How to hide infidelity from your husband: women's tricks. How to reliably find out that your wife is cheating and whether it is necessary

Best friend

There are things that a woman should not talk about. For example, the actual amount of money in your bank account, or how much fun you had last year with your friends on your bachelor party. Because everyone will definitely know best friend your passion. Not that it was mortally dangerous, but there was no need for outsiders to know the ins and outs. Please note: your woman may not admit that she spilled secrets, writes


There are women who can get excited even at the sight of your hands. We don't know what you're doing there with them. But she clearly likes it.


When you go on a business trip for a day, the girl will never admit that she slept in your beloved old shirt. Do you know why? Because the last guess who smells like?

Sex partners

She will never admit to you how many partners she had before you. And if he says, let’s say that there are only 4 of them, feel free to multiply this number in half (the only case when you don’t need to divide). In general, why would you want to traumatize your psyche with her rich sexual experience? Instead of stupid chatter, it’s better to read the right articles with which you can give her unforgettable sex.


Often ladies don’t talk about the fact that they saw you in their dreams even before you appeared. And thank God: sentimental chatter excites much less sex fantasies, which are a breeze to turn into reality.



Interesting fact: when a person falls in love, he loses his appetite. This is especially true for women.


Decent ladies don’t tell, and certainly don’t show, men how they shave their... legs.


Women always compare their current partners with their former ones. By the way, they are not the only ones doing this.


Oh, that's it

If a girl screams, squeals, scratches your back, or otherwise tries to make it clear that she has reached orgasm, don’t believe it. Science says:

“After such signs of the final, you need to continue for another 7 minutes.”

Meeting time

The girl says, we’ll meet in 15 minutes. Translate into normal language: “I’ll just be leaving in 15 minutes.” That's why the weaker sex is always late for dates.


She cried a lot more for you than you can imagine. Never offend a woman.

After first sex

After the first sex (if you were at your best), time stops for the girl. Every hour you live is like an eternity: you still can’t wait for your call. Bottom line: don’t test her psyche. Advice: no SMS or letters. Only " live communication" by phone.

Dirty words

Another drawback of decent ladies: they never admit that they want dirty words and the same kind of sex.

Once you tie the knot, ideally everything becomes common between you - not just material things, but also the details of your life. However, most women have at least a few problems that they would never share with their chosen one (even under torture). Should they still open up or continue to keep quiet?

1. Health problems

If a woman discovers something suspicious about her health (for example, a lump in her breast), she can tell her mother, but not her husband. Psychologists say that women hide anxiety from their husbands in order to protect them from stress and reduce it. However, when you force the mother to keep the problem a secret, this is also not the best solution, because this will not reduce the problem. At the same time, you close yourself off from your husband, who is quite capable of providing the necessary support at the right time. After all, everyone deserves a shoulder to rely on in Hard time, and marriage itself already implies such support.

2. Relationship problems

Quarrels, disappointments, everyday disputes (where and how to live, how to raise children) - if any of these worries a woman, she often remains silent. At most, she will go to a psychologist to solve problems - alone. Statistically, it does enough big number I'll give. At the same time, their goal is to decide whether such a relationship is worth maintaining or not.

Perhaps you will come to the right decision alone, but it is still better that your husband is aware of what is bothering you and can equally influence the fate of the relationship with you. Even if you consult with a psychologist alone, let your spouse know what is happening during these conversations.

3. Sexual preferences

Psychologists and sexologists know many women who complain to them about dissatisfaction in bed. At the same time, they are afraid to tell their husbands that they are not happy with everything, believing that this may hurt their feelings. The psychologist’s advice is to discuss such things first of all outside the bedroom, slowly and calmly; you must tell not only what you don’t like, but also emphasize what you like.

4. Career success

Surprisingly, women are less inclined to talk about their successes at work when they come home. They do not do this so as not to emphasize or increase the difference between themselves and their spouse and not to downplay the dominant role of a man.

