Congratulations in prose on the day of the oilman and gasman. Congratulations on the day of the oil, gas and fuel industry in verse

1st Sunday of September - Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers

The first weekend of autumn is marked wonderful holiday-Day of the oilman (gas and thermal engineer). Having taken the children to school, on the first Sunday of September, in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.10.80 "On holidays and memorable days", the country is in a hurry to congratulate the workers of the oil and gas industry. How could it be without them, because " black gold"and" blue fuel "feed Russia for a century.

IN Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers It is customary to talk about the success of the industry, the achievements of individual enterprises, the discovery of new deposits. Further development prospects are also discussed. And this is understandable, because this holiday can be considered one of the most important in the country, it is on oil and gas that the economy of the entire state is built today, which means that we must not forget about the people who make the “fairy tale come true”. But again the question arises that the attitude towards the oil industry in the country is not very positive, many consider it an “oil needle”, which prevents the country from developing in the field of high technologies, because there is always an “arrival” of funds, there is no need to think about the future . And you imagine how our life will change if today the country is left without gas and oil.

In Russia, the importance of the fuel and energy complex (FEC) is especially high. First, because of the huge resource potential. Secondly, the Russian fuel and energy complex has a unique production, scientific, technical and human potential. Third, important place fuel and energy complex is determined climatic conditions, in which the provision of energy resources to the economy and the population of the country is vital an important factor the existence of entire regions.

The oil industry, which is one of the main branches of heavy industry, includes exploration of oil and oil and gas fields, drilling of wells, production of oil and associated gas, and pipeline transportation of oil.

IN Soviet years The Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers was of great importance for workers in this industry, because it became a kind of gratitude and support from the whole country for the discovery of new deposits and unusually hard work. ABOUT hard work gas workers and oil workers composed songs, shot short films and feature films. The country followed with interest the discovery of new gas fields and oil wells. Many guys dreamed of getting an education related to the petrochemical industry and going to the extraction of black gold.

But even today the Day of Oil and Gas Workers has not lost its significance and is celebrated on a grand scale. And at present, a worker in the oil and gas industry is a very honorable profession.

This great way to tell all these people how much they do for the country, because it is impossible to imagine that it would be with us if this wealth were not at the disposal of the country.

The president of the country sends congratulations to the oil workers. Representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, major oil companies, deputies and veterans of the industry address the employees of the industry with welcoming speeches at solemn meetings. Many industry workers are awarded medals and commemorative orders.

What can be wished to people who work in such a complex industry? Of course, health, happiness, as well as further success in this necessary, difficult and noble cause.

Congratulations on the Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers

Congratulations on the Oilman's Day in verse

Oilman, engineer, well driller,
Your work is hard, honorable and courageous.
You are all heroes, all giants,
Strong, hardy, beautiful, like Atlanteans.
Congratulations on your professional holiday!
Mark it with a normal feast.
We wish you great luck
To make life richer
So that the earth bears fruit with oil,
So that work brings happiness!

Oil and gas are familiar words
The gift of the earth, already familiar even.
But a hundred times mother nature is right,
Giving us this treasure for our life.
Oil and gas - heat, movement, light.
But how hard is it?
Is everyone who is full and warm,
Remembers the creators of such a world?
And they are creating. They don't wait
No special confessions
Knowing that labor is eternally valuable,
Full of worries and trials.
May its bearers live in peace and goodness,
In health, in strength, so that we have them,
Everyone, to one, was gratefully honored and loved.

We congratulate you on the Day of the Oilman today,
And we wish only the best -

And then - it is profitable to sell it,
Become the richest person

And the cold pours into the floors,
The work of an oilman is useful to us,

And at the origins - just men!

Accept respect and hello,

Industry stands without oil,
And the cold pours into the floors,
The work of an oilman is useful to us,
Gives us warmth, light and life!
You have a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhealth, wagons of happiness,
Reach great heights in your life
So that you have warmth and harmony at home,
May everyone bring joy and truth every day!

