How to answer the question how are you doing. I will teach you how to answer tactless questions - these phrases will stop annoying people

Unfortunately, not all the people around us are well-educated. There's nothing you can do about it. But you can and should learn to communicate with such tactless people. In this article, I will teach you some ways and techniques of communication with which you can easily deal with these ignorant people.

Where did it all start?

Before answering such questions, you need to try to understand for what purpose the person asked them. Mostly, of course, not in order to offend you or “touch a nerve.” Although there are such people too. Usually answers to questions like: when will you get married or give birth to a child, buy an apartment or get a job? Good work, people are of little interest. He is simply trying to impose intimacy in this way and expressing his opinion (which, naturally, you did not ask about). Or for another purpose: to make you embarrassed. Or for the purpose of your own self-affirmation. But whatever the goal of your interlocutor, you have the right not to answer such questions, and are not obliged to do so!

But if you do decide to answer such a tactless question, it is important that your answer is witty and original. Just remember that wit must be proportionate: it sobers up the opponent, but does not hurt more than the opponent deserves.

Let me give you an example of wit from Churchill . One day a lady told him: “If you were my husband, I would pour poison into your glass!” To which the witty Churchill retorted: “If I were your husband, I would drink it immediately!”

Another example of a witty answer to a tactless question . Anna German, who was tall and she really didn’t like it when this was pointed out to her; one entertainer once asked: “Tell me, how many meters are you?” She proudly answered: “It doesn’t matter how many subways, what matters is that I am certainly taller than you...”

Answer to tactless questions it can be done differently. Of course, the form and level of severity of the answer always depend on the degree of impudence of the question itself and on your relationship with your opponent . In addition to a witty answer, there are several other ways.


  • Counter question (“And for what purpose are you interested?”, “Why do you need such information?”).
  • Changes in conversation direction (the simplest and most effective) - “Oh, what do I have, you’d better tell me about yourself.”
  • Ignore "What did you say? Oh, today they predicted rain in the afternoon.”
  • Attitude towards the interlocutor “Well, you asked!”, “You’re not in a good mood today, right?”
  • Assessments "From personal question!”, “Ask me how to save the world!”
  • Emotional reaction : imitation of shock or hysteria, you can remain silent or just smile.

List of the most tactless questions

Especially for you, I have compiled a list of the most tactless questions.

With possible answers to them:

1. “How old are you?” By the way, I was never embarrassed by my age and always answered the truth without being embarrassed about it.

But if this is a tactless and very personal question for you, then answer this way:

  • "Whatever I have they are all mine"
  • Counter question: “How much will you give?”
  • In the words of Carlson: “I am a woman in the prime of life...”.

2. “Have you gained weight?”


  • “It’s just that you’ve lost weight”
  • “I’m already at that age when they bloom and don’t dry up”
  • A counter question: “What don’t you like?”

3. “Are you married?”


  • “I’m not “for” my husband, I’m “with” my husband.”
  • “Of course, I have three of them to choose from.”
  • On counter: “Are you in doubt?”, “Do you want to make me an offer?”

4. A tactless question that confuses both men and women: “Did you have someone before me?” The question, in my opinion, is not only tactless, but also stupid. I was always interested to see a person’s reaction if they were given the following answer to this question: “Yes, about 20 people, probably. Does this bother you?

Deny the obvious in this case stupid, so it’s better to answer in an original and romantic way:

  • “If there was anyone, he couldn’t be compared to you.”
  • “Is it important? I love only you."
  • “Yes, before you there were, of course... Dreams about you."

5. I don’t know about you, but I’m perplexed by the question asked stranger on the street or on the phone: “Do you have a minute?”

Sometimes I want to respond with rudeness, but my upbringing does not allow me to do so, so I answer like this:

  • "Depends on what you need."
  • “Sorry, I don’t waste time.”
  • “Yes, but it costs too much.”

6. “Why don’t you have children?” (wives, cars, apartments, high positions, etc.).

