Congratulations on the holiday of the gas industry are cool. Funny congratulations on the day of the gas worker to colleagues

Helmet hello today to all gas workers,
Let congratulations fly from all sides
May everyone wish you success in your work,
You drive gas faster than moonshine.
You give it not only for Russia,
Half the world is waiting for gas cubes through pipes,
Health, men, you, live happily,
And, of course, take a hundred grams on a holiday.

You give heat and fuel to every house,
We know that this work is not easy,
We sincerely want to congratulate you on the day,
What do people call the day of the gasman.
In verse, we send you congratulations today,
Far from home let them find you
In hard work, we wish you inspiration,
And may you be adequately paid for this work.

Let blue gold, but easier - gas
A flower burning in the sky flies high,
Honor and glory to you and toasts all for you,
Today we congratulate you on the day of the gas worker.
Let them give all the bowels, without a trace,
Even though the earth does not give up the reserve,
We wish you to live happily, in abundance,
Well, and, of course, let you be lucky in your work.

The important task is to extract natural gas.
Without further ado, you get down to business,
Today we want to congratulate you on the holiday,
Gas workers, men in everything responsible and courageous.
Let the boundless expanses submit to you,
After all, in the rain and in the cold, work for us,
Gas production will be above the norm,
Let the salary be class for work.

Like a powerful torch, gas flies up into the sky,
Ringing from the wind towers gas columns,
Let congratulations to all gas workers today
All over Russia, our huge mother.
May all your plans come true
Let in the cold and in the heat among the swamps
Fate is not easy to protect you all,
Health to you who gives gas to the country.

Our gas workers, the country needs you so much,
Today we congratulate you on the day of the gasman,
May success await you at work and in the family,
We wish you better health.
So that there is time for rest, for fun,
Let the mood always take off
Gas workers, we are proud, we rightfully praise you,
In gas production you reach great heights.

This holiday is known to everyone, for sure,
And who gives us gas at home, everyone also knows
Let the brave guys celebrate the day of the gasman,
From the bottom of our hearts, gasmen, we congratulate you.
We wish you to flourish in hard work,
Let prosperity be in everything
Luck will always walk side by side,
Happy Holidays again guys! With your day!

Among swamps, among midges, mosquitoes
You produce gas for all people
We wish you, gasman, to be healthy,
Pour vodka into a faceted glass.
And give a speech in honor of the day of the gasman,
Your work is honorable and, at times, so dangerous,
May fortune give you a generous hand
Will present peace, goodness and happiness today.

Everything that I managed to get will not fit into the truck,
Not even the whole railway will take away,
Only a gasman can work like that,
There will be plenty of heat and fuel in Russia.
Thank you on this day we want to say
That gas was extracted among the midges and swamps,
Let life hurry to fulfill your dreams,
Health, strength and may you be lucky.

The country is rich and there is a lot of gas in Russia,
And many countries want to get it,
Our gasman, a wonderful worker from God,
Let me now congratulate you on the holiday.
Around the swamps, the mosquito rings around,
And eternal dampness, and dirt all around, but still
A fearless guy will get gas - a gasman,
Let your work be appreciated more expensively.

To the country you extract gas among the swamps,
Let the gas towers plow the sky
Let, gasman, you are lucky in your work,
After all, you perform miracles for the country.
Among swamps, among permafrost,
Not afraid of dirt, midges, evil winds,
You will get heat and fuel for us,
Be happy, gasman, and be healthy.

Gas is flowing all the way through the pipes,
What was won by hard work,
Gas workers, we want to congratulate you now,
May this day be fun.
Let Gazprom congratulate you, by all means,
Quickly let the snack be put on your table,
Let the waiter bring a glass of tea,
You drink together, because your holiday has come.

Remarkably, the gas
In every house - this time!
No need for firewood now
Without them, it's easier - it's two!
Need gas, whatever one may say,
It is more reliable with him - these are three!
Our dear gasman,
Today is a holiday hero,
Accept congratulations,
Meet the day of the gasman!
We need your work
We adore you
And we wish you
Only bright days in destiny!

Congratulations, gasman!
You are not used to rest
But today is your holiday
Profession Day is

What gives us all warmth,
So we wish you luck
In a joyful life for you!
Happiness and goodness in fate!