Congratulations on the day of the oilman today,
And we wish only the best -
So that hundreds of thousands of tons from under the ground
You were able to get excellent oil,
And after - it is profitable to sell it, To become the richest person,
And, most importantly, stay healthy
Wealth is not necessary without health!

Congratulations on the Oilman's Day in prose

Dear oil and gas workers! Congratulations on your professional holiday- Happy oil, gas and fuel industry workers! Your professionalism, work and skill are as valuable, necessary and important as oil and gas are in the development of the country. We wish you cubic meters of happiness, barrels of love and a fountain of health!

Today, on the Oil and Gas Industry Day, I would like to congratulate the people involved in the development of this industry. Congratulations to technologists, drillers and developers, oil and gas production operators, mechanics and transport workers! Your profession is difficult, difficult to learn, difficult to perform, but you can be proud of it, because you work in an industry that is incredibly important for the state. Risking your health, and sometimes your life, you go on shift every day to ensure the work of numerous industries across the country.
We wish you strength, good remuneration for such an important work, health and family comfort. Let your relatives be sympathetic to all the difficulties of your chosen profession and always wait at home near the family hearth. Happy holiday, Happy Oil and Gas Industry Day!

Dear oilmen (gasmen)! On this festive September day, let me sincerely and from the bottom of my heart congratulate you on this wonderful professional holiday - the Day of the Oil and Gas Industry! Let work give you only joy and success, workdays be calm and happy, let all colleagues respect you, and let your loved ones be proud of you! Happiness to you, prosperity and well-being!

SMS congratulations on the Oilman's Day

Short congratulations on the Oilman's Day

Oilman - honor and respect,
You are beautiful and a kind person!
Your friendship is more valuable to me than gold,
Happy Oilman's Day! Be happy forever!

Let the work - not romance at all,
Let often away from home.
I wish you on Oilman's Day
Prosperity, happiness, love!

On his professional holiday, I wish the hardworking oilman to live better and better, not knowing the boundaries of happiness!

May you, oilman, prosper
Extracting oil for us.
Happy Oilman's Day! I wish you health
And the work is first class!

Oil rockers, then cold, then hot,
Bushes of deposits, swamps, midges.
But let the salary grow, success awaits in a career ...
Happy Oilman's Day! Let laughter flow everywhere!

Voice congratulations on the Oilman's Day

Congratulations on the Oilman's Day on the phone you can listen to and send your favorite to the recipient as music or voice greeting to a mobile or smartphone. You can order and send congratulations on the Oilman's Day to your phone either immediately or by specifying the date and time of delivery of the audio postcard. Sound congratulations Happy Oilman's Day, the phone will be guaranteed to be delivered to a mobile, smartphone or landline phone, which you can personally verify by tracking the status of receiving congratulations by clicking on the received link in the SMS message after payment.

Funny congratulations on the Oilman's Day

Happy professional holiday! May your life be as long as a gas pipeline, your career ladder as high as an oil rig, and material well-being grows as steadily as the price of fuel rises.

The power of the country is swinging through the pipes,
And in tankers the size of the Titanic
And at the origins - just men!
Severe, with the profession of an oilman!

I wish you many years of happiness
Always to have a successful watch,
Accept respect and hello,
To always be successful tomorrow!

I congratulate all workers of the oil, gas and fuel industry on their professional day. I wish that the fire of love always burns in your life, there is a fountain of warmth and kindness from the soul, and the body radiates youth and vigor. Be rich, be happy and, of course, healthy.

Toast-congratulations on the Oilman's Day

Sad landscape ... Bottomless bowels,
And there is little blue in the sky;
Pipeline kilometers,
Around only tundra, snow - and you.
For you - fearless, strong, zealous!
For you, stretching from the veins!
Let's celebrate, oilman -
You deserve this holiday!

Funny congratulations on the Day of the Oilman 2019 in verse and prose

September 1 - Oil and Gas Industry Worker's Day (first Sunday in September)

H e entertainer-massovik
From the resort town
He is a gasman from the tundra -
Here is his work.