Decent answer options:

  • “I haven’t earned it yet.”
  • "Karma doesn't allow it."
  • “It will interfere with my genius.”
  • Counter question: “Why do you need it?”, “Why are you interested in this?”, “Can you offer me this?”

7. Some people try to joke, without realizing it, and look stupid. One of these questions is: “Where did you get so much change? Were you standing on the porch?

Answer like this:

  • “Yes, I just left the church.”
  • “I just collect scrap metal.”
  • “Do you want us to go together tomorrow?”
  • “Are you afraid of competition?”

The main thing to remember : When answering such questions, show creativity and creativity. Develop quick thinking, learn to control yourself and don’t be embarrassed when meeting such people.

Psychologists recommend that people who are embarrassed by certain questions should solve those problems that they are often asked about. But you and I understand perfectly well that it is impossible to resolve all issues. And most importantly, even if all of them are solved, new ones will definitely be found, and so on ad infinitum. Unfortunately, it is also impossible to teach tact to all people. Therefore, try to be patient and calm towards people who get into your soul and into your personal life. (although it's difficult). Perhaps they do this because they don’t have one of their own at all.

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Each of us had to answer tactless questions. Sometimes it makes you angry, sometimes it makes you happy. Often people don't even realize that they are putting someone in an awkward position, but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with such situations.

website collected the most awkward questions, which each of us has heard at least once, and found answers to them, seasoned with a bit of humor.

1. How much does your apartment cost?

When it comes to money, any harmless questions can turn out to be insensitive. But as soon as you get your own home, every second person wants to know how much you paid for the apartment, invested in the construction of the house, or how much the renovation cost.

It’s up to you to say the real price or not, but you can always take the topic in a different direction.


  • Now there is a place to live, but nothing to do with it.
  • It’s too early to say whether there are still so many years to pay for it.

2. When will you get married? It is high time

There are many jokes about how as soon as a girl meets a guy, she immediately begins to “try on” his last name and choose names for their children. But often things look different: as soon as you start dating someone, everyone around you is asking questions about the wedding. Few people are interested in the fact that you are not ready yet, that you are already fine, or that you do not plan to tie the knot at all.


  • Today we set the alarm early to get to the registry office in time, but it’s a shame that we overslept. But tomorrow - definitely!
  • When are you going? At what age did you get married?
  • When do you want to get us married?

3. How much do you get paid?

People may be interested in earnings based on various reasons: out of pure curiosity, worried about you or, for example, jealous. But any of dozens of such reasons does not oblige you to give a full financial report.


  • I have enough to live on!
  • Ninety thousand Taiwan dollars!
  • I receive the average salary in the industry (but significantly less than Bill Gates).

4. Why don't you have children? Time is ticking

The appearance of a baby in a family is a purely personal matter, but this never stops anyone. Questions about children begin to be asked even before the wedding, reinforced by the assurances “without a child, this is not a family,” “the time has long come,” and “how can you not want children at all.”


  • In May! 2025.
  • We’ve already started it, we just don’t tell anyone about it.
  • Why do you want to know this?

5. How old are you?

6. Did something happen to you? You're sad

Of course, if a person close to you asks this question, then most likely he is just worried. But sometimes we don’t want to talk about our problems even to our family, and asking questions only makes the situation worse. Try to smile when answering this question to dispel all doubts with one look.


  • I just thought about the meaning of life!
  • I’m a little tired, but that’s okay - I’ll sleep and shine again.


  • Still haven't met my destiny.
  • How did you understand that it was “he”?
  • At first I decided to have a child, suddenly for the second I would want a different dad!
  • I will get married as soon as the divorce proceedings are over.

In any case, you always have the right to directly say that you do not want to discuss a particular topic, and avoid crumpled and unpleasant answers to tactless questions.

This article will talk about witty and universal ways answer the banal question “how are you?” IN modern world communication is natural, not a single person can do without it. Every day the phrases “hello, how are you...”, “hello, how are you...” fly at us and often confuse us.