Congratulations to our gas worker on the day of oil, gas and fuel industry! We wish you well-coordinated and efficient work, inexhaustible gas sources, safety and comfortable conditions labor. Let in personal life everything will be fine, health was getting stronger, nerves were like steel ropes. Good luck and prosperity!

On your professional holiday
I wish you good luck,
Helped to work
Solve difficult problems.

And I also wish you happiness
Clear, peaceful sky
Long life without bad weather
And the length of the gas pipeline!

Insanely important to all of us
Of course, the breadwinner is gas,
After all, without him we, as without hands -
Recognize it all around!

Thank you gasmen
For all working days
For honest and hard work,
May success always await you!

I wish you big salaries
So that everyone is very rich,
I wish you a lot of health
Love and unearthly happiness!

Hello gas workers today helmet,
Let the house be rich and comfortable,
Let them love you and you yourself love,
And take care of your health!

Success at work, in personal life,
Let everything be, you are always great,
The car pumps gas, and the money,
They will shower you both generously and richly!

The management appreciates, respects very much,
And he gives a bonus, does not pinch,
Let your arms and legs not hurt,
There is no better than you - gas workers guys!

What do you want, gasman?
You're a leader at work.
Happiness, health, good luck, patience,
And, of course, a little luck.

May all things go well.
Joy, peace and money bag.
Those who give gas to the people of the country,
We address "thank you" from us.

Everyone who is closely connected with gas,
Every gasman
We congratulate you on the holiday
Let not their hand tremble!

We wish them good luck
And success for centuries
Let fate always keep
Every gasman!

We congratulate all gas workers
Happy holiday today,
We respect their work
It is important for the whole country,
We wish gas workers
Patience, happiness, a lot of strength,
We also wish that their work
They only brought joy!

Congratulations guys
Happy gas day!
We wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness,
Good luck and love.

To warmly wait for you at home,
And good luck, so that in business,
To make every day a joy
Life was so that, as in dreams!

The gasman will produce gas - this is the time;
He will replace us with firewood - these are two.
And fourthly, frankly,
The gasman is a great guy
And, to be precise,
And a great girl.
So happy day to you, sad,
Happy professional day to you,
I'm ready to congratulate everyone
Happy gas workers holiday!

On the Day of the gasman, accept my congratulations! We don’t know exactly what is near the center of the Earth… But what is near the surface is studied thoroughly, and thanks to hard workers like you, nothing useful will be missed! And on a solemn day, when it seems that the sun is dancing in the sky in your honor, I wish you career growth and the happiest personal life!

What is found in the pantries of the Earth? Coal, gas, oil, yachts… Well, the latter is not your thing, but let the payment for working in the field related to the former be enough to buy the latter! And in general, let you live easier! So that at the hour of rest - the load fell like a mountain from the shoulders and it was not boring, but it was fun and tasty! Congratulations on the day gas industry!

Millions of years since dinosaurs have trodden where they are today. shopping centers or our country beds with strawberries… All this time wealth has been formed in the bowels of the Earth! And we, that is, people, are so insatiable! We need everything, and especially gas, oil, coal… And more! And on your professional holiday, Gas Worker's Day, I want to thank you for your work and wish you a rich, happy and healthy life in all respects!

A person is free to choose from many paths that spread over the Earth, like a lace pattern ... You chose the path under the Earth! Congratulations on the Gasman's Day! I sincerely and warmly wish you good health, personal happiness and Have a good mood! Let the dangers at work bypass you, but the opportunity to grow up professionally will always be at your service!

Congratulations on the Gas Industry Day! Yes, how would we live in comfort, how would production in the cities boil, but where would the exchange rates be without workers of your profession? You are a person needed by the whole country, and what can we say about us, who know you personally and appreciate your unique personality! Accept best wishes and smile!

Oil - black gold. What's worse than gas? Let's call it sapphire gold! Happy Gas Industry Day! Your profession is bread, difficult, necessary for every citizen and the whole country as a whole! AND big man- great happiness! And of course, may your health, doubly precious with your loads, never let you down!

And the growth of the economy on an international scale and the way the soup is cooked on the stove ... All this is interconnected through your work! Congratulations on the Gasman's Day! And although I don’t understand anything in your specialty ... In general, let everything be fine at work! As for personal life... Then let it be such that there is something to admire! Travel, new experiences, faithful friends, high hopes, dreams come true.