He extracts gas
For all the people
Bringing it to us
By pipeline.

He got to our town
On a business trip.
On the move fell on me
This guy is smart.

Immediately obvious - business;
In the forehead he said that he liked me.
I shook my head -
I will not go to the tundra.

Couldn't seduce me
Golden life...
And I was left alone
With gas stove.

TO Every day we start with preparing breakfast, then we get to work by private car or bus. We do not pay attention to these "little things", because we are accustomed to them since childhood. But imagine what would happen if one day we were deprived of these benefits of civilization! Perhaps nothing is more terrible than this picture, and it is impossible to imagine. And today we all congratulate people whose daily work allows us not to think about these vitally important “little things”. Happy holiday to you dear workers gas and oil industry!

G az is in charge today,
Manages the gas states,
The economy is developing
And makes republics kingdoms.
And the miners of their strength,
Left on the battlefield.
Congratulations, gasmen,
We are without you, like the Mongols without tribute.
The light is on, and the apartments are warm,
And factories at full capacity.
We wish you, gasmen,
So that your years do not age you,
May a star shine above you
Let the Universe carry on your hands,
Happiness, people to you, and gentlemen,
Let it be given to everyone that they ask

P I congratulate you on the day of the oilman! Black gold is in your hands, so may you never know what need is! I wish you to wake up every day with joyful thoughts, love your family, appreciate family and friends, and never forget that the most important thing in life is love and health. Both cannot be bought for any money, so appreciate what you have, try to increase and save. Good mood, success in any endeavors and may the oil industry prosper, and oil never ends!


G az and oil not to extract -
The state will not exist.
gasman, oilman
All Russia is pulled.

The matter is very important
For all the people
oil wells
And gas pipelines.

Helmet for export oil and gas -
Foreign countries will provide meat.
Eat only algae
We are without this industry.

And will remain in the hearts
Ours for centuries
Oilman's names
And a gasman.

WITH today is a holiday for the conquerors of the earth's interior, for the workers of oil wells. Modern man is nowhere without the fruits of your work! And your work is hard to overestimate. Thousands of professionals, experienced and responsible, every day, regardless of the pouring rain, or the sultry heat, or the Siberian frosts, go to work. Once the chosen field becomes the work of your whole life! We wish you success in your work! Let fatigue recede and satisfaction with the results obtained! Health to you, new victories and achievements! May your home always be warm and light! May all adversity bypass your families! Good luck, love and great happiness! Happy holiday!

AND extract wealth from the bowels of the earth
It takes a lot of mind and courage,
Look for new deposits
And to find - that's the true reward!

I want to wish my husband today
Always on right place be,
And never be discouraged at all
Let your dream come true!

H oil, gas industry - these words themselves sound extremely serious. This is a responsible job. This is heavy industry! I want to wish all workers of the oil and gas industry on your holiday that your life, unlike your field of activity, be easy and not burdensome, that everything succeeds the first time, any heights are conquered, any depths are opened. You - serious people whose work is respected and worthy of honor. Let the power adequately repay you for it. And at home, loving loved ones and a friendly atmosphere are always waiting for you. Let there be so much health that is enough for 100 years, for all hobbies, for all children and grandchildren, and for all, all dreams. Be happy!


TO the power of the country pumps through the pipes,
And in tankers the size of the Titanic
And at the origins - just men!
Severe, with the profession of an oilman!

I wish you many years of happiness
Always to have a successful watch,
Accept respect and hello,
To always be successful tomorrow!

H Oil is called black gold for a reason. The importance of this fossil cannot be overestimated: without this resource, life would stop today. Thank you very much for taking the responsibility to work in this area, which contributes to technological progress and knows how to “negotiate” with the Earth without harming it. Let every drop of the black gold you have mined benefit people, and your hard work will be rewarded not only materially, but also its nobility will turn into your personal happiness for you.
We congratulate you on the Day of the Oilman! It was not in vain that the Earth hid its most valuable wealth in the depths of the rocks: in order to give them to people through the hands of the most worthy!