To avoid standard, boring and primitive answers like “everything is fine”, check out the top most unexpected and original phrases. To compile this list, many sources were analyzed, everyone will find something useful for themselves and will use it for their own pleasure.

Original answers

To remain silent in response to a common question is indecent; muttering “will go” is impolite; to start a long discussion means to be considered a bore. It would be neutral and detached to say “thank you, everything is fine”, “thank you, everything is fine.” You don’t always want to tell how things really are.

This is where something original, monosyllabic, funny, rhymed or in the form of prose, sometimes sharp, discouraging the desire to question further, comes in handy:

  • great, can't wait;
  • as they say in Odessa - I don’t want to upset you, but everything is fine;
  • I will answer: everything is as usual, I live like in a fairy tale, gentlemen, sometimes everything is good, sometimes everything is great - such are my affairs;
  • why ask - we live in the same country;
  • like in number nine on the freeway;
  • like the morning after New Year's Eve;
  • warm, light and flies don’t bite;
  • stunning;
  • flies would definitely appreciate it;
  • like when fishing - it bites, but it’s a small thing;
  • things are going great, but no one knows where;
  • everything covered in chocolate is sticky and brown;
  • in order, though in a random way;
  • like raw salt - I don’t get enough sleep;
  • like dill - all in a bunch;
  • not very good, but also “x”;
  • like a kolobok - the left and right are the same;
  • Life is hard without valerian.

We answer with humor

Happens to everyone Bad mood or troubles happen, but you should not pour out negativity on someone who simply showed courtesy and politeness. Bring positivity into life with brilliant, sparkling phrases. Any circumstances can be presented in such a way that it becomes easier for yourself. Here are 20 short, sweet, and witty answers to take note:

  • herosho (good);
  • like on an airplane - you feel sick, but you have to fly (one is taxiing, but everyone feels sick);
  • like in the sea - stormy and sick;
  • like a failed millionaire, the desire to “be” is still there, but there is no money;
  • like a native - I go naked, eat figs and have a leader;
  • like an acorn - you don’t know which wind will blow it away, and which pig will eat it;
  • and what can be done with such matters;
  • like an elephant - again with ears on the cheeks;
  • who knows - does not ask, who asks - does not know;
  • like potatoes - if they don’t eat them in a year, they will plant them in the spring;
  • everything is like in a pharmacy - expensive, but necessary;
  • like a ball - they fool you, they also kick you;
  • like on the Internet - you click, like and go to bed;
  • things are covered in chocolate - I get dirty, but I melt;
  • like in a taxi - the longer you drive, the more you pay;
  • there’s a lot to do, if you want, I’ll share;
  • like in a Turkish harem - you understand that they will fuck you, but you have no idea when;
  • a pile of ashes remains in my soul, and my flesh is worn out to ashes, but my deplorable affairs are in great shape;
  • take your time?
  • bad, as usual, but it’s great because the main thing in life is stability.

Non-standard answers for men and girls

Neither a girl nor a man should be like the interlocutor with his banal, annoying question and greeting. You should not become rude, especially if you plan to continue your acquaintance. After all, if a guy or girl asks, then, most likely, they are really interested in your affairs and expect a sincere continuation of the conversation.

  • like a watermelon - the belly grows, but the tail dries out;
  • like in Antalya - yesterday there was Olga, today there are two Natalias;
  • I teach the cat to speak so that he can answer such questions for me;
  • confirm that you are not a robot, enter the captcha in the message field;
  • I was going to become a lark, and now I’m a sleep-deprived, angry owl;
  • so much has not been done, and so much remains to be done.

Continue acquaintance with nice girl you can do this:

  • I plan to enslave the world;
  • one of these days I will surrender;
  • it would be better if you were with me (for the internet).