Yes, some men really don't want their woman to be smarter and more successful than them. But not all. The right man will not criticize you for your personal successes in order to disguise the decrease in your own self-esteem.

5. Personal finance

Women hide details of personal finances various reasons, but, as a rule, their mothers teach them this. “A mother’s golden rule” is to always have a cash stash in case the relationship suddenly ends.

This may feel safe, but if your spouse finds out about this stash, he may think that you are already preparing for divorce. One small secret in his thoughts will lead to much larger and unpleasant consequences, so it’s better to weigh all the possible consequences in advance.

We women know very well that we are a huge mystery to men. And we usually really like it. But sometimes every woman’s head is struck by the thought: “Is this really so terrible...

We women know very well that we are a huge mystery to men. And we usually really like it. But sometimes every woman’s head is struck by the thought: “Is it really so terrible if my husband found out everything about me? Perhaps this would help him understand me better? And more importantly, maybe he would irritate me a lot less if he knew what I really wanted?”

So, it's in the best interests of women everywhere (and in your best interests, too, guys, happy woman makes a man much happier), we are going to reveal 11 universal secrets of all women that they will never admit to any man. Some of them may shock you, others you have long suspected (but never dared to ask). Just know: any woman in your life hides many more secrets than you, and some of them are even difficult for you to imagine! Fortunately, every man has a great opportunity to study women's secrets all of my life.

1. Everything we buy for ourselves (shoes, clothes, and even vitamins from the pharmacy) actually costs 20 percent more than we tell you.

Yes, we know that honesty is best policy, hiding your spending is bad and blah blah blah... But sometimes we just don’t want to quarrel with you once again because of the price of this amazing shampoo. Is this wrong? We don't think so!

2. We're actually thinking about sec..E with you! And very often!

Sometimes we think about it all day. It's just that we're usually so damn exhausted by the end of the day that our thoughts remain just thoughts. If only you could catch us during your lunch break.

3. We are just as afraid of losing our freedom as you are!

It's true that many little girls dream of a prince, a wedding and happy family. But we are people just like you, so when it comes to the need to forever connect our lives with one man, we too can be scared. The good news is that once we get married, all these fears are left behind.

4. We look modern and independent, but we still want you to be “real men”!

Every woman still wants to feel like her man cares about her in some way. No matter what that means: taking charge in bed, knowing how to fix the car, killing those scary spiders or even just carrying a big suitcase when we're on vacation! When you show masculinity (even if you're shaking with fear inside), it makes us feel more feminine and secure.

5. Not all of our ex-boyfriends were terrible in bed!

You know we always tell you things like, “Oh yeah, you're by far the biggest I've ever had!” or “Nobody did it like you!” Ummm, yes! Well, we may have lied a little (but only a little). It’s just that no woman would ever admit to you that she ex-lover was a real sex machine (we're too smart for that!). Just know that no matter how we feel with other guys, sex with the one next to us is always a million times better, if only because we really want this particular man right now.

Every girl dreams of big and pure love. You are lucky: you have met “the one” and are happy in your relationship. But there are spots even in the sun. Perhaps you don’t know your spouse as well as you would like. Let's figure out together what your closest person is hiding.

In contact with


1. Your fears

Perhaps sometimes you lack sincerity and heart-to-heart conversations with your chosen one. He rarely shares his experiences with you, preferring to keep everything to himself. Don't be offended by this behavior.

Men are naturally built differently than girls: they are not used to complaining and crying into their vests. In your eyes, he wants to look like a superhero, not a whiny child, so even if something is bothering him, he wants to figure it out on his own. Don’t reproach him for being too callous, just let him know that you’re nearby - he’ll appreciate it.

2. Your past

Not all representatives of the stronger half of humanity like to talk about their past. In the world of men, it is generally accepted that what more women he had, the more successful and attractive he was.