IN such a normal day
It's a very unusual holiday.
Let there be light, let the shadow perish -
The oilman is accustomed to the feat.

And he knows how to get
Something without which we cannot imagine life.
We must bless the moment
When the fountain of oil splashes!

At Dear workers of the oil and gas industry! Today I want to bow low to you for what you are doing. You command the bowels, and they share with you their inexhaustible riches. Hydrocarbons are the basis of everything, and it is you who generously sends them to chemists, metallurgists, pharmacists and everyone who simply cannot work without you. Heavy winter tracks, harsh shifts, hard work - all this is you; joyful oil fountains and blue lights on the stoves of cozy kitchens - this is also you. May good luck always favor you, and may your efforts always be rewarded at their true worth. Happy holiday, friends!

IN so many oilman's day
I want to wish you:
To a smooth road
I called you to step forward

To glue the work
Money - chickens do not peck,
To forget about worries
May luck carry you far!

WITH Today, on the Oil and Gas Industry Day, I would like to congratulate the people involved in the development of this industry. Congratulations to technologists, drillers and developers, oil and gas production operators, mechanics and transport workers! Your profession is difficult, difficult to learn, difficult to perform, but you can be proud of it, because you work in an industry that is incredibly important for the state. Risking your health, and sometimes your life, you go on shift every day to ensure the work of numerous industries across the country.
We wish you strength, good remuneration for such an important work, health and family comfort. Let your relatives be sympathetic to all the difficulties of your chosen profession and always wait at home near the family hearth. Happy holiday, Happy Oil and Gas Industry Day!

E do not hold it in your hands,
It is invisible to our eyes.
But if you don't get gas -
Everything will collapse tightly and immediately.

We sing a hymn to gas workers -
To the miners of such a miracle.
Thank you for warming our house
And everything works everywhere!

B no nitpicking, nodding
On this day, honor
Who will drill holes in the soil
And see what is flowing.

From the hole they laugh in the ear:
"Roll up, brother, lip!",
But the oilman is strong in spirit,
He carries a pipe with him.

We honor your name, oilman!
You are a titan and you are a fighter!
We will lift for you now
Glass, fork, cucumber!

IN All jobs are good, all professions are needed. But there is one in the world, without which it is impossible to imagine a real day. And even more difficult to imagine the future. Oil and gas workers! People whose fruits of labor we use daily, hourly and every second. We use it without realizing it. Congratulations on your holiday! Thank you very much for your daily hard work. For skill and professionalism, for loyalty to one's work and responsibility. We wish you good health, success in your field, victories and great unexpected luck! Let life only give pleasant surprises! I wish you great happiness, goodness and light in life, warmth in your soul, youth in your heart! Happy holiday!

IN s with "black gold" on "you",
We know this for sure.
Your dreams come true
Today we wish.
And let the oil gush like a fountain
Tall, powerful, strong,
And so that the prices for it
They have always been stable.

IN On this day, we want to congratulate everyone who gives the country "black gold" - oil. IN modern world it is valued almost more than gold itself. No state can exist without the oil industry, and the oil industry cannot exist without oilmen. We want to wish you good luck, happiness and prosperity! Let any trouble pass you by! Happy holiday!

H oil everywhere and oil everywhere,
Queen of our days.
This is a true miracle
You know her very well!

On this day we wish you
Extract a lot of oil.
Happy holiday to you, oilman,
You live and prosper!

September 2 is Oilman's Day in Russia, which means it's time to prepare congratulations to colleagues, official in prose and poetry, for the director, cool and funny for friends. In my selection you will also find wishes from the head of administration, from the trade union.

The day of the oil, gas and fuel industry is celebrated by Siberia, in particular Surgut and Kuban (Krasnodar Territory) on the first Sunday of autumn, this year, this is September 2. When is the Day of the Oilman in 2019? Workers in this difficult industry in 2019 will receive bonuses on September 1.

