulous format is ideal. If the bride lives in a multi-storey building, try to use not only the entrance and apartment, but also different places close to home: children's and sports grounds, small tree plantings;
  • there should be a climax in the bride price script- for this stage, select the most difficult and provocative tests. Perhaps they will be carried out by the whole friendly company of the betrothed;
  • don't forget the costumes and make-up. They will immerse guests and newlyweds as much as possible in the game environment;
  • the design of the bride’s apartment, the entrance to her house and even the area near the house should be enchanting. Firstly, it will help you quickly plunge into a certain theme set in the script, and secondly, these colorful notes will create a sparkling festive atmosphere;
  • some ideas for the scenario of bride price contests need to be discussed with the groom. All tests for the groom should be funny, original and somewhat unexpected (but feasible and not cause embarrassment). Take care of musical accompaniment- it enhances bright emotions and impressions of those present;
  • this part of the wedding event should not be delayed. The longer the ransom is, the more boring the guests can become towards the end of it. In addition, it is important to avoid fatigue, because there is still a whole day ahead, full of fun and trouble.

Unleash your creativity by organizing a bridesmaid's ransom - this is the event that will set the newlyweds and guests in a further festive mood.

Unusual bride price ideas: video

The bride price part of the wedding is often a lot of fun, so it's best to prepare properly for this event with the help of our videos. We wish you inspiration and creative ideas!