Man is the king of nature! And personally I don’t know what title to assign to you! After all, we have you from that breed that will shovel the entire rock of the Earth, and get what people need! Congratulations, not without pride, on the Gas Industry Day! I wish you a thousand and one pieces of happiness, from which you can put together a mosaic of a magnificent life worthy of a king!

The one who works so hard deserves a holiday! Congratulations on the Gasman's Day! To a person of your profession, I think, first of all, I wish you good health and for dessert, for you personally, a stunning fulfillment of nearby and distant plans! Let your happiness not run away from you, because you can get it out of the ground! Let him rather throw himself into your arms!

The mysterious underground world beckons us with ancient legends ... But where more entertaining than fairy tales the truth about how man conquers the bowels of the Earth! And you are with us - here in the forefront! On the day of the gasman I send you warm congratulations and a wish of happiness, such that when you spend hours not underground, but on it, the whole world is open to you, friendly to you and, as if by magic, dreams come true!

Colleagues, I congratulate you,
With our professional day,
We extract oil and gas
And we live very friendly.

I wish you all prosperity
More success and kindness
So that all wishes come true
May the industry flourish!

Colleagues - oil and gas workers!
May beacons always burn in your life,
That will surely lead you there,
Where is happiness, success, love and comfort!

All with our holiday! I wish miracles
Great achievements to the very heavens,
So that the salary is higher, more friends,
And life is more interesting and fun!

Dear Colleagues, I wish on this festive day to cast away anxieties and fuss, to accept the most warm regards And my sincere congratulations With professional holiday. Let luck always await you in life. Let prosperity and prosperity always fill your homes. I wish you success in your work, more new deposits, stable workings and decent earnings.

You, oil workers, colleagues,
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
Weekdays will be labor
Let it be light and good.

We are doing a big job
The country loves and appreciates us.
I wish you happiness and good
On our holiday to you all, friends.

On this professional holiday
Colleagues need to be congratulated from the bottom of my heart,
May the day be warm, joyful,
All minutes will certainly be good.

We wish you success and good,
May your work bring you good luck
May it accompany you today and always
You have great respect, honor.

Oil, gas and fuel - the basis of all foundations,
Industry is important to people
Can't imagine life without her
She is the basis of the developed century,
Colleagues who are associated with such an industry,
We congratulate, wish them happiness,
Each worker will be on a horse,
You are ahead of the rest, we know!

Happy Holidays to you colleagues
Congratulations to our
General industry
Unites us.

Oil, gas,
fuel industry,
Expands horizons
For your growth.

I wish everyone a holiday
I am labor victories
We will provide for the Motherland
We are warm and light.

Workers in the fuel and gas sector,
Oil workers - congratulations to all friends.
Today is our holiday, and we are without a doubt
Are obliged to meet him with a bang.

Good day! IN Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers It is customary to talk about the success of the industry, the achievements of individual enterprises, the discovery of new deposits. Further development prospects are also discussed. And this is understandable, because this holiday can be considered one of the most important in the country, it is on oil and gas that the economy of the entire state is built today, which means that we should not forget about the people who make the “fairy tale come true”.

But again the question arises that the attitude towards the oil industry in the country is not very positive, many consider it an “oil needle”, which prevents the country from developing in the field of high technologies, because there is always an “arrival” of funds, there is no need to think about the future . And you imagine how our life will change if today the country is left without gas and oil. That is why the people who work in this industry are so important, and they deserve this holiday.

Official congratulations on the Day of the Gasman in verse

Congratulations to gas workers and oilmen

Happy professional holiday, their day!

In addition to gold, we wish only black

Become a king for everyone!

Let instead of oil fountain joy

And instead of gas in the house, let the comfort burn,

And in the past, let fatigue remain

Make sure you get paid on time!

Happy Oilman's Day, we are happy to congratulate you!

Let there be a worthy reward in life!

And confidence, for the future goals,

To be able to achieve what they wanted!

So that health never fails

There were forces for work and for life!

So that happiness does not leave every day,

Heart in joy and bliss arrived!

Oilmen - conquerors of wells of depths,

We wish to reach the cherished heights,

To increase the blessings of the native country,

Set a worthy example for the youth!

Let your professionalism grow

The desire for new discoveries leads,

Luck and strength, mutual love,

Life rich, bright, happy!

Congratulations to the oilmen,

Let a personal holiday be a day off.