I advise: Cool pictures for the Day of the Oilman

Friends, everyone who is related to the gas and fuel industry, I congratulate you, these wishes in verse and prose (in your own words) are for you.

These wishes will suit both the colleague and the higher management. Beautiful poems for the Day of the Oilman can be downloaded and sent to friends and acquaintances.

Oilman, happy holiday to you!

Accept congratulations!

Let the booty be big

Excellent mood.

Let there be wells and bushes

There are many in your work.

Get ready for new victories!

Everything else will work out!

Undoubtedly, oil is important for Russia,

And therefore, not knowing fatigue,

So that the country could live and prosper,

The whole oil industry works,

You have reached great heights in labor,

You are rightfully proud of your profession,

Today is your holiday, and from the heart

We want to congratulate you on the day of the oilman!

Bathed in black gold

Don't grow old in spirit

With which I congratulate you

Our oilman is expensive.

I don't care about wishes

Let happiness beat like a fountain

A favorite job

It will bring a lot of money!

I wish you happiness, joy, love,

Good luck, passion, immeasurable tenderness,

May your days be fun

And the heart is always beating in rapture,

Peace of mind, no hassle

Success at work personal life,

Health, getting younger from year to year,

And let the mood be great.

You supply the people with "black gold",

Receive endless gratitude

May your prosperity grow every moment,

Adding diamonds to an excellent life!

These congratulations in your own words are suitable for a holiday when you don’t want to pick up verses at all.

Congratulations on the Oilman's Day! With all our hearts, we wish all oil workers, everyone involved in the extraction of black gold, to become as rich as the owners of oil rigs on their professional holiday! But seriously, apart from material wealth There are many other values ​​in life as well. So let your life always be like a full cup: health never fails, career steadily goes up along with salary, comfort and love reign in the house, and fate never becomes scarce for pleasant surprises and new impressions!

On the day of the oil and gas industry, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and wish you only the best. Thanks to people like you, we drive cars, fly planes, our homes are warm. Believe me, we appreciate your work and understand that it deserves respect and decent pay. Therefore, we want to sincerely tell you: let every moment of your life be filled with joy and happiness, any trouble can be easily eliminated, and close people, colleagues appreciate and respect you. family happiness, the ability to quickly and calmly solve problems, and never lose heart! May good luck always smile on you in your oil and gas business!

Dear colleagues, I congratulate everyone on the Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Day. I wish each of you good luck and prosperity, unhindered work and a smooth personal life, love and respect, warmth and understanding, fruitful working days, an exciting and fun vacation, achieving your goals and simple happiness.

Today, on the Day of Gas, Fuel and Oil Industry Workers, we would like to wish all representatives of such a difficult and dangerous profession a huge bag of success, streams of laughter, a sea of ​​positive and Have a good mood. We wish you to find your most precious treasure at the bottom of the mines - health, love and understanding.

Today we congratulate our heroes of the country - oil and gas workers, for their work, for warmth in homes, for traffic and many other earthly privileges. May the work team be friendly, peace reign in the family, may each time you descend into the bowels of the Earth, you return from there unharmed and healthy.

Dear workers of the oil and gas industry, we sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday. We wish you good health, good luck in all your endeavors, a lot of joy and all the best. Let every day give you only bright moments, let the salary be worthy. All the best to you, prosperity, prosperity and family warmth. May your dreams come true, may everything go well with you. wish good mood good luck and all the best.

Of course, how not to congratulate colleagues on this wonderful Sunday in September. See what congratulations I have selected for you, send any short or long one you like in SMS by phone to a colleague.

Our day has come. warmth, health

From the heart and with great love

It's time for you to wish.

Hooray, oilmen, hooray!

I congratulate you, colleagues!

Prosperity, I wish you joy.

May our work be famous for centuries

Both in words and in deeds.

May there be happiness and prosperity

Order at work and in the family.

I heartily congratulate you!

You give oil, fuel and gas!