As for girls, they are lovers of all kinds of emoticons, and actively use them in in social networks and various messengers. Communication in reality can be continued or ended with the following remarks:

  • many of you were killed;
  • everything is fine - it blooms even on waterless and rocky soil;
  • I didn’t give it to him / but I gave it to him / to whom I wanted, I gave it;
  • like a convertible – it’s gorgeous, but there’s no roof;
  • they say that everything is done through the bed - here I am lying, covered with a blanket, waiting for the borscht to be cooked and the floors to be washed;
  • I grow, bloom and smell;
  • I haven’t lost weight yet for a relationship with you;
  • not strong in conversations on such topics;
  • like at a buffet table - I don’t take what they offer, but I’m embarrassed to ask for what I want. I have to pretend that I’m not hungry.

Answers in English

Nowadays, it is especially common to travel and communicate with foreigners on the Internet. Knowing a few will definitely come in handy standard phrases internationally English language. Witty answers to foreign “how are you/how are things (with you)/what’s up/how is the world using you/how goes it/how ya doin’” (how are you doing) will come with time and experience.

Americans probably realized long ago that a dangerous person- this is the one who begins to answer the question of how are you, so “how are you?” has turned into a formal greeting, which is said by cashiers, colleagues, acquaintances and people simply passing by. You can answer their question without answering anything, just smile or limit yourself to short, meaningless phrases. In other situations we write or say this:

Range from just “good” to “excellent”:

  • fine (wonderful);
  • great (great);
  • never better (nowhere better);
  • lively (lively);
  • splendid (brilliantly);
  • very well, indeed (really good);
  • I’m well (okay);
  • all the better for seeing you (better when I see you).

We end the phrase with gratitude for the interest “thank you/fhank’s/thank u” (thank you) and ask in response “and you/how are you?”;

Mediocre, mediocre:

  • not too (so) good (neither shaky nor weak);
  • middling (average);
  • so-so (so-so);
  • nothing to write home about (there is nothing to please);
  • could be better (could be better);
  • pretty bad (lousy);
  • there’s nothing to brag about (there’s nothing to brag about);
  • I’m not Ok (doesn’t matter).

Answers with a degree of suspicion and harmfulness:

  • why (what);
  • how should I be (and how should);
  • Is there a particular reason you ask (why you ask).

Practice originality and wit to your health, but only with people you know well, otherwise you risk finding yourself in an unenviable position. Use the power of words as the situation dictates: to lift the mood of both yourself and others; begin interesting conversation or interrupt it; scare away the interlocutor or interest.

It is important that most of the answers listed above are unlikely to be appreciated by superiors or parents, husbands, and wives. In the first case, you should answer briefly and impersonally: “thank you, everything is fine.” And your family is really interested in you; it’s worth telling them what’s going on in your life, what worries you or worries you. And let everything in life be truly excellent, excellent, it couldn’t be better!

We have three traditional answers to the question “How are you?” If everything is good - then “Okay!” If everything is not very good, then - “Okay.” If everything is frankly bad, then “Okay...”.

And we offer 95 more options for how you can answer this question. The training “Creativity and Wit in Speech” by Dmitry Ustinov helped us with this. So, how are you doing?