We understand all the need for your sphere,

But important work cannot be easy.

You serve for the good of the whole country,

A huge industry is an indispensable layer.

The fruits of the works are visible all over the earth,

Let her reward you according to your deserts.

Accept congratulations

Today is the day of the oilman.

I wish you positive

In business you dynamics.

Happiness, good health,

Peace is in the home and family.

Thanks only

Let the dossier fill up.

Cool wishes for gas workers

Commonwealth of Fates
Aspirations, searches.
In the name of work and wealth.
Gas in your hands
And oil behind.
You are like rulers
Create streams!

A day in September
For toasts, gifts.
From warm words
Let it be hot for you!
We will fill up with flowers and write odes,
May our voice be heard throughout the ages!

Oil and gas is your path

Can't be underestimated
The importance of your work
The whole country is proud of you.

Congratulations on this day
Let everyone remember him.
Let your work be respected
And they raise wages.

There will be oil and gas in the bowels -
There will be cash.
And like fuel in a pipe
Let there be happiness in fate.

Many holidays in Russia

And what is this time?
Congratulations to those who know
How to extract both oil and gas.

All health and success,
And also career growth!
And merry laughter to you,
What accompanies the toast.

So that wealth is in the wells
It arrived every day.
Take care of our land -
So we will live longer.

The day of the fuel industry has arrived
Today is an occasion to officially congratulate:
Oil workers, gas workers for you this toast:
Today you can relax normally!

And discovering the truth doubly:
On the drilling rig, remembering the house
There is a reason to smile again at his wife,
It's good when she's like that!

Having tempered a family in separation more than once,
Good luck returning home!
So that health grows stronger every hour,
And money is not needed for treatment!

Official verses of congratulations to an employee of the Gas Industry

There is a glorious holiday in September
I congratulate you on it!
After all, in honor of you, I am gas and oil
I praise with poetry.
Day of the oil and gas environment
You are celebrating
After all, black gold now
Own a little bit immodestly.
workers like you
Almost no need to dream
After all, for people like you, sometimes
Work as a reward.
You grow in your own sphere,
Come true, so that desires.
You are a model for friends
How to live, for imitation.

Official congratulations on the Day of the Gasman in prose

The oil and gas industry - these words themselves sound extremely serious. This is a responsible job. This is heavy industry! I want to wish all workers of the oil and gas industry on your holiday that your life, unlike your field of activity, be easy and not burdensome, that everything succeeds the first time, any heights are conquered, any depths are opened. You - serious people whose work is respected and worthy of honor. Let the power adequately repay you for it. And at home, loving loved ones and a friendly atmosphere are always waiting for you. Let there be so much health that is enough for 100 years, for all hobbies, for all children and grandchildren, and for all, all dreams. Be happy!

Dear workers of the oil and gas industry! Today I want to bow low to you for what you are doing. You command the bowels, and they share with you their inexhaustible riches. Hydrocarbons are the basis of everything, and it is you who generously sends them to chemists, metallurgists, pharmacists and everyone who simply cannot work without you. Heavy winter tracks, harsh shifts, hard work - all this is you; joyful oil fountains and blue lights on the stoves of cozy kitchens - this is also you. May good luck always favor you, and may your efforts always be rewarded at their true worth. Happy holiday, friends!

Wishes in your own words to gas and oil workers

Dear workers of the oil and gas industry!
Please accept my most heartfelt congratulations on your professional holiday!
The oil and gas industry remains the core of the country's economy, and your dedicated work is the key to Russia's prosperity. After all, the oil and gas you have produced bring light and warmth to people, they are invisibly present in every product of labor.
Your cause is vital for the country, to which many of you have devoted your whole life. Your professionalism and diligence cause deep respect and admiration.
With all my heart I wish you, gas workers and oil workers, veterans of the oil and gas industry, your families good health, happiness, good luck and, most importantly, faith in success!

Today we congratulate all those who have been touched by such an important work on the Day of the Oil Worker! It is impossible to imagine life without oil and gas today. We wish you simply dizzying success and prosperity. Let each of you be like oil: important, valuable, dear, live a bright and special life!

We sincerely congratulate you on your professional day. Let your craft bring joy, let your wallet ring as much as possible, and the career ladder itself will lead you up!

Congratulations on the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers. May great luck shine on you, may it warm you true love May your body greet you with energy every day, and your soul with a bright smile.