Only those who know will understand

How important is this work?

And how our worker

Smart, smart and cool.

So let, dear colleagues,

Everything in life will be on "Hurrah".

Well-being and happiness

May you always smile.

Workers in the fuel and gas sector,

Oil workers - congratulations to all friends.

Today is our holiday, and we are without a doubt

Are obliged to meet him with a bang.

Happy Holidays to you colleagues

Congratulations to our

General industry

Unites us.

Oil, gas,

fuel industry,

Expands horizons

For your growth.

That's funny wishes for you and your friends on Oilman's Day. If your director has a sense of humor, you can send him cool congratulations for Oil Industry Day.

Let the rivers of oil flow to you

In terms of money,

And your hard, dirty work

Over the years more appreciated.

Find you deposits of love,

Burrow into the depths of happiness.

Oilman, on this day the lights

They will come to visit you!

You are all dirty as hell

Just not by chance

This cute flaw

Very sexy!

After all, it is not smeared in the mud

You, but in the "gold"!

"Hurry up to me,

Rich boy!"

Congratulations, oilman,

On your holiday, accept your big one.

I wish you happiness,

Prosperity, love.

May the petrolium good luck

And bring prosperity.

Happiness, joy, understanding

Let him live in your house.

Without you, alas, neither oil nor gas

We wouldn't get

Would run out of oil reserves

Such a big country

Without you, no light, no heat -

Dark and sad for us

So we wish it was

Work is your pleasure.

So that the salary is just right,

To a friendly team!

May the gas never end!

And oil! and positive!

In your honor, a fountain was thrown,

In which the splashes are worth gold.

After all, the magic tap is open,

Stores black liquid.

Oil flows more obediently than waters,

Manual becomes meek.

Drilling sound - code for oil,

Running on new wiring.

We owe this obedience

To our brave oilmen.

And we congratulate them now from the bottom of our hearts!

We consider the profession important!

I advise you not to forget about the shift manager, director and other bosses, perhaps beautiful or official congratulations Happy Oilman's Day on your phone will turn into a bonus for you.

On this festive September day, let me sincerely and from the bottom of my heart congratulate you on this wonderful professional holiday, Happy Oilman's Day. Let work give you only joy and success, workdays be calm and happy, let all colleagues respect you, and let your loved ones be proud of you! Happiness to you, prosperity and well-being!

I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers. I wish that there was always light in the soul, and warm and cozy in the house. I wish you successful activities and success, excellent opportunities in life and great chances for good luck. I wish you health, happiness, love and prosperity.

On the Day of the oil, gas and fuel industry worker, I want to wish inexhaustible reserves of important resources from nature, rational and unique ideas on the processing and use of treasured raw materials. I wish you excellent work without incidents and interference, I wish you diligent efforts for the benefit of society and for personal benefit.

As a rule, there is a trade union at state enterprises, it also celebrates this day.

Congratulations on the day of the oilman, guys!

You are the backbone of our valiant country.

You are the miners of untold wealth,

And they are always faithful to their profession.

We wish you promising new wells,

Pipelines for hundreds of thousands of miles.

Your hard work, believe me, is very important.

Be happy! Patience and strength!

We wish all the oilmen of the country that the rivers of oil never run dry, as well as words of recognition and gratitude addressed to you. Let there be only one black streak in your life - the fountain of black gold. We wish everyone to find their own oil field and become not just an oilman, but an oil tycoon. Well, in order to fulfill wishes, today you need to drink in honor of the holiday not 100 grams, but a whole barrel. Happy holiday!

Dear oilmen, today is your day! Labor in the bowels of the earth is very difficult, and we wish you that your working day flies by like one moment! Let the joke and cheerful motive of the soul help you overcome difficult moments at work! We wish you never be disappointed in your choice of profession, so that your vocation leads you on the road to success, so that you enjoy doing what you love! Let weekdays be a holiday for you, and weekends - fireworks of positive emotions!

Accept the most my sincere congratulations Happy Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers!