1 The best!
2 By quiet sadness
3 Everything is ok!
4 Normal.
5 Thank you - everything is fine - and you? - very nice - goodbye
6 Nothing
8 Eh, what are we doing? We have business, but the prosecutor has BUSINESS
9 Yes, I’m still alive, and I don’t think I’m going to die
10 The pension is good. promoted.
11 The salary is good. Small but good.
12 Because
13 Why?
14 Just like that
15 Is it so simple?
16 All in a bunch
17 Like in "Brother 2"
18 Great! I wish the same for you
19 What about you?
20 Everything is fine, but it will be even better!
21 Best of all. It's good that no one is jealous.
22 Great, can't wait.
23 Good - you won’t believe it, bad - you won’t help
24 Kiss me first!
25 Yesterday I broke two ribs...
26 As white as soot
27 Like in a fairy tale
28 As always, that is good
29 As always, that is, bad
30 From the point of view of banal erudition, I ignore the criteria of utopian subjectivism, conceptually interpreting the generally accepted de-fanizing polarizers, therefore the consensus achieved by the dialectical material classification of universal motivations in the paradogmatic connections of predicates solves the problem of improving the formative geotransplantation quasi-puzlistats of all kinetically correlating aspects, and that’s fine.
31 Khorovo
32 Regularly!
33 How are you?
34 Like you.
35 How are you?!
36 Like in Poland: whoever has the cart is the master
37 What exactly are the matters?
38 As always
39 As you can see
40 Still alive.
41 Okay
42 Didn't die and didn't get married
43 How are things really going?
44 Is this true?
45 What is it?
46 There is nothing to do
47 What's going on? I'm not busy today!
48 Oh, poor, unfortunate me, I’m so tired, every day I have to come up with an answer to the question “How are you?”
49 Old lady Agatha Christie once said a wonderful phrase: “You don’t have to say something if you have nothing to say.”
50 There are two ways to stump a person: ask him “How are you doing” and ask him to tell you something
51 I don't know
52 Difficult to answer
53 Ambivalent
54 Sluggish
55 Things are going well, the office writes
56 Aren't you in a hurry?
57 Do you want to talk about it?
58 A day by carriage, two on foot!
59 Like a parrot, whose cat pulls its paw across the floor, and he joyfully shouts “Let's go!”
60 Like a zebra
61 Like in a taxi. The further you go, the more expensive it is.
62 Like a kolobok - the left and right are the same.
63 Like a sausage in dough, fun and angry
64 Not bad compared to Bublikov
65 Just like Michael Jackson 15 years ago.
66 Better than yesterday, but worse than tomorrow...
67 What's the matter with such things!
68 Cases??? No, I’m not a business person...
69 Just like five minutes ago...
70 Do you want it all at once or in parts?
71 I am a slacker by nature.
72 So much has not been done, so much has not been done! And there is so much more to be done!
73 Lots of things to do
74 Mind blowing
75 You can answer women like this, squinting your eyes coquettishly - “What?”
76 Okay! And you have?
77 Regularly!
78 Tolerable.
79 Absolutely.
80 Children are starving in Angola, but everything is fine
81 Everything is covered in chocolate, even the keyboard!
82 I’m growing, blooming, getting old... Everything is as usual
83 Yes, you bring me to ecstasy with your questions... Ask me what else I do and I’m yours forever...
84 You are incomparably original in your questions
85 Yes, okay, yesterday I received the Nobel Prize for my contribution to the development of eco-structural units in the field of cetacean ciliates of shoes and slippers and for the discovery of nano-technologies that will help penguins overcome the ice age in African forests and Hawaiian deserts in the state of Massa Chussets, Washington County.
86Like Scrooge McDuck
87 Life is hard without Novo-Passit...
88 I also don’t care how you are doing, but since we haven’t seen each other for a long time, out of decency I need to ask something.
89 by your prayers
90 My affairs are excellent! I look forward to hearing more about my personal life!
91 Ask another question please
92 Envy silently
93 Hasn't bitten anyone yet
94 Average for the region
95 Relatively. If you compare it with Lenin, then it’s good, if you compare it with a millionaire, then it’s not very good.

Tired of men constantly pestering you with questions about your boyfriend? You don’t know what to answer when they ask why he’s not there, how many of them there were, when someone will appear, did you love, was it answered, and not lose face in the dirt? We will tell you how to do this in an original, funny and sarcasm way. Such answers will surprise even the most curious and elevate you in his eyes. You will also find several interesting phrases that can be used to answer the question of whether you have found someone.

Before answering anything, you need to understand what you want to get from the person who asked the tricky question.

If you like a guy and would like to continue your relationship with him, then don’t be rude to him and be smart.

The correct answer will help you establish further communication with a pleasant young man and win him over. Here's what you can tell him:

  • When I saw you, I completely lost my memory.
  • There were no brave men. Are you brave?
  • I'll only tell my boyfriend about this.
  • If I say “no”, you won’t believe me. I'll say yes, it won't be true.
  • I passed the theory. I didn't have any practice.