For this reason, many of them are strongly exaggerate the number of their exes. Or maybe he completely wants to forget some unpleasant stories from past life. If a man has made it clear that he does not want to discuss his past, do not pester him with questions. Now he is near and loves you, and this is the main thing.

3. Your thoughts

Men like quarrels and conflicts least of all, so they often use the principle "white lie" to avoid them. Even if you really have recovered, he is unlikely to honestly tell you about it. He may also consider your new friend a little stupid, and your mother too loud. But, knowing that this will upset you, he will most likely keep these thoughts to himself.

4. Flirting on the side

Your chosen one may love you with all his heart, but this will not in the least prevent him from being nice to a pretty colleague in the office or “hanging out” on a dating site. Many representatives of the stronger half of humanity do this not because they have stopped loving their other half. In fact, the reason lies in attempt at self-affirmation.

Despite their external strength, men are rather fragile creatures. They also need admiring glances and attention from the outside, and light flirting don't give any importance. The solution is not to make scenes of jealousy, but to try to show him that you love and appreciate him.

5. Your income

Not every man will be delighted with the idea of ​​leading " family budget"even when married. If your lover does not want to give exact figures of income and account for every expense, do not be offended. He has every right buy a second spinning rod or subscribe to another sports magazine, and not tell you about it. Many men subconsciously underestimate their income level, trying to “insure” themselves against problems in the future.

6. Your own oddities

You probably have little quirks that you would prefer to keep secret from everyone. Your man has them too. Some people like to watch comedy shows in secret from their wife, while others have a “fad” - the obligatory presence of a yellow rubber ducky in the bath. Don’t torment your loved one with questions; everyone has the right to personal space and harmless secrets.

7. Your intentions

They say that “another person’s soul is in darkness,” but often we have no idea about the plans of even those closest to us. A man can date you for a long time, but never admit that it’s not all for the sake of future family and children, but simply because of “convenience”.

But A long marriage also does not save you from disappointments. A husband may remain in an official relationship for a long time because he is afraid to announce: “there is no love for a long time, but it’s easier to pay off a mortgage together.”

Once you tie the knot, ideally everything becomes common between you - not only material things, but also the details of your life.
However, most women have at least a few problems that they would never share with their chosen one (even under torture). Should they still open up or continue to keep quiet?


If a woman discovers something suspicious about her health (for example, a lump in her breast), she can tell her mother, but not her husband. Psychologists say that women hide anxiety from their husbands in order to protect them from stress and reduce it. However, when you force the mother to keep the problem a secret, this is also not the best solution, because this will not reduce the problem. At the same time, you close yourself off from your husband, who is quite capable of providing the necessary support at the right time. After all, everyone deserves a shoulder to rely on in difficult times, and marriage itself already implies such support.

Quarrels, disappointments, everyday disputes (where and how to live, how to raise children) - if any of these worries a woman, she often remains silent. At most, she will go to a psychologist to solve problems - alone. According to statistics, a fairly large number of ladies do this. At the same time, their goal is to decide whether such a relationship is worth maintaining or not.
Perhaps you will come to the right decision alone, but it is still better that your husband is aware of what is bothering you and can equally influence the fate of the relationship with you. Even if you consult with a psychologist alone, let your spouse know what is happening during these conversations.
Psychologists and sexologists know many women who complain to them of dissatisfaction. At the same time, they are afraid to tell their husbands that they are not happy with everything, believing that this may hurt their feelings. The psychologist's advice is to discuss such things first of all outside the bedroom, slowly and calmly, you must tell not only what you don't like, but also emphasize what you like.

Surprisingly, women are less inclined to talk about their successes at work when they come home. They do not do this so as not to emphasize or increase the difference between themselves and their spouse and not to downplay the dominant role of a man.
Yes, some men really don't want their woman to be smarter and more successful than them. But not all. The right man will not criticize you for your personal successes in order to disguise his lowering of his own self-esteem.