Your work is changing the face of our region. Your work is light and heat in houses, it is fuel for transport, raw materials for industry. Your selfless work, high professionalism, energy and enterprise remain a guarantee successful development our region and our great country. I would like to express my special gratitude to the veterans, to all those who went first. The results of your work, dear veterans, serve as a worthy example for the younger generation, adopting your invaluable experience!

The holiday of "black gold" and "blue fuel" - the day of the worker of the gas, oil, oil products supply and oil refining industry has been celebrated since 1980 on the first Sunday of September.
The oil and gas industries confidently occupy leading positions in the country's economy. This day is celebrated by all those involved in the exploration, production, processing, use of oil and gas, as well as design organizations, which makes up more than 15% of the country's population. Russia is one of the most richest countries for oil and gas reserves. We are major importers in the world, as it is customary to call "blue fuel" - gas. Investments received from the development of these industries form a significant part of GDP. Every Russian knows such large companies like Lukoil, Gazprom, Rosneft. This profession is very prestigious, but at the same time it has high danger, responsibility. Thousands of innovative projects are being developed by scientists and engineers striving for the rational use of the bowels of nature. On this day, birthday people receive their congratulations from the head of state, directly from their superiors, colleagues, relatives and friends. Solemn events pass on the high level, with awards to people who have contributed to the development of the oil and gas industries.

Happy professional holiday! May your life be as long as a gas pipeline, your career ladder as high as an oil rig, and your material well-being grow as steadily as fuel becomes more expensive.

We congratulate all workers of the oil, gas and fuel industry on their professional holiday! We wish that your work is always appreciated! So that the work brings the desired results, gives results and be a pleasure! Let everything work like clockwork. I wish you good health, a lot of strength, prosperity, development and prosperity! Happy holiday!

On the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers, I would like to congratulate you on your professional holiday and address the most warm regards. Let labor activity brings joy and income. Let there be good health, and optimistic mood. Let it be joyful every day, successful - every business.

Colleagues! With all my heart I would like to congratulate us on your professional holiday! No one in the modern world can do without oil and gas, which means that our work is very important, which means that we are the most valuable workers in the whole world! Then let good luck accompany us, health does not fail us, troubles and troubles will bypass us, wages will increase, there will be bonuses as often as possible, and in general, everything will be just fine. Happy holiday!

Congratulations on the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers. I wish you to live like a rich oilman, I wish you to confidently put pressure on gas, I wish you an inexhaustible source of fuel - energy and strength. Good luck in your work and the right decisions, interesting events and good smiles every day.

I congratulate skillful professionals in their field on the holiday - the day of workers in the oil, gas and fuel industry! I wish rich wells and generous subsoil. Safe work and high achievements in the professional field. New horizons and disclosure of potential, good luck, success and only good mood!

I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers. I wish that there was always light in the soul, and warm and cozy in the house. I wish you successful activities and success, excellent opportunities in life and great chances for good luck. I wish you health, happiness, love and prosperity.

Congratulations on the holiday of strength, mind, patience, zeal and fire. On the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers, I sincerely want to wish excellent and clean work, bright and warm life, great and bright luck, beautiful and sparkling love, and most importantly, eternal and inextinguishable health!

Congratulations on the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers. I wish to be a rich man, like an oil tycoon, I wish to burn brightly with the fire of happiness, like a gas flame, I wish to warm my heart with the fuel of hope and love.

Congratulations on the holiday of the oil and gas industry. We wish you great achievements. More new rich deposits of black gold. So that your income will gush like a fountain, just like blue fuel. Stability in everything, prosperity and peace to your homes.

Congratulations on the day of the oil and gas industry in prose

On the day of the oil and gas industry, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and wish you only the best. Thanks to people like you, we drive cars, fly planes, our homes are warm. Believe me, we appreciate your work and understand that it deserves respect and decent pay. Therefore, we want to sincerely tell you: let every moment of your life be filled with joy and happiness, any trouble can be easily eliminated, and close people, colleagues appreciate and respect you. Family happiness, the ability to quickly and calmly solve problems, and never lose heart! May good luck always smile on you in your oil and gas business!