And if you don’t like the guy and you want to end the conversation on this topic, then you can safely answer with sarcasm:

  • I love collecting men's hearts.
  • Yesterday it was, today it’s not, tomorrow we’ll see.
  • There was no boyfriend, the men were dating.
  • No, I don't know how to cook them.
  • My husband doesn't allow me.

What's funny to say when they ask: “Do you have a boyfriend?”

There is absolutely no need to open your cards and tell the truth. You can laugh it off or change the topic of conversation. If you don’t have a boyfriend and want to give the guy a chance, then please his pride with this answer:

  • Look at your passport, you will see its photo.
  • This position is vacant today, please send your resume.
  • Look into my eyes and you will find the answer to your question.

If you have a boyfriend or you don’t want to continue communicating on this topic, you can stop curiosity with funny phrases:

  • No, I did some spring cleaning.
  • My boyfriend is on the dollar bill.
  • Today they are worth their weight in gold, and we are poor girls.
  • Guys are like money; before you have time to pick it up, they disappear.
  • Sometimes it doesn't happen at all.

What to think of if you are wondering: “Why are you alone?”

There are situations when a girl is left without a gentleman. To satisfy guys' curiosity, prepare your answer in advance. We offer 10 original options for all occasions:
  1. Every queen needs a rest.
  2. It's better to be alone than with just anyone.
  3. My fire is too bright for moths.
  4. Good males were taken as puppies.
  5. Guys went extinct along with the dinosaurs.
  6. I'm just friends with my head.
  7. Loneliness is the calm before the storm.
  8. A man is a big responsibility, and I am an irresponsible girl.
  9. The doctor prescribed me a medicine for my problems.
  10. I'm not alone, I have a thousand cockroaches in my head.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We recommend watching free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women." You'll get step by step plan 12 steps on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for many years.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

We answer the question: “How many men have you had?”

It is indecent to ask girls about this. But many guys are overly curious. Don't blush or blush! Be armed and boldly answer the piquant question:

  • Was is a past tense verb, but I live in the present.
  • Like the stars in the sky. Who will count them?
  • Counting my exes is for fools. And you are a smart young man.
  • How many were - all mine.
  • I think more than you.
  • I had a lot, but not one in me.
  • I don't keep records, I'm weak in math.
  • Didn't you know that every girl's man is her first?
  • Even my doctor doesn't ask about this.

If you are still alone, maybe you need it? We have collected several effective methods that will help improve your opinion of yourself.

If a young man stubbornly imposes himself as a son-in-law, you should not be rude to him, you can. Here you will find lists of suitable phrases, there are options that are rude, funny, and original. Look and choose!

If , then stupid questions may not be asked, because such a girl potentially cannot help but have a boyfriend. Read about the secrets of self-care in our other article.

What if the guy who is interested in you personal life, You'll like it? In this case, try . Here you will find step by step instructions from collecting information to consolidating the results.

There are a lot of ladies, but there aren’t enough gentlemen for everyone, right? We interviewed various young people, analyzed the data obtained and published them in a separate article.

How to answer the question: “Have you found the young man?”

When a girl doesn’t have a permanent boyfriend, many people wonder why everything is so sad and when he will appear. We offer you several answer options to satisfy their curiosity:

  • Guys don't have gloves; they don't lie on the road.
  • Nowadays it's easier to find a Bigfoot than a guy.
  • You can't find what you haven't lost.
  • Look at me and don't ask stupid questions.
  • I will definitely find it when the need arises.
  • I'm in active search. Can you tell me the address?
  • No, let's look for it together.
  • I don't play hide and seek with guys.
  • It’s not a woman’s business to look for guys.

In this video, the girl is clearly tired of the question, do you have a boyfriend, but the answer is definitely extraordinary:

No matter who and no matter how interested in your personal life, it is personal so as not to dwell on it. You can simply ignore the question and save your nerves.