Your work - workers in the oil and gas industry is complex, it requires full dedication of time and effort. But the future of the whole world depends on you, because it is thanks to you and your efforts that our country occupies one of the first places in oil and gas production. And now I want to sincerely congratulate you on the Oil and Gas Industry Day. Let autumn, which has just come into possession of the next season, help you celebrate such a significant day on this day! Thank you very much for your dedication to such a necessary cause. I wish you good luck, health, wealth and prosperity!

Whoever has the sources of energy in his hands, he rules the world. And you do it every year more confidently and professionally! An oilman and a gasman are a successful tandem that can turn the world upside down! I wish you the right decisions, successful discoveries, unexpected discoveries and the high title of "pro"!
Let everything go smoothly and beautifully in your everyday life, as well as in your professional life. Let new paths and opportunities open before you! Happiness, patience, luck! Be always in a pile of events, clearly solve the tasks assigned to you and do not despair of failures - they are fleeting. I wish you great achievements and advancement in your career!

Congratulations, oil and gas industry workers! It is thanks to your professional work modern man available is the comfort to which he is accustomed, and those opportunities without which he can no longer be. So who, if not you, deserves the greatest comfort, and not only material, but also spiritual? Who, if not you, deserves happiness and the fulfillment of your hopes. Let it all be yours!
You are the real heroes of our time! Together with even lights on the gas stove, with the reliable hum of the engine that accompanies us on the road, with warmth in cozy apartments, your work, your hard efforts come to us.
We wish you stability and good income at work, and at home - comfort and light from the smiles of loved ones.

The oil and gas industry - these words themselves sound extremely serious. This is a responsible job. This is heavy industry! I want to wish all workers of the oil and gas industry on your holiday that your life, unlike your field of activity, be easy and not burdensome, that everything succeeds the first time, any heights are conquered, any depths are opened. You are serious people whose work is respected and worthy of honor. Let the power adequately repay you for it. And at home, loving loved ones and a friendly atmosphere are always waiting for you. Let there be so much health that is enough for 100 years, for all hobbies, for all children and grandchildren, and for all, all dreams. Be happy!

Dear workers of the oil and gas industry! Today I want to bow low to you for what you are doing. You command the bowels, and they share with you their inexhaustible riches. Hydrocarbons are the basis of everything, and it is you who generously sends them to chemists, metallurgists, pharmacists and everyone who simply cannot work without you. Heavy winter tracks, harsh shifts, hard work - all this is you; joyful oil fountains and blue lights on the stoves of cozy kitchens - this is also you. May good luck always favor you, and may your efforts always be rewarded at their true worth. Happy holiday, friends!

Today, on the Oil and Gas Industry Day, I would like to congratulate the people involved in the development of this industry. Congratulations to technologists, drillers and developers, oil and gas production operators, mechanics and transport workers! Your profession is difficult, difficult to learn, difficult to perform, but you can be proud of it, because you work in an industry that is incredibly important for the state. Risking your health, and sometimes your life, you go on shift every day to ensure the work of numerous industries across the country.
We wish you strength, good remuneration for such an important work, health and family comfort. Let your relatives be sympathetic to all the difficulties of your chosen profession and always wait at home near the family hearth. Happy holiday, Happy Oil and Gas Industry Day!

All jobs are good, all professions are needed. But there is one in the world, without which it is impossible to imagine a real day. And even more difficult to imagine the future. Oil and gas workers! People whose fruits of labor we use daily, hourly and every second. We use it without realizing it. Congratulations on your holiday! Thank you very much for your daily hard work. For skill and professionalism, for loyalty to one's work and responsibility. We wish you good health, success in your field, victories and great unexpected luck! Let life bring only pleasant surprises! I wish you great happiness, goodness and light in life, warmth in your soul, youth in your heart! Happy holiday!